1 /* $Id: CoinDenseFactorization.cpp 1448 2011-06-19 15:34:41Z stefan $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2008, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #include "CoinUtilsConfig.h"
7 #include "CoinPragma.hpp"
9 #include <cassert>
10 #include <cstdio>
12 #include "CoinDenseFactorization.hpp"
13 #include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp"
14 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
15 #include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
16 #include "CoinFinite.hpp"
18 #undef DENSE_CODE
19 #endif
20 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
21 // using simple lapack interface
22 extern "C"
23 {
24   /** LAPACK Fortran subroutine DGETRF. */
25   void F77_FUNC(dgetrf,DGETRF)(ipfint * m, ipfint *n,
26                                double *A, ipfint *ldA,
27                                ipfint * ipiv, ipfint *info);
28   /** LAPACK Fortran subroutine DGETRS. */
29   void F77_FUNC(dgetrs,DGETRS)(char *trans, cipfint *n,
30                                cipfint *nrhs, const double *A, cipfint *ldA,
31                                cipfint * ipiv, double *B, cipfint *ldB, ipfint *info,
32 			       int trans_len);
33 }
34 #endif
35 //:class CoinDenseFactorization.  Deals with Factorization and Updates
36 //  CoinDenseFactorization.  Constructor
CoinDenseFactorization()37 CoinDenseFactorization::CoinDenseFactorization (  )
38   : CoinOtherFactorization()
39 {
40   gutsOfInitialize();
41 }
43 /// Copy constructor
CoinDenseFactorization(const CoinDenseFactorization & other)44 CoinDenseFactorization::CoinDenseFactorization ( const CoinDenseFactorization &other)
45   : CoinOtherFactorization(other)
46 {
47   gutsOfInitialize();
48   gutsOfCopy(other);
49 }
50 // Clone
51 CoinOtherFactorization *
clone() const52 CoinDenseFactorization::clone() const
53 {
54   return new CoinDenseFactorization(*this);
55 }
56 /// The real work of constructors etc
gutsOfDestructor()57 void CoinDenseFactorization::gutsOfDestructor()
58 {
59   delete [] elements_;
60   delete [] pivotRow_;
61   delete [] workArea_;
62   elements_ = NULL;
63   pivotRow_ = NULL;
64   workArea_ = NULL;
65   numberRows_ = 0;
66   numberColumns_ = 0;
67   numberGoodU_ = 0;
68   status_ = -1;
69   maximumRows_=0;
70   maximumSpace_=0;
71   solveMode_=0;
72 }
gutsOfInitialize()73 void CoinDenseFactorization::gutsOfInitialize()
74 {
75   pivotTolerance_ = 1.0e-1;
76   zeroTolerance_ = 1.0e-13;
77 #ifndef COIN_FAST_CODE
78   slackValue_ = -1.0;
79 #endif
80   maximumPivots_=200;
81   relaxCheck_=1.0;
82   numberRows_ = 0;
83   numberColumns_ = 0;
84   numberGoodU_ = 0;
85   status_ = -1;
86   numberPivots_ = 0;
87   maximumRows_=0;
88   maximumSpace_=0;
89   elements_ = NULL;
90   pivotRow_ = NULL;
91   workArea_ = NULL;
92   solveMode_=0;
93 }
94 //  ~CoinDenseFactorization.  Destructor
~CoinDenseFactorization()95 CoinDenseFactorization::~CoinDenseFactorization (  )
96 {
97   gutsOfDestructor();
98 }
99 //  =
operator =(const CoinDenseFactorization & other)100 CoinDenseFactorization & CoinDenseFactorization::operator = ( const CoinDenseFactorization & other ) {
101   if (this != &other) {
102     gutsOfDestructor();
103     gutsOfInitialize();
104     gutsOfCopy(other);
105   }
106   return *this;
107 }
108 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
109 #define WORK_MULT 2
110 #else
111 #define WORK_MULT 2
112 #endif
gutsOfCopy(const CoinDenseFactorization & other)113 void CoinDenseFactorization::gutsOfCopy(const CoinDenseFactorization &other)
114 {
115   pivotTolerance_ = other.pivotTolerance_;
116   zeroTolerance_ = other.zeroTolerance_;
117 #ifndef COIN_FAST_CODE
118   slackValue_ = other.slackValue_;
119 #endif
120   relaxCheck_ = other.relaxCheck_;
121   numberRows_ = other.numberRows_;
122   numberColumns_ = other.numberColumns_;
123   maximumRows_ = other.maximumRows_;
124   maximumSpace_ = other.maximumSpace_;
125   solveMode_ = other.solveMode_;
126   numberGoodU_ = other.numberGoodU_;
127   maximumPivots_ = other.maximumPivots_;
128   numberPivots_ = other.numberPivots_;
129   factorElements_ = other.factorElements_;
130   status_ = other.status_;
131   if (other.pivotRow_) {
132     pivotRow_ = new int [2*maximumRows_+maximumPivots_];
133     CoinMemcpyN(other.pivotRow_,(2*maximumRows_+numberPivots_),pivotRow_);
134     elements_ = new CoinFactorizationDouble [maximumSpace_];
135     CoinMemcpyN(other.elements_,(maximumRows_+numberPivots_)*maximumRows_,elements_);
