2 /* ==================================================================
3    lu1DCP factors a dense m x n matrix A by Gaussian elimination,
4    using Complete Pivoting (row and column interchanges) for stability.
5    This version also uses column interchanges if all elements in a
6    pivot column are smaller than (or equal to) "small".  Such columns
7    are changed to zero and permuted to the right-hand end.
8    As in LINPACK's dgefa, ipvt(!) keeps track of pivot rows.
9    Rows of U are interchanged, but we don't have to physically
10    permute rows of L.  In contrast, column interchanges are applied
11    directly to the columns of both L and U, and to the column
12    permutation vector iq(*).
13    ------------------------------------------------------------------
14    On entry:
15       a       Array holding the matrix A to be factored.
16       lda     The leading dimension of the array  a.
17       m       The number of rows    in  A.
18       n       The number of columns in  A.
19       small   A drop tolerance.  Must be zero or positive.
21    On exit:
22       a       An upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
23               which were used to obtain it.
24               The factorization can be written  A = L*U  where
25               L  is a product of permutation and unit lower
26               triangular matrices and  U  is upper triangular.
27       nsing   Number of singularities detected.
28       ipvt    Records the pivot rows.
29       iq      A vector to which column interchanges are applied.
30    ------------------------------------------------------------------
31    01 May 2002: First dense Complete Pivoting, derived from lu1DPP.
32    07 May 2002: Another break needed at end of first loop.
33    07 May 2002: Current version of lu1DCP.
34    ================================================================== */
LU1DCP(LUSOLrec * LUSOL,REAL DA[],int LDA,int M,int N,REAL SMALL,int * NSING,int IPVT[],int IX[])35 void LU1DCP(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, REAL DA[], int LDA, int M, int N, REAL SMALL,
36             int *NSING, int IPVT[], int IX[])
37 {
39   int       I, J, K, KP1, L, LAST, LENCOL, IMAX, JMAX, JLAST, JNEW;
41   register REAL T;
42 #ifdef LUSOLFastDenseIndex
43   register REAL *DA1, *DA2;
44   int IDA1, IDA2;
45 #else
46   register int IDA1, IDA2;
47 #endif
49   *NSING = 0;
50   LENCOL = M+1;
51   LAST = N;
52 /*     -----------------------------------------------------------------
53         Start of elimination loop.
54        ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
55   for(K = 1; K <= N; K++) {
56     KP1 = K+1;
57     LENCOL--;
58 /*      Find the biggest aij in row imax and column jmax. */
59     AIJMAX = ZERO;
60     IMAX = K;
61     JMAX = K;
62     JLAST = LAST;
63     for(J = K; J <= JLAST; J++) {
64 x10:
65       L = idamax(LENCOL,DA+DAPOS(K,J)-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,1)+K-1;
66       AJMAX = fabs(DA[DAPOS(L,J)]);
67       if(AJMAX<=SMALL) {
68 /*     ========================================================
69         Do column interchange, changing old column to zero.
70         Reduce  "last"  and try again with same j.
71        ======================================================== */
72         (*NSING)++;
73         JNEW = IX[LAST];
74         IX[LAST] = IX[J];
75         IX[J] = JNEW;
76 #ifdef LUSOLFastDenseIndex
77         DA1 = DA+DAPOS(0,LAST);
78         DA2 = DA+DAPOS(0,J);
79         for(I = 1; I <= K-1; I++) {
80           DA1++;
81           DA2++;
82           T = *DA1;
83           *DA1 = *DA2;
84           *DA2 = T;
85 #else
86         for(I = 1; I <= K-1; I++) {
87           IDA1 = DAPOS(I,LAST);
88           IDA2 = DAPOS(I,J);
89           T = DA[IDA1];
90           DA[IDA1] = DA[IDA2];
91           DA[IDA2] = T;
92 #endif
93         }
94 #ifdef LUSOLFastDenseIndex
95         for(I = K; I <= M; I++) {
96           DA1++;
97           DA2++;
98           T = *DA1;
99           *DA1 = ZERO;
100           *DA2 = T;
101 #else
102         for(I = K; I <= M; I++) {
103           IDA1 = DAPOS(I,LAST);
104           IDA2 = DAPOS(I,J);
105           T = DA[IDA1];
106           DA[IDA1] = ZERO;
107           DA[IDA2] = T;
108 #endif
109         }
110         LAST--;
111         if(J<=LAST)
112           goto x10;
113         break;
114       }
115 /*      Check if this column has biggest aij so far. */
116       if(AIJMAX<AJMAX) {
117         AIJMAX = AJMAX;
118         IMAX = L;
119         JMAX = J;
120       }
121       if(J>=LAST)
122         break;
123     }
124     IPVT[K] = IMAX;
125     if(JMAX!=K) {
126 /*     ==========================================================
127         Do column interchange (k and jmax).
128        ========================================================== */
129       JNEW = IX[JMAX];
130       IX[JMAX] = IX[K];
131       IX[K] = JNEW;
132 #ifdef LUSOLFastDenseIndex
133       DA1 = DA+DAPOS(0,JMAX);
134       DA2 = DA+DAPOS(0,K);
135       for(I = 1; I <= M; I++) {
136         DA1++;
137         DA2++;
138         T = *DA1;
139         *DA1 = *DA2;
140         *DA2 = T;
141 #else
142       for(I = 1; I <= M; I++) {
143         IDA1 = DAPOS(I,JMAX);
144         IDA2 = DAPOS(I,K);
145         T = DA[IDA1];
146         DA[IDA1] = DA[IDA2];
147         DA[IDA2] = T;
148 #endif
149       }
150     }
151     if(M>K) {
152 /*     ===========================================================
153         Do row interchange if necessary.
154        =========================================================== */
155       if(IMAX!=K) {
156         IDA1 = DAPOS(IMAX,K);
157         IDA2 = DAPOS(K,K);
158         T = DA[IDA1];
159         DA[IDA1] = DA[IDA2];
160         DA[IDA2] = T;
161       }
162 /*     ===========================================================
163         Compute multipliers.
164         Do row elimination with column indexing.
165        =========================================================== */
166       T = -ONE/DA[DAPOS(K,K)];
167       dscal(M-K,T,DA+DAPOS(KP1,K)-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,1);
168       for(J = KP1; J <= LAST; J++) {
169         IDA1 = DAPOS(IMAX,J);
170         T = DA[IDA1];
171         if(IMAX!=K) {
172           IDA2 = DAPOS(K,J);
173           DA[IDA1] = DA[IDA2];
174           DA[IDA2] = T;
175         }
176         daxpy(M-K,T,DA+DAPOS(KP1,K)-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,1,
177                     DA+DAPOS(KP1,J)-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,1);
178       }
179     }
180     else
181       break;
182     if(K>=LAST)
183       break;
184   }
185 /*      Set ipvt(*) for singular rows. */
186   for(K = LAST+1; K <= M; K++)
187     IPVT[K] = K;
189 }
191 /* ==================================================================
192    lu1DPP factors a dense m x n matrix A by Gaussian elimination,
193    using row interchanges for stability, as in dgefa from LINPACK.
194    This version also uses column interchanges if all elements in a
195    pivot column are smaller than (or equal to) "small".  Such columns
196    are changed to zero and permuted to the right-hand end.
197    As in LINPACK, ipvt(*) keeps track of pivot rows.
198    Rows of U are interchanged, but we don't have to physically
199    permute rows of L.  In contrast, column interchanges are applied
200    directly to the columns of both L and U, and to the column
201    permutation vector iq(*).
202    ------------------------------------------------------------------
203    On entry:
204         a       Array holding the matrix A to be factored.
205         lda     The leading dimension of the array  a.
206         m       The number of rows    in  A.
207         n       The number of columns in  A.
208         small   A drop tolerance.  Must be zero or positive.
210    On exit:
211         a       An upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
212                 which were used to obtain it.
213                 The factorization can be written  A = L*U  where
214                 L  is a product of permutation and unit lower
215                 triangular matrices and  U  is upper triangular.
216         nsing   Number of singularities detected.
217         ipvt    Records the pivot rows.
218         iq      A vector to which column interchanges are applied.
219    ------------------------------------------------------------------
220    02 May 1989: First version derived from dgefa
221                 in LINPACK (version dated 08/14/78).
222    05 Feb 1994: Generalized to treat rectangular matrices
223                 and use column interchanges when necessary.
224                 ipvt is retained, but column permutations are applied
225                 directly to iq(*).
226    21 Dec 1994: Bug found via example from Steve Dirkse.
227                 Loop 100 added to set ipvt(*) for singular rows.
228    ================================================================== */
229 void LU1DPP(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, REAL DA[], int LDA, int M, int N, REAL SMALL,
230             int *NSING, int IPVT[], int IX[])
231 {
232   int            I, J, K, KP1, L, LAST, LENCOL;
233   register REAL T;
234 #ifdef LUSOLFastDenseIndex
235   register REAL *DA1, *DA2;
236   int IDA1, IDA2;
237 #else
238   register int IDA1, IDA2;
239 #endif
241   *NSING = 0;
242   K = 1;
243   LAST = N;
244 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
245         Start of elimination loop.
246         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
247 x10:
248   KP1 = K+1;
249   LENCOL = (M-K)+1;
250 /*      Find l, the pivot row. */
252   IPVT[K] = L;
253   if(fabs(DA[DAPOS(L,K)])<=SMALL) {
254 /*         ===============================================================
255            Do column interchange, changing old pivot column to zero.
256            Reduce  "last"  and try again with same k.
257            =============================================================== */
258     (*NSING)++;
259     J = IX[LAST];
260     IX[LAST] = IX[K];
261     IX[K] = J;
262 #ifdef LUSOLFastDenseIndex
263     DA1 = DA+DAPOS(0,LAST);
264     DA2 = DA+DAPOS(0,K);
265     for(I = 1; I <= K-1; I++) {
266       DA1++;
267       DA2++;
268       T = *DA1;
269       *DA1 = *DA2;
270       *DA2 = T;
271 #else
272     for(I = 1; I <= K-1; I++) {
273       IDA1 = DAPOS(I,LAST);
274       IDA2 = DAPOS(I,K);
275       T = DA[IDA1];
276       DA[IDA1] = DA[IDA2];
277       DA[IDA2] = T;
278 #endif
279     }
280 #ifdef LUSOLFastDenseIndex
281     for(I = K; I <= M; I++) {
282       DA1++;
283       DA2++;
284       T = *DA1;
285       *DA1 = ZERO;
286       *DA2 = T;
287 #else
288     for(I = K; I <= M; I++) {
289       IDA1 = DAPOS(I,LAST);
290       IDA2 = DAPOS(I,K);
291       T = DA[IDA1];
292       DA[IDA1] = ZERO;
293       DA[IDA2] = T;
294 #endif
295     }
296     LAST = LAST-1;
297     if(K<=LAST)
298       goto x10;
299   }
300   else if(M>K) {
301 /*         ===============================================================
302            Do row interchange if necessary.
303            =============================================================== */
304     if(L!=K) {
305       IDA1 = DAPOS(L,K);
306       IDA2 = DAPOS(K,K);
307       T = DA[IDA1];
308       DA[IDA1] = DA[IDA2];
309       DA[IDA2] = T;
310     }
311 /*         ===============================================================
312            Compute multipliers.
313            Do row elimination with column indexing.
314            =============================================================== */
315     T = -ONE/DA[DAPOS(K,K)];
317     for(J = KP1; J <= LAST; J++) {
318       IDA1 = DAPOS(L,J);
319       T = DA[IDA1];
320       if(L!=K) {
321         IDA2 = DAPOS(K,J);
322         DA[IDA1] = DA[IDA2];
323         DA[IDA2] = T;
324       }
325       daxpy(M-K,T,DA+DAPOS(KP1,K)-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,1,
326                   DA+DAPOS(KP1,J)-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,1);
327     }
328     K++;
329     if(K<=LAST)
330       goto x10;
331   }
332 /*      Set ipvt(*) for singular rows. */
333   for(K = LAST+1; K <= M; K++)
334     IPVT[K] = K;
336 }
339 /* ==================================================================
340    lu1pq1  constructs a permutation  iperm  from the array  len.
341    ------------------------------------------------------------------
342    On entry:
343    len(i)  holds the number of nonzeros in the i-th row (say)
344            of an m by n matrix.
345    num(*)  can be anything (workspace).
347    On exit:
348    iperm   contains a list of row numbers in the order
349            rows of length 0,  rows of length 1,..., rows of length n.
350    loc(nz) points to the first row containing  nz  nonzeros,
351            nz = 1, n.
352    inv(i)  points to the position of row i within iperm(*).
353    ================================================================== */
354 void LU1PQ1(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int M, int N, int LEN[],
355             int IPERM[], int LOC[], int INV[], int NUM[])
356 {
357   int NZEROS, NZ, I, L;
359 /*      Count the number of rows of each length. */
360   NZEROS = 0;
361   for(NZ = 1; NZ <= N; NZ++) {
362     NUM[NZ] = 0;
363     LOC[NZ] = 0;
364   }
365   for(I = 1; I <= M; I++) {
366     NZ = LEN[I];
367     if(NZ==0)
368       NZEROS++;
369     else
370       NUM[NZ]++;
371   }
372 /*      Set starting locations for each length. */
373   L = NZEROS+1;
374   for(NZ = 1; NZ <= N; NZ++) {
375     LOC[NZ] = L;
376     L += NUM[NZ];
377     NUM[NZ] = 0;
378   }
379 /*      Form the list. */
380   NZEROS = 0;
381   for(I = 1; I <= M; I++) {
382     NZ = LEN[I];
383     if(NZ==0) {
384       NZEROS++;
385       IPERM[NZEROS] = I;
386     }
387     else {
388       L = LOC[NZ]+NUM[NZ];
389       IPERM[L] = I;
390       NUM[NZ]++;
391     }
392   }
393 /*      Define the inverse of iperm. */
394   for(L = 1; L <= M; L++) {
395     I = IPERM[L];
396     INV[I] = L;
397   }
398 }
400 /* ==================================================================
401    lu1pq2 frees the space occupied by the pivot row,
402    and updates the column permutation iq.
403    Also used to free the pivot column and update the row perm ip.
404    ------------------------------------------------------------------
405    nzpiv   (input)    is the length of the pivot row (or column).
406    nzchng  (output)   is the net change in total nonzeros.
407    ------------------------------------------------------------------
408    14 Apr 1989  First version.
409    ================================================================== */
410 void LU1PQ2(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int NZPIV, int *NZCHNG,
411             int IND[], int LENOLD[], int LENNEW[], int IXLOC[], int IX[], int IXINV[])
412 {
413   int LR, J, NZ, NZNEW, L, NEXT, LNEW, JNEW;
415   *NZCHNG = 0;
416   for(LR = 1; LR <= NZPIV; LR++) {
417     J = IND[LR];
418     IND[LR] = 0;
419     NZ = LENOLD[LR];
420     NZNEW = LENNEW[J];
421     if(NZ!=NZNEW) {
422       L = IXINV[J];
423       *NZCHNG = (*NZCHNG+NZNEW)-NZ;
424 /*            l above is the position of column j in iq  (so j = iq(l)). */
425       if(NZ<NZNEW) {
426 /*               Column  j  has to move towards the end of  iq. */
427 x110:
428         NEXT = NZ+1;
429         LNEW = IXLOC[NEXT]-1;
430         if(LNEW!=L) {
431           JNEW = IX[LNEW];
432           IX[L] = JNEW;
433           IXINV[JNEW] = L;
434         }
435         L = LNEW;
436         IXLOC[NEXT] = LNEW;
437         NZ = NEXT;
438         if(NZ<NZNEW)
439           goto x110;
440       }
441       else {
442 /*               Column  j  has to move towards the front of  iq. */
443 x120:
444         LNEW = IXLOC[NZ];
445         if(LNEW!=L) {
446           JNEW = IX[LNEW];
447           IX[L] = JNEW;
448           IXINV[JNEW] = L;
449         }
450         L = LNEW;
451         IXLOC[NZ] = LNEW+1;
452         NZ = NZ-1;
453         if(NZ>NZNEW)
454           goto x120;
455       }
456       IX[LNEW] = J;
457       IXINV[J] = LNEW;
458     }
459   }
460 }
462 /* ==================================================================
463    lu1pq3  looks at the permutation  iperm(*)  and moves any entries
464    to the end whose corresponding length  len(*)  is zero.
465    ------------------------------------------------------------------
466    09 Feb 1994: Added work array iw(*) to improve efficiency.
467    ================================================================== */
468 void LU1PQ3(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int MN, int LEN[], int IPERM[], int IW[], int *NRANK)
469 {
470   int NZEROS, K, I;
472   *NRANK = 0;
473   NZEROS = 0;
474   for(K = 1; K <= MN; K++) {
475     I = IPERM[K];
476     if(LEN[I]==0) {
477       NZEROS++;
478       IW[NZEROS] = I;
479     }
480     else {
481       (*NRANK)++;
482       IPERM[*NRANK] = I;
483     }
484   }
485   for(K = 1; K <= NZEROS; K++)
486     IPERM[(*NRANK)+K] = IW[K];
487 }
489 /* ==================================================================
490    lu1rec
491    ------------------------------------------------------------------
492    On exit:
493    ltop         is the length of useful entries in ind(*), a(*).
494    ind(ltop+1)  is "i" such that len(i), loc(i) belong to the last
495                 item in ind(*), a(*).
496    ------------------------------------------------------------------
497    00 Jun 1983: Original version of lu1rec followed John Reid's
498                 compression routine in LA05.  It recovered
499                 space in ind(*) and optionally a(*)
500                 by eliminating entries with ind(l) = 0.
501                 The elements of ind(*) could not be negative.
502                 If len(i) was positive, entry i contained
503                 that many elements, starting at  loc(i).
504                 Otherwise, entry i was eliminated.
505    23 Mar 2001: Realised we could have len(i) = 0 in rare cases!
506                 (Mostly during TCP when the pivot row contains
507                 a column of length 1 that couldn't be a pivot.)
508                 Revised storage scheme to
509                    keep        entries with       ind(l) >  0,
510                    squeeze out entries with -n <= ind(l) <= 0,
511                 and to allow len(i) = 0.
