1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2013  Pascal Giorgi
3  *                     Romain Lebreton
4  *
5  * Written by Pascal Giorgi <pascal.giorgi@lirmm.fr>
6  *            Romain Lebreton <lebreton@lirmm.fr>
7  *
8  * ========LICENCE========
9  * This file is part of the library LinBox.
10  *
11  * LinBox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public
13  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
22  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
23  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
24  * ========LICENCE========
25  */
26 #ifndef __LINBOX_polynomial_matrix_H
27 #define __LINBOX_polynomial_matrix_H
28 #include <vector>
29 #include "linbox/vector/subvector.h"
30 #include "linbox/matrix/dense-matrix.h"
31 #include "linbox/field/hom.h"
32 #include "fflas-ffpack/utils/align-allocator.h"
33 #include "givaro/modular.h"
34 #include <algorithm>
37 uint64_t max_memory=0, cur_memory=0;
38 #define ADD_MEM(x) {cur_memory+=x; max_memory=std::max(max_memory,cur_memory);}
39 #define DEL_MEM(x) {cur_memory-=x;}
40 #define STR_MEMINFO std::right<<"\033[31m [ MEM: cur="<<cur_memory/1000000.<<" Mo --- max="<<max_memory/1000000.<<" Mo \033[0m]"
41 #define PRINT_MEMINFO std::cerr<<"\033[31m[ MEM: cur="<<cur_memory/1000000.<<" Mo --- max="<<max_memory/1000000.<<" Mo ]\033[0m"<<std::endl;
42 #else
43 #define ADD_MEM(X) ;
44 #define DEL_MEM(X) ;
45 #endif
47 #define COPY_BLOCKSIZE 32
49 namespace LinBox{
51 	enum PMType {polfirst, matfirst};
52 	enum PMStorage {plain, view, const_view};
54 	// Generic handler class for Polynomial Matrix
55 	template<size_t type, size_t storage, class Field>
56 	class PolynomialMatrix;
element_storage(const Field & F)58 	template<typename Field> uint64_t element_storage(const Field& F)      { integer p;F.characteristic(p); return length(p);}
element_storage(const Givaro::Modular<Givaro::Integer> & F)59 	template<> uint64_t element_storage(const Givaro::Modular<Givaro::Integer> &F) { integer p;F.characteristic(p); return length(p)+sizeof(Givaro::Integer);}
61 	// Class for Polynomial Matrix stored as a Matrix of Polynomials
62 	template<class _Field>
63 	class PolynomialMatrix<PMType::polfirst,PMStorage::plain,_Field> {
64 	public:
65 		typedef _Field Field;
66 		typedef typename Field::Element   Element;
67 		typedef BlasMatrix<Field>          Matrix;
68 		//typedef typename std::vector<Element>::iterator  Iterator;
69 		//typedef typename std::vector<Element>::const_iterator  ConstIterator;
70 		typedef std::vector<Element,AlignedAllocator<Element, Alignment::DEFAULT>> VECT;
71 		typedef typename VECT::iterator  Iterator;
72 		typedef typename VECT::const_iterator  ConstIterator;
73 		//typedef vector<Element>        Polynomial;
74 		typedef Subvector<Iterator,ConstIterator>   Polynomial;
75 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::polfirst,PMStorage::plain,_Field>  Self_t;
76 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,_Field> Other_t;
78 		//PolynomialMatrix() {}
80 		// construct a polynomial matrix in f[x]^(m x n) of degree (s-1)
81 		PolynomialMatrix(const Field& f, size_t r, size_t c, size_t s, size_t stor=0) :
82 			_store((stor?stor:s)), _repview(r*c),_rep(r*c*_store,f.zero), _row(r), _col(c), _size(s), _fld(&f) {
83 			for (size_t i=0;i<_row;i++)
84 				for (size_t j=0;j<_col;j++)
85 					_repview[i*_col+j]= Polynomial(_rep.begin()+(i*_col+j)*_store,_size);
86 			//integer p;
87 			//std::cout<<"MatrixP allocating : "<<r*c*s*length(f.characteristic(p))/1000000.<<"Mo"<<std::endl;
88 			//std::cout<<"(ALLOC) PolynomialMatrix<polfirst> at "<<this<<" : "<<r<<"x"<<c<<" - size= "<<s<<" ==> "<<MB(realmeminfo())<<" Mo   "<<STR_MEMINFO<<std::endl;
89 			ADD_MEM(realmeminfo());
90 		}
92 		PolynomialMatrix(const Self_t&) = delete;
~PolynomialMatrix()94 		~PolynomialMatrix(){
95 			DEL_MEM(realmeminfo());
96 			_rep.clear();
97 			//std::cout<<"(FREE) PolynomialMatrix<polfirst> at "<<this<<" : "<<_row<<"x"<<_col<<" - size= "<<_store<<" ==> "<<MB(realmeminfo())<<" Mo   "<<STR_MEMINFO<<std::endl;
