1;; macros.l - all the basic macros
3;;;;;;;;Copyright (c) University of Waikato;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4;;;;;;;;Hamilton, New Zeland 1992-95 - all rights reserved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
6(in-package :f2cl-lib)
8(defparameter *f2cl-macros-version*
9  "$Id: macros.l,v 3fe93de3be82 2012/05/06 02:17:14 toy $")
12    #+gcl (compile load eval)
13    #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
14    (proclaim '(special *verbose*)))
16(defvar *check-array-bounds* nil
17  "If non-NIL, generated code checks for array bounds.  If NIL, checking
18is not included")
22;; Define the equivalent types between Fortran and Lisp.  This MUST
23;; match the types given in f2cl1.l so keep it in sync!
24(deftype logical ()
25  `(member t nil))
27;; Decide what you want integer*4 to be.  Good choices are fixnum or
28;; (signed-byte 32).  The latter is good only if your compiler does a
29;; good job with this type.  If you aren't sure, use fixnum.  CMUCL
30;; does a good job with (signed-byte 32).
32;; If you change this, you may need to change some of the macros
33;; below, such as INT and AINT!
35#+(or cmu scl sbcl ecl)
36(deftype integer4 (&optional (low #x-80000000) (high #x7fffffff))
37  `(integer ,low ,high))
38#-(or cmu scl sbcl ecl)
39(deftype integer4 (&optional low high)
40  (declare (ignore low high))
41  'fixnum)
43(deftype integer2 ()
44  `(signed-byte 16))
45(deftype integer1 ()
46  `(signed-byte 8))
47(deftype real8 ()
48  'double-float)
49(deftype real4 ()
50  'single-float)
51(deftype complex8 ()
52  `(complex single-float))
53(deftype complex16 ()
54  `(complex double-float))
56(deftype array-double-float ()
57  `(array double-float (*)))
58(deftype array-integer4 ()
59  `(array integer4 (*)))
60(deftype array-single-float ()
61  `(array single-float (*)))
62(deftype array-strings ()
63  `(array string (*)))
65(defconstant %false% nil)
66(defconstant %true% t)
72;; Array dimensions are (d1, d2, d3, ...)
74;; Then x(n1, n2, n3, ...) means index is
76;; n1 + d1*(n2 + d2*(n3 + d3*(n4 + d4*(n5))))
78;; Return an expression that computes the column major index given the
79;; indices and the bounds on each dimension.  The bounds are a list of
80;; the upper and lower bounds for each dimension.
81(defun col-major-index (indices dims)
82  (flet ((get-offset (n bound)
83	   (let ((lo (first bound)))
84	     (if (and (numberp lo) (zerop lo))
85		 n
86		 `(the fixnum (- (the fixnum ,n) (the fixnum ,lo))))))
87	 (get-size (bound)
88	   (destructuring-bind (lo hi)
89	       bound
90	     (cond ((numberp lo)
91		    (cond ((numberp hi)
92			   (1+ (- hi lo)))
93			  ((= lo 1)
94			   hi)
95			  (t
96			   `(- ,hi ,(- lo 1)))))
97		   (t
98		    `(the fixnum (- ,hi (the fixnum (- (the fixnum ,lo) 1)))))))))
99    (let* ((rev-idx (reverse indices))
100	   (rev-dim (reverse dims))
101	   (idx (get-offset (first rev-idx) (first rev-dim))))
102      (do ((d (rest rev-dim) (rest d))
103	   (n (rest rev-idx) (rest n)))
104	  ((endp d)
105	   idx)
106	(setf idx `(the fixnum (+ ,(get-offset (first n) (first d))
107				  (the fixnum (* ,(get-size (first d)) ,idx)))))))))
109(defun check-array-bounds (indices bounds)
110  `(and ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (idx dim)
111		     `(<= ,(first dim) ,idx ,(second dim)))
112		 indices bounds)))
114(defmacro fref (arr indices bounds &optional offset)
115  (if *check-array-bounds*
116      `(aref ,arr (if ,(check-array-bounds indices bounds)
117		      (the fixnum (+ (the fixnum ,(or offset 0)) ,(col-major-index indices bounds)))
118		      (error "Out of bounds index for array ~S"
119			     ',arr)))
120      `(aref ,arr (the fixnum (+ (the fixnum ,(or offset 0)) ,(col-major-index indices bounds))))))
122(defmacro fset (a b)
123  `(setf (fref ,(second a) ,@(cddr a)) ,b))
125(defmacro fref-string (s range)
126  `(subseq ,s (1- ,(first range)) ,(second range)))
128(defmacro fset-string (a b)
129  `(setf (fref-string ,(second a) ,(third a)) (string ,b)))
131(defmacro f2cl-// (a b)
132  `(concatenate 'string ,a ,b))
134;; (with-array-data ((data-var offset-var array))
135;;   ...
136;; )
138(defun find-array-data (array)
139  (declare (type (array * (*)) array))
140  (let ((offset 0))
141    (declare (type fixnum offset)
142	     (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
143    (loop
144     (multiple-value-bind (displaced-to index-offset)
145	 (array-displacement array)
146       (when (null displaced-to)
147	 (return-from find-array-data (values array offset)))
148       (incf offset index-offset)
149       (setf array displaced-to)))))
151(defmacro with-array-data ((data-var offset-var array) &rest body)
152  `(multiple-value-bind (,data-var ,offset-var)
153    (find-array-data ,array)
154     ,@body))
156(defun multi-array-data-aux (array-info body)
157  (let ((results body))
158    (dolist (a (reverse array-info))
159      (destructuring-bind (array a-type var-name offset-var)
160	  a
161	(let ((atype (if (subtypep a-type 'character)
162			 `(simple-string)
163			 `(simple-array ,a-type (*)))))
164	  (setf results
165		`((multiple-value-bind (,var-name ,offset-var)
166		      (find-array-data ,array)
167		    (declare (ignorable ,offset-var ,var-name)
168			     (type f2cl-lib:integer4 ,offset-var)
169			     (type ,atype ,var-name))
170		    ,@results))))))
171    (first results)))
173(defmacro with-multi-array-data (array-info &rest body)
174  (multi-array-data-aux array-info body))
176;; Create an array slice for the array named VNAME whose elements are
177;; of type TYPE.  The slice starts at the indices INDICES and the
178;; original array has dimensions given by BOUND.
180;; This is done by making a displaced array to VNAME with the
181;; appropriate offset.
182(defmacro array-slice (vname type indices bounds &optional offset)
183  ;; To figure the size of the sliced array, use ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE
184  ;; instead of the f2cl derived/declared BOUNDS, just in case we
185  ;; screwed up or in case we changed the size of the array in some
186  ;; other way.  This isn't possible in a function, but the array
187  ;; might be in a common block and we could change the dimensions of
188  ;; the common block at runtime.  (Some Fortran code like mpfun does
189  ;; this, although it's actually illegal.  Neat hack to "dynamically"
190  ;; change the dimensions.  Of course, for this to work in Fortran,
191  ;; the common block has to contain exactly that one array, or the
192  ;; array must be the last element of the common block.)
193  ;;
194  ;; Note: In some places in LAPACK, an array slice is taken where the
195  ;; slice exceeds the bounds of the array.  However, the array is
196  ;; never accessed.  What are we to do?  We could modify the LAPACK
197  ;; routines (everywhere!) to check for this, or we can silently make
198  ;; array-slice make a 0-element array.  If the array is then
199  ;; accessed, we should get an error at the point of access, not the
200  ;; point of creation.
201  ;;
202  ;; This seems somewhat reasonable, so let's do that for array
203  ;; slices.
204  `(make-array (max 0 (- (array-total-size ,vname)
205			 (the fixnum
206			   (+ ,(col-major-index indices bounds)
207			      (or ,offset 0)))))
208    :element-type ',type
209    :displaced-to ,vname
210    :displaced-index-offset (min (array-total-size ,vname)
211				 (the fixnum
212				   (+ ,(col-major-index indices bounds)
213				      (or ,offset 0))))))
215;; Compute an initializer for make-array given the data in the list
216;; DATA.  The array has en element type of TYPE and has dimensions of
217;; DIMS.
218(defmacro array-initialize (type dims data)
219  (let ((data-list (gensym))
220	(data-len (length data))
221	(total-length (gensym)))
222    `(let* ((,data-list (list ,@data))
223	    (,total-length (reduce #'* (list ,@dims))))
224       (cond ((< ,data-len ,total-length)
225	      ;; Need to append some data.
226	      (append ,data-list (make-list (- ,total-length ,data-len)
227					    :initial-element (coerce 0 ',type))))
228	     ((> ,data-len ,total-length)
229	      ;; Need to truncate some data
230	      (subseq ,data-list 0 ,total-length))
231	     (t
232	      ,data-list)))))
236#-aclpc (defmacro while (con &rest body)
237	  `(loop (if (not ,con) (return t)) ,@body))
240(defmacro fortran_comment (&rest args)
241  (declare (ignore args)))
244;; fdo has similar syntax as do except there will only be one do_vble
246(defmacro fdo (do_vble_clause predicate_clause &rest body)
247  (let ((step (gensym (symbol-name '#:step-)))
248	(iteration_count (gensym (symbol-name '#:cnt-)))
249	(loop-var (first do_vble_clause)))
250    `(prog* ((,step ,(third (third do_vble_clause)))
251	     (,iteration_count
252	      (max 0 (the integer4
253		       (truncate (the integer4
254				   (+ (the integer4 (- ,(third (first predicate_clause))
255						       ,(second do_vble_clause)))
256				      ,step))
257				 ,step))
258		   )))
259      (declare (type integer4 ,step ,iteration_count))
260      ;; initialise loop variable
261      (setq ,loop-var ,(second do_vble_clause))
262      loop
263      (return
264	(cond				; all iterations done
265	  ((zerop ,iteration_count) nil)
266	  ;; execute loop, in/de-crement loop vble and decrement cntr
267	  ,(list 't
268		  (append '(tagbody)
269			  (append
270			   (append body
271				   `(continue
272				     (setq ,loop-var (the integer4 ,(third do_vble_clause))
273					   ,iteration_count (the integer4 (1- ,iteration_count)))))
274			   '((go loop)))))))
275      exit)))
278;; macro for division
280(defmacro f2cl/ (x y)
281  (let ((top (gensym))
282	(bot (gensym)))
283    `(let ((,top ,x)
284	   (,bot ,y))
285      (if (and (typep ,top 'integer)
286	       (typep ,bot 'integer))
287	  (values (the integer4 (truncate ,top ,bot)))
288	  (/ ,top ,bot)))))
290(defmacro int-add (arg &rest more-args)
291  (if (null more-args)
292      arg
293      (if (> (length more-args) 1)
294	  `(the integer4 (+ ,arg (int-add ,@more-args)))
295	  `(the integer4 (+ ,arg ,@more-args)))))
297(defun convert-int-sub (args)
298  (let ((nargs (length args)))
299    (case nargs
300      (1
301       `(the integer4 (- ,(first args))))
302      (2
303       `(the integer4 (- ,(first args) ,(second args))))
304      (t
305       (let ((result `(the integer4 (- ,(first args) ,(second args)))))
306	 (dolist (arg (rest (rest args)))
307	   (setf result `(the integer4 (- ,result ,arg))))
308	 result)))))
310(defmacro int-sub (&rest args)
311  (convert-int-sub args))
313(defmacro int-mul (arg &rest more-args)
314  (if (null more-args)
315      arg
316      (if (> (length more-args) 1)
317	  `(the integer4 (* ,arg (int-mul ,@more-args)))
318	  `(the integer4 (* ,arg ,@more-args)))))
321;; macro for a lisp equivalent of Fortran arithmetic IFs
322(defmacro arithmetic-if (pred s1 s2 s3)
323  (let ((tst (gensym)))
324    `(let ((,tst ,pred))
325      (cond ((< ,tst 0) ,s1)
326	    ((= ,tst 0) ,s2)
327	    (t ,s3)))))
329;; macro for a lisp equivalent of Fortran computed GOTOs
330(defun computed-goto-aux (tags)
331  (let ((idx 0)
332	(result '()))
333    (dolist (tag tags (nreverse result))
334      (incf idx)
335      (push `(,idx (go ,tag)) result))))
337(defmacro computed-goto (tag-lst i)
338  `(case ,i
339    ,@(computed-goto-aux tag-lst)))
341;; macro for a lisp equivalent of Fortran assigned GOTOs
343    #+gcl (compile load eval)
344    #-gcl (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
345(defun make-label (n)
346  (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (symbol-name :label) (princ-to-string n))))
349(defun assigned-goto-aux (tag-list)
350  (let ((cases nil))
351    (dolist (tag tag-list)
352      (push `(,tag (go ,(f2cl-lib::make-label tag)))
353	    cases))
354    (push `(t (error "Unknown label for assigned goto")) cases)
355    (nreverse cases)))
359;; macro for a lisp equivalent of Fortran assigned GOTOs
360(defmacro assigned-goto (var tag-list)
361  `(case ,var
362     ,@(assigned-goto-aux tag-list)))
366;; Define the intrinsic functions
368;; Reference:  The Fortran 77 standard found at www.fortran.com.  Section 15.10
370;; INT is the generic name as well as the integer version.  IFIX is
371;; the same.  IDINT is the double version.