512                 Empty items are moved to the end of the compressed
513                 ind(*) and/or a(*) arrays are given one empty space.
514                 Items with len(i) < 0 are still eliminated.
515    27 Mar 2001: Decided to use only ind(l) > 0 and = 0 in lu1fad.
516                 Still have to keep entries with len(i) = 0.
517    ================================================================== */
518 void LU1REC(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int N, MYBOOL REALS, int *LTOP,
519                              int IND[], int LEN[], int LOC[])
520 {
523   NEMPTY = 0;
524   for(I = 1; I <= N; I++) {
525     LENI = LEN[I];
526     if(LENI>0) {
527       L = (LOC[I]+LENI)-1;
528       LEN[I] = IND[L];
529       IND[L] = -(N+I);
530     }
531     else if(LENI==0)
532       NEMPTY++;
533   }
534   K = 0;
535 /*      Previous k */
536   KLAST = 0;
537 /*      Last entry moved. */
538   ILAST = 0;
539   LEND = *LTOP;
540   for(L = 1; L <= LEND; L++) {
541     I = IND[L];
542     if(I>0) {
543       K++;
544       IND[K] = I;
545       if(REALS)
546         LUSOL->a[K] = LUSOL->a[L];
547     }
548     else if(I<-N) {
549 /*            This is the end of entry  i. */
550       I = -(N+I);
551       ILAST = I;
552       K++;
553       IND[K] = LEN[I];
554       if(REALS)
555         LUSOL->a[K] = LUSOL->a[L];
556       LOC[I] = KLAST+1;
557       LEN[I] = K-KLAST;
558       KLAST = K;
559     }
560   }
561 /*      Move any empty items to the end, adding 1 free entry for each. */
562   if(NEMPTY>0) {
563     for(I = 1; I <= N; I++) {
564       if(LEN[I]==0) {
565         K++;
566         LOC[I] = K;
567         IND[K] = 0;
568         ILAST = I;
569       }
570     }
571   }
574     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "lu1rec.  File compressed from %d to %d\n",
575                         *LTOP,K,REALS,NEMPTY);
576 /*      ncp */
578 /*      Return ilast in ind(ltop + 1). */
579   *LTOP = K;
580   IND[(*LTOP)+1] = ILAST;
581 }
583 /* ==================================================================
584    lu1slk  sets w(j) > 0 if column j is a unit vector.
585    ------------------------------------------------------------------
586    21 Nov 2000: First version.  lu1fad needs it for TCP.
587                 Note that w(*) is nominally an integer array,
588                 but the only spare space is the double array w(*).
589    ================================================================== */
590 void LU1SLK(LUSOLrec *LUSOL)
591 {
592   int J, LC1, LQ, LQ1, LQ2;
594   for(J = 1; J <= LUSOL->n; J++) {
595     LUSOL->w[J] = 0;
596   }
597   LQ1 = (LUSOL->iqloc ? LUSOL->iqloc[1] : LUSOL->n+1);
598 /*  LQ1 = LUSOL->iqloc[1];   This is the original version; correction above by Yin Zhang */
599   LQ2 = LUSOL->n;
600   if(LUSOL->m>1)
601     LQ2 = LUSOL->iqloc[2]-1;
602   for(LQ = LQ1; LQ <= LQ2; LQ++) {
603     J = LUSOL->iq[LQ];
604     LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
605     if(fabs(LUSOL->a[LC1])==1) {
606       LUSOL->w[J] = 1;
607     }
608   }
609 }
611 /* ==================================================================
612    lu1gau does most of the work for each step of Gaussian elimination.
613    A multiple of the pivot column is added to each other column j
614    in the pivot row.  The column list is fully updated.
615    The row list is updated if there is room, but some fill-ins may
616    remain, as indicated by ifill and jfill.
617    ------------------------------------------------------------------
618    Input:
619       ilast    is the row    at the end of the row    list.
620       jlast    is the column at the end of the column list.
621       lfirst   is the first column to be processed.
622       lu + 1   is the corresponding element of U in au(*).
623       nfill    keeps track of pending fill-in.
624       a(*)     contains the nonzeros for each column j.
625       indc(*)  contains the row indices for each column j.
626       al(*)    contains the new column of L.  A multiple of it is
627                used to modify each column.
628       mark(*)  has been set to -1, -2, -3, ... in the rows
629                corresponding to nonzero 1, 2, 3, ... of the col of L.
630       au(*)    contains the new row of U.  Each nonzero gives the
631                required multiple of the column of L.
633    Workspace:
634       markl(*) marks the nonzeros of L actually used.
635                (A different mark, namely j, is used for each column.)
637    Output:
638       ilast     New last row    in the row    list.
639       jlast     New last column in the column list.
640       lfirst    = 0 if all columns were completed,
641                 > 0 otherwise.
642       lu        returns the position of the last nonzero of U
643                 actually used, in case we come back in again.
644       nfill     keeps track of the total extra space needed in the
645                 row file.
646       ifill(ll) counts pending fill-in for rows involved in the new
647                 column of L.
648       jfill(lu) marks the first pending fill-in stored in columns
649                 involved in the new row of U.
650    ------------------------------------------------------------------
651    16 Apr 1989: First version of lu1gau.
652    23 Apr 1989: lfirst, lu, nfill are now input and output
653                 to allow re-entry if elimination is interrupted.
654    23 Mar 2001: Introduced ilast, jlast.
655    27 Mar 2001: Allow fill-in "in situ" if there is already room
656                 up to but NOT INCLUDING the end of the
657                 row or column file.
658                 Seems safe way to avoid overwriting empty rows/cols
659                 at the end.  (May not be needed though, now that we
660                 have ilast and jlast.)
661    ================================================================== */
662 void LU1GAU(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int MELIM, int NSPARE,
663             REAL SMALL, int LPIVC1, int LPIVC2, int *LFIRST, int LPIVR2,
664             int LFREE, int MINFRE, int ILAST, int *JLAST, int *LROW, int *LCOL,
665             int *LU, int *NFILL,
666             int MARK[],  REAL AL[], int MARKL[], REAL AU[], int IFILL[], int JFILL[])
667 {
669   int    LR, J, LENJ, NFREE, LC1, LC2, NDONE, NDROP, L, I, LL, K,
670          LR1, LAST, LREP, L1, L2, LC, LENI;
671   register REAL UJ;
672   REAL   AIJ;
674   for(LR = *LFIRST; LR <= LPIVR2; LR++) {
675     J = LUSOL->indr[LR];
676     LENJ = LUSOL->lenc[J];
677     NFREE = LFREE - *LCOL;
678     if(NFREE<MINFRE)
679       goto x900;
680 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
681            Inner loop to modify existing nonzeros in column  j.
682            Loop 440 performs most of the arithmetic involved in the
683            whole LU factorization.
684            ndone counts how many multipliers were used.
685            ndrop counts how many modified nonzeros are negligibly small.
686            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
687     (*LU)++;
688     UJ = AU[*LU];
689     LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
690     LC2 = (LC1+LENJ)-1;
691     ATEND = (MYBOOL) (J==*JLAST);
692     NDONE = 0;
693     if(LENJ==0)
694       goto x500;
695     NDROP = 0;
696     for(L = LC1; L <= LC2; L++) {
697       I = LUSOL->indc[L];
698       LL = -MARK[I];
699       if(LL>0) {
700         NDONE++;
701         MARKL[LL] = J;
702         LUSOL->a[L] += AL[LL]*UJ;
703         if(fabs(LUSOL->a[L])<=SMALL) {
704           NDROP++;
705         }
706       }
707     }
708 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
709            Remove any negligible modified nonzeros from both
710            the column file and the row file.
711            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
712     if(NDROP==0)
713       goto x500;
714     K = LC1;
715     for(L = LC1; L <= LC2; L++) {
716       I = LUSOL->indc[L];
717       if(fabs(LUSOL->a[L])<=SMALL)
718         goto x460;
719       LUSOL->a[K] = LUSOL->a[L];
720       LUSOL->indc[K] = I;
721       K++;
722       continue;
723 /*            Delete the nonzero from the row file. */
724 x460:
725       LENJ--;
726       LUSOL->lenr[I]--;
727       LR1 = LUSOL->locr[I];
728       LAST = LR1+LUSOL->lenr[I];
729       for(LREP = LR1; LREP <= LAST; LREP++) {
730         if(LUSOL->indr[LREP]==J)
731           break;
732       }
733       LUSOL->indr[LREP] = LUSOL->indr[LAST];
734       LUSOL->indr[LAST] = 0;
735       if(I==ILAST)
736         (*LROW)--;
737     }
738 /*         Free the deleted elements from the column file. */
739 #ifdef LUSOLFastClear
740     MEMCLEAR(LUSOL->indc+K, LC2-K+1);
741 #else
742     for(L = K; L <= LC2; L++)
743       LUSOL->indc[L] = ZERO;
744 #endif
745     if(ATEND)
746       *LCOL = K-1;
747 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
748            Deal with the fill-in in column j.
749            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
750 x500:
751     if(NDONE==MELIM)
752       goto x590;
753 /*         See if column j already has room for the fill-in. */
754     if(ATEND)
755       goto x540;
756     LAST = (LC1+LENJ)-1;
757     L1 = LAST+1;
758     L2 = (LAST+MELIM)-NDONE;
759 /*      27 Mar 2001: Be sure it's not at or past end of the col file. */
760     if(L2>=*LCOL)
761       goto x520;
762     for(L = L1; L <= L2; L++) {
763       if(LUSOL->indc[L]!=0)
764         goto x520;
765     }
766     goto x540;
767 /*         We must move column j to the end of the column file.
768            First, leave some spare room at the end of the
769            current last column. */
770 x520:
771 #if 1
772     L1 = (*LCOL)+1;
773     L2 = (*LCOL)+NSPARE;
774     *LCOL = L2;
775     for(L = L1; L <= L2; L++) {
776 #else
777     for(L = (*LCOL)+1; L <= (*LCOL)+NSPARE; L++) {
778       *LCOL = L;  /* ****** ERROR ???? */
779 #endif
780 /*      Spare space is free. */
781       LUSOL->indc[L] = 0;
782     }
783     ATEND = TRUE;
784     *JLAST = J;
785     L1 = LC1;
786     L2 = *LCOL;
787     LC1 = L2+1;
788     LUSOL->locc[J] = LC1;
789     for(L = L1; L <= LAST; L++) {
790       L2++;
791       LUSOL->a[L2] = LUSOL->a[L];
792       LUSOL->indc[L2] = LUSOL->indc[L];
793 /*      Free space. */
794       LUSOL->indc[L] = 0;
795     }
796     *LCOL = L2;
797 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
798            Inner loop for the fill-in in column j.
799            This is usually not very expensive.
800            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
801 x540:
802     LAST = (LC1+LENJ)-1;
803     LL = 0;
804     for(LC = LPIVC1; LC <= LPIVC2; LC++) {
805       LL++;
806       if(MARKL[LL]==J)
807         continue;
808       AIJ = AL[LL]*UJ;
809       if(fabs(AIJ)<=SMALL)
810         continue;
811       LENJ++;
812       LAST++;
813       LUSOL->a[LAST] = AIJ;
814       I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
815       LUSOL->indc[LAST] = I;
816       LENI = LUSOL->lenr[I];
817 /*            Add 1 fill-in to row i if there is already room.
818               27 Mar 2001: Be sure it's not at or past the }
819                            of the row file. */
820       L = LUSOL->locr[I]+LENI;
821       if(L>=*LROW)
822         goto x550;
823       if(LUSOL->indr[L]>0)
824         goto x550;
825       LUSOL->indr[L] = J;
826       LUSOL->lenr[I] = LENI+1;
827       continue;
828 /*            Row i does not have room for the fill-in.
829               Increment ifill(ll) to count how often this has
830               happened to row i.  Also, add m to the row index
831               indc(last) in column j to mark it as a fill-in that is
832               still pending.
833               If this is the first pending fill-in for row i,
834               nfill includes the current length of row i
835               (since the whole row has to be moved later).
836               If this is the first pending fill-in for column j,
837               jfill(lu) records the current length of column j
838               (to shorten the search for pending fill-ins later). */
839 x550:
840       if(IFILL[LL]==0)
841         (*NFILL) += LENI+NSPARE;
842       if(JFILL[*LU]==0)
843         JFILL[*LU] = LENJ;
844       (*NFILL)++;
845       IFILL[LL]++;
846       LUSOL->indc[LAST] = LUSOL->m+I;
847     }
848     if(ATEND)
849       *LCOL = LAST;
850 /*         End loop for column  j.  Store its final length. */
851 x590:
852     LUSOL->lenc[J] = LENJ;
853   }
854 /*      Successful completion. */
855   *LFIRST = 0;
856   return;
857 /*      Interruption.  We have to come back in after the
858         column file is compressed.  Give lfirst a new value.
859         lu and nfill will retain their current values. */
860 x900:
861   *LFIRST = LR;
862 }
864 /* ==================================================================
865    lu1mar  uses a Markowitz criterion to select a pivot element
866    for the next stage of a sparse LU factorization,
867    subject to a Threshold Partial Pivoting stability criterion (TPP)
868    that bounds the elements of L.
869    ------------------------------------------------------------------
870    gamma  is "gamma" in the tie-breaking rule TB4 in the LUSOL paper.
871    ------------------------------------------------------------------
872    Search cols of length nz = 1, then rows of length nz = 1,
873    then   cols of length nz = 2, then rows of length nz = 2, etc.
874    ------------------------------------------------------------------
875    00 Jan 1986  Version documented in LUSOL paper:
876                 Gill, Murray, Saunders and Wright (1987),
877                 Maintaining LU factors of a general sparse matrix,
878                 Linear algebra and its applications 88/89, 239-270.
879    02 Feb 1989  Following Suhl and Aittoniemi (1987), the largest
880                 element in each column is now kept at the start of
881                 the column, i.e. in position locc(j) of a and indc.
882                 This should speed up the Markowitz searches.
883    26 Apr 1989  Both columns and rows searched during spars1 phase.
884                 Only columns searched during spars2 phase.
885                 maxtie replaced by maxcol and maxrow.
886    05 Nov 1993  Initializing  "mbest = m * n"  wasn't big enough when
887                 m = 10, n = 3, and last column had 7 nonzeros.
888    09 Feb 1994  Realised that "mbest = maxmn * maxmn" might overflow.
889                 Changed to    "mbest = maxmn * 1000".
890    27 Apr 2000  On large example from Todd Munson,
891                 that allowed  "if (mbest .le. nz1**2) go to 900"
892                 to exit before any pivot had been found.
893                 Introduced kbest = mbest / nz1.
894                 Most pivots can be rejected with no integer multiply.
895                 TRUE merit is evaluated only if it's as good as the
896                 best so far (or better).  There should be no danger
897                 of integer overflow unless A is incredibly
898                 large and dense.
899    10 Sep 2000  TCP, aijtol added for Threshold Complete Pivoting.
900    ================================================================== */
902             int MAXCOL, int MAXROW, int *IBEST, int *JBEST, int *MBEST)
903 {
904   int  KBEST, NCOL, NROW, NZ1, NZ, LQ1, LQ2, LQ, J, LC1, LC2, LC, I, LEN1, MERIT, LP1,
905        LP2, LP, LR1, LR2, LR;
908   ABEST = ZERO;
909   LBEST = ZERO;
910   *IBEST = 0;
911   *MBEST = -1;
912   KBEST = MAXMN+1;
913   NCOL = 0;
914   NROW = 0;
915   NZ1 = 0;
916   for(NZ = 1; NZ <= MAXMN; NZ++) {
917 /*         nz1    = nz - 1
918            if (mbest .le. nz1**2) go to 900 */
919     if(KBEST<=NZ1)
920       goto x900;
921     if(*IBEST>0) {
922       if(NCOL>=MAXCOL)
923         goto x200;
924     }
925     if(NZ>LUSOL->m)
926       goto x200;
927 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
928            Search the set of columns of length  nz.
929            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
930     LQ1 = LUSOL->iqloc[NZ];
931     LQ2 = LUSOL->n;
932     if(NZ<LUSOL->m)
933       LQ2 = LUSOL->iqloc[NZ+1]-1;
934     for(LQ = LQ1; LQ <= LQ2; LQ++) {
935       NCOL = NCOL+1;
936       J = LUSOL->iq[LQ];
937       LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
938       LC2 = LC1+NZ1;
939       AMAX = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC1]);
940 /*            Test all aijs in this column.
941               amax is the largest element (the first in the column).
942               cmax is the largest multiplier if aij becomes pivot. */
943       if(TCP) {
944 /*      Nothing in whole column */
945         if(AMAX<AIJTOL)
946           continue;
947       }
948       for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
949         I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
950         LEN1 = LUSOL->lenr[I]-1;
951 /*               merit  = nz1 * len1
952                  if (merit > mbest) continue; */
953         if(LEN1>KBEST)
954           continue;
955 /*               aij  has a promising merit.
956                  Apply the stability test.
957                  We require  aij  to be sufficiently large compared to
958                  all other nonzeros in column  j.  This is equivalent
959                  to requiring cmax to be bounded by Ltol. */
960         if(LC==LC1) {
961 /*                  This is the maximum element, amax.
962                     Find the biggest element in the rest of the column
963                     and hence get cmax.  We know cmax .le. 1, but
964                     we still want it exactly in order to break ties.
965                     27 Apr 2002: Settle for cmax = 1. */
966           AIJ = AMAX;
967           CMAX = ONE;
968 /*                  cmax   = zero
969                     for (l = lc1 + 1; l <= lc2; l++)
970                        cmax  = max( cmax, abs( a(l) ) );
971                     cmax   = cmax / amax; */
972         }
973         else {
974 /*                  aij is not the biggest element, so cmax .ge. 1.
975                     Bail out if cmax will be too big. */
976           AIJ = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
977 /*      Absolute test for Complete Pivoting */
978           if(TCP) {
979             if(AIJ<AIJTOL)
980               continue;
981 /*      TPP */
982           }
983           else {
984             if(AIJ*LTOL<AMAX)
985               continue;
986           }
987           CMAX = AMAX/AIJ;
988         }
989 /*               aij  is big enough.  Its maximum multiplier is cmax. */
990         MERIT = NZ1*LEN1;
991         if(MERIT==*MBEST) {
992 /*                  Break ties.