99 			//integer p;
100 			//std::cout<<"MatrixP Desallocating : "<<_row*_col*_store*length(_fld->characteristic(p))/1000000.<<"Mo"<<std::endl;
102 		}
clear()104 		void clear(){
105 			_rep.resize(0);
106 		}
108 		// set the matrix A to the matrix of degree k in the polynomial matrix
setMatrix(Matrix & A,size_t k)109 		void setMatrix(Matrix& A, size_t k) const {
110 			typename Matrix::Iterator it=A.Begin();
111 			for(size_t i=0;i<_row*_col;i++,it++)
112 				*it = get(i,k);
113 		}
114 		// retrieve the matrix of degree k in the polynomial matrix
115 		Matrix     operator[](size_t k)const {
116 			Matrix A(field(), _row, _col);
117 			setMatrix(A,k);
118 			return A;
119 		}
120 		// retrieve the polynomial at entry (i,j) in the matrix
operator()121 		inline Polynomial&       operator()(size_t i, size_t j)      {return operator()(i*_col+j);}
operator()122 		inline const Polynomial& operator()(size_t i, size_t j)const {return operator()(i*_col+j);}
123 		// retrieve the polynomial at the position i in the storage of the matrix
operator()124 		inline Polynomial&       operator()(size_t i)      {return _repview[i];}
operator()125 		inline const Polynomial& operator()(size_t i)const {return _repview[i];}
127 		// resize the polynomial length of the polynomial matrix
resize(size_t s)128 		void resize(size_t s){
129 			if (s==_store) return;
130 			//std::cout<<"MATPOL RESIZING : "<<_store<<" --> "<<s<<std::endl;
131 			if (s>_store){
132 				_rep.resize(s*_row*_col);
133 				size_t k=s*_row*_col-1;
134 				for(size_t i=0;i<_row*_col;i++){
135 					size_t j=s;
136 					for(;j>=_size;j--,k--)
137 						_rep[k]=_fld->zero;
138 					for(;j>size_t(-1);j--,k--)
139 						_rep[k]=_rep[i*_store+j];
140 				}
141 			}
142 			else {
143 				size_t k=0;
144 				for(size_t i=0;i<_row*_col;i++)
145 					for (size_t j=0;j<s;j++,k++)
146 						_rep[k]=_rep[i*_store+j];
147 				_rep.resize(s*_row*_col);
148 				//_rep.shrink_to_fit();
149 			}
150 			integer p;_fld->characteristic(p); size_t bb=p.bitsize(); if(bb>64) bb+=128; bb/=8;
152 #ifdef MEM_PMBASIS
153 			size_t mem=realmeminfo();
154 			ADD_MEM(realmeminfo());
155 			DEL_MEM(mem);
156 #endif
157 			_store=s;
158 			setsize(s);
159 		}
changesize(size_t s)161 		void changesize(size_t s){
162 			if (s <=_store){
163 				for (size_t i=0;i<_row*_col;i++)
164 					_repview[i]= Polynomial(_rep.begin()+i*_store,s);
165 				_size=s;
166 			}
167 			else {
168 				std::cerr<<"ERROR: in PolynomialMatrix<polfirs> -> setsize with too large size"<<std::endl;
169 				throw LinboxError("LinBox ERROR: PolynomialMatrix setsize \n");
170 			}
172 		}
setsize(size_t s)173 		void setsize(size_t s){
174 			if (s <=_store){
175 				for(size_t i=0;i<_row*_col;i++){
176 					for(size_t j=_size ;j<s;j++)
177 						_rep[i*_store+j]=_fld->zero;
178 				}
179 				for (size_t i=0;i<_row*_col;i++)
180 					_repview[i]= Polynomial(_rep.begin()+i*_store,s);
181 				_size=s;
182 			}
183 			else {
184 				std::cerr<<"ERROR: in PolynomialMatrix<polfirs> -> setsize with too large size"<<std::endl;
185 				throw LinboxError("LinBox ERROR: PolynomialMatrix setsize \n");
186 			}
187 		}
190 		// copy elt from M[beg..end], _size must be >= j-i
copy(const Self_t & M,size_t beg,size_t end)191 		void copy(const Self_t& M, size_t beg, size_t end){
192 			//cout<<"copying.....polfirst to polfirst.....same field"<<endl;
193 			for (size_t k=0;k<_row*_col;k++){
194 				size_t j=0;
195 				for (size_t i=beg;i<=end;i++){
196 					ref(k,j)=M.get(k,i);
197 					j++;
198 				}
199 			}
200 		}
201 		template<typename OtherField>
copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::polfirst,PMStorage::plain,OtherField> & M,size_t beg,size_t end)202 		void copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::polfirst,PMStorage::plain,OtherField> & M, size_t beg, size_t end){
203 			//cout<<"copying.....polfirst to polfirst.....other field"<<endl;
204 			Hom<OtherField,Field> hom(M.field(),field()) ;
205 			for (size_t k=0;k<_row*_col;k++){
206 				size_t j=0;
207 				for (size_t i=beg;i<=end;i++,j++){
