1 /***************************************************************************
2  * eval.cpp is part of Math Graphic Library
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Alexey Balakin <mathgl.abalakin@gmail.ru>       *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License  as       *
7  *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the    *
8  *   License, or (at your option) any later version.                       *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public     *
16  *   License along with this program; if not, write to the                 *
17  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
19  ***************************************************************************/
20 #include <time.h>
21 #include <ctype.h>
23 #include "mgl2/data.h"
24 #include "mgl2/eval.h"
27 #include <gsl/gsl_sf.h>
28 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
29 #include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
30 #include <sys/stat.h>
31 #endif
32 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 //	constants for expression parsing
34 enum{
35 EQ_NUM=0,	// a variable substitution
36 EQ_RND,		// random number
37 EQ_A,		// numeric constant
38 // normal functions of 2 arguments
39 EQ_LT,		// comparison x<y			!!! MUST BE FIRST 2-PLACE FUNCTION
40 EQ_GT,		// comparison x>y
41 EQ_EQ,		// comparison x=y
42 EQ_OR,		// comparison x|y
43 EQ_AND,		// comparison x&y
44 EQ_ADD,		// addition x+y
45 EQ_SUB,		// substraction x-y
46 EQ_MUL,		// multiplication x*y
47 EQ_DIV,		// division x/y
48 EQ_IPOW,		// power x^n for integer n
49 EQ_POW,		// power x^y
50 EQ_MOD,		// x modulo y
51 EQ_LOG,		// logarithm of x on base a, log_a(x) = ln(x)/ln(a)
52 EQ_ARG,		// argument of complex number arg(x,y) = atan2(x,y)
53 EQ_HYPOT,	// sqrt(x^2+y^2)=hypot(x,y)
54 EQ_MAX,		// maximum of x and y
55 EQ_MIN,		// minimum of x and y
56 // special functions of 2 arguments
57 EQ_BESJ,		// regular cylindrical Bessel function of fractional order
58 EQ_BESY,		// irregular cylindrical Bessel function of fractional order
59 EQ_BESI,		// regular modified Bessel function of fractional order
60 EQ_BESK,		// irregular modified Bessel function of fractional order
61 EQ_ELE,		// elliptic integral E(\phi,k) = \int_0^\phi dt   \sqrt((1 - k^2 \sin^2(t)))
62 EQ_ELF,		// elliptic integral F(\phi,k) = \int_0^\phi dt 1/\sqrt((1 - k^2 \sin^2(t)))
63 EQ_LP,		// Legendre polynomial P_l(x), (|x|<=1, l>=0)
64 EQ_BETA,	// beta function B(x,y) = Gamma(x)*Gamma(y)/Gamma(x+y)
65 EQ_GAMMA_INC,	// incomplete gamma function Gamma(a,x) = \int_x^\infty dt t^{a-1} \exp(-t) for x>=0.
66 // normal functions of 1 argument
67 EQ_SIN,		// sine function \sin(x).			!!! MUST BE FIRST 1-PLACE FUNCTION
68 EQ_COS,		// cosine function \cos(x).
69 EQ_TAN,		// tangent function \tan(x).
70 EQ_ASIN,		// inverse sine function \sin(x).
71 EQ_ACOS,		// inverse cosine function \sin(x).
72 EQ_ATAN,		// inverse tangent function \tan(x).
73 EQ_SINH,		// hyperbolic sine function \sin(x).
74 EQ_COSH,		// hyperbolic cosine function \sin(x).
75 EQ_TANH,		// hyperbolic tangent function \tan(x).
76 EQ_ASINH,	// inverse hyperbolic sine function \sin(x).
77 EQ_ACOSH,	// inverse hyperbolic cosine function \sin(x).
78 EQ_ATANH,	// inverse hyperbolic tangent function \tan(x).
79 EQ_SQRT,		// square root function \sqrt(x)
80 EQ_EXP,		// exponential function \exp(x)
81 EQ_LN,		// logarithm of x, ln(x)
82 EQ_LG,		// decimal logarithm of x, lg(x) = ln(x)/ln(10)
83 EQ_SIGN,	// sign of number
84 EQ_STEP,		// step function
85 EQ_INT,		// integer part [x]
86 EQ_ABS,		// absolute value of x
87 // special functions of 1 argument
88 EQ_LI2,		// dilogarithm for a real argument Li2(x) = - \Re \int_0^x ds \log(1-s)/s.
89 EQ_ELLE,		// complete elliptic integral is denoted by E(k) = E(\pi/2, k).
90 EQ_ELLK,		// complete elliptic integral is denoted by K(k) = F(\pi/2, k).
91 EQ_AI,		// Airy function Ai(x)
92 EQ_BI,		// Airy function Bi(x)
93 EQ_ERF,		// error function erf(x) = (2/\sqrt(\pi)) \int_0^x dt \exp(-t^2).
94 EQ_EI3,		// exponential integral Ei_3(x) = \int_0^x dt \exp(-t^3) for x >= 0.
95 EQ_EI,		// exponential integral Ei(x),  Ei(x) := - PV(\int_{-x}^\infty dt \exp(-t)/t), where PV denotes the principal value of the integral.
96 EQ_E1,		// exponential integral E_1(x), E_1(x) := Re \int_1^\infty dt \exp(-xt)/t.
97 EQ_E2,		// exponential integral E_2(x), E_2(x) := Re \int_1^\infty dt \exp(-xt)/t^2.
98 EQ_SI,		// Sine integral Si(x) = \int_0^x dt \sin(t)/t.
99 EQ_CI,		// Cosine integral Ci(x) = \int_0^x dt \cos(t)/t.
100 EQ_GAMMA,	// Gamma function \Gamma(x) = \int_0^\infty dt  t^{x-1} \exp(-t)
101 EQ_PSI,		// digamma function \psi(x) = \Gamma'(x)/\Gamma(x) for general x, x \ne 0.
102 EQ_W0,		// principal branch of the Lambert W function, W_0(x). Functions W(x), are defined to be solutions of the equation W\exp(W) = x.
