1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1993-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 #ifndef SEMANT_H_
19 #define SEMANT_H_
21 /**
22    \file
23    \brief Fortran semantic analyzer data definitions.
24  */
26 #include "symtab.h"
28 #define S_NULL 0
29 #define S_CONST 1
30 #define S_EXPR 2
31 #define S_LVALUE 3
32 #define S_LOGEXPR 4
33 #define S_STAR 5
34 #define S_VAL 6
35 #define S_IDENT 7
36 #define S_LABEL 8
37 #define S_STFUNC 9
38 #define S_REF 10
39 #define S_TRIPLE 11
40 #define S_KEYWORD 12
42 #define OP_NEG 0
43 #define OP_ADD 1
44 #define OP_SUB 2
45 #define OP_MUL 3
46 #define OP_DIV 4
47 #define OP_XTOI 5
48 #define OP_XTOK 6
49 #define OP_XTOX 7
50 #define OP_CMP 8
51 #define OP_AIF 9
52 #define OP_LD 10
53 #define OP_ST 11
54 #define OP_FUNC 12
55 #define OP_CON 13
56 #define OP_CAT 14
57 #define OP_LOG 15
58 #define OP_LEQV 16
59 #define OP_LNEQV 17
60 #define OP_LOR 18
61 #define OP_LAND 19
62 #define OP_EQ 20
63 #define OP_GE 21
64 #define OP_GT 22
65 #define OP_LE 23
66 #define OP_LT 24
67 #define OP_NE 25
68 #define OP_LNOT 26
70 /* Different types of atomic actions. */
71 #define ATOMIC_UNDEF -1
72 #define ATOMIC_UPDATE 1
73 #define ATOMIC_READ 2
74 #define ATOMIC_WRITE 3
75 #define ATOMIC_CAPTURE 4
77 /*
78  * Generate lexical block debug information?  Criteria:
79  *    -debug
80  *    not -Mvect   (!flg.vect)
81  *    not -Mconcur (!XBIT(34,0x200)
82  *    lex block disabled (!XBIT(123,0x4000))
83  */
84 #define DBG_LEXBLK \
85   flg.debug && !flg.vect && !XBIT(34, 0x200) && !XBIT(123, 0x400)
87 typedef struct xyyz {
88   struct xyyz *next;
89   union {
90     int sptr;
91     int ilm;
92     struct sst *stkp;
93     INT conval;
94     ISZ_T szv;
95   } t;
96 } ITEM;
97 #define ITEM_END ((ITEM *)1)
99 typedef struct {
100   int index_var; /* do index variable */
101   int count_var;
102   int top_label;
103   int zerot_label;
104   int init_expr;
105   int limit_expr;
106   int step_expr;
107   int lastval_var;
108   int collapse;    /* collapse level if loop is within a collapse set of
109                     * loops; 1 is innermost
110                     */
111   char prev_dovar; /* DOVAR flag of index variable before it's entered */
112 } DOINFO;
114 typedef struct reduc_sym {
115   int shared;  /* shared symbol */
116   int Private; /* private copy */
117   struct reduc_sym *next;
118 } REDUC_SYM;
120 typedef struct reduc_tag { /* reduction clause item */
121   int opr;                 /* if != 0, OP_xxx value */
122   int intrin;              /* if != 0, sptr to intrinsic */
123   REDUC_SYM *list;         /* list of shared variables & private copies */
124   struct reduc_tag *next;
125 } REDUC;
127 typedef struct noscope_sym {
128   int oldsptr;
129   int newsptr;
130   int lineno;
131   bool is_dovar;
134 typedef struct { /* DO-IF stack entries */
135   int Id;
136   int lineno;     /* beginning line# of control structure */
137   int nest;       /* bit vector indicating the structures are present
138                    * in the stack including the current structure
139                    */
140   int name;       /* index into the symbol names area representing the
141                    * name of the construct; 0 if construct is not named.
142                    */
143   int exit_label; /* For a DO loop, the label (target) of an EXIT
144                    * stmt; 0 if the EXIT stmt is not present.
145                    * For block-if construct, the label of the
146                    * statement after the matching endif; created
147                    * if else-if is present; 0 if else-if not present.