136     workArea_ = new CoinFactorizationDouble [maximumRows_*WORK_MULT];
137     CoinZeroN(workArea_,maximumRows_*WORK_MULT);
138   } else {
139     elements_ = NULL;
140     pivotRow_ = NULL;
141     workArea_ = NULL;
142   }
143 }
145 //  getAreas.  Gets space for a factorization
146 //called by constructors
147 void
getAreas(int numberOfRows,int numberOfColumns,CoinBigIndex,CoinBigIndex)148 CoinDenseFactorization::getAreas ( int numberOfRows,
149 			 int numberOfColumns,
150 			 CoinBigIndex ,
151 			 CoinBigIndex  )
152 {
154   numberRows_ = numberOfRows;
155   numberColumns_ = numberOfColumns;
156   CoinBigIndex size = numberRows_*(numberRows_+CoinMax(maximumPivots_,(numberRows_+1)>>1));
157   if (size>maximumSpace_) {
158     delete [] elements_;
159     elements_ = new CoinFactorizationDouble [size];
160     maximumSpace_ = size;
161   }
162   if (numberRows_>maximumRows_) {
163     maximumRows_ = numberRows_;
164     delete [] pivotRow_;
165     delete [] workArea_;
166     pivotRow_ = new int [2*maximumRows_+maximumPivots_];
167     workArea_ = new CoinFactorizationDouble [maximumRows_*WORK_MULT];
168   }
169 }
171 //  preProcess.
172 void
preProcess()173 CoinDenseFactorization::preProcess ()
174 {
175   // could do better than this but this only a demo
176   CoinBigIndex put = numberRows_*numberRows_;
177   int *indexRow = reinterpret_cast<int *> (elements_+put);
178   CoinBigIndex * starts = reinterpret_cast<CoinBigIndex *> (pivotRow_);
179   put = numberRows_*numberColumns_;
180   for (int i=numberColumns_-1;i>=0;i--) {
181     put -= numberRows_;
182     memset(workArea_,0,numberRows_*sizeof(CoinFactorizationDouble));
183     assert (starts[i]<=put);
184     for (CoinBigIndex j=starts[i];j<starts[i+1];j++) {
185       int iRow = indexRow[j];
186       workArea_[iRow] = elements_[j];
187     }
188     // move to correct position
189     CoinMemcpyN(workArea_,numberRows_,elements_+put);
190   }
191 }
193 //Does factorization
194 int
factor()195 CoinDenseFactorization::factor ( )
196 {
197   numberPivots_=0;
198   status_= 0;
199 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
200   if (numberRows_==numberColumns_&&(solveMode_%10)!=0) {
201     int info;
202     F77_FUNC(dgetrf,DGETRF)(&numberRows_,&numberRows_,
203 			    elements_,&numberRows_,pivotRow_,
204 			    &info);
205     // need to check size of pivots
206     if(!info) {
207       // OK
208       solveMode_=1+10*(solveMode_/10);
209       numberGoodU_=numberRows_;
210       CoinZeroN(workArea_,2*numberRows_);
211 #if 0 //ndef NDEBUG
212       const CoinFactorizationDouble * column = elements_;
213       double smallest=COIN_DBL_MAX;
214       for (int i=0;i<numberRows_;i++) {
215 	if (fabs(column[i])<smallest)
216 	  smallest = fabs(column[i]);
217 	column += numberRows_;
218       }
219       if (smallest<1.0e-8)
220 	printf("small el %g\n",smallest);
221 #endif
222       return 0;
223     } else {
224       solveMode_=10*(solveMode_/10);
225     }
226   }
227 #endif
228   for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
229     pivotRow_[j+numberRows_]=j;
230   }
231   CoinFactorizationDouble * elements = elements_;
232   numberGoodU_=0;
233   for (int i=0;i<numberColumns_;i++) {
234     int iRow = -1;
235     // Find largest
236     double largest=zeroTolerance_;
237     for (int j=i;j<numberRows_;j++) {
238       double value = fabs(elements[j]);
239       if (value>largest) {
240 	largest=value;
241 	iRow=j;
242       }
243     }
244     if (iRow>=0) {
245       if (iRow!=i) {
246 	// swap
247 	assert (iRow>i);
248 	CoinFactorizationDouble * elementsA = elements_;
249 	for (int k=0;k<=i;k++) {
250 	  // swap
251 	  CoinFactorizationDouble value = elementsA[i];
252 	  elementsA[i]=elementsA[iRow];
253 	  elementsA[iRow]=value;
254 	  elementsA += numberRows_;
255 	}
256 	int iPivot = pivotRow_[i+numberRows_];
257 	pivotRow_[i+numberRows_]=pivotRow_[iRow+numberRows_];
258 	pivotRow_[iRow+numberRows_]=iPivot;
259       }
260       CoinFactorizationDouble pivotValue = 1.0/elements[i];
261       elements[i]=pivotValue;
262       for (int j=i+1;j<numberRows_;j++) {
263 	elements[j] *= pivotValue;
264       }
265       // Update rest
266       CoinFactorizationDouble * elementsA = elements;
267       for (int k=i+1;k<numberColumns_;k++) {
268 	elementsA += numberRows_;
269 	// swap
270 	if (iRow!=i) {
271 	  CoinFactorizationDouble value = elementsA[i];
