1#  File src/library/stats/R/HoltWinters.R
2#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
4#  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 The R Core Team
6#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9#  (at your option) any later version.
11#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14#  GNU General Public License for more details.
16#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
17#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
19# Originally contributed by David Meyer
21HoltWinters <-
22    function (x,
23          # smoothing parameters
24          alpha    = NULL, # level
25          beta     = NULL, # trend
26          gamma    = NULL, # seasonal component
27          seasonal = c("additive", "multiplicative"),
28          start.periods = 2,
30          # starting values
31          l.start  = NULL, # level
32          b.start  = NULL, # trend
33          s.start  = NULL, # seasonal components vector of length `period'
35          # starting values for optim
36          optim.start = c(alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.1, gamma = 0.1),
37          optim.control = list()
38          )
40    x <- as.ts(x)
41    seasonal <- match.arg(seasonal)
42    f <- frequency(x)
44    if(!is.null(alpha) && (alpha == 0))
45        stop ("cannot fit models without level ('alpha' must not be 0 or FALSE)")
46    if(!is.null(abg <- c(alpha, beta, gamma)) && any(abg < 0 | abg > 1))
47        stop ("'alpha', 'beta' and 'gamma' must be within the unit interval")
48    if(is.null(gamma) || gamma > 0) {
49        if (seasonal == "multiplicative" && any(x == 0))
50            stop ("data must be non-zero for multiplicative Holt-Winters")
51        if (start.periods < 2)
52            stop ("need at least 2 periods to compute seasonal start values")
53    }
55    ## initialization
56    if(!is.null(gamma) && is.logical(gamma) && !gamma) {
57        ## non-seasonal Holt-Winters
58        expsmooth <- !is.null(beta) && is.logical(beta) && !beta
59        if(is.null(l.start))
60            l.start <- if(expsmooth) x[1L] else x[2L]
61        if(is.null(b.start))
62            if(is.null(beta) || !is.logical(beta) || beta)
63                b.start <- x[2L] - x[1L]
64        start.time <- 3 - expsmooth
65        s.start    <- 0
66    } else {
67        ## seasonal Holt-Winters
68        start.time <- f + 1
69        wind       <- start.periods * f
71        ## decompose series
72        st <- decompose(ts(x[1L:wind], start = start(x), frequency = f),
73                        seasonal)
75	if (is.null(l.start) || is.null(b.start)) {
76	    ## level & intercept
77	    dat <- na.omit(st$trend)
78	    cf <- coef(.lm.fit(x=cbind(1,seq_along(dat)), y=dat))
79	    if (is.null(l.start)) l.start <- cf[1L]
80	    if (is.null(b.start)) b.start <- cf[2L]
81	}
82        if (is.null(s.start)) s.start <- st$figure
83    }
85    ## Call to filtering loop
86    lenx <- as.integer(length(x))
87    if (is.na(lenx)) stop("invalid length(x)")
89    len <- lenx - start.time + 1
90    hw <- function(alpha, beta, gamma)
91        .C(C_HoltWinters,
92           as.double(x),
93           lenx,
94           as.double(max(min(alpha, 1), 0)),
95           as.double(max(min(beta, 1), 0)),
96           as.double(max(min(gamma, 1), 0)),
97           as.integer(start.time),
98           ## no idea why this is so: same as seasonal != "multiplicative"
99           as.integer(! + (seasonal == "multiplicative")),
100           as.integer(f),
101           as.integer(!is.logical(beta) || beta),
102           as.integer(!is.logical(gamma) || gamma),
104           a = as.double(l.start),
105           b = as.double(b.start),
106           s = as.double(s.start),
108	   ## return values
109           SSE = as.double(0),
110           level = double(len + 1L),
111           trend = double(len + 1L),
112           seasonal = double(len + f)
113           )
115    ## if alpha and/or beta and/or gamma are omitted, use optim to find the
116    ## values minimizing the squared prediction error
117    if (is.null(gamma)) {
118        ## optimize gamma
119        if (is.null(alpha)) {
120            ## optimize alpha
121            if (is.null(beta)) {
122                ## optimize beta
123                ## --> optimize alpha, beta, and gamma
124                error <- function (p) hw(p[1L], p[2L], p[3L])$SSE
125                sol   <- optim(optim.start, error, method = "L-BFGS-B",