148                    * For a case-construct, label of the statement after
149                    * the case construct
150                    */
151   union {
152     struct { /* IF statements */
153       int false_lab;
154     } u1;
155     struct { /* DO statements */
156       int do_label;
157       int cycle_label;
158       DOINFO *doinfo;
159     } u2;
160   } u;
161   struct {                      /* OpenMP stuff */
162     REDUC *reduc;               /* reductions for parallel constructs */
163     REDUC_SYM *lastprivate;     /* lastprivate for parallel constructs */
164     ITEM *allocated;            /* list of allocated private variables */
165     ITEM *dfltal;               /* list of default private/firstprivate
166                                  * allocated variables.
167                                  */
168     REDUC_SYM *dfltfp;          /* list of default firstprivate variables */
169     NOSCOPE_SYM *no_scope_base; /* list of variables without scope
170                                  * with default(none)
171                                  */
172     int no_scope_avail;
173     int no_scope_size;
175     union {
176       struct {        /* parallel sections */
177         int sect_lab; /* sptr of label beginning a SECTIONS
178                        * or SECTION. sptr of the global
179                        * semaphore variable created for
180                        * CRITICAL <ident>
181                        */
182         int sect_cnt; /* number of SECTION blocks */
183         int sect_var; /* where to store section number */
184       } v1;
185       struct {           /* parallel do statements */
186         int sched_type;  /* one of DI_SCHxxx if a parallel do */
187         int chunk;       /* When the parallel do is parsed, this
188                           * field is the sptr representing the chunk size
189                           * (0 if not present). When the parallel do's
190                           * corresponding DO statement is processed, this
191                           * field, possibly NULL, is a 'doinfo' record whose
192                           * interpretation depends on the scheduling type:
193                           *     DI_SCH_STATIC - information for iterating
194                           *                     thru a chunk.
195                           *     Other         - information for the outer
196                           *                     scheduling loop.
197                           */
198         bool is_ordered; /* loop has the ordered attribute */
199       } v2;
200     } v;
201   } omp;
202 } DOIF;
204 #define DI_IF 0
205 #define DI_DO 1
206 #define DI_DOW 2
207 #define DI_PAR 3
208 #define DI_PARDO 4
209 #define DI_PDO 5
210 #define DI_DOACROSS 6
211 #define DI_PARSECTS 7
212 #define DI_SECTS 8
213 #define DI_SINGLE 9
214 #define DI_CRITICAL 10
215 #define DI_MASTER 11
216 #define DI_ORDERED 12
217 #define DI_TASK 13
218 #define DI_ATOMIC_CAPTURE 14
220 #define DI_SCH_STATIC 0
221 #define DI_SCH_DYNAMIC 1
222 #define DI_SCH_GUIDED 2
223 #define DI_SCH_INTERLEAVE 3
224 #define DI_SCH_RUNTIME 4
225 #define DI_SCH_AUTO 5
226 #define DI_SCH_DIST_STATIC 6
228 #define DI_ID(d) sem.doif_base[d].Id
229 #define DI_LINENO(d) sem.doif_base[d].lineno
230 #define DI_NEST(d) sem.doif_base[d].nest
231 #define DI_NAME(d) sem.doif_base[d].name
232 #define DI_EXIT_LAB(d) sem.doif_base[d].exit_label
233 #define DI_FALSE_LAB(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.false_lab
234 #define DI_DO_LABEL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u2.do_label
235 #define DI_CYCLE_LABEL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u2.cycle_label
236 #define DI_DOINFO(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u2.doinfo
237 #define DI_SECT_LAB(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.v.v1.sect_lab
238 #define DI_SECT_CNT(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.v.v1.sect_cnt
239 #define DI_SECT_VAR(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.v.v1.sect_var
240 #define DI_NOSCOPE_BASE(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.no_scope_base