103 EQ_W1,		// secondary real-valued branch of the Lambert W function, W_{-1}(x). Functions W(x), are defined to be solutions of the equation W\exp(W) = x.
104 EQ_SINC,		// compute \sinc(x) = \sin(\pi x) / (\pi x) for any value of x.
105 EQ_ZETA,		// Riemann zeta function \zeta(s) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty k^{-s}for arbitrary s, s \ne 1.
106 EQ_ETA,		// eta function \eta(s) = (1-2^{1-s}) \zeta(s) for arbitrary s.
107 EQ_AID,		// Derivative of Airy function Ai(x)
108 EQ_BID,		// Derivative of Airy function Bi(x)
109 EQ_Z,		// Dawson function \exp(-x^2) \int_0^x dt \exp(t^2)
110 // Jacoby functions of 2 arguments
111 EQ_SN,		// Jacobian elliptic function sn(u|m)	// !!! MUST BE FIRST NON 1-PLACE FUNCTION
112 EQ_SC,		// Jacobian elliptic function sn(u|m)/cn(u|m)
113 EQ_SD,		// Jacobian elliptic function sn(u|m)/dn(u|m)
114 EQ_NS,		// Jacobian elliptic function 1/sn(u|m)
115 EQ_NC,		// Jacobian elliptic function 1/cn(u|m)
116 EQ_ND,		// Jacobian elliptic function 1/dn(u|m)
117 EQ_CN,		// Jacobian elliptic function cn(u|m)
118 EQ_CS,		// Jacobian elliptic function cn(u|m)/sn(u|m)
119 EQ_CD,		// Jacobian elliptic function cn(u|m)/dn(u|m)
120 EQ_DN,		// Jacobian elliptic function dn(u|m)
121 EQ_DS,		// Jacobian elliptic function dn(u|m)/sn(u|m)
122 EQ_DC,		// Jacobian elliptic function dn(u|m)/cn(u|m)
124 // not-ready
125 EQ_EN,
126 EQ_CL		// Clausen function
127 };
128 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 #ifndef M_PI
130 #define M_PI       3.14159265358979323846
131 #endif
132 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 int mglFormula::Error=0;
134 bool MGL_LOCAL_PURE mglCheck(char *str,int n);
135 long MGL_LOCAL_PURE mglFindInText(const char *str, const char *lst);
136 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
138 MGL_NO_EXPORT gsl_rng *mgl_rng=0;	// NOTE: should be deleted by gsl_rng_free() but I don't know where :(
139 #endif
mgl_srnd(long seed)140 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_srnd(long seed)
141 {
142 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
143 	if(mgl_rng==0)
144 	{
145 		gsl_rng_env_setup();
146 		mgl_rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default);
147 	}
148 	gsl_rng_set(mgl_rng, seed);
149 #else
150 	srand(seed);
151 #endif
152 }
mgl_srnd_(int * seed)153 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_srnd_(int *seed)	{	mgl_srnd(*seed);	}
154 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mgl_hypot(double x,double y)155 double MGL_EXPORT_CONST mgl_hypot(double x, double y)	{	return hypot(x,y);	}
156 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 extern pthread_mutex_t mutexRnd;
159 #endif
mgl_rnd()160 double MGL_EXPORT mgl_rnd()
161 {
163 	pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexRnd);
164 #endif
165 	double res;
166 #pragma omp critical(rnd)
167 	{
168 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
169 		if(mgl_rng==0)
170 		{
171 			gsl_rng_env_setup();
172 			mgl_rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default);
173 			gsl_rng_set(mgl_rng, time(0));
174 		}
175 		res = gsl_rng_uniform(mgl_rng);
176 //		gsl_rng_free(r);
177 #else
178 		res = rand()/(RAND_MAX-1.);
179 #endif
180 	}
182 	pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexRnd);
183 #endif
184 	return res;
185 }
mgl_rnd_()186 double MGL_EXPORT mgl_rnd_()	{	return mgl_rnd();	}
187 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
~mglFormula()188 mglFormula::~mglFormula()
189 {
190 	if(tmp)		delete tmp;
191 	if(Left)	delete Left;
192 	if(Right)	delete Right;
193 }
194 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 // Formula constructor (automatically parse and "compile" formula)
mglFormula(const char * string)196 mglFormula::mglFormula(const char *string)
197 {
198 	dat = tmp = NULL;
199 	dx1=dy1=dz1=0;	dx2=dy2=dz2=1;
200 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
201 	gsl_set_error_handler_off();
202 #endif
203 	Error=0;
204 	Left=Right=0;
205 	Res=0; Kod=0;
206 	if(!string)	{	Kod = EQ_NUM;	Res = 0;	return;	}
207 	char *str = new char[strlen(string)+1];
208 	strcpy(str,string);
209 	long n,len;
210 	mgl_strtrim(str);
211 	mgl_strlwr(str);
212 	len=strlen(str);
213 	if(str[0]==0) {	delete []str;	return;	}
214 	if(str[0]=='(' && mglCheck(str+1,len-2))	// remove braces
215 	{
216 		memmove(str,str+1,len);
217 		len-=2;	str[len]=0;
218 	}
219 	len=strlen(str);
220 	if(str[0]==':' && str[1]!=0)		//	this data file for interpolation
221 	{
222 		double sx1,sx2,sy1,sy2,sz1,sz2;
223 		char *buf = strchr(str+1,':');
224 		if(buf && *buf)
225 		{
226 			*buf = 0;
227 			int r = sscanf(buf+1,"%lg:%lg:%lg:%lg:%lg:%lg",&sx1,&sx2,&sy1,&sy2,&sz1,&sz2);
228 			if(r>1 && sx1!=sx2)	{	dx1=sx1;	dx2=sx2;	}
229 			if(r>3 && sy1!=sy2)	{	dy1=sy1;	dy2=sy2;	}
230 			if(r>5 && sz1!=sz2)	{	dz1=sz1;	dz2=sz2;	}
231 		}
232 		dat = tmp = new mglData(str+1);
233 		delete []str;	return;
234 	}
235 	n=mglFindInText(str,"&|");				// lowest priority -- logical
236 	if(n>=0)
237 	{
238 		if(str[n]=='|') Kod=EQ_OR;	else Kod=EQ_AND;
239 		str[n]=0;
240 		Left=new mglFormula(str);
241 		Right=new mglFormula(str+n+1);
242 		delete []str;	return;
243 	}
244 	n=mglFindInText(str,"<>=");				// low priority -- conditions
245 	if(n>=0)
246 	{
247 		if(str[n]=='<') Kod=EQ_LT;
248 		else if(str[n]=='>') Kod=EQ_GT;
249 		else Kod=EQ_EQ;
250 		str[n]=0;
