1;; $Id: sli-tools.el 6643 2005-02-20 18:51:46Z kb $
2;; sli-tools.el --- structured languages indentation package
4;; It works out some tools for indentation of structured programs.
5;; It has been written for mupad.el and pari.el but should apply to
6;; any other structured language like Pascal.
7;; See sli-tools and sli-structures below.
9;; The way it works inside:
10;; sli-tell-indent is the main engine. They are two cases
11;; either we want to indent the line the cursor is on,
12;; or we want determine the indent of the next line.
13;; See also sli-forward-sexp.
16;;     you should read the information concerning this variable,
17;;     but some basics are required to go further.
18;;     In the construct
19;;             if toto then tata
20;;             else
21;;               titi
22;;             end_if
23;;     "if" is called a HEAD or a head-key,
24;;     "else" is called a STRONG,
25;;     "end_if" is called an END.
26;;     Basically, the "else" is aligned on the "if" and the
27;;     "end_if" on previous "else"/"elif"/"if" if the HEREDITY applies.
28;;     HEREDITY applies unless otherwise specified.
29;;     The key "then" is called a SOFT-key: it implies special
30;;     indentation afterwards but is not aimed at being under
31;;     the "if".
32;;     Keys can also be termed
33;;          FIXED (usually global stuff),
34;;          BEACON (like "do" in a while-construct),
35;;          RELATION (math),
36;;          SEPARATOR,
37;;          CONSTRUCTOR,
38;;          SPECIAL-HEAD (initial declarators like "local", "var", "remember").
40;;     The same END can be used for several HEADs, a word can be
41;;     a HEAD and a SPECIAL-HEAD, but if so, its corresponding HEAD name
42;;     cannot be its own.
43;;     HEADs, RELATIONs, BEACONs, SEPARATORs, SOFTs, ENDs should all be different,
44;;     and SPECIAL-HEADs can only be also HEADs.
45;;     SOFTs, STRONGs or ENDs can be used in fifferent constructs.
47;;     SYNTACTICALLY speaking, chars used in these strings should be word-constituents,
48;;     symbols, open-parenthesis, close-parenthesis or generic-parenthesis.
49;;     If sli-case-fold is t, upper/lowercase letters are irrelevant *but*
50;;     sli-structures and all should use lowercase letters.
53;;     we look if the first word on this line is a fixed/strong/end/soft
54;;        if yes --> fixed keys are easy
55;;               --> soft keys: find its ancestor (a strong or a head)
56;;                   this ancestor is necessarily on another line,
57;;                   so compute the indent required after this key.
58;;               --> strong/end keys: find its ancestor and align
59;;                   our key on the ancestor (strong or head), with possible offset.
60;;                   If the attribute is 'absolute, apply this indent.
61;;                   Else, apply it except if this key belongs to sli-no-heredity-list,
62;;                   in which case the alignment is on the head.
64;;        if no  --> use indentation of previous line
66;;     see if previous line has an unclosed head/strong/soft.
67;;        if yes --> use its indentation.
68;;        if no  --> use indentation of previous line.
69;;   SEE sli-tools for more info.
71;;  REGION scanned: the region scanned is extremely important for lengthy programms,
72;;  since no unclosed constructs may be found before the very beginning of the file.
73;;  So we provide the variable `sli-safe-place-regexp' which indicates where one
74;;  can start: after the end of the first grouping. For inctance
75;;  "^\(\\\\--\)$" means that a line containing only "\\--" indicates a place
76;;  outside any construct. One can start after the string "--" or before the "\\".
78;;  COMMENTS: nothing much has been done for indenting comments just now.
80;; Use of properties:
81;;  -- 'sli-type can be
82;;          'head 'special-head 'strong 'soft 'end 'math-relation 'beacon
83;;          'block-comment-start 'block-comment-end 'string
84;;  -- 'sli-ancestor if present is a buffer location:
85;;          for 'end  it is point at beginning of opening 'head or an intermediate 'strong
86;;          for 'strong it is point at beginning of corresponding 'head
87;;          for 'special-head it is point at beginning of previous 'special-head or 'head
88;;          for 'block-comment-end it is point at beginning of corresponding 'block-comment-start
89;; -- 'sli-reverse-ancestor if present is a buffer location:
90;;          for 'head it is point at beginning of closing 'end              *Not Always Present*
91;;          for 'strong it is point at beginning of next 'strong or 'end    *Not Always Present*
92;;          for 'special-head it is point at beginning of closing separator *Not Always Present*
93;;          for 'block-comment-start it is point at beginning of corresponding 'block-comment-end
94;; -- 'sli-time if present is an integer representing the time when
95;;          the sli-properties were last set.
96;; These properties are lazily computed: everytime we can deduce such a property,
97;; we do it, but we do not go out of our way to do so. So the absence of a property
98;; only means it has not been computed, and *not* it doesn't exist.
100;; Maintainer: Olivier Ramare <ramare@agat.univ-lille1.fr>
102;; BUGS:
103;; (1) If I remember well, strings spreading over several lines may
104;;     raise some troubles.
105;; (2) sli-tutor has some troubles if used in the middle of already
106;;     complete structures.
107;; (3) Due to lazy computations of text properties, sli-show-sexp may
108;;     show wrong things. Wait a bit and things will become ok.
109;;     See `sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time'.
110;; Use of sli-special-head-heads-alist ??
112(provide 'sli-tools)
115;; Variables that defines how indentation should occur.
116;; See mupad.el for an example.
119;; We use "" and  \" for strings.
121(defgroup sli nil
122"sli customization group"
123:group 'editing :prefix "sli-")
125(defcustom sli-handles-sexp nil "A true value advises forward/backward/scan-sexp/s"
126:type 'boolean :group 'sli)
128;; These values are modified in sli-tools:
129(defvar sli-verbose nil "A true value gives (debugging) infos")
130(defvar sli-prop-verbose nil "A true value gives (debugging) infos on text properties")
133;; The next variables are here to pacify the compiler !
134;; Do *not* assign any value to them or they may override ....
