2! KGEN-generated Fortran source file
4! Filename    : mo_lrtm_driver.f90
5! Generated at: 2015-02-19 15:30:29
6! KGEN version: 0.4.4
10    MODULE mo_lrtm_driver
11        USE mo_kind, ONLY: wp
12        USE mo_physical_constants, ONLY: amw
13        USE mo_physical_constants, ONLY: amd
14        USE mo_physical_constants, ONLY: grav
15        USE mo_rrtm_params, ONLY: nbndlw
16        USE mo_rrtm_params, ONLY: ngptlw
17        USE mo_radiation_parameters, ONLY: do_gpoint
18        USE mo_radiation_parameters, ONLY: i_overlap
19        USE mo_radiation_parameters, ONLY: l_do_sep_clear_sky
20        USE mo_radiation_parameters, ONLY: rad_undef
21        USE mo_lrtm_setup, ONLY: ngb
22        USE mo_lrtm_setup, ONLY: ngs
23        USE mo_lrtm_setup, ONLY: delwave
24        USE mo_lrtm_setup, ONLY: nspa
25        USE mo_lrtm_setup, ONLY: nspb
26        USE rrlw_planck, ONLY: totplanck
27        USE mo_rrtm_coeffs, ONLY: lrtm_coeffs
28        USE mo_lrtm_gas_optics, ONLY: gas_optics_lw
29        USE mo_lrtm_solver, ONLY: find_secdiff
30        USE mo_lrtm_solver, ONLY: lrtm_solver
31        USE mo_cld_sampling, ONLY: sample_cld_state
32        USE mo_spec_sampling, ONLY: spec_sampling_strategy
33        USE mo_spec_sampling, ONLY: get_gpoint_set
34        USE mo_taumol03, ONLY: taumol03_lwr,taumol03_upr
35        USE mo_taumol04, ONLY: taumol04_lwr,taumol04_upr
36        USE rrlw_planck, ONLY: chi_mls
37        USE rrlw_kg03, ONLY: selfref
38        USE rrlw_kg03, ONLY: forref
39        USE rrlw_kg03, ONLY: ka_mn2o
40        USE rrlw_kg03, ONLY: absa
41        USE rrlw_kg03, ONLY: fracrefa
42        USE rrlw_kg03, ONLY: kb_mn2o
43        USE rrlw_kg03, ONLY: absb
44        USE rrlw_kg03, ONLY: fracrefb
46        PRIVATE
47        PUBLIC lrtm
48        CONTAINS
50        ! read subroutines
51        !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
52        !>
53        !! @brief Prepares information for radiation call
54        !!
55        !! @remarks: This program is the driver subroutine for the longwave radiative
56        !! transfer routine.  This routine is adapted from the AER LW RRTMG_LW model
57        !! that itself has been adapted from RRTM_LW for improved efficiency.  Our
58        !! routine does the spectral integration externally (the solver is explicitly
59        !! called for each g-point, so as to facilitate sampling of g-points
60        !! This routine:
61        !!    1) calls INATM to read in the atmospheric profile from GCM;
62        !!       all layering in RRTMG is ordered from surface to toa.
63        !!    2) calls COEFFS to calculate various quantities needed for
64        !!       the radiative transfer algorithm.  This routine is called only once for
65        !!       any given thermodynamic state, i.e., it does not change if clouds chanege
66        !!    3) calls TAUMOL to calculate gaseous optical depths for each
67        !!       of the 16 spectral bands, this is updated band by band.
68        !!    4) calls SOLVER (for both clear and cloudy profiles) to perform the
69        !!       radiative transfer calculation with a maximum-random cloud
70        !!       overlap method, or calls RTRN to use random cloud overlap.
71        !!    5) passes the necessary fluxes and cooling rates back to GCM
72        !!
73        !