373(declaim (inline int ifix idfix))
375#-(or cmu scl)
376(defun int (x)
377  ;; We use fixnum here because f2cl thinks Fortran integers are
378  ;; fixnums.  If this should change, we need to change the ranges
379  ;; here as well.
380  (etypecase x
381    (integer
382     (the integer4 x))
383    (single-float
384     (truncate (the (single-float #.(float most-negative-fixnum)
385				  #.(float most-positive-fixnum))
386		 x)))
387    (double-float
388     (truncate (the (double-float #.(float most-negative-fixnum 1d0)
389				  #.(float most-positive-fixnum 1d0))
390		    x)))
391    ((complex single-float)
392     (the integer4
393       (truncate (the (single-float #.(float (- (ash 1 31)))
394				    #.(float (1- (ash 1 31))))
395		      (realpart x)))))
396    ((complex double-float)
397     (the integer4
398       (truncate (the (double-float #.(float (- (ash 1 31)) 1d0)
399				    #.(float (1- (ash 1 31)) 1d0))
400		      (realpart x)))))))
402#+(or cmu scl)
403(defun int (x)
404  ;; For CMUCL, we support the full 32-bit integer range, so INT can
405  ;; return a full 32-bit integer.  Tell CMUCL that this is true so we
406  ;; generate fast code.  If this is not true, the original Fortran
407  ;; code was wrong.
408  (etypecase x
409    (integer
410     (the integer4 x))
411    (single-float
412     (the integer4
413       (truncate (the (single-float #.(float (- (ash 1 31)))
414				    #.(float (1- (ash 1 31))))
415		   x))))
416    (double-float
417     (the integer4
418       (truncate (the (double-float #.(float (- (ash 1 31)) 1d0)
419				    #.(float (1- (ash 1 31)) 1d0))
420		      x))))
421    ((complex single-float)
422     (the integer4
423       (truncate (the (single-float #.(float (- (ash 1 31)))
424				    #.(float (1- (ash 1 31))))
425		      (realpart x)))))
426    ((complex double-float)
427     (the integer4
428       (truncate (the (double-float #.(float (- (ash 1 31)) 1d0)
429				    #.(float (1- (ash 1 31)) 1d0))
430		      (realpart x)))))))
433(defun ifix (x)
434  (int x))
435(defun idfix (x)
436  (int x))
438;; AINT is the generic and specific function for real; DINT, for
439;; double.  It truncates its arg towards zero and returns the integer
440;; as a floating-point number of the same type as its arg.
442;; ANINT is the generic and specific function for real; DNINT, for
443;; double. It rounds to the nearest integer and returns the result as
444;; a float of the same type.
446;; NINT is the generic and specific function for real; IDNINT, for
447;; double.  Does the same as ANINT, but the result is an integer.
449(declaim (inline aint dint anint dnint nint idnint))
451;; This is based on the algorithm given by Anton Ertl in
452;; comp.arch.arithmetic on Oct. 26, 2002:
454;; #define X 9007199254740992. /* 2^53 */
455;; double rint(double r)
456;; {
457;;   if (r<0.0)
458;;     return (r+X)-X;
459;;   else
460;;     return (r-X)+X;
461;; }
463;; This assumes that we in round-to-nearest mode (the default).
465;; These only work if you have IEEE FP arithmetic.  There are 2
466;; versions given below.  One is for non-x87, which assumes that
467;; single and double FP numbers are properly rounded after each
468;; operation.  The version for x87 stores away a value to make sure
469;; the rounding happens correctly.
471;; Finally, the last version if for platforms where none of this
472;; holds and we call ftruncate.
474;; With CMUCL pre-18e on sparc, this definition of aint reduces the
475;; cost of MPNORM (from MPFUN) from 48.89 sec to 24.88 sec (a factor
476;; of 2!) when computing pi to 29593 digits or os.
478(declaim (inline rint-s rint-d))
479#+(and cmu (or :sse2 (not x86)))
481(defun rint-s (x)
482  (declare (single-float x))
483  (let ((const (scale-float 1f0 24)))
484    (if (>= x 0)
485	(+ (- x const) const)
486	(- (+ x const) const))))
488(defun rint-d (x)
489  (declare (double-float x))
490  (let ((const (scale-float 1d0 53)))
491    (if (>= x 0)
492	(+ (- x const) const)
493	(- (+ x const) const))))
496#+(and cmu (and x86 x87))
498(defun rint-s (x)
499  (declare (single-float x))
500  (let ((junks (make-array 1 :element-type 'single-float))
501	(const (scale-float 1f0 24)))
502    (if (>= x 0)
503	(progn
504	  (setf (aref junks 0) (- x const))
505	  (+ (aref junks 0) const))
506	(progn
507	  (setf (aref junks 0) (+ x const))
508	  (- (aref junks 0) const)))))
510(defun rint-d (x)
511  (declare (double-float x))
512  (let ((junkd (make-array 1 :element-type 'double-float))
513	(const (scale-float 1d0 53)))
514    (if (>= x 0)
515	(progn
516	  (setf (aref junkd 0) (- x const))
517	  (+ (aref junkd 0) const))
518	(progn
519	  (setf (aref junkd 0) (+ x const))
520	  (- (aref junkd 0) const)))))
523;; Truncate x to an integer.
525(defun aint (x)
526  ;; rint above is fast.  We use it to round the number, and then
527  ;; adjust the result to truncate.
528  (etypecase x
529    (single-float
530     (let ((r (rint-s x)))
531       (if (> (abs r) (abs x))
532	   (if (> r 0)
533	       (- r 1)
534	       (+ r 1))
535	   r)))
536    (double-float
537     (let ((r (rint-d x)))
538       (if (> (abs r) (abs x))
539	   (if (> r 0)
540	       (- r 1)
541	       (+ r 1))
542	   r)))))
546(defun aint (x)
547  ;; ftruncate is exactly what we want.
548  (etypecase x
549    (single-float
550     (locally
551       (declare (optimize (space 0) (speed 3)))
552       (values (ftruncate (the single-float x)))))
553    (double-float
554     (locally
555       (declare (optimize (space 0) (speed 3)))
556       (values (ftruncate (the double-float x)))))))
558(defun dint (x)
559  (aint x))
561(defun anint (x)
562  (values (fround x)))
563(defun dnint (x)
564  (values (fround x)))
565(defun nint (x)
566  (values (round x)))
567(defun idnint (x)
568  (values (round x)))
570;; Type conversion
572;; FREAL is F2CL's version of the Fortran REAL which takes converts
573;; its arg to a real.  SNGL is the same.  DBLE returns a double.  They
574;; also return the real part of a complex number.  CMPLX takes one or
575;; two args and creates a complex number.
577(declaim (inline freal sngl dble dfloat cmplx))
578(defun freal (x)
579  (coerce (realpart x) 'single-float))
581(defun sngl (x)
582  (coerce (realpart x) 'single-float))
584(defun dble (x)
585  (coerce (realpart x) 'double-float))
587(defun dfloat (x)
588  (coerce (realpart x) 'double-float))
590(defun cmplx (x &optional y)
591  (complex x (if y y 0)))
593(defun dcmplx (x &optional y)
594  (coerce (complex x (if y y 0)) '(complex double-float)))
596(defun ichar (c)
597  (if (stringp c)
598      (char-int (aref c 0))
599      (char-int c)))
600(defun fchar (i)			;intrinsic function char
601  (code-char i))
603(declaim (inline iabs dabs cabs cdabs amod dmod))
605(defun iabs (x)
606  (declare (type integer4 x))
607  (abs x))
608(defun dabs (x)
609  (declare (type double-float x))
610  (abs x))
611(defun cabs (x)
612  (declare (type complex x))
613  (abs x))
614(defun cdabs (x)
615  (declare (type (complex double-float) x))
616  (abs x))
618(defun amod (x y)
619  (declare (type single-float x y))
620  (mod x y))
621(defun dmod (x y)
622  (declare (type double-float x y))
623  (mod x y))
626;; Transfer of sign.  SIGN is the generic and specific function for
627;; real.  ISIGN is for integers; DSIGN for doubles.  Basically
628;; computes sign(a2)*|a1|.
630(declaim (inline isign sign dsign))
632(defun isign (x y)
633  (declare (type integer4 x y))
634  (if (>= y 0)
635      (the integer4 (abs x))
636      (the integer4 (- (the integer4 (abs x))))))
638;; Fortran 77 says SIGN is a generic!
