1 /*
2  * SiblingUproar.java
3  * This file is part of JaCoP.
4  * <p>
5  * JaCoP is a Java Constraint Programming solver.
6  * <p>
7  * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Krzysztof Kuchcinski and Radoslaw Szymanek
8  * <p>
9  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
11  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12  * (at your option) any later version.
13  * <p>
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
18  * <p>
19  * Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, the copyright
20  * owners of this work supplement the terms of this License with terms
21  * prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of this work and requiring
22  * that modified versions of this work be marked in reasonable ways as
23  * different from the original version. This supplement of the license
24  * terms is in accordance with Section 7 of GNU Affero General Public
25  * License version 3.
26  * <p>
27  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
28  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
29  */
31 package org.jacop.examples.fd;
33 import org.jacop.constraints.Alldifferent;
34 import org.jacop.constraints.Element;
35 import org.jacop.constraints.XeqY;
36 import org.jacop.constraints.XneqY;
37 import org.jacop.core.IntVar;
38 import org.jacop.core.Store;
40 import java.util.ArrayList;
42 /**
43  * It is quite complex logic puzzle about siblings.
44  *
45  * @author Krzysztof "Vrbl" Wrobel, Wioletta "Vuka" Kruzolek, and Radoslaw Szymanek
46  * @version 4.8
47  *          <p>
48  *          This is quite difficult logic puzzle to be modeled and solved by CP.
49  *          <p>
50  *          Mrs. Wheatley returned home from her job to find the household in a
51  *          turmoil of arguments.  Each of her five teenagers (three boys named
52  *          Bryan, Russell, and Stuart, and two girls named Nina and Paula) had
53  *          gotten angry at one of his or her siblings for a different reason
54  *          (finished cereal, let dog in room, used up hot water, failed to return
55  *          rollerblades, and hogged television) and had decided to retaliate in a
56  *          different way (knocked over chess game, let gerbil out of cage, hung
57  *          up on friend, removed light bulbs, and hid violin).
58  *          <p>
59  *          After a few futile minutes of trying to sort out blame,
60  *          Mrs. Wheatley called a halt to the arguments by declaring everyone
61  *          equally guilty and giving each a different chore around the house
62  *          as that evening's punishment (cleaning the attic, basement, or garage,
63  *          or washing the Venetian blinds or windows).  Can you discover, for
64  *          each child, the sibling he or she was initially angry at, the reason
65  *          for the anger, the retaliatory measure he or she took, and the chore
66  *          meted out to each child?
67  *          <p>
68  *          1. No one was originally angry at the sibling who was angry at him or
69  *          her.
70  *          <p>
71  *          2. The boy who was angry at the sibling who used up all the hot water
72  *          taking a shower retaliated against him or her by removing all the
73  *          light bulbs from his or her room; the child who was angry at this boy
74  *          was later punished by being sent to sweep the basement.
75  *          <p>
76  *          3. The five siblings are: Paula, the person who was angry at Paula,
77  *          the person who was angry because a sibling was hogging the television,
78  *          the child who was told to straighten the attic, and a child to didn't
79  *          remove a sibling's light bulbs or hide a sibling's violin.
80  *          <p>
81  *          4. The child who was angry at Stuart was punished by being told to wash
82  *          the Venetian blinds.
83  *          <p>
84  *          5. Russell was punished by being sent to clean out a section of the garage.
85  *          <p>
86  *          6. The child who let the dog in a sibling's room didn't retaliate against another sibling by knocking over a chess game that he or she was playing.
87  *          <p>
88  *          7. The child who was hogging the television was angry at a sibling who wasn't punished by being told to straighten up the attic or wash the windows.
89  *          <p>
90  *          8. In retaliation, one person hid the violin belonging to the person who was angry at Paula.
91  *          <p>
92  *          9. Bryan and the person who was punished by being told to wash the
93  *          windows are, in same order, the child who was angry at the sibling
94  *          who didn't return the rollerblades and the one who retaliated against
95  *          a sibling by knocking over a chess game in progress.
96  *          <p>
97  *          10. Stuart and the person who was angry at Nina are, in some order, the child
98  *          who was angry at the person who finished the best cereal in the house and the one who retaliated against a sibling by hanging up on his or her best friend.
99  *          <p>
100  *          Determine: Sibling - Angry at - Reason - Retaliation - Chore
101  */
103 public class SiblingUproar extends ExampleFD {
model()105     @Override public void model() {
107         // Array of FDV's which will be used during search.
108         vars = new ArrayList<IntVar>();
109         store = new Store();
111         System.out.println("Problem name: Sibling Uproar ");
113         // Specification of children names
114         String[] childrenNames = {"Brian", "Russell", "Stuart", "Nina", "Paula"};
116         // Creation of indexes for ease of referring
117         int iBrian = 0, iRussell = 1, iStuart = 2, iNina = 3, iPaula = 4;
119         // Specification of being angry at someone.
