1 /*=================================================================================
2  * msvmocas_mex.c: OCAS solver for training multi-class linear SVM classifiers.
3  *
4  * Synopsis:
5  *   [W,stat] = msvmocas(X,y,C,Method,TolRel,TolAbs,QPBound,BufSize,nExamples,MaxTime,verb)
6  *
7  * Input:
8  *  X [nDim x nExamples] training feature inputs (sparse or dense matrix of doubles).
9  *  y [nExamples x 1] labels; intgers 1,2,...nY
10  *  C [1x1] regularization constant
11  *  Method [1x1] 0..cutting plane; 1..OCAS  (default 1)
12  *  TolRel [1x1] halts if Q_P-Q_D <= abs(Q_P)*TolRel  (default 0.01)
13  *  TolAbs [1x1] halts if Q_P-Q_D <= TolAbs  (default 0)
14  *  QPValue [1x1] halts if Q_P <= QPBpound  (default 0)
15  *  BufSize [1x1] Initial size of active constrains buffer (default 2000)
16  *  nExamples [1x1] Number of training examplesused for training; must be >0 and <= size(X,2).
17  *     If nExamples = inf then nExamples is set to size(X,2).
18  *  MaxTime [1x1] halts if time used by solver (data loading time is not counted) exceeds
19  *    MaxTime given in seconds. Use MaxTime=inf (default) to switch off this stopping condition.
20  *  verb [1x1] if non-zero then prints some info; (default 1)
21  *
22  * Output:
23  *  W [nDim x nY] Paramater vectors of decision rule; [dummy,ypred] = max(W'*x)
24  *  stat [struct] Optimizer statistics (field names are self-explaining).
25  *
26  * Copyright (C) 2008, 2012 Vojtech Franc, xfrancv@cmp.felk.cvut.cz
27  *
28  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
29  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
30  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
31  *======================================================================================*/
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <string.h>
35 #include <stdint.h>
36 #include <mex.h>
38 #include "libocas.h"
39 #include "ocas_helper.h"
40 #include "features_double.h"
42 #define DEFAULT_METHOD 1
43 #define DEFAULT_TOLREL 0.01
44 #define DEFAULT_TOLABS 0.0
45 #define DEFAULT_QPVALUE 0.0
46 #define DEFAULT_BUFSIZE 2000
47 #define DEFAULT_MAXTIME mxGetInf()
48 #define DEFAULT_VERB 1
52 /*======================================================================
53   Main code plus interface to Matlab.
54 ========================================================================*/
mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray * plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray * prhs[])56 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
57 {
58   double C, TolRel, TolAbs, MaxTime, trn_err, QPBound;
59   double *ptr;
60   uint32_t i, j, BufSize;
61   uint16_t Method;
62   int verb;
63   ocas_return_value_T ocas;
65   /* timing variables */
66   double init_time;
67   double total_time;
69   total_time = get_time();
70   init_time = total_time;
72   if(nrhs < 3 || nrhs > 11)
73     mexErrMsgTxt("Improper number of input arguments.\n"
74 		 "\n"
75 		 "OCAS solver for training multi-class linear SVM classifiers.\n"
76 		 "\n"
77                  "Synopsis:\n"
78 		 "  [W,stat] = msvmocas(X,y,C,Method,TolRel,TolAbs,QPBound,BufSize,nExamples,MaxTime,verb)\n"
79 		 "\n"
80 		 "Input:\n"
81 		 "  X [nDim x nExamples] training inputs (sparse or dense matrix of doubles).\n"
82 		 "  y [nExamples x 1] labels must be integers 1,2,...nY\n"
83 		 "  C [1x1] regularization constant\n"
84 		 "  Method [1x1] 0..cutting plane; 1..OCAS  (default 1)\n"
85 		 "  TolRel [1x1] halts if Q_P-Q_D <= abs(Q_P)*TolRel  (default 0.01)\n"
86 		 "  TolAbs [1x1] halts if Q_P-Q_D <= TolAbs  (default 0)\n"
87 		 "  QPValue [1x1] halts if Q_P <= QPBpound  (default 0)\n"
88 		 "  BufSize [1x1] Initial size of active constrains buffer (default 2000)\n"
89 		 "  nExamples [1x1] Number of training examples used for training; must be >0 and <= size(X,2).\n"
90 		 "    If nExamples = inf then nExamples is set to size(X,2).\n"
91 		 "  MaxTime [1x1] halts if time used by solver (data loading time is not counted) exceeds\n"
92 		 "    MaxTime given in seconds. Use MaxTime=inf (default) to switch off this stopping condition.\n"
93 		 "  verb [1x1] if non-zero then prints some info; (default 1)\n"
94 		 "\n"
95 		 "Output:\n"
96 		 "  W [nDim x nY] Paramater vectors of decision rule; [dummy,ypred] = max(W'*x)\n"
97 		 "  stat [struct] Optimizer statistics (field names are self-explaining).\n");
99   data_X = (mxArray*)prhs[0];
100   if( (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(data_X) != 2) ||