639(defun sign (x y)
640  (declare (type (or integer4 single-float double-float) x y))
641  (etypecase x
642    (integer4
643     (isign x y))
644    (single-float
645     (float-sign y x))
646    (double-float
647     (float-sign y x))))
649(defun dsign (x y)
650  (declare (type double-float x y))
651  (float-sign y x))
653;; Positive difference.  DIM is the generic and specific function for
654;; real.  IDIM is for integers; DDIM, doubles.
656;; If a1 > a2, returns a1-a2, otherwise 0.  Basically the same as
657;; max(0, a1-a2).
658(declaim (inline idim dim ddim))
659(defun idim (x y)
660  (declare (type integer4 x y))
661  (max 0 (- x y)))
663(defun dim (x y)
664  (declare (type (or integer4 single-float double-float) x y))
665  (etypecase x
666    (integer4
667     (max 0 (- x y)))
668    (single-float
669     (max 0f0 (- x y)))
670    (double-float
671     (max 0d0 (- x y)))))
673(defun ddim (x y)
674  (declare (type double-float x y))
675  (max 0d0 (- x y)))
677;; Double-precision product.  How this is done isn't specified, but I
678;; suspect the real args are converted to doubles and then the product
679;; is computed.
680(defun dprod (x y)
681  (declare (single-float x y))
682  (* (float x 1d0) (float y 1d0)))
684;; The max and min functions.
686;; MAX is the generic. MAX0, AMAX1, and DMAX1 returns the max of the
687;; args with the same type as the args.
689;; AMAX0 takes integer args and returns the max as a real. MAX1 takes
690;; real args and returns the max as a integer.  (How the conversion is
691;; done isn't specified.)
693;; Should we make these macros that expand directly to the appropriate
694;; max?
695(defun max0 (x y &rest z)
696  #-gcl(declare (integer x y))
697  (apply #'max x y z))
698(defun amax1 (x y &rest z)
699  #-gcl(declare (single-float x y))
700  (apply #'max x y z))
701(defun dmax1 (x y &rest z)
702  #-gcl(declare (double-float x y))
703  (apply #'max x y z))
704(defun max1 (x y &rest z)
705  #-gcl(declare (single-float x y))
706  (int (apply #'max x y z)))
707(defun amax0 (x y &rest z)
708  #-gcl(declare (type integer4 x y))
709  (float (apply #'max x y z) 1f0))
711(defun min0 (x y &rest z)
712  (apply #'min x y z))
713(defun amin1 (x y &rest z)
714  (apply #'min x y z))
715(defun dmin1 (x y &rest z)
716  (apply #'min x y z))
718(defun amin0 (x y &rest z)
719  (float (apply #'min x y z)))
720(defun min1 (x y &rest z)
721  (nint (apply #'min x y z)))
723;; Define some compile macros for these max/min functions.
724#+(or cmu scl)
726(define-compiler-macro max0 (&rest args)
727  `(max ,@args))
728(define-compiler-macro amax1 (&rest args)
729  `(max ,@args))
730(define-compiler-macro dmax1 (&rest args)
731  `(max ,@args))
732(define-compiler-macro min0 (&rest args)
733  `(min ,@args))
734(define-compiler-macro amin1 (&rest args)
735  `(min ,@args))
736(define-compiler-macro dmin1 (&rest args)
737  `(min ,@args))
738(define-compiler-macro min1 (&rest args)
739  `(nint (min ,@args)))
741(define-compiler-macro amax0 (&rest args)
742  `(float (max ,@args)))
743(define-compiler-macro max1 (&rest args)
744  `(nint (max ,@args)))
746(define-compiler-macro amin0 (&rest args)
747  `(float (min ,@args)))
748(define-compiler-macro min1 (&rest args)
749  `(nint (min ,@args)))
750) ; end progn
752(defun len (s)
753  (length s))
755;; From http://www.fortran.com/fortran/F77_std/rjcnf0001-sh-15.html#sh-15.10:
757;; INDEX(a1 ,a2) returns an integer value indicating the starting
758;; position within the character string a1 of a substring identical
759;; to string a2 . If a2 occurs more than once in a1 , the starting
760;; position of the first occurrence is returned.
762;; If a2 does not occur in a1 , the value zero is returned. Note
763;; that zero is returned if LEN(a1) < LEN(a2).
765;; Thus the arguments are in the opposite order for CL's SEARCH function.
766(defun index (s1 s2)
767  (or (search s2 s1) 0))
769;; These string operations need some work!
770(defun lge (s1 s2)
771  (string>= s1 s2))
772(defun lgt (s1 s2)
773  (string> s1 s2))
774(defun lle (s1 s2)
775  (string<= s1 s2))
776(defun llt (s1 s2)
777  (string< s1 s2))
779(defun fstring-/= (s1 s2)
780  (not (string= s1 s2)))
781(defun fstring-= (s1 s2)
782  (string= s1 s2))
783(defun fstring-> (s1 s2)
784  (string> s1 s2))
785(defun fstring->= (s1 s2)
786  (string>= s1 s2))
787(defun fstring-< (s1 s2)
788  (string< s1 s2))
789(defun fstring-<= (s1 s2)
790  (string<= s1 s2))
793;; AIMAG: imaginary part of a complex number
794;; CONJG: conjugate of a complex number
795(declaim (inline aimag conjg dconjg dimag))
796(defun aimag (c)
797  (imagpart c))
798(defun dimag (c)
799  (declare (type (complex double-float) c))
800  (imagpart c))
801(defun conjg (c)
802  (conjugate c))
803(defun dconjg (c)
804  (declare (type (complex double-float) c))
805  (conjugate c))
807(declaim (inline fsqrt flog))
808(defun fsqrt (x)
809  (typecase x
810    (single-float
811     (sqrt (the (or (single-float (0f0)) (member 0f0)) x)))
812    (double-float
813     (sqrt (the (or (double-float (0d0)) (member 0d0)) x)))
814    (t
815     (sqrt x))))
817(defun flog (x)
818  (typecase x
819    (single-float
820     (log (the (or (single-float (0f0)) (member 0f0)) x)))
821    (double-float
822     (log (the (or (double-float (0d0)) (member 0d0)) x)))
823    (t
824     (log x))))
826;; Tell Lisp that the arguments always have the correct range.  If
827;; this is not true, the original Fortran code was broken anyway, so
828;; GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).
830(declaim (inline dsqrt csqrt zsqrt alog dlog clog alog10 dlog10))
831(defun dsqrt (x)
832  (declare (type (double-float 0d0) x))
833  (sqrt  x))
834(defun csqrt (x)
835  (sqrt x))
836(defun zsqrt (x)
837  (sqrt x))
838(defun alog (x)
839  (declare (type (or (single-float (0f0)) (member 0f0)) x))
840  (log x))
841(defun dlog (x)
842  (declare (type (or (double-float (0d0)) (member 0d0)) x))
843  (log x))
844(defun clog (x)
845  (log x))
846(defun alog10 (x)
847  (declare (type (or (single-float (0f0)) (member 0f0)) x))
848  (log x 10f0))
849(defun dlog10 (x)
850  (declare (type (or (double-float (0d0)) (member 0d0)) x))
851  (log x 10.0d0))
853(declaim (inline log10))
854(defun log10 (x)
855  (typecase x
856    (single-float
857     (log (the (or (single-float (0.0f0)) (member 0f0)) x) 10f0))
858    (double-float
859     (log (the (or (double-float (0.0d0)) (member 0d0)) x) 10d0))
860    (t
861     (/ (log x)
862	(typecase x
863	  ((complex double-float)
864	   10d0)
865	  ((complex single-float)
866	   10f0)
867	  (t
868	   (coerce 10 (type-of (realpart x)))))))))
870(declaim (inline dexp cexp))
871(defun dexp (x)
872  (declare (type double-float x))
873  (exp x))
874(defun cexp (x)
875  (declare (type complex x))
876  (exp x))
878(declaim (inline dsin csin dcos ccos dtan ctan dasin dacos datan atan2 datan2 dsinh dcosh dtanh))
879(defun dsin (x)
880  (declare (type double-float x))
881  (sin x))
882(defun csin (x)
883  (declare (type complex x))
884  (sin x))
886(defun dcos (x)
887  (declare (type double-float x))
888  (cos x))
889(defun ccos (x)
890  (declare (type complex x))
891  (cos x))
893(defun dtan (x)
894  (declare (type double-float x))
895  (tan x))
896(defun ctan (x)
897  (declare (type complex x))
898  (tan x))
900(defun dasin (x)
901  (declare (type double-float x))
902  (asin x))
903(defun dacos (x)
904  (declare (type double-float x))
905  (acos x))
906(defun datan (x)
907  (declare (type double-float x))
908  (atan x))
909(defun atan2 (x y)
910  (declare (type single-float x))
911  (atan x y))
912(defun datan2 (x y)
913  (declare (type double-float x y))
914  (atan x y))
916(defun dsinh (x)
917  (declare (type double-float x))
918  (sinh x))
919(defun dcosh (x)
920  (declare (type double-float x))
921  (cosh x))
922(defun dtanh (x)
923  (declare (type double-float x))
924  (tanh x))
926(declaim (inline ffloat))
927(defun ffloat (x)
928  (coerce x 'single-float))
930(defun process-implied-do (ido array-bnds var-types init)
931  (destructuring-bind (data-vars &rest looping)
932      ido
933    (labels
934	((convert-type (type)
935	   (if (eq type 'integer4)
936	       `(truncate (pop ,init))
937	       `(coerce (pop ,init) ',type)))
938	 (map-vars (v)
939	   (mapcar #'(lambda (x b vt)
940		       `(fset (fref ,(first x) ,(second x) ,b)
941			      ,(convert-type vt)))
942		   v array-bnds var-types)))
943      (let ((body (map-vars data-vars)))
944	(dolist (loopvar looping)
945	  (destructuring-bind (index-var start end &optional step)
946	      loopvar
947	    (setf body `((do ((,index-var ,start (+ ,index-var ,(or step 1))))
948			    ((> ,index-var ,end))
949			  ,@body)))))
950	(car body)))))
953;; Process implied do loops for data statements
954(defmacro data-implied-do (implied-do array-bnds var-types vals)
955  (let ((v (gensym)))
956    `(let ((,v (list ,@vals)))
957      ,(process-implied-do implied-do array-bnds var-types v))))
961;; Map Fortran logical unit numbers to Lisp streams
964(defparameter *lun-hash*
965  (make-hash-table))
968(defvar *lun-hash*
969  (make-hash-table))
971(defun lun->stream (lun &optional readp)
972  (let ((stream (gethash lun *lun-hash*)))
973    (if stream
974	stream
975	(cond ((eql lun 5)
976	       ;; Always standard input
977	       (setf (gethash lun *lun-hash*) *standard-input*))
978	      ((or (eql lun 6)
979		   (eql lun t))
980	       ;; Always standard output
981	       (setf (gethash lun *lun-hash*) *standard-output*))
982	      ((integerp lun)
983	       ;; All other cases open a file fort<n>.dat
984	       (setf (gethash lun *lun-hash*)
985		     (open (format nil "fort~d.dat" lun)
986			   :direction :io
987			   :if-exists :rename)))
988	      ((stringp lun)
989	       (setf (gethash lun *lun-hash*)
990		     (if readp
991			 (make-string-input-stream lun)
992			 (make-string-output-stream))))))))
994(defun init-fortran-io ()
995  "Initialize the F2CL Fortran I/O subsystem to sensible defaults"
996  (clrhash *lun-hash*)
997  (setf (gethash 6 *lun-hash*) *standard-output*)
998  (setf (gethash 5 *lun-hash*) *standard-input*)
999  (setf (gethash t *lun-hash*) *standard-output*))
1001(defun close-fortran-io ()
1002  "Close all F2CL Fortran units (except for standard output and input)
1003causing all pending operations to be flushed"
1004  (maphash #'(lambda (key val)
1005	       (when (and (streamp val) (not (member key '(5 6 t))))
1006		 (format t "Closing unit ~A: ~A~%" key val)
1007		 (close val)))
1008	       *lun-hash*))
1010(defun %open-file (&key unit file status access form recl blank)
1011  (declare (ignore unit))
1012  ;; We should also check for values of form that we don't support.