208 					hom.image(ref(k,j),M.get(k,i));
209 				}
210 			}
211 		}
213 		// copy elt from M[beg..end], _size must be >= end-beg+1
214 		// M is stored as a Polynomial of Matrices
215 		template <size_t storage>
copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,storage,Field> & M,size_t beg,size_t end)216 		void copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,storage,Field>& M, size_t beg, size_t end){
217 			//std::cout<<"copying.....matfirst to polfirst.....same field"<<std::endl;
218 			const size_t ls = COPY_BLOCKSIZE;
219 			for (size_t i = beg; i <= end; i+=ls)
220 				for (size_t j = 0; j < _col * _row; j+=ls)
221 					// Rk: the two loop must be interchanged in some cases
222 					for (size_t _i = i; _i < std::min(end+1, i + ls); _i++)
223 						for (size_t _j = j; _j < std::min(_col * _row, j + ls);++_j)
224 							ref(_j,_i-beg)= M.get(_j,_i);
225 		}
227 		// copy elt from M[beg..end], _size must be >= end-beg+1
228 		// M is stored as a Polynomial of Matrices with a different field
229 		template<size_t storage, typename OtherField>
copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,storage,OtherField> & M,size_t beg,size_t end)230 		void copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,storage,OtherField> & M, size_t beg, size_t end){
231 			//std::cout<<"copying.....matfirst to polfirst.....other field"<<std::endl;
232 			const size_t ls = COPY_BLOCKSIZE;
233 			Hom<OtherField,Field> hom(M.field(),field()) ;
234 			for (size_t i = beg; i <= end; i+=ls)
235 				for (size_t j = 0; j < _col * _row; j+=ls)
236 					for (size_t _i = i; _i < std::min(end+1, i + ls); _i++) {
237 						for (size_t _j = j; _j < std::min(_col * _row, j + ls);++_j)
238 							hom.image(ref(_j,_i-beg),M.get(_j,_i) );
239 					}
240 		}
242 		template<typename Mat>
copy(const Mat & M)243 		void copy(const Mat& M){
244 			linbox_check (M.size()==_size && M.rowdim()== _row && M.coldim()== _col);
245 			copy(M,0,M.size()-1);
246 		}
248 		// rebind functor to change base field (e.g. apply modulo reduction)
249 		template<typename _Tp1>
250 		struct rebind {
251 			typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::polfirst,PMStorage::plain, Field> Self_t;
252 			typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::polfirst,PMStorage::plain, _Tp1> Other_t;
operatorrebind254 			void operator() (Other_t& Ap,
255 					 const Self_t&  A){
256 				Hom<Field, _Tp1> hom(A.field(), Ap.field()) ;
257 				for (size_t i = 0; i < A._row * A._col; i++)
258 					for (size_t j = 0; j < A._size; j++)
259 						hom.image (Ap.ref(i,j), A.get(i,j));
260 			}
261 		};
263 		// get access to the the k-th coeff  of the ith matrix entry
ref(size_t i,size_t k)264 		inline Element& ref(size_t i, size_t k){
265 			return _rep[i*_store+k];
266 		}
ref(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k)267 		inline Element& ref(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k){
268 			return ref(i*_col+j,k);
269 		}
get(size_t i,size_t k)270 		inline Element get(size_t i, size_t k)const {
271 			return _rep[i*_store+k];
272 		}
get(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k)273 		inline Element get(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const{
274 			return get(i*_col+j,k);
275 		}
rowdim()277 		size_t rowdim()  const {return _row;}
coldim()278 		size_t coldim()  const {return _col;}
degree()279 		size_t degree()  const {return _size-1;}
size()280 		size_t size()    const {return _size;}
storage()281 		size_t storage() const {return _store;}
field()282 		const Field& field()  const {return *_fld;}
dump(std::ostream & os)284 		void dump(std::ostream& os) const {
285 			os<<_row<<" "<<_col<<" "<<_size<<std::endl;
286 			for(size_t i=0;i<_row*_col;i++)
287 				for(size_t k=0;k<_size;k++)
288 					os<<get(i,k)<<" ";
290 			os<<std::endl;
291 		}
write(std::ostream & os)293 		std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const { return write(os,0,_size-1);}
write(std::ostream & os,size_t deg_min,size_t deg_max)295                 std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os, size_t deg_min, size_t deg_max) const {
