1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1994-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 /** \file optimize.h
19     \brief arious definitions for the optimizer module
20 */
22 /*  DEBUG-controlled -q stuff  */
24 #define OPTDBG(x, y) (DEBUG && DBGBIT(x, y))
26 /* * * * *  symbol table macros for just the optimizer  * * * * */
29 /* FTN's storage classes */
30 #define IS_LCL(s) (SCG(s) == SC_LOCAL || SCG(s) == SC_PRIVATE)
31 #define IS_EXTERN(s) (SC_ISCMBLK(SCG(s)) || SCG(s) == SC_EXTERN)
32 #define IS_STATIC(s) (SCG(s) == SC_STATIC)
33 #define IS_CMNBLK(s) (SC_ISCMBLK(SCG(s)))
34 #define IS_DUM(s) (SCG(s) == SC_DUMMY)
35 #define IS_LCL_OR_DUM(s) (IS_LCL(s) || IS_DUM(s))
36 #define IS_REGARG(s) (REGARGG(s) && REDUCG(s))
38 #define IS_PRIVATE(s) (SCG(s) == SC_PRIVATE)
40 /* * * * *  storage allocation macros  * * * * */
42 #define OPT_ALLOC(stgb, dt, sz) \
43   {                             \
44     NEW(stgb.stg_base, dt, sz); \
45     stgb.stg_size = sz;         \
46   }
48 #define OPT_NEXT(stb) stb.stg_avail++
50 #define OPT_NEED(stb, dt, sz)                                               \
51   {                                                                         \
52     NEED(stb.stg_avail, stb.stg_base, dt, stb.stg_size, stb.stg_size + sz); \
53   }
55 #define OPT_FREE(stb)    \
56   {                      \
57     FREE(stb.stg_base);  \
58     stb.stg_base = NULL; \
59     stb.stg_size = 0;    \
60     stb.stg_avail = 0;   \
61   }
63 typedef unsigned short US;
65 /* * * * *  getitem (salloc.c) Areas Used  * * * * */
67 #define PSI_AREA 0    /* pred/succ area */
68 #define BUCKET_AREA 1 /* item area for dominators */
69 #define IUSE_AREA 1   /* induction use area */
70 #define TOPI_AREA 2   /* item area for topological sort */
71 #define Q_AREA 2      /* queue area (used local to a routine */
72 #define DU_AREA 3     /* definition use and use def area */
73 #define STL_AREA 5    /* store list area */
74 #define DLT_AREA                                   \
75   9 /* list of stds to be deleted in flow(); can't \
76      * be shared with flowgraph() and findloops(). \
77      */
79 /* * * * *  Queue list Item  * * * * */
81 typedef struct Q_TAG {
82   int info;
83   int flag;
84   struct Q_TAG *next;
85 } Q_ITEM;
86 #define Q_NULL NULL
87 #define GET_Q_ITEM(q) q = (Q_ITEM *)getitem(Q_AREA, sizeof(Q_ITEM))
89 /* * * * *  Predecessor/Successor Item  * * * * */
91 typedef struct PSI_TAG *PSI_P;
92 #define PSI_P_NULL NULL
94 typedef struct PSI_TAG {
95   int node;
96   union {
97     UINT all;
98     struct {
99       unsigned f1 : 1;
100       unsigned f2 : 1;
101       unsigned f3 : 1;
102       unsigned f4 : 1;
103       unsigned f5 : 1;
104       unsigned f6 : 1;
105       unsigned f7 : 1;
106       unsigned f8 : 1;
107       unsigned f9 : 1;
108       unsigned f10 : 1;
109       unsigned f11 : 1;
110       unsigned f12 : 1;
111       unsigned f13 : 1;
112       unsigned f14 : 1;
113       unsigned f15 : 1;
114       unsigned f16 : 1;
115     } bits;
116   } flags;
117   PSI_P next;
118 } PSI;
120 #define PSI_NODE(i) ((i)->node)
121 #define PSI_ALL(i) ((i)->flags.all)
122 #define PSI_FT(i) ((i)->flags.bits.f1)
123 #define PSI_ZTRP(i) ((i)->flags.bits.f2)
124 #define PSI_EXIT(i) ((i)->flags.bits.f4)
125 #define PSI_NEXT(i) ((i)->next)
126 #define GET_PSI(i) i = (PSI *)getitem(PSI_AREA, sizeof(PSI))
128 /* * * * *  Bit Vector Set Representation  * * * * */
130 #define BITS_PER_BYTE 8
132 typedef int BV;
133 typedef struct {
134   BV *stg_base;
135   int stg_avail;
136   BV *nme_base;
137   int nme_avail;
138 } SET_BASE;
140 #define BV_BITS (sizeof(BV) * BITS_PER_BYTE)
142 /* * * * *  Optimizer Augmented AST * * * * */
144 typedef struct {/* foreach ast index */
145   int invar;    /* field for marking an AST invariant/variant */
146 } OAST;
148 /* * * * *  Flow Graph Node  * * * * */
150 typedef struct {
151   int lineno;  /* line number of the node */
152   int first;   /* first std in node */
153   int last;    /* last std in node */
154   int lnext;   /* next lexical node */
155   int lprev;   /* previous lexical node */
156   int dfn;     /* depth first number */
157   int dom;     /* immediate dominator */
158   int rdfn;    /* reverse graph depth first number */
159   int rdfo;    /* reverse depth first number */
160   int pdom;    /* immediate post-dominator */
161   int vtx;     /* sorted vertex-dfn array */
162   int rvtx;    /* sorted vertex-rdfn array */
163   int rdfovtx; /* sorted vertex-rdfo array */
164   int loop;    /* loop containing the node */
