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INTRODUCTIONH A D21-Oct-201923.6 KiB425383

READMEH A D21-Oct-20193 KiB6957

charsets-orig.macH A D17-Feb-2016170.3 KiB4,2444,065

charsets.macH A D21-Oct-2019169.6 KiB4,2174,027

charsets.mac.diffH A D25-Mar-201611.8 KiB329328

charsets.mapleH A D21-Oct-2019153.3 KiB4,5724,220

charsets_flatten.lispH A D21-Oct-20193.5 KiB11046

charsets_length.lispH A D21-Oct-20197.3 KiB16062

charsets_powers.lispH A D21-Oct-20199.7 KiB290160

charsets_set.lispH A D27-Jan-20209.6 KiB264129

charsets_set.lisp.diffH A D25-Mar-2016694 2524

fateman-len.lispH A D21-Oct-2019943 3514

rtestflatten.macH A D21-Oct-20191.5 KiB12388

test.macH A D21-Oct-201924.9 KiB435429

test.runH A D21-Oct-201911.6 KiB295291

test1.macH A D21-Oct-201924.8 KiB428424

wsolveH A D21-Oct-2019103.5 KiB3,8633,193


1CharSets is a program which I translated from the Maple package CharSets,
2written by Dr. Dongming Wang.  His homepage is  http://calfor.lip6.fr/~wang.
3A good reference for Characteristic sets is his book Elimination Methods.
5I wish to thank Dr. Wang for making this code available to the maxima
6project.  I also wish to thank Dr. Willis, Dr. Fateman and Mr. Dotson for
7their assistance with this project.
8Finally, I wish to dedicate this work to the late Dr. Paul Karmel.
9Dan Stanger
12The CharSets package depends on the set functions in set.lisp, which was
13previously in maxima/src/ and is now in maxima/share/algebra/charsets/.
14To use CharSets, set.lisp must be loaded first, as it is no longer part
15of the compiled Maxima code. For general use, nset.lisp in
16maxima/share/contrib/nset/ supersedes set.lisp.
18Robert Dodier
21src/flatten.lisp has also been moved to share/algebra/charsets/,
22with $every cut from src/mutils.lisp and pasted into flatten.lisp.
23$flatten and $every have been renamed to $charsets_flatten and
24$charsets_every, and every function in set.lisp has been renamed
25from $foo to $charsets_foo. Function calls in charsets.mac and
26rtestflatten.mac have been fixed up from foo to charsets_foo to
27match set.lisp and flatten.lisp.
29Robert Dodier
32charsets appears to be broken, and I don't see how it ever worked. I've
33made some recent commits to fix some things, but there are still some
34references to undefined functions, and maybe other problems. The
35undefined functions are some subset of:
37[Gcd, RootOf, charsets_die, charsets_dieA, coeffs, complexity,
38das, eval, evala, fmedset, gbasis, lcm, leadmon, medset, ml2, ml3,
39normalf, numer, prem, rand, readstat, simplify, sprem, theRankFunction,
40tn, variablep]
42which are the symbols which appear in function calls in functions
43defined in charset.mac, which are apparently not defined functions
44(i.e., neither a Lisp function, nor a Maxima := function, nor a
45Maxima defmspec, nor a Maxima autoloading function). Some of those
46symbols are local names of functions which are arguments, so it is
47expected that there will be no function definitions for those
48symbols. I haven't tried to sort out which are the local names and
49which are honest-to-goodness undefined functions.
51Some fragmentary notes about the undefined functions.
53 * Gcd and RootOf are only referenced in charsets_Malgcd which is
54   not called anywhere.
55 * charsets_die and charsets_dieA are used as variables but then
56   as functions. The value of the variables doesn't appear to be
57   a lambda expression. Is the variable supposed to be assigned
58   lambda([], foo) where foo is the value now assigned? In both
59   cases, the value is a random number, so it's meaningful to
60   call it (to get a different number each time).
61 * gbasis, leadmon, and normalf appear to be functions from an old
62   Maple package for computing Groebner bases.
63 * theRankFunction and tn are function arguments which are, I believe,
64   supposed to be function names.
65 * rand maybe is supposed to be random.
67Robert Dodier