272 	  elementsA[i]=elementsA[iRow];
273 	  elementsA[iRow]=value;
274 	}
275 	CoinFactorizationDouble value = elementsA[i];
276 	for (int j=i+1;j<numberRows_;j++) {
277 	  elementsA[j] -= value * elements[j];
278 	}
279       }
280     } else {
281       status_=-1;
282       break;
283     }
284     numberGoodU_++;
285     elements += numberRows_;
286   }
287   for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
288     int k = pivotRow_[j+numberRows_];
289     pivotRow_[k]=j;
290   }
291   return status_;
292 }
293 // Makes a non-singular basis by replacing variables
294 void
makeNonSingular(int * sequence,int numberColumns)295 CoinDenseFactorization::makeNonSingular(int * sequence, int numberColumns)
296 {
297   // Replace bad ones by correct slack
298   int * workArea = reinterpret_cast<int *> (workArea_);
299   int i;
300   for ( i=0;i<numberRows_;i++)
301     workArea[i]=-1;
302   for ( i=0;i<numberGoodU_;i++) {
303     int iOriginal = pivotRow_[i+numberRows_];
304     workArea[iOriginal]=i;
305     //workArea[i]=iOriginal;
306   }
307   int lastRow=-1;
308   for ( i=0;i<numberRows_;i++) {
309     if (workArea[i]==-1) {
310       lastRow=i;
311       break;
312     }
313   }
314   assert (lastRow>=0);
315   for ( i=numberGoodU_;i<numberRows_;i++) {
316     assert (lastRow<numberRows_);
317     // Put slack in basis
318     sequence[i]=lastRow+numberColumns;
319     lastRow++;
320     for (;lastRow<numberRows_;lastRow++) {
321       if (workArea[lastRow]==-1)
322 	break;
323     }
324   }
325 }
326 #define DENSE_PERMUTE
327 // Does post processing on valid factorization - putting variables on correct rows
328 void
postProcess(const int * sequence,int * pivotVariable)329 CoinDenseFactorization::postProcess(const int * sequence, int * pivotVariable)
330 {
331 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
332   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
333 #endif
334     for (int i=0;i<numberRows_;i++) {
335       int k = sequence[i];
336 #ifdef DENSE_PERMUTE
337       pivotVariable[pivotRow_[i+numberRows_]]=k;
338 #else
339       //pivotVariable[pivotRow_[i]]=k;
340       //pivotVariable[pivotRow_[i]]=k;
341       pivotVariable[i]=k;
342       k=pivotRow_[i];
343       pivotRow_[i] = pivotRow_[i+numberRows_];
344       pivotRow_[i+numberRows_]=k;
345 #endif
346     }
347 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
348   } else {
349     // lapack
350     for (int i=0;i<numberRows_;i++) {
351       int k = sequence[i];
352       pivotVariable[i]=k;
353     }
354   }
355 #endif
356 }
357 /* Replaces one Column to basis,
358    returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room
359    If checkBeforeModifying is true will do all accuracy checks
360    before modifying factorization.  Whether to set this depends on
361    speed considerations.  You could just do this on first iteration
362    after factorization and thereafter re-factorize
363    partial update already in U */
364 int
replaceColumn(CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,int pivotRow,double pivotCheck,bool,double)365 CoinDenseFactorization::replaceColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
366 					int pivotRow,
367 					double pivotCheck ,
368 					bool /*checkBeforeModifying*/,
369 				       double /*acceptablePivot*/)
370 {
371   if (numberPivots_==maximumPivots_)
372     return 3;
373   CoinFactorizationDouble * elements = elements_ + numberRows_*(numberColumns_+numberPivots_);
374   double *region = regionSparse->denseVector (  );
375   int *regionIndex = regionSparse->getIndices (  );
376   int numberNonZero = regionSparse->getNumElements (  );
377   int i;
378   memset(elements,0,numberRows_*sizeof(CoinFactorizationDouble));
379   CoinFactorizationDouble pivotValue = pivotCheck;
380   if (fabs(pivotValue)<zeroTolerance_)
381     return 2;
382   pivotValue = 1.0/pivotValue;
383 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
384   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
385 #endif
386     if (regionSparse->packedMode()) {
387       for (i=0;i<numberNonZero;i++) {
388 	int iRow = regionIndex[i];
389 	double value = region[i];
390 #ifdef DENSE_PERMUTE
391 	iRow = pivotRow_[iRow]; // permute
392 #endif
393 	elements[iRow] = value;
394       }
395     } else {
396       // not packed! - from user pivot?
397       for (i=0;i<numberNonZero;i++) {
398 	int iRow = regionIndex[i];
399 	double value = region[iRow];
400 #ifdef DENSE_PERMUTE