241 #define DI_NOSCOPE_SIZE(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.no_scope_size
242 #define DI_NOSCOPE_AVL(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.no_scope_avail
243 #define DI_CRITSYM(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.v.v1.sect_lab
244 #define DI_SCHED_TYPE(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.v.v2.sched_type
245 #define DI_CHUNK(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.v.v2.chunk
246 #define DI_IS_ORDERED(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.v.v2.is_ordered
247 #define DI_REDUC(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.reduc
248 #define DI_LASTPRIVATE(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.lastprivate
249 #define DI_ALLOCATED(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.allocated
250 #define DI_DFLT_ALLOCATED(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.dfltal
251 #define DI_DFLT_FIRSTPRIVATE(d) sem.doif_base[d].omp.dfltfp
252 #define DI_B(t) (1 << t)
253 #define DI_IN_NEST(d, t) (DI_NEST(d) & DI_B(t))
255 #define NEED_LOOP(df, typ)                                               \
256   {                                                                      \
257     df = ++sem.doif_depth;                                               \
258     NEED(df + 1, sem.doif_base, DOIF, sem.doif_size, sem.doif_size + 8); \
259     DI_EXIT_LAB(df) = DI_CYCLE_LABEL(df) = 0;                            \
260     DI_NAME(df) = 0;                                                     \
261     DI_LINENO(df) = gbl.lineno;                                          \
262     DI_ID(df) = typ;                                                     \
263     DI_NOSCOPE_AVL(df) = 0;                                              \
264     DI_NOSCOPE_SIZE(df) = 0;                                             \
265     DI_NOSCOPE_BASE(df) = NULL;                                          \
266     DI_NEST(df) = DI_NEST(df - 1) | DI_B(typ);                           \
267   }
269 /* Define Initializer Variable List */
270 typedef struct VAR { /* used for elements of dinit variable list */
271   short id;
272 #define Dostart 0
273 #define Doend 1
274 #define Varref 2
275   union {
276     struct {
277       int indvar;
278       int lowbd, upbd;
279       int step;
280     } dostart;
281     struct {
282       struct VAR *dostart;
283     } doend;
284     struct {
285       /* Semantic stack info for variable reference */
286       int id;
287       int ptr; /* May be symbol ptr or ilm ptr */
288       DTYPE dtype;
289       int shape;
290     } varref;
291   } u;
292   struct VAR *next;
293 } VAR;
295 /* Define Initializer Constant Tree */
296 typedef struct CONST CONST;
298 typedef struct {
299   SPTR index_var; /* sptr of index variable */
300   CONST *initval;
301   CONST *limitval;
302   CONST *stepval;
303 } IDOINFO;
305 typedef struct AEXPR {
306   int op;
307   CONST *lop;
308   CONST *rop;
309 } AEXPR;
311 struct CONST {
312   char id;
313   CONST *next;
314   CONST *subc;
315   ISZ_T repeatc;
316   SPTR sptr;
317   SPTR mbr; /* will be the sptr of the member when the initializer is an IDENT
318              * (presumbably, a PARAMETER) */
319   DTYPE dtype;
320   int no_dinitp;
321   union {
322     INT conval;
323     AEXPR expr;
324     IDOINFO ido;
325   } u1;
326 };
328 /***** KEEP AC values consistent with the front-end *****/
329 #define AC_IDENT 1
330 #define AC_CONST 2
331 #define AC_EXPR 3  /* SST expr */
332 #define AC_IEXPR 4 /* AC expression */
333 #define AC_AST 5
334 #define AC_IDO 6
335 #define AC_REPEAT 7
336 #define AC_ACONST 8
337 #define AC_SCONST 9
338 #define AC_LIST 10 /* only used during DATA stmt processing */
339 #define AC_VMSSTRUCT 11
340 #define AC_VMSUNION 12
341 #define AC_TYPEINIT 13
342 #define AC_ICONST                                      \
343   14 /* integer constant value, currently used to keep \
344       * intrinsic routine selector                     \
345       */
346 #define AC_CONVAL                                       \
347   15 /* Type of ACL leaf item generated by calling      \