296                         integer c;
297                         int wid=-1,b;
298                         field().cardinality (c);
300                         if (c >0){
301                                 wid = (int) ceil (log ((double) c) / M_LN10);
302                                 b= ((int) ceil (log ((double) _size) / M_LN10));
303                                 wid*=10*(b*(b-1)/2.);
304                         }
305 			std::cout<<"Matrix([";
306                         for (size_t i = 0; i< _row;++i) {
307                                 os << "  [ ";
308                                 for (size_t j = 0;j<_col;++j){
309                                         os.width (wid);
310                                         field().write(os,get(i,j,deg_min));
311 					for (size_t k=deg_min+1;k<deg_max;++k){
312                                                 os<<"+";
313                                                 field().write(os,get(i,j,k))<<"*x^"<<k-deg_min;
314                                         }
315                                         if (deg_max-deg_min>0){
316                                                 os<<"+";
317                                                 field().write(os,get(i,j,deg_max))<<"*x^"<<deg_max-deg_min;
318                                         }
319 					os<<(j<_col-1?",":"" );
320                                 }
321 				os << (i<_row-1?"],":"]" )<< std::endl;
322                         }
323 			std::cout<<"]);";
325                 	return os;
326                 }
getWritePointer()328 		Element* getWritePointer(){return _rep.data();}
getPointer()329 		const Element* getPointer() const {return _rep.data();}
realmeminfo()331 		size_t realmeminfo()const {
332 			return _row*_col*(_store*element_storage(field())+sizeof(Polynomial));}
333 		// return _rep.capacity()*sizeof(Element)+_repview.capacity()*sizeof(Polynomial);}
meminfo()335 		size_t meminfo()const { return _rep.size()*sizeof(Element);}
changeField(const Field & F)337 		void changeField(const Field& F){_fld=&F;}
339 	private:
340 		size_t           _store;
341 		std::vector<Polynomial> _repview;
342 		//std::vector<Element>    _rep;
343 		VECT _rep;
344 		size_t             _row;
345 		size_t             _col;
346 		size_t            _size;
347 		const Field*       _fld;
348 	};
350 	// Class for Polynomial Matrix stored as a Polynomial of Matrices
351 	template<class _Field>
352 	class PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,_Field> {
353 	public:
354 		typedef _Field Field;
355 		typedef typename Field::Element   Element;
356 		typedef BlasMatrix<Field>         Matrix;
357 		typedef std::vector<Element>       Polynomial;
358 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,_Field>  Self_t;
359 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::polfirst,PMStorage::plain,_Field> Other_t;
361 		typedef Matrix value_type;
PolynomialMatrix()363 		PolynomialMatrix() {}
365 		PolynomialMatrix(const Self_t&) = delete;
PolynomialMatrix(const Field & f,size_t r,size_t c,size_t s)367 		PolynomialMatrix(const Field& f, size_t r, size_t c, size_t s) :
368 			_rep(s,Matrix(f)), _row(r), _col(c), _size(s), _fld(&f) {
369 			//_row(r), _col(c), _size(s), _fld(&f) {
370 			for(size_t i=0;i<s;i++)
371 				_rep[i].init(f,r,c);
372 			//integer p;
373 			//std::cout<<"(ALLOC) matfirst at "<<this<<" : "<<r<<"x"<<c<<" - size= "<<s<<" ==> "<<MB(realmeminfo())<<" Mo"<<std::endl;
374 			ADD_MEM(realmeminfo());
375 		}
~PolynomialMatrix()377 		~PolynomialMatrix(){
378 			DEL_MEM(realmeminfo());
379 			//std::cout<<"(FREE) matfirst at "<<this<<" : "<<_row<<"x"<<_col<<" - size= "<<_size<<" ==> "<<MB(realmeminfo())<<" Mo"<<std::endl;
380 			//integer p;
381 			//std::cout<<"PMatrix Desallocating : "<<_row*_col*_size*length(_fld->characteristic(p))/1000000.<<"Mo"<<std::endl;
382 		}
clear()384 		void clear(){
385 			_rep.resize(0,Matrix(*_fld));
386 		}
389 		// retrieve the matrix of degree k in the polynomial matrix