993                     (Initializing mbest < 0 prevents getting here if
994                     nothing has been found yet.)
995                     In this version we minimize cmax
996                     but if it is already small we maximize the pivot. */
997           if(LBEST<=LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_GAMMA] &&
998              CMAX<=LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_GAMMA]) {
999             if(ABEST>=AIJ)
1000               continue;
1001           }
1002           else {
1003             if(LBEST<=CMAX)
1004               continue;
1005           }
1006         }
1007 /*               aij  is the best pivot so far. */
1008         *IBEST = I;
1009         *JBEST = J;
1010         KBEST = LEN1;
1011         *MBEST = MERIT;
1012         ABEST = AIJ;
1013         LBEST = CMAX;
1014         if(NZ==1)
1015           goto x900;
1016       }
1017 /*            Finished with that column. */
1018       if(*IBEST>0) {
1019         if(NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1020           goto x200;
1021       }
1022     }
1023 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
1024            Search the set of rows of length  nz.
1025            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
1026 x200:
1027 /*    if (mbest .le. nz*nz1) go to 900 */
1028     if(KBEST<=NZ)
1029       goto x900;
1030     if(*IBEST>0) {
1031       if(NROW>=MAXROW)
1032         goto x290;
1033     }
1034     if(NZ>LUSOL->n)
1035       goto x290;
1036     LP1 = LUSOL->iploc[NZ];
1037     LP2 = LUSOL->m;
1038     if(NZ<LUSOL->n)
1039       LP2 = LUSOL->iploc[NZ+1]-1;
1040     for(LP = LP1; LP <= LP2; LP++) {
1041       NROW++;
1042       I = LUSOL->ip[LP];
1043       LR1 = LUSOL->locr[I];
1044       LR2 = LR1+NZ1;
1045       for(LR = LR1; LR <= LR2; LR++) {
1046         J = LUSOL->indr[LR];
1047         LEN1 = LUSOL->lenc[J]-1;
1048 /*               merit  = nz1 * len1
1049                  if (merit .gt. mbest) continue */
1050         if(LEN1>KBEST)
1051           continue;
1052 /*               aij  has a promising merit.
1053                  Find where  aij  is in column  j. */
1054         LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1055         LC2 = LC1+LEN1;
1056         AMAX = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC1]);
1057         for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
1058           if(LUSOL->indc[LC]==I)
1059             break;
1060         }
1061 /*               Apply the same stability test as above. */
1062         AIJ = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
1063 /*      Absolute test for Complete Pivoting */
1064         if(TCP) {
1065           if(AIJ<AIJTOL)
1066             continue;
1067         }
1068         if(LC==LC1) {
1069 /*                  This is the maximum element, amax.
1070                     Find the biggest element in the rest of the column
1071                     and hence get cmax.  We know cmax .le. 1, but
1072                     we still want it exactly in order to break ties.
1073                     27 Apr 2002: Settle for cmax = 1. */
1074           CMAX = ONE;
1075 /*                  cmax   = zero
1076                     for(l = lc1 + 1; l <= lc2; l++)
1077                        cmax  = max( cmax, fabs( a(l) ) )
1078                     cmax   = cmax / amax */
1079         }
1080         else {
1081 /*                  aij is not the biggest element, so cmax .ge. 1.
1082                     Bail out if cmax will be too big. */
1083           if(TCP) {
1084 /*      relax */
1085           }
1086           else {
1087             if(AIJ*LTOL<AMAX)
1088               continue;
1089           }
1090           CMAX = AMAX/AIJ;
1091         }
1092 /*               aij  is big enough.  Its maximum multiplier is cmax. */
1093         MERIT = NZ1*LEN1;
1094         if(MERIT==*MBEST) {
1095 /*                  Break ties as before.
1096                     (Initializing mbest < 0 prevents getting here if
1097                     nothing has been found yet.) */
1098           if(LBEST<=LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_GAMMA] &&
1099              CMAX<=LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_GAMMA]) {
1100             if(ABEST>=AIJ)
1101               continue;
1102           }
1103           else {
1104             if(LBEST<=CMAX)
1105               continue;
1106           }
1107         }
1108 /*               aij  is the best pivot so far. */
1109         *IBEST = I;
1110         *JBEST = J;
1111         *MBEST = MERIT;
1112         KBEST = LEN1;
1113         ABEST = AIJ;
1114         LBEST = CMAX;
1115         if(NZ==1)
1116           goto x900;
1117       }
1118 /*            Finished with that row. */
1119       if(*IBEST>0) {
1120         if(NROW>=MAXROW)
1121           goto x290;
1122       }
1123     }
1124 /*         See if it's time to quit. */
1125 x290:
1126     if(*IBEST>0) {
1127       if(NROW>=MAXROW && NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1128         goto x900;
1129     }
1130 /*         Press on with next nz. */
1131     NZ1 = NZ;
1132     if(*IBEST>0)
1133       KBEST = *MBEST/NZ1;
1134   }
1135 x900:
1136 ;
1137 }
1139 /* ==================================================================
1140    lu1mCP  uses a Markowitz criterion to select a pivot element
1141    for the next stage of a sparse LU factorization,
1142    subject to a Threshold Complete Pivoting stability criterion (TCP)
1143    that bounds the elements of L and U.
1144    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1145    gamma  is "gamma" in the tie-breaking rule TB4 in the LUSOL paper.
1146    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1147    09 May 2002: First version of lu1mCP.
1148                 It searches columns only, using the heap that
1149                 holds the largest element in each column.
1150    09 May 2002: Current version of lu1mCP.
1151    ================================================================== */
1152 void LU1MCP(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, REAL AIJTOL, int *IBEST, int *JBEST, int *MBEST,
1153             int HLEN, REAL HA[], int HJ[])
1154 {
1155   int  J, KHEAP, LC, LC1, LC2, LENJ, MAXCOL, NCOL, NZ1, I, LEN1, MERIT;
1158 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
1159         Search up to maxcol columns stored at the top of the heap.
1160         The very top column helps initialize mbest.
1161         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1162   ABEST = ZERO;
1163   LBEST = ZERO;
1164   *IBEST = 0;
1165 /*      Column at the top of the heap */
1166   *JBEST = HJ[1];
1167   LENJ = LUSOL->lenc[*JBEST];
1168 /*      Bigger than any possible merit */
1169   *MBEST = LENJ*HLEN;
1170 /*      ??? Big question */
1171   MAXCOL = 40;
1172 /*      No. of columns searched */
1173   NCOL = 0;
1174   for(KHEAP = 1; KHEAP <= HLEN; KHEAP++) {
1175     AMAX = HA[KHEAP];
1176     if(AMAX<AIJTOL)
1177       continue;
1178     NCOL++;
1179     J = HJ[KHEAP];
1180 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
1181            This column has at least one entry big enough (the top one).
1182            Search the column for other possibilities.
1183            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
1184     LENJ = LUSOL->lenc[J];
1185     NZ1 = LENJ-1;
1186     LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1187     LC2 = LC1+NZ1;
1188 /* --      amax   = abs( a(lc1) )
1189            Test all aijs in this column.
1190            amax is the largest element (the first in the column).
1191            cmax is the largest multiplier if aij becomes pivot. */
1192     for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
1193       I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
1194       LEN1 = LUSOL->lenr[I]-1;
1195       MERIT = NZ1*LEN1;
1196       if(MERIT>*MBEST)
1197         continue;
1198 /*            aij  has a promising merit. */
1199       if(LC==LC1) {
1200 /*               This is the maximum element, amax.
1201                  Find the biggest element in the rest of the column
1202                  and hence get cmax.  We know cmax .le. 1, but
1203                  we still want it exactly in order to break ties.
1204                  27 Apr 2002: Settle for cmax = 1. */
1205         AIJ = AMAX;
1206         CMAX = ONE;
1207 /*               cmax   = ZERO;
1208                  for(l = lc1 + 1; l <= lc2; l++)
1209                     cmax  = max( cmax, abs( a(l) ) )
1210                  cmax   = cmax / amax; */
1211       }
1212       else {
1213 /*               aij is not the biggest element, so cmax .ge. 1.
1214                  Bail out if cmax will be too big. */
1215         AIJ = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
1216         if(AIJ<AIJTOL)
1217           continue;
1218         CMAX = AMAX/AIJ;
1219       }
1220 /*            aij  is big enough.  Its maximum multiplier is cmax. */
1221       if(MERIT==*MBEST) {
1222 /*               Break ties.
1223                  (Initializing mbest "too big" prevents getting here if
1224                  nothing has been found yet.)
1225                  In this version we minimize cmax
1226                  but if it is already small we maximize the pivot. */
1227         if(LBEST<=LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_GAMMA] &&
1228            CMAX<=LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_GAMMA]) {
1229           if(ABEST>=AIJ)
1230             continue;
1231         }
1232         else {
1233           if(LBEST<=CMAX)
1234             continue;
1235         }
1236       }
1237 /*            aij  is the best pivot so far. */
1238       *IBEST = I;
1239       *JBEST = J;
1240       *MBEST = MERIT;
1241       ABEST = AIJ;
1242       LBEST = CMAX;
1243 /*      Col or row of length 1 */
1244       if(MERIT==0)
1245         goto x900;
1246     }
1247     if(NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1248       goto x900;
1249   }
1250 x900:
1251 ;
1252 }
1254 /* ==================================================================
1255    lu1mRP  uses a Markowitz criterion to select a pivot element
1256    for the next stage of a sparse LU factorization,
1257    subject to a Threshold Rook Pivoting stability criterion (TRP)
1258    that bounds the elements of L and U.
1259    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1260    11 Jun 2002: First version of lu1mRP derived from lu1mar.
1261    11 Jun 2002: Current version of lu1mRP.
1262    ================================================================== */
1264   int *IBEST, int *JBEST, int *MBEST, REAL AMAXR[])
1265 {
1266   int  I, J, KBEST, LC, LC1, LC2, LEN1, LP, LP1, LP2, LQ, LQ1,
1267        LQ2, LR, LR1, LR2, MERIT, NCOL, NROW, NZ, NZ1;
1270 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
1271         Search cols of length nz = 1, then rows of length nz = 1,
1272         then   cols of length nz = 2, then rows of length nz = 2, etc.
1273         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1274   ABEST = ZERO;
1275   *IBEST = 0;
1276   KBEST = MAXMN+1;
1277   *MBEST = -1;
1278   NCOL = 0;
1279   NROW = 0;
1280   NZ1 = 0;
1281   for(NZ = 1; NZ <= MAXMN; NZ++) {
1282 /*         nz1    = nz - 1
1283            if (mbest .le. nz1**2) go to 900 */
1284     if(KBEST<=NZ1)
1285       goto x900;
1286     if(*IBEST>0) {
1287       if(NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1288         goto x200;
1289     }
1290     if(NZ>LUSOL->m)
1291       goto x200;
1292 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
1293            Search the set of columns of length  nz.
1294            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
1295     LQ1 = LUSOL->iqloc[NZ];
1296     LQ2 = LUSOL->n;
1297     if(NZ<LUSOL->m)
1298       LQ2 = LUSOL->iqloc[NZ+1]-1;
1299     for(LQ = LQ1; LQ <= LQ2; LQ++) {
1300       NCOL = NCOL+1;
1301       J = LUSOL->iq[LQ];
1302       LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1303       LC2 = LC1+NZ1;
1304       AMAX = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC1]);
1305 /*      Min size of pivots in col j */
1306       ATOLJ = AMAX/LTOL;
1307 /*            Test all aijs in this column. */
1308       for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
1309         I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
1310         LEN1 = LUSOL->lenr[I]-1;
1311 /*               merit  = nz1 * len1
1312                  if (merit .gt. mbest) continue; */
1313         if(LEN1>KBEST)
1314           continue;
1315 /*               aij  has a promising merit.
1316                  Apply the Threshold Rook Pivoting stability test.
1317                  First we require aij to be sufficiently large
1318                  compared to other nonzeros in column j.
1319                  Then  we require aij to be sufficiently large
1320                  compared to other nonzeros in row    i. */
1321         AIJ = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
1322         if(AIJ<ATOLJ)
1323           continue;
1324         if(AIJ*LTOL<AMAXR[I])
1325           continue;
1326 /*               aij  is big enough. */
1327         MERIT = NZ1*LEN1;
1328         if(MERIT==*MBEST) {
1329 /*                  Break ties.
1330                     (Initializing mbest < 0 prevents getting here if
1331                     nothing has been found yet.) */
1332           if(ABEST>=AIJ)
1333             continue;
1334         }
1335 /*               aij  is the best pivot so far. */
1336         *IBEST = I;
1337         *JBEST = J;
1338         KBEST = LEN1;
1339         *MBEST = MERIT;
1340         ABEST = AIJ;
1341         if(NZ==1)
1342           goto x900;
1343       }
1344 /*            Finished with that column. */
1345       if(*IBEST>0) {
1346         if(NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1347           goto x200;
1348       }
1349     }
1350 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
1351            Search the set of rows of length  nz.
1352            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
1353 x200:
1354 /*    if (mbest .le. nz*nz1) go to 900 */
1355     if(KBEST<=NZ)
1356       goto x900;
1357     if(*IBEST>0) {
1358       if(NROW>=MAXROW)
1359         goto x290;
1360     }
1361     if(NZ>LUSOL->n)
1362       goto x290;
1363     LP1 = LUSOL->iploc[NZ];
1364     LP2 = LUSOL->m;
1365     if(NZ<LUSOL->n)
1366       LP2 = LUSOL->iploc[NZ+1]-1;
1367     for(LP = LP1; LP <= LP2; LP++) {
1368       NROW = NROW+1;
1369       I = LUSOL->ip[LP];
1370       LR1 = LUSOL->locr[I];
1371       LR2 = LR1+NZ1;
1372 /*      Min size of pivots in row i */
1373       ATOLI = AMAXR[I]/LTOL;
1374       for(LR = LR1; LR <= LR2; LR++) {
1375         J = LUSOL->indr[LR];
1376         LEN1 = LUSOL->lenc[J]-1;
1377 /*               merit  = nz1 * len1
1378                  if (merit .gt. mbest) continue; */
1379         if(LEN1>KBEST)
1380           continue;
1381 /*               aij  has a promising merit.
1382                  Find where  aij  is in column j. */
1383         LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1384         LC2 = LC1+LEN1;
1385         AMAX = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC1]);
1386         for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
1387           if(LUSOL->indc[LC]==I)
1388             break;
1389         }
1390 /*               Apply the Threshold Rook Pivoting stability test.
1391                  First we require aij to be sufficiently large
1392                  compared to other nonzeros in row    i.
1393                  Then  we require aij to be sufficiently large
1394                  compared to other nonzeros in column j. */
1395         AIJ = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
1396         if(AIJ<ATOLI)
1397           continue;
1398         if(AIJ*LTOL<AMAX)
1399           continue;
1400 /*               aij  is big enough. */
1401         MERIT = NZ1*LEN1;
1402         if(MERIT==*MBEST) {
1403 /*                  Break ties as before.
1404                     (Initializing mbest < 0 prevents getting here if
1405                     nothing has been found yet.) */
1406           if(ABEST>=AIJ)
1407             continue;
1408         }
1409 /*               aij  is the best pivot so far. */
1410         *IBEST = I;
1411         *JBEST = J;
1412         KBEST = LEN1;
1413         *MBEST = MERIT;
1414         ABEST = AIJ;
1415         if(NZ==1)
1416           goto x900;
1417       }
1418 /*            Finished with that row. */
1419       if(*IBEST>0) {
1420         if(NROW>=MAXROW)
1421           goto x290;
1422       }
1423     }
1424 /*         See if it's time to quit. */
1425 x290:
1426     if(*IBEST>0) {
1427       if(NROW>=MAXROW && NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1428         goto x900;
1429     }
1430 /*         Press on with next nz. */
1431     NZ1 = NZ;
1432     if(*IBEST>0)
1433       KBEST = *MBEST/NZ1;
1434   }
1435 x900:
1436 ;
1437 }
1439 /* ==================================================================
1440    lu1mSP  is intended for symmetric matrices that are either
1441    definite or quasi-definite.
1442    lu1mSP  uses a Markowitz criterion to select a pivot element for
1443    the next stage of a sparse LU factorization of a symmetric matrix,
1444    subject to a Threshold Symmetric Pivoting stability criterion
1445    (TSP) restricted to diagonal elements to preserve symmetry.
1446    This bounds the elements of L and U and should have rank-revealing
1447    properties analogous to Threshold Rook Pivoting for unsymmetric
1448    matrices.
1449    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1450    14 Dec 2002: First version of lu1mSP derived from lu1mRP.
1451                 There is no safeguard to ensure that A is symmetric.
1452    14 Dec 2002: Current version of lu1mSP.
1453    ================================================================== */
1455             int *IBEST, int *JBEST, int *MBEST)
1456 {
1457   int  I, J, KBEST, LC, LC1, LC2, LQ, LQ1, LQ2, MERIT, NCOL, NZ, NZ1;
1460 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
1461         Search cols of length nz = 1, then cols of length nz = 2, etc.
1462         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1463   ABEST = ZERO;
1464   *IBEST = 0;
1465   *MBEST = -1;
1466   KBEST = MAXMN+1;
1467   NCOL = 0;
1468   NZ1 = 0;
1469   for(NZ = 1; NZ <= MAXMN; NZ++) {
1470 /*         nz1    = nz - 1
1471            if (mbest .le. nz1**2) go to 900 */
1472     if(KBEST<=NZ1)
1473       goto x900;
1474     if(*IBEST>0) {
1475       if(NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1476         goto x200;
1477     }
1478     if(NZ>LUSOL->m)
1479       goto x200;
1480 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
1481            Search the set of columns of length  nz.
1482            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
1483     LQ1 = LUSOL->iqloc[NZ];
1484     LQ2 = LUSOL->n;
1485     if(NZ<LUSOL->m)
1486       LQ2 = LUSOL->iqloc[NZ+1]-1;
1487     for(LQ = LQ1; LQ <= LQ2; LQ++) {
1488       NCOL++;
1489       J = LUSOL->iq[LQ];
1490       LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1491       LC2 = LC1+NZ1;
1492       AMAX = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC1]);
1493 /*      Min size of pivots in col j */
1494       ATOLJ = AMAX/LTOL;
1495 /*            Test all aijs in this column.