135(defvar block-comment-end)
136(defvar block-comment-start))
138(defvar sli-structures nil
139  "List of lists. Each item is a vector or a list which we call a STRUCTURE
140in this explanation. There are several kind of structures :
147 [END-STRING end])
148is the usual structure, like in 'if/then/(elif/then)/(else)/end_if'.  Between
149the 'head' and the 'soft', INDENT-HEAD is used on subsequent lines to offset the
150new line with respect to the beginning of HEAD-STRING. When the 'soft' is found,
151INDENT-SOFT1 is used still with respect to the 'head'.  The next part is
152optional.  The STRONG-STRING is aligned on its 'head' and INDENT-STRONG is used
153after that, with respect to the STRONG-STRING. Finally the END-STRING is aligned
154on the previous STRONG-STRING (the 'heredity principle'). If you want to change
155this alignement, use `sli-shift-alist' below.  Note that an INDENT-* value can
156be either an integer or a cons pair whose first element is the symbol 'absolute
157and the second one is an integer: it means that the indentation is not relative
158but absolute with respect to the left margin. It applies also to the next
159strong/end key.  In this construct, you can also use [SPECIAL-HEAD-STRING
160special-head INDENT-SPECIAL-HEAD SEPARATORS]. This key is closed by SEPARATORS
161which is either a separator which belongs to `sli-separators' or a list of
162separators all in `sli-separators' in which case the first one is the one used
163by sli-maid. No other construct should happen between the special-head and its
164separator except comments and keys termed CONSTRUCTORs; for instance the
165'proc/(option)/begin/end_proc' construct of MuPAD is
166a head/special-head/strong/end. You can use several [END-STRING end]. The first
167one is going to be used by the maid. Furthermore you can use the same END-STR
168for several constructs. It then applies to the first 'head' that appears
169(going backward). Concerning SPECIAL-HEAD, the syntax could make believe that
170a string could be used after a HEAD with some separators and after another one
171with some other separators: in fact they are merge internally so the union
172of all appearing separators for this SPECIAL-HEAD is being used.
174([BEACON-STRING beacon INDENT-BEACON]) specifies a special string that can be
175found between a 'head' or a 'strong' and its corresponding 'soft'. The typical
176example being 'for t from 1 to 2 do' and has pattern
177'head/beacon/beacon/soft'. If a newline is asked after the 'from' but before the
178'to', indentation is done with respect to the beginning of 'from' and
179INDENT-BEACON is added except if this newline is asked just after the beacon
180key, in which case indentation is done like from before the beacon but
181'math-relation's are ignored. Simply because 'math-relation' are supposedly
182closed by the appearance of a beacon, whether a separator has occured or not.
184([RELATION-STRING math-relation INDENT-RELATION]) specifies a mathematical type
185of relation (like '='). Such operators acts either as beacons (example 'while
186t=3D55 do' with pattern 'strong/math-relation/soft') or else are closed by
187someone in `sli-separators'. They may contain further structures in between like
188in 'foo = if ok then gonethrough=t ; 3 else 5 end_if'.  INDENT-RELATION is used
189before the appearance of the proper separator.
192different, except one case for HEAD-STRINGs indicated below.  SOFT-STRINGs and
193STRONG-STRINGs are different from any of the above, but a same soft or strong
194key can be used in different constructs. Usual examples are 'then' and 'do' and
195the 'elif' in 'if/elif/end_if' and '%if/elif/end_if'.  But because of the way
196things are, the corresponding INDENT should be the same throughout. Note that
197longest match is always taken, so that if 'while(' is a head (like in gp) and
198'(' is also a head (almost everywhere), indentation after 'while(' is the one it
199should. Same applies for the two constructs '%if' and 'if' in mupad.
201Concerning HEAD-STRINGs, all starting heads are to be distincts, but inside a
202construct, an existing head can be used as a special head. The typical case in
203MuPAD is 'category' which is normally a head but can be used like a special head
204inside a 'domain' statement.
206CONSTRUCTORs are treated in a special way and keys declared as head or end
207or whatever can also be termed constructor. Usual example: ( is a head and
208is also declared as a constructor.
210Cdr's are to be evaled.
212If downcase/uppercase is relevant is controled by the variable `sli-case-fold'.
213If sli-case-fold is t, sli-structures should use lowercase letters.
215Technical note: the first element of this list *has to* contain a 'head'. ")
217(defvar sli-case-fold nil
218"The strings used as separators, relations, and all. Not yet used.
219If set to t, all keywords in sli-stryctures, sli-shift-alist ...
220should be in lowercase.")
222(defvar sli-escape-key-string ""
223"The strings used as separators, relations, and all. Not yet used.")
225(defvar sli-shift-alist nil
226"Usual 'strong/end' are aligned on the previous
227occurence of a corresponding head/strong.
228You can add an offset between two keys.
229This is also valid in case of an absolute indent.
230Elements of this list have format ([key1 key2] . offset).
231Cdr's are to be evaled.")
233(defvar sli-no-heredity-list nil
234"Usual 'strong/end' are aligned on the previous
235occurence of a corresponding head/strong except
236if mentionned in this list.
237Elements of this list have format [head-key key].")
239(defvar sli-separators nil "Do not forget `sli-is-a-separatorp'.")
241(defvar sli-is-a-separatorp-fn 'sli-is-a-separatorp-default
242  "Function called to decide if character after POINT
243is a separator. This function takes an optional argument
244which is the value of POINT and should be surrounded by
245save-excursion and save-match-data, see `sli-is-a-separatorp-default'.")
247(defun sli-is-a-separatorp-default (&optional pt)
248  (save-excursion
249    (when pt (goto-char pt))
250    (save-match-data
251      (if sli-separators
252          (let ((case-fold-search sli-case-fold))
253            (looking-at (regexp-opt sli-separators)))
254        nil))))
256(defun sli-is-a-separatorp (&optional pt)
257  (funcall sli-is-a-separatorp-fn pt))
259(defvar sli-put-newline-fn 'sli-put-newline-default
260"Function used to insert a newline. Takes no argument.")
262(defun sli-put-newline-default nil (insert-char ?\n 1))
264(defun sli-put-newline nil
265"Indirection. Puts a newline according to `sli-put-newline-fn'
266and takes care not to write anything on read-only parts."
267  (unless (get-text-property (point) 'read-only)
268    (funcall sli-put-newline-fn)))
270(defvar sli-safe-place-regexp "^\\(//--+\\|/\\*-+-\\*/\\)$"
271"Marker used to tell emacs this point is outside a commented area, a string or a sexp. The safe place starts at beginning of match-group 1 and ends at end of match-group 1.")
273(defvar sli-fixed-keys-alist '()
274"Some keys should be placed at a fixed place with respect to the
275indentation of previous line when following a RELATION sign. See
276`sli-relation-keys'. This is the corresponding alist.
277List of (STRING . INDENTATION).")
279(defvar sli-keys-with-newline nil
280"When `sli-maid' tries to further your constructs, some keys should be
281followed by a newline before completion is added.")
283(defvar sli-keys-without-newline nil
284"When `sli-maid' tries to further your constructs, some keys should never be
285followed by a newline.")
287(defvar sli-maid-correction-alist nil "See `sli-maid'")
289(defvar sli-add-to-key-alist nil "See `sli-maid'.")
