1 /*
2  * program to generate MNT Elliptic curves
3  *
4  * Compile as (for example)
5  * cl /O2 /GX mnt.cpp big.cpp miracl.lib
6  *
7  * See Miyaji, Nakabayashi & Takano "New explicit conditions of elliptic curve
8  * traces for FR-reduction", IEICE Trans. Fundementals., Vol. E84A, No. 5,May
9  * 2001
10  *
11  * Invoke as mnt N where k= 3,4 or 6
12  *
13  * Security level is preportional to the difficulty of the associated
14  * discrete log problem in bits. e.g. if p is 160 bits and k=6, then
15  * discrete log problem is 160*6=960 bits.
16  *
17  * To find actual elliptic curve use CM utility
18  * For example from output:-
19  *
20  * *** Found one - 165 bits
21  * D= 998
22  * p= 28795013727143986241793993458326894706197949151527
23  * NP= 28795013727143986241793989663922216291941998151802
24  *   = 78*369166842655692131305051149537464311435153822459
25  *  (a 159-bit prime)
26  *
27  * Execute
28  * cm 28795013727143986241793993458326894706197949151527 -D998 -K78
29  *
30  * New! Now also finds "extended" MNT curves. By allowing a co-factor > 1
31  * many more curves will be found.
32  *
33  * However this can cause a problem for our Pell code. A "." indicates that
34  * only a partial search was possible.
35  *
36  * Mike Scott 4/07/2002
37  *
38  */
40 #include <cstring>
41 #include <iostream>
42 #include <fstream>
43 #include <iomanip>
44 #include "big.h"
46 using namespace std;
48 // Solve the Pell equation
pell(int max,Big D,Big F,Big & X,Big & Y,Big * SX,Big * SY,BOOL & complete)50 int pell(int max,Big D,Big F,Big& X,Big& Y,Big *SX,Big *SY,BOOL& complete)
51 {
52     int i,j,ns;
54     Big A,P,Q,SD,G,B,OG,OB,NG,NB,T;
56     complete=FALSE;
58     if (D<F*F) SMALLD=TRUE;
60     SD=sqrt(D);
62     if (SD*SD==D) return 0;
63     P=0; Q=1;
64     OG=-P;
65     OB=1;
66     G=Q;
67     B=0;
68     ns=0;
69     X=Y=0;
71     for (i=1;;i++)
72     {
73         A=(P+SD)/Q;
74         P=A*Q-P;
75         Q=(D-P*P)/Q;
76         NG=A*G+OG;       // G is getting bigger all the time....
77         NB=A*B+OB;
78         OG=G; OB=B;
79         G=NG; B=NB;
80         if (!SMALLD && bits(G)>max) return ns;
81                                     // abort - these are only solutions
82         T=G*G-D*B*B;
83         if (T == F/4)
84         {
85             SX[ns]=2*G; SY[ns]=2*B;
86             ns++;
87         }
89         if (T == F)
90         {
91             SX[ns]=G; SY[ns]=B;
92             ns++;
93         }
94         if (i>0 && Q==1) break;
95     }
97     if (i%2==1)
98     for (j=0;j<i;j++)
99     {
100         A=(P+SD)/Q;
101         P=A*Q-P;
102         Q=(D-P*P)/Q;
103         NG=A*G+OG;
104         NB=A*B+OB;
105         OG=G; OB=B;
106         G=NG; B=NB;
107         if (!SMALLD && bits(G)>max) return ns;
109         T=G*G-D*B*B;
110         if (T == F/4)
111         {
112             SX[ns]=2*G; SY[ns]=2*B;
113             ns++;
114         }
115         if (T == F)
116         {
117             SX[ns]=G; SY[ns]=B;
118             ns++;
119         }
120     }
122     complete=TRUE;   // we got to the end....
123     X=G; Y=B;        // minimal solution of x^2-dy^2=1
124                      // can be used to find more solutions....
126     if (SMALLD)
127     { // too small - do it the hard way
128         Big ylim1,ylim2,R;
129         ns=0;
130         if (F<0)
131         {
132             ylim1=sqrt(-F/D);
133             ylim2=sqrt(-F*(X+1)/(2*D));
134         }
135         else
136         {
137             ylim1=0;
138             ylim2=sqrt(F*(X-1)/(2*D));
139         }
141 // This might take too long...