1013  (when recl
1014    (error "F2CL-LIB does not support record lengths"))
1015  (when blank
1016    (error "F2CL-LIB does not support any BLANK mode for files"))
1017  (when (and access (not (string-equal "sequential"
1018				       (string-right-trim " " access))))
1019    (error "F2CL-LIB does not support ACCESS mode ~S" access))
1020  (when (and form (not (string-equal "unformatted"
1021				     (string-right-trim " " form))))
1022    (error "F2CL-LIB does not support FORM ~S" form))
1023  (let ((s (and status (string-right-trim " " status))))
1024    (finish-output)
1025    (cond ((or (null s) (string-equal s "unknown"))
1026	   (open file :direction :io :if-exists :supersede
1027		 :if-does-not-exist :create))
1028	  ((string-equal s "old")
1029	   (open file :direction :io :if-does-not-exist nil :if-exists :overwrite))
1030	  ((string-equal s "new")
1031	   (open file :direction :io :if-exists nil))
1032	  (t
1033	   (error "F2CL-LIB does not support this mode for OPEN: ~S~%"
1034		  s)))))
1036(defmacro open-file (&key unit iostat err file status access form recl blank)
1037  (let ((result (gensym)))
1038    `(prog ((,result (%open-file :unit ,unit :file ,file :status ,status
1039				 :access ,access :form ,form :recl ,recl :blank ,blank)))
1040	(when ,result
1041	  (setf (gethash ,unit *lun-hash*) ,result))
1042	,(if err `(unless ,result (go ,(f2cl-lib::make-label err))))
1043	,(if iostat `(setf ,iostat (if ,result 0 1))))))
1045(defun %rewind (unit)
1046  (file-position (lun->stream unit) :start))
1048(defmacro rewind (&key unit iostat err)
1049  (let ((result (gensym)))
1050    `(prog ((,result (%rewind ,unit)))
1051	(declare (ignorable ,result))
1052	,(if err `(unless ,result (go ,(f2cl-lib::make-label err))))
1053	,(if iostat `(setf ,iostat (if ,result 0 1))))))
1056(defun %close (&key unit status)
1057  (when status
1058    (error "F2CL-LIB does not support STATUS"))
1059  (cl:close (lun->stream unit)))
1061(defmacro close$ (&key unit iostat err status)
1062  (let ((result (gensym)))
1063    `(prog ((,result (%close :unit ,unit  :status ,status)))
1064	(declare (ignorable ,result))
1065	,(if err `(unless ,result (go ,(f2cl-lib::make-label err))))
1066	,(if iostat `(setf ,iostat (if ,result 0 1))))))
1069(declaim (ftype (function (t) stream) lun->stream))
1071(defmacro fformat (dest-lun format-cilist &rest args)
1072  (let ((stream (gensym)))
1073    `(let ((,stream (lun->stream ,dest-lun)))
1074       (execute-format-main ,stream ',format-cilist ,@args)
1075       ,@(unless (or (eq t dest-lun) (numberp dest-lun))
1076	  `((when (stringp ,dest-lun)
1077	     (replace ,dest-lun (get-output-stream-string ,stream))))))))
1079(defun execute-format (top stream format arg-list)
1080  (do ((formats format (if (and top (null formats))
1081			   format
1082			   (rest formats))))
1083      ((or (null arg-list)
1084	   (and (not top)
1085		(null formats)))
1086       #+nil
1087       (progn
1088	 (format t "~&end formats = ~S~%" formats)
1089	 (format t "~&end arg-list = ~S~%" arg-list))
1090       (do ((more formats (rest more)))
1091	   ((not (stringp (first more))))
1092	 (format stream (first more)))
1093       arg-list)
1095    (when (null formats)
1096      ;; We're out of formats but not arguments.  I think Fortran says
1097      ;; we should start over at the last repeat spec.  So we look
1098      ;; over all the formats until we find the first number.  That
1099      ;; means it's a repeat spec.
1100      ;;
1101      ;; This is probably wrong for complicated format statements.
1102      (do ((f format (cdr f))
1103	   (last-rep nil))
1104	  ((null f)
1105	   (setf formats last-rep))
1106	(when (or (eq (car f) t)
1107		  (numberp (car f)))
1108	  (setf last-rep f)))
1110      (when (null formats)
1111	;; Now what?  We couldn't find a repeat spec, so should we
1112	;; just start over?
1113	(setf formats format)))
1114    #+nil
1115    (let ((*print-circle* t))
1116      (format t "~&arg-list = ~S~%" arg-list)
1117      (format t "~&formats = ~S~%" formats))
1118    (cond ((listp (first formats))
1119	   (format stream (caar formats) (pop arg-list)))
1120	  ((eq (first formats) #\:)
1121	   ;; Terminate control if there are no more items
1122	   (when (null arg-list)
1123	     (return-from execute-format)))
1124	  ((numberp (first formats))
1125	   ;; Repeat a group some fixed number of times
1126	   (dotimes (k (first formats))
1127	     ;;(format t "k = ~A, format = ~S~%" k (second formats))
1128	     (setf arg-list
1129		   (execute-format nil stream (second formats) arg-list))
1130	     ;; Gotta exit if we're out of arguments to print!
1131	     (unless arg-list
1132	       (return)))
1133	   (setf formats (rest formats))
1134	   ;; Output a newline after the repeat (I think Fortran says this)
1135	   ;;(format stream "~&")
1136	   ;;(format t "  cont with format = ~S~%" formats)
1137	   )
1138	  ((eq (first formats) t)
1139	   ;; Repeat "forever" (until we run out of data)
1140	   (loop while arg-list do
1141		(setf arg-list
1142		      (execute-format nil stream (second formats) arg-list))
1143	      ;; Output a newline after the repeat (I think Fortran says this)
1144		(format stream "~%")))
1145	  (t
1146	   (format stream (car formats))))))
1148(defun flatten-list (x)
1149  (labels ((flatten-helper (x r);; 'r' is the stuff to the 'right'.
1150	     (cond ((null x) r)
1151		   ((atom x)
1152		    (cons x r))
1153		   (t (flatten-helper (car x)
1154				      (flatten-helper (cdr x) r))))))
1155    (flatten-helper x nil)))
1157;; Fortran G format, roughly.  We use ~F for numbers "near" 1, and use
1158;; ~E otherwise.
1160;; Note that g77 seems to use an exponent marker of E for single and
1161;; double floats, but Sun Fortran uses E and D.  I think I like E and
1162;; D to distinguish between them.  Also note that g77 uses just enough
1163;; digits for the numbers, but Sun Fortran seems to specify the number
1164;; of printed digits to be 16 or so.  Thus 1.0 is "1.0" with g77, but
1165;; "1.0000000000000" with Sun Fortran.  I like g77's style better.
1166(defun fortran-format-g (stream arg colon-p at-p &rest args)
1167  (declare (ignore colon-p at-p args))
1168  (let* ((marker (typecase arg
1169		   (single-float "E")
1170		   (double-float "D")))
1171	 (a (abs arg))
1172	 ;; g77 uses limits 1d-4 and 1d9.  Sun Fortran uses 1 and
1173	 ;; 1d15.
1174	 (format-string (if (or (zerop a)
1175				(and (>= a 1d-4)
1176				     (< a 1d9)))
1177			    "~F"
1178			    (concatenate 'string "~,,2,,,,'"
1179					 marker
1180					 "E"))))
1181    (format stream format-string arg)))
1183;; Output objects in Fortran style, roughly.  This basically means
1184;; complex numbers are printed as "(<re>, <im>)", floats use
1185;; FORTRAN-FORMAT-G, integers use ~D, strings are printed as is, and
1186;; T/NIL become "T" or "F".
1187(defun fortran-format (stream arg colon-p at-p &rest args)
1188  (declare (ignore colon-p at-p args))
1189  (etypecase arg
1190    (complex
1191     #-gcl
1192     (format stream "(~/f2cl-lib::fortran-format-g/, ~/f2cl-lib::fortran-format-g/)"
1193	     (realpart arg) (imagpart arg))
1194     #+gcl
1195     (progn
1196       (fortran-format-g stream (realpart arg) nil nil)
1197       (fortran-format-g stream (imagpart arg) nil nil)))
1198    (float
1199     #-gcl
1200     (format stream "  ~/f2cl-lib::fortran-format-g/" arg)
1201     #+gcl
1202     (fortran-format-g stream arg nil nil))
1203    (integer
1204     (format stream "  ~D" arg))
1205    (string
1206     (format stream "~A" arg))
1207    ((member t nil)
1208     (format stream (if arg "T " "F ")))))
1210(defun execute-format-main (stream format &rest args)
1211  (cond
1212    ((eq format :list-directed)
1213     ;; This prints out the args separated by spaces and puts a line
1214     ;; break after about 80 columns.
1215     (format stream "~& ~{~<~%~1,81:;~?~>~^~}~%"
1216	     (let (pars)
1217	       (dolist (v args)
1218		 ;; Some special cases.  Let FORTRAN-FORMAT handle
1219		 ;; most cases, except strings, which we just print
1220		 ;; out ourselves.  Lists (from implied-do loops) and
1221		 ;; arrays use FORTRAN-FORMAT for each element.