75        SUBROUTINE lrtm(kproma, kbdim, klev, play, psfc, tlay, tlev, tsfc, wkl, wx, coldry, emis, cldfr, taucld, tauaer, rnseeds, &
76        strategy, n_gpts_ts, uflx, dflx, uflxc, dflxc)
77            INTEGER, intent(in) :: klev
78            INTEGER, intent(in) :: kbdim
79            INTEGER, intent(in) :: kproma
80            !< Maximum block length
81            !< Number of horizontal columns
82            !< Number of model layers
83            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: wx(:,:,:)
84            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: cldfr(kbdim,klev)
85            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: taucld(kbdim,klev,nbndlw)
86            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: wkl(:,:,:)
87            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: coldry(kbdim,klev)
88            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: play(kbdim,klev)
89            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: tlay(kbdim,klev)
90            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: tauaer(kbdim,klev,nbndlw)
91            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: tlev(kbdim,klev+1)
92            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: tsfc(kbdim)
93            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: psfc(kbdim)
94            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: emis(kbdim,nbndlw)
95            !< Layer pressures [hPa, mb] (kbdim,klev)
96            !< Surface pressure [hPa, mb] (kbdim)
97            !< Layer temperatures [K] (kbdim,klev)
98            !< Interface temperatures [K] (kbdim,klev+1)
99            !< Surface temperature [K] (kbdim)
100            !< Gas volume mixing ratios
101            !< CFC type gas volume mixing ratios
102            !< Column dry amount
103            !< Surface emissivity  (kbdim,nbndlw)
104            !< Cloud fraction  (kbdim,klev)
105            !< Coud optical depth (kbdim,klev,nbndlw)
106            !< Aerosol optical depth (kbdim,klev,nbndlw)
107            ! Variables for sampling cloud state and spectral points
108            INTEGER, intent(inout) :: rnseeds(:, :) !< Seeds for random number generator (kbdim,:)
109            TYPE(spec_sampling_strategy), intent(in) :: strategy
110            INTEGER, intent(in   ) :: n_gpts_ts
111            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(out) :: uflx (kbdim,0:klev)
112            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(out) :: dflx (kbdim,0:klev)
113            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(out) :: uflxc(kbdim,0:klev)
114            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(out) :: dflxc(kbdim,0:klev)
115            !< Tot sky longwave upward   flux [W/m2], (kbdim,0:klev)
116            !< Tot sky longwave downward flux [W/m2], (kbdim,0:klev)
117            !< Clr sky longwave upward   flux [W/m2], (kbdim,0:klev)
118            !< Clr sky longwave downward flux [W/m2], (kbdim,0:klev)
119            REAL(KIND=wp) :: taug(klev) !< Properties for one column at a time >! gas optical depth
120            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rrpk_taug03(kbdim,klev)
121            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rrpk_taug04(kbdim,klev)
122            REAL(KIND=wp) :: fracs(kbdim,klev,n_gpts_ts)
123            REAL(KIND=wp) :: taut  (kbdim,klev,n_gpts_ts)
124            REAL(KIND=wp) :: tautot(kbdim,klev,n_gpts_ts)
125            REAL(KIND=wp) :: pwvcm(kbdim)
126            REAL(KIND=wp) :: secdiff(kbdim)
127            !< Planck fraction per g-point
128            !< precipitable water vapor [cm]
129            !< diffusivity angle for RT calculation
130            !< gaseous + aerosol optical depths for all columns
131            !< cloud + gaseous + aerosol optical depths for all columns
132            REAL(KIND=wp) :: planklay(kbdim,  klev,nbndlw)
133            REAL(KIND=wp) :: planklev(kbdim,0:klev,nbndlw)