348       * eval_init_expr/eval_init_expr_item. The conval  \
349       * field contains the results of the evaluation.   \
350       * The type of the value is a literal constant if  \
351       * the type a TY_WORD. Otherwise, the value is the \
352       * sptr of a constant.                             \
353       */
354 #define AC_ADD 1
355 #define AC_SUB 2
356 #define AC_MUL 3
357 #define AC_DIV 4
358 #define AC_EXP 5
359 #define AC_NEG 6
360 #define AC_INTR_CALL 7
361 #define AC_ARRAYREF 8
362 #define AC_MEMBR_SEL 9
363 #define AC_CONV 10
364 #define AC_CAT 11
365 #define AC_EXPK 12
366 #define AC_LEQV 13
367 #define AC_LNEQV 14
368 #define AC_LOR 15
369 #define AC_LAND 16
370 #define AC_EQ 17
371 #define AC_GE 18
372 #define AC_GT 19
373 #define AC_LE 20
374 #define AC_LT 21
375 #define AC_NE 22
376 #define AC_LNOT 23
377 #define AC_EXPX 24
378 #define AC_TRIPLE 25
380 #define AC_I_adjustl 1
381 #define AC_I_adjustr 2
382 #define AC_I_char 3
383 #define AC_I_ichar 4
384 #define AC_I_index 5
385 #define AC_I_int 6
386 #define AC_I_ishft 7
387 #define AC_I_ishftc 8
388 #define AC_I_kind 9
389 #define AC_I_lbound 10
390 #define AC_I_len 11
391 #define AC_I_len_trim 12
392 #define AC_I_nint 13
393 #define AC_I_null 14
394 #define AC_I_repeat 15
395 #define AC_I_reshape 16
396 #define AC_I_scan 17
397 #define AC_I_selected_int_kind 18
398 #define AC_I_selected_real_kind 19
399 #define AC_I_size 20
400 #define AC_I_transfer 21
401 #define AC_I_trim 22
402 #define AC_I_ubound 23
403 #define AC_I_verify 24
404 #define AC_I_shape 25
405 #define AC_I_min 26
406 #define AC_I_max 27
407 #define AC_I_fltconvert 28
408 #define AC_I_floor 29
409 #define AC_I_ceiling 30
410 #define AC_I_mod 31
411 #define AC_I_sqrt 32
412 #define AC_I_exp 33
413 #define AC_I_log 34
414 #define AC_I_log10 35
415 #define AC_I_sin 36
416 #define AC_I_cos 37
417 #define AC_I_tan 38
418 #define AC_I_asin 39
419 #define AC_I_acos 40
420 #define AC_I_atan 41
421 #define AC_I_atan2 42
422 #define AC_I_selected_char_kind 43
423 #define AC_I_abs 44
424 #define AC_I_iand 45
425 #define AC_I_ior 46
426 #define AC_I_ieor 47
427 #define AC_I_merge 48
428 #define AC_I_lshift 49
429 #define AC_I_rshift 50
430 #define AC_I_maxloc 51
431 #define AC_I_maxval 52
432 #define AC_I_minloc 53
433 #define AC_I_minval 54
434 #define AC_I_scale 55
435 #define AC_UNARY_OP(e) (e.op == AC_NEG || e.op == AC_CONV)
437 typedef struct {  /* STRUCTURE stack entries */
438   char type;      /* 's': STRUCTURE; 'u': UNION; 'm: MAP */
439   int sptr;       /* Sym ptr to field name list having this structure */
440   int dtype;      /* Pointer to structure dtype */
441   int last;       /* last member; updated by link_members */
442   CONST *ict_beg; /* Initializer Constant Tree begin */
443   CONST *ict_end; /* Initializer Constant Tree end */
444 } STSK;
445 /* access entries in STRUCTURE stack; 0 ==> top of stack, 1 ==> 1 back, etc. */
446 #define STSK_ENT(i) sem.stsk_base[sem.stsk_depth - (i)-1]
448 typedef struct equiv_var { /* variable references in EQUIVALENCE statements */
449   int sptr;
450   int lineno;
451   ITEM *subscripts;
452   ISZ_T byte_offset;
453   struct equiv_var *next;
454   /* the next field can be made smaller if more fields must be added */
455   INT is_first; /* first in a group */
456 } EQVV;
457 #define EQVV_END ((EQVV *)1)
459 /*  define structures needed for statement function processing: */
461 typedef struct _sfuse {
462   char usetyp; /* type of use:
463                 * 0 - value
464                 * 1 - address (loc intrinsic)
465                 * 2 - argument to a function
466                 */
467   struct _sfuse *next;
468   int ilm;
469 } SFUSE;
471 typedef struct arginfo {
472   int ilm[3];           /* flags/ilms corresponding to usetyp in SFUSE:
473                          * when searching for uses of the formal, marks whether or
474                          * not its value ([0]) is needed, it appears in the loc
475                          * intrinsic ([1]), or if it appears as an argument to
476                          * a function ([2]).
