1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016 Vivid Solutions.
3  *
4  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
6  * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution.
7  * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
8  * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
9  *
10  * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
11  */
13 package org.locationtech.jts.algorithm;
15 import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
17 /**
18  * This implementation is a port of Shewchuks original implementation in c
19  * which is placed in the public domain:
20  *
21  * [...]
22  *  Placed in the public domain by
23  *  Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
24  *  School of Computer Science
25  *  Carnegie Mellon University
26  *  5000 Forbes Avenue
27  *  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15213-3891
28  *  jrs@cs.cmu.edu
29  *  [...]
30  *
31  *  See http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html for information about the original implementation
32  *
33  * The strategy used during porting has been to resemble the original as much as possible in order to
34  * be able to proofread the result. This strategy has not been followed in the following cases:
35  *
36  * - function "exactinit" has been replaced by a static block, in order to ensure that the code is only
37  *   executed once.
38  *
39  * - The main part of the so called "tail" functions has been removed in favor to "head" functions. This means
40  *   that all calls to such a main functions has been replaced with on call to the head function and one call
41  *   to the tail function. The rationale for this is that the corresponding source macros has multiple output parameters
42  *   which is not supported in Java. Using objects to pass the results to the caller was not considered for performance
43  *   reasons. It is assumed that the extra allocations of memory would affect performance negatively.
44  *
45  * - The porting of the two_two_diff methods and the other methods involved was tricky since the original macros
46  *   had lots of output parameters. These methods has the highest probability of bugs as a result of the porting
47  *   operation. Each original function(macro) has been replaced with one method for each output parameter. They are
48  *   named as *__x0, *__x2 etc. where the postfix is named after the original output parameter in the SOURCE CODE.
49  *   The rational for the naming has been to facilitate proofreading. Each of these methods has an annotation above
50  *   it that shows the original macro.
51  *
52  * - One bug has been found in the original source. The use of the prefix incrementation operator in
53  *   fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim caused the code to access memory outside of the array boundary. This is not
54  *   allowed in Java which is the reason why this bug was discovered. It is unclear if the code worked correctly
55  *   as a compiled c-program. It has been confirmed by valgrind that this actually happens in the original code.
56  *   The author of the original code has been contacted, and we are waiting for an answer. All occurrences of the
57  *   prefix incrementation operator in that function have been replaced with the postfix version. This change looks
58  *   reasonable by a quick look at the code, but this needs to be more thoroughly analyzed.
59  *
60  * - Function orientationIndex is new and its contract is copied from
61  *   com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.CGAlgorithms.orientationIndex so that the current implementation of that method
62  *   can be easily replaced.
63  *
64  * Some relevant comments in the original code has been kept untouched in its entirety. For more in-depth information
65  * refer to the original source.
66  */
68 /*****************************************************************************/
69 /*                                                                           */
70 /*  Routines for Arbitrary Precision Floating-point Arithmetic               */
71 /*  and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates                                     */
72 /*  (predicates.c)                                                           */
73 /*                                                                           */
74 /*  May 18, 1996                                                             */
75 /*                                                                           */
76 /*  Placed in the public domain by                                           */
77 /*  Jonathan Richard Shewchuk                                                */
78 /*  School of Computer Science                                               */
79 /*  Carnegie Mellon University                                               */
80 /*  5000 Forbes Avenue                                                       */
81 /*  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15213-3891                                     */
82 /*  jrs@cs.cmu.edu                                                           */
83 /*                                                                           */
84 /*  This file contains C implementation of algorithms for exact addition     */
85 /*    and multiplication of floating-point numbers, and predicates for       */
86 /*    robustly performing the orientation and incircle tests used in         */
87 /*    computational geometry.  The algorithms and underlying theory are      */
88 /*    described in Jonathan Richard Shewchuk.  "Adaptive Precision Floating- */
89 /*    Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates."  Technical     */
90 /*    Report CMU-CS-96-140, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon      */
91 /*    University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 1996.  (Submitted to         */
92 /*    Discrete & Computational Geometry.)                                    */
93 /*                                                                           */
94 /*  This file, the paper listed above, and other information are available   */
95 /*    from the Web page http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html .           */
96 /*                                                                           */
97 /*****************************************************************************/
99 /*****************************************************************************/
100 /*                                                                           */
101 /*  Using this code:                                                         */
102 /*                                                                           */
103 /*  First, read the short or long version of the paper (from the Web page    */