134            REAL(KIND=wp) :: plankbnd(kbdim,       nbndlw) ! Properties for all bands
135            ! Planck function at mid-layer
136            ! Planck function at level interfaces
137            ! Planck function at surface
138            REAL(KIND=wp) :: layplnk(kbdim,  klev)
139            REAL(KIND=wp) :: levplnk(kbdim,0:klev)
140            REAL(KIND=wp) :: bndplnk(kbdim)
141            REAL(KIND=wp) :: srfemis(kbdim) ! Properties for a single set of columns/g-points
142            ! Planck function at mid-layer
143            ! Planck function at level interfaces
144            ! Planck function at surface
145            ! Surface emission
146            REAL(KIND=wp) :: zgpfd(kbdim,0:klev)
147            REAL(KIND=wp) :: zgpfu(kbdim,0:klev)
148            REAL(KIND=wp) :: zgpcu(kbdim,0:klev)
149            REAL(KIND=wp) :: zgpcd(kbdim,0:klev)
150            ! < gpoint clearsky downward flux
151            ! < gpoint clearsky downward flux
152            ! < gpoint fullsky downward flux
153            ! < gpoint fullsky downward flux
154            ! -----------------
155            ! Variables for gas optics calculations
156            INTEGER :: jt1     (kbdim,klev)
157            INTEGER :: indfor  (kbdim,klev)
158            INTEGER :: indself (kbdim,klev)
159            INTEGER :: indminor(kbdim,klev)
160            INTEGER :: laytrop (kbdim     )
161            INTEGER :: jp      (kbdim,klev)
162            INTEGER :: rrpk_jp (klev,kbdim)
163            INTEGER :: jt      (kbdim,klev)
164            INTEGER :: rrpk_jt (kbdim,0:1,klev)
165            !< tropopause layer index
166            !< lookup table index
167            !< lookup table index
168            !< lookup table index
169            REAL(KIND=wp) :: wbrodl      (kbdim,klev)
170            REAL(KIND=wp) :: selffac     (kbdim,klev)
171            REAL(KIND=wp) :: colh2o      (kbdim,klev)
172            REAL(KIND=wp) :: colo3       (kbdim,klev)
173            REAL(KIND=wp) :: coln2o      (kbdim,klev)
174            REAL(KIND=wp) :: colco       (kbdim,klev)
175            REAL(KIND=wp) :: selffrac    (kbdim,klev)
176            REAL(KIND=wp) :: colch4      (kbdim,klev)
177            REAL(KIND=wp) :: colo2       (kbdim,klev)
178            REAL(KIND=wp) :: colbrd      (kbdim,klev)
179            REAL(KIND=wp) :: minorfrac   (kbdim,klev)
180            REAL(KIND=wp) :: scaleminorn2(kbdim,klev)
181            REAL(KIND=wp) :: scaleminor  (kbdim,klev)
182            REAL(KIND=wp) :: forfac      (kbdim,klev)
183            REAL(KIND=wp) :: colco2      (kbdim,klev)
184            REAL(KIND=wp) :: forfrac     (kbdim,klev)
185            !< column amount (h2o)
186            !< column amount (co2)
187            !< column amount (o3)
188            !< column amount (n2o)
189            !< column amount (co)
190            !< column amount (ch4)
191            !< column amount (o2)
192            !< column amount (broadening gases)
193            REAL(KIND=wp) :: wx_loc(size(wx, 2), size(wx, 3))
194            !< Normalized CFC amounts (molecules/cm^2)
195            REAL(KIND=wp) :: fac00(kbdim,klev)
196            REAL(KIND=wp) :: fac01(kbdim,klev)
197            REAL(KIND=wp) :: fac10(kbdim,klev)
198            REAL(KIND=wp) :: fac11(kbdim,klev)
199            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rrpk_fac0(kbdim,0:1,klev)
200            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rrpk_fac1(kbdim,0:1,klev)
201            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_n2oco2  (kbdim,klev)
202            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_o3co2   (kbdim,klev)
203            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_h2on2o  (kbdim,klev)
204            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_n2oco2_1(kbdim,klev)
205            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_h2on2o_1(kbdim,klev)
206            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_h2oco2_1(kbdim,klev)