477                          * during evaluation, this array will locate the ilms
478                          * suitable for use as a value, loc operand, or as an
479                          * argument, respectively.
480                          */
481   int dtype;            /* data type of dummy argument  */
482   SFUSE *uses;          /* ptr to list of ITEM records locating the
483                          * the uses of this dummy arg within the ILMS
484                          */
485   struct arginfo *next; /* next argument info record */
486 } ARGINFO;
488 typedef struct {    /*  statement function descriptor  */
489   ILM_T *ilmp;      /* ptr to ILM's */
490   ARGINFO *args;    /* ptr to list of arginfo records */
491   SFUSE *links;     /* ptr to list of links to be relocated */
492   int rootilm;      /* root of expression tree, 0 if none */
493   ARGINFO *ident;   /* for s.f. of form f(a) = a, points to arginfo
494                      * record for a */
495   SFUSE *new_temps; /* ptr to list of ILMs using temps which were created
496                      * when the statement function was defined and need to
497                      * be replaced when the statement function is
498                      * referenced.
499                      */
500 } SFDSC;
502 /*
503  * define a stack for scope entries -- currently only used when entering
504  * parallel regions:
505  *   a 'zero' level scope is for the outer/subprogram level.
506  *   n > 0 - parallel nesting level.
507  * The scope stack is indexed by sem.scope.
508  */
509 typedef struct scope_sym_tag {
510   int sptr;  /* symbol appearing in the SHARED clause */
511   int scope; /* its outer scope value */
512   struct scope_sym_tag *next;
513 } SCOPE_SYM;
515 #define PAR_SCOPE_NONE 0
516 #define PAR_SCOPE_SHARED 1
517 #define PAR_SCOPE_PRIVATE 2
521 typedef struct {
522   int rgn_scope;          /* index of the scope entry of the containing
523                            * parallel region.
524                            */
525   int par_scope;          /* one of PAR_SCOPE_... */
526   int di_par;             /* index of the DOIF structure corresponding to
527                            * this scope.
528                            */
529   int sym;                /* the ST_BLOCK defining this scope */
530   int autobj;             /* list of automatic data objects for this
531                            * scope
532                            */
533   int prev_sc;            /* previous storage class */
534   SCOPE_SYM *shared_list; /* List of symbols appearing in the SHARED
535                            * clause for this scope when par_scope is
536                            * 'shared'.
537                            */
540 #define BLK_SYM(i) sem.scope_stack[i].sym
541 #define BLK_AUTOBJ(i) sem.scope_stack[i].autobj
543 /*  declare global semant variables:  */
545 typedef struct {
546   bool wrilms;        /* set to FALSE if don't need to write ILM's */
547   int doif_size;      /* size in records of DOIF stack area.  */
548   DOIF *doif_base;    /* base pointer for DOIF stack area. */
549   int doif_depth;     /* current DO-IF nesting level */
550   EQVV *eqvlist;      /* pointer to head of equivalence list */
551   int flabels;        /* pointer to list of ftn ref'd labels */
552   SPTR nml;           /* pointer to list of namelist symbols */
553   int funcval;        /* pointer to variable for function ret val */
554   int pgphase;        /* statement type seen so far:
555                        *
556                        *  0 - nothing seen yet (initial value)
557                        *  1 - SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, BLOCKDATA,
558                        *      PROGRAM
559                        *  2 - Specification statements
560                        *  3 - DATA statements or statement function
561                        *      definitions
562                        *  4 - Executable statements
563                        *  5 - END statement
564                        *
565                        *  NOTES:
566                        *     PARAMETER, NAMELIST, and IMPLICIT do not
567                        *     explicitly set pgphase unless pgphase is
568                        *     0 in which case it's set to 1. These are
569                        *     allowed between pgphases 0/1 and 2.
