3## Copyright (C) 2006-2021 The Octave Project Developers
5## See the file COPYRIGHT.md in the top-level directory of this
6## distribution or <https://octave.org/copyright/>.
8## This file is part of Octave.
10## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13## (at your option) any later version.
15## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18## GNU General Public License for more details.
20## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
22## <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
26## -*- texinfo -*-
27## @deftypefn  {} {[@var{t}, @var{y}] =} ode23 (@var{fun}, @var{trange}, @var{init})
28## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{t}, @var{y}] =} ode23 (@var{fun}, @var{trange}, @var{init}, @var{ode_opt})
29## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{t}, @var{y}, @var{te}, @var{ye}, @var{ie}] =} ode23 (@dots{})
30## @deftypefnx {} {@var{solution} =} ode23 (@dots{})
31## @deftypefnx {} {} ode23 (@dots{})
33## Solve a set of non-stiff Ordinary Differential Equations (non-stiff ODEs)
34## with the well known explicit @nospell{Bogacki-Shampine} method of order 3.
36## @var{fun} is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the
37## name of the function that defines the ODE: @code{y' = f(t,y)}.  The function
38## must accept two inputs where the first is time @var{t} and the second is a
39## column vector of unknowns @var{y}.
41## @var{trange} specifies the time interval over which the ODE will be
42## evaluated.  Typically, it is a two-element vector specifying the initial and
43## final times (@code{[tinit, tfinal]}).  If there are more than two elements
44## then the solution will also be evaluated at these intermediate time
45## instances.
47## By default, @code{ode23} uses an adaptive timestep with the
48## @code{integrate_adaptive} algorithm.  The tolerance for the timestep
49## computation may be changed by using the options @qcode{"RelTol"} and
50## @qcode{"AbsTol"}.
52## @var{init} contains the initial value for the unknowns.  If it is a row
53## vector then the solution @var{y} will be a matrix in which each column is
54## the solution for the corresponding initial value in @var{init}.
56## The optional fourth argument @var{ode_opt} specifies non-default options to
57## the ODE solver.  It is a structure generated by @code{odeset}.
59## The function typically returns two outputs.  Variable @var{t} is a
60## column vector and contains the times where the solution was found.  The
61## output @var{y} is a matrix in which each column refers to a different
62## unknown of the problem and each row corresponds to a time in @var{t}.
64## The output can also be returned as a structure @var{solution} which has a
65## field @var{x} containing a row vector of times where the solution was
66## evaluated and a field @var{y} containing the solution matrix such that each
67## column corresponds to a time in @var{x}.  Use
68## @w{@code{fieldnames (@var{solution})}} to see the other fields and
69## additional information returned.
71## If no output arguments are requested, and no @qcode{"OutputFcn"} is
72## specified in @var{ode_opt}, then the @qcode{"OutputFcn"} is set to
73## @code{odeplot} and the results of the solver are plotted immediately.
75## If using the @qcode{"Events"} option then three additional outputs may be
76## returned.  @var{te} holds the time when an Event function returned a zero.
77## @var{ye} holds the value of the solution at time @var{te}.  @var{ie}
78## contains an index indicating which Event function was triggered in the case
79## of multiple Event functions.
81## Example: Solve the @nospell{Van der Pol} equation
83## @example
84## @group
85## fvdp = @@(@var{t},@var{y}) [@var{y}(2); (1 - @var{y}(1)^2) * @var{y}(2) - @var{y}(1)];
86## [@var{t},@var{y}] = ode23 (fvdp, [0, 20], [2, 0]);
87## @end group
88## @end example
90## Reference: For the definition of this method see
91## @url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Runge%E2%80%93Kutta_methods}.