1222		 (typecase v
1223		   (string
1224		    (push "~A"  pars)
1225		    (push (list v) pars))
1226		   (cons
1227		    (dolist (item v)
1228		      #-gcl
1229		      (progn
1230			(push "~/f2cl-lib::fortran-format/" pars)
1231			(push (list item) pars))
1232		      (progn
1233			(push "~A" pars)
1234			(push (fortran-format nil item nil nil) pars))))
1235		   (array
1236		    (dotimes (k (length v))
1237		      #-gcl
1238		      (progn
1239			(push "~/f2cl-lib::fortran-format/" pars)
1240			(push (list (aref v k)) pars))
1241		      #+gcl
1242		      (progn
1243			(push "~A" pars)
1244			(push (fortran-format nil (list (aref v k)) nil nil)
1245			      pars))))
1246		   (t
1247		    #-gcl
1248		    (progn
1249		      (push "~/f2cl-lib::fortran-format/" pars)
1250		      (push (list v) pars))
1251		    #+gcl
1252		    (progn
1253		      (push "~A" pars)
1254		      (push (fortran-format nil (list v) nil nil) pars)))))
1255	       ;;(format t "~S~%" (reverse pars))
1256	       (nreverse pars))))
1257    (t
1258     (let ((format-list (copy-tree format))
1259	   (arg-list
1260	    (apply #'append
1261		   (map 'list #'(lambda (x)
1262				  (cond ((bigfloat:numberp x)
1263					 (list x))
1264					((stringp x)
1265					 (list x))
1266					((member x '(t nil))
1267					 ;; Convert T and NIL to :T
1268					 ;; and :F so we print out T
1269					 ;; and F, respectively.
1270					 (case x
1271					   ((t)
1272					    (list :t))
1273					   ((nil)
1274					    (list :f))
1275					   (t
1276					    (list x))))
1277					(t
1278					 (coerce x 'list))))
1279			args))))
1280       (execute-format t stream format-list arg-list)))))
1283;; Initialize a multi-dimensional array of character strings. I think
1284;; we need to do it this way to appease some picky compilers (like
1285;; CMUCL).  The initial-element is needed to get rid of a warning
1286;; about the default initial element not being a simple
1287;; string. However, this initializes all elements of the array to
1288;; exactly the same string, so we loop over the entire array contents
1289;; and initialize each element with a string of the appropriate
1290;; length.  The string is initialized with #\Space because it seems
1291;; that's what Fortran initializes it to.
1292(defmacro f2cl-init-string (dims len &optional inits)
1293  (let ((init (gensym (symbol-name '#:array-)))
1294	(k (gensym (symbol-name '#:idx-))))
1295    `(let ((,init (make-array (* ,@dims)
1296			      :element-type `(simple-array character (,',@len))
1297			      :initial-element (make-string ,@len))))
1298       (dotimes (,k (array-total-size ,init))
1299	 (setf (aref ,init ,k)
1300	       (make-string ,@len :initial-element #\Space)))
1301       ,@(when inits
1302	   (let ((k 0)
1303		 (forms nil))
1304	     (dolist (val inits)
1305	       (push `(replace (aref ,init ,k) ,val) forms)
1306	       (incf k))
1307	     (nreverse forms)))
1309       ,init)))
1311;; This macro is supposed to set LHS to the RHS assuming that the LHS
1312;; is a Fortran CHARACTER type of length LEN.
1314;; Currently, converts the RHS to the appropriate length string and
1315;; assigns it to the LHS.  However, this can generate quite a bit of
1316;; garbage.  We might want to be a bit smarter and use loops to
1317;; replace the individual characters of the LHS with the appropriate
1318;; characters from the RHS.
1319(defmacro f2cl-set-string (lhs rhs (string len))
1320  (declare (ignore string))
1321  (etypecase lhs
1322    (symbol
1323     ;; Assignment to a simple string.
1324     `(setf ,lhs (f2cl-string ,rhs ,len)))
1325    (list
1326     ;; Assignment to an array
1327     `(fset ,lhs (f2cl-string ,rhs ,len)))))
1329(defun f2cl-string (string len)
1330  ;; Create a string of the desired length by either appending spaces
1331  ;; or truncating the string.
1332  (let ((slen (length string)))
1333    (cond ((= slen len)
1334	   ;; Need to make a copy of the string, so we don't have
1335	   ;; duplicated structure.
1336	   (copy-seq string))
1337	  ((> slen len)
1338	   ;; Truncate the string
1339	   (subseq string 0 len))
1340	  (t
1341	   ;; String is too short, so append some spaces
1342	   (concatenate 'string string (make-string (- len slen) :initial-element #\Space))))))
1345;;; Strictly speaking, this is not part of Fortran, but so many
1346;;; Fortran packages use these routines, we're going to add them here.
1347;;; They're much easier to implement in Lisp than in Fortran!
1352;;  D1MACH( 2) = B**EMAX*(1 - B**(-T)), THE LARGEST MAGNITUDE.
1355;;  D1MACH( 5) = LOG10(B)
1358(defun d1mach (i)
1359  (ecase i
1360    (1 least-positive-normalized-double-float)
1361    (2 most-positive-double-float)
1362    (3 #-(or gcl ecl) double-float-epsilon
1363       #+(or gcl ecl) (scale-float (float #X10000000000001 1d0) -105))
1364    (4 (scale-float #-(or gcl ecl) double-float-epsilon
1365		    #+(or gcl ecl) (scale-float (float #X10000000000001 1d0) -105)
1366		    1))
1367    (5 (log (float (float-radix 1d0) 1d0) 10d0))))
1369(defun r1mach (i)
1370  (ecase i
1371    (1 least-positive-normalized-single-float)
1372    (2 most-positive-single-float)
1373    (3 single-float-epsilon)
1374    (4 (scale-float single-float-epsilon 1))
1375    (5 (log (float (float-radix 1f0)) 10f0))))
1378;;     This is the CMLIB version of I1MACH, the integer machine
1379;;     constants subroutine originally developed for the PORT library.
1381;;     I1MACH can be used to obtain machine-dependent parameters
1382;;     for the local machine environment.  It is a function
1383;;     subroutine with one (input) argument, and can be called
1384;;     as follows, for example
1386;;          K = I1MACH(I)
1388;;     where I=1,...,16.  The (output) value of K above is
1389;;     determined by the (input) value of I.  The results for
1390;;     various values of I are discussed below.
1392;;  I/O unit numbers.
1393;;    I1MACH( 1) = the standard input unit.
1394;;    I1MACH( 2) = the standard output unit.
1395;;    I1MACH( 3) = the standard punch unit.
1396;;    I1MACH( 4) = the standard error message unit.
1398;;  Words.
1399;;    I1MACH( 5) = the number of bits per integer storage unit.
1400;;    I1MACH( 6) = the number of characters per integer storage unit.
1402;;  Integers.
1403;;    assume integers are represented in the S-digit, base-A form
1405;;               sign ( X(S-1)*A**(S-1) + ... + X(1)*A + X(0) )
1407;;               where 0 .LE. X(I) .LT. A for I=0,...,S-1.
1408;;    I1MACH( 7) = A, the base.
1409;;    I1MACH( 8) = S, the number of base-A digits.
1410;;    I1MACH( 9) = A**S - 1, the largest magnitude.
1412;;  Floating-Point Numbers.
1413;;    Assume floating-point numbers are represented in the T-digit,
1414;;    base-B form
1415;;               sign (B**E)*( (X(1)/B) + ... + (X(T)/B**T) )
1417;;               where 0 .LE. X(I) .LT. B for I=1,...,T,
1418;;               0 .LT. X(1), and EMIN .LE. E .LE. EMAX.
1419;;    I1MACH(10) = B, the base.
1421;;  Single-Precision
1422;;    I1MACH(11) = T, the number of base-B digits.
1423;;    I1MACH(12) = EMIN, the smallest exponent E.
1424;;    I1MACH(13) = EMAX, the largest exponent E.
1426;;  Double-Precision
1427;;    I1MACH(14) = T, the number of base-B digits.
1428;;    I1MACH(15) = EMIN, the smallest exponent E.
1429;;    I1MACH(16) = EMAX, the largest exponent E.
1430(defun i1mach (i)
1431  (ecase i
1432    ;; What does the unit numbers really mean in Lisp?  What do we
1433    ;; really want?
1435    ;; The standard input unit
1436    (1 5)
1437    ;; The standard output unit
1438    (2 6)
1439    ;; The standard punch unit
1440    (3 6)
1441    ;; The standard error message unit
1442    (4 6)
1444    ;; The number of bits per integer storage unit.  What does this
1445    ;; mean in Lisp?
1446    (5
1447     (integer-length most-positive-fixnum))
1448    ;; The number of characters per integer storage unit.  What does
1449    ;; this mean in Lisp?
1450    (6 4)
1452    ;; The base of integers.  Assume 2's complement
1453    (7 2)
1454    ;; The number of base-2 digits.  Assume fixnum size?
1455    (8 (integer-length most-positive-fixnum))
1456    ;; The largest magnitude
1457    (9 most-positive-fixnum)
1459    ;; Base of floating-poing representation
1460    (10 (float-radix 1f0))
1461    ;; Number of digits in representation
1462    (11 (float-digits 1f0))
1463    ;; Smallest exponent
1464    (12 (multiple-value-bind (frac exp sign)
1465	    (decode-float least-positive-normalized-single-float)
1466	  (declare (ignore frac sign))
1467	  (+ exp 1)))
1468    ;; Largest exponent
1469    (13 (multiple-value-bind (frac exp sign)
1470	    (decode-float most-positive-single-float)
1471	  (declare (ignore frac sign))
1472	  (- exp 1)))
1473    ;; Same for double-precision
1474    (14 (float-digits 1d0))
1475    (15 (multiple-value-bind (frac exp sign)
1476	    (decode-float least-positive-normalized-double-float)
1477	  (declare (ignore frac sign))
1478	  (+ exp 1)))
1479    (16 (multiple-value-bind (frac exp sign)
1480	    (decode-float most-positive-double-float)
1481	  (declare (ignore frac sign))
1482	  (- exp 1)))
1483    ))
1485;; F2cl cannot tell if a STOP statement is an error condition or just
1486;; the end of the program.  So, by default, we signal a continuable
1487;; error.  However, we give the user the option of silently returning
1488;; or not.
1489(defvar *stop-signals-error-p* nil
1490  "When non-NIL, STOP will signal an continuable error.  Otherwise, STOP just returns")
1492(defun stop (&optional arg)
1493  (when arg
1494    (format cl::*error-output* "~A~%" arg))
1495  (when *stop-signals-error-p*
1496    (cerror "Continue anyway" "STOP reached")))
1498(defmacro f2cl-copy-seq (dst src dst-type src-type)
1499  (flet ((copy-error ()
1500	   (error "F2CL cannot copy arrays of element type ~A to ~A~%"
1501		  src-type dst-type)))
1502    (cond ((subtypep dst-type 'float)
1503	   ;; Copy to float array
1504	   (cond ((subtypep src-type 'float)
1505		  `(replace ,dst ,src))
1506		 ((subtypep src-type 'complex)
1507		  ;; Copy complex to float by putting each real and
1508		  ;; imaginary part into the float array, in order.