120         String[] angryatNames = {"angryAtBrian", "angryAtRussell", "angryAtStuart", "angryAtNina", "angryAtPaula"};
122         // Creation of indexes for ease of referring
123         int jBrian = 0, jRussell = 1, jStuart = 2, jNina = 3, jPaula = 4;
125         // Specification of the reasons for being angry.
126         String[] reasonNames =
127             {"finished_cereal", "let_dog_in_room", "used_up_hot_water", "failed_to_return_rollerblades", "hogged_television"};
128         // Creation of indexes for ease of referring
129         int ifinished_cereal = 0, ilet_dog_in_room = 1, iused_up_hot_water = 2, ifailed_to_return_rollerblades = 3, ihogged_television = 4;
131         // Specification of different types of revenge.
132         String[] wayNames = {"knocked_over_chess_game", "let_gerbil_out_of_cage", "hung_up_on_friend", "removed_light_bulbs", "hid_violin"};
134         // Creation of indexes for ease of referring
135         int iknocked_over_chess_game = 0, /* ilet_gerbil_out_of_cage = 1, */
136             ihung_up_on_friend = 2, iremoved_light_bulbs = 3, ihid_violin = 4;
138         // Specification of different punishment.
139         String[] choreNames =
140             {"cleaning_the_attic", "cleaning_the_basement", "cleaning_the_garage", "washing_the_blinds", "washing_the_windows"};
141         // Creation of indexes for ease of referring
142         int icleaning_the_attic = 0, icleaning_the_basement = 1, icleaning_the_garage = 2, iwashing_the_blinds = 3, iwashing_the_windows =
143             4;
145         // Creation of FDV's array
146         IntVar children[] = new IntVar[5];
147         IntVar angryat[] = new IntVar[5];
148         IntVar reason[] = new IntVar[5];
149         IntVar way[] = new IntVar[5];
150         IntVar chore[] = new IntVar[5];
152         // All variables can have five values, as they are five children, five
153         // types of activities, etc.
154         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
155             children[i] = new IntVar(store, childrenNames[i], 1, 5);
156             angryat[i] = new IntVar(store, angryatNames[i], 1, 5);
157             reason[i] = new IntVar(store, reasonNames[i], 1, 5);
158             way[i] = new IntVar(store, wayNames[i], 1, 5);
159             chore[i] = new IntVar(store, choreNames[i], 1, 5);
160             vars.add(children[i]);
161             vars.add(angryat[i]);
162             vars.add(reason[i]);
163             vars.add(way[i]);
164             vars.add(chore[i]);
165         }
167         // Each child has a different id
168         store.impose(new Alldifferent(children));
169         // Only one child can be angry at the same person.
170         store.impose(new Alldifferent(angryat));
171         // Each child is angry for a different reason.
172         store.impose(new Alldifferent(reason));
173         // Each child has chosen a different type of the revenge.
174         store.impose(new Alldifferent(way));
175         // Each child is punished ina different way.
176         store.impose(new Alldifferent(chore));
178         // Auxilary variables.
179         IntVar x1 = new IntVar(store, "x1", 1, 5);
180         IntVar x2 = new IntVar(store, "x2", 1, 5);
181         IntVar x3 = new IntVar(store, "x3", 1, 5);
182         IntVar x4 = new IntVar(store, "x4", 1, 5);
183         IntVar x5 = new IntVar(store, "x5", 1, 5);
184         IntVar y1 = new IntVar(store, "y1", 1, 5);
185         IntVar y2 = new IntVar(store, "y2", 1, 5);
186         IntVar y3 = new IntVar(store, "y3", 1, 5);
187         IntVar y4 = new IntVar(store, "y4", 1, 5);
188         IntVar y5 = new IntVar(store, "y5", 1, 5);
190         // Constraints to connect variables angryat and children.
191         // y1=angryat[x1] denotes child y1 angry at x1.
192         store.impose(Element.choose(x1, angryat, y1));
193         store.impose(Element.choose(y1, children, x1));
194         store.impose(Element.choose(x2, angryat, y2));
195         store.impose(Element.choose(y2, children, x2));
196         store.impose(Element.choose(x3, angryat, y3));
197         store.impose(Element.choose(y3, children, x3));
198         store.impose(Element.choose(x4, angryat, y4));
199         store.impose(Element.choose(y4, children, x4));
200         store.impose(Element.choose(x5, angryat, y5));
201         store.impose(Element.choose(y5, children, x5));
203         IntVar xs[] = {x1, x2, x3, x4, x5};
204         // The same relation as for angry at and children.
205         store.impose(new Alldifferent(xs));
207         for (IntVar v : xs)
208             vars.add(v);
209         IntVar ys[] = {y1, y2, y3, y4, y5};
210         for (IntVar v : ys)
211             vars.add(v);
213         // 1. No one was originally angry at the sibling who was angry at him or
214         // her.
215         // Bryan is not angry at somebody who is angry at Bryan.
216         store.impose(new XneqY(children[iBrian], angryat[jBrian]));
217         // Russell ...