291(defvar sli-more-maidp t "See `sli-maid'.")
293(defvar sli-tab-always-indent t "See `sli-electric-tab'.")
295(defvar sli-comment-starts '()
296"A list of possible starters of one-line comments.
297That is to say an extension of `comment-start' in this special case.")
299(defvar sli-block-comment-middle-offset -1
300"Indentation of block comments: they start with block-comment-start and then
301either some whitespace and a word on the same line, on which case next lines
302are aligned on this first word. Or the text starts on next line in which case
303they start at column-of-end-of-block-comment-start + this-offset.
304Exception for the last line if it contains only one word ending with
305'block-comment-end in which case this word is where placed at
306column-of-end-of-block-comment-start+sli-block-comment-end-offset spaces
307from the margin.")
309(defvar sli-block-comment-end-offset -1
310"See `sli-block-comment-middle-offset'.")
314;;; Inner variables
317(defvar sli-head-keys nil)
318(defvar sli-special-head-keys nil)
319(defvar sli-soft-keys nil)
320(defvar sli-beacon-keys nil)
321(defvar sli-math-relation-keys nil)
322(defvar sli-relation-keys nil)
323(defvar sli-constructor-keys nil)
324(defvar sli-keys-nomrelations nil) ; nomrelations means no-math-relations
325(defvar sli-strong-keys nil)
326(defvar sli-end-keys nil)
327(defvar sli-keys nil)
328(defvar sli-max-keys-length 0
329"An integer: the maximum length of a keyword in sli-structures.
330Used in `sli-anchored-posix-search-backward', a fix for `posix-search-backward'. ")
331(defvar sli-all-keys-nomrelations-noseparators-regexp nil)
332(defvar sli-all-keys-regexp nil) ; including string quotes and all kind of comments.
333(defvar sli-all-end-strong-regexp nil)
334(defvar sli-fixed-regexp nil)
335(defvar sli-head-regexp nil)
336(defvar sli-strong-regexp nil)
337(defvar sli-all-keys-and-constructors-regexp nil)
339(defvar sli-head-end-alist nil "The alist ((end . head) ...).")
340(defvar sli-ends-head-alist nil "The alist ((head . (end1 end2 ...) ...).")
341(defvar sli-heads-strong-alist nil "The alist ((strong . (head1 head2 ...)) ...).")
342(defvar sli-special-head-alist nil "The alist ((special-head . (separator1 separator2 ...)) ...).")
343(defvar sli-special-head-heads-alist nil
344  "The alist ((special-head . heads) ...) for those special heads that are also heads.")
345(defvar sli-special-head-previous-keys-alist nil
346  "The alist ((special-head . keys) ...) for special-heads that can be heads.
347keys are the keys that can be before special-head.")
348(defvar sli-companion-strong-keys-alist nil
349  "The alist  ((strong/head . (strongs that could be after)) ...).
350The car should be a member of the cdr if the car is a strong.")
351(defvar sli-soft-alist nil
352  "The alist ((ambiguous-soft . (head-or-strong1 head-or-strong2 ...)) ...).")
353(defvar sli-soft-head-or-strong-alist nil "The alist ((head-or-strong . soft) ...)")
354(defvar sli-first-offset-alist nil)  ; to apply before the soft
355        ; it applies to head/strong keys that are followed by a soft with no
356        ; head or strong in between. Morally speaking this soft "closes" the head/strong.
357(defvar sli-relevant-alist nil
358"An alist. Put all head/strong/end's in one bundle. say two keys are linked if
359they occur in a same constructs. Close this relation transitively.
360this is the alist ((key . (keys in the same class)) ...).")
361(defvar sli-ancestors-alist nil
362"The alist ((end/strong-key . (head/strong1 head/strong2 ...)) ...)
363of keys that can occur before the first key.")
365(defvar sli-second-offset-alist nil "Alist (key . offset) where
366OFFSET is the one to apply after the soft key if it exist, after
367KEY if it doesn't have any soft. KEY can be a head/end/strong/soft.")  ; to apply after the soft
368(defvar sli-special-head-offset-alist nil "Alist (special-head . offset).")
369(defvar sli-relation-offset-alist nil)
371(defvar sli-maid-alist nil)
372(defvar sli-ambiguous-keys nil
373  "List of keys that may ask for a different following key according
374to context. They *should be* soft or strong keys.")
376;; Only to shut up compiler. These two variables should be defined when the
377;; correct buffer is set ! Used by sli-show-sexp.
378(defvar sli-overlay-beg nil "overlay set by `sli-show-sexp' and showing the head key.")
379(defvar sli-overlay-end nil "overlay set by `sli-show-sexp' and showing the end key.")
381(defvar sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time 10
382"Time span in milliseconds under which it is not necessary to recompute
383text properties alloted by sli-tools.")
384(defvar sli-prop-used 0
385"Number of times text-properties have been used.")
386(defvar sli-key-is-a-special-headp nil
387  "Set by `sli-get-corresponding-key' and `sli-get-first-non-end-key'.")
389(mapc 'make-variable-buffer-local
390'(sli-verbose sli-prop-verbose sli-handles-sexp sli-overlay-beg sli-overlay-end
391sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time sli-structures sli-shift-alist sli-separators
392sli-is-a-separatorp-fn sli-more-maidp sli-add-to-key-alist
393sli-math-relation-keys sli-max-keys-length sli-no-heredity-list sli-head-keys
394sli-special-head-keys sli-soft-keys sli-beacon-keys sli-relation-keys
395sli-keys-nomrelations sli-strong-keys sli-end-keys sli-keys sli-prop-used
396sli-all-keys-nomrelations-noseparators-regexp sli-all-keys-regexp sli-all-end-strong-regexp
397sli-soft-head-or-strong-alist sli-head-end-alist sli-heads-strong-alist
398sli-special-head-alist sli-special-head-heads-alist
399sli-special-head-previous-keys-alist sli-ends-head-alist sli-head-regexp
400sli-strong-regexp sli-relevant-alist sli-ancestors-alist sli-fixed-keys-alist
401sli-fixed-regexp sli-companion-strong-keys-alist sli-soft-alist
402sli-first-offset-alist sli-second-offset-alist sli-relation-offset-alist
403sli-maid-alist sli-ambiguous-keys sli-constructor-keys sli-all-keys-and-constructors-regexp
404sli-block-comment-middle-offset sli-block-comment-end-offset sli-key-is-a-special-headp
408;;; This section is devoted to some precomputations from sli-structures.
409;;; Lots of work is done several time, but I prefer this modularity
410;;; since it is easier to modify.