142 // Should really implement LMM method here
144         if (ylim2-ylim1>300)
145         {
146             cout << "." << flush;
147             ylim2=ylim1+300;
148         }
149         for (B=ylim1;B<ylim2;B+=1)
150         {
151             R=F+D*B*B;
152             if (R<0) continue;
153             G=sqrt(R);
154             if (G*G==R)
155             {
156                 SX[ns]=G; SY[ns]=B;
157                 ns++;
158             }
159         }
160     }
162     return ns;
163 }
multiply(Big & td,Big & a,Big & b,Big & c,Big & d)165 void multiply(Big& td,Big& a,Big& b,Big& c,Big& d)
166 { // (c+td.d) = (a+td.b)(c+td.d)
167     Big t;
168     t=a*c+b*d*td;
169     d=c*b+a*d;
170     c=t;
171 }
squfree(int d)173 BOOL squfree(int d)
174 { // check if d is square-free
175     int i,s;
176     miracl *mip=get_mip();
178     for (i=0;;i++)
179     {
180         s=mip->PRIMES[i];
181         if ((d%(s*s))==0) return FALSE;
182         if ((s*s)>d) break;
183     }
185     return TRUE;
186 }
results(BOOL fout,ofstream & ofile,int d,Big p,Big nrp,Big ord,BOOL prime_ord)188 void results(BOOL fout,ofstream& ofile,int d,Big p,Big nrp,Big ord,BOOL prime_ord)
189 {
190     Big cf=nrp/ord;
192     cout << "*** Found one - " << bits(p) << " bits" << endl;
193     cout << " D= " << d << endl;
194     cout << " p= " << p << " p%24= " << p%24 << endl;
195     cout << "NP= " << nrp << endl;
196     if (cf>1) cout << "  = " << cf << "*" << ord << endl;
197     if (prime_ord)
198     {
199         if (cf==1)
200             cout << "    (a " << bits(ord) << "-bit prime) !\n" << endl;
201         else
202             cout << "    (a " << bits(ord) << "-bit prime)\n" << endl;
204     }
205     else cout << endl;
207     if (fout)
208     {
209         ofile << "*** Found one - " << bits(p) << " bits" << endl;
210         ofile << " D= " << d << endl;
211         ofile << " p= " << p << " p%24= " << p%24 << endl;
212         ofile << "NP= " << nrp << endl;
213         if (cf>1) ofile << "  = " << cf << "*" << ord << endl;
214         if (prime_ord)
215         {
216             if (cf==1)
217                 ofile << "    (a " << bits(ord) << "-bit prime) !" << endl;
218             else
219                 ofile << "    (a " << bits(ord) << "-bit prime)" << endl;
220             ofile << " cm " << p << " -D" << d << " -K" << cf << endl << endl;
221         }
222         else ofile << endl;
223     }
224 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)226 int main(int argc,char **argv)
227 {
228     ofstream ofile;
230     int ip,j,d,m,mm,solutions,mnt,start,N,precision,max;
231     BOOL fout,complete;
233 // Defaults
234     MIN_SECURITY=768;
235     MAX_SECURITY=1536;
236     MIN_D=1;
237     MAX_D=10000;
238     MIN_P=128;
239     fout=FALSE;
240     precision=100;
241     m=1;
243     argc--; argv++;
244     if (argc<1)
245     {
246         cout << "Wrong number of parameters" << endl;
247         cout << "Utility to find MNT elliptic curves" << endl;
248         cout << "The output from this program must be processed by the" << endl;
249         cout << "CM (Complex Multiplication) utility to find the actual" << endl;
250         cout << "curve parameters" << endl;
251         cout << "See comments at start of source file mnt.cpp for more details" << endl;
252         cout << "mnt k, where k=3,4 or 6 is the security multiplier" << endl;
253         cout << "Flags allowed, e.g. mnt 6 -c2 -d100 -D1000 -m1000 -M2000" << endl;
254         cout << "-c: cofactor (number of points on curve will be multiple of cofactor)" << endl;
255         cout << "-d: min value of D, -D: max value of D" << endl;
