1 /**
2  * @author Parikshit Ram
3  * @file methods/gmm/gmm_train_main.cpp
4  *
5  * This program trains a mixture of Gaussians on a given data matrix.
6  *
7  * mlpack is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the 3-clause BSD license.  You should have received a copy of the
9  * 3-clause BSD license along with mlpack.  If not, see
10  * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for more information.
11  */
12 #include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>
13 #include <mlpack/core/util/io.hpp>
14 #include <mlpack/core/util/mlpack_main.hpp>
16 #include "gmm.hpp"
17 #include "diagonal_gmm.hpp"
18 #include "no_constraint.hpp"
19 #include "diagonal_constraint.hpp"
21 #include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/refined_start.hpp>
23 using namespace mlpack;
24 using namespace mlpack::gmm;
25 using namespace mlpack::util;
26 using namespace mlpack::kmeans;
27 using namespace std;
29 // Program Name.
30 BINDING_NAME("Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) Training");
32 // Short description.
34     "An implementation of the EM algorithm for training Gaussian mixture "
35     "models (GMMs).  Given a dataset, this can train a GMM for future use "
36     "with other tools.");
38 // Long description.
40     "This program takes a parametric estimate of a Gaussian mixture model (GMM)"
41     " using the EM algorithm to find the maximum likelihood estimate.  The "
42     "model may be saved and reused by other mlpack GMM tools."
43     "\n\n"
44     "The input data to train on must be specified with the " +
45     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("input") + " parameter, and the number of Gaussians in "
46     "the model must be specified with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("gaussians") +
47     " parameter.  Optionally, many trials with different random "
48     "initializations may be run, and the result with highest log-likelihood on "
49     "the training data will be taken.  The number of trials to run is specified"
50     " with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("trials") + " parameter.  By default, "
51     "only one trial is run."
52     "\n\n"
53     "The tolerance for convergence and maximum number of iterations of the EM "
54     "algorithm are specified with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("tolerance") +
55     " and " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("max_iterations") + " parameters, "
56     "respectively.  The GMM may be initialized for training with another model,"
57     " specified with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("input_model") + " parameter."
58     " Otherwise, the model is initialized by running k-means on the data.  The "
59     "k-means clustering initialization can be controlled with the " +
60     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("kmeans_max_iterations") + ", " +
61     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("refined_start") + ", " +
62     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("samplings") + ", and " +
63     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("percentage") + " parameters.  If " +
64     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("refined_start") + " is specified, then the "
65     "Bradley-Fayyad refined start initialization will be used.  This can often "
66     "lead to better clustering results."
67     "\n\n"
68     "The 'diagonal_covariance' flag will cause the learned covariances to be "
69     "diagonal matrices.  This significantly simplifies the model itself and "
70     "causes training to be faster, but restricts the ability to fit more "
71     "complex GMMs."
72     "\n\n"
73     "If GMM training fails with an error indicating that a covariance matrix "
74     "could not be inverted, make sure that the " +
75     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("no_force_positive") + " parameter is not "
76     "specified.  Alternately, adding a small amount of Gaussian noise (using "
77     "the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("noise") + " parameter) to the entire dataset"
78     " may help prevent Gaussians with zero variance in a particular dimension, "
79     "which is usually the cause of non-invertible covariance matrices."
80     "\n\n"
81     "The " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("no_force_positive") + " parameter, if set, "
82     "will avoid the checks after each iteration of the EM algorithm which "
83     "ensure that the covariance matrices are positive definite.  Specifying "
84     "the flag can cause faster runtime, but may also cause non-positive "
85     "definite covariance matrices, which will cause the program to crash.");
87 // Example.