401 	iRow = pivotRow_[iRow]; // permute
402 #endif
403 	elements[iRow] = value;
404       }
405     }
406     int realPivotRow = pivotRow_[pivotRow];
407     elements[realPivotRow]=pivotValue;
408     pivotRow_[2*numberRows_+numberPivots_]=realPivotRow;
409 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
410   } else {
411     // lapack
412     if (regionSparse->packedMode()) {
413       for (i=0;i<numberNonZero;i++) {
414 	int iRow = regionIndex[i];
415 	double value = region[i];
416 	elements[iRow] = value;
417       }
418     } else {
419       // not packed! - from user pivot?
420       for (i=0;i<numberNonZero;i++) {
421 	int iRow = regionIndex[i];
422 	double value = region[iRow];
423 	elements[iRow] = value;
424       }
425     }
426     elements[pivotRow]=pivotValue;
427     pivotRow_[2*numberRows_+numberPivots_]=pivotRow;
428   }
429 #endif
430   numberPivots_++;
431   return 0;
432 }
433 /* This version has same effect as above with FTUpdate==false
434    so number returned is always >=0 */
435 int
updateColumn(CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,bool noPermute) const436 CoinDenseFactorization::updateColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
437 				       CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
438 				       bool noPermute) const
439 {
440   assert (numberRows_==numberColumns_);
441   double *region2 = regionSparse2->denseVector (  );
442   int *regionIndex = regionSparse2->getIndices (  );
443   int numberNonZero = regionSparse2->getNumElements (  );
444   double *region = regionSparse->denseVector (  );
445 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
446   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
447 #endif
448     if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
449       if (!noPermute) {
450 	for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
451 	  int iRow = pivotRow_[j+numberRows_];
452 	  region[j]=region2[iRow];
453 	  region2[iRow]=0.0;
454 	}
455       } else {
456 	// can't due to check mode assert (regionSparse==regionSparse2);
457 	region = regionSparse2->denseVector (  );
458       }
459     } else {
460       // packed mode
461       assert (!noPermute);
462       for (int j=0;j<numberNonZero;j++) {
463 	int jRow = regionIndex[j];
464 	int iRow = pivotRow_[jRow];
465 	region[iRow]=region2[j];
466 	region2[j]=0.0;
467       }
468     }
469 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
470   } else {
471     // lapack
472     if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
473       if (!noPermute) {
474 	for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
475 	  region[j]=region2[j];
476 	  region2[j]=0.0;
477 	}
478       } else {
479 	// can't due to check mode assert (regionSparse==regionSparse2);
480 	region = regionSparse2->denseVector (  );
481       }
482     } else {
483       // packed mode
484       assert (!noPermute);
485       for (int j=0;j<numberNonZero;j++) {
486 	int jRow = regionIndex[j];
487 	region[jRow]=region2[j];
488 	region2[j]=0.0;
489       }
490     }
491   }
492 #endif
493   int i;
494   CoinFactorizationDouble * elements = elements_;
495 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
496   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
497 #endif
498     // base factorization L
499     for (i=0;i<numberColumns_;i++) {
500       double value = region[i];
501       for (int j=i+1;j<numberRows_;j++) {
502 	region[j] -= value*elements[j];
503       }
504       elements += numberRows_;
505     }
506     elements = elements_+numberRows_*numberRows_;
507     // base factorization U
508     for (i=numberColumns_-1;i>=0;i--) {
509       elements -= numberRows_;
510       CoinFactorizationDouble value = region[i]*elements[i];
511       region[i] = value;
512       for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
513 	region[j] -= value*elements[j];
514       }
515     }
516 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
517   } else {
518     char trans = 'N';
519     int ione=1;
520     int info;
521     F77_FUNC(dgetrs,DGETRS)(&trans,&numberRows_,&ione,elements_,&numberRows_,
522 			      pivotRow_,region,&numberRows_,&info,1);
523   }
524 #endif
525   // now updates
526   elements = elements_+numberRows_*numberRows_;
527   for (i=0;i<numberPivots_;i++) {
528     int iPivot = pivotRow_[i+2*numberRows_];
529     CoinFactorizationDouble value = region[iPivot]*elements[iPivot];