1496               Ignore everything except the diagonal. */
1497       for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
1498         I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
1499 /*      Skip off-diagonals. */
1500         if(I!=J)
1501           continue;
1502 /*               merit  = nz1 * nz1
1503                  if (merit .gt. mbest) continue; */
1504         if(NZ1>KBEST)
1505           continue;
1506 /*               aij  has a promising merit.
1507                  Apply the Threshold Partial Pivoting stability test
1508                  (which is equivalent to Threshold Rook Pivoting for
1509                  symmetric matrices).
1510                  We require aij to be sufficiently large
1511                  compared to other nonzeros in column j. */
1512         AIJ = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
1513         if(AIJ<ATOLJ)
1514           continue;
1515 /*               aij  is big enough. */
1516         MERIT = NZ1*NZ1;
1517         if(MERIT==*MBEST) {
1518 /*                  Break ties.
1519                     (Initializing mbest < 0 prevents getting here if
1520                     nothing has been found yet.) */
1521           if(ABEST>=AIJ)
1522             continue;
1523         }
1524 /*               aij  is the best pivot so far. */
1525         *IBEST = I;
1526         *JBEST = J;
1527         KBEST = NZ1;
1528         *MBEST = MERIT;
1529         ABEST = AIJ;
1530         if(NZ==1)
1531           goto x900;
1532       }
1533 /*            Finished with that column. */
1534       if(*IBEST>0) {
1535         if(NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1536           goto x200;
1537       }
1538     }
1539 /*         See if it's time to quit. */
1540 x200:
1541     if(*IBEST>0) {
1542       if(NCOL>=MAXCOL)
1543         goto x900;
1544     }
1545 /*         Press on with next nz. */
1546     NZ1 = NZ;
1547     if(*IBEST>0)
1548       KBEST = *MBEST/NZ1;
1549   }
1550 x900:
1551 ;
1552 }
1554 /* ==================================================================
1555    lu1mxc  moves the largest element in each of columns iq(k1:k2)
1556    to the top of its column.
1557    If k1 > k2, nothing happens.
1558    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1559    06 May 2002: (and earlier)
1560                 All columns k1:k2 must have one or more elements.
1561    07 May 2002: Allow for empty columns.  The heap routines need to
1562                 find 0.0 as the "largest element".
1563    29 Nov 2005: Bug fix - avoiding overwriting the next column when
1564                 the current column is empty (i.e. LENJ==0)
1565                 Yin Zhang <yzhang@cs.utexas.edu>
1566    ================================================================== */
1567 void LU1MXC(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int K1, int K2, int IX[])
1568 {
1569   int  I, J, K, L, LC, LENJ;
1570   REAL AMAX;
1572   for(K = K1; K <= K2; K++) {
1573     J = IX[K];
1574     LC = LUSOL->locc[J];
1575     LENJ = LUSOL->lenc[J];
1576     if(LENJ==0)
1577 /*      LUSOL->a[LC] = ZERO;  Removal suggested by Yin Zhang to avoid overwriting next column when current is empty */
1578       ;
1579     else {
1580       L = idamax(LUSOL->lenc[J], LUSOL->a + LC - LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,1) + LC - 1;
1581       if(L>LC) {
1582         AMAX = LUSOL->a[L];
1583         LUSOL->a[L] = LUSOL->a[LC];
1584         LUSOL->a[LC] = AMAX;
1585         I = LUSOL->indc[L];
1586         LUSOL->indc[L] = LUSOL->indc[LC];
1587         LUSOL->indc[LC] = I;
1588       }
1589     }
1590   }
1591 }
1593 /* ==================================================================
1594    lu1mxr  finds the largest element in each of row ip(k1:k2)
1595    and stores it in Amaxr(*).  The nonzeros are stored column-wise
1596    in (a,indc,lenc,locc) and their structure is row-wise
1597    in (  indr,lenr,locr).
1598    If k1 > k2, nothing happens.
1599    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1600    11 Jun 2002: First version of lu1mxr.
1601                 Allow for empty columns.
1602    ================================================================== */
1603 void LU1MXR(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int K1, int K2, int IX[], REAL AMAXR[])
1604 {
1605 #define FastMXR
1606 #ifdef FastMXR
1607   static int  I, *J, *IC, K, LC, LC1, LC2, LR, LR1, LR2;
1608   static REAL AMAX;
1609 #else
1610   int  I, J, K, LC, LC1, LC2, LR, LR1, LR2;
1611   REAL AMAX;
1612 #endif
1614   for(K = K1; K <= K2; K++) {
1615     AMAX = ZERO;
1616     I = IX[K];
1617 /*      Find largest element in row i. */
1618     LR1 = LUSOL->locr[I];
1619     LR2 = (LR1+LUSOL->lenr[I])-1;
1620 #ifdef FastMXR
1621     for(LR = LR1, J = LUSOL->indr + LR1;
1622         LR <= LR2; LR++, J++) {
1623 /*      Find where  aij  is in column  j. */
1624       LC1 = LUSOL->locc[*J];
1625       LC2 = LC1+LUSOL->lenc[*J];
1626       for(LC = LC1, IC = LUSOL->indc + LC1;
1627           LC < LC2; LC++, IC++) {
1628         if(*IC==I)
1629           break;
1630       }
1631       SETMAX(AMAX,fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]));
1632     }
1633 #else
1634     for(LR = LR1; LR <= LR2; LR++) {
1635       J = LUSOL->indr[LR];
1636 /*      Find where  aij  is in column  j. */
1637       LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1638       LC2 = (LC1+LUSOL->lenc[J])-1;
1639       for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
1640         if(LUSOL->indc[LC]==I)
1641           break;
1642       }
1643       SETMAX(AMAX,fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]));
1644     }
1645 #endif
1646     AMAXR[I] = AMAX;
1647   }
1648 }
1651 /* ==================================================================
1652    lu1ful computes a dense (full) LU factorization of the
1653    mleft by nleft matrix that remains to be factored at the
1654    beginning of the nrowu-th pass through the main loop of lu1fad.
1655    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1656    02 May 1989: First version.
1657    05 Feb 1994: Column interchanges added to lu1DPP.
1658    08 Feb 1994: ipinv reconstructed, since lu1pq3 may alter ip.
1659    ================================================================== */
1660 void LU1FUL(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int LEND, int LU1, MYBOOL TPP,
1661             int MLEFT, int NLEFT, int NRANK, int NROWU,
1662             int *LENL, int *LENU, int *NSING,
1663             MYBOOL KEEPLU, REAL SMALL, REAL D[], int IPVT[])
1664 {
1665   int  L, I, J, IPBASE, LDBASE, LQ, LC1, LC2, LC, LD, LKK, LKN, LU, K, L1,
1666        L2, IBEST, JBEST, LA, LL, NROWD, NCOLD;
1667   REAL AI, AJ;
1669 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
1670         If lu1pq3 moved any empty rows, reset ipinv = inverse of ip.
1671         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1672   if(NRANK<LUSOL->m) {
1673     for(L = 1; L <= LUSOL->m; L++) {
1674       I = LUSOL->ip[L];
1675       LUSOL->ipinv[I] = L;
1676     }
1677   }
1678 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
1679         Copy the remaining matrix into the dense matrix D.
1680          ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1681 #ifdef LUSOLFastClear
1682   MEMCLEAR((D+1), LEND);
1683 #else
1684 /*   dload(LEND, ZERO, D, 1); */
1685   for(J = 1; J <= LEND; J++)
1686     D[J] = ZERO;
1687 #endif
1689   IPBASE = NROWU-1;
1690   LDBASE = 1-NROWU;
1691   for(LQ = NROWU; LQ <= LUSOL->n; LQ++) {
1692     J = LUSOL->iq[LQ];
1693     LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1694     LC2 = (LC1+LUSOL->lenc[J])-1;
1695     for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
1696       I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
1697       LD = LDBASE+LUSOL->ipinv[I];
1698       D[LD] = LUSOL->a[LC];
1699     }
1700     LDBASE += MLEFT;
1701   }
1702 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
1703         Call our favorite dense LU factorizer.
1704         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1705   if(TPP)
1707   else
1710 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
1711         Move D to the beginning of A,
1712         and pack L and U at the top of a, indc, indr.
1713         In the process, apply the row permutation to ip.
1714         lkk points to the diagonal of U.
1715         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1716 #ifdef LUSOLFastCopy
1717   MEMCOPY(LUSOL->a+1,D+1,LEND);
1718 #else
1719   dcopy(LEND,D,1,LUSOL->a,1);
1720 #endif
1721 #ifdef ClassicdiagU
1722   LUSOL->diagU = LUSOL->a + (LUSOL->lena-LUSOL->n);
1723 #endif
1724   LKK = 1;
1725   LKN = (LEND-MLEFT)+1;
1726   LU = LU1;
1727   for(K = 1; K <= MIN(MLEFT,NLEFT); K++) {
1728     L1 = IPBASE+K;
1729     L2 = IPBASE+IPVT[K];
1730     if(L1!=L2) {
1731       I = LUSOL->ip[L1];
1732       LUSOL->ip[L1] = LUSOL->ip[L2];
1733       LUSOL->ip[L2] = I;
1734     }
1735     IBEST = LUSOL->ip[L1];
1736     JBEST = LUSOL->iq[L1];
1737     if(KEEPLU) {
1738 /*            ===========================================================
1739               Pack the next column of L.
1740               =========================================================== */
1741       LA = LKK;
1742       LL = LU;
1743       NROWD = 1;
1744       for(I = K+1; I <= MLEFT; I++) {
1745         LA++;
1746         AI = LUSOL->a[LA];
1747         if(fabs(AI)>SMALL) {
1748           NROWD = NROWD+1;
1749           LL--;
1750           LUSOL->a[LL] = AI;
1751           LUSOL->indc[LL] = LUSOL->ip[IPBASE+I];
1752           LUSOL->indr[LL] = IBEST;
1753         }
1754       }
1755 /*            ===========================================================
1756               Pack the next row of U.
1757               We go backwards through the row of D
1758               so the diagonal ends up at the front of the row of  U.
1759               Beware -- the diagonal may be zero.
1760               =========================================================== */
1761       LA = LKN+MLEFT;
1762       LU = LL;
1763       NCOLD = 0;
1764       for(J = NLEFT; J >= K; J--) {
1765         LA = LA-MLEFT;
1766         AJ = LUSOL->a[LA];
1767         if(fabs(AJ)>SMALL || J==K) {
1768           NCOLD++;
1769           LU--;
1770           LUSOL->a[LU] = AJ;
1771           LUSOL->indr[LU] = LUSOL->iq[IPBASE+J];
1772         }
1773       }
1774       LUSOL->lenr[IBEST] = -NCOLD;
1775       LUSOL->lenc[JBEST] = -NROWD;
1776       *LENL = ((*LENL)+NROWD)-1;
1777       *LENU = (*LENU)+NCOLD;
1778       LKN++;
1779     }
1780     else {
1781 /*            ===========================================================
1782               Store just the diagonal of U, in natural order.
1783               =========================================================== */
1784       LUSOL->diagU[JBEST] = LUSOL->a[LKK];
1785     }
1786     LKK += MLEFT+1;
1787   }
1788 }
1791 /* ==================================================================
1792    lu1or1  organizes the elements of an  m by n  matrix  A  as
1793    follows.  On entry, the parallel arrays   a, indc, indr,
1794    contain  nelem  entries of the form     aij,    i,    j,
1795    in any order.  nelem  must be positive.
1796    Entries not larger than the input parameter  small  are treated as
1797    zero and removed from   a, indc, indr.  The remaining entries are
1798    defined to be nonzero.  numnz  returns the number of such nonzeros
1799    and  Amax  returns the magnitude of the largest nonzero.
1800    The arrays  lenc, lenr  return the number of nonzeros in each
1801    column and row of  A.
1802    inform = 0  on exit, except  inform = 1  if any of the indices in
1803    indc, indr  imply that the element  aij  lies outside the  m by n
1804    dimensions of  A.
1805    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1806    xx Feb 1985: Original version.
1807    17 Oct 2000: a, indc, indr now have size lena to allow nelem = 0.
1808    ================================================================== */
1810             REAL *AMAX, int *NUMNZ, int *LERR, int *INFORM)
1811 {
1812   int I, J, L, LDUMMY;
1814 #ifdef LUSOLFastClear
1815   MEMCLEAR((LUSOL->lenr+1), LUSOL->m);
1816   MEMCLEAR((LUSOL->lenc+1), LUSOL->n);
1817 #else
1818   for(I = 1; I <= LUSOL->m; I++)
1819     LUSOL->lenr[I] = ZERO;
1820   for(I = 1; I <= LUSOL->n; I++)
1821     LUSOL->lenc[I] = ZERO;
1822 #endif
1824   *AMAX = 0;
1825   *NUMNZ = LUSOL->nelem;
1826   L = LUSOL->nelem+1;
1827   for(LDUMMY = 1; LDUMMY <= LUSOL->nelem; LDUMMY++) {
1828     L--;
1829     if(fabs(LUSOL->a[L])>SMALL) {
1830       I = LUSOL->indc[L];
1831       J = LUSOL->indr[L];
1832       SETMAX(*AMAX,fabs(LUSOL->a[L]));
1833       if(I<1 || I>LUSOL->m)
1834         goto x910;
1835       if(J<1 || J>LUSOL->n)
1836         goto x910;
1837       LUSOL->lenr[I]++;
1838       LUSOL->lenc[J]++;
1839     }
1840     else {
1841 /*            Replace a negligible element by last element.  Since
1842               we are going backwards, we know the last element is ok. */
1843       LUSOL->a[L] = LUSOL->a[*NUMNZ];
1844       LUSOL->indc[L] = LUSOL->indc[*NUMNZ];
1845       LUSOL->indr[L] = LUSOL->indr[*NUMNZ];
1846       (*NUMNZ)--;
1847     }
1848   }
1849   *LERR = 0;
1851   return;
1853 x910:
1854   *LERR = L;
1856 }
1858 /* ==================================================================
1859    lu1or2  sorts a list of matrix elements  a(i,j)  into column
1860    order, given  numa  entries  a(i,j),  i,  j  in the parallel
1861    arrays  a, inum, jnum  respectively.  The matrix is assumed
1862    to have  n  columns and an arbitrary number of rows.
1863    On entry,  len(*)  must contain the length of each column.
1864    On exit,  a(*) and inum(*)  are sorted,  jnum(*) = 0,  and
1865    loc(j)  points to the start of column j.
1866    lu1or2  is derived from  mc20ad,  a routine in the Harwell
1867    Subroutine Library, author J. K. Reid.
1868    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1869    xx Feb 1985: Original version.
1870    17 Oct 2000: a, inum, jnum now have size lena to allow nelem = 0.
1871    ================================================================== */
1872 void LU1OR2(LUSOLrec *LUSOL)
1873 {
1874   REAL ACE, ACEP;
1875   int  L, J, I, JCE, ICE, ICEP, JCEP, JA, JB;
1877 /*      Set  loc(j)  to point to the beginning of column  j. */
1878   L = 1;
1879   for(J = 1; J <= LUSOL->n; J++) {
1880     LUSOL->locc[J] = L;
1881     L += LUSOL->lenc[J];
1882   }
1883 /*      Sort the elements into column order.
1884         The algorithm is an in-place sort and is of order  numa. */
1885   for(I = 1; I <= LUSOL->nelem; I++) {
1886 /*         Establish the current entry. */
1887     JCE = LUSOL->indr[I];
1888     if(JCE==0)
1889       continue;
1890     ACE = LUSOL->a[I];
1891     ICE = LUSOL->indc[I];
1892     LUSOL->indr[I] = 0;
1893 /*         Chain from current entry. */
1894     for(J = 1; J <= LUSOL->nelem; J++) {
1895 /*            The current entry is not in the correct position.
1896               Determine where to store it. */
1897       L = LUSOL->locc[JCE];
1898       LUSOL->locc[JCE]++;
1899 /*            Save the contents of that location. */
1900       ACEP = LUSOL->a[L];
1901       ICEP = LUSOL->indc[L];
1902       JCEP = LUSOL->indr[L];
1903 /*            Store current entry. */
1904       LUSOL->a[L] = ACE;
1905       LUSOL->indc[L] = ICE;
1906       LUSOL->indr[L] = 0;
1907 /*            If next current entry needs to be processed,
1908               copy it into current entry. */
1909       if(JCEP==0)
1910         break;
1911       ACE = ACEP;
1912       ICE = ICEP;
1913       JCE = JCEP;
1914     }
1915   }
1916 /*      Reset loc(j) to point to the start of column j. */
1917   JA = 1;
1918   for(J = 1; J <= LUSOL->n; J++) {
1919     JB = LUSOL->locc[J];
1920     LUSOL->locc[J] = JA;
1921     JA = JB;
1922   }
1923 }
1925 /* ==================================================================
1926    lu1or3  looks for duplicate elements in an  m by n  matrix  A
1927    defined by the column list  indc, lenc, locc.
1928    iw  is used as a work vector of length  m.
1929    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1930    xx Feb 1985: Original version.
1931    17 Oct 2000: indc, indr now have size lena to allow nelem = 0.