126                               lower = c(0, 0, 0), upper = c(1, 1, 1),
127                               control = optim.control)
128                if(sol$convergence || any(sol$par < 0 | sol$par > 1)) {
129                    if (sol$convergence > 50) {
130                        warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s",
131                                         sol$message), domain = NA)
132                    } else stop("optimization failure")
133                }
134                alpha <- sol$par[1L]
135                beta  <- sol$par[2L]
136                gamma <- sol$par[3L]
137            } else {
138                ## !optimize beta
139                ## --> optimize alpha and gamma
140                error <- function (p) hw(p[1L], beta, p[2L])$SSE
141                sol   <- optim(c(optim.start["alpha"], optim.start["gamma"]),
142                               error, method = "L-BFGS-B",
143                               lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1),
144                               control = optim.control)
145                if(sol$convergence || any(sol$par < 0 | sol$par > 1)) {
146                    if (sol$convergence > 50) {
147                        warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s",
148                                         sol$message), domain = NA)
149                    } else stop("optimization failure")
150                }
151                alpha <- sol$par[1L]
152                gamma <- sol$par[2L]
153            }
154        } else {
155            ## !optimize alpha
156            if (is.null(beta)) {
157                ## optimize beta
158                ## --> optimize beta and gamma
159                error <- function (p) hw(alpha, p[1L], p[2L])$SSE
160                sol   <- optim(c(optim.start["beta"], optim.start["gamma"]),
161                               error, method = "L-BFGS-B",
162                               lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1),
163                               control = optim.control)
164                if(sol$convergence || any(sol$par < 0 | sol$par > 1)) {
165                    if (sol$convergence > 50) {
166                        warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s",
167                                         sol$message), domain = NA)
168                    } else stop("optimization failure")
169                }
170                beta  <- sol$par[1L]
171                gamma <- sol$par[2L]
172            } else {
173                ## !optimize beta
174                ## --> optimize gamma
175                error <- function (p) hw(alpha, beta, p)$SSE
176                gamma <- optimize(error, lower = 0, upper = 1)$minimum
177            }
178        }
179    } else {
180        ## !optimize gamma
181        if (is.null(alpha)) {
182            ## optimize alpha
183            if (is.null(beta)) {
184                ## optimize beta
185                ## --> optimize alpha and beta
186                error <- function (p) hw(p[1L], p[2L], gamma)$SSE
187                sol   <- optim(c(optim.start["alpha"], optim.start["beta"]),
188                               error, method = "L-BFGS-B",
189                               lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1),
190                               control = optim.control)
191                if(sol$convergence || any(sol$par < 0 | sol$par > 1)) {
192                    if (sol$convergence > 50) {
193                        warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s",
194                                         sol$message), domain = NA)
195                    } else stop("optimization failure")
196                }
197                alpha <- sol$par[1L]
198                beta  <- sol$par[2L]
199            } else {
200                ## !optimize beta
201                ## --> optimize alpha
202                error <- function (p) hw(p, beta, gamma)$SSE
203                alpha <- optimize(error, lower = 0, upper = 1)$minimum
204            }
205        } else {
206            ## !optimize alpha
207            if(is.null(beta)) {
208                ## optimize beta
209                ## --> optimize beta
210                error <- function (p) hw(alpha, p, gamma)$SSE
211                beta <- optimize(error, lower = 0, upper = 1)$minimum
212            } ## else optimize nothing!