251 		Left=new mglFormula(str);
252 		Right=new mglFormula(str+n+1);
253 		delete []str;	return;
254 	}
255 	n=mglFindInText(str,"+-");				// normal priority -- additions
256 	if(n>=0 && (n<2 || !strchr("eE",str[n-1]) || (str[n-2]!='.' && !isdigit(str[n-2]))))
257 	{
258 		if(str[n]=='+') Kod=EQ_ADD; else Kod=EQ_SUB;
259 		str[n]=0;
260 		Left=new mglFormula(str);
261 		Right=new mglFormula(str+n+1);
262 		delete []str;	return;
263 	}
264 	n=mglFindInText(str,"*/%");				// high priority -- multiplications
265 	if(n>=0)
266 	{
267 		if(str[n]=='*')	Kod=EQ_MUL;
268 		else if(str[n]=='/') Kod=EQ_DIV;
269 		else	Kod=EQ_MOD;
270 		str[n]=0;
271 		Left=new mglFormula(str);
272 		Right=new mglFormula(str+n+1);
273 		delete []str;	return;
274 	}
275 	n=mglFindInText(str,"^");				// highest priority -- power
276 	if(n>=0)
277 	{
278 		Kod=EQ_IPOW;		str[n]=0;
279 		Left=new mglFormula(str);
280 		Right=new mglFormula(str+n+1);
281 		delete []str;	return;
282 	}
284 	for(n=0;n<len;n++)	if(str[n]=='(')	break;
285 	if(n>=len)								// this is number or variable
286 	{
287 		Kod = EQ_NUM;
288 //		Left = Right = 0;
289 		if(str[1]==0 && str[0]>='a' && str[0]<='z')	// available variables
290 		{	Kod=EQ_A;	Res = str[0]-'a';	}
291 		else if(!strcmp(str,"rnd")) Kod=EQ_RND;
292 		else if(!strcmp(str,"pi")) Res=M_PI;
293 		else if(!strcmp(str,"inf")) Res=INFINITY;
294 		else Res=atof(str);				// this is number
295 	}
296 	else
297 	{
298 		char name[128];
299 		mgl_strncpy(name,str,128);	name[127]=name[n]=0;
300 		memmove(str,str+n+1,len-n);
301 		len=strlen(str);		str[--len]=0;
302 		if(!strncmp(name,"jacobi_",7))
303 			memmove(name,name+7,(strlen(name+7)+1)*sizeof(char));
304 		if(name[0]=='a')
305 		{
306 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"sin"))		Kod=EQ_ASIN;
307 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"cos"))	Kod=EQ_ACOS;
308 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"tan"))	Kod=EQ_ATAN;
309 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"sinh"))	Kod=EQ_ASINH;
310 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"cosh"))	Kod=EQ_ACOSH;
311 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"tanh"))	Kod=EQ_ATANH;
312 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"rg"))	Kod=EQ_ARG;
313 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"bs"))	Kod=EQ_ABS;
314 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"i"))	Kod=EQ_AI;
315 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"iry_ai"))	Kod=EQ_AI;
316 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"iry_bi"))	Kod=EQ_BI;
317 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"iry_dai"))	Kod=EQ_AID;
318 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"iry_dbi"))	Kod=EQ_BID;
319 		}
320 		else if(name[0]=='b')
321 		{
322 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"i"))		Kod=EQ_BI;
323 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"essel_j"))	Kod=EQ_BESJ;
324 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"essel_i"))	Kod=EQ_BESI;
325 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"essel_k"))	Kod=EQ_BESK;
326 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"essel_y"))	Kod=EQ_BESY;
327 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"eta"))	Kod=EQ_BETA;
328 		}
329 		else if(name[0]=='c')
330 		{
331 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"os"))		Kod=EQ_COS;
332 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"osh"))	Kod=EQ_COSH;
333 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"h"))	Kod=EQ_COSH;
334 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"i"))	Kod=EQ_CI;
335 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"n"))	Kod=EQ_CN;
336 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"s"))	Kod=EQ_CS;
337 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"d"))	Kod=EQ_CD;
338 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"l"))	Kod=EQ_CL;
339 		}
340 		else if(name[0]=='d')
341 		{
342 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"n"))			Kod=EQ_DN;
343 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"s"))	Kod=EQ_DS;
344 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"c"))	Kod=EQ_DC;
345 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"ilog"))	Kod=EQ_LI2;
346 		}
347 		else if(name[0]=='e')
348 		{
349 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"xp"))		Kod=EQ_EXP;
350 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"rf"))	Kod=EQ_ERF;
351 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"n"))	Kod=EQ_EN;
352 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"e"))	Kod=EQ_ELLE;
353 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"k"))	Kod=EQ_ELLK;
354 			else if(name[0]==0)				Kod=EQ_ELE;
355 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"i"))	Kod=EQ_EI;
356 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"1"))	Kod=EQ_E1;
357 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"2"))	Kod=EQ_E2;
358 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"ta"))	Kod=EQ_ETA;
359 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"i3"))	Kod=EQ_EI3;
360 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"lliptic_e"))	Kod=EQ_ELE;
361 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"lliptic_f"))	Kod=EQ_ELF;
362 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"lliptic_ec"))	Kod=EQ_ELLE;