1932    ================================================================== */
1933 void LU1OR3(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int *LERR, int *INFORM)
1934 {
1935   int I, J, L1, L2, L;
1937 #ifdef LUSOLFastClear
1938   MEMCLEAR((LUSOL->ip+1), LUSOL->m);
1939 #else
1940   for(I = 1; I <= LUSOL->m; I++)
1941     LUSOL->ip[I] = ZERO;
1942 #endif
1944   for(J = 1; J <= LUSOL->n; J++) {
1945     if(LUSOL->lenc[J]>0) {
1946       L1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1947       L2 = (L1+LUSOL->lenc[J])-1;
1948       for(L = L1; L <= L2; L++) {
1949         I = LUSOL->indc[L];
1950         if(LUSOL->ip[I]==J)
1951           goto x910;
1952         LUSOL->ip[I] = J;
1953       }
1954     }
1955   }
1957   return;
1958 x910:
1959   *LERR = L;
1961 }
1963 /* ==================================================================
1964    lu1or4 constructs a row list  indr, locr
1965    from a corresponding column list  indc, locc,
1966    given the lengths of both columns and rows in  lenc, lenr.
1967    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1968    xx Feb 1985: Original version.
1969    17 Oct 2000: indc, indr now have size lena to allow nelem = 0.
1970    ================================================================== */
1971 void LU1OR4(LUSOLrec *LUSOL)
1972 {
1973   int L, I, L2, J, JDUMMY, L1, LR;
1975 /*      Initialize  locr(i)  to point just beyond where the
1976         last component of row  i  will be stored. */
1977   L = 1;
1978   for(I = 1; I <= LUSOL->m; I++) {
1979     L += LUSOL->lenr[I];
1980     LUSOL->locr[I] = L;
1981   }
1982 /*      By processing the columns backwards and decreasing  locr(i)
1983         each time it is accessed, it will end up pointing to the
1984         beginning of row  i  as required. */
1985   L2 = LUSOL->nelem;
1986   J = LUSOL->n+1;
1987   for(JDUMMY = 1; JDUMMY <= LUSOL->n; JDUMMY++) {
1988     J = J-1;
1989     if(LUSOL->lenc[J]>0) {
1990       L1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
1991       for(L = L1; L <= L2; L++) {
1992         I = LUSOL->indc[L];
1993         LR = LUSOL->locr[I]-1;
1994         LUSOL->locr[I] = LR;
1995         LUSOL->indr[LR] = J;
1996       }
1997       L2 = L1-1;
1998     }
1999   }
2000 }
2002 /* ==================================================================
2003    lu1pen deals with pending fill-in in the row file.
2004    ------------------------------------------------------------------
2005    ifill(ll) says if a row involved in the new column of L
2006              has to be updated.  If positive, it is the total
2007              length of the final updated row.
2008    jfill(lu) says if a column involved in the new row of U
2009              contains any pending fill-ins.  If positive, it points
2010              to the first fill-in in the column that has yet to be
2011              added to the row file.
2012    ------------------------------------------------------------------
2013    16 Apr 1989: First version of lu1pen.
2014    23 Mar 2001: ilast used and updated.
2015    ================================================================== */
2016 void LU1PEN(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int NSPARE, int *ILAST,
2017             int LPIVC1, int LPIVC2, int LPIVR1, int LPIVR2,
2018             int *LROW, int IFILL[], int JFILL[])
2019 {
2020   int  LL, LC, L, I, LR1, LR2, LR, LU, J, LC1, LC2, LAST;
2022   LL = 0;
2023   for(LC = LPIVC1; LC <= LPIVC2; LC++) {
2024     LL++;
2025     if(IFILL[LL]==0)
2026       continue;
2027 /*      Another row has pending fill.
2028         First, add some spare space at the }
2029         of the current last row. */
2030 #if 1
2031     LC1 = (*LROW)+1;
2032     LC2 = (*LROW)+NSPARE;
2033     *LROW = LC2;
2034     for(L = LC1; L <= LC2; L++) {
2035 #else
2036     for(L = (*LROW)+1; L <= (*LROW)+NSPARE; L++) {
2037       *LROW = L;  /* ******* ERROR ???? */
2038 #endif
2039       LUSOL->indr[L] = 0;
2040     }
2041 /*      Now move row i to the end of the row file. */
2042     I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
2043     *ILAST = I;
2044     LR1 = LUSOL->locr[I];
2045     LR2 = (LR1+LUSOL->lenr[I])-1;
2046     LUSOL->locr[I] = (*LROW)+1;
2047     for(LR = LR1; LR <= LR2; LR++) {
2048       (*LROW)++;
2049       LUSOL->indr[*LROW] = LUSOL->indr[LR];
2050       LUSOL->indr[LR] = 0;
2051     }
2052     (*LROW) += IFILL[LL];
2053   }
2054 /*         Scan all columns of  D  and insert the pending fill-in
2055            into the row file. */
2056   LU = 1;
2057   for(LR = LPIVR1; LR <= LPIVR2; LR++) {
2058     LU++;
2059     if(JFILL[LU]==0)
2060       continue;
2061     J = LUSOL->indr[LR];
2062     LC1 = (LUSOL->locc[J]+JFILL[LU])-1;
2063     LC2 = (LUSOL->locc[J]+LUSOL->lenc[J])-1;
2064     for(LC = LC1; LC <= LC2; LC++) {
2065       I = LUSOL->indc[LC]-LUSOL->m;
2066       if(I>0) {
2067         LUSOL->indc[LC] = I;
2068         LAST = LUSOL->locr[I]+LUSOL->lenr[I];
2069         LUSOL->indr[LAST] = J;
2070         LUSOL->lenr[I]++;
2071       }
2072     }
2073   }
2074 }
2077 /* ==================================================================
2078    lu1fad  is a driver for the numerical phase of lu1fac.
2079    At each stage it computes a column of  L  and a row of  U,
2080    using a Markowitz criterion to select the pivot element,
2081    subject to a stability criterion that bounds the elements of  L.
2082    ------------------------------------------------------------------
2083    Local variables
2084    ---------------
2085    lcol   is the length of the column file.  It points to the last
2086           nonzero in the column list.
2087    lrow   is the analogous quantity for the row file.
2088    lfile  is the file length (lcol or lrow) after the most recent
2089           compression of the column list or row list.
2090    nrowd  and  ncold  are the number of rows and columns in the
2091           matrix defined by the pivot column and row.  They are the
2092           dimensions of the submatrix D being altered at this stage.
2093    melim  and  nelim  are the number of rows and columns in the
2094           same matrix D, excluding the pivot column and row.
2095    mleft  and  nleft  are the number of rows and columns
2096           still left to be factored.
2097    nzchng is the increase in nonzeros in the matrix that remains
2098           to be factored after the current elimination
2099           (usually negative).
2100    nzleft is the number of nonzeros still left to be factored.
2101    nspare is the space we leave at the end of the last row or
2102           column whenever a row or column is being moved to the }
2103           of its file.  nspare = 1 or 2 might help reduce the
2104           number of file compressions when storage is tight.
2105    The row and column ordering permutes A into the form
2106                       ------------------------
2107                        \                     |
2108                         \         U1         |
2109                          \                   |
2110                           --------------------
2111                           |\
2112                           | \
2113                           |  \
2114           P A Q   =       |   \
2115                           |    \
2116                           |     --------------
2117                           |     |            |
2118                           |     |            |
2119                           | L1  |     A2     |
2120                           |     |            |
2121                           |     |            |
2122                           --------------------
2123    where the block A2 is factored as  A2 = L2 U2.
2124    The phases of the factorization are as follows.
2125    Utri   is true when U1 is being determined.
2126           Any column of length 1 is accepted immediately (if TPP).
2127    Ltri   is true when L1 is being determined.
2128           lu1mar exits as soon as an acceptable pivot is found
2129           in a row of length 1.
2130    spars1 is true while the density of the (modified) A2 is less
2131           than the parameter dens1 = parmlu(7) = 0.3 say.
2132           lu1mar searches maxcol columns and maxrow rows,
2133           where  maxcol = luparm(3),  maxrow = maxcol - 1.
2134           lu1mxc is used to keep the biggest element at the top
2135           of all remaining columns.
2136    spars2 is true while the density of the modified A2 is less
2137           than the parameter dens2 = parmlu(8) = 0.6 say.
2138           lu1mar searches maxcol columns and no rows.
2139           lu1mxc could fix up only the first maxcol cols (with TPP).
2140           22 Sep 2000:  For simplicity, lu1mxc fixes all
2141                         modified cols.
2142    dense  is true once the density of A2 reaches dens2.
2143           lu1mar searches only 1 column (the shortest).
2144           lu1mxc could fix up only the first column (with TPP).
2145    ------------------------------------------------------------------
2146    00 Jan 1986  Version documented in LUSOL paper:
2147                 Gill, Murray, Saunders and Wright (1987),
2148                 Maintaining LU factors of a general sparse matrix,
2149                 Linear algebra and its applications 88/89, 239-270.
2150    02 Feb 1989  Following Suhl and Aittoniemi (1987), the largest
2151                 element in each column is now kept at the start of
2152                 the column, i.e. in position locc(j) of a and indc.
2153                 This should speed up the Markowitz searches.
2154                 To save time on highly triangular matrices, we wait
2155                 until there are no further columns of length 1
2156                 before setting and maintaining that property.
2157    12 Apr 1989  ipinv and iqinv added (inverses of ip and iq)
2158                 to save searching ip and iq for rows and columns
2159                 altered in each elimination step.  (Used in lu1pq2)
2160    19 Apr 1989  Code segmented to reduce its size.
2161                 lu1gau does most of the Gaussian elimination work.
2162                 lu1mar does just the Markowitz search.
2163                 lu1mxc moves biggest elements to top of columns.
2164                 lu1pen deals with pending fill-in in the row list.
2165                 lu1pq2 updates the row and column permutations.
2166    26 Apr 1989  maxtie replaced by maxcol, maxrow in the Markowitz
2167                 search.  maxcol, maxrow change as density increases.
2168    25 Oct 1993  keepLU implemented.
2169    07 Feb 1994  Exit main loop early to finish off with a dense LU.
2170                 densLU tells lu1fad whether to do it.
2171    21 Dec 1994  Bug fixed.  nrank was wrong after the call to lu1ful.
2172    12 Nov 1999  A parallel version of dcopy gave trouble in lu1ful
2173                 during left-shift of dense matrix D within a(*).
2174                 Fixed this unexpected problem here in lu1fad
2175                 by making sure the first and second D don't overlap.
2176    13 Sep 2000  TCP (Threshold Complete Pivoting) implemented.
2177                 lu2max added
2178                 (finds aijmax from biggest elems in each col).
2179                 Utri, Ltri and Spars1 phases apply.
2180                 No switch to Dense CP yet.  (Only TPP switches.)
2181    14 Sep 2000  imax needed to remember row containing aijmax.
2182    22 Sep 2000  For simplicity, lu1mxc always fixes all modified cols.
2183                 (TPP spars2 used to fix just the first maxcol cols.)
2184    08 Nov 2000: Speed up search for aijmax.
2185                 Don't need to search all columns if the elimination
2186                 didn't alter the col containing the current aijmax.
2187    21 Nov 2000: lu1slk implemented for Utri phase with TCP
2188                 to guard against deceptive triangular matrices.
2189                 (Utri used to have aijtol >= 0.9999 to include
2190                 slacks, but this allows other 1s to be accepted.)
2191                 Utri now accepts slacks, but applies normal aijtol
2192                 test to other pivots.
2193    28 Nov 2000: TCP with empty cols must call lu1mxc and lu2max
2194                 with ( lq1, n, ... ), not just ( 1, n, ... ).
2195    23 Mar 2001: lu1fad bug with TCP.
2196                 A col of length 1 might not be accepted as a pivot.
2197                 Later it appears in a pivot row and temporarily
2198                 has length 0 (when pivot row is removed
2199                 but before the column is filled in).  If it is the
2200                 last column in storage, the preceding col also thinks
2201                 it is "last".  Trouble arises when the preceding col
2202                 needs fill-in -- it overlaps the real "last" column.
2203                 (Very rarely, same trouble might have happened if
2204                 the drop tolerance caused columns to have length 0.)
2205                 Introduced ilast to record the last row in row file,
2206                            jlast to record the last col in col file.
2207                 lu1rec returns ilast = indr(lrow + 1)
2208                             or jlast = indc(lcol + 1).
2209                 (Should be an output parameter, but didn't want to
2210                 alter lu1rec's parameter list.)
2211                 lu1rec also treats empty rows or cols safely.
2212                 (Doesn't eliminate them!)
2213    26 Apr 2002: Heap routines added for TCP.
2214                 lu2max no longer needed.
2215                 imax, jmax used only for printing.
2216    01 May 2002: lu1DCP implemented (dense complete pivoting).
2217                 Both TPP and TCP now switch to dense LU
2218                 when density exceeds dens2.
2219    06 May 2002: In dense mode, store diag(U) in natural order.
2220    09 May 2002: lu1mCP implemented (Markowitz TCP via heap).
2221    11 Jun 2002: lu1mRP implemented (Markowitz TRP).
2222    28 Jun 2002: Fixed call to lu1mxr.
2223    14 Dec 2002: lu1mSP implemented (Markowitz TSP).
2224    15 Dec 2002: Both TPP and TSP can grab cols of length 1
2225                 during Utri.
2226    ================================================================== */
2227 void LU1FAD(LUSOLrec *LUSOL,
2228 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2229             int LENA2, int LENH, REAL HA[], int HJ[], int HK[], REAL AMAXR[],
2230 #endif
2231             int *INFORM, int *LENL, int *LENU, int *MINLEN,
2232             int *MERSUM, int *NUTRI, int *NLTRI,
2233             int *NDENS1, int *NDENS2, int *NRANK,
2235 {
2241          L, LPIVC, LPIVC1, LPIVC2, KBEST, LU, LR, LENJ, LC1, LAST, LL, LS,
2244 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2245   int    LDIAGU;
2246 #else
2247   int    LENA2 = LUSOL->lena;
2248 #endif
2250 #ifdef UseTimer
2251   int    eltime, mktime, ntime;
2252   timer ( "start", 3 );
2253   ntime = LUSOL->n / 4;
2254 #endif
2256 #ifdef ForceInitialization
2257   AIJMAX = 0;
2258   AIJTOL = 0;
2259   HLEN   = 0;
2260   JBEST  = 0;
2261   IBEST  = 0;
2262   MBEST  = 0;
2263   LEND   = 0;
2264   LD     = 0;
2265 #endif
2269   LPIV   = LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_PIVOTTYPE];
2271 /*      Threshold Partial   Pivoting (normal). */
2273 /*      Threshold Rook      Pivoting */
2275 /*      Threshold Complete  Pivoting. */
2277 /*      Threshold Symmetric Pivoting. */
2279   DENSLU = FALSE;
2280   MAXROW = MAXCOL-1;
2281 /*      Assume row m is last in the row file. */
2282   ILAST = LUSOL->m;
2283 /*      Assume col n is last in the col file. */
2284   JLAST = LUSOL->n;
2285   LFILE = LUSOL->nelem;
2286   LROW = LUSOL->nelem;
2287   LCOL = LUSOL->nelem;
2288   MINMN = MIN(LUSOL->m,LUSOL->n);
2289   MAXMN = MAX(LUSOL->m,LUSOL->n);
2290   NZLEFT = LUSOL->nelem;
2291   NSPARE = 1;
2293   if(KEEPLU)
2294     LU1 = LENA2+1;
2295   else {
2296 /*         Store only the diagonals of U in the top of memory. */
2297 #ifdef ClassicdiagU
2298     LDIAGU = LENA2-LUSOL->n;
2299     LU1 = LDIAGU+1;
2300     LUSOL->diagU = LUSOL->a+LDIAGU;
2301 #else
2302     LU1 = LENA2+1;
2303 #endif
2304   }
2306   LTOL = LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_FACTORMAX_Lij];
2311   UTRI = TRUE;
2312   LTRI = FALSE;
2313   SPARS1 = FALSE;
2314   SPARS2 = FALSE;
2315   DENSE = FALSE;
2316 /*      Check parameters. */
2317   SETMAX(LTOL,1.0001E+0);
2319 /*      Initialize output parameters.
2320         lenL, lenU, minlen, mersum, nUtri, nLtri, ndens1, ndens2, nrank
2321         are already initialized by lu1fac. */
2322   *LMAX  = ZERO;
2323   *UMAX  = ZERO;
2324   *DUMAX = ZERO;
2326   if(LUSOL->nelem==0)
2327     *DUMIN = ZERO;
2328   *AKMAX = ZERO;
2329   HOPS = 0;
2330 /*      More initialization.
2331         Don't worry yet about lu1mxc. */
2332   if(TPP || TSP) {
2333     AIJMAX = ZERO;
2334     AIJTOL = ZERO;
2335     HLEN = 1;
2336 /*      TRP or TCP */
2337   }
2338   else {
2339 /*      Move biggest element to top of each column.
2340         Set w(*) to mark slack columns (unit vectors). */
2341     LU1MXC(LUSOL, 1,LUSOL->n,LUSOL->iq);
2342     LU1SLK(LUSOL);
2343   }
2344   if(TRP)
2345 /*      Find biggest element in each row. */
2346 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2347     LU1MXR(LUSOL, 1,LUSOL->m,LUSOL->ip,AMAXR);
2348 #else
2349     LU1MXR(LUSOL, 1,LUSOL->m,LUSOL->ip,LUSOL->amaxr);
2350 #endif
2352   if(TCP) {
2353 /*      Set Ha(1:Hlen) = biggest element in each column,
2354             Hj(1:Hlen) = corresponding column indices. */
2355     HLEN = 0;
2356     for(KK = 1; KK <= LUSOL->n; KK++) {
2357       HLEN++;
2358       J = LUSOL->iq[KK];
2359       LC = LUSOL->locc[J];
2360 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2361       HA[HLEN] = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
2362       HJ[HLEN] = J;
2363       HK[J] = HLEN;
2364 #else
2365       LUSOL->Ha[HLEN] = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
2366       LUSOL->Hj[HLEN] = J;
2367       LUSOL->Hk[J] = HLEN;
2368 #endif
2369     }
2370 /*      Build the heap, creating new Ha, Hj and setting Hk(1:Hlen). */
2371 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2373 #else
2375 #endif
2376   }
2377 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
2378         Start of main loop.
2379         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
2380   MLEFT = LUSOL->m+1;
2381   NLEFT = LUSOL->n+1;
2382   for(NROWU = 1; NROWU <= MINMN; NROWU++) {
2383 #ifdef UseTimer
2384     mktime = (nrowu / ntime) + 4;
2385     eltime = (nrowu / ntime) + 9;
2386 #endif
2387     MLEFT--;
2388     NLEFT--;
2389 /*         Bail out if there are no nonzero rows left. */
2390     if(LUSOL->iploc[1]>LUSOL->m)
2391       goto x900;
2392 /*      For TCP, the largest Aij is at the top of the heap. */
2393    if(TCP) {
2394 /*
2395               Marvelously easy */
2396 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2397       AIJMAX = HA[1];
2398 #else
2399       AIJMAX = LUSOL->Ha[1];
2400 #endif
2402       AIJTOL = AIJMAX/LTOL;
2403     }
2404 /*         ===============================================================
2405            Find a suitable pivot element.
2406            =============================================================== */
2407     if(UTRI) {
2408 /*            ------------------------------------------------------------
2409               So far all columns have had length 1.
2410               We are still looking for the (backward) triangular part of A
2411               that forms the first rows and columns of U.