89     "As an example, to train a 6-Gaussian GMM on the data in " +
90     PRINT_DATASET("data") + " with a maximum of 100 iterations of EM and 3 "
91     "trials, saving the trained GMM to " + PRINT_MODEL("gmm") + ", the "
92     "following command can be used:"
93     "\n\n" +
94     PRINT_CALL("gmm_train", "input", "data", "gaussians", 6, "trials", 3,
95         "output_model", "gmm") +
96     "\n\n"
97     "To re-train that GMM on another set of data " + PRINT_DATASET("data2") +
98     ", the following command may be used: "
99     "\n\n" +
100     PRINT_CALL("gmm_train", "input_model", "gmm", "input", "data2",
101         "gaussians", 6, "output_model", "new_gmm"));
103 // See also...
104 BINDING_SEE_ALSO("@gmm_generate", "#gmm_generate");
105 BINDING_SEE_ALSO("@gmm_probability", "#gmm_probability");
106 BINDING_SEE_ALSO("Gaussian Mixture Models on Wikipedia",
107         "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixture_model#Gaussian_mixture_model");
108 BINDING_SEE_ALSO("mlpack::gmm::GMM class documentation",
109         "@doxygen/classmlpack_1_1gmm_1_1GMM.html");
111 // Parameters for training.
112 PARAM_MATRIX_IN_REQ("input", "The training data on which the model will be "
113     "fit.", "i");
114 PARAM_INT_IN_REQ("gaussians", "Number of Gaussians in the GMM.", "g");
116 PARAM_INT_IN("seed", "Random seed.  If 0, 'std::time(NULL)' is used.", "s", 0);
117 PARAM_INT_IN("trials", "Number of trials to perform in training GMM.", "t", 1);
119 // Parameters for EM algorithm.
120 PARAM_DOUBLE_IN("tolerance", "Tolerance for convergence of EM.", "T", 1e-10);
121 PARAM_FLAG("no_force_positive", "Do not force the covariance matrices to be "
122     "positive definite.", "P");
123 PARAM_INT_IN("max_iterations", "Maximum number of iterations of EM algorithm "
124     "(passing 0 will run until convergence).", "n", 250);
125 PARAM_FLAG("diagonal_covariance", "Force the covariance of the Gaussians to "
126     "be diagonal.  This can accelerate training time significantly.", "d");
128 // Parameters for dataset modification.
129 PARAM_DOUBLE_IN("noise", "Variance of zero-mean Gaussian noise to add to data.",
130     "N", 0);
132 // Parameters for k-means initialization.
133 PARAM_INT_IN("kmeans_max_iterations", "Maximum number of iterations for the "
134     "k-means algorithm (used to initialize EM).", "k", 1000);
135 PARAM_FLAG("refined_start", "During the initialization, use refined initial "
136     "positions for k-means clustering (Bradley and Fayyad, 1998).", "r");
137 PARAM_INT_IN("samplings", "If using --refined_start, specify the number of "
138     "samplings used for initial points.", "S", 100);
139 PARAM_DOUBLE_IN("percentage", "If using --refined_start, specify the percentage"
140     " of the dataset used for each sampling (should be between 0.0 and 1.0).",
141     "p", 0.02);
143 // Parameters for model saving/loading.
144 PARAM_MODEL_IN(GMM, "input_model", "Initial input GMM model to start training "
145     "with.", "m");
146 PARAM_MODEL_OUT(GMM, "output_model", "Output for trained GMM model.", "M");
mlpackMain()148 static void mlpackMain()
149 {
150   // Check parameters and load data.