390 		inline Matrix&       operator[](size_t k)      {return _rep[k];}
391 		inline const Matrix& operator[](size_t k)const {return _rep[k];}
393 		// retrieve the polynomial at entry (i,j) in the matrix
operator()394 		inline Polynomial  operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
395 			Polynomial A(_size);
396 			for(size_t k=0;k<_size;k++)
397 				A[k]=_rep[k].getEntry(i,j);
398 			return A;
399 		}
400 		// retrieve the polynomial at psotion (i) in the storage of the matrix
operator()401 		inline Polynomial  operator()(size_t i) const {
402 			Polynomial A(_size);
403 			for(size_t k=0;k<_size;k++)
404 				A[k]=*(_rep[k].Begin()+i);
405 			return A;
406 		}
408 		// resize the polynomial length of the polynomial matrix
resize(size_t s)409 		void resize(size_t s){
410 			_rep.resize(s,Matrix(*_fld));
411 			if (s>_size){
412 				for(size_t i=_size;i<s;i++)
413 					_rep[i].init(field(),_row,_col);
414 			}
415 			_size=s;
416 		}
setsize(size_t s)418 		void setsize(size_t s){resize(s);}
420 		// copy elt from M[beg..end], _size must be >= j-i
421 		template <size_t storage>
422 		void copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,storage,Field>& M, size_t beg, size_t end, size_t start=0){
423 			//cout<<"copying.....matfirst to matfirst.....same field"<<endl;
424 			for (size_t i=beg;i<=end;i++)
425 				_rep[start+i-beg]=M[i];
427 		}
429 		template<size_t storage, typename OtherField>
430 		void copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,storage,OtherField> & M, size_t beg, size_t end, size_t start=0){
431 			//cout<<"copying.....matfirst to matfirst.....other field"<<endl;
432 			Hom<OtherField,Field> hom(M.field(),field()) ;
433 			for (size_t i=beg;i<=end;i++)
434 				for (size_t j=0;j<_row*_col;j++)
435 					hom.image(ref(j,start+i-beg) , M.get(j,i));
436 		}
438 		// copy elt from M[beg..end], _size must be >= end-beg+1
439 		// M is stored as a Matrix of Polynomials
440 		void copy(const Other_t& M, size_t beg, size_t end, size_t start=0){
441 			//cout<<"copying.....polfirst to matfirst.....same field"<<endl;
442 			const size_t ls = COPY_BLOCKSIZE; // Loop unrooling to be more cache-friendly (cache block transposition)
443 			for(size_t i = beg; i < end+1; i+=ls)
444 				for (size_t j = 0; j < _col * _row; j+=ls)
445 					for (size_t _i = i; _i < std::min(end+1, i + ls); _i++) {
446 						for (size_t _j = j; _j < std::min(_col * _row, j + ls); _j++)
447 							ref(_j,start+_i-beg) = M.get(_j,_i);
448 					}
449 		}
451 		// copy elt from M[beg..end], _size must be >= end-beg+1
452 		// M is stored as a Matrix of Polynomials with a different field
453 		template<typename OtherField>
454 		void copy(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::polfirst,PMStorage::plain,OtherField> & M, size_t beg, size_t end, size_t start=0){
455 			//cout<<"copying.....polfirst to matfirst.....other field"<<endl;
456 			const size_t ls = COPY_BLOCKSIZE;
457 			Hom<OtherField,Field> hom(M.field(),field()) ;
458 			for(size_t i = beg; i < end+1; i+=ls)
459 				for (size_t j = 0; j < _col * _row; j+=ls)
460 					for (size_t _i = i; _i < std::min(end+1, i + ls); _i++) {
461 						for (size_t _j = j; _j < std::min(_col * _row, j + ls); _j++)
462 							hom.image(ref(_j,start+_i-beg) , M.get(_j,_i));
463 					}
464 		}
466 		template<typename Mat>
copy(const Mat & M)467 		void copy(const Mat& M){
468 			linbox_check (M.size()==_size && M.rowdim()== _row && M.coldim()== _col);
469 			copy(M,0,M.size()-1);
470 		}
472 		// rebind functor to change base field (e.g. apply modulo reduction)
473 		template<typename _Tp1>
474 		struct rebind {
475 			typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst, PMStorage::plain,Field>  Self_t;
476 			typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst, PMStorage::plain,_Tp1>  Other_t;
478 			template<size_t storage>
operatorrebind479 			void operator() (PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst, storage,_Tp1>& Ap,
480 					 const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst, storage,Field>&  A){