104 /*    above).                                                                */
105 /*                                                                           */
106 /*  Be sure to call exactinit() once, before calling any of the arithmetic   */
107 /*    functions or geometric predicates.  Also be sure to turn on the        */
108 /*    optimizer when compiling this file.                                    */
109 /*                                                                           */
110 /*                                                                           */
111 /*  Several geometric predicates are defined.  Their parameters are all      */
112 /*    points.  Each point is an array of two or three floating-point         */
113 /*    numbers.  The geometric predicates, described in the papers, are       */
114 /*                                                                           */
115 /*    orient2d(pa, pb, pc)                                                   */
116 /*    orient2dfast(pa, pb, pc)                                               */
117 /*    orient3d(pa, pb, pc, pd)                                               */
118 /*    orient3dfast(pa, pb, pc, pd)                                           */
119 /*    incircle(pa, pb, pc, pd)                                               */
120 /*    incirclefast(pa, pb, pc, pd)                                           */
121 /*    insphere(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe)                                           */
122 /*    inspherefast(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe)                                       */
123 /*                                                                           */
124 /*  Those with suffix "fast" are approximate, non-robust versions.  Those    */
125 /*    without the suffix are adaptive precision, robust versions.  There     */
126 /*    are also versions with the suffices "exact" and "slow", which are      */
127 /*    non-adaptive, exact arithmetic versions, which I use only for timings  */
128 /*    in my arithmetic papers.                                               */
129 /*                                                                           */
130 /*                                                                           */
131 /*  An expansion is represented by an array of floating-point numbers,       */
132 /*    sorted from smallest to largest magnitude (possibly with interspersed  */
133 /*    zeros).  The length of each expansion is stored as a separate integer, */
134 /*    and each arithmetic function returns an integer which is the length    */
135 /*    of the expansion it created.                                           */
136 /*                                                                           */
137 /*  Several arithmetic functions are defined.  Their parameters are          */
138 /*                                                                           */
139 /*    e, f           Input expansions                                        */
140 /*    elen, flen     Lengths of input expansions (must be >= 1)              */
141 /*    h              Output expansion                                        */
142 /*    b              Input scalar                                            */
143 /*                                                                           */
144 /*  The arithmetic functions are                                             */
145 /*                                                                           */
146 /*    grow_expansion(elen, e, b, h)                                          */
147 /*    grow_expansion_zeroelim(elen, e, b, h)                                 */
148 /*    expansion_sum(elen, e, flen, f, h)                                     */
149 /*    expansion_sum_zeroelim1(elen, e, flen, f, h)                           */
150 /*    expansion_sum_zeroelim2(elen, e, flen, f, h)                           */
151 /*    fast_expansion_sum(elen, e, flen, f, h)                                */
152 /*    fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(elen, e, flen, f, h)                       */
153 /*    linear_expansion_sum(elen, e, flen, f, h)                              */
154 /*    linear_expansion_sum_zeroelim(elen, e, flen, f, h)                     */
155 /*    scale_expansion(elen, e, b, h)                                         */
156 /*    scale_expansion_zeroelim(elen, e, b, h)                                */
157 /*    compress(elen, e, h)                                                   */
158 /*                                                                           */
159 /*  All of these are described in the long version of the paper; some are    */
160 /*    described in the short version.  All return an integer that is the     */
161 /*    length of h.  Those with suffix _zeroelim perform zero elimination,    */
162 /*    and are recommended over their counterparts.  The procedure            */
163 /*    fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim() (or linear_expansion_sum_zeroelim() on   */
164 /*    processors that do not use the round-to-even tiebreaking rule) is      */
165 /*    recommended over expansion_sum_zeroelim().  Each procedure has a       */
166 /*    little note next to it (in the code below) that tells you whether or   */
167 /*    not the output expansion may be the same array as one of the input     */
168 /*    expansions.                                                            */
169 /*                                                                           */
170 /*                                                                           */
171 /*  If you look around below, you'll also find macros for a bunch of         */
172 /*    simple unrolled arithmetic operations, and procedures for printing     */
173 /*    expansions (commented out because they don't work with all C           */
174 /*    compilers) and for generating random floating-point numbers whose      */
175 /*    significand bits are all random.  Most of the macros have undocumented */
176 /*    requirements that certain of their parameters should not be the same   */
177 /*    variable; for safety, better to make sure all the parameters are       */
178 /*    distinct variables.  Feel free to send email to jrs@cs.cmu.edu if you  */
179 /*    have questions.                                                        */
180 /*                                                                           */
181 /*****************************************************************************/
183 public class ShewchuksDeterminant
184 {
186   /**
187    * Implements a filter for computing the orientation index of three coordinates.
