1 /* $Id: CoinOslFactorization.hpp 2084 2019-01-09 14:17:08Z forrest $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 1987, 2009, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 /*
7    Authors
9    John Forrest
11  */
12 #ifndef CoinOslFactorization_H
13 #define CoinOslFactorization_H
14 #include <iostream>
15 #include <string>
16 #include <cassert>
17 #include "CoinTypes.hpp"
18 #include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp"
19 #include "CoinDenseFactorization.hpp"
20 class CoinPackedMatrix;
21 /** This deals with Factorization and Updates
22     This is ripped off from OSL!!!!!!!!!
24     I am assuming that 32 bits is enough for number of rows or columns, but CoinBigIndex
25     may be redefined to get 64 bits.
26  */
28 typedef struct {
29   int suc, pre;
30 } EKKHlink;
31 typedef struct _EKKfactinfo {
32   double drtpiv;
33   double demark;
34   double zpivlu;
35   double zeroTolerance;
36   double areaFactor;
37   int *xrsadr;
38   int *xcsadr;
39   int *xrnadr;
40   int *xcnadr;
41   int *krpadr;
42   int *kcpadr;
43   int *mpermu;
44   int *bitArray;
45   int *back;
46   char *nonzero;
47   double *trueStart;
48   mutable double *kadrpm;
49   int *R_etas_index;
50   int *R_etas_start;
51   double *R_etas_element;
53   int *xecadr;
54   int *xeradr;
55   double *xeeadr;
56   double *xe2adr;
57   EKKHlink *kp1adr;
58   EKKHlink *kp2adr;
59   double *kw1adr;
60   double *kw2adr;
61   double *kw3adr;
62   int *hpivcoR;
63   int nrow;
64   int nrowmx;
65   int firstDoRow;
66   int firstLRow;
67   int maxinv;
68   int nnetas;
69   int iterin;
70   int iter0;
71   int invok;
72   int nbfinv;
73   int num_resets;
74   int nnentl;
75   int nnentu;
76 #ifdef CLP_REUSE_ETAS
77   int save_nnentu;
78 #endif
79   int ndenuc;
80   int npivots; /* use as xpivsq in factorization */
81   int kmxeta;
82   int xnetal;
83   int first_dense;
84   int last_dense;
85   int iterno;
86   int numberSlacks;
87   int lastSlack;
88   int firstNonSlack;
89   int xnetalval;
90   int lstart;
91   int if_sparse_update;
92   mutable int packedMode;
93   int switch_off_sparse_update;
94   int nuspike;
95   bool rows_ok; /* replaces test using mrstrt[1] */
96 #ifdef CLP_REUSE_ETAS
97   mutable int reintro;
98 #endif
99   int nR_etas;
100   int sortedEta; /* if vector for F-T is sorted */
101   int lastEtaCount;
102   int ifvsol;
103   int eta_size;
104   int last_eta_size;
105   int maxNNetas;
106 } EKKfactinfo;
108 class CoinOslFactorization : public CoinOtherFactorization {
109   friend void CoinOslFactorizationUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir);
111 public:
112   /**@name Constructors and destructor and copy */
113   //@{
114   /// Default constructor
115   CoinOslFactorization();
116   /// Copy constructor
117   CoinOslFactorization(const CoinOslFactorization &other);
119   /// Destructor
120   virtual ~CoinOslFactorization();
121   /// = copy
122   CoinOslFactorization &operator=(const CoinOslFactorization &other);
123   /// Clone
124   virtual CoinOtherFactorization *clone() const;
125   //@}
127   /**@name Do factorization - public */
128   //@{
129   /// Gets space for a factorization
130   virtual void getAreas(int numberRows,
131     int numberColumns,
132     int maximumL,
133     int maximumU);
135   /// PreProcesses column ordered copy of basis
136   virtual void preProcess();
137   /** Does most of factorization returning status
138       0 - OK
139       -99 - needs more memory
140       -1 - singular - use numberGoodColumns and redo
141   */
142   virtual int factor();
143   /// Does post processing on valid factorization - putting variables on correct rows
144   virtual void postProcess(const int *sequence, int *pivotVariable);
145   /// Makes a non-singular basis by replacing variables
146   virtual void makeNonSingular(int *sequence, int numberColumns);
147   /** When part of LP - given by basic variables.