363 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"lliptic_kc"))	Kod=EQ_ELLK;
364 		}
365 		else if(name[0]=='l')
366 		{
367 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"og"))		Kod=EQ_LOG;
368 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"g"))	Kod=EQ_LG;
369 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"n"))	Kod=EQ_LN;
370 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"i2"))	Kod=EQ_LI2;
371 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"egendre"))	Kod=EQ_LP;
372 		}
373 		else if(name[0]=='s')
374 		{
375 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"qrt"))		Kod=EQ_SQRT;
376 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"in"))	Kod=EQ_SIN;
377 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"tep"))	Kod=EQ_STEP;
378 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"ign"))	Kod=EQ_SIGN;
379 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"inh"))	Kod=EQ_SINH;
380 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"h"))	Kod=EQ_SINH;
381 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"i"))	Kod=EQ_SI;
382 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"n"))	Kod=EQ_SN;
383 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"c"))	Kod=EQ_SC;
384 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"d"))	Kod=EQ_SD;
385 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"inc"))	Kod=EQ_SINC;
386 		}
387 		else if(name[0]=='t')
388 		{
389 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"g"))			Kod=EQ_TAN;
390 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"an"))	Kod=EQ_TAN;
391 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"anh"))	Kod=EQ_TANH;
392 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"h"))	Kod=EQ_TANH;
393 		}
394 		else if(name[0]=='m')
395 		{
396 			if(!strcmp(name+1,"od"))		Kod=EQ_MOD;
397 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"ax"))	Kod=EQ_MAX;
398 			else if(!strcmp(name+1,"in"))	Kod=EQ_MIN;
399 		}
400 		else if(!strcmp(name,"hypot"))	Kod=EQ_HYPOT;
401 		else if(!strcmp(name,"pow"))	Kod=EQ_POW;
402 		else if(!strcmp(name,"i"))		Kod=EQ_BESI;
403 		else if(!strcmp(name,"int"))	Kod=EQ_INT;
404 		else if(!strcmp(name,"j"))		Kod=EQ_BESJ;
405 		else if(!strcmp(name,"k"))		Kod=EQ_BESK;
406 		else if(!strcmp(name,"y"))		Kod=EQ_BESY;
407 		else if(!strcmp(name,"f"))		Kod=EQ_ELF;
408 		else if(!strcmp(name,"gamma"))	Kod=EQ_GAMMA;
409 		else if(!strcmp(name,"gamma_inc"))	Kod=EQ_GAMMA_INC;
410 		else if(!strcmp(name,"ns"))		Kod=EQ_NS;
411 		else if(!strcmp(name,"nc"))		Kod=EQ_NC;
412 		else if(!strcmp(name,"nd"))		Kod=EQ_ND;
413 		else if(!strcmp(name,"w0"))		Kod=EQ_W0;
414 		else if(!strcmp(name,"w1"))		Kod=EQ_W1;
415 		else if(!strcmp(name,"psi"))	Kod=EQ_PSI;
416 		else if(!strcmp(name,"zeta"))	Kod=EQ_ZETA;
417 		else if(!strcmp(name,"z"))		Kod=EQ_Z;
418 		else {	delete []str;	return;	}	// unknown function
419 		n=mglFindInText(str,",");
420 		if(n>=0)
421 		{
422 			str[n]=0;
423 			Left=new mglFormula(str);
424 			Right=new mglFormula(str+n+1);
425 		}
426 		else	Left=new mglFormula(str);
427 	}
428 	delete []str;
429 }
430 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 // evaluate formula for 'x'='r', 'y'='n'='v', 't'='z', 'u'='a' variables
Calc(mreal x,mreal y,mreal t,mreal u) const432 mreal mglFormula::Calc(mreal x,mreal y,mreal t,mreal u) const
433 {
434 	Error=0;
435 	mreal a1[MGL_VS];	memset(a1,0,MGL_VS*sizeof(mreal));
436 	a1['a'-'a'] = a1['c'-'a'] = a1['u'-'a'] = u;
437 	a1['x'-'a'] = a1['r'-'a'] = x;
438 	a1['y'-'a'] = a1['n'-'a'] = a1['v'-'a'] = y;
439 	a1['z'-'a'] = a1['t'-'a'] = t;
440 	mreal b = CalcIn(a1);
441 	return mgl_isfin(b) ? b : NAN;
442 }
443 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
444 // evaluate formula for 'x'='r', 'y'='n', 't'='z', 'u'='a', 'v'='b', 'w'='c' variables
Calc(mreal x,mreal y,mreal t,mreal u,mreal v,mreal w) const445 mreal mglFormula::Calc(mreal x,mreal y,mreal t,mreal u,mreal v,mreal w) const
446 {
447 	Error=0;
448 	mreal a1[MGL_VS];	memset(a1,0,MGL_VS*sizeof(mreal));
449 	a1['c'-'a'] = a1['w'-'a'] = w;
450 	a1['b'-'a'] = a1['v'-'a'] = v;
451 	a1['a'-'a'] = a1['u'-'a'] = u;
452 	a1['x'-'a'] = a1['r'-'a'] = x;
453 	a1['y'-'a'] = a1['n'-'a'] = y;
454 	a1['z'-'a'] = a1['t'-'a'] = t;
455 	mreal b = CalcIn(a1);
456 	return mgl_isfin(b) ? b : NAN;
457 }
458 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
459 // evaluate formula for arbitrary set of variables
Calc(const mreal var[MGL_VS]) const460 mreal mglFormula::Calc(const mreal var[MGL_VS]) const
461 {
462 	Error=0;
463 	mreal b = CalcIn(var);
464 	return mgl_isfin(b) ? b : NAN;
465 }
466 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
467 // evaluate formula for 'x'='r', 'y'='n'='v', 't'='z', 'u'='a' variables
CalcD(char diff,mreal x,mreal y,mreal t,mreal u) const468 mreal mglFormula::CalcD(char diff,mreal x,mreal y,mreal t,mreal u) const
469 {
470 	Error=0;
471 	mreal a1[MGL_VS];	memset(a1,0,MGL_VS*sizeof(mreal));
472 	a1['a'-'a'] = a1['c'-'a'] = a1['u'-'a'] = u;
473 	a1['x'-'a'] = a1['r'-'a'] = x;
474 	a1['y'-'a'] = a1['n'-'a'] = a1['v'-'a'] = y;
475 	a1['z'-'a'] = a1['t'-'a'] = t;
476 	mreal b = CalcDIn(diff-'a', a1);
477 	return mgl_isfin(b) ? b : NAN;
478 }
479 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
480 // evaluate formula for 'x'='r', 'y'='n', 't'='z', 'u'='a', 'v'='b', 'w'='c' variables