188    * <p>
189    * If the orientation can be computed safely using standard DP
190    * arithmetic, this routine returns the orientation index.
191    * Otherwise, a value i &gt; 1 is returned.
192    * In this case the orientation index must
193    * be computed using some other method.
194    *
195    * @param pa a coordinate
196    * @param pb a coordinate
197    * @param pc a coordinate
198    * @return the orientation index if it can be computed safely, or
199    * i &gt; 1 if the orientation index cannot be computed safely
200    */
orientationIndexFilter(Coordinate pa, Coordinate pb, Coordinate pc)201   public static int orientationIndexFilter(Coordinate pa, Coordinate pb, Coordinate pc)
202   {
203     double detsum;
205     double detleft = (pa.x - pc.x) * (pb.y - pc.y);
206     double detright = (pa.y - pc.y) * (pb.x - pc.x);
207     double det = detleft - detright;
209     if (detleft > 0.0) {
210       if (detright <= 0.0) {
211         return signum(det);
212       }
213       else {
214         detsum = detleft + detright;
215       }
216     }
217     else if (detleft < 0.0) {
218       if (detright >= 0.0) {
219         return signum(det);
220       }
221       else {
222         detsum = -detleft - detright;
223       }
224     }
225     else {
226       return signum(det);
227     }
229     double ERR_BOUND = 1e-15;
230     double errbound = ERR_BOUND * detsum;
231     //double errbound = ccwerrboundA * detsum;
232     if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound)) {
233       return signum(det);
234     }
236     return 2;
237   }
signum(double x)239   private static int signum(double x)
240   {
241     if (x > 0) return 1;
242     if (x < 0) return -1;
243     return 0;
244   }
246   /**
247    * Returns the index of the direction of the point <code>q</code> relative to
248    * a vector specified by <code>p1-p2</code>.
249    *
250    * @param p1
251    *          the origin point of the vector
252    * @param p2
253    *          the final point of the vector
254    * @param q
255    *          the point to compute the direction to
256    *
257    * @return 1 if q is counter-clockwise (left) from p1-p2;
258    * -1 if q is clockwise (right) from p1-p2;
259    * 0 if q is collinear with p1-p2
260    */
orientationIndex(Coordinate p1, Coordinate p2, Coordinate q)261   public static int orientationIndex(Coordinate p1, Coordinate p2, Coordinate q)
262   {
263     double orientation = orient2d(p1, p2, q);
264     if (orientation > 0.0) return 1;
265     if (orientation < 0.0) return -1;
266     return 0;
267   }
orient2d(Coordinate pa, Coordinate pb, Coordinate pc)269   private static double orient2d(Coordinate pa, Coordinate pb, Coordinate pc)
270   {
271     double detsum;
273     double detleft = (pa.x - pc.x) * (pb.y - pc.y);
274     double detright = (pa.y - pc.y) * (pb.x - pc.x);
275     double det = detleft - detright;
277     if (detleft > 0.0) {
278       if (detright <= 0.0) {
279         return det;
280       }
281       else {
282         detsum = detleft + detright;
283       }
284     }
285     else if (detleft < 0.0) {
286       if (detright >= 0.0) {
287         return det;
288       }
289       else {
290         detsum = -detleft - detright;
291       }
292     }
293     else {
294       return det;
295     }
297     double errbound = ccwerrboundA * detsum;
298     if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound)) {
299       return det;
300     }
302     return orient2dadapt(pa, pb, pc, detsum);
303   }
305   /*****************************************************************************/
306   /*                                                                           */
307   /* orient2d() Adaptive exact 2D orientation test. Robust. */
308   /*                                                                           */
309   /* Return a positive value if the points pa, pb, and pc occur */
310   /* in counterclockwise order; a negative value if they occur */
311   /* in clockwise order; and zero if they are collinear. The */
312   /* result is also a rough approximation of twice the signed */
313   /* area of the triangle defined by the three points. */
314   /*                                                                           */
315   /* The last three use exact arithmetic to ensure a correct answer. The */
316   /* result returned is the determinant of a matrix. In orient2d() only, */
317   /* this determinant is computed adaptively, in the sense that exact */
318   /* arithmetic is used only to the degree it is needed to ensure that the */
319   /* returned value has the correct sign. Hence, orient2d() is usually quite */
