1 /** @file
2  * @brief Cartesian point / 2D vector and related operations
3  *//*
4  *  Authors:
5  *    Michael G. Sloan <mgsloan@gmail.com>
6  *    Nathan Hurst <njh@njhurst.com>
7  *    Krzysztof Kosiński <tweenk.pl@gmail.com>
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Authors
10  *
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13  * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
14  * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
15  * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
16  * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
17  * the MPL or the LGPL.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
20  * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
22  * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
23  * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
24  *
25  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
26  * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
27  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
28  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
29  *
30  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
31  * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
32  * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
33  */
38 #include <iostream>
39 #include <iterator>
40 #include <boost/operators.hpp>
41 #include <2geom/forward.h>
42 #include <2geom/coord.h>
43 #include <2geom/int-point.h>
44 #include <2geom/math-utils.h>
45 #include <2geom/utils.h>
47 namespace Geom {
49 class Point
50     : boost::additive< Point
51     , boost::totally_ordered< Point
52     , boost::multiplicative< Point, Coord
53     , MultipliableNoncommutative< Point, Affine
54     , MultipliableNoncommutative< Point, Translate
55     , MultipliableNoncommutative< Point, Rotate
56     , MultipliableNoncommutative< Point, Scale
57     , MultipliableNoncommutative< Point, HShear
58     , MultipliableNoncommutative< Point, VShear
59     , MultipliableNoncommutative< Point, Zoom
60       > > > > > > > > > > // base class chaining, see documentation for Boost.Operator
61 {
62     Coord _pt[2];
63 public:
64     typedef Coord D1Value;
65     typedef Coord &D1Reference;
66     typedef Coord const &D1ConstReference;
68     /// @name Create points
69     /// @{
70     /** Construct a point on the origin. */
Point()71     Point()
72     { _pt[X] = _pt[Y] = 0; }
74     /** Construct a point from its coordinates. */
Point(Coord x,Coord y)75     Point(Coord x, Coord y) {
76         _pt[X] = x; _pt[Y] = y;
77     }
78     /** Construct from integer point. */
Point(IntPoint const & p)79     Point(IntPoint const &p) {
80         _pt[X] = p[X];
81         _pt[Y] = p[Y];
82     }
83     /** @brief Construct a point from its polar coordinates.
84      * The angle is specified in radians, in the mathematical convention (increasing
85      * counter-clockwise from +X). */
polar(Coord angle,Coord radius)86     static Point polar(Coord angle, Coord radius) {
87         Point ret(polar(angle));
88         ret *= radius;
89         return ret;
90     }
91     /** @brief Construct an unit vector from its angle.
92      * The angle is specified in radians, in the mathematical convention (increasing
93      * counter-clockwise from +X). */
94     static Point polar(Coord angle);
95     /// @}
97     /// @name Access the coordinates of a point
98     /// @{
99     Coord operator[](unsigned i) const { return _pt[i]; }
100     Coord &operator[](unsigned i) { return _pt[i]; }
102     Coord operator[](Dim2 d) const noexcept { return _pt[d]; }
103     Coord &operator[](Dim2 d) noexcept { return _pt[d]; }
x()105     Coord x() const noexcept { return _pt[X]; }
x()106     Coord &x() noexcept { return _pt[X]; }
y()107     Coord y() const noexcept { return _pt[Y]; }
y()108     Coord &y() noexcept { return _pt[Y]; }
109     /// @}
111     /// @name Vector operations
112     /// @{
113     /** @brief Compute the distance from origin.
114      * @return Length of the vector from origin to this point */
length()115     Coord length() const { return hypot(_pt[0], _pt[1]); }
116     void normalize();
normalized()117     Point normalized() const {
118         Point ret(*this);
119         ret.normalize();
120         return ret;
121     }
123     /** @brief Return a point like this point but rotated -90 degrees.
124      * If the y axis grows downwards and the x axis grows to the
125      * right, then this is 90 degrees counter-clockwise. */
ccw()126     Point ccw() const {
127         return Point(_pt[Y], -_pt[X]);
128     }
130     /** @brief Return a point like this point but rotated +90 degrees.