413(defun sli-split-list (lst)
414  (let ((wordother '()) (otherword '()) (wordword '()) (otherother '()) ls)
415    (mapc
416     (lambda (wd)
417       (setq ls (string-to-list wd))
418      (cond
419       ((and (= (char-syntax (car ls)) ?w) (= (char-syntax (car (last ls))) ?w))
420        (add-to-list 'wordword wd))
421       ((= (char-syntax (car ls)) ?w)
422        (add-to-list 'wordother wd))
423       ((= (char-syntax (car (last ls))) ?w)
424        (add-to-list 'otherword wd))
425       (t (add-to-list 'otherother wd))))
426     lst)
427    (list wordword wordother otherword otherother)))
429(defun sli-regexp-opt (lst)
430  (let ((qlst (sli-split-list lst)))
431    (if (null (elt qlst 0))
432        (if (null (elt qlst 1))
433            (if (null (elt qlst 2))
434                (if (null (elt qlst 3))
435                    "\\<\\>"
436                  (regexp-opt (elt qlst 3) t)) ; grouping required for posix
437              (concat
438               (regexp-opt (elt qlst 2) t) "\\>"
439               (if (null (elt qlst 3))
440                   ""
441                 (concat "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 3) t)))))
442          (concat
443            "\\<" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 1) t)
444            (if (null (elt qlst 2))
445                (if (null (elt qlst 3))
446                    ""
447                  (concat "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 3) t)))
448              (concat
449               "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 2) t) "\\>"
450               (if (null (elt qlst 3))
451                   ""
452                 (concat "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 3) t)))))))
453      (concat
454       "\\<" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 0) t) "\\>"
455       (if (null (elt qlst 1))
456            (if (null (elt qlst 2))
457                (if (null (elt qlst 3))
458                    ""
459                  (concat "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 3) t)))
460              (concat
461               "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 2) t) "\\>"
462               (if (null (elt qlst 3))
463                   ""
464                 (concat "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 3) t)))))
465          (concat
466            "\\|\\<" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 1) t)
467            (if (null (elt qlst 2))
468                (if (null (elt qlst 3))
469                    ""
470                  (concat "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 3) t)))
471              (concat
472               "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 2) t) "\\>"
473               (if (null (elt qlst 3))
474                   ""
475                 (concat "\\|" (regexp-opt (elt qlst 3) t)))))))))))
477(defun sli-flatten (ls)
478  (let ((res '()))
479    (mapc
480      (lambda (ph)
481        (cond
482          ((listp ph) (setq res (append res (sli-flatten ph))))
483          (t (setq res (append res (list ph))))))
484      ls)
485    res))
487(defun sli-scan-structures-locally (stru symbol)
488  (let ((res '()))
489    (mapc (lambda (ph)
490              (setq res
491                (append res
492                  (cond
493                    ((listp ph) (sli-scan-structures-locally ph symbol))
494                    ((equal (elt ph 1) symbol) (list (elt ph 0)))
495                    (t '())))))
496            stru)
497    res))
499(defsubst sli-compact-list (lst)
500  ; remove same consecutive occurences.
501  (let* ((old (car lst)) (nlst (list old))  (lst (cdr lst)))
502    (while lst
503      (if (equal (car lst) old)
504          (setq lst (cdr lst))
505          (setq nlst (cons (setq old (car lst)) nlst) lst (cdr lst))))
506    (nreverse nlst)))
508(defun sli-scan-structures (symbol)
509  (let ((res '()))
510    (mapc
511      (lambda (st)
512        (when (equal (elt st 1) symbol)
513          (add-to-list 'res (elt st 0))))
514      (sli-flatten sli-structures))
515  res))
517(defun sli-get-ends-head-alist nil
518  (let ((res '()) all-ends) ; forme la liste (head-key . (end1 end2 ...))
519   (mapc
520     (lambda (ph)
521       (when (equal (elt (elt ph 0) 1) 'head)
522         (setq all-ends '())
523         (mapc
524           (lambda (s)
525             (when (and (vectorp s) (equal (elt s 1) 'end))
526               (setq all-ends (append all-ends (list (elt s 0))))))
527          ph)
528         (add-to-list 'res (cons (elt (elt ph 0) 0) all-ends))))
529     sli-structures)
530   res))
532(defun sli-get-head-end-alist nil
533  (let ((res '()) all-heads) ; forme la liste (end-key . (head1 head2 ...))
534   (mapc
535     (lambda (end)
536       (setq all-heads '())
537       (mapc
538	(lambda (s)
539	  (if (member end (cdr s))
540	      (add-to-list 'all-heads (car s))))
541	sli-ends-head-alist)
542       (add-to-list 'res (cons end all-heads)))
543   sli-end-keys)
544   res))
546(defun sli-get-strong (ph)
547  (let ((res '()))
548    (mapc
549      (lambda (st)
550        (when (equal (elt st 1) 'strong)
551          (add-to-list 'res (elt st 0))))
552      ph)
553  res))
555(defun sli-get-heads-strong-alist nil
556  (let ((res '()) (aux '()) possible-heads) ; forme la liste des (strong-key . (head-key1 head-key2 ...))
557   ; Peut-etre plusieurs strong pour chaque head.
558   (mapc
559     (lambda (ph)
560       (if (equal (elt (elt ph 0) 1) 'head)
561           (let ((strongs (sli-get-strong (sli-flatten ph))))
562              (unless (null strongs)
563                 (mapc (lambda (st)
564                         (setq aux (add-to-list 'aux
565                                                (cons st (elt (elt ph 0) 0)))))
566                       strongs)))))
567     sli-structures)
568   ; Une strong peut etre liee a plusieurs heads. Il faut les reunir:
569   (mapc
570    (lambda (strong)
571      (setq possible-heads '())
572      (mapc
573       (lambda (ajoint)
574         (when (equal (car ajoint) strong)
575           (setq possible-heads (append possible-heads (list (cdr ajoint))))))
576       aux)
577      (when (> (length possible-heads) 1)
578        (add-to-list 'sli-ambiguous-keys strong))
579      (setq res (append res (list (cons strong possible-heads)))))
580    (sli-compact-list (sort (mapcar 'car aux) 'string-lessp)))
581   res))
583(defun sli-get-soft-alist nil ; forme la liste (soft . (head of strong using it))
584  (let ((resaux '()) loc (res '()) astrong-list (asoft-list '()))
585   (mapc
586    (lambda (ph)
587      (setq astrong-list '())
588      (mapc
589       (lambda (ve)
590	 (cond
591          ((equal (elt ve 1) 'soft) (unless (null astrong-list)
592                                      (add-to-list 'resaux (cons (elt ve 0) astrong-list))
593                                      (add-to-list 'asoft-list (elt ve 0))))
594          ((member (elt ve 1) '(strong head)) (setq astrong-list (list (elt ve 0))))))
595       (sli-flatten ph)))
596    sli-structures)
597    ;; now gather identical soft:
598    (mapc
599      (lambda (asoft)
600        (setq loc '())
601        (mapc
602	  (lambda (dd)
603	    (when (string-equal asoft (car dd))
604              (setq loc (append loc (cdr dd)))))
605          resaux)
606        (add-to-list 'res (cons asoft (sli-compact-list (sort loc 'string-lessp)))))
607      asoft-list)
608    res
609   ))
611(defun sli-common-pointp (l1 l2)
612  "t if l1 and l2 have a common element. Test is done through member."