320   /* fast, but will run more slowly when the input points are collinear or */
321   /* nearly so. */
322   /*                                                                           */
323   /*****************************************************************************/
orient2dadapt(Coordinate pa, Coordinate pb, Coordinate pc, double detsum)325   private static double orient2dadapt(Coordinate pa, Coordinate pb,
326       Coordinate pc, double detsum)
327   {
329     double acx = pa.x - pc.x;
330     double bcx = pb.x - pc.x;
331     double acy = pa.y - pc.y;
332     double bcy = pb.y - pc.y;
334     double detleft = Two_Product_Head(acx, bcy);
335     double detlefttail = Two_Product_Tail(acx, bcy, detleft);
337     double detright = Two_Product_Head(acy, bcx);
338     double detrighttail = Two_Product_Tail(acy, bcx, detright);
340     double B[] = new double[4];
341     B[2] = Two_Two_Diff__x2(detleft, detlefttail, detright, detrighttail);
342     B[1] = Two_Two_Diff__x1(detleft, detlefttail, detright, detrighttail);
343     B[0] = Two_Two_Diff__x0(detleft, detlefttail, detright, detrighttail);
344     B[3] = Two_Two_Diff__x3(detleft, detlefttail, detright, detrighttail);
346     double det = B[0] + B[1] + B[2] + B[3];
347     //det = estimate(4, B);
348     double errbound = ccwerrboundB * detsum;
349     if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound)) {
350       return det;
351     }
353     double acxtail = Two_Diff_Tail(pa.x, pc.x, acx);
354     double bcxtail = Two_Diff_Tail(pb.x, pc.x, bcx);
355     double acytail = Two_Diff_Tail(pa.y, pc.y, acy);
356     double bcytail = Two_Diff_Tail(pb.y, pc.y, bcy);
358     if ((acxtail == 0.0) && (acytail == 0.0) && (bcxtail == 0.0)
359         && (bcytail == 0.0)) {
360       return det;
361     }
363     errbound = ccwerrboundC * detsum + resulterrbound * Absolute(det);
364     det += (acx * bcytail + bcy * acxtail) - (acy * bcxtail + bcx * acytail);
365     if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound)) {
366       return det;
367     }
369     double s1 = Two_Product_Head(acxtail, bcy);
370     double s0 = Two_Product_Tail(acxtail, bcy, s1);
372     double t1 = Two_Product_Head(acytail, bcx);
373     double t0 = Two_Product_Tail(acytail, bcx, t1);
375     double u3 = Two_Two_Diff__x3(s1, s0, t1, t0);
376     double u[] = new double[4];
377     u[2] = Two_Two_Diff__x2(s1, s0, t1, t0);
378     u[1] = Two_Two_Diff__x1(s1, s0, t1, t0);
379     u[0] = Two_Two_Diff__x0(s1, s0, t1, t0);
381     u[3] = u3;
382     double C1[] = new double[8];
383     int C1length = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(4, B, 4, u, C1);
385     s1 = Two_Product_Head(acx, bcytail);
386     s0 = Two_Product_Tail(acx, bcytail, s1);
388     t1 = Two_Product_Head(acy, bcxtail);
389     t0 = Two_Product_Tail(acy, bcxtail, t1);
391     u3 = Two_Two_Diff__x3(s1, s0, t1, t0);
392     u[2] = Two_Two_Diff__x2(s1, s0, t1, t0);
393     u[1] = Two_Two_Diff__x1(s1, s0, t1, t0);
394     u[0] = Two_Two_Diff__x0(s1, s0, t1, t0);
396     u[3] = u3;
397     double C2[] = new double[12];
398     int C2length = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(C1length, C1, 4, u, C2);
400     s1 = Two_Product_Head(acxtail, bcytail);
401     s0 = Two_Product_Tail(acxtail, bcytail, s1);
403     t1 = Two_Product_Head(acytail, bcxtail);
404     t0 = Two_Product_Tail(acytail, bcxtail, t1);
406     u3 = Two_Two_Diff__x3(s1, s0, t1, t0);
407     u[2] = Two_Two_Diff__x2(s1, s0, t1, t0);
408     u[1] = Two_Two_Diff__x1(s1, s0, t1, t0);
409     u[0] = Two_Two_Diff__x0(s1, s0, t1, t0);
411     u[3] = u3;
412     double D[] = new double[16];
413     int Dlength = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(C2length, C2, 4, u, D);
415     return (D[Dlength - 1]);
416   }
419   private static final double epsilon;
421   private static final double splitter;
423   private static final double resulterrbound;
425   private static final double ccwerrboundA;
427   private static final double ccwerrboundB;
429   private static final double ccwerrboundC;
431   private static final double o3derrboundA;
433   private static final double o3derrboundB;
435   private static final double o3derrboundC;
437   private static final double iccerrboundA;
439   private static final double iccerrboundB;
441   private static final double iccerrboundC;
443   private static final double isperrboundA;
445   private static final double isperrboundB;
447   private static final double isperrboundC;
449   /*****************************************************************************/
450   /*                                                                           */