131      * If the y axis grows downwards and the x axis grows to the
132      * right, then this is 90 degrees clockwise. */
cw()133     Point cw() const {
134         return Point(-_pt[Y], _pt[X]);
135     }
136     /// @}
138     /// @name Vector-like arithmetic operations
139     /// @{
140     Point operator-() const {
141         return Point(-_pt[X], -_pt[Y]);
142     }
143     Point &operator+=(Point const &o) {
144         for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i ) {
145             _pt[i] += o._pt[i];
146         }
147         return *this;
148     }
149     Point &operator-=(Point const &o) {
150         for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i ) {
151             _pt[i] -= o._pt[i];
152         }
153         return *this;
154     }
155     Point &operator*=(Coord s) {
156         for (double & i : _pt) i *= s;
157         return *this;
158     }
159     Point &operator/=(Coord s) {
160         //TODO: s == 0?
161         for (double & i : _pt) i /= s;
162         return *this;
163     }
164     /// @}
166     /// @name Affine transformations
167     /// @{
168     Point &operator*=(Affine const &m);
169     // implemented in transforms.cpp
170     Point &operator*=(Translate const &t);
171     Point &operator*=(Scale const &s);
172     Point &operator*=(Rotate const &r);
173     Point &operator*=(HShear const &s);
174     Point &operator*=(VShear const &s);
175     Point &operator*=(Zoom const &z);
176     /// @}
178     /// @name Conversion to integer points
179     /// @{
180     /** @brief Round to nearest integer coordinates. */
round()181     IntPoint round() const {
182         IntPoint ret(::round(_pt[X]), ::round(_pt[Y]));
183         return ret;
184     }
185     /** @brief Round coordinates downwards. */
floor()186     IntPoint floor() const {
187         IntPoint ret(::floor(_pt[X]), ::floor(_pt[Y]));
188         return ret;
189     }
190     /** @brief Round coordinates upwards. */
ceil()191     IntPoint ceil() const {
192         IntPoint ret(::ceil(_pt[X]), ::ceil(_pt[Y]));
193         return ret;
194     }
195     /// @}
197     /// @name Various utilities
198     /// @{
199     /** @brief Check whether both coordinates are finite. */
isFinite()200     bool isFinite() const {
201         for (double i : _pt) {
202             if(!std::isfinite(i)) return false;
203         }
204         return true;
205     }
206     /** @brief Check whether both coordinates are zero. */
isZero()207     bool isZero() const {
208         return _pt[X] == 0 && _pt[Y] == 0;
209     }
210     /** @brief Check whether the length of the vector is close to 1. */
211     bool isNormalized(Coord eps=EPSILON) const {
212         return are_near(length(), 1.0, eps);
213     }
214     /** @brief Equality operator.
215      * This tests for exact identity (as opposed to are_near()). Note that due to numerical
216      * errors, this test might return false even if the points should be identical. */
217     bool operator==(const Point &in_pnt) const {
218         return (_pt[X] == in_pnt[X]) && (_pt[Y] == in_pnt[Y]);
219     }
220     /** @brief Lexicographical ordering for points.
221      * Y coordinate is regarded as more significant. When sorting according to this
222      * ordering, the points will be sorted according to the Y coordinate, and within
223      * points with the same Y coordinate according to the X coordinate. */
224     bool operator<(const Point &p) const {
225         return _pt[Y] < p[Y] || (_pt[Y] == p[Y] && _pt[X] < p[X]);
226     }
227     /// @}
229     /** @brief Lexicographical ordering functor.