151   if (IO::GetParam<int>("seed") != 0)
152     math::RandomSeed((size_t) IO::GetParam<int>("seed"));
153   else
154     math::RandomSeed((size_t) std::time(NULL));
156   RequireParamValue<int>("gaussians", [](int x) { return x > 0; }, true,
157       "number of Gaussians must be positive");
158   const int gaussians = IO::GetParam<int>("gaussians");
160   RequireParamValue<int>("trials", [](int x) { return x > 0; }, true,
161       "trials must be greater than 0");
163   ReportIgnoredParam({{ "diagonal_covariance", true }}, "no_force_positive");
164   RequireAtLeastOnePassed({ "output_model" }, false, "no model will be saved");
166   RequireParamValue<double>("noise", [](double x) { return x >= 0.0; }, true,
167       "variance of noise must be greater than or equal to 0");
169   RequireParamValue<int>("max_iterations", [](int x) { return x >= 0; }, true,
170       "max_iterations must be greater than or equal to 0");
171   RequireParamValue<int>("kmeans_max_iterations", [](int x) { return x >= 0; },
172       true, "kmeans_max_iterations must be greater than or equal to 0");
174   arma::mat dataPoints = std::move(IO::GetParam<arma::mat>("input"));
176   // Do we need to add noise to the dataset?
177   if (IO::HasParam("noise"))
178   {
179     Timer::Start("noise_addition");
180     const double noise = IO::GetParam<double>("noise");
181     dataPoints += noise * arma::randn(dataPoints.n_rows, dataPoints.n_cols);
182     Log::Info << "Added zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance " << noise
183         << " to dataset." << std::endl;
184     Timer::Stop("noise_addition");
185   }
187   // Initialize GMM.
188   GMM* gmm = NULL;
190   if (IO::HasParam("input_model"))
191   {
192     gmm = IO::GetParam<GMM*>("input_model");
194     if (gmm->Dimensionality() != dataPoints.n_rows)
195       Log::Fatal << "Given input data (with " << PRINT_PARAM_STRING("input")
196           << ") has dimensionality " << dataPoints.n_rows << ", but the initial"
197           << " model (given with " << PRINT_PARAM_STRING("input_model")
198           << " has dimensionality " << gmm->Dimensionality() << "!" << endl;
199   }
201   // Gather parameters for EMFit object.
202   const size_t maxIterations = (size_t) IO::GetParam<int>("max_iterations");
203   const double tolerance = IO::GetParam<double>("tolerance");
204   const bool forcePositive = !IO::HasParam("no_force_positive");
205   const bool diagonalCovariance = IO::HasParam("diagonal_covariance");
206   const size_t kmeansMaxIterations =
207       (size_t) IO::GetParam<int>("kmeans_max_iterations");
209   // This gets a bit weird because we need different types depending on whether
210   // --refined_start is specified.
211   double likelihood;
212   if (IO::HasParam("refined_start"))
213   {
214     RequireParamValue<int>("samplings", [](int x) { return x > 0; }, true,
215         "number of samplings must be positive");
216     RequireParamValue<double>("percentage", [](double x) {
217         return x > 0.0 && x <= 1.0; }, true, "percentage to sample must be "
218         "be greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0");
220     // Initialize the GMM if needed.  (We didn't do this earlier, because
221     // RequireParamValue() would leak the memory if the check failed.)
222     if (!IO::HasParam("input_model"))
223       gmm = new GMM(size_t(gaussians), dataPoints.n_rows);
225     const int samplings = IO::GetParam<int>("samplings");
226     const double percentage = IO::GetParam<double>("percentage");
228     typedef KMeans<metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance, RefinedStart> KMeansType;
230     KMeansType k(kmeansMaxIterations, metric::SquaredEuclideanDistance(),
231         RefinedStart(samplings, percentage));
233     // Depending on the value of forcePositive and diagonalCovariance, we have
234     // to use different types.
235     if (diagonalCovariance)
236     {
237       // Convert GMMs into DiagonalGMMs.
238       DiagonalGMM dgmm(gmm->Gaussians(), gmm->Dimensionality());
239       for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(gaussians); ++i)
240       {
241         dgmm.Component(i).Mean() = gmm->Component(i).Mean();
242         dgmm.Component(i).Covariance(
243             std::move(arma::diagvec(gmm->Component(i).Covariance())));
244       }
245       dgmm.Weights() = gmm->Weights();
247       // Compute the parameters of the model using the EM algorithm.