148   Actually does factorization.
149   Arrays passed in have non negative value to say basic.
150   If status is okay, basic variables have pivot row - this is only needed
151   If status is singular, then basic variables have pivot row
152   and ones thrown out have -1
153   returns 0 -okay, -1 singular, -2 too many in basis, -99 memory */
154   int factorize(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix,
155     int rowIsBasic[], int columnIsBasic[],
156     double areaFactor = 0.0);
157   //@}
159   /**@name general stuff such as number of elements */
160   //@{
161   /// Total number of elements in factorization
numberElements() const162   virtual inline int numberElements() const
163   {
164     return numberRows_ * (numberColumns_ + numberPivots_);
165   }
166   /// Returns array to put basis elements in
167   virtual CoinFactorizationDouble *elements() const;
168   /// Returns pivot row
169   virtual int *pivotRow() const;
170   /// Returns work area
171   virtual CoinFactorizationDouble *workArea() const;
172   /// Returns int work area
173   virtual int *intWorkArea() const;
174   /// Number of entries in each row
175   virtual int *numberInRow() const;
176   /// Number of entries in each column
177   virtual int *numberInColumn() const;
178   /// Returns array to put basis starts in
179   virtual int *starts() const;
180   /// Returns permute back
181   virtual int *permuteBack() const;
182   /// Returns true if wants tableauColumn in replaceColumn
183   virtual bool wantsTableauColumn() const;
184   /** Useful information for factorization
185       0 - iteration number
186       whereFrom is 0 for factorize and 1 for replaceColumn
187   */
188   virtual void setUsefulInformation(const int *info, int whereFrom);
189   /// Set maximum pivots
190   virtual void maximumPivots(int value);
192   /// Returns maximum absolute value in factorization
193   double maximumCoefficient() const;
194   /// Condition number - product of pivots after factorization
195   double conditionNumber() const;
196   /// Get rid of all memory
197   virtual void clearArrays();
198   //@}
200   /**@name rank one updates which do exist */
201   //@{
203   /** Replaces one Column to basis,
204    returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room
205       If checkBeforeModifying is true will do all accuracy checks
206       before modifying factorization.  Whether to set this depends on
207       speed considerations.  You could just do this on first iteration
208       after factorization and thereafter re-factorize
209    partial update already in U */
210   virtual int replaceColumn(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse,
211     int pivotRow,
212     double pivotCheck,
213     bool checkBeforeModifying = false,
214     double acceptablePivot = 1.0e-8);
215   //@}
217   /**@name various uses of factorization (return code number elements)
218    which user may want to know about */
219   //@{
220   /** Updates one column (FTRAN) from regionSparse2
221       Tries to do FT update
222       number returned is negative if no room
223       regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end.
224       Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output
225   */
226   virtual int updateColumnFT(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse,
227     CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2,
228     bool noPermute = false);
229   /** This version has same effect as above with FTUpdate==false
230       so number returned is always >=0 */
231   virtual int updateColumn(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse,
232     CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2,
233     bool noPermute = false) const;
234   /// does FTRAN on two columns
235   virtual int updateTwoColumnsFT(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse1,
236     CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2,
237     CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse3,
238     bool noPermute = false);
239   /** Updates one column (BTRAN) from regionSparse2
240       regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end
241       Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output
242   */
243   virtual int updateColumnTranspose(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse,
244     CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2) const;
245   //@}
246   /// *** Below this user may not want to know about
248   /**@name various uses of factorization
249    which user may not want to know about (left over from my LP code) */
250   //@{
251   /// Get rid of all memory
252   //inline void clearArrays()
253   //{ gutsOfDestructor();}
254   /// Returns array to put basis indices in
255   virtual int *indices() const;
256   /// Returns permute in
permute() const257   virtual inline int *permute() const
258   {
259     return NULL; /*pivotRow_*/
260     ;
261   }
262   //@}
264   /// The real work of desstructor
265   void gutsOfDestructor(bool clearFact = true);
266   /// The real work of constructor
267   void gutsOfInitialize(bool zapFact = true);
268   /// The real work of copy
269   void gutsOfCopy(const CoinOslFactorization &other);
271   //@}
272 protected:
273   /** Returns accuracy status of replaceColumn
274       returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular */
275   int checkPivot(double saveFromU, double oldPivot) const;
276   ////////////////// data //////////////////
277 protected:
278   /**@name data */
279   //@{
280   /// Osl factorization data
281   EKKfactinfo factInfo_;
282   //@}
283 };
284 #endif
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