207            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_h2oo3   (kbdim,klev)
208            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_h2och4  (kbdim,klev)
209            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_h2oco2  (kbdim,klev)
210            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rrpk_rat_h2oco2  (kbdim,0:1,klev)
211            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rrpk_rat_o3co2  (kbdim,0:1,klev)
212            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_h2oo3_1 (kbdim,klev)
213            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_o3co2_1 (kbdim,klev)
214            REAL(KIND=wp) :: rat_h2och4_1(kbdim,klev)
215            ! -----------------
216            INTEGER :: jl,jlBegin,simdStep=96
217            INTEGER :: ig
218            INTEGER :: jk ! loop indicies
219            INTEGER :: igs(kbdim, n_gpts_ts)
220            INTEGER :: ibs(kbdim, n_gpts_ts)
221            INTEGER :: ib
222            INTEGER :: igpt
223            INTEGER*8 :: start_clock,stop_clock,rate_clock
224            REAL :: overall_time=0
225            ! minimum val for clouds
226            ! Variables for sampling strategy
227            REAL(KIND=wp) :: gpt_scaling
228            REAL(KIND=wp) :: clrsky_scaling(1:kbdim)
229            REAL(KIND=wp) :: smp_tau(kbdim, klev, n_gpts_ts)
230            LOGICAL :: cldmask(kbdim, klev, n_gpts_ts)
231            LOGICAL :: colcldmask(kbdim,       n_gpts_ts) !< cloud mask in each cell
232            !< cloud mask for each column
233            !
234            ! --------------------------------
235            !
236            ! 1.0 Choose a set of g-points to do consistent with the spectral sampling strategy
237            !
238            ! --------------------------------
239            gpt_scaling = real(ngptlw,kind=wp)/real(n_gpts_ts,kind=wp)
240            ! Standalone logic
241            IF (do_gpoint == 0) THEN
242                igs(1:kproma,1:n_gpts_ts) = get_gpoint_set(kproma, kbdim, strategy, rnseeds)
243                ELSE IF (n_gpts_ts == 1) THEN ! Standalone logic
244                IF (do_gpoint > ngptlw) RETURN
245                igs(:, 1:n_gpts_ts) = do_gpoint
246                ELSE
247                PRINT *, "Asking for gpoint fluxes for too many gpoints!"
248                STOP
249            END IF
250            ! Save the band nunber associated with each gpoint
251            DO jl = 1, kproma
252                DO ig = 1, n_gpts_ts
253                    ibs(jl, ig) = ngb(igs(jl, ig))
254                END DO
255            END DO
256            !
257            ! ---  2.0 Optical properties
258            !
259            ! ---  2.1 Cloud optical properties.
260            ! --------------------------------
261            ! Cloud optical depth is only saved for the band associated with this g-point
262            !   We sample clouds first because we may want to adjust water vapor based
263            !   on presence/absence of clouds
264            !
265            CALL sample_cld_state(kproma, kbdim, klev, n_gpts_ts, rnseeds(:,:), i_overlap, cldfr(:,:), cldmask(:,:,:))
266            !IBM* ASSERT(NODEPS)
267            DO ig = 1, n_gpts_ts
268                DO jl = 1, kproma
269                    smp_tau(jl,:,ig) = merge(taucld(jl,1:klev,ibs(jl,ig)), 0._wp, cldmask(jl,:,ig))
270                END DO
271            END DO  ! Loop over samples - done with cloud optical depth calculations
272            !
273            ! Cloud masks for sorting out clear skies - by cell and by column
274            !
275            IF (.not. l_do_sep_clear_sky) THEN
276                !
277                ! Are any layers cloudy?
278                !
279                colcldmask(1:kproma,       1:n_gpts_ts) = any(cldmask(1:kproma,1:klev,1:n_gpts_ts), dim=2)
280                !
281                ! Clear-sky scaling is gpt_scaling/frac_clr or 0 if all samples are cloudy
282                !