570                        */
571   int gdtype;         /* global data type */
572   int ogdtype;        /* original global data type (i.e. before *n
573                          modification */
574   int gcvlen;         /* global character type size */
575   int atemps;         /* avail counter for array bounds temporaries */
576   int itemps;         /* avail counter for temporaries named 'ixxx' */
577   int ptemps;         /* avail counter for inliner ptr temporaries */
578   bool savall;        /* SAVE statement w.o. symbols specified */
579   bool savloc;        /* at least one local variable SAVE'd */
580   bool none_implicit; /* insure that variables are declared - set
581                             TRUE if IMPLICIT NONE seen */
582   STSK *stsk_base;    /* base pointer for structure stack area */
583   int stsk_size;      /* size in records of structure stack area */
584   int stsk_depth;     /* current structure depth (i.e. stack top) */
585   int stag_dtype;     /* structure tag dtype pointer */
586   int psfunc;         /* next <var ref> may be lhs of statement func */
587   int dinit_error;    /* error flag during DATA stmt processing */
588   int dinit_count;    /* # elements left in current dcl id to init */
589   bool dinit_data;    /* TRUE if in DATA stmt, FALSE if type dcl or
590                             structure init stmt */
591   struct {            /* info for variable format expression */
592     int temps;        /*   counter for temporary labels */
593     int labels;       /*   pointer to list of vfe labels */
594   } vf_expr;
595   bool ignore_stmt;  /* TRUE => parser is to ignore current stmt */
596   int switch_size;   /* size of switch/CGOTO list area */
597   int switch_avl;    /* next available word in switch list area */
598   int bu_switch_avl; /* switch_avl for bottom-up Minline */
599   bool temps_reset;  /* TRUE if semant general temps can be resused */
600   bool in_stfunc;    /* in statement function def */
601   int p_adjarr;      /* pointer to list of based adjustable array-objects */
602   int in_dim;        /* in <dimension list> */
603                      /*
604                       * the following two members (bounds, and arrdim) are filled in
605                       * when semantically processing <dim list> specifiers
606                       */
607   struct {
608     int lowtype;
609     int uptype;
610     ISZ_T lowb;
611     ISZ_T upb;
612   } bounds[7];
613   struct {       /* mark assumed size and adjustable arrays */
614     int ndim;    /* number of dimensions */
615     int assumsz; /*  0, not assumed size
616                   *  1, assumed size
617                   * >1, last dimension not assumed size
618                   */
619     int adjarr;  /*  0, not adjustable array
620                   * >1, adjustable array
621                   */
622     int ndefer;  /* number of deferred dimensions (:) */
623     ILM_T *ilmp; /* ilm pointer to ilms if adjustable array */
624   } arrdim;
625   int tkntyp;        /* token effecting semant reduction */
626   struct {           /* atomic */
627     int lineno;      /* line number of atomic */
628     bool seen;       /* atomic directive just seen */
629     bool pending;    /* atomic directive not yet applied */
630     int action_type; /* (read|write|update|capture) */
631   } atomic;
632   int parallel;            /* parallel nesting level - PARALLEL, DOACROSS,
633                             * PARALLELDO, PARALLELSECTIONS:
634                             *  0 - not parallel
635                             * >0 - parallel nesting level (1 => outermost)
636                             */
637   bool expect_do;          /* next statement after DOACROSS, PDO, or
638                             * PARALLELDO needs to be a DO.
639                             */
640   bool close_pdo;          /* A DO loop for a PDO, PARALLELDO, or DOACROSS
641                             * has been processed and its removal from the
642                             * DOIF stack is delayed until the next
643                             * statement is processed.  For PDO and
644                             * PARALLELDO, the next statement may be the
645                             * optional 'end' statement for the directive.
646                             * For PDO, the decision to emit a barrier
647                             * is also delayed since its ENDDO may specify
648                             * NOWAIT.  For DOACROSS and PARALLELDO, the
649                             * the parallel region is closed when the
650                             * DO loop is closed.