CalcD(char diff,mreal x,mreal y,mreal t,mreal u,mreal v,mreal w) const481 mreal mglFormula::CalcD(char diff,mreal x,mreal y,mreal t,mreal u,mreal v,mreal w) const
482 {
483 	Error=0;
484 	mreal a1[MGL_VS];	memset(a1,0,MGL_VS*sizeof(mreal));
485 	a1['c'-'a'] = a1['w'-'a'] = w;
486 	a1['b'-'a'] = a1['v'-'a'] = v;
487 	a1['a'-'a'] = a1['u'-'a'] = u;
488 	a1['x'-'a'] = a1['r'-'a'] = x;
489 	a1['y'-'a'] = a1['n'-'a'] = y;
490 	a1['z'-'a'] = a1['t'-'a'] = t;
491 	mreal b = CalcDIn(diff-'a', a1);
492 	return mgl_isfin(b) ? b : NAN;
493 }
494 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 // evaluate derivate of formula respect to 'diff' variable for arbitrary set of other variables
CalcD(const mreal var[MGL_VS],char diff) const496 mreal mglFormula::CalcD(const mreal var[MGL_VS], char diff) const
497 {
498 	Error=0;
499 	mreal b = CalcDIn(diff-'a', var);
500 	return mgl_isfin(b) ? b : NAN;
501 }
502 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cand(double a,double b)503 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST cand(double a,double b)	{return a&&b?1:0;}
cor(double a,double b)504 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST cor(double a,double b)	{return a||b?1:0;}
ceq(double a,double b)505 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST ceq(double a,double b)	{return a==b?1:0;}
clt(double a,double b)506 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST clt(double a,double b)	{return a<b?1:0;}
cgt(double a,double b)507 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST cgt(double a,double b)	{return a>b?1:0;}
add(double a,double b)508 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST add(double a,double b)	{return a+b;}
sub(double a,double b)509 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST sub(double a,double b)	{return a-b;}
mul(double a,double b)510 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mul(double a,double b)	{return a&&b?a*b:0;}
del(double a,double b)511 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST del(double a,double b)	{return b?a/b:NAN;}
ipw(double a,double b)512 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST ipw(double a,double b)	{return fabs(b-int(b))<1e-5 ? mgl_ipow(a,int(b)) : pow(a,b);}
llg(double a,double b)513 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST llg(double a,double b)	{return log(a)/log(b);}
514 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
gslEllE(double a,double b)515 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslEllE(double a,double b)	{return gsl_sf_ellint_E(a,b,GSL_PREC_SINGLE);}
gslEllF(double a,double b)516 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslEllF(double a,double b)	{return gsl_sf_ellint_F(a,b,GSL_PREC_SINGLE);}
gslLegP(double a,double b)517 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslLegP(double a,double b)	{return gsl_sf_legendre_Pl(int(a),b);}
gslEllEc(double a)518 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslEllEc(double a)	{return gsl_sf_ellint_Ecomp(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE);}
gslEllFc(double a)519 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslEllFc(double a)	{return gsl_sf_ellint_Kcomp(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE);}
gslAi(double a)520 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslAi(double a)	{return gsl_sf_airy_Ai(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE);}
gslBi(double a)521 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslBi(double a)	{return gsl_sf_airy_Bi(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE);}
gslAi_d(double a)522 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslAi_d(double a)	{return gsl_sf_airy_Ai_deriv(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE);}
gslBi_d(double a)523 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslBi_d(double a)	{return gsl_sf_airy_Bi_deriv(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE);}
524 #endif
sgn(double a)525 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST sgn(double a)	{return a<0 ? -1:(a>0?1:0);}
stp(double a)526 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST stp(double a)	{return a>0 ? 1:0;}
arg(double a,double b)527 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST arg(double a,double b)	{	return atan2(b,a);	}
mgz1(double)528 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgz1(double)			{return NAN;}	// NOTE I think NAN value is more correct here than 0
mgz2(double,double)529 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgz2(double,double)	{return NAN;}	// NOTE I think NAN value is more correct here than 0
mgl_asinh(double x)530 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgl_asinh(double x)	{	return log(x+sqrt(x*x+1.));	}
mgl_acosh(double x)531 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgl_acosh(double x)	{	return x>1 ? log(x+sqrt(x*x-1.)) : NAN;	}
mgl_atanh(double x)532 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgl_atanh(double x)	{	return fabs(x)<1 ? log((1.+x)/(1.-x))/2 : NAN;	}
mgl_fmin(double a,double b)533 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgl_fmin(double a,double b)	{	return a > b ? b : a;	}
mgl_fmax(double a,double b)534 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgl_fmax(double a,double b)	{	return a > b ? a : b;	}
mgl_fmod(double a,double m)535 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgl_fmod(double a, double m)	{	return (a>=0)?fmod(a,m):fmod(a,m)+m;	}
