1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Developer: Francisco Martínez del Río (2011)                          *
3  *   fmartin@ujaen.es                                                      *
4  *   Version: 1.4.1                                                        *
5  *                                                                         *
6  *   This is a public domain program                                       *
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 #include "polygon.h"
10 #include "utilities.h"
11 #include <limits>
12 #include <set>
13 #include <cstdlib>
14 #include <algorithm>
boundingbox(Point & min,Point & max)16 void Contour::boundingbox (Point& min, Point& max)
17 {
18 	min.x = min.y = numeric_limits<double>::max ();
19 	max.x = max.y = -numeric_limits<double>::max ();
20 	Contour::iterator i = begin();
21 	while (i != end()) {
22 		if (i->x < min.x)
23 			min.x = i->x;
24 		if (i->x > max.x)
25 			max.x = i->x;
26 		if (i->y < min.y)
27 			min.y = i->y;
28 		if (i->y > max.y)
29 			max.y = i->y;
30 		++i;
31 	}
32 }
counterclockwise()34 bool Contour::counterclockwise ()
35 {
36 	if (_precomputedCC)
37 		return _CC;
38 	_precomputedCC = true;
39 	double area = 0.0;
40 	for (unsigned int c = 0; c < nvertices () - 1; c++)
41 		area += vertex (c).x * vertex (c+1).y - vertex (c+1).x *  vertex (c).y;
42 	area += vertex (nvertices ()-1).x * vertex (0).y - vertex (0).x *  vertex (nvertices ()-1).y;
43 	return _CC = area >= 0.0;
44 }
move(double x,double y)46 void Contour::move (double x, double y)
47 {
48 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size (); i++) {
49 		points[i].x += x;
50 		points[i].y += y;
51 	}
52 }
nvertices() const55 unsigned Polygon::nvertices () const
56 {
57 	unsigned int nv = 0;
58 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ncontours (); i++)
59 		nv += contours[i].nvertices ();
60 	return nv;
61 }
boundingbox(Point & min,Point & max)63 void Polygon::boundingbox (Point& min, Point& max)
64 {
65 	min.x = min.y = numeric_limits<double>::max ();
66 	max.x = max.y = -numeric_limits<double>::max ();
67 	Point mintmp;
68 	Point maxtmp;
69 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ncontours (); i++) {
70 		contours[i].boundingbox (mintmp, maxtmp);
71 		if (mintmp.x < min.x)
72 			min.x = mintmp.x;
73 		if (maxtmp.x > max.x)
74 			max.x = maxtmp.x;
75 		if (mintmp.y < min.y)
76 			min.y = mintmp.y;
77 		if (maxtmp.y > max.y)
78 			max.y = maxtmp.y;
79 	}
80 }
move(double x,double y)82 void Polygon::move (double x, double y)
83 {
84 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size (); i++)
85 		contours[i].move (x, y);
86 }
89 /*
90  * The following code is necessary for implementing the computeHoles member function
91  *
92  */
94 namespace { // start of anonymous namespace
95 	struct SweepEvent;
96 	struct SegmentComp : public binary_function<SweepEvent*, SweepEvent*, bool> {
97 		bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2);
98 	};
100 	struct SweepEvent {
101 		Point p;   // point associated with the event
102 		bool left; // is the point the left endpoint of the segment (p, other->p)?
103 		int pl;    // Polygon to which the associated segment belongs to
104 		SweepEvent* other; // Event associated to the other endpoint of the segment
105 		/**  Does the segment (p, other->p) represent an inside-outside transition in the polygon for a vertical ray from (p.x, -infinite) that crosses the segment? */
106 		bool inOut;
107 		set<SweepEvent*, SegmentComp>::iterator poss; // Only used in "left" events. Position of the event (segment) in S
109 		/** Class constructor */
SweepEvent__anon50fb85950111::SweepEvent110 		SweepEvent (const Point& pp, bool b, int apl) : p (pp), left (b), pl (apl) {}
111 		/** Return the segment associated to the SweepEvent */
segment__anon50fb85950111::SweepEvent112 		Segment segment () { return Segment (p, other->p); }
113 		/** Is the segment (p, other->p) below point x */
below__anon50fb85950111::SweepEvent114 		bool below (const Point& x) const { return (left) ? signedArea (p, other->p, x) > 0 : signedArea (other->p, p, x) > 0; }
115 		/** Is the segment (p, other->p) above point x */
above__anon50fb85950111::SweepEvent116 		bool above (const Point& x) const { return !below (x); }
117 	};
119 	struct SweepEventComp : public binary_function<SweepEvent*, SweepEvent*, bool> {
operator ()__anon50fb85950111::SweepEventComp120 		bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
121 			if (e1->p.x < e2->p.x) // Different x coordinate
122 				return true;
123 			if (e2->p.x < e1->p.x) // Different x coordinate
124 				return false;
125 			if (e1->p != e2->p) // Different points, but same x coordinate. The event with lower y coordinate is processed first
126 				return e1->p.y < e2->p.y;
127 			if (e1->left != e2->left) // Same point, but one is a left endpoint and the other a right endpoint. The right endpoint is processed first
128 				return !e1->left;
129 			// Same point, both events are left endpoints or both are right endpoints. The event associate to the bottom segment is processed first
130 			return e1->below (e2->other->p);
131 		}
132 };
134 } // end of anonymous namespace
operator ()(SweepEvent * e1,SweepEvent * e2)136 bool SegmentComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
137 	if (e1 == e2)
138 		return false;
139 	if (signedArea (e1->p, e1->other->p, e2->p) != 0 || signedArea (e1->p, e1->other->p, e2->other->p) != 0) {
140 		// Segments are not collinear
141 		// If they share their left endpoint use the right endpoint to sort
142 		if (e1->p == e2->p)
143 			return e1->below (e2->other->p);
144 		// Different points
145 		SweepEventComp comp;
146 		if (comp (e1, e2))  // has the segment associated to e1 been sorted in evp before the segment associated to e2?