218         store.impose(new XneqY(children[iRussell], angryat[jRussell]));
219         store.impose(new XneqY(children[iStuart], angryat[jStuart]));
220         store.impose(new XneqY(children[iNina], angryat[jNina]));
221         store.impose(new XneqY(children[iPaula], angryat[jPaula]));
223         // 2. The boy who was angry at the sibling who used up all the hot water
224         // taking a shower retaliated against him
225         // or her by removing all the light bulbs from his or her room;
226         // the child who was angry at this boy was later punished by being sent
227         // to sweep the basement.
229         // auxilary variable, boys are denoted by values from 1 to 3.
230         IntVar boy = new IntVar(store, "boy", 1, 3);
231         IntVar s = new IntVar(store, "sibling", 1, 5);
232         vars.add(boy);
233         vars.add(s);
235         store.impose(Element.choose(boy, children, way[iremoved_light_bulbs]));
236         store.impose(Element.choose(s, angryat, reason[iused_up_hot_water]));
237         store.impose(new XeqY(way[iremoved_light_bulbs], reason[iused_up_hot_water]));
239         IntVar ktos = new IntVar(store, "somebody", 1, 5);
240         store.impose(Element.choose(boy, angryat, ktos));
241         store.impose(new XeqY(chore[icleaning_the_basement], ktos));
242         vars.add(ktos);
244         // 3. The five siblings are: Paula, the person who was angry at Paula,
245         // the person who was angry because a sibling was hogging the
246         // television, the child who was told to straighten the attic,
247         // and a child to didn't remove a sibling's light bulbs or hide a
248         // sibling's violin.
250         IntVar someone = new IntVar(store, "someone", 1, 5);
251         store.impose(Element.choose(someone, angryat, reason[ihogged_television]));
252         vars.add(someone);
254         IntVar Z = new IntVar(store, "Z", 1, 5);
255         store.impose(new XneqY(Z, way[iremoved_light_bulbs]));
256         store.impose(new XneqY(Z, way[ihid_violin]));
257         vars.add(Z);
259         IntVar all[] = {children[iPaula], angryat[jPaula], reason[ihogged_television], chore[icleaning_the_attic], Z};// piatka
260         // rodzenstwa
261         store.impose(new Alldifferent(all));
263         // 4. The child who was angry at Stuart was punished by being told to
264         // wash the Venetian blinds.
266         store.impose(new XeqY(angryat[jStuart], chore[iwashing_the_blinds]));
268         // 5. Russell was punished by being sent to clean out a section of the
269         // garage.
271         store.impose(new XeqY(chore[icleaning_the_garage], children[iRussell]));
273         // 6. The child who let the dog in a sibling's room didn't retaliate
274         // against another sibling by knocking over a chess game
275         // that he or she was playing.
277         store.impose(new XneqY(reason[ilet_dog_in_room], way[iknocked_over_chess_game]));
279         // 7. The child who was hogging the television was angry at a sibling
280         // who wasn't punished by being told to
281         // straighten up the attic or wash the windows.
283         store.impose(new XneqY(reason[ihogged_television], chore[icleaning_the_attic]));
284         store.impose(new XneqY(reason[ihogged_television], chore[iwashing_the_windows]));
286         // 8. In retaliation, one person hid the violin belonging to the person
287         // who was angry at Paula.
289         IntVar imie = new IntVar(store, "imie", 1, 5);
290         store.impose(Element.choose(imie, angryat, way[ihid_violin]));
291         store.impose(Element.choose(imie, children, angryat[jPaula]));
292         vars.add(imie);
294         // 9. Bryan and the person who was punished by being told to wash the
295         // windows are, in same order,
296         // the child who was angry at the sibling who didn't return the
297         // rollerblades
298         // and the one who retaliated against a sibling by knocking over a chess
299         // game in progress.
301         store.impose(new XeqY(way[iknocked_over_chess_game], children[iBrian]));
302         store.impose(new XeqY(chore[iwashing_the_windows], reason[ifailed_to_return_rollerblades]));
304         // 10. Stuart and the person who was angry at Nina are, in some order,
305         // the child who
306         // was angry at the person who finished the best cereal in the house and
307         // the one who
308         // retaliated against a sibling by hanging up on his or her best friend.
310         IntVar kto = new IntVar(store, "kto", 1, 5);
311         store.impose(Element.choose(kto, children, reason[ifinished_cereal]));
312         store.impose(new XeqY(angryat[jNina], reason[ifinished_cereal]));
313         store.impose(new XeqY(children[iStuart], way[ihung_up_on_friend]));
314         vars.add(kto);
316     }
318     /**
319      * It executes the program to solve this logic puzzle.
320      *
321      * @param args no argument is used.
322      */
main(String args[])323     public static void main(String args[]) {
325         SiblingUproar example = new SiblingUproar();
327         example.model();
329         if (example.search())
330             System.out.println("Solution(s) found");
332     }
334 }