248       Timer::Start("em");
249       EMFit<KMeansType, PositiveDefiniteConstraint,
250           distribution::DiagonalGaussianDistribution> em(maxIterations,
251           tolerance, k);
253       likelihood = dgmm.Train(dataPoints, IO::GetParam<int>("trials"), false,
254           em);
255       Timer::Stop("em");
257       // Convert DiagonalGMMs into GMMs.
258       for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(gaussians); ++i)
259       {
260         gmm->Component(i).Mean() = dgmm.Component(i).Mean();
261         gmm->Component(i).Covariance(
262             arma::diagmat(dgmm.Component(i).Covariance()));
263       }
264       gmm->Weights() = dgmm.Weights();
265     }
266     else if (forcePositive)
267     {
268       // Compute the parameters of the model using the EM algorithm.
269       Timer::Start("em");
270       EMFit<KMeansType> em(maxIterations, tolerance, k);
271       likelihood = gmm->Train(dataPoints, IO::GetParam<int>("trials"), false,
272           em);
273       Timer::Stop("em");
274     }
275     else
276     {
277       // Compute the parameters of the model using the EM algorithm.
278       Timer::Start("em");
279       EMFit<KMeansType, NoConstraint> em(maxIterations, tolerance, k);
280       likelihood = gmm->Train(dataPoints, IO::GetParam<int>("trials"), false,
281           em);
282       Timer::Stop("em");
283     }
284   }
285   else
286   {
287     // Initialize the GMM if needed.
288     if (!IO::HasParam("input_model"))
289       gmm = new GMM(size_t(gaussians), dataPoints.n_rows);
291     // Depending on the value of forcePositive and diagonalCovariance, we have
292     // to use different types.
293     if (diagonalCovariance)
294     {
295       // Convert GMMs into DiagonalGMMs.
296       DiagonalGMM dgmm(gmm->Gaussians(), gmm->Dimensionality());
297       for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(gaussians); ++i)
298       {
299         dgmm.Component(i).Mean() = gmm->Component(i).Mean();
300         dgmm.Component(i).Covariance(
301             std::move(arma::diagvec(gmm->Component(i).Covariance())));
302       }
303       dgmm.Weights() = gmm->Weights();
305       // Compute the parameters of the model using the EM algorithm.
306       Timer::Start("em");
307       EMFit<KMeans<>, PositiveDefiniteConstraint,
308           distribution::DiagonalGaussianDistribution> em(maxIterations,
309           tolerance, KMeans<>(kmeansMaxIterations));
311       likelihood = dgmm.Train(dataPoints, IO::GetParam<int>("trials"), false,
312           em);
313       Timer::Stop("em");
315       // Convert DiagonalGMMs into GMMs.
316       for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(gaussians); ++i)
317       {
318         gmm->Component(i).Mean() = dgmm.Component(i).Mean();
319         gmm->Component(i).Covariance(
320             arma::diagmat(dgmm.Component(i).Covariance()));
321       }
322       gmm->Weights() = dgmm.Weights();
323     }
324     else if (forcePositive)
325     {
326       // Compute the parameters of the model using the EM algorithm.
327       Timer::Start("em");
328       EMFit<> em(maxIterations, tolerance, KMeans<>(kmeansMaxIterations));
329       likelihood = gmm->Train(dataPoints, IO::GetParam<int>("trials"), false,
330           em);
331       Timer::Stop("em");
332     }
333     else
334     {
335       // Compute the parameters of the model using the EM algorithm.
336       Timer::Start("em");
337       KMeans<> k(kmeansMaxIterations);
338       EMFit<KMeans<>, NoConstraint> em(maxIterations, tolerance, k);
339       likelihood = gmm->Train(dataPoints, IO::GetParam<int>("trials"), false,
340           em);
341       Timer::Stop("em");
342     }
343   }
345   Log::Info << "Log-likelihood of estimate: " << likelihood << "." << endl;
347   IO::GetParam<GMM*>("output_model") = gmm;
348 }