213        }
214    }
216    ## get (final) results
217    final.fit <- hw(alpha, beta, gamma)
219    ## return fitted values and estimated coefficients along with parameters used
220    fitted <- ts(cbind(xhat   = final.fit$level[-len-1],
221                       level  = final.fit$level[-len-1],
222                       trend  = if (!is.logical(beta) || beta)
223                           final.fit$trend[-len-1],
224                       season = if (!is.logical(gamma) || gamma)
225                           final.fit$seasonal[1L:len]),
226                 start = start(lag(x, k = 1 - start.time)),
227                 frequency  = frequency(x)
228                 )
229    if (!is.logical(beta) || beta) fitted[,1] <- fitted[,1] + fitted[,"trend"]
230    if (!is.logical(gamma) || gamma)
231      fitted[,1] <- if (seasonal == "multiplicative")
232        fitted[,1] * fitted[,"season"]
233      else
234        fitted[,1] + fitted[,"season"]
235    structure(list(fitted    = fitted,
236                   x         = x,
237                   alpha     = alpha,
238                   beta      = beta,
239                   gamma     = gamma,
240                   coefficients = c(a = final.fit$level[len + 1],
241                                    b = if (!is.logical(beta) || beta) final.fit$trend[len + 1],
242                                    s = if (!is.logical(gamma) || gamma) final.fit$seasonal[len + 1L:f]),
243                   seasonal  = seasonal,
244                   SSE       = final.fit$SSE,
245                   call      = match.call()
246                   ),
247              class = "HoltWinters"
248              )
251## Predictions, optionally with prediction intervals
252predict.HoltWinters <-
253    function (object, n.ahead = 1L, prediction.interval = FALSE,
254              level = 0.95, ...)
256    f <- frequency(object$x)
258    vars <- function(h) {
259        psi <- function(j)
260            object$alpha * (1 + j * object$beta) +
261                (j %% f == 0) * object$gamma * (1 - object$alpha)
262        var(residuals(object)) * if (object$seasonal == "additive")
263            sum(1, (h > 1) * sapply(1L:(h-1), function(j) crossprod(psi(j))))
264        else {
265            rel <- 1 + (h - 1) %% f
266            sum(sapply(0:(h-1), function(j) crossprod (psi(j) * object$coefficients[2 + rel] / object$coefficients[2 + (rel - j) %% f])))
267        }
268    }
270    ## compute predictions
271    # level
272    fit <- rep(as.vector(object$coefficients[1L]) ,n.ahead)
273    # trend
274    if (!is.logical(object$beta) || object$beta)
275        fit <- fit + as.vector((1L:n.ahead)*object$coefficients[2L])
276        # seasonal component
277    if (!is.logical(object$gamma) || object$gamma)
278        if (object$seasonal == "additive")
279            fit <- fit + rep(object$coefficients[-(1L:(1+(!is.logical(object$beta) || object$beta)))],
280                             length.out=length(fit))
281        else
282            fit <- fit * rep(object$coefficients[-(1L:(1+(!is.logical(object$beta) || object$beta)))],
283                             length.out=length(fit))
285    ## compute prediction intervals
286    if (prediction.interval)
287      int <- qnorm((1 + level) / 2) * sqrt(sapply(1L:n.ahead,vars))
288    ts(
289       cbind(fit = fit,
290             upr = if(prediction.interval) fit + int,
291             lwr = if(prediction.interval) fit - int
292             ),
293       start = end(lag(fitted(object)[,1], k = -1)),
294       frequency  = frequency(fitted(object)[,1])
295       )
298residuals.HoltWinters <- function (object, ...) object$x - object$fitted[,1]
300plot.HoltWinters <-
301    function (x, predicted.values = NA, intervals = TRUE, separator = TRUE,
302              col = 1, col.predicted = 2, col.intervals = 4, col.separator = 1,
303              lty = 1, lty.predicted = 1, lty.intervals = 1, lty.separator = 3,
304              ylab = "Observed / Fitted", main = "Holt-Winters filtering",
305              ylim = NULL, ...)