283                clrsky_scaling(1:kproma) = gpt_scaling *                                                                          &
284                         merge(real(n_gpts_ts,kind=wp) /                                        (real(n_gpts_ts - count(&
285                colcldmask(1:kproma,:),dim=2),kind=wp)),                                                                          &
286                  0._wp,                                                          any(.not. colcldmask(1:kproma,:),dim=2))
287            END IF
288            !
289            ! ---  2.2. Gas optical depth calculations
290            !
291            ! --------------------------------
292            !
293            ! 2.2.1  Calculate information needed by the radiative transfer routine
294            ! that is specific to this atmosphere, especially some of the
295            ! coefficients and indices needed to compute the optical depths
296            ! by interpolating data from stored reference atmospheres.
297            ! The coefficients are functions of temperature and pressure and remain the same
298            ! for all g-point samples.
299            ! If gas concentrations, temperatures, or pressures vary with sample (ig)
300            !   the coefficients need to be calculated inside the loop over samples
301            ! --------------------------------
302            !
303            ! Broadening gases -- the number of molecules per cm^2 of all gases not specified explicitly
304            !   (water is excluded)
305            wbrodl(1:kproma,1:klev) = coldry(1:kproma,1:klev) - sum(wkl(1:kproma,2:,1:klev), dim=2)
306            CALL lrtm_coeffs(kproma, kbdim, klev, play, tlay, coldry, wkl, wbrodl, laytrop, jp, jt, jt1, colh2o, colco2, colo3, &
307            coln2o, colco, colch4, colo2, colbrd, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, rat_h2oco2, rat_h2oco2_1, rat_h2oo3, rat_h2oo3_1, &
308            rat_h2on2o, rat_h2on2o_1, rat_h2och4, rat_h2och4_1, rat_n2oco2, rat_n2oco2_1, rat_o3co2, rat_o3co2_1, selffac, &
309            selffrac, indself, forfac, forfrac, indfor, minorfrac, scaleminor, scaleminorn2, indminor)
310            !
311            !  2.2.2 Loop over g-points calculating gas optical properties.
312            !
313            ! --------------------------------
314            !IBM* ASSERT(NODEPS)
315            !CALL system_clock(start_clock,rate_clock)
316            rrpk_rat_h2oco2(:,0,:) = rat_h2oco2
317            rrpk_rat_h2oco2(:,1,:) = (rat_h2oco2_1)
318            rrpk_rat_o3co2(:,0,:) = rat_o3co2
319            rrpk_rat_o3co2(:,1,:) = (rat_o3co2_1)
320            rrpk_fac0(:,0,:) = fac00
321            rrpk_fac0(:,1,:) = fac01
322            rrpk_fac1(:,0,:) = fac10
323            rrpk_fac1(:,1,:) = fac11
324            rrpk_jt(:,0,:) = jt
325            rrpk_jt(:,1,:) = jt1
326            !CALL system_clock(stop_clock,rate_clock)
327            !overall_time=overall_time + (stop_clock-start_clock)/REAL(rate_clock)
328            !print *,n_gpts_ts
329            !print *,"===",kproma
330            DO ig = 1, n_gpts_ts
331                igpt=igs(1,ig)
332                IF(ngb(igpt) == 3) Then
333                        CALL system_clock(start_clock, rate_clock)
334                        jl=kproma
335                        DO jlBegin = 1,kproma,simdStep
336                                jl = jlBegin+simdStep-1
337                                call taumol03_lwr(jl,jlBegin,laytrop(1), klev,                          &