165   int next;    /* next in regions list */
166   int natnxt;  /* next in natural loop list */
167   int fdef;    /* first definition */
168   int scr;     /* scratch field -- BIH_ASSN for vectorizer */
169   int scr2;    /* scratch field -- BIH_RGSET for vectorizer */
170   int atomic;  /* in atomic-update region */
171   PSI_P pred;  /* predecssor list */
172   PSI_P succ;  /* successor list */
173   BV *in;
174   BV *out;
175   BV *uninited; /* set if variable is not assigned/initialized,
176                    currently ignore host program assignment */
177   int par;	/* nest level of parallelism */
178   int parloop;  /* nest level of parallelism */
179   union {
180     struct {
181       unsigned ft : 1;
182       unsigned head : 1;
183       unsigned tail : 1;
184       unsigned ex : 1;
185       unsigned en : 1;
186       unsigned xt : 1;
187       unsigned qjsr : 1; /* used only by the optimizer */
188       unsigned mexits : 1;
189       unsigned innermost : 1;
190       unsigned ztrp : 1;
191       unsigned done : 1;
192       unsigned inq : 1;
193       unsigned visited : 1;
194       unsigned ptr_store : 1; /* store via pointer */
195       unsigned jmp_tbl : 1;   /* a jump uses a jump table */
196       unsigned cs : 1;     /* in a critical section */
197       unsigned master : 1; /* in a master/serial section */
198       unsigned parsect : 1;
199       unsigned task : 1;     /* in a task */
200       unsigned ctlequiv : 1; /* control-equivalent to loop header */
201       unsigned mark : 1;
202       unsigned sdscunsafe : 1;
203       unsigned malf_lp : 1; /* in a malformed loop */
204       unsigned spare : 7;
205     } bits;
206     UINT all;
207   } flags;
208 } FG;
210 #define FG_LINENO(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].lineno
211 #define FG_STDFIRST(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].first
212 #define FG_STDLAST(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].last
214 #define FG_LNEXT(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].lnext
215 #define FG_LPREV(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].lprev
216 #define FG_DFN(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].dfn
217 #define FG_DOM(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].dom
218 #define FG_RDFN(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].rdfn
219 #define FG_RDFO(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].rdfo
220 #define FG_PDOM(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].pdom
221 #define FG_PRED(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].pred
222 #define FG_SUCC(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].succ
223 #define FG_LOOP(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].loop
224 #define FG_NEXT(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].next
225 #define FG_NATNXT(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].natnxt
226 #define FG_FDEF(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].fdef
227 #define FG_IN(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].in
228 #define FG_OUT(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].out
229 #define FG_UNINITED(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].uninited
230 #define FG_ATOMIC(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].atomic
231 #define FG_FT(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.ft
232 #define FG_HEAD(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.head
233 #define FG_TAIL(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.tail
234 #define FG_EX(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.ex
235 #define FG_EXSDSCUNSAFE(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.sdscunsafe
236 #define FG_EN(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.en
237 #define FG_XT(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.xt
238 #define FG_QJSR(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.qjsr
239 #define FG_MEXITS(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.mexits
240 #define FG_INNERMOST(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.innermost
241 #define FG_ZTRP(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.ztrp
242 #define FG_DONE(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.done
243 #define FG_INQ(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.inq
244 #define FG_VISITED(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.visited
245 #define FG_PTR_STORE(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.ptr_store
246 #define FG_JMP_TBL(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.jmp_tbl