256         cout << "-m: min security level, -M: max security level (RSA equivalent bits)" << endl;
257         cout << "-p: min prime size/field size in bits" << endl;
258         cout << "Increase co-factor for more curves" << endl;
259         cout << "Defaults -c1 -d0 -D10000 -m768 -M1536 -p128" << endl;
260         cout << "To output to a file, use flag -o <filename>" << endl;
261         exit(0);
262     }
264     N=atoi(argv[0]);
265     if (N!=3 && N!=4 && N!=6)
266     {
267         cout << "Wrong parameter - should be 3,4 or 6" << endl;
268         exit(0);
269     }
271     ip=1;
272     while (ip<argc)
273     { // look for flags
274         if (strncmp(argv[ip],"-d",2)==0)
275         {
276             MIN_D=atoi(argv[ip]+2);
277             ip++;
278             continue;
279         }
280         if (strncmp(argv[ip],"-D",2)==0)
281         {
282             MAX_D=atoi(argv[ip]+2);
283             ip++;
284             continue;
286         }
287         if (strncmp(argv[ip],"-m",2)==0)
288         {
289             MIN_SECURITY=atoi(argv[ip]+2);
290             ip++;
291             continue;
292         }
293         if (strncmp(argv[ip],"-M",2)==0)
294         {
295             MAX_SECURITY=atoi(argv[ip]+2);
296             ip++;
297             continue;
298         }
299         if (strncmp(argv[ip],"-p",2)==0)
300         {
301             MIN_P=atoi(argv[ip]+2);
302             ip++;
303             continue;
304         }
305         if (strncmp(argv[ip],"-c",2)==0)
306         {
307             m=atoi(argv[ip]+2);
308             ip++;
309             continue;
310         }
311         if (strcmp(argv[ip],"-o")==0)
312         {
313             ip++;
314             if (ip<argc)
315             {
316                 fout=TRUE;
317                 ofile.open(argv[ip++]);
318                 continue;
319             }
320             else
321             {
322                 cout << "Error in command line" << endl;
323                 return 0;
324             }
326         }
327         cout << "Error in command line" << endl;
328         return 0;
329     }
331     if (m<1 || m>8)
332     {
333         cout << "Co-factor must be > 0 and <= 8" << endl;
334         exit(0);
335     }
337     miracl *mip=mirsys(precision,0);
338     Big F,T,M,D,W,K,C,mmax,td,X,Y,x,y,w,xn,yn,t0,u0,p,k,nrp,ord,R;
339     Big SX[20],SY[20];
341     start=1;
342     if (1<MIN_D) start=MIN_D;
343     mmax=m;
344     mnt=0;
345     for (M=1;M<=mmax;M+=1)
346     {
347         for (R=1;;R+=1)
348         {
349             if (N==4)
350             { // R=1,2,5,... 1 or 2 mod 4
351                 if (R%4!=1 && R%4!=2) continue;
352                 if (R%3==0) continue;
353                 if (R>=4*M) break;     // Hasse limit
354                 if (gcd(R,M)!=1) continue;
355                 T=R*R-4*M*M;
356             }
357             else
358             { // R=1,3,7,9,13,...  1 or 3 mod 6
359                 if (R%6!=1 && R%6!=3) continue;
360                 if (R%5==0 || R%2==0) continue;
361                 if (R>=4*M) break;     // Hasse limit
362                 if (gcd(R,M)!=1) continue;
363                 if (N==3) T=(R+M)*(R+M)-4*M*M;
364                 else      T=(R-M)*(R-M)-4*M*M;
365             }
367 // Check that quadratic polynomial for p does not factor
368 // i.e.  b^2-4ac is not a square
369 // The prime p will be of the form M*Phi_N(x)/R + x
371             if (T>=0)
372             {
373                 W=sqrt(T);
374                 if (W*W==T) continue;  // p cannot be prime - has factors
375             }
377 // There are probably more conditions like these .....