530     for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
531       region[j] -= value*elements[j];
532     }
533     region[iPivot] = value;
534     elements += numberRows_;
535   }
536   // permute back and get nonzeros
537   numberNonZero=0;
538 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
539   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
540 #endif
541     if (!noPermute) {
542       if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
543 	for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
544 #ifdef DENSE_PERMUTE
545 	  int iRow = pivotRow_[j];
546 #else
547 	  int iRow=j;
548 #endif
549 	  double value = region[iRow];
550 	  region[iRow]=0.0;
551 	  if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
552 	    region2[j] = value;
553 	    regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=j;
554 	  }
555 	}
556       } else {
557 	// packed mode
558 	for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
559 #ifdef DENSE_PERMUTE
560 	  int iRow = pivotRow_[j];
561 #else
562 	  int iRow=j;
563 #endif
564 	  double value = region[iRow];
565 	  region[iRow]=0.0;
566 	  if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
567 	    region2[numberNonZero] = value;
568 	    regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=j;
569 	  }
570 	}
571       }
572     } else {
573       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
574 	double value = region[j];
575 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
576 	  regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=j;
577 	} else {
578 	  region[j]=0.0;
579 	}
580       }
581     }
582 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
583   } else {
584     // lapack
585     if (!noPermute) {
586       if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
587 	for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
588 	  double value = region[j];
589 	  region[j]=0.0;
590 	  if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
591 	    region2[j] = value;
592 	    regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=j;
593 	  }
594 	}
595       } else {
596 	// packed mode
597 	for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
598 	  double value = region[j];
599 	  region[j]=0.0;
600 	  if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
601 	    region2[numberNonZero] = value;
602 	    regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=j;
603 	  }
604 	}
605       }
606     } else {
607       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
608 	double value = region[j];
609 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
610 	  regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=j;
611 	} else {
612 	  region[j]=0.0;
613 	}
614       }
615     }
616   }
617 #endif
618   regionSparse2->setNumElements(numberNonZero);
619   return 0;
620 }
623 int
updateTwoColumnsFT(CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse1,CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse3,bool)624 CoinDenseFactorization::updateTwoColumnsFT(CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse1,
625 					  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
626 					  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse3,
627 					   bool /*noPermute*/)
628 {
629 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
630 #if 0
631   CoinIndexedVector s2(*regionSparse2);
632   CoinIndexedVector s3(*regionSparse3);
633   updateColumn(regionSparse1,&s2);
634   updateColumn(regionSparse1,&s3);
635 #endif
636   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
637 #endif
638     updateColumn(regionSparse1,regionSparse2);
639     updateColumn(regionSparse1,regionSparse3);
640 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
641   } else {
642     // lapack
643     assert (numberRows_==numberColumns_);
644     double *region2 = regionSparse2->denseVector (  );
645     int *regionIndex2 = regionSparse2->getIndices (  );
646     int numberNonZero2 = regionSparse2->getNumElements (  );
647     CoinFactorizationDouble * regionW2 = workArea_;
648     if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
649       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
650 	regionW2[j]=region2[j];
651 	region2[j]=0.0;
652       }
653     } else {
654       // packed mode
655       for (int j=0;j<numberNonZero2;j++) {
656 	int jRow = regionIndex2[j];
657 	regionW2[jRow]=region2[j];
658 	region2[j]=0.0;
659       }
660     }