247 #define FG_PAR(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].par
248 #define FG_CS(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.cs
249 #define FG_MASTER(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.master
250 #define FG_PARLOOP(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].parloop
251 #define FG_PARSECT(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.parsect
252 #define FG_TASK(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.task
253 #define FG_CTLEQUIV(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.ctlequiv
254 #define FG_MARK(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.mark
255 #define FG_MALF_LP(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.malf_lp
256 #define FG_ALL(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].flags.all
257 #define VTX_NODE(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].vtx
258 #define RVTX_NODE(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].rvtx
259 #define RDFOVTX_NODE(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].rdfovtx
261 /*** BIH-related flags for which there are HPF equivalents in the flowgraph ***/
262 /*** Needed for modules which are shared with pghpf                         ***/
263 #define FG_BIH(i) (i)
264 #define FG_TO_BIH(i) FG_BIH(i)
265 #define BIH_TO_FG(i) (i)
266 #define BIH_LINENO(i) FG_LINENO(i)
267 #define BIH_LABEL(i) FG_LABEL(i)
268 #define BIH_ILTFIRST(i) FG_STDFIRST(i)
269 #define BIH_ILTLAST(i) FG_STDLAST(i)
270 #define BIH_NEXT(i) FG_LNEXT(i)
271 #define BIH_PREV(i) FG_LPREV(i)
272 #define BIH_ASSN(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].scr
273 #define BIH_RGSET(i) opt.fgb.stg_base[i].scr2
274 #define BIH_FLAGS(i) FG_FLAGS(i)
275 #define BIH_FT(i) FG_FT(i)
276 #define BIH_EN(i) FG_EN(i)
277 #define BIH_EX(i) FG_EX(i)
279 #define BIH_XT(i) FG_XT(i)
280 #define BIH_ZTRP(i) FG_ZTRP(i)
281 #define BIH_HEAD(i) FG_HEAD(i)
282 #define BIH_TAIL(i) FG_TAIL(i)
284 #define BIH_QJSR(i) FG_QJSR(i)
285 #define BIH_MEXITS(i) FG_MEXITS(i)
286 #define BIH_PAR(i) FG_PAR(i)
287 #define BIH_CS(i) FG_CS(i)
288 #define BIH_MASTER(i) FG_MASTER(i)
289 #define BIH_PARLOOP(i) FG_PARLOOP(i)
290 #define BIH_PARSECT(i) FG_PARSECT(i)
291 #define BIH_TASK(i) FG_TASK(i)
293 /*** ILT-related flags for which there are HPF equivalents in the STD ***/
294 /*** Needed for modules which are shared with pghpf                   ***/
296 #define NEW_NODE(after) add_fg(after)
298 /* * * * *  Flowgraph Edge  * * * * */
300 typedef struct {
301   int pred; /* the edge (pred, succ) */
302   int succ;
303   int next; /* next edge with same succ ("head"), initially -1 */
304 } EDGE;
306 #define EDGE_PRED(i) opt.rteb.stg_base[i].pred
307 #define EDGE_SUCC(i) opt.rteb.stg_base[i].succ
308 #define EDGE_NEXT(i) opt.rteb.stg_base[i].next
309 #define NUM_RTE (opt.rteb.stg_avail)
311 /* * * * *  Stores in a Loop  * * * * */
313 typedef struct {/* store table entry */
314   int nm;       /* names of item being stored */
315   INT16 type;   /* type of store:
316                  * 0 - addr is "constant"
317                  * 1 - addr is "variable"
318                  */
319   UINT16 next;  /* next store item in loop; 0 terminates list */
320 } STORE;
322 #define STORE_NM(i) opt.storeb.stg_base[i].nm
323 #define STORE_TYPE(i) opt.storeb.stg_base[i].type
324 #define STORE_NEXT(i) opt.storeb.stg_base[i].next
326 typedef struct STL_TAG {/* list item for stores in a loop */
327   UINT16 store;         /* index into store table of first store */
328   INT16 unused;
329   struct STL_TAG *nextsibl; /* next STL for any sibling loops
330                              * ie. (next node in parent's child list
331                              */
332   struct STL_TAG *childlst; /* child list STL for any nested loops */
333 } STL;
335 /* * * * *  Loop Table  * * * * */
337 typedef struct {
338   int level;   /* level number of loop */
339   int parent;  /* parent of loop */
340   int head;    /* head (FG node) of the loop */
341   int tail;    /* tail (FG node) of the loop */
342   int fg;      /* head of the region list */
343   int loop;    /* loop for the sorted list */
344   int edge;    /* retreating edge index */
345   int child;   /* loop immediately enclosed by loop; 0 if
346                 * innermost
347                 */
348   int sibling; /* next loop at the same level of the loop;
349                 * the loops immediately enclosed by a loop
350                 * are represented by the list beginning with
351                 * child, and linked using the sibling field.