101       !( ( mxIsDouble(data_X) && mxIsSparse(data_X)  ) ||
102          ( mxIsDouble(data_X) && !mxIsSparse(data_X) ) ))
103   {
104     mexErrMsgTxt("The first input argument must be two dimensional matrix of the following type:\n"
105 		 "dense double matrix or sparse double matrix.\n");
106   }
108   data_y = (double*)mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
110   if(LIBOCAS_MAX(mxGetM(prhs[1]),mxGetN(prhs[1])) != mxGetN(prhs[0]))
111     mexErrMsgTxt("Length of vector y must equal to the number of columns of matrix X.");
113   C = (double)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
115   if(nrhs >= 4)
116     Method = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
117   else
118     Method = DEFAULT_METHOD;
120   if(nrhs >= 5)
121     TolRel = (double)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
122   else
123     TolRel = DEFAULT_TOLREL;
125   if(nrhs >= 6)
126     TolAbs = (double)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);
127   else
128     TolAbs = DEFAULT_TOLABS;
130   if(nrhs >= 7)
131     QPBound = (double)mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);
132   else
133     QPBound = DEFAULT_QPVALUE;
135   if(nrhs >= 8)
136     BufSize = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(prhs[7]);
137   else
138     BufSize = DEFAULT_BUFSIZE;
140   if(nrhs >= 9 && mxIsInf(mxGetScalar(prhs[8])) == false)
141     nData = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(prhs[8]);
142   else
143     nData = mxGetN(data_X);
145   if(nData < 1 || nData > mxGetN(prhs[0]))
146     mexErrMsgTxt("Improper value of argument nData.");
148   if(nrhs >= 10)
149     MaxTime = (double)mxGetScalar(prhs[9]);
150   else
151     MaxTime = DEFAULT_MAXTIME;
153   if(nrhs >= 11)
154     verb = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[10]);
155   else
156     verb = DEFAULT_VERB;
159   nDim = mxGetM(data_X);
160   for(i=0, nY = 0; i < nData; i++)
161     nY = LIBOCAS_MAX(nY, (uint32_t)data_y[i]);
163   /*----------------------------------------------------------------
164     Print setting
165   -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
166   if(verb)
167   {
168     mexPrintf("Input data statistics:\n"
169               "   # of examples  : %d\n"
170               "   # of classes   : %d\n"
171               "   dimensionality : %d\n",
172               nData, nY, nDim);
174     if( mxIsSparse(data_X)== true )
175       mexPrintf("   density        : %.2f%%\n",
176                 100.0*(double)mxGetNzmax(data_X)/((double)nDim*(double)(mxGetN(data_X))));
177     else
178       mexPrintf("    density       : 100%% (full)\n");
180     mexPrintf("Setting:\n"
181          "   C              : %f\n"
182          "   # of examples  : %d\n"
183          "   solver         : %d\n"
184          "   cache size     : %d\n"
185          "   TolAbs         : %f\n"
186          "   TolRel         : %f\n"
187          "   QPValue        : %f\n"
188          "   MaxTime        : %f [s]\n",
189          C, nData, Method,BufSize,TolAbs,TolRel, QPBound, MaxTime);
190   }
192   /* learned weight vector */
193   plhs[0] = (mxArray*)mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nDim,nY,mxREAL);
194   W = (double*)mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
195   if(W == NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory for vector W.");
197   oldW = (double*)mxCalloc(nY*nDim,sizeof(double));
198   if(oldW == NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory for vector oldW.");
200   /* allocate buffer for computing cutting plane */
201   new_a = (double*)mxCalloc(nY*nDim,sizeof(double));
202   if(new_a == NULL)
203     mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory for auxciliary cutting plane buffer new_a.");
205   /* select function to print progress info */
206   void (*print_function)(ocas_return_value_T);
207   if(verb)
208   {
209     mexPrintf("Starting optimization:\n");
210     print_function = &ocas_print;
211   }
212   else
213   {
214     print_function = &ocas_print_null;
215   }
218   if( mxIsSparse(data_X)== true )
219   {
220     /* init cutting plane buffer */
221     sparse_A.nz_dims = mxCalloc(BufSize,sizeof(uint32_t));
222     sparse_A.index = mxCalloc(BufSize,sizeof(sparse_A.index[0]));
223     sparse_A.value = mxCalloc(BufSize,sizeof(sparse_A.value[0]));
224     if(sparse_A.nz_dims == NULL || sparse_A.index == NULL || sparse_A.value == NULL)
225       mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory for cutting plane buffer sparse_A.");