230      * @param d The dimension with higher significance */
231     template <Dim2 DIM> struct LexLess;
232     template <Dim2 DIM> struct LexGreater;
233     //template <Dim2 DIM, typename First = std::less<Coord>, typename Second = std::less<Coord> > LexOrder;
234     /** @brief Lexicographical ordering functor with runtime dimension. */
235     struct LexLessRt {
LexLessRtLexLessRt236         LexLessRt(Dim2 d) : dim(d) {}
237         inline bool operator()(Point const &a, Point const &b) const;
238     private:
239         Dim2 dim;
240     };
241     struct LexGreaterRt {
LexGreaterRtLexGreaterRt242         LexGreaterRt(Dim2 d) : dim(d) {}
243         inline bool operator()(Point const &a, Point const &b) const;
244     private:
245         Dim2 dim;
246     };
247     //template <typename First = std::less<Coord>, typename Second = std::less<Coord> > LexOrder
248 };
250 /** @brief Output operator for points.
251  * Prints out the coordinates.
252  * @relates Point */
253 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Geom::Point &p);
255 template<> struct Point::LexLess<X> {
256     typedef std::less<Coord> Primary;
257     typedef std::less<Coord> Secondary;
258     typedef std::less<Coord> XOrder;
259     typedef std::less<Coord> YOrder;
260     bool operator()(Point const &a, Point const &b) const {
261         return a[X] < b[X] || (a[X] == b[X] && a[Y] < b[Y]);
262     }
263 };
264 template<> struct Point::LexLess<Y> {
265     typedef std::less<Coord> Primary;
266     typedef std::less<Coord> Secondary;
267     typedef std::less<Coord> XOrder;
268     typedef std::less<Coord> YOrder;
269     bool operator()(Point const &a, Point const &b) const {
270         return a[Y] < b[Y] || (a[Y] == b[Y] && a[X] < b[X]);
271     }
272 };
273 template<> struct Point::LexGreater<X> {
274     typedef std::greater<Coord> Primary;
275     typedef std::greater<Coord> Secondary;
276     typedef std::greater<Coord> XOrder;
277     typedef std::greater<Coord> YOrder;
278     bool operator()(Point const &a, Point const &b) const {
279         return a[X] > b[X] || (a[X] == b[X] && a[Y] > b[Y]);
280     }
281 };
282 template<> struct Point::LexGreater<Y> {
283     typedef std::greater<Coord> Primary;
284     typedef std::greater<Coord> Secondary;
285     typedef std::greater<Coord> XOrder;
286     typedef std::greater<Coord> YOrder;
287     bool operator()(Point const &a, Point const &b) const {
288         return a[Y] > b[Y] || (a[Y] == b[Y] && a[X] > b[X]);
289     }
290 };
291 inline bool Point::LexLessRt::operator()(Point const &a, Point const &b) const {
292     return dim ? Point::LexLess<Y>()(a, b) : Point::LexLess<X>()(a, b);
293 }
294 inline bool Point::LexGreaterRt::operator()(Point const &a, Point const &b) const {
295     return dim ? Point::LexGreater<Y>()(a, b) : Point::LexGreater<X>()(a, b);
296 }
298 /** @brief Compute the second (Euclidean) norm of @a p.
299  * This corresponds to the length of @a p. The result will not overflow even if
300  * \f$p_X^2 + p_Y^2\f$ is larger that the maximum value that can be stored
301  * in a <code>double</code>.
302  * @return \f$\sqrt{p_X^2 + p_Y^2}\f$
303  * @relates Point */
304 inline Coord L2(Point const &p) {
305     return p.length();
306 }
308 /** @brief Compute the square of the Euclidean norm of @a p.
309  * Warning: this can overflow where L2 won't.
310  * @return \f$p_X^2 + p_Y^2\f$
311  * @relates Point */
312 inline Coord L2sq(Point const &p) {
313     return p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1];
314 }
316 /** @brief Returns p * Geom::rotate_degrees(90), but more efficient.
317  *
318  * Angle direction in 2Geom: If you use the traditional mathematics convention that y
319  * increases upwards, then positive angles are anticlockwise as per the mathematics convention.  If
320  * you take the common non-mathematical convention that y increases downwards, then positive angles
321  * are clockwise, as is common outside of mathematics.
322  *
323  * There is no function to rotate by -90 degrees: use -rot90(p) instead.