1509		  (let ((idx (gensym "IDX-"))
1510			(el (gensym "EL-")))
1511		    `(loop for ,idx of-type fixnum from 0 by 2 below (length ,dst)
1512			for ,el of-type ,src-type across ,src
1513			do
1514			(progn
1515			  (setf (aref ,dst ,idx) (realpart ,el))
1516			  (setf (aref ,dst (1+ ,idx)) (imagpart ,el))))))
1517		 (t
1518		  (copy-error))))
1519	  ((subtypep dst-type 'complex)
1520	   ;; Copy to complex array
1521	   (cond ((subtypep src-type 'float)
1522		  (let ((idx (gensym "IDX-"))
1523			(dst-idx (gensym "DST-IDX-")))
1524		    `(loop for ,idx of-type fixnum from 0 by 2 below (length ,src)
1525			for ,dst-idx of-type fixnum from 0 below (length ,dst)
1526			do
1527			(setf (aref ,dst ,dst-idx) (complex (aref ,src ,idx)
1528							    (aref ,src (1+ ,idx)))))))
1529		 ((subtypep src-type 'complex)
1530		  `(replace ,dst ,src))
1531		 (t
1532		  (copy-error))))
1533	  (t
1534	   (copy-error)))))
1536(defmacro make-compatible-seq (type array array-type)
1537  (let ((element-type (second type))
1538	(array-type (second array-type)))
1539    (cond ((subtypep element-type 'float)
1540	   (cond ((subtypep array-type 'complex)
1541		  `(make-array (* 2 (length ,array)) :element-type ',element-type))
1542		 (t
1543		  `(make-array (length ,array) :element-type ',element-type))))
1544	  ((subtypep element-type 'complex)
1545	   (cond ((subtypep array-type 'complex)
1546		  `(make-array (length ,array) :element-type ',element-type))
1547		 (t
1548		  `(make-array (ceiling (length ,array) 2) :element-type ',element-type))))
1549	  (t
1550	   (error "Don't know how to make an array with element-type ~A~%" element-type)))))
1554;;; end of macros.l
1556;;; $Id: macros.l,v 3fe93de3be82 2012/05/06 02:17:14 toy $
1557;;; $Log$
1558;;; Revision 1.117  2011/02/28 22:21:07  rtoy
1559;;; When opening an old file, we should set :if-exists to :overwrite to
1560;;; overwrite the file if written too.
1562;;; Revision 1.116  2011/02/20 20:51:04  rtoy
1563;;; Oops.  STOP should signal an error if *STOP-SIGNALS-ERROR-P* is
1564;;; non-NIL.
1566;;; Revision 1.115  2010/12/28 00:06:52  rtoy
1567;;; Assert the type of the arg to fsqrt to be non-negative, excluding
1568;;; negative zero.
1570;;; Revision 1.114  2010/05/17 01:42:14  rtoy
1571;;; src/f2cl1.l:
1572;;; o Need to know the actual type when making a compatible sequence.
1573;;; o Convert plain integer type to integer4 types, which is what Fortran
1574;;;   would do.  We don't want general Lisp integer type.
1576;;; src/macros.l:
1577;;; o Change MAKE-COMPATIBLE-SEQ to be a macro.
1578;;; o Need to know the actual array type to create the correct type of
1579;;;   sequence.
1581;;; Revision 1.113  2010/02/23 00:59:12  rtoy
1582;;; Support the Fortran capability of passing an array of one type
1583;;; to a routine expecting a different type.  Currently only supports REAL
1584;;; and COMPLEX arrays (and their double precison versions).
1586;;; NOTES:
1587;;; o Update
1589;;; f2cl0.l:
1590;;; o Export new symbols f2cl-copy-seq and make-compatible-seq.
1592;;; f2cl1.l:
1593;;; o New variable *copy-array-parameter* for keeping track of the option
1594;;;   for f2cl and f2cl-compile.
1595;;; o Update f2cl and f2cl-compile to recognize :copy-array-parameter.
1596;;; o Modify massage-arglist and generate-call-to-routine to handle the
1597;;;   new :copy-array-parameter capability.
1599;;; f2cl5.l:
1600;;; o Fix issue where quoted elements were modified.  They shouldn't be.
1601;;; o Fix issue where (array simple-float (*)) would get erroneously
1602;;;   converted to (array simple-float (f2cl-lib:int-mul)).  We want to
1603;;;   leave bare * alone.
1605;;; macros.l:
1606;;; o New macro f2cl-copy-seq to generate code to copy a sequence
1607;;;   appropriately.
1608;;; o New function to create a compatible array to support
1609;;;   :copy-array-parameter.
1611;;; Revision 1.112  2009/01/08 12:57:19  rtoy
1612;;; f2cl0.l:
1613;;; o Export *STOP-SIGNALS-ERROR-P*
1615;;; macros.l:
1616;;; o Add *STOP-SIGNALS-ERROR-P* to allow user to control whether STOP
1617;;;   signals a continuable error or not.  Default is to signal the
1618;;;   error.
1620;;; Revision 1.111  2009/01/07 21:50:16  rtoy
1621;;; Use the fast rint-* functions for CMUCL with sse2 support.
1623;;; Revision 1.110  2009/01/07 21:42:45  rtoy
1624;;; Gcl doesn't recognize :compile-toplevel and friends.  Use old style.
1626;;; Revision 1.109  2009/01/07 21:34:41  rtoy
1627;;; Clean up junk:
1629;;; o Remove unused macro REXPT.
1630;;; o Remove duplicated function PROCESS-IMPLIED-DO.
1631;;; o Remove code that was commented out.
1633;;; Revision 1.108  2009/01/07 17:28:19  rtoy
1634;;; f2cl0.l:
1635;;; o Export new dfloat function, an alias for dble.
1636;;; o Merge some cleanups from Maxima.
1638;;; f2cl1.l:
1639;;; o Add dfloat to list of intrinsic functions.
1641;;; macros.l:
1642;;; o Merge some cleanups and fixes from Maxima.  Mostly for gcl and ecl.
1643;;; o Add implementation of dfloat.
1645;;; Revision 1.107  2009/01/07 02:22:00  rtoy
1646;;; Need to quit a repeated group if we're out of arguments to print.
1647;;; This prevents us from repeatedly print newlines and other strings when
1648;;; the repetition is more than the number of arguments we have left.
1650;;; Revision 1.106  2008/09/15 15:27:36  rtoy
1651;;; Fix serious bug in aint.  aint(x) for x an integer was returning x-1
1652;;; (for positive x).  It should have returned x.
1654;;; Revision 1.105  2008/09/10 18:53:49  rtoy
1655;;; The case where the arg was negative or zero was mishandled and ended
1656;;; up being printed using ~E.  Should have been ~F.
1658;;; Revision 1.104  2008/08/22 21:27:43  rtoy
1659;;; Oops.  Forgot one place to conditionalize on gcl.
1661;;; Revision 1.103  2008/08/21 20:16:49  rtoy
1662;;; Gcl doesn' like ~/ format specifier, so rearrange things so we don't
1663;;; use it.  (Should we just do the same for every one?)
1665;;; Revision 1.102  2008/03/26 13:19:52  rtoy
1666;;; Lazily initialize the lun-hash table.  *lun-hash* starts as an empty
1667;;; hash-table, and lun->stream will initialize units 5, 6, and t as
1668;;; needed.
1670;;; Based on similar change in maxima to work around an issue with clisp
1671;;; where the predefined entries had closed streams.
1673;;; Revision 1.101  2008/03/08 12:49:08  rtoy
1674;;; Make :list-directed output be more like Fortran.  There is quite a bit
1675;;; of variation between, say, g77 and Sun Fortran, so we pick something
1676;;; reasonably close.  We have a mix of g77 and Sun Fortran output.  Still
1677;;; needs some work.
1679;;; Revision 1.100  2008/03/07 23:15:01  rtoy
1680;;; Use ~? so we can control the format string to print out various
1681;;; objects for list-directed output.
1683;;; Revision 1.99  2008/03/06 21:20:41  rtoy
1684;;; Change the open mode from append to supersede.  I think this makes
1685;;; more sense and seems to match g77 better.
1687;;; Revision 1.98  2008/03/06 20:04:10  rtoy
1688;;; Use ~G for list-directed I/O so that numbers come out reasonably.
1689;;; (F77 standard says E or F is used, depending on the magnitude of the
1690;;; number.  The parameters for E and F are processer dependent as is the
1691;;; magnitude used to select between E or F.  This is pretty close to how
1692;;; ~G works in Lisp.)
1694;;; Revision 1.97  2008/02/26 04:14:31  rtoy
1695;;; Explicitly check for T and NIL.
1697;;; Revision 1.96  2008/02/22 22:19:34  rtoy
1698;;; Use RCS Id as version.
1700;;; Revision 1.95  2008/02/22 22:13:18  rtoy
1701;;; o Add function F2CL-VERSION to get version info.
1702;;; o Add version string to each of the files so F2CL-VERSION can get the
1703;;;   version info.  The version string is basically the date of when the
1704;;;   file was last checked in.
1706;;; Revision 1.94  2007/09/30 03:47:47  rtoy
1707;;; When we're out of formats, we restart with the last repeat spec.
1709;;; Revision 1.93  2007/09/28 22:01:08  rtoy
1710;;; First attempt at getting implied-do loops in data statements working
1711;;; with nested loops.
1713;;; f2cl1.l:
1714;;; o PARSE-DATA-IMPLIED-DO handles implied do loops even when the loops
1715;;;   are nested.
1717;;; macros.l:
1718;;; o Update PROCESS-IMPLIED-DO to handle the new forms returned by
1720;;; o Don't create constants out of the initializer since we use POP to
1721;;;   access them one by one.
1722;;; o Minor tweak for list-directed output to allow a slightly longer line
1723;;;   length. This matches what g77 produces for one simple test case.
1725;;; Revision 1.92  2007/09/28 20:26:13  rtoy
1726;;; o For REWIND and CLOSE$, declare the result as ignorable.
1727;;; o For list-directed output, don't print out strings as an array with
1728;;;   spaces between each element.  Strings should go out as strings.
1730;;; Revision 1.91  2007/09/28 15:41:14  rtoy
1731;;; Some cleanup for list-directed output:
1733;;; o Complex numbers should be printed in the form (r, i), not #c(r, i)
1734;;; o Arrays should print out only the elements instead of #(...).
1736;;; Revision 1.90  2007/09/28 05:00:58  rtoy
1737;;; To support multidimensional arrays in implied do loops better, we need
1738;;; to pass the entire array bounds, including upper and lower limits so
1739;;; that array indexing can work.
1741;;; f2cl5.l:
1742;;; o Find the entire array bounds.
1743;;; o Don't use make-declaration to get the array type.  Explicitly look
1744;;;   through *explicit_vble_decls* to find the type.  (Are there other
1745;;;   places we need to look?)
1747;;; macros.l:
1748;;; o Pass the entire list of array bounds to fref so we can handle
1749;;;   multidimensional arrays.
1751;;; Revision 1.89  2007/09/27 14:56:39  rtoy
1752;;; When we run out of format specs, but there are still items to print,
1753;;; we go back and find the first repeat spec and start there.