2412               ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2413       LQ1 = LUSOL->iqloc[1];
2414       LQ2 = LUSOL->n;
2415       if(LUSOL->m>1)
2416         LQ2 = LUSOL->iqloc[2]-1;
2417 /*      There are more cols of length 1. */
2418       if(LQ1<=LQ2) {
2419         if(TPP || TSP) {
2420 /*      Grab the first one. */
2421           JBEST = LUSOL->iq[LQ1];
2422 /*      Scan all columns of length 1 ... TRP or TCP */
2423         }
2424         else {
2425           JBEST = 0;
2426           for(LQ = LQ1; LQ <= LQ2; LQ++) {
2427             J = LUSOL->iq[LQ];
2428 /*      Accept a slack */
2429             if(LUSOL->w[J]>ZERO) {
2430               JBEST = J;
2431               goto x250;
2432             }
2433             LC = LUSOL->locc[J];
2434             AMAX = fabs(LUSOL->a[LC]);
2435             if(TRP) {
2436               I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
2437 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2438               AIJTOL = AMAXR[I]/LTOL;
2439 #else
2440               AIJTOL = LUSOL->amaxr[I]/LTOL;
2441 #endif
2442             }
2443             if(AMAX>=AIJTOL) {
2444               JBEST = J;
2445               goto x250;
2446             }
2447           }
2448         }
2449 x250:
2450         if(JBEST>0) {
2451           LC = LUSOL->locc[JBEST];
2452           IBEST = LUSOL->indc[LC];
2453           MBEST = 0;
2454           goto x300;
2455         }
2456       }
2457 /*            This is the end of the U triangle.
2458               We will not return to this part of the code.
2459               TPP and TSP call lu1mxc for the first time
2460               (to move biggest element to top of each column). */
2461       if(LPRINT>=LUSOL_MSG_PIVOT)
2462         LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "Utri ended.  spars1 = TRUE\n");
2463       UTRI = FALSE;
2464       LTRI = TRUE;
2465       SPARS1 = TRUE;
2466       *NUTRI = NROWU-1;
2467       if(TPP || TSP)
2468         LU1MXC(LUSOL, LQ1,LUSOL->n,LUSOL->iq);
2469     }
2470     if(SPARS1) {
2471 /*            ------------------------------------------------------------
2472               Perform a Markowitz search.
2473               Search cols of length 1, then rows of length 1,
2474               then   cols of length 2, then rows of length 2, etc.
2475               ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2476 #ifdef UseTimer
2477         timer ( "start", mktime );
2478 #endif
2479 /*      12 Jun 2002: Next line disables lu1mCP below
2480               if (TPP) then */
2481       if(TPP || TCP) {
2483       }
2484       else if(TRP) {
2485 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2487 #else
2489 #endif
2490 /*      else if (TCP) {
2491         lu1mCP( m    , n     , lena  , aijtol,
2492                       ibest, jbest , mbest ,
2493                       a    , indc  , indr  ,
2494                       lenc , lenr  , locc  ,
2495                       Hlen , Ha    , Hj    ) */
2496       }
2497       else if(TSP) {
2499         if(IBEST==0)
2500           goto x990;
2501       }
2502 #ifdef UseTimer
2503       timer ( "finish", mktime );
2504 #endif
2505       if(LTRI) {
2506 /*               So far all rows have had length 1.
2507                  We are still looking for the (forward) triangle of A
2508                  that forms the first rows and columns of L. */
2509         if(MBEST>0) {
2510           LTRI = FALSE;
2511           *NLTRI = NROWU-1-*NUTRI;
2512           if(LPRINT>=LUSOL_MSG_PIVOT)
2513             LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "Ltri ended.\n");
2514         }
2515       }
2516       else {
2517 /*               See if what's left is as dense as dens1. */
2518         if(NZLEFT>=(DENS1*MLEFT)*NLEFT) {
2519           SPARS1 = FALSE;
2520           SPARS2 = TRUE;
2521           *NDENS1 = NLEFT;
2522           MAXROW = 0;
2523           if(LPRINT>=LUSOL_MSG_PIVOT)
2524             LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "spars1 ended.  spars2 = TRUE\n");
2525         }
2526       }
2527     }
2528     else if(SPARS2 || DENSE) {
2529 /*            ------------------------------------------------------------
2530               Perform a restricted Markowitz search,
2531               looking at only the first maxcol columns.  (maxrow = 0.)
2532               ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2533 #ifdef UseTimer
2534       timer ( "start", mktime );
2535 #endif
2536 /*      12 Jun 2002: Next line disables lu1mCP below
2537               if (TPP) then */
2538       if(TPP || TCP) {
2540       }
2541       else if(TRP) {
2542 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2544 #else
2546 #endif
2547 /*      else if (TCP) {
2548         lu1mCP( m    , n     , lena  , aijtol,
2549                       ibest, jbest , mbest ,
2550                       a    , indc  , indr  ,
2551                       lenc , lenr  , locc  ,
2552                       Hlen , Ha    , Hj    ) */
2553       }
2554       else if(TSP) {
2556         if(IBEST==0)
2557           goto x985;
2558       }
2559 #ifdef UseTimer
2560       timer ( "finish", mktime );
2561 #endif
2562 /*            See if what's left is as dense as dens2. */
2563       if(SPARS2) {
2564         if(NZLEFT>=(DENS2*MLEFT)*NLEFT) {
2565           SPARS2 = FALSE;
2566           DENSE = TRUE;
2567           *NDENS2 = NLEFT;
2568           MAXCOL = 1;
2569           if(LPRINT>=LUSOL_MSG_PIVOT)
2570             LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "spars2 ended.  dense = TRUE\n");
2571         }
2572       }
2573     }
2574 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
2575            See if we can finish quickly.
2576            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
2577     if(DENSE) {
2578       LEND = MLEFT*NLEFT;
2579       NFREE = LU1-1;
2580       if(NFREE>=2*LEND) {
2581 /*               There is room to treat the remaining matrix as
2582                  a dense matrix D.
2583                  We may have to compress the column file first.
2584                  12 Nov 1999: D used to be put at the
2585                               beginning of free storage (lD = lcol + 1).
2586                               Now put it at the end     (lD = lu1 - lenD)
2587                               so the left-shift in lu1ful will not
2588                               involve overlapping storage
2589                               (fatal with parallel dcopy).
2590    */
2591         DENSLU = TRUE;
2592         *NDENS2 = NLEFT;
2593         LD = LU1-LEND;
2594         if(LCOL>=LD) {
2595           LU1REC(LUSOL, LUSOL->n,TRUE,&LCOL,
2596                         LUSOL->indc,LUSOL->lenc,LUSOL->locc);
2597           LFILE = LCOL;
2598           JLAST = LUSOL->indc[LCOL+1];
2599         }
2600         goto x900;
2601       }
2602     }
2603 /*         ===============================================================
2604            The best  aij  has been found.
2605            The pivot row  ibest  and the pivot column  jbest
2606            Define a dense matrix  D  of size  nrowd  by  ncold.
2607            =============================================================== */
2608 x300:
2609     NCOLD = LUSOL->lenr[IBEST];
2610     NROWD = LUSOL->lenc[JBEST];
2611     MELIM = NROWD-1;
2612     NELIM = NCOLD-1;
2613     (*MERSUM) += MBEST;
2614     (*LENL) += MELIM;
2615     (*LENU) += NCOLD;
2616     if(LPRINT>=LUSOL_MSG_PIVOT) {
2617       if(NROWU==1)
2618         LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "lu1fad debug:\n");
2619       if(TPP || TRP || TSP) {
2620         LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "nrowu:%7d   i,jbest:%7d,%7d   nrowd,ncold:%6d,%6d\n",
2621                             NROWU, IBEST,JBEST, NROWD,NCOLD);
2622 /*      TCP */
2623       }
2624       else {
2625 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2626         JMAX = HJ[1];
2627 #else
2628         JMAX = LUSOL->Hj[1];
2629 #endif
2630         IMAX = LUSOL->indc[LUSOL->locc[JMAX]];
2631         LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "nrowu:%7d   i,jbest:%7d,%7d   nrowd,ncold:%6d,%6d   i,jmax:%7d,%7d   aijmax:%g\n",
2632                             NROWU, IBEST,JBEST, NROWD,NCOLD, IMAX,JMAX, AIJMAX);
2633       }
2634     }
2635 /*         ===============================================================
2636            Allocate storage for the next column of  L  and next row of  U.
2637            Initially the top of a, indc, indr are used as follows:
2638                       ncold       melim       ncold        melim
2639            a      |...........|...........|ujbest..ujn|li1......lim|
2640            indc   |...........|  lenr(i)  |  lenc(j)  |  markl(i)  |
2641            indr   |...........| iqloc(i)  |  jfill(j) |  ifill(i)  |
2642                  ^           ^             ^           ^            ^
2643                  lfree   lsave             lu1         ll1          oldlu1
2644            Later the correct indices are inserted:
2645            indc   |           |           |           |i1........im|
2646            indr   |           |           |jbest....jn|ibest..ibest|
2647            =============================================================== */
2648     if(!KEEPLU) {
2649 /*            Always point to the top spot.
2650               Only the current column of L and row of U will
2651               take up space, overwriting the previous ones. */
2652 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2653       LU1 = LDIAGU+1;
2654 #else
2655       LU1 = LENA2+1;
2656 #endif
2657     }
2658     /* Update (left-shift) pointers to make room for the new data */
2659     LL1 = LU1-MELIM;
2660     LU1 = LL1-NCOLD;
2661     LSAVE = LU1-NROWD;
2664     /* Check if we need to allocate more memory, and allocate if necessary */
2665 #if 0  /* Proposal by Michael A. Saunders (logic based on Markowitz' rule) */
2666     L = NROWD*NCOLD;
2668     /* Try to avoid future expansions by anticipating further updates - KE extension */
2669     if(LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_UPDATELIMIT] > 0)
2670 #if 1
2671       L *= (int) (log(LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_UPDATELIMIT]-LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_UPDATECOUNT]+2.0) + 1);
2672 #else
2673       L *= (LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_UPDATELIMIT]-LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_UPDATECOUNT]) / 2 + 1;
2674 #endif
2676 #else  /* Version by Kjell Eikland (from luparm[LUSOL_IP_MINIMUMLENA] and safety margin) */
2677     L  = (KEEPLU ? MAX(LROW, LCOL) + 2*(LUSOL->m+LUSOL->n) : 0);
2678     L *= LUSOL_MULT_nz_a;
2680 #endif
2682     /* Do the memory expansion */
2683     if((L > LFREE-LCOL) && LUSOL_expand_a(LUSOL, &L, &LFREE)) {
2684       LL1   += L;
2685       LU1   += L;
2686       LSAVE += L;
2687 #ifdef ClassicdiagU
2688       LUSOL->diagU += L;
2689 #endif
2690 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2691       HA    += L;
2692       HJ    += L;
2693       HK    += L;
2694       AMAXR += L;
2695 #endif
2696     }
2697     LIMIT = (int) (USPACE*LFILE)+LUSOL->m+LUSOL->n+1000;
2699 /*         Make sure the column file has room.
2700            Also force a compression if its length exceeds a certain limit. */
2701 #ifdef StaticMemAlloc
2703 #else
2705 #endif
2706     NFREE = LFREE-LCOL;
2707     if(NFREE<MINFRE || LCOL>LIMIT) {
2709                     LUSOL->indc,LUSOL->lenc,LUSOL->locc);
2710       LFILE = LCOL;
2711       JLAST = LUSOL->indc[LCOL+1];
2712       NFREE = LFREE-LCOL;
2713       if(NFREE<MINFRE)
2714         goto x970;
2715     }
2716 /*         Make sure the row file has room. */
2717 #ifdef StaticMemAlloc
2719 #else
2721 #endif
2722     NFREE = LFREE-LROW;
2723     if(NFREE<MINFRE || LROW>LIMIT) {
2725                     LUSOL->indr,LUSOL->lenr,LUSOL->locr);
2726       LFILE = LROW;
2727       ILAST = LUSOL->indr[LROW+1];
2728       NFREE = LFREE-LROW;
2729       if(NFREE<MINFRE)
2730         goto x970;
2731     }
2732 /*         ===============================================================
2733            Move the pivot element to the front of its row
2734            and to the top of its column.
2735            =============================================================== */
2736     LPIVR = LUSOL->locr[IBEST];
2737     LPIVR1 = LPIVR+1;
2738     LPIVR2 = LPIVR+NELIM;
2739     for(L = LPIVR; L <= LPIVR2; L++) {
2740       if(LUSOL->indr[L]==JBEST)
2741         break;
2742     }
2744     LUSOL->indr[L] = LUSOL->indr[LPIVR];
2745     LUSOL->indr[LPIVR] = JBEST;
2746     LPIVC = LUSOL->locc[JBEST];
2747     LPIVC1 = LPIVC+1;
2748     LPIVC2 = LPIVC+MELIM;
2749     for(L = LPIVC; L <= LPIVC2; L++) {
2750       if(LUSOL->indc[L]==IBEST)
2751         break;
2752     }
2753     LUSOL->indc[L] = LUSOL->indc[LPIVC];
2754     LUSOL->indc[LPIVC] = IBEST;
2755     ABEST = LUSOL->a[L];
2756     LUSOL->a[L] = LUSOL->a[LPIVC];
2757     LUSOL->a[LPIVC] = ABEST;
2758     if(!KEEPLU)
2759 /*            Store just the diagonal of U, in natural order.
2760    !!         a[ldiagU + nrowu] = abest ! This was in pivot order. */
2761       LUSOL->diagU[JBEST] = ABEST;
2763 /*     ==============================================================
2764         Delete pivot col from heap.
2765         Hk tells us where it is in the heap.
2766        ============================================================== */
2767     if(TCP) {
2768 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2769       KBEST = HK[JBEST];
2771 #else
2772       KBEST = LUSOL->Hk[JBEST];
2774 #endif
2775       HOPS += H;
2776     }
2777 /*         ===============================================================
2778            Delete the pivot row from the column file
2779            and store it as the next row of  U.
2780            set  indr(lu) = 0     to initialize jfill ptrs on columns of D,
2781                 indc(lu) = lenj  to save the original column lengths.
2782            =============================================================== */
2783     LUSOL->a[LU1] = ABEST;
2784     LUSOL->indr[LU1] = JBEST;
2785     LUSOL->indc[LU1] = NROWD;
2786     LU = LU1;
2787     DIAG = fabs(ABEST);
2788     SETMAX(*UMAX,DIAG);
2791     for(LR = LPIVR1; LR <= LPIVR2; LR++) {
2792       LU++;
2793       J = LUSOL->indr[LR];
2794       LENJ = LUSOL->lenc[J];
2795       LUSOL->lenc[J] = LENJ-1;
2796       LC1 = LUSOL->locc[J];
2797       LAST = LC1+LUSOL->lenc[J];
2798       for(L = LC1; L <= LAST; L++) {
2799         if(LUSOL->indc[L]==IBEST)
2800           break;
2801       }
2802       LUSOL->a[LU] = LUSOL->a[L];
2803       LUSOL->indr[LU] = 0;
2804       LUSOL->indc[LU] = LENJ;
2805       SETMAX(*UMAX,fabs(LUSOL->a[LU]));
2806       LUSOL->a[L] = LUSOL->a[LAST];
2807       LUSOL->indc[L] = LUSOL->indc[LAST];
2808 /*      Free entry */
2809       LUSOL->indc[LAST] = 0;
2810 /* ???        if (j .eq. jlast) lcol = lcol - 1 */
2811     }
2812 /*         ===============================================================
2813            Delete the pivot column from the row file
2814            and store the nonzeros of the next column of  L.
2815            Set  indc(ll) = 0     to initialize markl(*) markers,
2816                 indr(ll) = 0     to initialize ifill(*) row fill-in cntrs,
2817                 indc(ls) = leni  to save the original row lengths,
2818                 indr(ls) = iqloc(i)    to save parts of  iqloc(*),
2819                 iqloc(i) = lsave - ls  to point to the nonzeros of  L
2820                          = -1, -2, -3, ... in mark(*).
2821            =============================================================== */
2822     LUSOL->indc[LSAVE] = NCOLD;
2823     if(MELIM==0)
2824       goto x700;
2825     LL = LL1-1;
2826     LS = LSAVE;
2827     ABEST = ONE/ABEST;
2828     for(LC = LPIVC1; LC <= LPIVC2; LC++) {
2829       LL++;
2830       LS++;
2831       I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
2832       LENI = LUSOL->lenr[I];
2833       LUSOL->lenr[I] = LENI-1;
2834       LR1 = LUSOL->locr[I];
2835       LAST = LR1+LUSOL->lenr[I];
2836       for(L = LR1; L <= LAST; L++) {
2837         if(LUSOL->indr[L]==JBEST)
2838           break;
2839       }
2840       LUSOL->indr[L] = LUSOL->indr[LAST];
2841 /*      Free entry */
2842       LUSOL->indr[LAST] = 0;
2843       LUSOL->a[LL] = -LUSOL->a[LC]*ABEST;
2844       LIJ = fabs(LUSOL->a[LL]);
2845       SETMAX(*LMAX,LIJ);
2846       LUSOL->indc[LL] = 0;
2847       LUSOL->indr[LL] = 0;
2848       LUSOL->indc[LS] = LENI;
2849       LUSOL->indr[LS] = LUSOL->iqloc[I];
2850       LUSOL->iqloc[I] = LSAVE-LS;
2851     }
2852 /*         ===============================================================
2853            Do the Gaussian elimination.
2854            This involves adding a multiple of the pivot column
2855            to all other columns in the pivot row.