613  (let ((ok nil))
614    (mapc (lambda (c) (setq ok (or ok (member c l1)))) l2)
615    ok))
617(defun sli-get-companion-alist nil ; case ?? It was not there.
618  (let ((res '()))
619    ; on prend les car de sli-heads-strong-alist on leur
620    ; associe la liste des car qui ont au moins une tete en commun :
621    (mapc
622      (lambda (co)
623        (let ((end (cdr co)) (companions '()))
624          (mapc
625            (lambda (coo)
626               (when (sli-common-pointp (cdr coo) end)
627                 (setq companions (add-to-list 'companions (car coo)))))
628            sli-heads-strong-alist)
629          (setq res (append res (list (cons (car co) companions))))))
630      sli-heads-strong-alist)
631    ; on prend les cdr de sli-heads-strong-alist on leur
632    ; associe la liste des car possibles :
633    (mapc
634      (lambda (head)
635        (let ((companions '()))
636          (mapc
637            (lambda (coo)
638               (when (member head (cdr coo))
639                 (setq companions (add-to-list 'companions (car coo)))))
640            sli-heads-strong-alist)
641          (setq res (add-to-list 'res (cons head companions)))))
642      (sli-compact-list (sort (sli-flatten (mapcar 'cdr sli-heads-strong-alist)) 'string-lessp)))
643    res))
645(defun sli-get-soft-head-or-strong-alist nil
646  (let ((res '()) asoft astrong-list)
647    (mapc
648     (lambda (ass)
649       (setq asoft (car ass))
650       (setq res (append res (mapcar (lambda (st) (cons st asoft)) (cdr ass)))))
651     sli-soft-alist)
652    res))
654(defun sli-equivalence-classes-local (lst)
655  (cond
656   ((null lst) lst)
657   (t (let (lstbis (done nil) (l1 (car lst)))
658	(setq lstbis
659	      (mapcar
660	       (lambda (c)
661		 (if (sli-common-pointp l1 c)
662		     (progn
663		       (setq done t)
664		       (sli-compact-list (sort (append l1 c) 'string-lessp)))
665		   c))
666	       (sli-equivalence-classes-local (cdr lst))))
667	(unless done
668	  (setq lstbis (append lstbis (list l1))))
669	lstbis))))
671(defun sli-equivalence-classes (lst)
672  (while (> (length lst) (length (setq lst (sli-equivalence-classes-local lst)))))
673  lst)
675(defun sli-get-relevant-alist nil
676  (let (key-lst (res '()))
677    ;; relevant keys are head/strong or end keys.
678    (mapc
679     (lambda (class)
680       (mapc
681	(lambda (el)
682	  (add-to-list 'res (cons el class)))
683	class))
684     (sli-equivalence-classes
685      (delq nil ; nil had better not be the first one ...
686	    (mapcar
687	     (lambda (ph)
688	       (setq key-lst '())
689	       (mapcar
690		(lambda (co)
691		  (when (member (elt co 1) '(head strong end))
692		    (add-to-list 'key-lst (elt co 0))))
693		ph)
694	       key-lst)
695	     (mapcar 'sli-flatten sli-structures)))))
696    res))
698(defun sli-get-ancestors-alist nil
699  (append
700   ;; Ancestors for end-keys:
701   (mapcar
702    (lambda (end)
703      (cons end
704	    (sli-flatten
705	     (mapcar
706	      (lambda (head)
707		(or (assoc head sli-companion-strong-keys-alist) ; works only if a strong is present
708		    (cdr (assoc end sli-head-end-alist))))
709	      (cdr (assoc end sli-head-end-alist))))))
710    sli-end-keys)
711   ;; Ancestors for strong-keys:
712   (mapcar
713    (lambda (strong)
714      (cons strong
715            (append (cdr (assoc strong sli-heads-strong-alist))
716                    ;; The next one is bad: for "begin" it associates "begin" which
717                    ;; can not be an anscestor ...
718                    (cdr (assoc strong sli-companion-strong-keys-alist)))))
719    sli-strong-keys)))
721(defun sli-get-first-offset-alist nil
722  (let ((res '()) last-head-or-strong stru pl)
723    (mapc
724     (lambda (ph)
725       (setq last-head-or-strong nil stru (sli-flatten ph))
726       (while (not (null stru))
727         (setq pl (car stru))
728         (cond
729           ((member (elt pl 1) '(head strong)) (setq last-head-or-strong pl))
730           ((equal (elt pl 1) 'soft)
731            (when last-head-or-strong
732              (setq res (append res (list (cons (elt last-head-or-strong 0)
733                                                (elt last-head-or-strong 2))))
734                    last-head-or-strong nil))))
735           (setq stru (cdr stru))))
736     sli-structures)
737    res))
739(defun sli-get-second-offset-alist nil
740  (let ((res '()) last-cand stru pl)
741    (mapc
742     (lambda (ph)
743       (setq last-cand nil stru (sli-flatten ph))
744       (while (not (null stru))
745         (setq pl (car stru))
746         (cond
747           ((equal (elt pl 1) 'head)
748            (setq last-cand pl))
749           ((and (member (elt pl 1) '(end strong))
750		 (not (assoc (elt pl 0) sli-special-head-heads-alist))) ;; ???
751            (when last-cand ;; no soft after last-cand.