1755;;; If there is no such thing, we just reuse the entire format spec.  Not
1756;;; sure if this is right or if it's a bug.  Maybe we should signal an
1757;;; error?
1759;;; Revision 1.88  2007/09/27 02:12:12  rtoy
1760;;; Support the L edit descriptor better.
1762;;; f2cl5.l:
1763;;; o Recognize the L descriptor and convert it to ~wA.
1765;;; macros.l:
1766;;; o Convert T and NIL to :T and :F, respectively.  When coupled with ~A,
1767;;;   this prints as T and F, as desired.
1769;;; Revision 1.87  2007/09/26 13:11:06  rtoy
1770;;; Remove the unused FOREVER parameter from EXECUTE-FORMAT.
1772;;; Revision 1.86  2007/09/26 13:10:15  rtoy
1773;;; Better list-directed output.
1775;;; f2cl5.l:
1776;;; o For list-directed output (format is *), return :list-directed to
1777;;;   tell format that we're using list-directed output.  (The previous
1778;;;   scheme didn't really work well.)
1780;;; macros.l:
1781;;; o Add FLATTEN-LIST function
1782;;; o Don't output a newline for repeated items.  We shouldn't do that.
1783;;; o Add support for :list-directed output.  We recognize that and then
1784;;;   just output all the args in a special way.
1786;;; Revision 1.85  2007/09/25 21:31:32  rtoy
1787;;; f2cl5.l:
1788;;; o Slight change in the format used for "*" format.
1789;;; o Change the repeatable descriptors to remove the repeat count if the
1790;;;   count is 1.  This was confusing the execute-format when determining
1791;;;   when to print out newlines.  This change applied to I, F, E, D, and
1792;;;   G descriptors.
1794;;; macros.l:
1795;;; o Handle printing of "repeat forever" loops better.  An extra arg to
1796;;;   EXECUTE-FORMAT tells us to repeat "forever".
1797;;; o Output a newline at the end of a repeated specification.
1799;;; Revision 1.84  2007/09/25 18:46:42  rtoy
1800;;; For repeated descriptors, we were printing a new line after each item
1801;;; instead of after all items had been printed.  Output new line only
1802;;; once, when we're done.
1804;;; Revision 1.83  2007/09/25 18:17:50  rtoy
1805;;; Oops.  We should always process #\: and exit only if there is more
1806;;; args to process.
1808;;; Revision 1.82  2007/09/25 17:31:05  rtoy
1809;;; f2cl5.l:
1810;;; o Return #\: when encountering a colon edit descriptor.
1812;;; macros.l:
1813;;; o Recognize #\: and terminate processing if there are no arguments
1814;;;   left.
1816;;; Revision 1.81  2007/09/23 20:51:43  rtoy
1817;;; Previous checkin changed how character strings are initialized.
1818;;; Modify code accordingly.  (This needs to be rethought and made less
1819;;; fragile.)
1821;;; Revision 1.80  2007/09/21 17:45:13  rtoy
1822;;; INDEX was calling SEARCH with the arguments in the wrong order.
1824;;; Revision 1.79  2007/09/20 21:27:12  rtoy
1825;;; Was not handling atoms correctly.  This needs more work.
1827;;; Revision 1.78  2007/09/20 17:38:25  rtoy
1828;;; In ARRAY-INITIALIZE, we can't make a literal list of the data because
1829;;; the data might not be literal.  (That is, the data might be constants
1830;;; from a parameter statement.)
1832;;; Revision 1.77  2007/06/18 15:50:16  rtoy
1833;;; Bug [ 1709300 ] unused key parameters
1835;;; o In %open-file, ignore UNIT, and produce an error if FORM is UNFORMATTED
1836;;; o In %close, produce an error if STATUS is specified.
1838;;; Revision 1.76  2006/12/01 04:23:43  rtoy
1839;;; Minor cleanups
1841;;; src/f2cl0.l:
1842;;; o Cosmetic changes
1844;;; src/macros.l:
1845;;; o Make code work with "modern"-mode lisps.  (Ported from maxima.)
1847;;; Revision 1.75  2006/11/28 19:06:18  rtoy
1848;;; o Make sure the second arg to FSET-STRING is a string.
1849;;; o FCHAR was using the wrong function.
1850;;; o Cleanup FFORMAT so there are no compiler warnings about REPLACE
1851;;;   being called on constant data.  (This is probably a compiler bug in
1852;;;   CMUCL, but we should get rid of the stuff ourselves, anyway, instead
1853;;;   of depending on the compiler to do it for us.)
1855;;; Revision 1.74  2006/11/27 19:09:51  rtoy
1856;;; In some places in LAPACK, an array slice is taken where the slice
1857;;; exceeds the bounds of the array.  However, the array is never
1858;;; accessed.  What are we to do?  We could modify the LAPACK routines
1859;;; (everywhere!) to check for this, or we can silently make array-slice
1860;;; make a 0-element array.  If the array is then accessed, we should get
1861;;; an error at the point of access, not the point of creation.
1863;;; Revision 1.73  2006/11/21 22:05:03  rtoy
1864;;; Fix ichar to accept either a real character or (more likely) a
1865;;; string.
1867;;; Revision 1.72  2006/11/21 18:21:37  rtoy
1868;;; o Add CDABS and DCONJG functions.
1869;;; o Add some type declarations for DIMAG
1871;;; Revision 1.71  2006/05/02 22:12:02  rtoy
1872;;; src/f2cl5.l:
1873;;; o Try to make better declarations for variables defined in parameter
1874;;;   statements.  We'll declare them as (double-float 42d0 42d0) if the
1875;;;   parameter was initialized to 42d0.
1876;;; o MAKE-DECLARATION updated to take an extra keyword argument to
1877;;;   indicate if this is a parameter variable and to give the initial
1878;;;   value of the parameter so we can make the appropriate declaration.
1879;;; o When initializing simple variables in data statements, try to bind
1880;;;   the variable with the initial value instead binding a default 0 zero
1881;;;   and setq'ing it later.
1883;;; src/macros.l:
1884;;; o Change DEFTYPE for INTEGER4 to allow parameters so we can specify
1885;;;   tight bounds if desired.
1887;;; Revision 1.70  2006/05/01 17:40:05  rtoy
1888;;; Change STOP to produce a continuable error instead of an error so that
1889;;; we can continue from the STOP statement, if we choose to.  It's not
1890;;; necessarily an error in a converted program to reach a STOP statement.
1892;;; Revision 1.69  2006/04/27 17:44:01  rtoy
1893;;; src/f2cl0.l:
1894;;; o Export dimag, dcmplx, zsqrt
1896;;; src/f2cl1.l:
1897;;; o Add dcmplx, dimag, and zsqrt to the list of intrinsic function
1898;;;   names.
1899;;; o When parsing "implicit none" statements, we don't modify
1900;;;   *IMPLICIT_VBLE_DECLS*. I don't think it's needed and it can cause
1901;;;   errors later on because :none is not a Lisp type.
1903;;; src/f2cl5.l:
1904;;; o Tell GET-FUN-ARG-TYPE about the result type of dcmplx, dsqrt, the
1905;;;   complex*8 and complex*16 special functions.
1906;;; o ABS is an allowed lisp name.  This gets rid of the spurious ABS$
1907;;;   local variable whenever we use the ABS function.
1909;;; src/macros.l:
1910;;; o Add implementations of dcmplx, dimag, and zsqrt.  (We need to add
1911;;;   more, I think.)
1913;;; Revision 1.68  2006/01/12 01:33:32  rtoy
1914;;; If status is not given or unknown, create the file if it doesn't
1915;;; exist.
1917;;; Revision 1.67  2006/01/11 22:57:58  rtoy
1918;;; Add rudimentary support for opening files and reading from files.
1920;;; src/f2cl1.l:
1921;;; o Recognize and handle open, rewind, and close statements.
1923;;; src/f2cl5.l:
1924;;; o Update parser for read to handle unit numbers.  Rudimentary support
1925;;;   for implied-do lists too.
1926;;; o Add parser for open, rewind, and close statements.
1928;;; src/macros.l:
1929;;; o Add functions and macros to handle opening, rewinding,
1930;;;   and closing files.  Needs more work still.
1932;;; Revision 1.66  2006/01/09 03:08:13  rtoy
1933;;; src/f2cl1.l:
1934;;; o Translate a Fortran STOP to be the stop function.  Was just
1935;;;   returning NIL, and this doesn't work so well.
1937;;; src/macros.l:
1938;;; o Add STOP function.  It prints out the any arg, and then signals an
1939;;;   error.
1941;;; Revision 1.65  2006/01/09 00:37:43  rtoy
1942;;; src/f2cl5.l:
1943;;; o When looking for initializers, don't just remove initializers when
1944;;;   the array is not a 1-D array.  Keep them, and return a second value
1945;;;   indicating if the array is 1-D or not.
1946;;; o MAKE-CHAR-DECL was not properly declaring and initializing 2-D
1947;;;   arrays as 1-D arrays like we're supposed to.  Compute the total size
1948;;;   of the array if we can.
1950;;; src/macros.l:
1951;;; o F2CL-INIT-STRING needs to make a 1-D array, even if the string array
1952;;;   is multi-dimensional.
1954;;; Revision 1.64  2006/01/04 17:53:40  rtoy
1955;;; We were not correctly processing initialization of string arrays in
1956;;; data statements.
1958;;; src/f2cl1.l:
1959;;; o In PARSE-DATA1, return the entire list of initializers instead of
1960;;;   just the first, in case we have an array of initializers.
1962;;; src/f2cl5.l:
1963;;; o In MERGE-DATA-AND-SAVE-INITS, we need to recognize the
1964;;;   initialization of strings and such.  We don't do anything special
1965;;;   right now, like we do for arrays of numbers.
1966;;; o In INSERT-DECLARATIONS, we need to handle the case of REPLACE in the
1967;;;   *data-init*'s.  We assume it's been handled somewhere else, so
1968;;;   there's nothing to do here.
1970;;; Revision 1.63  2005/05/19 15:06:24  rtoy
1971;;; Oops.  make-label is in the f2cl-lib package.
1973;;; Revision 1.62  2005/05/16 15:50:25  rtoy
1974;;; o Replace single semicolons with multiple semicolons as appropriate.
1975;;; o GCL apparently doesn't like some declarations, so comment them out
1976;;;   for GCL.
1977;;; o GCL doesn't like the defparameter for *lun-hash*.
1978;;; o GCL doesn't seem to have least-positive-normalized-double-float, so
1979;;;   make it the same as least-positive-double-float.  Likewise for
1980;;;   single-float.
1982;;; These changes come from maxima.
1984;;; Revision 1.61  2005/03/28 20:38:18  rtoy
1985;;; Make strings with an element-type of character instead of base-char,
1986;;; in case the Lisp implementation has unicode support.