92## @seealso{odeset, odeget, ode45, ode15s}
93## @end deftypefn
95function varargout = ode23 (fun, trange, init, varargin)
97  if (nargin < 3)
98    print_usage ();
99  endif
101  solver = "ode23";
102  order  = 3;
104  if (nargin >= 4)
105    if (! isstruct (varargin{1}))
106      ## varargin{1:len} are parameters for fun
107      odeopts = odeset ();
108      funarguments = varargin;
109    elseif (numel (varargin) > 1)
110      ## varargin{1} is an ODE options structure opt
111      odeopts = varargin{1};
112      funarguments = {varargin{2:numel (varargin)}};
113    else
114      ## varargin{1} is an ODE options structure opt
115      odeopts = varargin{1};
116      funarguments = {};
117    endif
118  else  # nargin == 3
119    odeopts = odeset ();
120    funarguments = {};
121  endif
123  if (! isnumeric (trange) || ! isvector (trange))
124    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
125           "ode23: TRANGE must be a numeric vector");
126  endif
128  if (numel (trange) < 2)
129    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
130           "ode23: TRANGE must contain at least 2 elements");
131  elseif (trange(2) == trange(1))
132    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
133           "ode23: invalid time span, TRANGE(1) == TRANGE(2)");
134  else
135    direction = sign (trange(2) - trange(1));
136  endif
137  trange = trange(:);
139  if (! isnumeric (init) || ! isvector (init))
140    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
141           "ode23: INIT must be a numeric vector");
142  endif
143  init = init(:);
145  if (ischar (fun))
146    if (! exist (fun))
147      error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
148             ['ode23: function "' fun '" not found']);
149    endif
150    fun = str2func (fun);
151  endif
152  if (! is_function_handle (fun))
153    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
154           "ode23: FUN must be a valid function handle");
155  endif
157  ## Start preprocessing, have a look which options are set in odeopts,
158  ## check if an invalid or unused option is set.
159  [defaults, classes, attributes] = odedefaults (numel (init),
160                                                 trange(1), trange(end));
162  persistent ode23_ignore_options = ...
163    {"BDF", "InitialSlope", "Jacobian", "JPattern",
164     "MassSingular", "MaxOrder", "MvPattern", "Vectorized"};
166  defaults   = rmfield (defaults, ode23_ignore_options);
167  classes    = rmfield (classes, ode23_ignore_options);
168  attributes = rmfield (attributes, ode23_ignore_options);
170  odeopts = odemergeopts ("ode23", odeopts, defaults, classes, attributes);
172  odeopts.funarguments = funarguments;
173  odeopts.direction    = direction;
175  if (! isempty (odeopts.NonNegative))
176    if (isempty (odeopts.Mass))
177      odeopts.havenonnegative = true;
178    else
179      odeopts.havenonnegative = false;
180      warning ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
181               ['ode23: option "NonNegative" is ignored', ...
182                " when mass matrix is set\n"]);
183    endif
184  else
185    odeopts.havenonnegative = false;
186  endif
188  if (isempty (odeopts.OutputFcn) && nargout == 0)
189    odeopts.OutputFcn = @odeplot;
190    odeopts.haveoutputfunction = true;
191  else
192    odeopts.haveoutputfunction = ! isempty (odeopts.OutputFcn);
193  endif
195  if (isempty (odeopts.InitialStep))
196    odeopts.InitialStep = odeopts.direction * ...
197                          starting_stepsize (order, fun, trange(1), init,
198                                             odeopts.AbsTol, odeopts.RelTol,
199                                             strcmpi (odeopts.NormControl, "on"),
200                                             odeopts.funarguments);
201  endif
203  if (! isempty (odeopts.Mass))
204    if (isnumeric (odeopts.Mass))
205      havemasshandle = false;
206      mass = odeopts.Mass;  # constant mass
207    elseif (is_function_handle (odeopts.Mass))
208      havemasshandle = true;    # mass defined by a function handle
209    else
210      error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
211             'ode45: "Mass" field must be a function handle or square matrix');
212    endif
213  else  # no mass matrix - create a diag-matrix of ones for mass
214    havemasshandle = false;   # mass = diag (ones (length (init), 1), 0);
215  endif
217  ## Starting the initialization of the core solver ode23
219  if (havemasshandle)   # Handle only the dynamic mass matrix,
220    if (! strcmp (odeopts.MStateDependence, "none"))
221      ## constant mass matrices have already been handled
222      mass = @(t,x) odeopts.Mass (t, x, odeopts.funarguments{:});
223      fun = @(t,x) mass (t, x, odeopts.funarguments{:}) ...
224                   \ fun (t, x, odeopts.funarguments{:});
225    else
226      mass = @(t) odeopts.Mass (t, odeopts.funarguments{:});
227      fun = @(t,x) mass (t, odeopts.funarguments{:}) ...
228                   \ fun (t, x, odeopts.funarguments{:});
229    endif
230  endif
232  if (nargout == 1)
233    ## Single output requires auto-selected intermediate times,
234    ## which is obtained by NOT specifying specific solution times.