379             if (N==6)
380             {
381                 if (M==4 && R==3) continue; // p cannot be prime - multiple of 3
382                 if (R>3 && (R/3)%3==0) continue;
383             }
385             cout << "\nM= " << M << " R= " << R << endl << endl;
386             if (fout) ofile << "\nM= " << M << " R= " << R << endl << endl;
388             K=(4*M-R);
390             if (N==3) C=2*M+R;
391             if (N==4) C=R;
392             if (N==6) C=-(2*M-R);
394             F=C*C-K*K;
396 // CM equation is R.D.V^2 = 4*M*Phi_N(x)-R*(x-1)^2
397 // Substitute x=(X-C)/K (to get rid of x term)
398 // Pell equation is then X^2-R*K*D.V^2 = F
400 // Our Pell code runs into problems if F is too big
402 // This hack makes F a bit smaller - better for Pell
403 // If M is even x must be odd...
405             mm=1;
406             if (M%2==0 && F%4==0)
407             {
408                 mm=2; F/=4;
409             }
411             max=10+MAX_SECURITY/(2*N);
412             gprime(100000);            // > 2^16
415             for (d=start;d<=MAX_D;d++)
416             {
417 // D must be square-free
418                 if (!squfree(d)) continue;
419                 td=R*K*d;
420                 solutions=pell(max,td,F,t0,u0,SX,SY,complete);
422                 if (!solutions) continue;
423                 for (j=0;j<solutions;j++)
424                 {
425                     X=SX[j];
426                     Y=SY[j];
428                     forever
429                     {
430                         if (bits(mm*X) > max) break;   // primes are too big
432                         if ((mm*X-C)%K == 0)
433                         {
434                             x=(mm*X-C)/K;
435                             if (N==3) p=x*x+x+1;
436                             if (N==4) p=x*x+1;
437                             if (N==6) p=x*x-x+1;
438                             if (R==1 || p%R==0)
439                             {
440                                 p=(M*p)/R+x;
441                                 if (N*bits(p) > MAX_SECURITY) break;
442                                 if (bits(p)>=MIN_P && N*bits(p)>= MIN_SECURITY && prime(p))
443                                 {
444                                     nrp=p+1-(x+1);
445                                     ord=trial_divide(nrp);
446                                     if (prime(ord))
447                                     {
448                                         if (bits(ord)>=MIN_P)
449                                         {
450                                             mnt++;
451                                             results(fout,ofile,d,p,nrp,ord,TRUE);
452                                         }
453                                     }
454                                 //    else
455                                 //    { // ord has at least a 16-bit factor...
456                                 //        if (bits(ord)>=MIN_P+16)
457                                 //        {
458                                 //            mnt++;
459                                 //            results(fout,ofile,d,p,nrp,ord,FALSE);
460                                 //        }
461                                 //    }
462                                 }
463                             }
464                         }
465                         if ((-mm*X-C)%K == 0)
466                         {
467                             x=(-mm*X-C)/K;
468                             if (N==3) p=x*x+x+1;
469                             if (N==4) p=x*x+1;
470                             if (N==6) p=x*x-x+1;
471                             if (R==1 || p%R==0)
472                             {
473                                 p=(M*p)/R+x;
474                                 if (N*bits(p) > MAX_SECURITY) break;
475                                 if (bits(p)>=MIN_P && N*bits(p)>= MIN_SECURITY && prime(p))
476                                 {
477                                     nrp=p+1-(x+1);
478                                     ord=trial_divide(nrp);
479                                     if (prime(ord))
480                                     {
481                                         if (bits(ord)>=MIN_P)
482                                         {
483                                             results(fout,ofile,d,p,nrp,ord,TRUE);
484                                             mnt++;
485                                         }
486                                     }
487                                  //   else
488                                  //   {
489                                  //       if (bits(ord)>=MIN_P+16)
490                                  //       {
491                                  //           results(fout,ofile,d,p,nrp,ord,FALSE);
492                                  //           mnt++;
493                                  //       }
494                                  //   }
495                                 }
496                             }
497                         }
498                         if (!complete) break;  // no more solutions
499                         multiply(td,t0,u0,X,Y);
500                     }
501                 }
502             }
503         }
504     }
505     if (fout) ofile << mnt << " MNT elliptic curves found in this range" << endl;
506     cout << mnt << " MNT elliptic curves found in this range" << endl;
507     return 0;
508 }