352                 * a sibling value of 0 terminates the list.
353                 */
354   int parloop; /* loop is to be executed in parallel; nest level of parallelism */
355   union {
356     struct {
357       unsigned innermost : 1;    /* loop is an innermost loop */
358       unsigned callfg : 1;       /* loop or any enclosed loop contains
359                                   * external calls
360                                   */
361       unsigned ext_store : 1;    /* loop or any enclosed loop contains a
362                                   * store into an external variable or a
363                                   * variable with its & taken
364                                   */
365       unsigned ptr_store : 1;    /* loop or any enclosed loop contains a
366                                   * store via a pointer
367                                   */
368       unsigned zerotrip : 1;     /* loop was converted from a
369                                   * while or for to if-do-while
370                                   */
371       unsigned ptr_load : 1;     /* loop or any enclosed loop contains a
372                                   * load via a pointer
373                                   */
374       unsigned nobla : 1;        /* loop or any enclosed loop contains a
375                                   * block with its BIH_NOBLA flag set.
376                                   */
377       unsigned qjsr : 1;         /* loop or any enclosed loop contains a
378                                   * block with BIH_QJSR set
379                                   */
380       unsigned mexits : 1;       /* loop contains multiple exits */
381       unsigned jmp_tbl : 1;      /* loop or any enclosed loop contains a
382                                   * jump using a jump tbl
383                                   */
384       unsigned invarif : 1;      /* invarif loop optz. performed for loop or
385                                   * a descendant
386                                   */
387       unsigned cs : 1;           /* region contains a block with BIH_CS set;
388                                   * not propagated to its parent's LP_CS.
389                                   */
390       unsigned csect : 1;        /* loop or any enclosed loop contains a block
391                                   * with BIH_CS set.
392                                   */
393       unsigned mark : 1;         /* general save area */
394       unsigned forall : 1;       /* loop is a forall 'loop' */
395       unsigned master : 1;       /* loop contains a master/serial region */
396       unsigned parregn : 1;      /* region contains a block with BIH_PAR set:
397                                   * 1.  the loop may be a parallel loop
398                                   *     (LP_PARLOOP is set),
399                                   * 2.  the loop is not executed in parallel
400                                   *     but contains a parallel region (the
401                                   *     loop's head BIH_PAR is not set),
402                                   * 3.  the loop is contained within a parallel
403                                   *     region (the LP_PARLOOP is not set).
404                                   */
405       unsigned parsect : 1;      /* region contains a block with BIH_PARSECT
406                                   * set.
407                                   */
408       unsigned callinternal : 1; /* contains call to internal subprogram */
409       unsigned xtndrng : 1;      /* extended range loop */
410       unsigned cncall : 1;       /* all calls in loop are call safe */
411       unsigned vollab : 1;       /* loop contains block labeled volatile */
412       unsigned sdscunsafe : 1;   /* loop contains a call to a routine that
413                                   * modifies section descriptors
414                                   */
415       unsigned task : 1;         /* loop contains a task */
416       unsigned tail_aexe : 1;    /* tail is always executed */
417       unsigned spare : 6;
418     } bits;
419     UINT all;
420   } flags;
421   STL *stl;        /* list of stores in loop and
422                     * contained loops
423                     */
424   BV *lin;         /* set of variables live-in to loop */
425   BV *lout;        /* set of variables live-out of loop */
426   PSI_P exits;     /* list of natural loop exits - for live var*/
427   Q_ITEM *stl_par; /* list of nmes of non-private vars which are
428                     * assigned while in a critical section of
429                     * a loop or a contained loop, a parallel
430                     * section of a loop or a contained loop,
431                     * or in a parallel region.