235    trange = [trange(1); trange(end)];
236    odeopts.Refine = [];  # disable Refine when single output requested
237  elseif (numel (trange) > 2)
238    odeopts.Refine = [];  # disable Refine when specific times requested
239  endif
241  solution = integrate_adaptive (@runge_kutta_23,
242                                 order, fun, trange, init, odeopts);
244  ## Postprocessing, do whatever when terminating integration algorithm
245  if (odeopts.haveoutputfunction)  # Cleanup plotter
246    feval (odeopts.OutputFcn, [], [], "done", odeopts.funarguments{:});
247  endif
248  if (! isempty (odeopts.Events))   # Cleanup event function handling
249    ode_event_handler (odeopts.Events, solution.t(end),
250                       solution.x(end,:).', "done", odeopts.funarguments{:});
251  endif
253  ## Print additional information if option Stats is set
254  if (strcmpi (odeopts.Stats, "on"))
255    nsteps    = solution.cntloop;             # cntloop from 2..end
256    nfailed   = solution.cntcycles - nsteps;  # cntcycl from 1..end
257    nfevals   = 3 * solution.cntcycles + 1;   # number of ode evaluations
258    ndecomps  = 0;  # number of LU decompositions
259    npds      = 0;  # number of partial derivatives
260    nlinsols  = 0;  # no. of solutions of linear systems
262    printf ("Number of successful steps: %d\n", nsteps);
263    printf ("Number of failed attempts:  %d\n", nfailed);
264    printf ("Number of function calls:   %d\n", nfevals);
265  endif
267  if (nargout == 2)
268    varargout{1} = solution.t;      # Time stamps are first output argument
269    varargout{2} = solution.x;      # Results are second output argument
270  elseif (nargout == 1)
271    varargout{1}.x = solution.t.';  # Time stamps saved in field x (row vector)
272    varargout{1}.y = solution.x.';  # Results are saved in field y (row vector)
273    varargout{1}.solver = solver;   # Solver name is saved in field solver
274    if (! isempty (odeopts.Events))
275      varargout{1}.xe = solution.event{3};  # Time info when an event occurred
276      varargout{1}.ye = solution.event{4};  # Results when an event occurred
277      varargout{1}.ie = solution.event{2};  # Index info which event occurred
278    endif
279    if (strcmpi (odeopts.Stats, "on"))
280      varargout{1}.stats = struct ();
281      varargout{1}.stats.nsteps   = nsteps;
282      varargout{1}.stats.nfailed  = nfailed;
283      varargout{1}.stats.nfevals  = nfevals;
284      varargout{1}.stats.npds     = npds;
285      varargout{1}.stats.ndecomps = ndecomps;
286      varargout{1}.stats.nlinsols = nlinsols;
287    endif
288  elseif (nargout > 2)
289    varargout = cell (1,5);
290    varargout{1} = solution.t;
291    varargout{2} = solution.x;
292    if (! isempty (odeopts.Events))
293      varargout{3} = solution.event{3};  # Time info when an event occurred
294      varargout{4} = solution.event{4};  # Results when an event occurred
295      varargout{5} = solution.event{2};  # Index info which event occurred
296    endif
297  endif
303%! ## Demonstrate convergence order for ode23
304%! tol = 1e-5 ./ 10.^[0:8];
305%! for i = 1 : numel (tol)
306%!   opt = odeset ("RelTol", tol(i), "AbsTol", realmin);
307%!   [t, y] = ode23 (@(t, y) -y, [0, 1], 1, opt);
308%!   h(i) = 1 / (numel (t) - 1);
309%!   err(i) = norm (y .* exp (t) - 1, Inf);
310%! endfor
312%! ## Estimate order visually
313%! loglog (h, tol, "-ob",
314%!         h, err, "-b",
315%!         h, (h/h(end)) .^ 2 .* tol(end), "k--",
316%!         h, (h/h(end)) .^ 3 .* tol(end), "k-");
317%! axis tight
318%! xlabel ("h");
319%! ylabel ("err(h)");
320%! title ("Convergence plot for ode23");
321%! legend ("imposed tolerance", "ode23 (relative) error",
322%!         "order 2", "order 3", "location", "northwest");
324%! ## Estimate order numerically
325%! p = diff (log (err)) ./ diff (log (h))
327## We are using the Van der Pol equation for all tests.