536 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
537 typedef double (*func_1)(double);
538 typedef double (*func_2)(double, double);
539 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
540 static const mreal z2[EQ_SIN-EQ_LT] = {3,3,3,3,0,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,NAN,3,3,3,3
541 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
542 	,3,NAN, 3,NAN, 0,0,3,1,3
543 #else
544 	,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
545 #endif
546 };
547 static const func_2 f2[EQ_SIN-EQ_LT] = {clt,cgt,ceq,cor,cand,add,sub,mul,del,ipw,pow,mgl_fmod,llg,arg,hypot,mgl_fmax,mgl_fmin
548 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
549 	,gsl_sf_bessel_Jnu,gsl_sf_bessel_Ynu,
550 	gsl_sf_bessel_Inu,gsl_sf_bessel_Knu,
551 	gslEllE,gslEllF,gslLegP,gsl_sf_beta,gsl_sf_gamma_inc
552 #else
553 	,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2
554 #endif
555 };
556 static const func_1 f1[EQ_SN-EQ_SIN] = {sin,cos,tan,asin,acos,atan,sinh,cosh,tanh,
557 			mgl_asinh,mgl_acosh,mgl_atanh,sqrt,exp,log,log10,sgn,stp,floor,fabs
558 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
559 	,gsl_sf_dilog,gslEllEc,gslEllFc,gslAi,gslBi,gsl_sf_erf,
560 	gsl_sf_expint_3,gsl_sf_expint_Ei,gsl_sf_expint_E1,gsl_sf_expint_E2,
561 	gsl_sf_Si,gsl_sf_Ci,gsl_sf_gamma,gsl_sf_psi,gsl_sf_lambert_W0,
562 	gsl_sf_lambert_Wm1,gsl_sf_sinc,gsl_sf_zeta,gsl_sf_eta,gslAi_d,gslBi_d,
563 	gsl_sf_dawson
564 #else
565 	,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,
566 	mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1
567 #endif
568 };
569 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
570 // evaluation of embedded (included) expressions
CalcIn(const mreal * a1) const571 mreal mglFormula::CalcIn(const mreal *a1) const
572 {
573 	if(dat)
574 	{
575 		mreal x = (a1['x'-'a']-dx1)*(dat->GetNx()-1)/(dx2-dx1);
576 		mreal y = (a1['y'-'a']-dy1)*(dat->GetNy()-1)/(dy2-dy1);
577 		mreal z = (a1['z'-'a']-dz1)*(dat->GetNz()-1)/(dz2-dz1);
578 		return mgl_data_spline(dat,x,y,z);
579 	}
580 	if(Kod<EQ_LT)
581 	{
582 		if(Kod==EQ_RND)	return mgl_rnd();
583 		else	return (Kod==EQ_A) ? a1[int(Res)] : Res;
584 	}
585 	double a = Left->CalcIn(a1);
586 	if(mgl_isfin(a))
587 	{
588 		if(Kod<EQ_SIN)
589 		{
590 			// try to bypass calc b if a==0
591 			if(a==0 && z2[Kod-EQ_LT]!=3)	return z2[Kod-EQ_LT];
592 			return Right?f2[Kod-EQ_LT](a, Right->CalcIn(a1)):NAN;
593 		}
594 		else if(Kod<EQ_SN)	return f1[Kod-EQ_SIN](a);
595 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
596 		else if(Kod<=EQ_DC)
597 		{
598 			double sn=0, cn=0, dn=0;
599 			gsl_sf_elljac_e(a,Right->CalcIn(a1), &sn, &cn, &dn);
600 			switch(Kod)
601 			{
602 			case EQ_SN:		return sn;
603 			case EQ_SC:		return sn/cn;
604 			case EQ_SD:		return sn/dn;
605 			case EQ_CN:		return cn;
606 			case EQ_CS:		return cn/sn;
607 			case EQ_CD:		return cn/dn;
608 			case EQ_DN:		return dn;
609 			case EQ_DS:		return dn/sn;
610 			case EQ_DC:		return dn/cn;
611 			case EQ_NS:		return 1./sn;
612 			case EQ_NC:		return 1./cn;
613 			case EQ_ND:		return 1./dn;
614 			}
615 		}
616 #endif
617 	}
618 	return NAN;
619 }
620 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mgzz(double,double)621 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgzz(double,double)	{return 0;}
mgp(double,double)622 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgp(double ,double )	{return 1;}
mgm(double,double)623 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mgm(double ,double )	{return -1;}
mul1(double,double b)624 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mul1(double ,double b)	{return b;}
mul2(double a,double)625 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST mul2(double a,double )	{return a;}
div1(double,double b)626 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST div1(double ,double b)	{return b?1/b:NAN;}
div2(double a,double b)627 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST div2(double a,double b)	{return b?-a/(b*b):NAN;}
ipw1(double a,double b)628 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST ipw1(double a,double b)	{return b*(fabs(b-int(b))<1e-5 ? mgl_ipow(a,int(b-1)) : pow(a,b-1));}
pow1(double a,double b)629 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST pow1(double a,double b)	{return b*pow(a,b-1);}
pow2(double a,double b)630 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST pow2(double a,double b)	{return log(a)*pow(a,b);}
llg1(double a,double b)631 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST llg1(double a,double b)	{return 1/(a*log(b));}
llg2(double a,double b)632 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST llg2(double a,double b)	{return -log(a)/(b*log(b)*log(b));}
cos_d(double a)633 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST cos_d(double a)	{return -sin(a);}
tan_d(double a)634 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST tan_d(double a)	{return 1./(cos(a)*cos(a));}
asin_d(double a)635 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST asin_d(double a)	{return 1./sqrt(1.-a*a);}
acos_d(double a)636 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST acos_d(double a)	{return -1./sqrt(1.-a*a);}
atan_d(double a)637 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST atan_d(double a)	{return 1./(1.+a*a);}