338                                    rrpk_rat_h2oco2(jlBegin:jl,:,:), colco2(jlBegin:jl,:), colh2o(jlBegin:jl,:), coln2o(jlBegin:jl,:), coldry(jlBegin:jl,:), &
339                                    rrpk_fac0(jlBegin:jl,:,:), rrpk_fac1(jlBegin:jl,:,:), minorfrac(jlBegin:jl,:), &
340                                    selffac(jlBegin:jl,:),selffrac(jlBegin:jl,:),forfac(jlBegin:jl,:),forfrac(jlBegin:jl,:), &
341                                    jp(jlBegin:jl,:), rrpk_jt(jlBegin:jl,:,:), (igpt-ngs(ngb(igpt)-1)), indself(jlBegin:jl,:), &
342                                    indfor(jlBegin:jl,:), indminor(jlBegin:jl,:), &
343                                    rrpk_taug03(jlBegin:jl,:),fracs(jlBegin:jl,:,ig))
344                                !print *,"Computing"
345                                call taumol03_upr(jl,jlBegin,laytrop(1), klev,                          &
346                                    rrpk_rat_h2oco2(jlBegin:jl,:,:), colco2(jlBegin:jl,:), colh2o(jlBegin:jl,:), coln2o(jlBegin:jl,:), coldry(jlBegin:jl,:), &
347                                    rrpk_fac0(jlBegin:jl,:,:), rrpk_fac1(jlBegin:jl,:,:), minorfrac(jlBegin:jl,:), &
348                                    forfac(jlBegin:jl,:),forfrac(jlBegin:jl,:),           &
349                                    jp(jlBegin:jl,:), rrpk_jt(jlBegin:jl,:,:), (igpt-ngs(ngb(igpt)-1)), &
350                                    indfor(jlBegin:jl,:), indminor(jlBegin:jl,:), &
351                                    rrpk_taug03(jlBegin:jl,:),fracs(jlBegin:jl,:,ig))
352                                !print *,"End Computing"
353                        END DO
354                        CALL system_clock(stop_clock, rate_clock)
355                        overall_time=overall_time + (stop_clock-start_clock)/REAL(rate_clock)
356                ENDIF
357                IF(ngb(igpt) == 4) Then
358                        !CALL system_clock(start_clock, rate_clock)
359                        jl=kproma
360                        call taumol04_lwr(jl,laytrop(1), klev,                          &
361                            rrpk_rat_h2oco2(1:jl,:,:), colco2(1:jl,:), colh2o(1:jl,:),  coldry(1:jl,:), &
362                            rrpk_fac0(1:jl,:,:), rrpk_fac1(1:jl,:,:), minorfrac(1:jl,:), &
363                            selffac(1:jl,:),selffrac(1:jl,:),forfac(1:jl,:),forfrac(1:jl,:), &
364                            jp(1:jl,:), rrpk_jt(1:jl,:,:), (igpt-ngs(ngb(igpt)-1)), indself(1:jl,:), &
365                            indfor(1:jl,:), &
366                            rrpk_taug04(1:jl,:),fracs(1:jl,:,ig))
367                        call taumol04_upr(jl,laytrop(1), klev,                          &
368                            rrpk_rat_o3co2(1:jl,:,:), colco2(1:jl,:), colo3(1:jl,:),  coldry(1:jl,:), &
369                            rrpk_fac0(1:jl,:,:), rrpk_fac1(1:jl,:,:), minorfrac(1:jl,:), &
370                            forfac(1:jl,:),forfrac(1:jl,:),           &
371                            jp(1:jl,:), rrpk_jt(1:jl,:,:), (igpt-ngs(ngb(igpt)-1)), &
372                            indfor(1:jl,:), &
373                            rrpk_taug04(1:jl,:),fracs(1:jl,:,ig))
374                        !CALL system_clock(stop_clock, rate_clock)
375                        !overall_time=overall_time + (stop_clock-start_clock)/REAL(rate_clock)
376                ENDIF
377                DO jl = 1, kproma
378                    ib = ibs(jl, ig)
379                    igpt = igs(jl, ig)
380                    !