481 				Hom<Field, _Tp1> hom(A.field(), Ap.field()) ;
482 				for (size_t j = 0; j < A._size; j++)
483 					for (size_t i = 0; i < A._row * A._col; i++)
484 						hom.image (Ap.ref(i,j), A.get(i,j));
485 			}
486 		};
488 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field>           plain;
489 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::view,Field>             view;
490 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::const_view,Field> const_view;
at(size_t i,size_t j)492 		inline view       at(size_t i, size_t j)      {return view(*this,i,j);}
at(size_t i,size_t j)493 		inline const_view at(size_t i, size_t j)const {return const_view(*this,i,j);}
496 		// get access to the the k-th coeff  of the ith matrix entry
ref(size_t i,size_t k)497 		inline Element& ref(size_t i, size_t k){
498 			return 	_rep[k].refRep()[i];
499 			//return *(_rep[k].Begin()+i);
500 		}
ref(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k)501 		inline Element& ref(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k){
502 			return ref(i*_col+j,k);
503 		}
get(size_t i,size_t k)504 		inline Element get(size_t i, size_t k)const {
505 			return *(_rep[k].Begin()+i);
506 		}
get(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k)507 		inline Element get(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const{
508 			return get(i*_col+j,k);
509 		}
rowdim()511 		inline size_t rowdim() const {return _row;}
coldim()512 		inline size_t coldim() const {return _col;}
degree()513 		inline size_t degree() const {return _size-1;}
real_degree()514 		inline size_t real_degree() const {
515 			MatrixDomain<Field> MD(field());
516 			size_t d= _size-1;
517 			while(d>0 && MD.isZero(_rep[d])) d--;
518 			return d;
519 		}
size()520 		inline size_t size()   const {return _size;}
storage()521 		inline size_t storage()const {return _size;}
field()523 		inline const Field& field()  const {return *_fld;}
dump(std::ostream & os)525 		void dump(std::ostream& os) const {
526 			os<<_row<<" "<<_col<<" "<<_size<<std::endl;
527 			for(size_t k=0;k<_size;k++)
528 				for(size_t i=0;i<_row*_col;i++)
529 					os<<get(i,k)<<" ";
530 			os<<std::endl;
531 		}
write(std::ostream & os)534 		std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const { return write(os,0,real_degree());}
write(std::ostream & os,size_t deg_min,size_t deg_max)536                 std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os, size_t deg_min, size_t deg_max) const {
537                         integer c;
538                         int wid,b;
539                         field().cardinality (c);
541                         if (c >0)
542                                 wid = (int) ceil (log ((double) c) / M_LN10);
543 			else
544 				wid=(int) ceil (log ((double) _rep[0].getEntry(0,0)) / M_LN10);
546 			b= ((int) ceil (log ((double) (deg_max-deg_min+1)) / M_LN10));
547 			wid*=10*(b*(b-1)/2.);
548 			std::cout<<"Matrix([";
549 			for (size_t i = 0; i< _row;++i) {
550                                 os << "  [ ";
551                                 for (size_t j = 0;j<_col;++j){
552                                         os.width (wid);
553                                         field().write(os,_rep[deg_min].getEntry(i,j));
554                                         for (size_t k=deg_min+1;k<deg_max;++k){
555                                                 os<<"+";
556                                                 field().write(os,_rep[k].getEntry(i,j))<<"*x^"<<k-deg_min;
557                                         }
558                                         if (deg_max-deg_min>0){
559                                                 os<<"+";
560                                                 field().write(os,_rep[deg_max].getEntry(i,j))<<"*x^"<<deg_max-deg_min;
561                                         }
562 					os<<(j<_col-1?",":"" );
563                                 }
564                                 os << (i<_row-1?"],":"]" )<< std::endl;
565                         }
566 			std::cout<<"]);";
567 			return os;