432                     */
433   int count;       /* number of loops enclosed by the loop,
434                     * inclusive.
435                     */
436   int hstdf;       /* invariant: list of stmt will be hoisted out of loop */
437   int dstdf;       /* invariant: deallocate stmts will drop out of loop */
438 } LP;
440 #define LP_LEVEL(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].level
441 #define LP_PARENT(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].parent
442 #define LP_HEAD(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].head
443 #define LP_TAIL(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].tail
444 #define LP_FG(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].fg
445 #define LP_LOOP(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].loop
446 #define LP_EDGE(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].edge
447 #define LP_CHILD(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].child
448 #define LP_SIBLING(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].sibling
449 #define LP_RGSET(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].rgset
450 #define LP_INNERMOST(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.innermost
451 #define LP_CALLFG(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.callfg
452 #define LP_CALLSDSCUNSAFE(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.sdscunsafe
453 #define LP_CALLINTERNAL(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.callinternal
454 #define LP_EXT_STORE(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.ext_store
455 #define LP_PTR_STORE(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.ptr_store
456 #define LP_PTR_LOAD(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.ptr_load
457 #define LP_ZEROTRIP(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.zerotrip
458 #define LP_NOBLA(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.nobla
459 #define LP_QJSR(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.qjsr
460 #define LP_MEXITS(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.mexits
461 #define LP_JMP_TBL(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.jmp_tbl
462 #define LP_INVARIF(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.invarif
463 #define LP_PARLOOP(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].parloop
464 #define LP_CS(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.cs
465 #define LP_CSECT(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.csect
466 #define LP_MARK(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.mark
467 #define LP_FORALL(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.forall
468 #define LP_MASTER(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.master
469 #define LP_PARREGN(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.parregn
470 #define LP_PARSECT(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.parsect
471 #define LP_XTNDRNG(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.xtndrng
472 #define LP_CNCALL(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.cncall
473 #define LP_VOLLAB(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.vollab
474 #define LP_TASK(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.task
475 #define LP_TAIL_AEXE(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.tail_aexe
476 #define LP_ALL(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].flags.all
477 #define LP_STL(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].stl
478 #define LP_LIN(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].lin
479 #define LP_LOUT(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].lout
480 #define LP_EXITS(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].exits
481 #define LP_STL_PAR(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].stl_par
482 #define LP_COUNT(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].count
483 #define LP_HSTDF(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].hstdf
484 #define LP_DSTDF(i) opt.lpb.stg_base[i].dstdf
486 typedef struct UD_TAG {/* def list for a use */
487   int def;             /* index into def table */
488   struct UD_TAG *next;
489 } UD;
491 /* * * * *  Scalar Uses  * * * * */
493 typedef struct {/* use table entry */
494   int nm;
495   int fg;
496   int std;
497   int ast;              /* A_ID ast of the use */
498   int addr;             /* address ast of the use */
499   union {
500     int all;
501     struct {
502       unsigned exposed : 1; /* use is reached from the beginning
503                              * of the block
504                              */
505       unsigned cse : 1;     /* use is cse of a variable which is
506                              * due to the postfix operator
507                              */
508       unsigned precise : 1; /* address is precise/function-invariant */
509       unsigned arg : 1;     /* use is an argument use */
510       unsigned doinit : 1;  /* use created when creating a doinit def */
511       unsigned mark1 : 1;   /* mark used by fusion, others? */
512       unsigned mark2 : 1;   /* mark used by fusion, others? */
513       unsigned loop : 1;    /* added at loop entry */
514       unsigned aggr : 1;    /* use is of an aggregate */
515     } bits;
516   } flags;
517   UD *ud;               /* defs reaching this use */
518 } USE;
520 #define USE_NM(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].nm
521 #define USE_FG(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].fg
522 #define USE_STD(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].std
523 #define USE_AST(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].ast
524 #define USE_ADDR(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].addr
525 #define USE_EXPOSED(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.exposed
526 #define USE_CSE(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.cse
527 #define USE_PRECISE(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.precise
528 #define USE_ARG(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.arg
529 #define USE_DOINIT(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.doinit
530 #define USE_MARK1(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.mark1
531 #define USE_MARK2(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.mark2
532 #define USE_LOOPENTRY(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.loop
533 #define USE_AGGR(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.aggr
534 #define USE_UD(i) opt.useb.stg_base[i].ud
536 typedef struct DU_TAG {/* use list for a definition */
537   int use;             /* index into use table */
538   struct DU_TAG *next;
539 } DU;
541 /* * * * *  Scalar Definitions  * * * * */
542 /*  NOTES:
543  *  A called function implicitly defines those variables which can be affected
544  *  by a call (e.g., variables, file static variables, &, etc.).  In
545  *  order to track these implicit definitions, definition 1 is reserved as
546  *  the def implied by a call.  If a block contains a call, definition 1 will
547  *  be in its GEN set.  We use just 1 definition instead of adding definitions
548  *  for each of the call-affected variables to the block containing the call.