651                             */
652   int sc;                  /* SC_LOCAL or SC_PRIVATE for temporaries */
653   int ctemps;              /* avail counter for function value temps */
654   int scope;               /* counter to keep track of the current scope
655                             * for constructs which define a new scope
656                             * (primarily, the parallel constructs):
657                             *  0 - outermost (subprogram)
658                             * >0 - scope nesting level
659                             */
660   SCOPESTACK *scope_stack; /* pushed/popped as scopes are entered/left */
661   int scope_size;          /* size of scope stack */
662   int threadprivate_dtype; /* dtype record used for the vector of pointers
663                             * created for threadprivate common blocks.
664                             */
665   int it_dtype;            /* dtype record used for the mp run-time
666                             * iteration data structure.
667                             */
668   int its_dtype;           /* dtype record used for the mp run-time
669                             * iteration data structure.
670                             */
671   int blksymnum;
672   bool ignore_default_none; /* don't perform the OMP DEFAULT(NONE) check */
673   int collapse;             /* collapse value for the pardo or pdo */
674   int collapse_depth;       /* depth of collapse loop; 1 => innermost */
675   int task;                 /* depth of task
676                              *  0 - not in task
677                              * >0 - task nesting level (1 => outermost)
678                              */
679   /*
680    * the following members are initialized to values which reflect the
681    * default type for the extents and subscripts of arrays.  The type could
682    * either be 32-int or 64-bit (BIGOBJects & -Mlarge_arrays).
683    *
684    */
685   struct {
686     int dtype; /* dtype used for the bound temps */
687     int store; /* ILM opc for storing a bound value */
688     int load;  /* ILM opc for loading a bound value */
689     int mul;   /* ILM opc for multiplying */
690     int sub;   /* ILM opc for substract */
691     int add;   /* ILM opc for add */
692     int con;   /* ILM opc for integer constants */
693     int zero;  /* zero entry for zero */
694     int one;   /* sym etnry for one */
695   } bnd;
696 } SEM;
698 extern SEM sem;
700 /*
701  * NTYPE - number of basic types; this must include the NCHARACTER
702  * type even though it may not be an available feature.
703  */
704 #define NTYPE 21
706 #define NOPC 14
708 extern short promote_ilms[NTYPE];
709 extern short ilm_opcode[NOPC][2][NTYPE + 1];
710 extern INT cast_types[NTYPE][2][2];
712 #define ILMA(n) (ilmb.ilm_base[n])
714 #define IS_COMPARE(opc) (opc >= IM_EQ && opc <= IM_GT)
715 #define IS_LOGICAL(opc)                                                        \
716   (IS_COMPARE(opc) || (opc >= IM_LAND && opc <= IM_LOR) ||                     \
717    (opc >= IM_AND64 && opc <= IM_AND) || (opc >= IM_OR64 && opc <= IM_OR) ||   \
718    (opc >= IM_NOT64 && opc <= IM_LNOP) || opc == IM_LAND8 || opc == IM_LOR8 || \
719    opc == IM_KAND || opc == IM_KOR || opc == IM_KNOT || opc == IM_LNOT8 ||     \
720    opc == IM_LNOP8)
721 #define IS_INTRINSIC(st) (st == ST_INTRIN || st == ST_GENERIC || st == ST_PD)
723 #define INSIDE_STRUCT (sem.stsk_depth != 0)
725 #define GET_OPCODE(opc, dt) \
726   (ilm_opcode[opc][(DTY(dt) == TY_ARRAY ? TRUE : FALSE)][DTYG(dt)])
728 #define DCLCHK(sptr)                                                          \