1988;;; Revision 1.60  2004/09/01 14:17:57  rtoy
1989;;; atan2 takes single-float args, not double-float.
1991;;; Revision 1.59  2004/08/14 22:29:16  marcoxa
1992;;; Added an EVAL-WHEN to silence the LW compiler.
1994;;; Revision 1.58  2004/08/14 04:17:45  rtoy
1995;;; Need a definition for MAKE-LABEL.
1997;;; Revision 1.57  2003/11/23 14:10:11  rtoy
1998;;; FDO should not call function that are not in the F2CL-LIB package.
1999;;; Macros.l should be self-contained.
2001;;; Revision 1.56  2003/11/13 05:37:11  rtoy
2002;;; Add macro WITH-MULTI-ARRAY-DATA.  Basically like WITH-ARRAY-DATA, but
2003;;; takes a list of array info so we don't get deeply nested code when
2004;;; there are lots of arrays.
2006;;; Keep WITH-ARRAY-DATA around for backward compatibility.
2008;;; Revision 1.55  2003/11/12 05:33:22  rtoy
2009;;; Macro to handle assigned gotos was wrong.  Fix it.
2011;;; Revision 1.54  2003/09/25 03:43:43  rtoy
2012;;; Need to check for reserved names in the fdo macro.  (I think.)
2014;;; Revision 1.53  2003/01/07 18:44:52  rtoy
2015;;; Add new implementations of aint.  Speeds up mpnorm by a factor of 5 on
2016;;; CMUCL/sparc!
2018;;; Revision 1.52  2002/09/13 17:50:19  rtoy
2019;;; From Douglas Crosher:
2021;;; o Make this work with lower-case Lisps
2022;;; o Fix a few typos
2023;;; o Make a safer fortran reader.
2025;;; Revision 1.51  2002/06/30 13:08:51  rtoy
2026;;; Add some declarations to AINT so that CMUCL can completely inline the
2027;;; call to ftruncate.
2029;;; Revision 1.50  2002/05/05 23:41:17  rtoy
2030;;; Typo: extra paren.
2032;;; Revision 1.49  2002/05/05 23:38:47  rtoy
2033;;; The int-sub macro didn't handle things like (- 3 m m) correctly.  It
2034;;; was returning (- 3 (- m m)) instead of (- (- 3 m) m)!
2036;;; Revision 1.48  2002/05/03 17:48:06  rtoy
2037;;; GCL doesn't have least-positive-normalized-{single/double}-float, so
2038;;; use just least-positive-{single/double}-float.
2040;;; Revision 1.47  2002/05/03 17:44:36  rtoy
2041;;; Replace row-major-aref with just aref because we don't need it and
2042;;; because gcl doesn't have it.
2044;;; Revision 1.46  2002/03/19 02:23:09  rtoy
2045;;; According to the rules of Fortran, the initializers in a DATA
2046;;; statement are supposed to be converted to match the type of the
2047;;; variable that is being initialized.  Make it so by passing the
2048;;; variable type to the macro DATA-IMPLIED-DO so that the conversion can
2049;;; be done.
2051;;; Revision 1.45  2002/03/18 23:34:16  rtoy
2052;;; Was not correctly handling some implied do loops containing multiple
2053;;; variables in the loop in data statements.  Fix that and clean up some
2054;;; of the processing.  (Should probably do this kind of work in the f2cl
2055;;; compiler instead of at runtime, but it's only done once at runtime, so
2056;;; it's not a big deal.)
2058;;; Revision 1.44  2002/03/11 16:44:00  rtoy
2059;;; o Remove an extra paren.
2060;;; o Indent FIND-ARRAY-DATA better.
2061;;; o Declare the iteration count to be of type INTEGER4.
2062;;; o Added macros INT-ADD, INT-SUB, INT-MUL to tell the compiler that the
2063;;;   integer operation can't overflow.  (First try.)
2064;;; o Tell the compiler that the result of truncate is an INTEGER4 in INT.
2066;;; Revision 1.43  2002/03/06 23:07:19  rtoy
2067;;; o Make INT return an integer4 type, not integer.
2068;;; o log10 was thinking it could generate complex result, but that's not
2069;;;   true.  Declare the arg correctly so the compiler knows it can't.
2071;;; Revision 1.42  2002/03/06 03:21:16  rtoy
2072;;; o Speed up FIND-ARRAY-DATA a little by declaring the offset to be a
2073;;;   fixnum, which it has to be since it's an index to an array.
2074;;; o Remove the truncate/ftruncate-towards-zero functions.
2075;;; o For INT, AINT, and friends, TRUNCATE and FTRUNCATE are the right
2076;;;   functions we want to use.  (Stupid me!)
2077;;; o Update/correct some random comments.
2079;;; Revision 1.41  2002/02/17 15:55:29  rtoy
2080;;; o For all array accessors, wrap the offset calculations with (the
2081;;;   fixnum ...) since they have to be anyway.  Speeds up calculations
2082;;;   quite a bit.
2083;;; o FREF takes an additional optional OFFSET arg to specify an offset
2084;;;   for the new array slicing method.
2085;;; o Added WITH-ARRAY-DATA and FIND-ARRAY-DATA to support the new
2086;;;   array-slicing method.
2087;;; o For FDO, add (the integer4 ...) for loop index calculations.
2088;;; o Add some more assertions for ISIGN and LOG10 to help the compiler
2089;;;   generate better code.
2091;;; Revision 1.40  2002/02/10 03:43:51  rtoy
2092;;; Partial support for WRITE statements writing to a string instead of
2093;;; logical unit.
2095;;; Revision 1.39  2002/02/09 15:59:26  rtoy
2096;;; o Add more and better comments
2097;;; o AINT was broken because it should accept any range of floats.
2098;;; o DIM and friends computed the wrong thing!
2099;;; o Change DPROD to convert to doubles first.
2100;;; o Some cleanup of MAX and MIN
2102;;; Revision 1.38  2002/02/08 23:38:36  rtoy
2103;;; Use ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE to compute how many elements are in the slice
2104;;; instead of the f2cl declared/derived bounds so that we can dynamically
2105;;; change the size of the array.  Useful for an array in a common block.
2107;;; Revision 1.37  2002/02/07 03:23:15  rtoy
2108;;; Add functions to initialize F2CL's Fortran I/O and to close all of
2109;;; F2CL's open units.
2111;;; Revision 1.36  2002/02/04 03:23:46  rtoy
2112;;; o Make *lun-hash* a defparameter instead of a defvar.
2113;;; o Fix up i1mach so that the unit numbers match *lun-hash*.
2115;;; Revision 1.35  2002/01/13 16:29:00  rtoy
2116;;; o This file is in the f2cl-lib package now
2117;;; o Deleted some unused code.
2118;;; o Moved *INTRINSIC-FUNCTION-NAMES* to f2cl1.l
2120;;; Revision 1.34  2002/01/06 23:11:04  rtoy
2121;;; o Rename *intrinsic_function_names* to use dashes.
2122;;; o Comment out some unused functions and macros.
2124;;; Revision 1.33  2001/04/30 15:38:12  rtoy
2125;;; Add a version of I1MACH.
2127;;; Revision 1.32  2001/04/26 17:49:19  rtoy
2128;;; o SIGN and DIM are Fortran generic instrinsics.  Make it so.
2129;;; o Added D1MACH and R1MACH because they're very common in Fortran
2130;;;   libraries.
2132;;; Revision 1.31  2001/02/26 15:38:23  rtoy
2133;;; Move *check-array-bounds* from f2cl1.l to macros.l since the generated
2134;;; code refers to it.  Export this variable too.
2136;;; Revision 1.30  2000/08/30 17:00:42  rtoy
2137;;; o In EXECUTE-FORMAT, handle the case where the group is supposed to be
2138;;;   repeated "forever" (as indicated by a repetition factor of T).
2139;;; o Remove some more unused code.
2141;;; Revision 1.29  2000/08/27 16:36:07  rtoy
2142;;; Clean up handling of format statements.  Should handle many more
2143;;; formats correctly now.
2145;;; Revision 1.28  2000/08/07 19:00:47  rtoy
2146;;; Add type ARRAY-STRINGS to denote an array of strings.
2148;;; Revision 1.27  2000/08/03 13:45:53  rtoy
2149;;; Make FFORMAT1 handle lists that we get from implied do loops.
2151;;; The whole FFORMAT stuff needs to be rethought if we really want to
2152;;; support Fortran output.
2154;;; Revision 1.26  2000/08/01 22:10:41  rtoy
2155;;; o Try to make the Fortran functions to convert to integers work the
2156;;;   way Fortran says they should.
2157;;; o Declaim most of the intrinsics as inline so we don't have an
2158;;;   additional function call for simple things.
2159;;; o Add some compiler macros for Fortran max/min functions to call the
2160;;;   Lisp max/min functions withouth using #'apply.
2161;;; o Try to declare the args to functions with branchs appropriately,
2162;;;   even in the face of signed zeroes.
2164;;; Revision 1.25  2000/07/28 22:10:05  rtoy
2165;;; Remove unused var from ARRAY-SLICE.
2167;;; Revision 1.24  2000/07/28 17:09:13  rtoy
2168;;; o We are in the f2cl package now.
2169;;; o Remove the export expression.
2170;;; o // is now called F2CL-//, to prevent problems with the lisp variable
2171;;;   //.
2172;;; o REAL is now called FREAL, to prevent problems with the lisp type
2173;;;   REAL.
2175;;; Revision 1.23  2000/07/27 16:39:17  rtoy
2176;;; We want to be in the CL-USER package, not the USER package.
2178;;; Revision 1.22  2000/07/20 13:44:38  rtoy
2179;;; o Remove old fref macro
2180;;; o Add some comments
2181;;; o Add macro ARRAY-INITIALIZE to handle creating the appropriate for to
2182;;;   give to make-array :initial-contents.
2184;;; Revision 1.21  2000/07/19 13:54:27  rtoy
2185;;; o Add the types ARRAY-DOUBLE-FLOAT, ARRAY-SINGLE-FLOAT, and
2186;;;   ARRAY-INTEGER4.
2187;;; o All arrays are 1-D now to support slicing of Fortran arrays
2188;;;   correctly.
2189;;; o All arrays are in column-major order just like Fortran (and the
2190;;;   opposite of Lisp).  This is to support slicing of arrays.  Modified
2191;;;   FREF to support this by taking an extra arg for the dimensions of
2192;;;   the array.
2193;;; o Added macro ARRAY-SLICE to slice the array properly.
2194;;; o Optimized routine DMIN1 a bit.   (Need to do that for more routines.)
2196;;; Revision 1.20  2000/07/14 15:50:59  rtoy
2197;;; Get rid of *dummy_var*.  It's not used anymore.
2199;;; Revision 1.19  2000/07/13 16:55:34  rtoy
2200;;; To satisfy the Copyright statement, we have placed the RCS logs in
2201;;; each source file in f2cl.  (Hope this satisfies the copyright.)