752              (setq res (append res (list (cons (elt last-cand 0)
753                                                (elt last-cand 2))))))
754            (if (equal (elt pl 1) 'end)
755                (setq last-cand nil)
756              (setq last-cand pl)))
757           ((equal (elt pl 1) 'soft)
758            (when last-cand ;; last-cand is followed by a soft
759              (setq res (append res (list (cons (elt last-cand 0)
760                                                (elt pl 2))))
761                    last-cand nil))))
762	 (setq stru (cdr stru))))
763     sli-structures)
764    res))
766(defun sli-get-relation-offset-alist nil
767  (let ((res '()))
768    (mapc
769      (lambda (ph)
770        (mapc
771	 (lambda (pl)
772	   (cond
773	    ((member (elt pl 1) '(math-relation beacon))
774	     (add-to-list 'res (cons (elt pl 0) (elt pl 2))))))
775	 ph))
776      (mapcar 'sli-flatten sli-structures))
777    res))
779(defun sli-get-special-head-offset-alist nil
780  (let ((res '()))
781    (mapc
782      (lambda (ph)
783        (mapc
784	 (lambda (pl)
785	   (cond
786	    ((member (elt pl 1) '(special-head))
787	     (add-to-list 'res (cons (elt pl 0) (elt pl 2))))))
788	 ph))
789      (mapcar 'sli-flatten sli-structures))
790    res))
792(defun sli-get-maid-alist-locally (ph lst)
793  (let ((res '()) aux resaux (nlst '()))
794    (cond
795      ((null ph))
796      ((listp (car ph))
797       (setq ; process the internal with no 'lst' since it is optional:
798	     aux (sli-get-maid-alist-locally (car ph) '())
799             ; Then process the remainder with both candidates 'lst' and (cadr aux):
800             resaux (sli-get-maid-alist-locally (cdr ph) (append (cadr aux) lst))
801             ; glue things together:
802             res (list (append aux (car resaux)) (cadr resaux))))
803      (t (setq aux (elt (car ph) 0) ; the new 'last-word (lst=(last-word))
804               ph (cdr ph))
805         ; Link 'lst' to the new compulsory:
806         (mapc (lambda (s) (add-to-list 'res (cons s aux))) lst)
807	 (while (and (not (null ph)) (listp (car ph)))
808           ; (car ph) is an optional construct. Scan it with no 'lst'
809           (setq resaux (sli-get-maid-alist-locally (car ph) '())
810                 ; gather all 'last-words':
811                 nlst (append nlst (cadr resaux))
812                 ; gather all bindings :
813                 res (append res (car resaux))
814		 ph (cdr ph)))
815	 (when (car ph) ; aux is linked to the new guy:
816	   (add-to-list 'res (cons aux (elt (car ph) 0)))
817           ; the new guy is linked with all the 'last-words':
818	   (mapc(lambda (s) (add-to-list 'res (cons s (elt (car ph) 0)))) nlst))
819         ; process things farther:
820         (setq resaux (sli-get-maid-alist-locally ph '())
821               res (list (append (car resaux) res)
822                         (if (null (cadr resaux)) (append (list aux) nlst)
823                             (cadr resaux))))))
824     res))
826(defsubst sli-full-stuff (key alist fn1 fn2)
827  (let ((res '()) aux)
828    (while alist
829      (when (setq aux (funcall fn1 (funcall fn2 key alist)))
830        (add-to-list 'res aux))
831      (setq alist (cdr alist)))
832    res))
834(defsubst sli-full-assoc (key alist)
835  "The list of cdrs in alist whose car is key."
836  (sli-full-stuff key alist 'cdr 'assoc))
838(defsubst sli-full-rassoc (key alist)
839  "The list of cars in alist whose cdr is key."
840  (sli-full-stuff key alist 'car 'rassoc))
842(defun sli-get-automatic-maid-alist nil
843;; sli-ambiguous-keys is also created here.
844  ;(setq sli-ambiguous-keys nil)
845  (let ((res '()))
846    (mapc
847      (lambda (ph)
848        (setq res (append res (car (sli-get-maid-alist-locally ph '())))))
849      sli-structures)  ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "sli-get-automatic-maid-alist" res))
850    (add-to-list 'res (cons block-comment-start block-comment-end))
851    ; well, soft keys may correspond to different strong keys...
852    (mapcar (lambda (co) (let ((to (sli-full-assoc co res)))
853                           (cons co (if (null (cdr to)) (car to)
854                                      (progn
855                                        (add-to-list 'sli-ambiguous-keys co)  to)))))
856          (sli-compact-list (sort (mapcar 'car res) 'string-lessp)))))
858(defun sli-get-maid-alist nil
859  ;; First, create the list automatically:
860  (setq sli-maid-alist (sli-get-automatic-maid-alist))
861  ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "sli-get-maid-alist" sli-maid-alist))
862  ;; But now users may want something else. A typical example is
863  ;; for-from-do-end_for where the proposed completion of "for"
864  ;; is "do" because "from" is only a beacon.
865  ;; Correction is done is two steps: first the elements who have
866  ;; a car is sli-maid-correction-alist are removed from
867  ;; from sli-maid-alist and then sli-maid-correction-alist
868  ;; is added.
869  (let ((new-lst '()) (correction-words (mapcar 'car sli-maid-correction-alist)))
870    (while sli-maid-alist  ;(princ "\n")  (car sli-maid-alist)
871      (unless (member (caar sli-maid-alist) correction-words)
872        (setq new-lst (append new-lst (list (car sli-maid-alist)))))
873      (setq sli-maid-alist (cdr sli-maid-alist)))
874    (append new-lst sli-maid-correction-alist)))
876(defun sli-get-special-head-alist nil
877  (let ((res '()) aux)
878    (mapc
879     (lambda (ph)
880       (if (equal (elt ph 1) 'special-head)
881           (progn
882             (if (setq aux (assoc (elt ph 0) res))
883                 ;; This special-head has already been used, but maybe with
884                 ;; different separators. Merge everything ... Sorry !
885                 (progn
886                   (setq res (delq aux res));(print res)
887                   (setq aux (cdr aux))
888                   (mapc (lambda (wd) (add-to-list 'aux wd))
889                         (if (listp (elt ph 3)) (elt ph 3)(list (elt ph 3))))
890                   (add-to-list 'res (cons (elt ph 0) aux)))
891               (add-to-list 'res (cons (elt ph 0)
892                                       (if (listp (elt ph 3))
893                                           (elt ph 3)
894                                         (list (elt ph 3)))))))))
895     (sli-flatten sli-structures))
896    res))
898(defun sli-agglomerate (lst)
899  "LST is a list of list (beg end).
900If beg1 = beg2= ... = begN, we answer (beg1 end1 end2 ... endN)."