661     double *region3 = regionSparse3->denseVector (  );
662     int *regionIndex3 = regionSparse3->getIndices (  );
663     int numberNonZero3 = regionSparse3->getNumElements (  );
664     CoinFactorizationDouble *regionW3 = workArea_+numberRows_;
665     if (!regionSparse3->packedMode()) {
666       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
667 	regionW3[j]=region3[j];
668 	region3[j]=0.0;
669       }
670     } else {
671       // packed mode
672       for (int j=0;j<numberNonZero3;j++) {
673 	int jRow = regionIndex3[j];
674 	regionW3[jRow]=region3[j];
675 	region3[j]=0.0;
676       }
677     }
678     int i;
679     CoinFactorizationDouble * elements = elements_;
680     char trans = 'N';
681     int itwo=2;
682     int info;
683     F77_FUNC(dgetrs,DGETRS)(&trans,&numberRows_,&itwo,elements_,&numberRows_,
684 			    pivotRow_,workArea_,&numberRows_,&info,1);
685     // now updates
686     elements = elements_+numberRows_*numberRows_;
687     for (i=0;i<numberPivots_;i++) {
688       int iPivot = pivotRow_[i+2*numberRows_];
689       CoinFactorizationDouble value2 = regionW2[iPivot]*elements[iPivot];
690       CoinFactorizationDouble value3 = regionW3[iPivot]*elements[iPivot];
691       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
692 	regionW2[j] -= value2*elements[j];
693 	regionW3[j] -= value3*elements[j];
694       }
695       regionW2[iPivot] = value2;
696       regionW3[iPivot] = value3;
697       elements += numberRows_;
698     }
699     // permute back and get nonzeros
700     numberNonZero2=0;
701     if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
702       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
703 	double value = regionW2[j];
704 	regionW2[j]=0.0;
705 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
706 	  region2[j] = value;
707 	  regionIndex2[numberNonZero2++]=j;
708 	}
709       }
710     } else {
711       // packed mode
712       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
713 	double value = regionW2[j];
714 	regionW2[j]=0.0;
715 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
716 	  region2[numberNonZero2] = value;
717 	  regionIndex2[numberNonZero2++]=j;
718 	}
719       }
720     }
721     regionSparse2->setNumElements(numberNonZero2);
722     numberNonZero3=0;
723     if (!regionSparse3->packedMode()) {
724       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
725 	double value = regionW3[j];
726 	regionW3[j]=0.0;
727 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
728 	  region3[j] = value;
729 	  regionIndex3[numberNonZero3++]=j;
730 	}
731       }
732     } else {
733       // packed mode
734       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
735 	double value = regionW3[j];
736 	regionW3[j]=0.0;
737 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
738 	  region3[numberNonZero3] = value;
739 	  regionIndex3[numberNonZero3++]=j;
740 	}
741       }
742     }
743     regionSparse3->setNumElements(numberNonZero3);
744 #if 0
745     printf("Good2==\n");
746     s2.print();
747     printf("Bad2==\n");
748     regionSparse2->print();
749     printf("======\n");
750     printf("Good3==\n");
751     s3.print();
752     printf("Bad3==\n");
753     regionSparse3->print();
754     printf("======\n");
755 #endif
756   }
757 #endif
758   return 0;
759 }
761 /* Updates one column (BTRAN) from regionSparse2
762    regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end
763    Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output
764 */
765 int
updateColumnTranspose(CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2) const766 CoinDenseFactorization::updateColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
767 						CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2) const
768 {
769   assert (numberRows_==numberColumns_);
770   double *region2 = regionSparse2->denseVector (  );
771   int *regionIndex = regionSparse2->getIndices (  );
772   int numberNonZero = regionSparse2->getNumElements (  );
773   double *region = regionSparse->denseVector (  );
774 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
775   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
776 #endif
777     if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
778       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
779 #ifdef DENSE_PERMUTE
780 	int iRow = pivotRow_[j];
781 #else
782 	int iRow=j;
783 #endif
784 	region[iRow]=region2[j];
785 	region2[j]=0.0;
786       }
787     } else {
