1 // The libMesh Finite Element Library.
2 // Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Benjamin S. Kirk, John W. Peterson, Roy H. Stogner
4 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
23 // Local includes
24 #include "libmesh/quadrature.h"
26 namespace libMesh
27 {
29 /**
30  * This class defines alternate quadrature rules on "tensor-product"
31  * elements (quadrilaterals and hexahedra) which can be useful when
32  * integrating monomial finite element bases.
33  *
34  * While tensor product rules are optimal for integrating bi/tri-linear,
35  * bi/tri-quadratic, etc. (i.e. tensor product) bases (which consist
36  * of incomplete polynomials up to degree=dim*p) they are not optimal
37  * for the MONOMIAL or FEXYZ bases, which consist of complete
38  * polynomials of degree=p.
39  *
40  * This class provides quadrature rules which are more efficient than
41  * tensor product rules when they are available, and falls back on
42  * Gaussian quadrature rules otherwise.
43  *
44  * A number of these rules have been helpfully collected in electronic form by:
45  * Prof. Ronald Cools
46  * Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
47  * Dept. Computerwetenschappen
48  * http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~nines/research/ecf/ecf.html
49  * A username and password to access the tables is available by request.
50  *
51  * We also provide the original reference for each rule when it is
52  * available.
53  *
54  * \author John W. Peterson
55  * \date 2008
56  * \brief Implements quadrature rules for non-tensor polynomials.
57  */
58 class QMonomial final : public QBase
59 {
60 public:
62   /**
63    * Constructor.  Declares the order of the quadrature rule.
64    */
65   QMonomial (unsigned int dim,
66              Order order=INVALID_ORDER) :
QBase(dim,order)67     QBase(dim,order)
68   {}
70   /**
71    * Copy/move ctor, copy/move assignment operator, and destructor are
72    * all explicitly defaulted for this simple class.
73    */
74   QMonomial (const QMonomial &) = default;
75   QMonomial (QMonomial &&) = default;
76   QMonomial & operator= (const QMonomial &) = default;
77   QMonomial & operator= (QMonomial &&) = default;
78   virtual ~QMonomial() = default;
80   /**
81    * \returns \p QMONOMIAL.
82    */
83   virtual QuadratureType type() const override;
86 private:
88   /**
89    * Uses a Gauss rule in 1D.  More efficient rules for non tensor
90    * product bases on quadrilaterals and hexahedra.
91    */
92   virtual void init_1D (const ElemType, unsigned int) override;
93   virtual void init_2D (const ElemType, unsigned int) override;
94   virtual void init_3D (const ElemType, unsigned int) override;
96   /**
97    * Wissmann published three interesting "partially symmetric" rules
98    * for integrating degree 4, 6, and 8 polynomials exactly on QUADs.
99    * These rules have all positive weights, all points inside the
100    * reference element, and have fewer points than tensor-product
101    * rules of equivalent order, making them superior to those rules
102    * for monomial bases.
103    *
104    * J. W. Wissman and T. Becker, Partially symmetric cubature
105    * formulas for even degrees of exactness, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 23
106    * (1986), 676--685.
107    */
108   void wissmann_rule(const Real rule_data[][3],
109                      const unsigned int n_pts);
111   /**
112    * Stroud's rules for quads and hexes can have one of several
113    * different types of symmetry.  The rule_symmetry array describes
114    * how the different lines of the rule_data array are to be
115    * applied.  The different rule_symmetry possibilities are:
116    * 0) Origin or single-point: (x,y)
117    * Fully-symmetric, 3 cases:
118    * 1) (x,y) -> (x,y), (-x,y), (x,-y), (-x,-y)
119    *             (y,x), (-y,x), (y,-x), (-y,-x)
120    * 2) (x,x) -> (x,x), (-x,x), (x,-x), (-x,-x)
121    * 3) (x,0) -> (x,0), (-x,0), (0, x), ( 0,-x)
122    * 4) Rotational Invariant, (x,y) -> (x,y), (-x,-y), (-y, x), (y,-x)
123    * 5) Partial Symmetry,     (x,y) -> (x,y), (-x, y) [x!=0]
124    * 6) Rectangular Symmetry, (x,y) -> (x,y), (-x, y), (-x,-y), (x,-y)
125    * 7) Central Symmetry,     (0,y) -> (0,y), ( 0,-y)
126    *
127    * Not all rules with these symmetries are due to Stroud, however,
128    * his book is probably the most frequently-cited compendium of
129    * quadrature rules and later authors certainly built upon his work.