901  (let ((res '()) beg (listend '()))
902    (mapc
903     (lambda (ph)
904       (unless (assoc (setq beg (elt ph 0)) res) ;; already done
905         (setq listend '())
906         (mapc
907          (lambda (nph)
908            (when (equal (elt nph 0) beg)
909              (add-to-list 'listend (elt nph 1))))
910          lst)
911         (setq res (append res (list (append (list beg) listend))))))
912     lst)
913    res))
915(defun sli-get-special-head-head-alist nil
916  (let ((res '()) previous-head (previous-keys '()))
917    (mapc
918     (lambda (ph)
919       (cond
920	((equal (elt ph 1) 'head)
921	 (setq previous-head (list (elt ph 0)) previous-keys (list (elt ph 0))))
922	((and (equal (elt ph 1) 'special-head) (member (elt ph 0) sli-head-keys))
923	 (add-to-list 'res (cons (elt ph 0) previous-head)); (print (list (elt ph 0) previous-keys))
924	 (add-to-list 'sli-special-head-previous-keys-alist (cons (elt ph 0) previous-keys)))
925	(t (add-to-list 'previous-keys (elt ph 0)))))
926     (sli-flatten sli-structures))
927    ;; Some work for sli-special-head-previous-keys-alist and res:
928    ;;   some special-head are linked to different things.
929    (setq sli-special-head-previous-keys-alist (sli-agglomerate sli-special-head-previous-keys-alist))
930    (sli-agglomerate res)))
932(defun sli-get-max-keys-length (lst)
933  (let ((res 0))
934    (mapc (lambda (to) (setq res (max res to)))
935          (mapcar 'length lst))
936    res))
938(defun sli-precomputations nil
939  ;; variables:
940  ;(princ "\nPrecomputations: variables")
941  (setq sli-head-keys (sli-scan-structures 'head)
942        sli-special-head-keys (sli-scan-structures 'special-head)
943        sli-soft-keys (sli-scan-structures 'soft)
944        sli-beacon-keys (sli-scan-structures 'beacon)
945        sli-math-relation-keys (sli-scan-structures 'math-relation)
946        sli-relation-keys (append sli-beacon-keys sli-math-relation-keys)
947        sli-strong-keys (sli-scan-structures 'strong)
948        sli-end-keys (sli-scan-structures 'end)
949        sli-constructor-keys (sli-scan-structures 'constructor)
950        sli-keys-nomrelations (append sli-head-keys sli-soft-keys sli-strong-keys sli-beacon-keys
951				      sli-special-head-keys ;; momentanous !!
952                                      sli-end-keys)
953	sli-keys (append sli-keys-nomrelations sli-relation-keys)
954        sli-max-keys-length (sli-get-max-keys-length sli-keys))
955  ;(princ "...done.\n")
956  ;;regexps:
957  ;(princ "\nPrecomputations: regexps")
958  (setq sli-all-end-strong-regexp (sli-regexp-opt (append sli-end-keys sli-strong-keys))
959        sli-fixed-regexp (sli-regexp-opt (mapcar 'car sli-fixed-keys-alist))
960        sli-head-regexp (sli-regexp-opt sli-head-keys)
961        sli-strong-regexp (sli-regexp-opt sli-strong-keys)
962        sli-all-keys-nomrelations-noseparators-regexp
963          (sli-regexp-opt (append sli-keys-nomrelations sli-comment-starts
964                                 (list "\"" block-comment-start block-comment-end)))
965        sli-all-keys-regexp
966          (sli-regexp-opt (append sli-keys sli-separators sli-comment-starts
967                                  (list "\"" block-comment-start block-comment-end)))
968        sli-all-keys-and-constructors-regexp
969          (sli-regexp-opt (append sli-keys sli-separators sli-comment-starts
970                                  sli-constructor-keys
971                                  (list "\"" block-comment-start block-comment-end))))
972  ;(princ "...done.\n")
973  ;; association lists:
974  ;(princ "\nPrecomputations: alists")
975  (setq sli-ends-head-alist (sli-get-ends-head-alist)
976	sli-head-end-alist (sli-get-head-end-alist)
977	sli-heads-strong-alist (sli-get-heads-strong-alist) ; sli-ambiguous-keys also is partly created there.
978        sli-companion-strong-keys-alist (sli-get-companion-alist)
979        sli-soft-alist (sli-get-soft-alist)
980        sli-soft-head-or-strong-alist (sli-get-soft-head-or-strong-alist)
981	sli-special-head-alist (sli-get-special-head-alist)
982	sli-special-head-heads-alist (sli-get-special-head-head-alist) ;; sli-special-head-previous-keys-alist is also created here
983                   sli-relevant-alist (sli-get-relevant-alist)
984        sli-ancestors-alist (sli-get-ancestors-alist)
985	;; offsets :
986        sli-first-offset-alist (sli-get-first-offset-alist)
987        sli-second-offset-alist (sli-get-second-offset-alist)
988        sli-relation-offset-alist (sli-get-relation-offset-alist)
989        sli-special-head-offset-alist (sli-get-special-head-offset-alist)
990        ;; the maid :
991        sli-maid-alist (sli-get-maid-alist) ; sli-ambiguous-keys also is partly created there.
992        )
993  ;(princ "...done.\n")
994  )
997;;; End of the section devoted to precomputations from sli-structures.
1001;;; This section is devoted to some simple functions extracting informations
1002;;; from the variables defined above.
1005  ;; A full-key is a cons (STRING . PT) where PT is the
1006  ;; value of point at the beginning of STRING.
1008(defsubst sli-keyword (el)
1009  (if sli-case-fold (downcase el) el))
1011(defsubst sli-member (el lst)
1012  (if sli-case-fold (member (downcase el) lst) (member el lst)))
1014(defsubst sli-following-key (key)
1015  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword key) sli-maid-alist)))
1017(defun sli-indent-after (key &optional before-soft)
1018  ;; answer is an integer or a cons ('absolute . integer)
1019  (setq key (sli-keyword key))
1020  (eval
1021   (cond
1022    ;; See how special-heads are handled: if specified by sli-key-is-a-special-headp
1023    ;; put to t they take precedence, otherwise the head-offset has precedence.
1024    ;; If no head exist then the offset as a special-head is finally used.