tanh_d(double a)638 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST tanh_d(double a)	{return 1./(cosh(a)*cosh(a));}
atanh_d(double a)639 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST atanh_d(double a){return 1./(1.-a*a);}
asinh_d(double a)640 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST asinh_d(double a){return 1./sqrt(1.+a*a);}
acosh_d(double a)641 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST acosh_d(double a){return 1./sqrt(a*a-1.);}
sqrt_d(double a)642 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST sqrt_d(double a)	{return 0.5/sqrt(a);}
log10_d(double a)643 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST log10_d(double a){return M_LN10/a;}
log_d(double a)644 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST log_d(double a)	{return 1./a;}
erf_d(double a)645 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST erf_d(double a)	{return 2*exp(-a*a)/sqrt(M_PI);}
dilog_d(double a)646 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST dilog_d(double a){return log(a)/(1.-a);}
ei_d(double a)647 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST ei_d(double a)	{return exp(a)/a;}
si_d(double a)648 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST si_d(double a)	{return a?sin(a)/a:1;}
ci_d(double a)649 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST ci_d(double a)	{return cos(a)/a;}
exp3_d(double a)650 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST exp3_d(double a)	{return exp(-a*a*a);}
e1_d(double a)651 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST e1_d(double a)	{return exp(-a)/a;}
sinc_d(double a)652 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST sinc_d(double a)	{return a ? (cos(M_PI*a)/a-sin(M_PI*a)/(M_PI*a*a)) : 0;}
653 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
e2_d(double a)654 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST e2_d(double a)	{return -gsl_sf_expint_E1(a);}
gslJnuD(double a,double b)655 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslJnuD(double a,double b)	{return 0.5*(gsl_sf_bessel_Jnu(a-1,b)-gsl_sf_bessel_Jnu(a+1,b));}
gslYnuD(double a,double b)656 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslYnuD(double a,double b)	{return 0.5*(gsl_sf_bessel_Ynu(a-1,b)-gsl_sf_bessel_Ynu(a+1,b));}
gslKnuD(double a,double b)657 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslKnuD(double a,double b)	{return -(a*gsl_sf_bessel_Knu(a,b)/b +gsl_sf_bessel_Knu(a-1,b));}
gslInuD(double a,double b)658 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslInuD(double a,double b)	{return -(a*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu(a,b)/b -gsl_sf_bessel_Inu(a-1,b));}
gslEllE1(double a,double b)659 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslEllE1(double a,double b)	{return sqrt(1.-sin(a)*sin(a)*b);}
gslEllE2(double a,double b)660 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslEllE2(double a,double b)	{return (gsl_sf_ellint_E(a,b,GSL_PREC_SINGLE) - gsl_sf_ellint_F(a,b,GSL_PREC_SINGLE))/(2.*b);}
gslEllF1(double a,double b)661 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslEllF1(double a,double b)	{return 1./sqrt(1.-sin(a)*sin(a)*b);}
gslEllF2(double a,double b)662 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslEllF2(double a,double b)	{return (gsl_sf_ellint_E(a,b,GSL_PREC_SINGLE) - gsl_sf_ellint_F(a,b,GSL_PREC_SINGLE)*(1.-b))/(2*b*(1.-b)) - sin(2.*a)/(sqrt(1.-sin(a)*sin(a)*b)*2.*(1.-b));}
gslE_d(double a)663 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslE_d(double a)	{return (gsl_sf_ellint_Ecomp(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE) - gsl_sf_ellint_Kcomp(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE))/(2.*a);}
gslK_d(double a)664 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gslK_d(double a)	{return (gsl_sf_ellint_Ecomp(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE) - (1.-a)*gsl_sf_ellint_Kcomp(a,GSL_PREC_SINGLE))/(2.*a*(1.-a));}
gamma_d(double a)665 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST gamma_d(double a)	{return gsl_sf_psi(a)*gsl_sf_gamma(a);}
666 #endif
ginc_d(double a,double x)667 double MGL_LOCAL_CONST ginc_d(double a, double x)	{return -exp(-x)*pow(x,a-1);}
668 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
669 static const func_2 f21[EQ_SIN-EQ_LT] = {mgzz,mgzz,mgzz, mgzz,mgzz,mgp, mgp,mul1,div1, ipw1,pow1,mgp,llg1, mgz2,mgzz,mgzz
670 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
671 	,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2, mgz2,gslEllE1,gslEllF1, mgz2,mgz2,mgz2
672 #else
673 	,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2
674 #endif
675 };
676 static const func_2 f22[EQ_SIN-EQ_LT] = {mgzz,mgzz,mgzz,mgzz,mgzz,mgp,mgm,mul2,div2,pow2,pow2,mgz2,llg2, mgz2,mgzz,mgzz
677 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
678 	,gslJnuD,gslYnuD,gslInuD,gslKnuD,gslEllE2,gslEllF2,mgz2/*gslLegP*/,mgz2,ginc_d
679 #else
680 	,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2,mgz2
681 #endif
682 };
683 static const func_1 f11[EQ_SN-EQ_SIN] = {cos,cos_d,tan_d,asin_d,acos_d,atan_d,cosh,sinh,tanh_d,
684 	asinh_d,acosh_d,atanh_d,sqrt_d,exp,log_d,log10_d,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,sgn
685 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
686 	,dilog_d,gslE_d,gslK_d,gslAi_d,gslBi_d,erf_d,exp3_d,ei_d,e1_d,e2_d,
687 	si_d,ci_d,gamma_d,gsl_sf_psi_1,mgz1,mgz1,sinc_d,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1