130    */
131   void stroud_rule(const Real rule_data[][3],
132                    const unsigned int * rule_symmetry,
133                    const unsigned int n_pts);
135   /**
136    * Rules from Kim and Song, Comm. Korean Math. Soc vol. 13, no. 4, 1998, pp. 913-931.
137    * The rules are obtained by considering the group G^{rot} of rotations of the reference
138    * hex, and the invariant polynomials of this group.
139    *
140    * In Kim and Song's rules, quadrature points are described by the following points
141    * and their unique permutations under the G^{rot} group:
142    *
143    * 0.) (0,0,0) ( 1 perm ) -> [0, 0, 0]
144    * 1.) (x,0,0) ( 6 perms) -> [x, 0, 0], [0, -x, 0], [-x, 0, 0], [0, x, 0], [0, 0, -x], [0, 0, x]
145    * 2.) (x,x,0) (12 perms) -> [x, x, 0], [x, -x, 0], [-x, -x, 0], [-x, x, 0], [x, 0, -x], [x, 0, x],
146    *                           [0, x, -x], [0, x, x], [0, -x, -x], [-x, 0, -x], [0, -x, x], [-x, 0, x]
147    * 3.) (x,y,0) (24 perms) -> [x, y, 0], [y, -x, 0], [-x, -y, 0], [-y, x, 0], [x, 0, -y], [x, -y, 0],
148    *                           [x, 0, y], [0, y, -x], [-x, y, 0],
149    *                           [0, y, x], [y, 0, -x], [0, -y, -x], [-y, 0, -x], [y, x, 0], [-y, -x, 0],
150    *                           [y, 0, x], [0, -y, x], [-y, 0, x],
151    *                           [-x, 0, y], [0, -x, -y], [0, -x, y], [-x, 0, -y], [0, x, y], [0, x, -y]
152    * 4.) (x,x,x) ( 8 perms) -> [x, x, x], [x, -x, x], [-x, -x, x], [-x, x, x], [x, x, -x], [x, -x, -x],
153    *                           [-x, x, -x], [-x, -x, -x]
154    * 5.) (x,x,z) (24 perms) -> [x, x, z], [x, -x, z], [-x, -x, z], [-x, x, z], [x, z, -x], [x, -x, -z],
155    *                           [x, -z, x], [z, x, -x], [-x, x, -z],
156    *                           [-z, x, x], [x, -z, -x], [-z, -x, -x], [-x, z, -x], [x, x, -z],
157    *                           [-x, -x, -z], [x, z, x], [z, -x, x],
158    *                           [-x, -z, x], [-x, z, x], [z, -x, -x], [-z, -x, x], [-x, -z, -x],
159    *                           [z, x, x], [-z, x, -x]
160    * 6.) (x,y,z) (24 perms) -> [x, y, z], [y, -x, z], [-x, -y, z], [-y, x, z], [x, z, -y], [x, -y, -z],
161    *                           [x, -z, y], [z, y, -x], [-x, y, -z],
162    *                           [-z, y, x], [y, -z, -x], [-z, -y, -x], [-y, z, -x], [y, x, -z], [-y, -x, -z],
163    *                           [y, z, x], [z, -y, x], [-y, -z, x], [-x, z, y], [z, -x, -y],
164    *                           [-z, -x, y], [-x, -z, -y], [z, x, y], [-z, x, -y]
165    *
166    * Only two of Kim and Song's rules are particularly useful for FEM
167    * calculations: the degree 7, 38-point rule and their degree 8,
168    * 47-point rule.  The others either contain negative weights or
169    * points outside the reference interval.  The points and weights,
170    * to 32 digits, were obtained from: Ronald Cools' website
171    * (http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~nines/research/ecf/ecf.html) and
172    * the unique permutations of G^{rot} were computed by me [JWP]
173    * using Maple.
174    */
175   void kim_rule(const Real rule_data[][4],
176                 const unsigned int * rule_id,
177                 const unsigned int n_pts);
178 };
180 } // namespace libMesh