307    if (is.null(ylim))
308      ylim <- range(na.omit(c(fitted(x)[,1], x$x, predicted.values)))
310    preds <- length(predicted.values) > 1 || !is.na(predicted.values)
312    dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush())
313    ## plot fitted/predicted values
314    plot(ts(c(fitted(x)[,1], if(preds) predicted.values[,1]),
315            start = start(fitted(x)[,1]),
316            frequency = frequency(fitted(x)[,1])),
317         col = col.predicted,
318         ylim = ylim,
319         ylab = ylab, main = main,
320         lty = lty.predicted,
321         ...
322         )
324    ## plot prediction interval
325    if(preds && intervals && ncol(predicted.values) > 1) {
326        lines(predicted.values[,2], col = col.intervals, lty = lty.intervals)
327        lines(predicted.values[,3], col = col.intervals, lty = lty.intervals)
328    }
330    ## plot observed values
331    lines(x$x, col = col, lty = lty)
333    ## plot separator
334    if (separator && preds)
335        abline (v = time(x$x)[length(x$x)], lty = lty.separator, col = col.separator)
338## print function
339print.HoltWinters <- function (x, ...)
341    cat("Holt-Winters exponential smoothing",
342        if (is.logical(x$beta) && !x$beta) "without" else "with", "trend and",
343        if (is.logical(x$gamma) && !x$gamma) "without" else
344        paste0(if (is.logical(x$beta) && !x$beta) "with ", x$seasonal),
345        "seasonal component.")
346    cat("\n\nCall:\n", deparse (x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
347    cat("Smoothing parameters:\n")
348    cat(" alpha: ", x$alpha, "\n", sep = "")
349    cat(" beta : ", x$beta, "\n", sep = "")
350    cat(" gamma: ", x$gamma, "\n\n", sep = "")
352    cat("Coefficients:\n")
353    print(t(t(x$coefficients)))
354    invisible(x)
357# decompose additive/multiplicative series into trend/seasonal figures/noise
358decompose <-
359function (x, type = c("additive", "multiplicative"), filter = NULL)
361    type <- match.arg(type)
362    l <- length(x)
363    f <- frequency(x)
364    if (f <= 1 || length(na.omit(x)) < 2 * f)
365        stop("time series has no or less than 2 periods")
367    ## filter out seasonal components
368    if (is.null(filter))
369        filter <- if (!f %% 2)
370            c(0.5, rep_len(1, f - 1), 0.5) / f
371        else
372            rep_len(1, f) / f
373    trend <- filter(x, filter)
375    ## compute seasonal components
376    season <- if (type == "additive")
377        x - trend
378    else
379        x / trend
381    ## average seasonal figures
382    periods <- l %/% f
383    index <- seq.int(1L, l, by = f) - 1L
384    figure <- numeric(f)
385    for (i in 1L:f)
386        figure[i] <- mean(season[index + i], na.rm = TRUE)
388    ## normalize figure
389    figure <- if (type == "additive")
390        figure - mean(figure)
391    else figure / mean(figure)
393    seasonal <- ts(rep(figure, periods+1)[seq_len(l)],
394                   start = start(x), frequency = f)
396    ## return values
397    structure(list(x = x,
398                   seasonal = seasonal,
399                   trend = trend,
400                   random = if (type == "additive")
401                       x - seasonal - trend
402                   else
403                       x / seasonal / trend,
404                   figure = figure,
405                   type = type),
406              class = "decomposed.ts")
409plot.decomposed.ts <- function(x, ...)
411    xx <- x$x %||% # added in 2.14.0
412        with(x, if (type == "additive") random + trend + seasonal
413                else random * trend * seasonal)
414    plot(cbind(observed = xx,
415               trend    = x$trend,
416               seasonal = x$seasonal,
417               random   = x$random
418               ),
419         main = paste("Decomposition of", x$type, "time series"),
420         ...)