451   /* exactinit() Initialize the variables used for exact arithmetic. */
452   /*                                                                           */
453   /* `epsilon' is the largest power of two such that 1.0 + epsilon = 1.0 in */
454   /* floating-point arithmetic. `epsilon' bounds the relative roundoff */
455   /* error. It is used for floating-point error analysis. */
456   /*                                                                           */
457   /* `splitter' is used to split floating-point numbers into two half- */
458   /* length significands for exact multiplication. */
459   /*                                                                           */
460   /* I imagine that a highly optimizing compiler might be too smart for its */
461   /* own good, and somehow cause this routine to fail, if it pretends that */
462   /* floating-point arithmetic is too much like real arithmetic. */
463   /*                                                                           */
464   /* Don't change this routine unless you fully understand it. */
465   /*                                                                           */
466   /*****************************************************************************/
468   static {
469     double epsilon_temp;
470     double splitter_temp;
471     double half;
472     double check, lastcheck;
473     int every_other;
475     every_other = 1;
476     half = 0.5;
477     epsilon_temp = 1.0;
478     splitter_temp = 1.0;
479     check = 1.0;
480     /* Repeatedly divide `epsilon' by two until it is too small to add to */
481     /* one without causing roundoff. (Also check if the sum is equal to */
482     /* the previous sum, for machines that round up instead of using exact */
483     /* rounding. Not that this library will work on such machines anyway. */
484     do {
485       lastcheck = check;
486       epsilon_temp *= half;
487       if (every_other != 0) {
488         splitter_temp *= 2.0;
489       }
490       every_other = every_other == 0 ? 1 : 0;
491       check = 1.0 + epsilon_temp;
492     } while ((check != 1.0) && (check != lastcheck));
493     splitter_temp += 1.0;
495     /* Error bounds for orientation and incircle tests. */
496     resulterrbound = (3.0 + 8.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
497     ccwerrboundA = (3.0 + 16.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
498     ccwerrboundB = (2.0 + 12.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
499     ccwerrboundC = (9.0 + 64.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp * epsilon_temp;
500     o3derrboundA = (7.0 + 56.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
501     o3derrboundB = (3.0 + 28.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
502     o3derrboundC = (26.0 + 288.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp * epsilon_temp;
503     iccerrboundA = (10.0 + 96.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
504     iccerrboundB = (4.0 + 48.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
505     iccerrboundC = (44.0 + 576.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp * epsilon_temp;
506     isperrboundA = (16.0 + 224.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
507     isperrboundB = (5.0 + 72.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp;
508     isperrboundC = (71.0 + 1408.0 * epsilon_temp) * epsilon_temp * epsilon_temp;
509     epsilon = epsilon_temp;
510     splitter = splitter_temp;
511   }
Absolute(double a)513   private static double Absolute(double a)
514   {
515     return ((a) >= 0.0 ? (a) : -(a));
516   }
Fast_Two_Sum_Tail(double a, double b, double x)518   private static double Fast_Two_Sum_Tail(double a, double b, double x)
519   {
520     double bvirt = x - a;
521     double y = b - bvirt;
523     return y;
524   }
Fast_Two_Sum_Head(double a, double b)526   private static double Fast_Two_Sum_Head(double a, double b)
527   {
528     double x = (double) (a + b);
530     return x;
531   }
Two_Sum_Tail(double a, double b, double x)533   private static double Two_Sum_Tail(double a, double b, double x)
534   {
535     double bvirt = (double) (x - a);
536     double avirt = x - bvirt;
537     double bround = b - bvirt;
538     double around = a - avirt;
540     double y = around + bround;
542     return y;
543   }
Two_Sum_Head(double a, double b)545   private static double Two_Sum_Head(double a, double b)
546   {
547     double x = (double) (a + b);
549     return x;
550   }
Two_Diff_Tail(double a, double b, double x)552   private static double Two_Diff_Tail(double a, double b, double x)
553   {
554     double bvirt = (double) (a - x); // porting issue: why this cast?