549  *  The IN and OUT sets of a block will contain this def if any call can reach
550  *  the block.
551  *  A store via pointer implicitly defines those variables whose address
552  *  has been taken.  Definition 2 is reserved as the def implied by a store
553  *  via a pointer.  If a block contains a store via a pointer, def 2 will be
554  *  in its GEN set.
555  *
556  *  Definition 3 is the first user def.
557  */
558 typedef struct {/* def table entry */
559   int fg;
560   int std;
561   int nm;
562   int lhs;   /* lefthand side of the def - A_ID ast of the
563               * destination */
564   int addr;  /* address ast of the destination */
565   int rhs;   /* righthand side of the def - source ast */
566   int next;  /* next def for this names */
567   int lnext; /* next definition in fg; 0 terminates list*/
568   union {
569     UINT all;
570     struct {
571       unsigned gen : 1;     /* def reaches end of the block */
572       unsigned cnst : 1;    /* def's value is a constant. */
573       unsigned delete : 1;  /* def has been deleted */
574       unsigned self : 1;    /* sym defined appears in def expr */
575       unsigned confl : 1;   /* def's msize conflicts with a use's msize */
576       unsigned doinit : 1;  /* initial def for a do/forall */
577       unsigned doend : 1;   /* increment def for a enddo/endforall */
578       unsigned arg : 1;     /* sym appears as an actual argument*/
579       unsigned other : 1;   /* other implicit def: allocate status, etc. */
580       unsigned precise : 1; /* address is precise/function-invariant */
581       unsigned mark1 : 1;
582       unsigned mark2 : 1;
583       unsigned loop : 1;    /* added at loop entry */
584       unsigned aggr : 1;    /* def is of an aggregate */
585     } bits;
586   } flags;
587   DU *du;   /* uses reached by this def */
588   DU *csel; /* cse uses not reached by this def; occurs
589              * for postfix expressions:  i = j = k++;
590              * k's csel includes the cse uses of k stored
591              * into i and j.
592              */
593 } DEF;
595 #define DEF_FG(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].fg
596 #define DEF_STD(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].std
597 #define DEF_NM(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].nm
598 #define DEF_LHS(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].lhs
599 #define DEF_ADDR(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].addr
600 #define DEF_RHS(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].rhs
601 #define DEF_NEXT(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].next
602 #define DEF_LNEXT(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].lnext
603 #define DEF_ALL(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.all
604 #define DEF_GEN(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.gen
605 #define DEF_CONST(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.cnst
606 #define DEF_DELETE(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.delete
607 #define DEF_SELF(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.self
608 #define DEF_CONFL(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.confl
609 #define DEF_DOINIT(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.doinit
610 #define DEF_DOEND(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.doend
611 #define DEF_ARG(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.arg
612 #define DEF_OTHER(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.other
613 #define DEF_PRECISE(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.precise
614 #define DEF_MARK1(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.mark1
615 #define DEF_MARK2(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.mark2
616 #define DEF_LOOPENTRY(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.loop
617 #define DEF_AGGR(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].flags.bits.aggr
618 #define DEF_DU(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].du
619 #define DEF_CSEL(i) opt.defb.stg_base[i].csel
621 /* Predefined defs.
622  * Define def values for the definition implied by a call, a store via a
623  * pointer and the first user definition.