328## Further tests also define a reference solution (computed at high accuracy)
329%!function ydot = fpol (t, y)  # The Van der Pol ODE
330%!  ydot = [y(2); (1 - y(1)^2) * y(2) - y(1)];
332%!function ref = fref ()       # The computed reference sol
333%!  ref = [0.32331666704577, -1.83297456798624];
335%!function [val, trm, dir] = feve (t, y, varargin)
336%!  val = fpol (t, y, varargin);  # We use the derivatives
337%!  trm = zeros (2,1);            # that's why component 2
338%!  dir = ones (2,1);             # does not seem to be exact
340%!function [val, trm, dir] = fevn (t, y, varargin)
341%!  val = fpol (t, y, varargin);  # We use the derivatives
342%!  trm = ones (2,1);             # that's why component 2
343%!  dir = ones (2,1);             # does not seem to be exact
345%!function mas = fmas (t, y, varargin)
346%!  mas = [1, 0; 0, 1];           # Dummy mass matrix for tests
348%!function mas = fmsa (t, y, varargin)
349%!  mas = sparse ([1, 0; 0, 1]);  # A sparse dummy matrix
351%!function out = fout (t, y, flag, varargin)
352%!  out = false;
353%!  if (strcmp (flag, "init"))
354%!    if (! isequal (size (t), [2, 1]))
355%!      error ('fout: step "init"');
356%!    endif
357%!  elseif (isempty (flag))
358%!    if (! isequal (size (t), [1, 1]))
359%!      error ('fout: step "calc"');
360%!    endif
361%!  elseif (strcmp (flag, "done"))
362%!    if (! isempty (t))
363%!      warning ('fout: step "done"');
364%!    endif
365%!  else
366%!    error ("fout: invalid flag <%s>", flag);
367%!  endif
370%!test  # two output arguments
371%! [t, y] = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0]);
372%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], [2, fref], 1e-3);
373%!test  # anonymous function instead of real function
374%! fvdp = @(t,y) [y(2); (1 - y(1)^2) * y(2) - y(1)];
375%! [t, y] = ode23 (fvdp, [0 2], [2 0]);
376%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], [2, fref], 1e-3);
377%!test  # extra input arguments passed through
378%! [t, y] = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], 12, 13, "KL");
379%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], [2, fref], 1e-3);
380%!test  # empty OdePkg structure *but* extra input arguments
381%! opt = odeset;
382%! [t, y] = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt, 12, 13, "KL");
383%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], [2, fref], 1e-2);
384%!test  # Solve another anonymous function below zero
385%! ref = [0, 14.77810590694212];
386%! [t, y] = ode23 (@(t,y) y, [-2 0], 2);
387%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], ref, 1e-2);
388%!test  # InitialStep option
389%! opt = odeset ("InitialStep", 1e-8);
390%! [t, y] = ode23 (@fpol, [0 0.2], [2 0], opt);
391%! assert ([t(2)-t(1)], [1e-8], 1e-9);
392%!test  # MaxStep option
393%! opt = odeset ("MaxStep", 1e-3);
394%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 0.2], [2 0], opt);
395%! assert ([sol.x(5)-sol.x(4)], [1e-3], 1e-4);
396%!test  # Solve in backward direction starting at t=0
397%! ref = [-1.205364552835178, 0.951542399860817];
398%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 -2], [2 0]);
399%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [-2; ref'], 5e-3);
400%!test  # Solve in backward direction starting at t=2
401%! ref = [-1.205364552835178, 0.951542399860817];
402%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [2 0 -2], fref);
403%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [-2; ref'], 2e-2);
404%!test  # Solve another anonymous function in backward direction
405%! ref = [-1, 0.367879437558975];
406%! sol = ode23 (@(t,y) y, [0 -1], 1);
407%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], ref', 1e-2);
408%!test  # Solve another anonymous function below zero
409%! ref = [0, 14.77810590694212];
410%! sol = ode23 (@(t,y) y, [-2 0], 2);
411%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], ref', 1e-2);
412%!test  # Solve in backward direction starting at t=0 with MaxStep option
413%! ref = [-1.205364552835178, 0.951542399860817];
414%! opt = odeset ("MaxStep", 1e-3);
415%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 -2], [2 0], opt);
416%! assert ([abs(sol.x(8)-sol.x(7))], [1e-3], 1e-3);
417%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [-2; ref'], 1e-3);
418%!test  # AbsTol option
419%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", 1e-5);
420%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
421%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; fref'], 1e-3);
422%!test  # AbsTol and RelTol option