788       for (int j=0;j<numberNonZero;j++) {
789 	int jRow = regionIndex[j];
790 #ifdef DENSE_PERMUTE
791 	int iRow = pivotRow_[jRow];
792 #else
793 	int iRow=jRow;
794 #endif
795 	region[iRow]=region2[j];
796 	region2[j]=0.0;
797       }
798     }
799 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
800   } else {
801     // lapack
802     if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
803       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
804 	region[j]=region2[j];
805 	region2[j]=0.0;
806       }
807     } else {
808       for (int j=0;j<numberNonZero;j++) {
809 	int jRow = regionIndex[j];
810 	region[jRow]=region2[j];
811 	region2[j]=0.0;
812       }
813     }
814   }
815 #endif
816   int i;
817   CoinFactorizationDouble * elements = elements_+numberRows_*(numberRows_+numberPivots_);
818   // updates
819   for (i=numberPivots_-1;i>=0;i--) {
820     elements -= numberRows_;
821     int iPivot = pivotRow_[i+2*numberRows_];
822     CoinFactorizationDouble value = region[iPivot]; //*elements[iPivot];
823     for (int j=0;j<iPivot;j++) {
824       value -= region[j]*elements[j];
825     }
826     for (int j=iPivot+1;j<numberRows_;j++) {
827       value -= region[j]*elements[j];
828     }
829     region[iPivot] = value*elements[iPivot];
830   }
831 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
832   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
833 #endif
834     // base factorization U
835     elements = elements_;
836     for (i=0;i<numberColumns_;i++) {
837       //CoinFactorizationDouble value = region[i]*elements[i];
838       CoinFactorizationDouble value = region[i];
839       for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
840 	value -= region[j]*elements[j];
841       }
842       //region[i] = value;
843       region[i] = value*elements[i];
844       elements += numberRows_;
845     }
846     // base factorization L
847     elements = elements_+numberRows_*numberRows_;
848     for (i=numberColumns_-1;i>=0;i--) {
849       elements -= numberRows_;
850       CoinFactorizationDouble value = region[i];
851       for (int j=i+1;j<numberRows_;j++) {
852 	value -= region[j]*elements[j];
853       }
854       region[i] = value;
855     }
856 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
857   } else {
858     char trans = 'T';
859     int ione=1;
860     int info;
861     F77_FUNC(dgetrs,DGETRS)(&trans,&numberRows_,&ione,elements_,&numberRows_,
862 			      pivotRow_,region,&numberRows_,&info,1);
863   }
864 #endif
865   // permute back and get nonzeros
866   numberNonZero=0;
867 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
868   if ((solveMode_%10)==0) {
869 #endif
870     if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
871       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
872 	int iRow = pivotRow_[j+numberRows_];
873 	double value = region[j];
874 	region[j]=0.0;
875 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
876 	  region2[iRow] = value;
877 	  regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=iRow;
878 	}
879       }
880     } else {
881       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
882 	int iRow = pivotRow_[j+numberRows_];
883 	double value = region[j];
884 	region[j]=0.0;
885 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
886 	  region2[numberNonZero] = value;
887 	  regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=iRow;
888 	}
889       }
890     }
891 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
892   } else {
893     // lapack
894     if (!regionSparse2->packedMode()) {
895       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
896 	double value = region[j];
897 	region[j]=0.0;
898 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
899 	  region2[j] = value;
900 	  regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=j;
901 	}
902       }
903     } else {
904       for (int j=0;j<numberRows_;j++) {
905 	double value = region[j];
906 	region[j]=0.0;
907 	if (fabs(value)>zeroTolerance_) {
908 	  region2[numberNonZero] = value;
909 	  regionIndex[numberNonZero++]=j;
910 	}
911       }
912     }
913   }
914 #endif
915   regionSparse2->setNumElements(numberNonZero);
916   return 0;
917 }
918 // Default constructor
CoinOtherFactorization()919 CoinOtherFactorization::CoinOtherFactorization (  )
920    :  pivotTolerance_(1.0e-1),
921       zeroTolerance_(1.0e-13),
922 #ifndef COIN_FAST_CODE
923       slackValue_(-1.0),
924 #endif