381                    ! Gas concentrations in colxx variables are normalized by 1.e-20_wp in lrtm_coeffs
382                    !   CFC gas concentrations (wx) need the same normalization
383                    !   Per Eli Mlawer the k values used in gas optics tables have been multiplied by 1e20
384                    wx_loc(:,:) = 1.e-20_wp * wx(jl,:,:)
385                    IF (ngb(igpt) == 3) THEN
386                        taug = rrpk_taug03(jl,:)
387                    ELSEIF (ngb(igpt) == 4) THEN
388                        taug = rrpk_taug04(jl,:)
389                    ELSE
390                        CALL gas_optics_lw(klev, igpt, play        (jl,:), wx_loc    (:,:), coldry      (jl,:), laytrop     (jl), jp  &
391                            (jl,:), jt        (jl,:), jt1         (jl,:), colh2o      (jl,:), colco2      (jl,:), colo3     (jl,:)&
392                            , coln2o      (jl,:), colco       (jl,:), colch4      (jl,:), colo2     (jl,:), colbrd      (jl,:), fac00     &
393                            (jl,:), fac01       (jl,:), fac10     (jl,:), fac11       (jl,:), rat_h2oco2  (jl,:), rat_h2oco2_1(jl,:), &
394                            rat_h2oo3 (jl,:), rat_h2oo3_1 (jl,:), rat_h2on2o  (jl,:), rat_h2on2o_1(jl,:), rat_h2och4(jl,:), rat_h2och4_1(&
395                            jl,:), rat_n2oco2  (jl,:), rat_n2oco2_1(jl,:), rat_o3co2 (jl,:), rat_o3co2_1 (jl,:), selffac     (jl,:), &
396                            selffrac    (jl,:), indself   (jl,:), forfac      (jl,:), forfrac     (jl,:), indfor      (jl,:), minorfrac (&
397                            jl,:), scaleminor  (jl,:), scaleminorn2(jl,:), indminor    (jl,:), fracs     (jl,:,ig), taug )
398                    END IF
399                    DO jk = 1, klev
400                        taut(jl,jk,ig) = taug(jk) + tauaer(jl,jk,ib)
401                    END DO
402                END DO  ! Loop over columns
403            END DO  ! Loop over g point samples - done with gas optical depth calculations
404            PRINT *, "Elapsed time (sec): ", overall_time
405            overall_time=0
406            tautot(1:kproma,:,:) = taut(1:kproma,:,:) + smp_tau(1:kproma,:,:) ! All-sky optical depth. Mask for 0 cloud optical depth?
407            !
408            ! ---  3.0 Compute radiative transfer.
409            ! --------------------------------
410            !
411            ! Initialize fluxes to zero
412            !
413            uflx(1:kproma,0:klev) = 0.0_wp
414            dflx(1:kproma,0:klev) = 0.0_wp
415            uflxc(1:kproma,0:klev) = 0.0_wp
416            dflxc(1:kproma,0:klev) = 0.0_wp
417            !
418            ! Planck function in each band at layers and boundaries
419            !
420            !IBM* ASSERT(NODEPS)
421            DO ig = 1, nbndlw
422                planklay(1:kproma,1:klev,ig) = planckfunction(tlay(1:kproma,1:klev  ),ig)
423                planklev(1:kproma,0:klev,ig) = planckfunction(tlev(1:kproma,1:klev+1),ig)
424                plankbnd(1:kproma,       ig) = planckfunction(tsfc(1:kproma         ),ig)
425            END DO
426            !
427            ! Precipitable water vapor in each column - this can affect the integration angle secdiff
428            !
429            pwvcm(1:kproma) = ((amw * sum(wkl(1:kproma,1,1:klev), dim=2)) /                        (amd * sum(coldry(1:kproma,&
430            1:klev) + wkl(1:kproma,1,1:klev), dim=2))) *                       (1.e3_wp * psfc(1:kproma)) / (1.e2_wp * grav)
431            !
432            ! Compute radiative transfer for each set of samples
433            !