147 			return e1->below (e2->p);
148 		// The segment associated to e2 has been sorted in evp before the segment associated to e1
149 		return e2->above (e1->p);
150 	}
151 	// Segments are collinear. Just a consistent criterion is used
152 	if (e1->p == e2->p)
153 		return e1 < e2;
154 	SweepEventComp comp;
155 	return comp (e1, e2);
156 }
158 //#define _DEBUG_
computeHoles()159 void Polygon::computeHoles ()
160 {
161 	if (ncontours () < 2) {
162 		if (ncontours () == 1 && contour (0).clockwise ())
163 			contour (0).changeOrientation ();
164 		return;
165 	}
166 	vector<SweepEvent> ev;
167 	vector<SweepEvent*> evp;
168 	ev.reserve (nvertices ()*2);
169 	evp.reserve (nvertices ()*2);
170 	for (unsigned i = 0; i < ncontours (); i++) {
171 //		cout << contour (i);
172 		contour (i).setCounterClockwise ();
173 //		cout << contour (i);
174 		for (unsigned j = 0; j < contour (i).nedges (); j++) {
175 			Segment s = contour(i).segment (j);
176 			if (s.begin ().x == s.end ().x) // vertical segments are not processed
177 				continue;
178 			ev.push_back (SweepEvent (s.begin (), true, i));
179 			ev.push_back (SweepEvent (s.end (), true, i));
180 			SweepEvent* se1 = &ev[ev.size ()-2];
181 			SweepEvent* se2 = &ev[ev.size ()-1];
182 			se1->other = se2;
183 			se2->other = se1;
184 			if (se1->p.x < se2->p.x) {
185 				se2->left = false;
186 				se1->inOut = false;
187 			} else {
188 				se1->left = false;
189 				se2->inOut = true;
190 			}
191 			evp.push_back (se1);
192 			evp.push_back (se2);
193 		}
194 	}
195 	sort (evp.begin (), evp.end (), SweepEventComp ());
197 	set<SweepEvent*, SegmentComp> S; // Status line
198 	vector<bool> processed (ncontours (), false);
199 	vector<int> holeOf (ncontours (), -1);
200 	int nprocessed = 0;
201 	for (unsigned i = 0; i < evp.size () && nprocessed < ncontours (); i++)  {
202 		SweepEvent* e = evp[i];
203 		#ifdef _DEBUG_
204 		cout << "Process event: " << *e << endl;
205 		#endif
207 		if (e->left) { // the segment must be inserted into S
208 			e->poss = S.insert(e).first;
209 			if (!processed[e->pl]) {
210 				processed[e->pl] = true;
211 				nprocessed++;
212 				set<SweepEvent*, SegmentComp>::iterator prev = e->poss;
213 				if (prev == S.begin()) {
214 					contour (e->pl).setCounterClockwise ();
215 				} else {
216 					prev--;
217 					if (!(*prev)->inOut) {
218 						holeOf[e->pl] = (*prev)->pl;
219 						contour (e->pl).setExternal (false);
220 						contour ((*prev)->pl).addHole (e->pl);
221 						if (contour((*prev)->pl).counterclockwise ())
222 							contour (e->pl).setClockwise ();
223 						else
224 							contour (e->pl).setCounterClockwise ();
225 					} else if (holeOf[(*prev)->pl] != -1) {
226 						holeOf[e->pl] = holeOf[(*prev)->pl];
227 						contour (e->pl).setExternal (false);
228 						contour (holeOf[e->pl]).addHole (e->pl);
229 						if (contour(holeOf[e->pl]).counterclockwise ())
230 							contour (e->pl).setClockwise ();
231 						else
232 							contour (e->pl).setCounterClockwise ();
233 					} else {
234 						contour (e->pl).setCounterClockwise ();
235 					}
236 				}
237 			}
238 		} else { // the segment must be removed from S
239 			S.erase (e->other->poss);
240 		}
241 		#ifdef _DEBUG_
242 		cout << "Tras ajuste: " << endl;
243 		for (set<SweepEvent*, SegmentComp>::const_iterator it2 = S.begin(); it2 != S.end(); it2++)
244 			cout << **it2 << endl;
245 		cout << endl;
246 		string st;
247 		getline (cin, st);
248 		#endif
249 	}
250 }