568                 }
realmeminfo()570 		size_t realmeminfo()const {
572 			return _size*(_row*_col*element_storage(field())+sizeof(Matrix));
573 		}
576 		typedef typename std::vector<Matrix>::const_iterator const_iterator;
begin()577 		const_iterator begin() const {return _rep.begin();}
579 	private:
580 		std::vector<Matrix>     _rep;
581 		size_t             _row;
582 		size_t             _col;
583 		size_t            _size;
584 		const Field*       _fld;
585 	};
587 	template<typename _Field, size_t T, size_t S>
588 	std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PolynomialMatrix<T,S,_Field>& P) {
589 		return P.write(os);
590 	}
592 	// Class to handle the view of a Polynomial Matrix according to some degree range
593 	// the view is read/write
594 	template<class _Field>
595 	class PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::view,_Field> {
596 	public:
597 		typedef _Field Field;
598 		typedef typename Field::Element   Element;
599 		typedef BlasMatrix<Field>          Matrix;
600 		typedef std::vector<Element>        Polynomial;
PolynomialMatrix()602 		PolynomialMatrix() {}
604 		// constructor of a view between i and j from a plain Polynomial Matrix
PolynomialMatrix(PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field> & M,size_t i,size_t j)605 		PolynomialMatrix(PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field>& M, size_t i,size_t j)
606 			: _ptr(&M), _size(j-i+1), _shift(i)
607 		{//cout<<i<<"-"<<j<<" -> "<<M.size()<<endl;
608 			linbox_check(i<M.size() && i<=j && j< M.size());}
610 		// constructor of a view between i and j from a view Polynomial Matrix
PolynomialMatrix(PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::view,Field> & M,size_t i,size_t j)611 		PolynomialMatrix(PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::view,Field>& M, size_t i,size_t j)
612 			: _ptr(M._ptr), _size(j-i+1), _shift(i+M._shift)
613 		{//cout<<i<<"-"<<j<<" -> "<<M.size()<<endl;
614 			linbox_check(i<M.size() && i<=j && j< M.size());}
617 		// retrieve the matrix of degree k in the polynomial matrix
618 		inline Matrix&       operator[](size_t k)      {return (*_ptr)[k+_shift];}
619 		inline const Matrix& operator[](size_t k)const {return (*_ptr)[k+_shift];}
621 		// retrieve the polynomial at entry (i,j) in the matrix
operator()622 		Polynomial    operator()(size_t i, size_t j){
623 			Polynomial A(_size, Matrix(_ptr->field()));
624 			for(size_t k=0;k<_size;k++)
625 				A[k]=(*_ptr)[k+_shift].refEntry(i,j);
626 			return A;
627 		}
629 		// get access to the the k-th coeff  of the ith matrix entry
ref(size_t i,size_t k)630 		inline Element& ref(size_t i, size_t k){
631 			return 	_ptr->ref(i,k+_shift);
632 		}
ref(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k)633 		inline Element& ref(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k){
634 			return ref(i*coldim()+j,k);
635 		}
get(size_t i,size_t k)636 		inline Element get(size_t i, size_t k)const {
637 			return 	_ptr->get(i,k+_shift);
638 		}
get(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k)639 		inline Element get(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const{
640 			return get(i*coldim()+j,k);
641 		}
rowdim()643 		inline size_t rowdim() const {return _ptr->rowdim();}
coldim()644 		inline size_t coldim() const {return _ptr->coldim();}
degree()645 		inline size_t degree() const {return _size-1;}
size()646 		inline size_t size()   const {return _size;}
field()647 		inline const Field& field()  const {return _ptr->field();}
649 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field>           plain;
650 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::view,Field>             view;
651 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::const_view,Field> const_view;
653 		template<typename Mat>
copy(const Mat & M)654 		void copy(const Mat& M){
655 			this->copy(M,0,M.size()-1);
656 		}
658 		template<typename Mat>
copy(const Mat & M,size_t beg,size_t end)659 		void copy(const Mat& M, size_t beg, size_t end){_ptr->copy(M,beg,end,_shift);}