2856            Sometimes more than one call to lu1gau is needed to allow
2857            compression of the column file.
2858            lfirst  says which column the elimination should start with.
2859            minfre  is a bound on the storage needed for any one column.
2860            lu      points to off-diagonals of u.
2861            nfill   keeps track of pending fill-in in the row file.
2862            =============================================================== */
2863     if(NELIM==0)
2864       goto x700;
2865     LFIRST = LPIVR1;
2867     LU = 1;
2868     NFILL = 0;
2870 x400:
2871 #ifdef UseTimer
2872     timer ( "start", eltime );
2873 #endif
2876            LUSOL->iqloc, LUSOL->a+LL1-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,
2879 #ifdef UseTimer
2880     timer ( "finish", eltime );
2881 #endif
2882     if(LFIRST>0) {
2883 /*            The elimination was interrupted.
2884               Compress the column file and try again.
2885               lfirst, lu and nfill have appropriate new values. */
2887                     LUSOL->indc,LUSOL->lenc,LUSOL->locc);
2888       LFILE = LCOL;
2889       JLAST = LUSOL->indc[LCOL+1];
2890       LPIVC = LUSOL->locc[JBEST];
2891       LPIVC1 = LPIVC+1;
2892       LPIVC2 = LPIVC+MELIM;
2893       NFREE = LFREE-LCOL;
2894       if(NFREE<MINFRE) {
2895           goto x970;
2896       }
2897       goto x400;
2898     }
2899 /*         ===============================================================
2900            The column file has been fully updated.
2901            Deal with any pending fill-in in the row file.
2902            =============================================================== */
2903     if(NFILL>0) {
2904 /*            Compress the row file if necessary.
2905               lu1gau has set nfill to be the number of pending fill-ins
2906               plus the current length of any rows that need to be moved. */
2907       MINFRE = NFILL;
2908       NFREE = LFREE-LROW;
2909       if(NFREE<MINFRE) {
2910         LU1REC(LUSOL, LUSOL->m,FALSE,&LROW,
2911                       LUSOL->indr,LUSOL->lenr,LUSOL->locr);
2912         LFILE = LROW;
2913         ILAST = LUSOL->indr[LROW+1];
2914         LPIVR = LUSOL->locr[IBEST];
2915         LPIVR1 = LPIVR+1;
2916         LPIVR2 = LPIVR+NELIM;
2917         NFREE = LFREE-LROW;
2918         if(NFREE<MINFRE) {
2919             goto x970;
2920         }
2921       }
2922 /*            Move rows that have pending fill-in to end of the row file.
2923               Then insert the fill-in. */
2925              LPIVC1,LPIVC2,LPIVR1,LPIVR2,
2927     }
2928 /*         ===============================================================
2929            Restore the saved values of  iqloc.
2930            Insert the correct indices for the col of L and the row of U.
2931            =============================================================== */
2932 x700:
2933     LUSOL->lenr[IBEST] = 0;
2934     LUSOL->lenc[JBEST] = 0;
2935     LL = LL1-1;
2936     LS = LSAVE;
2937     for(LC = LPIVC1; LC <= LPIVC2; LC++) {
2938       LL++;
2939       LS++;
2940       I = LUSOL->indc[LC];
2941       LUSOL->iqloc[I] = LUSOL->indr[LS];
2942       LUSOL->indc[LL] = I;
2943       LUSOL->indr[LL] = IBEST;
2944     }
2945     LU = LU1-1;
2946     for(LR = LPIVR; LR <= LPIVR2; LR++) {
2947       LU++;
2948       LUSOL->indr[LU] = LUSOL->indr[LR];
2949     }
2950 /*         ===============================================================
2951            Free the space occupied by the pivot row
2952            and update the column permutation.
2953            Then free the space occupied by the pivot column
2954            and update the row permutation.
2955            nzchng is found in both calls to lu1pq2, but we use it only
2956            after the second.
2957            =============================================================== */
2959            LUSOL->indr+LPIVR-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,
2960            LUSOL->indc+LU1-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET, LUSOL->lenc,
2961            LUSOL->iqloc, LUSOL->iq, LUSOL->iqinv);
2963            LUSOL->indc+LPIVC-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET,
2964            LUSOL->indc+LSAVE-LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET, LUSOL->lenr,
2965            LUSOL->iploc, LUSOL->ip, LUSOL->ipinv);
2966     NZLEFT += NZCHNG;
2968 /*         ===============================================================
2969            lu1mxr resets Amaxr(i) in each modified row i.
2970            lu1mxc moves the largest aij to the top of each modified col j.
2971            28 Jun 2002: Note that cols of L have an implicit diag of 1.0,
2972                         so lu1mxr is called with ll1, not ll1+1, whereas
2973                            lu1mxc is called with          lu1+1.
2974            =============================================================== */
2975     if(UTRI && TPP) {
2976 /*      Relax -- we're not keeping big elements at the top yet. */
2977     }
2978     else {
2979       if(TRP && MELIM>0)
2980 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2981         LU1MXR(LUSOL, LL1,LL,LUSOL->indc,AMAXR);
2982 #else
2983         LU1MXR(LUSOL, LL1,LL,LUSOL->indc,LUSOL->amaxr);
2984 #endif
2986       if(NELIM>0) {
2987         LU1MXC(LUSOL, LU1+1,LU,LUSOL->indr);
2988 /*      Update modified columns in heap */
2989         if(TCP) {
2990           for(KK = LU1+1; KK <= LU; KK++) {
2991             J = LUSOL->indr[KK];
2992 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
2993             K = HK[J];
2994 #else
2995             K = LUSOL->Hk[J];
2996 #endif
2997 /*      Biggest aij in column j */
2998             V = fabs(LUSOL->a[LUSOL->locc[J]]);
2999 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
3000             HCHANGE(HA,HJ,HK,HLEN,K,V,J,&H);
3001 #else
3002             HCHANGE(LUSOL->Ha,LUSOL->Hj,LUSOL->Hk,HLEN,K,V,J,&H);
3003 #endif
3004             HOPS += H;
3005           }
3006         }
3007       }
3008     }
3009 /*         ===============================================================
3010            Negate lengths of pivot row and column so they will be
3011            eliminated during compressions.
3012            =============================================================== */
3013     LUSOL->lenr[IBEST] = -NCOLD;
3014     LUSOL->lenc[JBEST] = -NROWD;
3016 /*         Test for fatal bug: row or column lists overwriting L and U. */
3017     if(LROW>LSAVE || LCOL>LSAVE)
3018       goto x980;
3020 /*         Reset the file lengths if pivot row or col was at the end. */
3021     if(IBEST==ILAST)
3022       LROW = LUSOL->locr[IBEST];
3024     if(JBEST==JLAST)
3025       LCOL = LUSOL->locc[JBEST];
3027   }
3028 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
3029         End of main loop.
3030         ------------------------------------------------------------------
3031         ------------------------------------------------------------------
3032         Normal exit.
3033         Move empty rows and cols to the end of ip, iq.
3034         Then finish with a dense LU if necessary.
3035         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
3036 x900:
3038   LU1PQ3(LUSOL, LUSOL->m,LUSOL->lenr,LUSOL->ip,LUSOL->ipinv,&MRANK);
3039   LU1PQ3(LUSOL, LUSOL->n,LUSOL->lenc,LUSOL->iq,LUSOL->iqinv,NRANK);
3041   if(DENSLU) {
3042 #ifdef UseTimer
3043     timer ( "start", 17 );
3044 #endif
3047 /* ***     21 Dec 1994: Bug in next line.
3048    ***     nrank  = nrank - nsing */
3049     *NRANK = MINMN-NSING;
3050 #ifdef UseTimer
3051     timer ( "finish", 17 );
3052 #endif
3053   }
3054   *MINLEN = (*LENL)+(*LENU)+2*(LUSOL->m+LUSOL->n);
3055   goto x990;
3056 /*      Not enough space free after a compress.
3057         Set  minlen  to an estimate of the necessary value of  lena. */
3058 x970:
3060   *MINLEN = LENA2+LFILE+2*(LUSOL->m+LUSOL->n);
3061   goto x990;
3062 /*      Fatal error.  This will never happen!
3063        (Famous last words.) */
3064 x980:
3066   goto x990;
3067 /*      Fatal error with TSP.  Diagonal pivot not found. */
3068 x985:
3070 /*      Exit. */
3071 x990:
3072 #ifdef UseTimer
3073   timer ( "finish", 3 );
3074 #endif
3075 ;
3076 }
3079 /* ==================================================================
3080    lu1fac computes a factorization A = L*U, where A is a sparse
3081    matrix with m rows and n columns, P*L*P' is lower triangular
3082    and P*U*Q is upper triangular for certain permutations P, Q
3083    (which are returned in the arrays ip, iq).
3084    Stability is ensured by limiting the size of the elements of L.
3085    The nonzeros of A are input via the parallel arrays a, indc, indr,
3086    which should contain nelem entries of the form    aij,    i,    j
3087    in any order.  There should be no duplicate pairs         i,    j.
3089    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3090    +        Beware !!!   The row indices i must be in indc,         +
3091    +              and the column indices j must be in indr.         +
3092    +              (Not the other way round!)                        +
3093    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3095    It does not matter if some of the entries in a(*) are zero.
3096    Entries satisfying  abs( a(i) ) .le. parmlu(3)  are ignored.
3097    Other parameters in luparm and parmlu are described below.
3098    The matrix A may be singular.  On exit, nsing = luparm(11) gives
3099    the number of apparent singularities.  This is the number of
3100    "small" diagonals of the permuted factor U, as judged by
3101    the input tolerances Utol1 = parmlu(4) and  Utol2 = parmlu(5).
3102    The diagonal element diagj associated with column j of A is
3103    "small" if
3104                abs( diagj ) .le. Utol1
3105    or
3106                abs( diagj ) .le. Utol2 * max( uj ),
3107    where max( uj ) is the maximum element in the j-th column of U.
3108    The position of such elements is returned in w(*).  In general,
3109    w(j) = + max( uj ),  but if column j is a singularity,
3110    w(j) = - max( uj ).  Thus, w(j) .le. 0 if column j appears to be
3111    dependent on the other columns of A.
3112    NOTE: lu1fac (like certain other sparse LU packages) does not
3113    treat dense columns efficiently.  This means it will be slow
3114    on "arrow matrices" of the form
3115                 A = (x       a)
3116                     (  x     b)
3117                     (    x   c)
3118                     (      x d)
3119                     (x x x x e)
3120    if the numerical values in the dense column allow it to be
3121    chosen LATE in the pivot order.
3122    With TPP (Threshold Partial Pivoting), the dense column is
3123    likely to be chosen late.
3124    With TCP (Threshold Complete Pivoting), if any of a,b,c,d
3125    is significantly larger than other elements of A, it will
3126    be chosen as the first pivot and the dense column will be
3127    eliminated, giving reasonably sparse factors.
3128    However, if element e is so big that TCP chooses it, the factors
3129    will become dense.  (It's hard to win on these examples!)
3130    ------------------------------------------------------------------
3132    Notes on the array names
3133    ------------------------
3134    During the LU factorization, the sparsity pattern of the matrix
3135    being factored is stored twice: in a column list and a row list.
3136    The column list is ( a, indc, locc, lenc )
3137    where
3138          a(*)    holds the nonzeros,
3139          indc(*) holds the indices for the column list,
3140          locc(j) points to the start of column j in a(*) and indc(*),
3141          lenc(j) is the number of nonzeros in column j.
3142    The row list is    (    indr, locr, lenr )
3143    where
3144          indr(*) holds the indices for the row list,
3145          locr(i) points to the start of row i in indr(*),
3146          lenr(i) is the number of nonzeros in row i.
3147    At all stages of the LU factorization, ip contains a complete
3148    row permutation.  At the start of stage k,  ip(1), ..., ip(k-1)
3149    are the first k-1 rows of the final row permutation P.
3150    The remaining rows are stored in an ordered list
3151                         ( ip, iploc, ipinv )
3152    where
3153          iploc(nz) points to the start in ip(*) of the set of rows
3154                    that currently contain nz nonzeros,
3155          ipinv(i)  points to the position of row i in ip(*).
3156    For example,
3157          iploc(1) = k   (and this is where rows of length 1 {),
3158          iploc(2) = k+p  if there are p rows of length 1
3159                         (and this is where rows of length 2 {).
3160    Similarly for iq, iqloc, iqinv.
3161    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
3163    m      (not altered) is the number of rows in A.
3164    n      (not altered) is the number of columns in A.
3165    nelem  (not altered) is the number of matrix entries given in
3166           the arrays a, indc, indr.
3167    lena   (not altered) is the dimension of  a, indc, indr.
3168           This should be significantly larger than nelem.
3169           Typically one should have
3170              lena > max( 2*nelem, 10*m, 10*n, 10000 )
3171           but some applications may need more.
3172           On machines with virtual memory it is safe to have
3173           lena "far bigger than necessary", since not all of the
3174           arrays will be used.
3175    a      (overwritten) contains entries   Aij  in   a(1:nelem).
3176    indc   (overwritten) contains the indices i in indc(1:nelem).
3177    indr   (overwritten) contains the indices j in indr(1:nelem).
3178    luparm input parameters:                                Typical value
3179    luparm( 1) = nout     File number for printed messages.         6
3180    luparm( 2) = lprint   Print level.                              0
3181                     <  0 suppresses output.
3182                     =  0 gives error messages.
3183                    >= 10 gives statistics about the LU factors.
3184                    >= 50 gives debug output from lu1fac
3185                          (the pivot row and column and the
3186                          no. of rows and columns involved at
3187                          each elimination step).
3188    luparm( 3) = maxcol   lu1fac: maximum number of columns         5
3189                          searched allowed in a Markowitz-type
3190                          search for the next pivot element.
3191                          For some of the factorization, the
3192                          number of rows searched is
3193                          maxrow = maxcol - 1.
3194    luparm( 6) = 0    =>  TPP: Threshold Partial   Pivoting.        0
3195               = 1    =>  TRP: Threshold Rook      Pivoting.
3196               = 2    =>  TCP: Threshold Complete  Pivoting.
3197               = 3    =>  TSP: Threshold Symmetric Pivoting.
3198               = 4    =>  TDP: Threshold Diagonal  Pivoting.
3199                               (TDP not yet implemented).
3200                          TRP and TCP are more expensive than TPP but
3201                          more stable and better at revealing rank.
3202                          Take care with setting parmlu(1), especially
3203                          with TCP.
3204                          NOTE: TSP and TDP are for symmetric matrices
3205                          that are either definite or quasi-definite.
3206                          TSP is effectively TRP for symmetric matrices.
3207                          TDP is effectively TCP for symmetric matrices.
3208    luparm( 8) = keepLU   lu1fac: keepLU = 1 means the numerical    1
3209                          factors will be computed if possible.
3210                          keepLU = 0 means L and U will be discarded
3211                          but other information such as the row and
3212                          column permutations will be returned.
3213                          The latter option requires less storage.
3214    parmlu input parameters:                                Typical value
3215    parmlu( 1) = Ltol1    Max Lij allowed during Factor.
3216                                                    TPP     10.0 or 100.0
3217                                                    TRP      4.0 or  10.0
3218                                                    TCP      5.0 or  10.0
3219                                                    TSP      4.0 or  10.0
3220                          With TRP and TCP (Rook and Complete Pivoting),
3221                          values less than 25.0 may be expensive
3222                          on badly scaled data.  However,
3223                          values less than 10.0 may be needed
3224                          to obtain a reliable rank-revealing
3225                          factorization.
3226    parmlu( 2) = Ltol2    Max Lij allowed during Updates.            10.0
3227                          during updates.
3228    parmlu( 3) = small    Absolute tolerance for       eps**0.8 = 3.0d-13
3229                          treating reals as zero.
3230    parmlu( 4) = Utol1    Absolute tol for flagging    eps**0.67= 3.7d-11
3231                          small diagonals of U.
3232    parmlu( 5) = Utol2    Relative tol for flagging    eps**0.67= 3.7d-11
3233                          small diagonals of U.
3234                          (eps = machine precision)
3235    parmlu( 6) = Uspace   Factor limiting waste space in  U.      3.0
3236                          In lu1fac, the row or column lists
3237                          are compressed if their length
3238                          exceeds Uspace times the length of
3239                          either file after the last compression.
3240    parmlu( 7) = dens1    The density at which the Markowitz      0.3
3241                          pivot strategy should search maxcol
3242                          columns and no rows.
3243                          (Use 0.3 unless you are experimenting
3244                          with the pivot strategy.)
3245    parmlu( 8) = dens2    the density at which the Markowitz      0.5
3246                          strategy should search only 1 column,
3247                          or (if storage is available)
3248                          the density at which all remaining
3249                          rows and columns will be processed
3250                          by a dense LU code.
3251                          For example, if dens2 = 0.1 and lena is
3252                          large enough, a dense LU will be used
3253                          once more than 10 per cent of the
3254                          remaining matrix is nonzero.
3257    a, indc, indr     contain the nonzero entries in the LU factors of A.
3258           If keepLU = 1, they are in a form suitable for use
3259           by other parts of the LUSOL package, such as lu6sol.
3260           U is stored by rows at the start of a, indr.
3261           L is stored by cols at the end   of a, indc.
3262           If keepLU = 0, only the diagonals of U are stored, at the
3263           end of a.
3264    ip, iq    are the row and column permutations defining the
3265           pivot order.  For example, row ip(1) and column iq(1)
3266           defines the first diagonal of U.
3267    lenc(1:numl0) contains the number of entries in nontrivial
3268           columns of L (in pivot order).
3269    lenr(1:m) contains the number of entries in each row of U
3270           (in original order).
3271    locc(1:n) = 0 (ready for the LU update routines).