925       relaxCheck_(1.0),
926       factorElements_(0),
927       numberRows_(0),
928       numberColumns_(0),
929       numberGoodU_(0),
930       maximumPivots_(200),
931       numberPivots_(0),
932       status_(-1),
933       solveMode_(0)
934 {
935 }
936 // Copy constructor
CoinOtherFactorization(const CoinOtherFactorization & other)937 CoinOtherFactorization::CoinOtherFactorization ( const CoinOtherFactorization &other)
938    :  pivotTolerance_(other.pivotTolerance_),
939   zeroTolerance_(other.zeroTolerance_),
940 #ifndef COIN_FAST_CODE
941   slackValue_(other.slackValue_),
942 #endif
943   relaxCheck_(other.relaxCheck_),
944   factorElements_(other.factorElements_),
945   numberRows_(other.numberRows_),
946   numberColumns_(other.numberColumns_),
947   numberGoodU_(other.numberGoodU_),
948   maximumPivots_(other.maximumPivots_),
949   numberPivots_(other.numberPivots_),
950       status_(other.status_),
951       solveMode_(other.solveMode_)
952 {
953 }
954 // Destructor
~CoinOtherFactorization()955 CoinOtherFactorization::~CoinOtherFactorization (  )
956 {
957 }
958 // = copy
operator =(const CoinOtherFactorization & other)959 CoinOtherFactorization & CoinOtherFactorization::operator = ( const CoinOtherFactorization & other )
960 {
961   if (this != &other) {
962     pivotTolerance_ = other.pivotTolerance_;
963     zeroTolerance_ = other.zeroTolerance_;
964 #ifndef COIN_FAST_CODE
965     slackValue_ = other.slackValue_;
966 #endif
967     relaxCheck_ = other.relaxCheck_;
968     factorElements_ = other.factorElements_;
969     numberRows_ = other.numberRows_;
970     numberColumns_ = other.numberColumns_;
971     numberGoodU_ = other.numberGoodU_;
972     maximumPivots_ = other.maximumPivots_;
973     numberPivots_ = other.numberPivots_;
974     status_ = other.status_;
975     solveMode_ = other.solveMode_;
976   }
977   return *this;
978 }
pivotTolerance(double value)979 void CoinOtherFactorization::pivotTolerance (  double value )
980 {
981   if (value>0.0&&value<=1.0) {
982     pivotTolerance_=value;
983   }
984 }
zeroTolerance(double value)985 void CoinOtherFactorization::zeroTolerance (  double value )
986 {
987   if (value>0.0&&value<1.0) {
988     zeroTolerance_=value;
989   }
990 }
991 #ifndef COIN_FAST_CODE
slackValue(double value)992 void CoinOtherFactorization::slackValue (  double value )
993 {
994   if (value>=0.0) {
995     slackValue_=1.0;
996   } else {
997     slackValue_=-1.0;
998   }
999 }
1000 #endif
1001 void
maximumPivots(int value)1002 CoinOtherFactorization::maximumPivots (  int value )
1003 {
1004   if (value>maximumPivots_) {
1005     delete [] pivotRow_;
1006     pivotRow_ = new int[2*maximumRows_+value];
1007   }
1008   maximumPivots_ = value;
1009 }
1010 // Number of entries in each row
1011 int *
numberInRow() const1012 CoinOtherFactorization::numberInRow() const
1013 { return reinterpret_cast<int *> (workArea_);}
1014 // Number of entries in each column
1015 int *
numberInColumn() const1016 CoinOtherFactorization::numberInColumn() const
1017 { return (reinterpret_cast<int *> (workArea_))+numberRows_;}
1018 // Returns array to put basis starts in
1019 CoinBigIndex *
starts() const1020 CoinOtherFactorization::starts() const
1021 { return reinterpret_cast<CoinBigIndex *> (pivotRow_);}
1022 // Returns array to put basis elements in
1023 CoinFactorizationDouble *
elements() const1024 CoinOtherFactorization::elements() const
1025 { return elements_;}
1026 // Returns pivot row
1027 int *
pivotRow() const1028 CoinOtherFactorization::pivotRow() const
1029 { return pivotRow_;}
1030 // Returns work area
1031 CoinFactorizationDouble *
workArea() const1032 CoinOtherFactorization::workArea() const
1033 { return workArea_;}
1034 // Returns int work area
1035 int *
intWorkArea() const1036 CoinOtherFactorization::intWorkArea() const
1037 { return reinterpret_cast<int *> (workArea_);}
1038 // Returns permute back
1039 int *
permuteBack() const1040 CoinOtherFactorization::permuteBack() const
1041 { return pivotRow_+numberRows_;}
1042 // Returns true if wants tableauColumn in replaceColumn
1043 bool
wantsTableauColumn() const1044 CoinOtherFactorization::wantsTableauColumn() const
1045 { return true;}
1046 /* Useful information for factorization
1047    0 - iteration number
1048    whereFrom is 0 for factorize and 1 for replaceColumn
1049 */
1050 void
setUsefulInformation(const int *,int)1051 CoinOtherFactorization::setUsefulInformation(const int * ,int )
1052 { }