at(size_t i,size_t j)662 		inline view       at(size_t i, size_t j)      {return view(*this,i,j);}
at(size_t i,size_t j)663 		inline const_view at(size_t i, size_t j)const {return const_view(*this,i,j);}
write(std::ostream & os)665 		std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const { return _ptr->write(os,_shift,_shift+_size-1);}
667 		friend class  PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::const_view,Field>;
669 	private:
670 		PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field>* _ptr;
671 		size_t  _size;
672 		size_t _shift;
673 	};
675 	// Class to handle the view of a Polynomial Matrix according to some degree range
676 	// the view is read only
677 	template<class _Field>
678 	class PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::const_view,_Field> {
679 	public:
680 		typedef _Field Field;
681 		typedef typename Field::Element   Element;
682 		typedef BlasMatrix<Field>          Matrix;
683 		typedef std::vector<Element>        Polynomial;
PolynomialMatrix()685 		PolynomialMatrix() {}
687 		// constructor of a view between i and j from a plain Polynomial Matrix
PolynomialMatrix(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field> & M,size_t i,size_t j)688 		PolynomialMatrix(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field>& M, size_t i,size_t j)
689 			: _ptr(&M), _size(j-i+1), _shift(i)
690 		{linbox_check(i<M.size() && i<=j && j< M.size());}
692 		// constructor of a view between i and j from a view Polynomial Matrix
PolynomialMatrix(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::view,Field> & M,size_t i,size_t j)693 		PolynomialMatrix(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::view,Field>& M, size_t i,size_t j)
694 			: _ptr(M._ptr), _size(j-i+1), _shift(i+M._shift)
695 		{linbox_check(i<M.size() && i<=j && j< M.size());}
698 		// constructor of a view between i and j from a view Polynomial Matrix
PolynomialMatrix(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::const_view,Field> & M,size_t i,size_t j)699 		PolynomialMatrix(const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::const_view,Field>& M, size_t i,size_t j)
700 			: _ptr(M._ptr), _size(j-i+1), _shift(i+M._shift)
701 		{//cout<<"("<<i<<","<<j<<") -> "<<M.size()<<endl;
702 			linbox_check(i<M.size()&& i<=j && j<= M.size());}
705 		// retrieve the matrix of degree k in the polynomial matrix
706 		inline const Matrix& operator[](size_t k)const {return (*_ptr)[k+_shift];}
708 		// retrieve the polynomial at entry (i,j) in the matrix
operator()709 		inline Polynomial    operator()(size_t i, size_t j){
710 			Polynomial A(_size, Matrix(_ptr->field()));
711 			for(size_t k=0;k<_size;k++)
712 				A[k]=(*_ptr)[k+_shift].refEntry(i,j);
713 			return A;
714 		}
get(size_t i,size_t k)716 		inline Element get(size_t i, size_t k) const {
717 			return 	_ptr->get(i,k+_shift);
718 		}
get(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k)719 		inline Element get(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const{
720 			return get(i*coldim()+j,k);
721 		}
rowdim()724 		inline size_t rowdim() const {return _ptr->rowdim();}
coldim()725 		inline size_t coldim() const {return _ptr->coldim();}
degree()726 		inline size_t degree() const {return _size-1;}
size()727 		inline size_t size()   const {return _size;}
field()728 		inline const Field& field()  const {return _ptr->field();}
730 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field>           plain;
731 		typedef PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::const_view,Field> const_view;
at(size_t i,size_t j)733 		inline const_view at(size_t i, size_t j)const {return const_view(*this,i,j);}
write(std::ostream & os)734 		std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const { return _ptr->write(os,_shift,_shift+_size-1);}
736 	private:
737 		const PolynomialMatrix<PMType::matfirst,PMStorage::plain,Field>* _ptr;
738 		size_t  _size;
739 		size_t _shift;
740 	};
746 } //end of namespace LinBox
748 #endif // __LINBOX_polynomial_matrix_H
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