3272    locr(1:m) points to the beginning of the rows of U in a, indr.
3273    iploc, iqloc, ipinv, iqinv  are undefined.
3274    w      indicates singularity as described above.
3275    inform = 0 if the LU factors were obtained successfully.
3276           = 1 if U appears to be singular, as judged by lu6chk.
3277           = 3 if some index pair indc(l), indr(l) lies outside
3278               the matrix dimensions 1:m , 1:n.
3279           = 4 if some index pair indc(l), indr(l) duplicates
3280               another such pair.
3281           = 7 if the arrays a, indc, indr were not large enough.
3282               Their length "lena" should be increase to at least
3283               the value "minlen" given in luparm(13).
3284           = 8 if there was some other fatal error.  (Shouldn't happen!)
3285           = 9 if no diagonal pivot could be found with TSP or TDP.
3286               The matrix must not be sufficiently definite
3287               or quasi-definite.
3288    luparm output parameters:
3289    luparm(10) = inform   Return code from last call to any LU routine.
3290    luparm(11) = nsing    No. of singularities marked in the
3291                          output array w(*).
3292    luparm(12) = jsing    Column index of last singularity.
3293    luparm(13) = minlen   Minimum recommended value for  lena.
3294    luparm(14) = maxlen   ?
3295    luparm(15) = nupdat   No. of updates performed by the lu8 routines.
3296    luparm(16) = nrank    No. of nonempty rows of U.
3297    luparm(17) = ndens1   No. of columns remaining when the density of
3298                          the matrix being factorized reached dens1.
3299    luparm(18) = ndens2   No. of columns remaining when the density of
3300                          the matrix being factorized reached dens2.
3301    luparm(19) = jumin    The column index associated with DUmin.
3302    luparm(20) = numL0    No. of columns in initial  L.
3303    luparm(21) = lenL0    Size of initial  L  (no. of nonzeros).
3304    luparm(22) = lenU0    Size of initial  U.
3305    luparm(23) = lenL     Size of current  L.
3306    luparm(24) = lenU     Size of current  U.
3307    luparm(25) = lrow     Length of row file.
3308    luparm(26) = ncp      No. of compressions of LU data structures.
3309    luparm(27) = mersum   lu1fac: sum of Markowitz merit counts.
3310    luparm(28) = nUtri    lu1fac: triangular rows in U.
3311    luparm(29) = nLtri    lu1fac: triangular rows in L.
3312    luparm(30) =
3313    parmlu output parameters:
3314    parmlu(10) = Amax     Maximum element in  A.
3315    parmlu(11) = Lmax     Maximum multiplier in current  L.
3316    parmlu(12) = Umax     Maximum element in current  U.
3317    parmlu(13) = DUmax    Maximum diagonal in  U.
3318    parmlu(14) = DUmin    Minimum diagonal in  U.
3319    parmlu(15) = Akmax    Maximum element generated at any stage
3320                          during TCP factorization.
3321    parmlu(16) = growth   TPP: Umax/Amax    TRP, TCP, TSP: Akmax/Amax
3322    parmlu(17) =
3323    parmlu(18) =
3324    parmlu(19) =
3325    parmlu(20) = resid    lu6sol: residual after solve with U or U'.
3326    ...
3327    parmlu(30) =
3328    ------------------------------------------------------------------
3329    00 Jun 1983  Original version.
3330    00 Jul 1987  nrank  saved in luparm(16).
3331    12 Apr 1989  ipinv, iqinv added as workspace.
3332    26 Apr 1989  maxtie replaced by maxcol in Markowitz search.
3333    16 Mar 1992  jumin  saved in luparm(19).
3334    10 Jun 1992  lu1fad has to move empty rows and cols to the bottom
3335                 (via lu1pq3) before doing the dense LU.
3336    12 Jun 1992  Deleted dense LU (lu1ful, lu1vlu).
3337    25 Oct 1993  keepLU implemented.
3338    07 Feb 1994  Added new dense LU (lu1ful, lu1den).
3339    21 Dec 1994  Bugs fixed in lu1fad (nrank) and lu1ful (ipvt).
3340    08 Aug 1995  Use ip instead of w as parameter to lu1or3 (for F90).
3341    13 Sep 2000  TPP and TCP options implemented.
3342    17 Oct 2000  Fixed troubles due to A = empty matrix (Todd Munson).
3343    01 Dec 2000  Save Lmax, Umax, etc. after both lu1fad and lu6chk.
3344                 lu1fad sets them when keepLU = false.
3345                 lu6chk sets them otherwise, and includes items
3346                 from the dense LU.
3347    11 Mar 2001  lu6chk now looks at diag(U) when keepLU = false.
3348    26 Apr 2002  New TCP implementation using heap routines to
3349                 store largest element in each column.
3350                 New workspace arrays Ha, Hj, Hk required.
3351                 For compatibility, borrow space from a, indc, indr
3352                 rather than adding new input parameters.
3353    01 May 2002  lu1den changed to lu1DPP (dense partial  pivoting).
3354                 lu1DCP implemented       (dense complete pivoting).
3355                 Both TPP and TCP now switch to dense mode and end.
3356    ================================================================== */
3357 void LU1FAC(LUSOLrec *LUSOL, int *INFORM)
3358 {
3363 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
3364   int     LENH, LENA2, LOCH, LMAXR;
3365 #endif
3370 /*      Free row-based version of L0 (regenerated by LUSOL_btran). */
3371   if(LUSOL->L0 != NULL)
3372     LUSOL_matfree(&(LUSOL->L0));
3374 /*      Grab relevant input parameters. */
3375   NELEM0 = LUSOL->nelem;
3377   LPIV   = LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_PIVOTTYPE];
3379 /*      Limit on size of Lij */
3380   LTOL   = LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_FACTORMAX_Lij];
3381 /*      Drop tolerance */
3387 /*      Initialize output parameters. */
3389   LERR   = 0;
3390   MINLEN = LUSOL->nelem + 2*(LUSOL->m+LUSOL->n);
3391   NUML0  = 0;
3392   LENL   = 0;
3393   LENU   = 0;
3394   LROW   = 0;
3395   MERSUM = 0;
3396   NUTRI  = LUSOL->m;
3397   NLTRI  = 0;
3398   NDENS1 = 0;
3399   NDENS2 = 0;
3400   NRANK  = 0;
3401   NSING  = 0;
3402   JSING  = 0;
3403   JUMIN  = 0;
3404   AMAX   = ZERO;
3405   LMAX   = ZERO;
3406   UMAX   = ZERO;
3407   DUMAX  = ZERO;
3408   DUMIN  = ZERO;
3409   AKMAX  = ZERO;
3411 /*      Float version of dimensions. */
3412   DM = LUSOL->m;
3413   DN = LUSOL->n;
3414   DELEM = LUSOL->nelem;
3416 /*      Initialize workspace parameters. */
3418   if(LUSOL->lena < MINLEN) {
3419     if(!LUSOL_realloc_a(LUSOL, MINLEN))
3420       goto x970;
3421   }
3423 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
3424         Organize the  aij's  in  a, indc, indr.
3425         lu1or1  deletes small entries, tests for illegal  i,j's,
3426                 and counts the nonzeros in each row and column.
3427         lu1or2  reorders the elements of  A  by columns.
3428         lu1or3  uses the column list to test for duplicate entries
3429                 (same indices  i,j).
3430         lu1or4  constructs a row list from the column list.
3431         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
3434     DENSTY = (100*DELEM)/(DM*DN);
3435     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "m:%6d %c n:%6d  nzcount:%9d  Amax:%g  Density:%g\n",
3436                            LUSOL->m, relationChar(LUSOL->m, LUSOL->n), LUSOL->n,
3437                            LUSOL->nelem, AMAX, DENSTY);
3438   }
3440     goto x930;
3441   LUSOL->nelem = NUMNZ;
3442   LU1OR2(LUSOL);
3445     goto x940;
3446   LU1OR4(LUSOL);
3447 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
3448         Set up lists of rows and columns with equal numbers of nonzeros,
3449         using  indc(*)  as workspace.
3450         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
3451   LU1PQ1(LUSOL, LUSOL->m,LUSOL->n,LUSOL->lenr,
3452          LUSOL->ip,LUSOL->iploc,LUSOL->ipinv,
3453          LUSOL->indc+LUSOL->nelem); /* LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET implied */
3454   LU1PQ1(LUSOL, LUSOL->n,LUSOL->m,LUSOL->lenc,
3455          LUSOL->iq,LUSOL->iqloc,LUSOL->iqinv,
3456          LUSOL->indc+LUSOL->nelem); /* LUSOL_ARRAYOFFSET implied */
3457 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
3458         For TCP, Ha, Hj, Hk are allocated separately, similarly amaxr
3459         for TRP. Then compute the factorization  A = L*U.
3460         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
3461 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
3462   if(TPP || TSP) {
3463     LENH  = 1;
3464     LENA2 = LUSOL->lena;
3465     LOCH  = LUSOL->lena;
3466     LMAXR = 1;
3467   }
3468   else if(TRP) {
3469     LENH  = 1;                     /* Dummy                                */
3470     LENA2 = LUSOL->lena-LUSOL->m;  /* Reduced length of      a             */
3471     LOCH  = LUSOL->lena;           /* Dummy                                */
3472     LMAXR = LENA2+1;               /* Start of Amaxr      in a             */
3473   }
3474   else if(TCP) {
3475     LENH  = LUSOL->n;              /* Length of heap                       */
3476     LENA2 = LUSOL->lena-LENH;      /* Reduced length of      a, indc, indr */
3477     LOCH  = LENA2+1;               /* Start of Ha, Hj, Hk in a, indc, indr */
3478     LMAXR = 1;                     /* Dummy                                */
3479   }
3480   LU1FAD(LUSOL,
3481          LENA2,LENH,
3486          INFORM,&LENL,&LENU,
3489 #else
3490   LU1FAD(LUSOL,
3491          INFORM,&LENL,&LENU,
3494 #endif
3495   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_RANK_U]     = NRANK;
3498     goto x970;
3500     goto x985;
3502     goto x980;
3503   if(KEEPLU) {
3504 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
3505            The LU factors are at the top of  a, indc, indr,
3506            with the columns of  L  and the rows of  U  in the order
3507            ( free )   ... ( u3 ) ( l3 ) ( u2 ) ( l2 ) ( u1 ) ( l1 ).
3508            Starting with ( l1 ) and ( u1 ), move the rows of  U  to the
3509            left and the columns of  L  to the right, giving
3510            ( u1 ) ( u2 ) ( u3 ) ...   ( free )   ... ( l3 ) ( l2 ) ( l1 ).
3511            Also, set  numl0 = the number of nonempty columns of  U.
3512            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
3513     LU = 0;
3514     LL = LUSOL->lena+1;
3515 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
3516     LM = LENA2+1;
3517 #else
3518     LM = LL;
3519 #endif
3520     LTOPL = LL-LENL-LENU;
3521     LROW = LENU;
3522     for(K = 1; K <= NRANK; K++) {
3523       I = LUSOL->ip[K];
3524       LENUK = -LUSOL->lenr[I];
3525       LUSOL->lenr[I] = LENUK;
3526       J = LUSOL->iq[K];
3527       LENLK = -LUSOL->lenc[J]-1;
3528       if(LENLK>0) {
3529         NUML0++;
3530         LUSOL->iqloc[NUML0] = LENLK;
3531       }
3532       if(LU+LENUK<LTOPL) {
3533 /*               =========================================================
3534                  There is room to move ( uk ).  Just right-shift ( lk ).
3535                  ========================================================= */
3536         for(IDUMMY = 1; IDUMMY <= LENLK; IDUMMY++) {
3537           LL--;
3538           LM--;
3539           LUSOL->a[LL] = LUSOL->a[LM];
3540           LUSOL->indc[LL] = LUSOL->indc[LM];
3541           LUSOL->indr[LL] = LUSOL->indr[LM];
3542         }
3543       }
3544       else {
3545 /*               =========================================================
3546                  There is no room for ( uk ) yet.  We have to
3547                  right-shift the whole of the remaining LU file.
3548                  Note that ( lk ) ends up in the correct place.
3549                  ========================================================= */
3550         LLSAVE = LL-LENLK;
3551         NMOVE = LM-LTOPL;
3552         for(IDUMMY = 1; IDUMMY <= NMOVE; IDUMMY++) {
3553           LL--;
3554           LM--;
3555           LUSOL->a[LL] = LUSOL->a[LM];
3556           LUSOL->indc[LL] = LUSOL->indc[LM];
3557           LUSOL->indr[LL] = LUSOL->indr[LM];
3558         }
3559         LTOPL = LL;
3560         LL = LLSAVE;
3561         LM = LL;
3562       }
3563 /*            ======================================================
3564               Left-shift ( uk ).
3565               ====================================================== */
3566       LUSOL->locr[I] = LU+1;
3567       L2 = LM-1;
3568       LM = LM-LENUK;
3569       for(L = LM; L <= L2; L++) {
3570         LU = LU+1;
3571         LUSOL->a[LU] = LUSOL->a[L];
3572         LUSOL->indr[LU] = LUSOL->indr[L];
3573       }
3574     }
3575 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
3576            Save the lengths of the nonempty columns of  L,
3577            and initialize  locc(j)  for the LU update routines.
3578            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
3579     for(K = 1; K <= NUML0; K++) {
3580       LUSOL->lenc[K] = LUSOL->iqloc[K];
3581     }
3582     for(J = 1; J <= LUSOL->n; J++) {
3583       LUSOL->locc[J] = 0;
3584     }
3585 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
3586            Test for singularity.
3587            lu6chk  sets  nsing, jsing, jumin, Lmax, Umax, DUmax, DUmin
3588            (including entries from the dense LU).
3589            inform = 1  if there are singularities (nsing gt 0).
3590            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
3591     LU6CHK(LUSOL, 1,LUSOL->lena,INFORM);
3595     LMAX  = LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_MAXMULT_L];
3596     UMAX  = LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_MAXELEM_U];
3599   }
3600   else {
3601 /*         ---------------------------------------------------------------
3602            keepLU = 0.  L and U were not kept, just the diagonals of U.
3603            lu1fac will probably be called again soon with keepLU = .true.
3604            11 Mar 2001: lu6chk revised.  We can call it with keepLU = 0,
3605                         but we want to keep Lmax, Umax from lu1fad.
3606            05 May 2002: Allow for TCP with new lu1DCP.  Diag(U) starts
3607                         below lena2, not lena.  Need lena2 in next line.
3608            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
3609 #ifdef ClassicHamaxR
3611 #else
3612     LU6CHK(LUSOL, 1,LUSOL->lena,INFORM);
3613 #endif
3619   }
3620   goto x990;
3621 /*      ------------
3622         Error exits.
3623         ------------ */
3624 x930:
3627     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "lu1fac  error...\nentry  a[%d]  has an illegal row (%d) or column (%d) index\n",
3628                         LERR,LUSOL->indc[LERR],LUSOL->indr[LERR]);
3629   goto x990;
3630 x940:
3633     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "lu1fac  error...\nentry  a[%d]  is a duplicate with indeces indc=%d, indr=%d\n",
3634                         LERR,LUSOL->indc[LERR],LUSOL->indr[LERR]);
3635   goto x990;
3636 x970:
3639     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "lu1fac  error...\ninsufficient storage; increase  lena  from %d to at least %d\n",
3640                         LUSOL->lena, MINLEN);
3641   goto x990;
3642 x980:
3645     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "lu1fac  error...\nfatal bug   (sorry --- this should never happen)\n");
3646   goto x990;
3647 x985:
3650     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "lu1fac  error...\nTSP used but diagonal pivot could not be found\n");
3652 /*      Finalize and store output parameters. */
3653 x990:
3654   LUSOL->nelem = NELEM0;
3658   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_UPDATECOUNT]     = 0;
3659   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_RANK_U]          = NRANK;
3663   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_COLCOUNT_L0]     = NUML0;
3664   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_ROWCOUNT_L0]     = 0;
3665   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_L0]     = LENL;
3666   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_U0]     = LENU;
3667   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_L]      = LENL;
3668   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_U]      = LENU;
3669   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_ROW]    = LROW;
3673   LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_MAXELEM_A]       = AMAX;
3674   LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_MAXMULT_L]       = LMAX;
3675   LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_MAXELEM_U]       = UMAX;
3678   LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_MAXELEM_TCP]     = AKMAX;
3681   if(TPP)
3682     GROWTH = UGRWTH;
3683 /*      TRP or TCP or TSP */
3684   else
3685     GROWTH = AGRWTH;
3686   LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_GROWTHRATE]      = GROWTH;
3688   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_FTRANCOUNT]      = 0;
3689   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_BTRANCOUNT]      = 0;
3691 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
3692         Set overall status variable.
3693         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
3694   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_INFORM]          = *INFORM;
3696     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "lu1fac  error...\ninsufficient memory available\n");
3698 /*      ------------------------------------------------------------------
3699         Print statistics for the LU factors.
3700         ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
3703   DINCR = (LENL+LENU)-LUSOL->nelem;
3704   DINCR = (DINCR*100)/MAX(DELEM,ONE);
3709     if(TPP) {
3710       LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "Merit %g %d %d %d %g %d %d %g %g %d %d %d\n",
3711                           AVGMER,LENL,LENL+LENU,NCP,DINCR,NUTRI,LENU,
3712                           LTOL,UMAX,UGRWTH,NLTRI,NDENS1,LMAX);
3713     }
3714     else {
3715       LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "Merit %s %g %d %d %d %g %d %d %g %g %d %d %d %g %g\n",
3716                           LUSOL_pivotLabel(LUSOL),
3717                           AVGMER,LENL,LENL+LENU,NCP,DINCR,NUTRI,LENU,
3718                           LTOL,UMAX,UGRWTH,NLTRI,NDENS1,LMAX,AKMAX,AGRWTH);
3719     }
3720     LUSOL_report(LUSOL, 0, "bump%9d  dense2%7d  DUmax%g DUmin%g  conDU%g\n",
3721                           NBUMP,NDENS2,DUMAX,DUMIN,CONDU);
3722   }
3723 }