324  * @relates Point */
325 inline Point rot90(Point const &p) {
326     return Point(-p[Y], p[X]);
327 }
329 /** @brief Linear interpolation between two points.
330  * @param t Time value
331  * @param a First point
332  * @param b Second point
333  * @return Point on a line between a and b. The ratio of its distance from a
334  *         and the distance between a and b will be equal to t.
335  * @relates Point */
336 inline Point lerp(Coord t, Point const &a, Point const &b) {
337     return (1 - t) * a + t * b;
338 }
340 /** @brief Return a point halfway between the specified ones.
341  * @relates Point */
342 inline Point middle_point(Point const &p1, Point const &p2) {
343     return lerp(0.5, p1, p2);
344 }
346 /** @brief Compute the dot product of a and b.
347  * Dot product can be interpreted as a measure of how parallel the vectors are.
348  * For perpendicular vectors, it is zero. For parallel ones, its absolute value is highest,
349  * and the sign depends on whether they point in the same direction (+) or opposite ones (-).
350  * @return \f$a \cdot b = a_X b_X + a_Y b_Y\f$.
351  * @relates Point */
352 inline Coord dot(Point const &a, Point const &b) {
353     return a[X] * b[X] + a[Y] * b[Y];
354 }
356 /** @brief Compute the 2D cross product.
357  * This is also known as "perp dot product". It will be zero for parallel vectors,
358  * and the absolute value will be highest for perpendicular vectors.
359  * @return \f$a \times b = a_X b_Y - a_Y b_X\f$.
360  * @relates Point*/
361 inline Coord cross(Point const &a, Point const &b)
362 {
363     // equivalent implementation:
364     // return dot(a, b.ccw());
365     return a[X] * b[Y] - a[Y] * b[X];
366 }
368 /// Compute the (Euclidean) distance between points.
369 /// @relates Point
370 inline Coord distance (Point const &a, Point const &b) {
371     return (a - b).length();
372 }
374 /// Compute the square of the distance between points.
375 /// @relates Point
376 inline Coord distanceSq (Point const &a, Point const &b) {
377     return L2sq(a - b);
378 }
380 //IMPL: NearConcept
381 /// Test whether two points are no further apart than some threshold.
382 /// @relates Point
383 inline bool are_near(Point const &a, Point const &b, double eps = EPSILON) {
384     // do not use an unqualified calls to distance before the empty
385     // specialization of iterator_traits is defined - see end of file
386     return are_near((a - b).length(), 0, eps);
387 }
389 /// Test whether the relative distance between two points is less than some threshold.
390 inline bool are_near_rel(Point const &a, Point const &b, double eps = EPSILON) {
391     return (a - b).length() <= eps * (a.length() + b.length()) / 2;
392 }
394 /// Test whether three points lie approximately on the same line.
395 /// @relates Point
396 inline bool are_collinear(Point const& p1, Point const& p2, Point const& p3,
397                           double eps = EPSILON)
398 {
399     return are_near( cross(p3, p2) - cross(p3, p1) + cross(p2, p1), 0, eps);
400 }
402 Point unit_vector(Point const &a);
403 Coord L1(Point const &p);
404 Coord LInfty(Point const &p);
405 bool is_zero(Point const &p);
406 bool is_unit_vector(Point const &p, Coord eps = EPSILON);
407 double atan2(Point const &p);
408 double angle_between(Point const &a, Point const &b);
409 Point abs(Point const &b);
410 Point constrain_angle(Point const &A, Point const &B, unsigned int n = 4, Geom::Point const &dir = Geom::Point(1,0));
412 } // end namespace Geom
414 // This is required to fix a bug in GCC 4.3.3 (and probably others) that causes the compiler
415 // to try to instantiate the iterator_traits template and fail. Probably it thinks that Point
416 // is an iterator and tries to use std::distance instead of Geom::distance.
417 namespace std {
418 template <> class iterator_traits<Geom::Point> {};
419 }
421 #endif // LIB2GEOM_SEEN_POINT_H
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