555     double avirt = x + bvirt;
556     double bround = bvirt - b;
557     double around = a - avirt;
558     double y = around + bround;
560     return y;
561   }
Two_Diff_Head(double a, double b)563   private static double Two_Diff_Head(double a, double b)
564   {
565     double x = (double) (a - b);
567     return x;
568   }
SplitLo(double a)570   private static double SplitLo(double a)
571   {
572     double c = (double) (splitter * a); // porting issue: why this cast?
573     double abig = (double) (c - a); // porting issue: why this cast?
574     double ahi = c - abig;
575     double alo = a - ahi;
577     return alo;
578   }
SplitHi(double a)580   private static double SplitHi(double a)
581   {
582     double c = (double) (splitter * a); // porting issue: why this cast?
583     double abig = (double) (c - a); // porting issue: why this cast?
584     double ahi = c - abig;
586     return ahi;
587   }
Two_Product_Tail(double a, double b, double x)589   private static double Two_Product_Tail(double a, double b, double x)
590   {
591     double ahi = SplitHi(a);
592     double alo = SplitLo(a);
593     double bhi = SplitHi(b);
594     double blo = SplitLo(b);
596     double err1 = x - (ahi * bhi);
597     double err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi);
598     double err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo);
599     double y = (alo * blo) - err3;
601     return y;
602   }
Two_Product_Head(double a, double b)604   private static double Two_Product_Head(double a, double b)
605   {
606     double x = (double) (a * b);
608     return x;
609   }
611   // #define Two_One_Diff(a1, a0, b, x2, x1, x0)
Two_One_Diff__x0(double a1, double a0, double b)612   private static double Two_One_Diff__x0(double a1, double a0, double b)
613   {
614     double _i = Two_Diff_Head(a0, b);
615     double x0 = Two_Diff_Tail(a0, b, _i);
617     return x0;
618   }
620   // #define Two_One_Diff(a1, a0, b, x2, x1, x0)
Two_One_Diff__x1(double a1, double a0, double b)621   private static double Two_One_Diff__x1(double a1, double a0, double b)
622   {
623     double _i = Two_Diff_Head(a0, b);
624     double x2 = Two_Sum_Head(a1, _i);
625     double x1 = Two_Sum_Tail(a1, _i, x2);
627     return x1;
628   }
630   // #define Two_One_Diff(a1, a0, b, x2, x1, x0)
Two_One_Diff__x2(double a1, double a0, double b)631   private static double Two_One_Diff__x2(double a1, double a0, double b)
632   {
633     double _i = Two_Diff_Head(a0, b);
634     double x2 = Two_Sum_Head(a1, _i);
636     return x2;
637   }
639   // #define Two_Two_Diff(a1, a0, b1, b0, x3, x2, x1, x0)
Two_Two_Diff__x0(double a1, double a0, double b1, double b0)640   private static double Two_Two_Diff__x0(double a1, double a0, double b1,
641       double b0)
642   {
643     double x0 = Two_One_Diff__x0(a1, a0, b0);
645     return x0;
646   }
648   // #define Two_Two_Diff(a1, a0, b1, b0, x3, x2, x1, x0)
Two_Two_Diff__x1(double a1, double a0, double b1, double b0)649   private static double Two_Two_Diff__x1(double a1, double a0, double b1,
650       double b0)
651   {
652     double _j = Two_One_Diff__x2(a1, a0, b0);
653     double _0 = Two_One_Diff__x1(a1, a0, b0);
655     double x1 = Two_One_Diff__x0(_j, _0, b1);
657     return x1;
658   }
660   // #define Two_Two_Diff(a1, a0, b1, b0, x3, x2, x1, x0)
Two_Two_Diff__x2(double a1, double a0, double b1, double b0)661   private static double Two_Two_Diff__x2(double a1, double a0, double b1,
662       double b0)
663   {
664     double _j = Two_One_Diff__x2(a1, a0, b0);
665     double _0 = Two_One_Diff__x1(a1, a0, b0);
667     double x2 = Two_One_Diff__x1(_j, _0, b1);
669     return x2;
670   }
672   // #define Two_Two_Diff(a1, a0, b1, b0, x3, x2, x1, x0)
Two_Two_Diff__x3(double a1, double a0, double b1, double b0)673   private static double Two_Two_Diff__x3(double a1, double a0, double b1,
674       double b0)
675   {
676     double _j = Two_One_Diff__x2(a1, a0, b0);
677     double _0 = Two_One_Diff__x1(a1, a0, b0);
679     double x3 = Two_One_Diff__x2(_j, _0, b1);
681     return x3;
682   }
684   /*****************************************************************************/