624  */
625 #define CALL_DEF 1
626 #define PTR_STORE_DEF 2
627 #define QJSR_DEF 3
628 #define FIRST_DEF 4
630 /* * * * *  Invariant ILI Attributes * * * * */
632 #define NOT_INV -1
633 #define INV -2
634 #define T_INV -3 /* probably not used */
636 #define AST_INVG(i) opt.astb.stg_base[i].invar
637 #define AST_INVP(i, j) opt.astb.stg_base[i].invar = (j)
638 #define AST_ISINV(i) (AST_INVG(i) < -1)
639 #define AST_ISINV_TEMP(i) (AST_INVG(i) < -1)
640 #define IS_INVARIANT(i) (AST_ISINV(i) || AST_ISINV_TEMP(i))
642 #define ILI_ISINV(i) AST_ISINV(i)
644 /* * * * *  optimizer global data  * * * * */
646 typedef struct {
647   int num_nodes; /* number of nodes in a flow graph */
648   int dfn;       /* number of nodes which have dfn's */
649   STG_DECLARE(fgb, FG); /* flow graph memory area */
650   STG_DECLARE(rteb, EDGE);
651   int exitfg;  /* fg of a functions's exit block */
652   int nloops;  /* number of loops in a function */
653   STG_DECLARE(lpb, LP); /* pointer to loop table */
654   STG_DECLARE(storeb, STORE);
655   STG_DECLARE(defb, DEF);
656   STG_DECLARE(useb, USE);
657   STG_DECLARE(invb, int);
658   int nsyms;
659   int ndefs;
660   SET_BASE def_setb;
661   int pre_fg;     /* preheader flowgraph node of a loop */
662   int exit_fg;    /* exit flowgraph node of a loop */
663   int rat;        /* rat pointer for the current loop */
664   int head_label; /* counter for new loop header labels */
665   int exit_label; /* counter for exit block labels */
666   struct {        /* countable loop info found in induction
667                    * and used by peephole
668                    */
669     int top;      /* label of top of loop */
670     int cnt;      /* ast ptr of loop count */
671     int cnt_sym;  /* loop count temporary if reg is needed */
672     int skip;     /* ast ptr of loop skip */
673     int branch;   /* branch ast to be replaced */
674   } cntlp;
675   int zstride_ast; /* list of ZSTRIDE check ast which need to be
676                     * added before a loop; uses an undefined
677                     * operand (# MAX_OPNDS) to link together
678                     * (cleared when added ast added to block).
679                     */
680   int sc;          /* storage class used for optimizer-created
681                     * temporaries (SC_LOCAL, SC_PRIVATE).
682                     */
683   STG_DECLARE(astb, OAST);
684 } OPT;
686 OPT opt;
688 /*****  optimize.c *****/
689 void optshrd_init(void);
690 void optshrd_finit(void);
691 void optshrd_fend(void);
692 void optshrd_end(void);
694 #define HLOPT_INDUC 0x1
695 #define HLOPT_ENDTEST 0x2
696 #define HLOPT_ALL 0x3 /* 'or' of all HLOPT_... bits */
697 void hlopt_init(int);
698 void hlopt_end(int, int);
700 void optimize(int);
701 void add_loop_preheader(int);
702 void add_loop_exit(int);
703 void add_single_loop_exit(int);
705 /*****  fgraph.c *****/
706 void flowgraph(void);
707 int add_fg(int);
708 void delete_fg(int);
709 PSI_P add_succ(int, int);
710 PSI_P add_pred(int, int);
711 void rm_edge(int, int);
712 int add_to_parent(int, int);
713 void dump_node(int);
714 void rdilts(int);
715 void wrilts(int);
716 void unlnkilt(int, int, int);
717 void delilt(int);
718 void dmpilt(int);
719 void dump_flowgraph(void);
721 /*****  findloop.c *****/
722 #include "findloop.h"
724 /*****  flow.c *****/
725 void flow(void);
726 void flow_end(void);
727 int update_stl(int, int);
728 LOGICAL is_live_in(int, int);
729 LOGICAL is_live_out(int, int);
730 void delete_stores(void);
731 void use_before_def(void);
732 void add_new_uses(int, int, int, int);
734 /*****  invar.c *****/
735 void invariant(int);
736 void invariant_nomotion(int);
737 void invariant_mark(int, int);
738 void invariant_unmark(void);
739 void invariant_unmarkv(void);
740 LOGICAL is_invariant(int);