688 #else
689 	,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,
690 	mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1,mgz1
691 #endif
692 };
693 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
694 // evaluation of derivative of embedded (included) expressions
CalcDIn(int id,const mreal * a1) const695 mreal mglFormula::CalcDIn(int id, const mreal *a1) const
696 {
697 	if(dat)
698 	{
699 		mreal x = (a1['x'-'a']-dx1)*(dat->GetNx()-1)/(dx2-dx1);
700 		mreal y = (a1['y'-'a']-dy1)*(dat->GetNy()-1)/(dy2-dy1);
701 		mreal z = (a1['z'-'a']-dz1)*(dat->GetNz()-1)/(dz2-dz1);
702 		mreal dx,dy,dz, res=0;
703 		mgl_data_spline_ext(dat,x,y,z,&dx,&dy,&dz);
704 		if(id=='x'-'a')	res = dx/(dat->GetNx()-1)*(dx2-dx1);
705 		if(id=='y'-'a')	res = dy/(dat->GetNy()-1)*(dy2-dy1);
706 		if(id=='z'-'a')	res = dz/(dat->GetNz()-1)*(dz2-dz1);
707 		return res;
708 	}
709 	if(Kod==EQ_A && id==(int)Res)	return 1;
710 	else if(Kod<EQ_LT)	return 0;
711 	double a = Left->CalcIn(a1), d = Left->CalcDIn(id,a1);
712 	if(mgl_isfin(a) && mgl_isfin(d))
713 	{
714 		if(Kod<EQ_SIN)
715 		{
716 			double b = Right?Right->CalcIn(a1):NAN;
717 			double c = Right?Right->CalcDIn(id,a1):NAN;
718 //			return mgl_isfin(b) ? (f21[Kod-EQ_LT](a,b)*d + f22[Kod-EQ_LT](a,b)*c) : NAN;
719 			return mgl_isfin(b) ? (d?f21[Kod-EQ_LT](a,b)*d:0) + (c?f22[Kod-EQ_LT](a,b)*c:0) : NAN;
720 		}
721 //		else if(Kod<EQ_SN)	return f11[Kod-EQ_SIN](a)*d;
722 		else if(Kod<EQ_SN)	return d?f11[Kod-EQ_SIN](a)*d:0;
723 #if MGL_HAVE_GSL
724 		else if(Kod<=EQ_DC)
725 		{
726 			double sn=0, cn=0, dn=0, b = Right->CalcIn(a1);
727 			if(mgl_isbad(b))	return NAN;
728 			gsl_sf_elljac_e(a,b, &sn, &cn, &dn);
729 			switch(Kod)	// At this moment parse only differentiation or argument NOT mu !!!
730 			{
731 			case EQ_SN:		return cn*dn*d;
732 			case EQ_SC:		return dn*d/(cn*cn);
733 			case EQ_SD:		return cn*d/(dn*dn);
734 			case EQ_CN:		return -dn*sn*d;
735 			case EQ_CS:		return dn*d/(sn*sn);
736 			case EQ_CD:		return (b-1)*d*sn/(dn*dn);
737 			case EQ_DN:		return -b*d*cn*sn;
738 			case EQ_DS:		return -cn*d/(sn*sn);
739 			case EQ_DC:		return (1-b)*sn*d/(cn*cn);
740 			case EQ_NS:		return -cn*dn*d/(sn*sn);
741 			case EQ_NC:		return dn*sn*d/(cn*cn);
742 			case EQ_ND:		return b*cn*sn*d/(dn*dn);
743 			}
744 		}
745 #endif
746 	}
747 	return NAN;
748 }
749 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
750 // Check braces correctness
mglCheck(char * str,int n)751 bool MGL_LOCAL_PURE mglCheck(char *str,int n)
752 {
753 	long s = 0;
754 	for(long i=0;i<n;i++)
755 	{
756 		if(str[i]=='(')	s++;
757 		if(str[i]==')') s--;
758 		if(s<0)	return false;
759 	}
760 	return (s==0) ? true : false;
761 }
762 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
763 // Try to find one of symbols lst in the string str
mglFindInText(const char * str,const char * lst)764 long MGL_LOCAL_PURE mglFindInText(const char *str, const char *lst)
765 {
766 	long l=0,r=0,len=strlen(str);
767 	for(long i=len-1;i>=0;i--)
768 	{
769 		if(str[i]=='(') l++;
770 		if(str[i]==')') r++;
771 		if(l==r && strchr(lst,str[i]))	return i;
772 	}
773 	return -1;
774 }
775 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mgl_create_expr(const char * expr)776 HMEX MGL_EXPORT mgl_create_expr(const char *expr)	{	return new mglFormula(expr);	}
mgl_delete_expr(HMEX ex)777 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_delete_expr(HMEX ex)	{	if(ex)	delete ex;	}
mgl_expr_eval(HMEX ex,double x,double y,double z)778 double MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_expr_eval(HMEX ex, double x, double y,double z)
779 {	return ex->Calc(x,y,z);	}
mgl_expr_eval_v(HMEX ex,mreal * var)780 double MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_expr_eval_v(HMEX ex, mreal *var)
781 {	return ex->Calc(var);	}
mgl_expr_diff(HMEX ex,char dir,double x,double y,double z)782 double MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_expr_diff(HMEX ex, char dir, double x, double y,double z)
783 {	return ex->CalcD(dir,x,y,z);	}
mgl_expr_diff_v(HMEX ex,char dir,mreal * var)784 double MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_expr_diff_v(HMEX ex, char dir, mreal *var)
785 {	return ex->CalcD(var, dir);		}
786 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mgl_create_expr_(const char * expr,int l)787 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_create_expr_(const char *expr, int l)
788 {	char *s=new char[l+1];	memcpy(s,expr,l);	s[l]=0;
789 	uintptr_t res = uintptr_t(mgl_create_expr(s));
790 	delete []s;	return res;	}
mgl_delete_expr_(uintptr_t * ex)791 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_delete_expr_(uintptr_t *ex)	{	mgl_delete_expr((HMEX)ex);	}
mgl_expr_eval_(uintptr_t * ex,mreal * x,mreal * y,mreal * z)792 double MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_expr_eval_(uintptr_t *ex, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z)
793 {	return mgl_expr_eval((HMEX) ex, *x,*y,*z);		}
mgl_expr_diff_(uintptr_t * ex,const char * dir,mreal * x,mreal * y,mreal * z,int)794 double MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_expr_diff_(uintptr_t *ex, const char *dir, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z, int)
795 {	return mgl_expr_diff((HMEX) ex, *dir,*x,*y,*z);	}
796 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------