685   /*                                                                           */
686   /* fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim() Sum two expansions, eliminating zero */
687   /* components from the output expansion. */
688   /*                                                                           */
689   /* Sets h = e + f. See the long version of my paper for details. */
690   /*                                                                           */
691   /* If round-to-even is used (as with IEEE 754), maintains the strongly */
692   /* nonoverlapping property. (That is, if e is strongly nonoverlapping, h */
693   /* will be also.) Does NOT maintain the nonoverlapping or nonadjacent */
694   /* properties. */
695   /*                                                                           */
696   /*****************************************************************************/
fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(int elen, double[] e, int flen, double[] f, double[] h)698   private static int fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(int elen, double[] e,
699       int flen, double[] f, double[] h) /* h cannot be e or f. */
700   {
701     double Q;
702     double Qnew;
703     double hh;
705     int eindex, findex, hindex;
706     double enow, fnow;
708     enow = e[0];
709     fnow = f[0];
710     eindex = findex = 0;
711     if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow)) {
712       Q = enow;
713       enow = e[eindex++];
714     }
715     else {
716       Q = fnow;
717       fnow = f[findex++];
718     }
719     hindex = 0;
720     if ((eindex < elen) && (findex < flen)) {
721       if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow)) {
722         Qnew = Fast_Two_Sum_Head(enow, Q);
723         hh = Fast_Two_Sum_Tail(enow, Q, Qnew);
724         enow = e[eindex++];
725       }
726       else {
727         Qnew = Fast_Two_Sum_Head(fnow, Q);
728         hh = Fast_Two_Sum_Tail(fnow, Q, Qnew);
729         fnow = f[findex++];
730       }
731       Q = Qnew;
732       if (hh != 0.0) {
733         h[hindex++] = hh;
734       }
735       while ((eindex < elen) && (findex < flen)) {
736         if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow)) {
737           Qnew = Two_Sum_Head(Q, enow);
738           hh = Two_Sum_Tail(Q, enow, Qnew);
739           enow = e[eindex++];
740         }
741         else {
742           Qnew = Two_Sum_Head(Q, fnow);
743           hh = Two_Sum_Tail(Q, fnow, Qnew);
744           fnow = f[findex++];
745         }
746         Q = Qnew;
747         if (hh != 0.0) {
748           h[hindex++] = hh;
749         }
750       }
751     }
752     while (eindex < elen) {
753       Qnew = Two_Sum_Head(Q, enow);
754       hh = Two_Sum_Tail(Q, enow, Qnew);
755       enow = e[eindex++];
756       Q = Qnew;
757       if (hh != 0.0) {
758         h[hindex++] = hh;
759       }
760     }
761     while (findex < flen) {
762       Qnew = Two_Sum_Head(Q, fnow);
763       hh = Two_Sum_Tail(Q, fnow, Qnew);
764       fnow = f[findex++];
765       Q = Qnew;
766       if (hh != 0.0) {
767         h[hindex++] = hh;
768       }
769     }
770     if ((Q != 0.0) || (hindex == 0)) {
771       h[hindex++] = Q;
772     }
773     return hindex;
774   }
776   /*****************************************************************************/
777   /*                                                                           */
778   /* estimate() Produce a one-word estimate of an expansion's value. */
779   /*                                                                           */
780   /* See either version of my paper for details. */
781   /*                                                                           */
782   /*****************************************************************************/
estimate(int elen, double[] e)784   private static double estimate(int elen, double[] e)
785   {
786     double Q;
787     int eindex;
789     Q = e[0];
790     for (eindex = 1; eindex < elen; eindex++) {
791       Q += e[eindex];
792     }
793     return Q;
794   }
798 }