227     init_time=get_time()-init_time;
229     ocas = msvm_ocas_solver( C, data_y, nY, nData, TolRel, TolAbs, QPBound, MaxTime,BufSize, Method,
230                              &msvm_sparse_compute_W, &msvm_update_W, &msvm_sparse_add_new_cut,
231                              &msvm_sparse_compute_output, &qsort_data, print_function, 0);
232   }
233   else
234   {
235     /* init cutting plane buffer */
236     full_A = mxCalloc(BufSize*nDim*nY,sizeof(double));
237     if( full_A == NULL )
238       mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory for cutting plane buffer full_A.");
240     init_time=get_time()-init_time;
242     ocas = msvm_ocas_solver( C, data_y, nY, nData, TolRel, TolAbs, QPBound, MaxTime,BufSize, Method,
243                              &msvm_full_compute_W, &msvm_update_W, &msvm_full_add_new_cut,
244                              &msvm_full_compute_output, &qsort_data, print_function, 0);
245   }
247   total_time=get_time()-total_time;
249   if(verb)
250   {
251     mexPrintf("Stopping condition: ");
252     switch( ocas.exitflag )
253     {
254        case 1: mexPrintf("1-Q_D/Q_P <= TolRel(=%f) satisfied.\n", TolRel); break;
255        case 2: mexPrintf("Q_P-Q_D <= TolAbs(=%f) satisfied.\n", TolAbs); break;
256        case 3: mexPrintf("Q_P <= QPBound(=%f) satisfied.\n", QPBound); break;
257        case 4: mexPrintf("Optimization time (=%f) >= MaxTime(=%f).\n", ocas.ocas_time, MaxTime); break;
258        case -1: mexPrintf("Has not converged!\n" ); break;
259        case -2: mexPrintf("Not enough memory for the solver.\n" ); break;
260     }
262     mexPrintf("Timing statistics:\n"
263 	      " init_time      : %f[s]\n"
264 	      "   qp_solver_time : %f[s]\n"
265 	      "   sort_time      : %f[s]\n"
266 	      "   output_time    : %f[s]\n"
267 	      "   add_time       : %f[s]\n"
268 	      "   w_time         : %f[s]\n"
269 	      "   print_time     : %f[s]\n"
270 	      "   ocas_time      : %f[s]\n"
271 	      "   total_time     : %f[s]\n",
272 	    init_time, ocas.qp_solver_time, ocas.sort_time, ocas.output_time,
273             ocas.add_time, ocas.w_time, ocas.print_time, ocas.ocas_time, total_time);
275     mexPrintf("Training error: %.4f%%\n", 100*(double)ocas.trn_err/(double)nData);
276   }
278   const char *field_names[] = {"nTrnErrors","Q_P","Q_D","nIter","nCutPlanes","exitflag",
279                                "init_time","output_time","sort_time","qp_solver_time","add_time",
280                                "w_time","ocas_time","total_time"};
281   mwSize dims[2] = {1,1};
283   plhs[1] = mxCreateStructArray(2, dims, (sizeof(field_names)/sizeof(*field_names)), field_names);
285   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"nIter",mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)ocas.nIter));
286   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"nCutPlanes",mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)ocas.nCutPlanes));
287   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"nTrnErrors",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.trn_err));
288   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"Q_P",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.Q_P));
289   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"Q_D",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.Q_D));
290   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"init_time",mxCreateDoubleScalar(init_time));
291   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"output_time",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.output_time));
292   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"sort_time",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.sort_time));
293   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"qp_solver_time",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.qp_solver_time));
294   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"add_time",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.add_time));
295   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"w_time",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.w_time));
296   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"ocas_time",mxCreateDoubleScalar(ocas.ocas_time));
297   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"total_time",mxCreateDoubleScalar(total_time));
298   mxSetField(plhs[1],0,"exitflag",mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)ocas.exitflag));
300   return;
301 }