434            DO ig = 1, n_gpts_ts
435                secdiff(1:kproma) = find_secdiff(ibs(1:kproma, ig), pwvcm(1:kproma))
436                !IBM* ASSERT(NODEPS)
437                DO jl = 1, kproma
438                    ib = ibs(jl,ig)
439                    layplnk(jl,1:klev) = planklay(jl,1:klev,ib)
440                    levplnk(jl,0:klev) = planklev(jl,0:klev,ib)
441                    bndplnk(jl) = plankbnd(jl,       ib)
442                    srfemis(jl) = emis    (jl,       ib)
443                END DO
444                !
445                ! All sky fluxes
446                !
447                CALL lrtm_solver(kproma, kbdim, klev, tautot(:,:,ig), layplnk, levplnk, fracs(:,:,ig), secdiff, bndplnk, srfemis, &
448                zgpfu, zgpfd)
449                uflx(1:kproma,0:klev) = uflx (1:kproma,0:klev)                              + zgpfu(1:kproma,0:klev) * gpt_scaling
450                dflx(1:kproma,0:klev) = dflx (1:kproma,0:klev)                              + zgpfd(1:kproma,0:klev) * gpt_scaling
451                !
452                ! Clear-sky fluxes
453                !
454                IF (l_do_sep_clear_sky) THEN
455                    !
456                    ! Remove clouds and do second RT calculation
457                    !
458                    CALL lrtm_solver(kproma, kbdim, klev, taut (:,:,ig), layplnk, levplnk, fracs(:,:,ig), secdiff, bndplnk, &
459                    srfemis, zgpcu, zgpcd)
460                    uflxc(1:kproma,0:klev) = uflxc(1:kproma,0:klev) + zgpcu(1:kproma,0:klev) * gpt_scaling
461                    dflxc(1:kproma,0:klev) = dflxc(1:kproma,0:klev) + zgpcd(1:kproma,0:klev) * gpt_scaling
462                    ELSE
463                    !
464                    ! Accumulate fluxes by excluding cloudy subcolumns, weighting to account for smaller sample size
465                    !
466                    !IBM* ASSERT(NODEPS)
467                    DO jk = 0, klev
468                        uflxc(1:kproma,jk) = uflxc(1:kproma,jk)                                                                   &
469                                           + merge(0._wp,                                                                         &
470                                                           zgpfu(1:kproma,jk) * clrsky_scaling(1:kproma),                         &
471                                                                         colcldmask(1:kproma,ig))
472                        dflxc(1:kproma,jk) = dflxc(1:kproma,jk)                                                                   &
473                                           + merge(0._wp,                                                                         &
474                                                           zgpfd(1:kproma,jk) * clrsky_scaling(1:kproma),                         &
475                                                                         colcldmask(1:kproma,ig))
476                    END DO
477                END IF
478            END DO  ! Loop over samples
479            !
480            ! ---  3.1 If computing clear-sky fluxes from samples, flag any columns where all samples were cloudy
481            !
482            ! --------------------------------
483            IF (.not. l_do_sep_clear_sky) THEN
484                !IBM* ASSERT(NODEPS)
485                DO jl = 1, kproma
486                    IF (all(colcldmask(jl,:))) THEN
487                        uflxc(jl,0:klev) = rad_undef
488                        dflxc(jl,0:klev) = rad_undef
489                    END IF
490                END DO
491            END IF
492        END SUBROUTINE lrtm
493        !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
495        elemental FUNCTION planckfunction(temp, band)
496            !
497            ! Compute the blackbody emission in a given band as a function of temperature
498            !
499            REAL(KIND=wp), intent(in) :: temp
500            INTEGER, intent(in) :: band
501            REAL(KIND=wp) :: planckfunction
502            INTEGER :: index
503            REAL(KIND=wp) :: fraction
504            index = min(max(1, int(temp - 159._wp)),180)
505            fraction = temp - 159._wp - float(index)
506            planckfunction = totplanck(index, band)                    + fraction * (totplanck(index+1, band) - totplanck(index, &
507            band))
508            planckfunction = planckfunction * delwave(band)
509        END FUNCTION planckfunction
510    END MODULE mo_lrtm_driver