741 LOGICAL is_sym_invariant_safe(int, int);
743 /*****  induc.c *****/
744 void induction_init(void);
745 void induction_end(void);
746 void induction(int);
747 int get_loop_count(int);
748 void compute_last_values(int, int);
749 void end_loop_count(void);
751 /*****  optutil.c *****/
752 void bv_zero(int *, int);
753 void bv_copy(int *, int *, int);
754 void bv_union(int *, int *, int);
755 void bv_sub(int *, int *, int);
756 void bv_set(int *, int);
757 void bv_off(int *, int);
758 LOGICAL bv_notequal(int *, int *, int);
759 LOGICAL bv_mem(int *, int);
760 void bv_print(int *, int);
761 int get_otemp(void);
762 LOGICAL is_optsym(int);
763 LOGICAL is_sym_optsafe(int, int);
764 LOGICAL is_sym_live_safe(int, int);
765 LOGICAL is_call_safe(int);
766 LOGICAL is_ptr_safe(int);
767 LOGICAL is_sym_ptrsafe(int);
768 int pred_of_loop(int);
769 int find_rdef(int, int, LOGICAL);
770 LOGICAL is_sym_exit_live(int);
771 LOGICAL is_sym_imp_live(int);
772 LOGICAL is_sym_entry_live(int);
773 LOGICAL is_store_via_ptr(int);
774 LOGICAL can_copy_def(int, int, LOGICAL);
775 LOGICAL def_ok(int, int, int);
776 LOGICAL is_avail_expr(int, int, int, int, int);
777 LOGICAL is_call_in_path(int, int, int, int);
778 LOGICAL is_ptr_in_path(int, int, int, int);
779 LOGICAL single_ud(int);
780 LOGICAL only_one_ud(int);
781 LOGICAL is_def_imp_live(int);
782 void rm_def_rloop(int, int);
783 int copy_to_loop(int, int);
784 void points_to(void);         /* pointsto.c */
785 void f90_fini_pointsto(void); /* pointsto.c */
786 LOGICAL lhs_needtmp(int, int, int);
787 void postdominators(void);
788 void findlooptopsort(void);
789 void reorderloops();
790 void putstdpta(int);
791 void putstdassigns(int);
792 void unconditional_branches(void);
793 void bv_intersect(BV *a, BV *b, UINT len);
794 void bv_intersect3(BV *a, BV *b, BV *c, UINT len);
795 void optimize_alloc(void);                     /* commopt.c */
796 void points_to_anal(void);                     /* pointsto.c */
797 void fini_points_to_all(void);                 /* pointsto.c */
798 bool pta_stride1(int ptrstdx, int ptrsptr); /* pointsto.c */
799 void pstride_analysis(void);                   /* pstride.c */
800 void fini_pstride_analysis(void);              /* pstride.c */
801 void call_analyze(void);                       /* rest.c */
802 void convert_output(void);                     /* outconv.c */
803 void sectfloat(void);                          /* outconv.c */
804 void sectinline(void);                         /* outconv.c */
805 void linearize_arrays(void);                   /* outconv.c */
806 void hoist_stmt(int std, int fg, int l);       /* outconv.c */
807 void redundss(void);                           /* redundss.c */
809 /* ipa.c */
810 extern int IPA_Vestigial;
811 int IPA_isnoconflict(int sptr); /* main.c wrapper */
812 int IPA_noconflict(int sptr);   /* ipa.c */
813 void ipa_fini(void);            /* ipa.c */
814 void ipa_closefile(void);       /* ipa.c */
815 int IPA_arg_alloc(int funcsptr, int argnum);
816 int IPA_func_argalloc_safe(int sptr);
817 int IPA_func_globalalloc_safe(int sptr);
818 int IPA_safe(int sptr);
819 void ipa_restore_all(void);
820 void ipa_restore_back(void);
821 long IPA_sstride(int sptr); /* ipa.c */
822 long IPA_pstride(int sptr); /* ipa.c */
823 void ipa_mfilename(char *name);
825 /* ipasave.c */
826 void ipasave_fini(void);
827 void ipasave_closefile(void);
828 void ipasave(void);
829 int ipa_return_in_argument(int func);
830 int idsym(int cls, int id);
831 void ipasave_compname(char *, int, char **);
832 void ipasave_compsw(char *);
833 void ipasave_mfilename(char *);
835 /* dump.c */
836 void dstdp(int stdx);
837 void dumpdtypes(void);
838 void dastree(int astx);
839 void dsa(void);
840 void dast(int astx);
841 void past(int astx);
842 void dstda(void);
843 void dsym(int sptr);
844 void dstdpa(void);