423%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", 1e-8, "RelTol", 1e-8);
424%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
425%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; fref'], 1e-3);
426%!test # hermite_cubic_interpolation
427%! opt = odeset ("RelTol", 1e-8, "NormControl", "on");
428%! [t,sol] = ode23(@(t,x)[x(2);x(1)],linspace(0,1),[1;0],opt);
429%! assert(max(abs(sol(:,1)-cosh(t))),0,1e-6)
430%!test  # RelTol and NormControl option -- higher accuracy
431%! opt = odeset ("RelTol", 1e-8, "NormControl", "on");
432%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
433%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; fref'], 1e-4);
434%!test  # Keeps initial values while integrating
435%! opt = odeset ("NonNegative", 2);
436%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
437%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; 2; 0], 1e-1);
438%!test  # Details of OutputSel and Refine can't be tested
439%! opt = odeset ("OutputFcn", @fout, "OutputSel", 1, "Refine", 5);
440%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
441%!test  # Stats must add further elements in sol
442%! opt = odeset ("Stats", "on");
443%! stat_str = evalc ("sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);");
444%! assert (strncmp (stat_str, "Number of successful steps:", 27));
445%! assert (isfield (sol, "stats"));
446%! assert (isfield (sol.stats, "nsteps"));
447%!test  # Events option add further elements in sol
448%! opt = odeset ("Events", @feve);
449%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 10], [2 0], opt);
450%! assert (isfield (sol, "ie"));
451%! assert (sol.ie(1), 2);
452%! assert (isfield (sol, "xe"));
453%! assert (isfield (sol, "ye"));
454%!test  # Events option, now stop integration
455%! warning ("off", "integrate_adaptive:unexpected_termination", "local");
456%! opt = odeset ("Events", @fevn, "NormControl", "on");
457%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 10], [2 0], opt);
458%! assert ([sol.ie, sol.xe, sol.ye],
459%!         [2.0, 2.496110, -0.830550, -2.677589], .5e-1);
460%!test  # Events option, five output arguments
461%! warning ("off", "integrate_adaptive:unexpected_termination", "local");
462%! opt = odeset ("Events", @fevn, "NormControl", "on");
463%! [t, y, vxe, ye, vie] = ode23 (@fpol, [0 10], [2 0], opt);
464%! assert ([vie, vxe, ye], [2.0, 2.496110, -0.830550, -2.677589], 1e-1);
465%!test  # Mass option as function
466%! opt = odeset ("Mass", @fmas);
467%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
468%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; fref'], 1e-3);
469%!test  # Mass option as matrix
470%! opt = odeset ("Mass", eye (2,2));
471%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
472%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; fref'], 1e-3);
473%!test  # Mass option as sparse matrix
474%! opt = odeset ("Mass", sparse (eye (2,2)));
475%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
476%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; fref'], 1e-3);
477%!test  # Mass option as function and sparse matrix
478%! opt = odeset ("Mass", @fmsa);
479%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
480%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; fref'], 1e-3);
481%!test  # Mass option as function and MStateDependence
482%! opt = odeset ("Mass", @fmas, "MStateDependence", "strong");
483%! sol = ode23 (@fpol, [0 2], [2 0], opt);
484%! assert ([sol.x(end); sol.y(:,end)], [2; fref'], 1e-3);
486## Note: The following options have no effect on this solver
487##       therefore it makes no sense to test them here:
489## "BDF"
490## "InitialSlope"
491## "JPattern"
492## "Jacobian"
493## "MassSingular"
494## "MaxOrder"
495## "MvPattern"
496## "Vectorized"
498%!test # Check that imaginary part of solution does not get inverted
499%! sol = ode23 (@(x,y) 1, [0 1], 1i);
500%! assert (imag (sol.y), ones (size (sol.y)))
501%! [x, y] = ode23 (@(x,y) 1, [0 1], 1i);
502%! assert (imag (y), ones (size (y)))
504## Test input validation
505%!error ode23 ()
506%!error ode23 (1)
507%!error ode23 (1,2)
508%!error <TRANGE must be a numeric> ode23 (@fpol, {[0 25]}, [3 15 1])
509%!error <TRANGE must be a .* vector> ode23 (@fpol, [0 25; 25 0], [3 15 1])
510%!error <TRANGE must contain at least 2 elements> ode23 (@fpol, [1], [3 15 1])
511%!error <invalid time span>  ode23 (@fpol, [1 1], [3 15 1])
512%!error <INIT must be a numeric> ode23 (@fpol, [0 25], {[3 15 1]})
513%!error <INIT must be a .* vector> ode23 (@fpol, [0 25], [3 15 1; 3 15 1])
514%!error <FUN must be a valid function handle> ode23 (1, [0 25], [3 15 1])