729   if (sem.none_implicit && !DCLDG(sptr) && !E38G(sptr)) {                     \
730     error(38, !XBIT(124, 0x20000) ? 3 : 2, gbl.lineno, SYMNAME(sptr), CNULL); \
731     E38P(sptr, 1);                                                            \
732   }
734 #define DOCHK(sptr) \
735   if (DOVARG(sptr)) \
736     error(115, 2, gbl.lineno, SYMNAME(sptr), CNULL);
738 /* if sp == 0, bound is '*' */
739 #define ILMBOUND(sp)                                   \
740   (((sp) == 0)                                         \
741        ? 0                                             \
742        : (STYPEG(sp) == ST_CONST ? ad2ilm(IM_ICON, sp) \
743                                  : ad2ilm(IM_ILD, ad2ilm(IM_BASE, sp))))
745 #define DPVAL(a) ad2ilm(IM_DPVAL, a)
746 #define DPREF(a) ad2ilm(IM_DPREF, a)
747 #define DPSCON(a) ad2ilm(IM_DPSCON, a)
748 #define DPNULL ad1ilm(IM_DPNULL)
750 void dmp_const(CONST *acl, int indent);
752 /*  declare external functions called only from within semant: */
754 void emit_epar(void); /* semsmp.c: */
755 void emit_bcs_ecs(int);
756 void end_parallel_clause(int);
757 void add_dflt_allocated(int);
758 void add_dflt_firstprivate(int, int);
759 INT chkcon();
760 INT const_fold(); /* semutil.c: */
761 ISZ_T chkcon_to_isz(struct sst *, bool);
762 INT chktyp();
763 INT chk_scalartyp();
764 INT chk_arr_extent();
765 int mkexpr();
766 int chkvar();
767 int add_base();
768 int chksubstr();
769 int get_temp(int);
770 int get_itemp(int);
771 int mkvarref();
772 int mklvalue(), mkmember();
773 int mklabelvar64(int);
774 bool is_varref();
775 void binop();
776 void mklogint4();
777 void link_members();
778 void chkstruct();
779 void assign();
780 void do_begin(DOINFO *, int, int, int);
781 void do_parbegin(DOINFO *, int, int, int);
782 void do_lastval(DOINFO *, int, int, int);
783 void do_end(DOINFO *);
784 void cngtyp();
785 void mklogint4();
786 void negate_const();
787 char *prtsst();
788 DOINFO *get_doinfo(int);
790 void chk_adjarr();
791 void gen_arrdsc(); /* semutil2.c: */
792 int mk_arrdsc();
793 void gen_allocate(int, int, int);
794 void gen_deallocate(int, int);
795 void sem_set_storage_class(int);
796 int enter_lexical_block(int);
797 void exit_lexical_block(int);
798 void dmp_doif(int);
800 int ad1ilm(int);
801 int ad2ilm(int, int);
802 int ad3ilm(int, int, int); /* ilmutil.c: */
803 int ad4ilm(int, int, int, int);
804 int ad5ilm(int, int, int, int, int);
805 void dumpilmtrees(void);
806 int lnegate();
807 void wrilms(int);
808 void add_ilms(ILM_T *);
809 void mkbranch(int, int, int);
810 void gwrilms(int nilms);
811 void fini_next_gilm(void);
812 void init_next_gilm(void);
813 void swap_next_gilm(void);
814 int rdilms(void);
815 void rewindilms(void);
816 #if DEBUG
817 /* FIXME those two functions do the same thing, also see _dumpilms */
818 void dmpilms(void);
819 void dumpilms(void);
820 #endif
821 ILM_T *save_ilms(int);
822 void dinit(VAR *ivl, CONST *ict); /* dinit.c */
823 bool dinit_ok(int);
824 void dmp_ivl(VAR *, FILE *);
825 void dmp_ict(CONST *, FILE *);
826 void semfin(); /* semfin.c */
827 int mklogopnd();
828 int ref_based_object(int);
829 int decl_private_sym(int);
830 void par_push_scope(bool);
831 void par_pop_scope(void);
832 int sem_check_scope(int, int);
834 /* semfunc.c */
835 int func_call();
836 int ref_intrin();
837 int ref_pd();
838 int mkarg();
839 int ref_stfunc();
840 int ref_entry();
841 int chkarg();
842 int select_gsame(int);
843 int mkipval(INT);
844 void subr_call();
845 void define_stfunc();
847 /* semutil0.c */
848 void semant_init(void);
849 void semant_reinit(void);
851 #endif // SEMANT_H_