1025    (sli-key-is-a-special-headp
1026     (cdr (assoc key sli-special-head-offset-alist)))
1027    ((and before-soft (sli-member key (append sli-head-keys sli-strong-keys)))
1028     (cdr (assoc key sli-first-offset-alist)))
1029    ((sli-member key (append sli-head-keys sli-strong-keys))
1030     (cdr (assoc key sli-second-offset-alist)))
1031    ((sli-member key sli-relation-keys)
1032     (cdr (assoc key sli-relation-offset-alist)))
1033    ((sli-member key sli-soft-keys)
1034     (cdr (assoc key sli-second-offset-alist)))
1035    ((sli-member key sli-special-head-keys)
1036     (cdr (assoc key sli-special-head-offset-alist)))
1037    (t 0))))
1039(defsubst sli-get-shift (beg end)
1040  (or (eval (cdr (assoc (vector (sli-keyword beg) (sli-keyword end))
1041                        sli-shift-alist))) 0))
1043(defsubst sli-get-strongs-from-strong-or-head (strong)
1044  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword strong) sli-companion-strong-keys-alist)))
1046(defsubst sli-get-heads-from-end (end)
1047  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword end) sli-head-end-alist)))
1049(defsubst sli-get-heads-from-strong (strong)
1050  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword strong) sli-heads-strong-alist)))
1052(defsubst sli-get-ends-from-head (head)
1053  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword head) sli-ends-head-alist)))
1055(defsubst sli-get-head-and-strong-from-soft (soft)
1056  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword soft) sli-soft-alist)))
1058(defsubst sli-get-ends-from-strong (strong)
1059  (sli-flatten
1060   (mapcar 'sli-get-ends-from-head
1061           (sli-get-heads-from-strong strong))))
1063(defsubst sli-get-relevant (key)
1064  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword key) sli-relevant-alist)))
1066(defsubst sli-get-special-head-previous-keys (key)
1067  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword key) sli-special-head-previous-keys-alist)))
1069(defsubst sli-get-special-head-previous-heads (key)
1070  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword key) sli-special-head-heads-alist)))
1072(defsubst sli-possible-ancestors (key)
1073  (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword key) sli-ancestors-alist)))
1076;;; Some general primitives.
1079(defsubst sli-remove-trailing-spaces nil
1080  (if (and (looking-at "\\s-+\\($\\|\\'\\)")
1081           (not (text-property-any (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'read-only t)))
1082      (delete-horizontal-space)))
1084(defsubst sli-remove-trailing-spaces-previous-line nil
1085  (save-excursion
1086    (forward-line -1)
1087    (end-of-line)
1088    (save-restriction
1089      (condition-case err
1090          (unwind-protect
1091              (progn
1092                (narrow-to-region (line-beginning-position) (point))
1093                (while (and (progn
1094                              (forward-char -1)
1095                              (looking-at "\\s-"))
1096                            (not (text-property-any (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'read-only t))))
1097                (unless (looking-at "\\s-") (forward-char 1)); in case we are not at bol
1098                (when sli-verbose
1099                  (princ "\n")
1100                  (princ (list "(sli-remove-trailing-spaces-previous-line) removing spaces from/to: "
1101                               (point) (line-end-position))))
1102                (delete-char (- (line-end-position) (point))))
1103            (widen))
1104        (error (when sli-verbose (princ "\n(sli-remove-trailing-spaces-previous-line): ") (princ err)) nil)))))
1106(defsubst sli-only-spacep (&optional pt)
1107  ;; t if the line contains only spaces.
1108  (unless pt (setq pt (point)))
1109  (let ((only-spacep t))
1110    (mapc (lambda (ch) (setq only-spacep
1111                             (and only-spacep (= (char-syntax ch) ?\ ))))
1112          (string-to-list
1113           (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position) pt)))
1114    only-spacep))
1116(defun sli-only-spaces-on-line-before nil
1117  "t if point is between beginning-of-line
1118and first non-whitespace character, nil else.
1119nil if point is at beginning of line."
1120  (let (res)
1121    (save-excursion
1122      (save-restriction
1123        (narrow-to-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
1124        (skip-syntax-forward " ") ; beware: linefeed/newline are whitespaces
1125        (setq res
1126              (if (= 0 (current-column))
1127                  nil
1128                (= (current-indentation) (current-column)))))
1129      (widen))
1130    res))
1132(defun sli-backward-to-indentation nil
1133  (interactive)
1134  (if (not (sli-only-spaces-on-line-before))
1135      (delete-char -1)
1136    (let ((foundp nil) (cc (current-indentation)) ncc)
1137      ;;(if sli-verbose
1138      ;;  (print (list "(sli-backward-to-indentation) Current indentation: " cc)))
1139      (save-excursion
1140        (while (and (not (bobp)) (not foundp))
1141	  (forward-line -1)
1142          (beginning-of-line) ; for the bobp to work
1143          (setq foundp (> cc (setq ncc (current-indentation))))))
1144      (save-restriction
1145        (narrow-to-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
1146        (skip-syntax-forward " ")
1147        (if (not foundp)
1148	    (backward-delete-char-untabify cc)
1149          (backward-delete-char-untabify (- cc ncc)))
1150        (widen)))))
1152(defsubst sli-point-to-indent (pt)
1153  (save-excursion
1154    (progn (goto-char pt) (current-column))))
1156(defsubst sli-indent-at (full-key)  ;; used only here
1157  ;; A full-key is a cons (STRING . PT) where PT is the
1158  ;; value of point at the beginning of STRING. PT alone is also accepted.
1159  (sli-point-to-indent (if (consp full-key) (car full-key) full-key)))
1161(defsubst sli-in-one-line-comment nil
1162  (and sli-comment-starts ; if sli-comment-starts is nil, answer is nil
1163      (re-search-backward (regexp-opt sli-comment-starts) (line-beginning-position) t)))
1165(defsubst sli-get-safe-backward-place nil
1166  (save-excursion
1167    (when (eobp) (forward-char -1))
1168    (if (re-search-backward sli-safe-place-regexp nil t)
1169        (match-end 1) (point-min))))
1171(defsubst sli-get-safe-forward-place nil
1172  (save-excursion
1173    (when (bobp) (forward-char 1))
1174    (if (re-search-forward sli-safe-place-regexp nil t)
1175        (match-beginning 1) (point-max))))
1177(defsubst sli-within-long-comment nil
1178  (let*((aux (sli-get-safe-backward-place))
1179	(res (parse-partial-sexp aux (point)))) ;(princ (list " Yol " (nth 4 res) (not (nth 7 res))))
1180    (if (and (nth 4 res) (not (nth 7 res)))
1181        (nth 8 res)
1182      nil)))
1184(defun sli-anchored-posix-search-backward (regexp lim &optional no-error)
1185;;; ??? DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK:  (posix-search-backward regexp lim no-error))
1186  (let ((case-fold-search sli-case-fold))
1187    (and (re-search-backward regexp lim no-error)
1188         (let*((end-pt (match-end 0))
1189               (beg (- end-pt sli-max-keys-length)))
1190           ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "Anchored posix. Candidate: " (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)  " beg=" beg))
1191           ;;(princ (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (posix-search-forward regexp end-pt t)))
1192           (while (save-excursion
1193                    (goto-char beg)
1194                    (posix-search-forward regexp end-pt t)
1195                    (< (match-end 0) end-pt))
1196             ;;(princ "\n") (princ (list "Inside anchored posix: " (match-beginning 0) " beg=" beg))
1197             (setq beg (1+ beg)))
1198           ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "Out of anchored posix: " (match-beginning 0) " beg=" beg))
1199           (goto-char (match-beginning 0))))))
1202;;;  Handling text properties
1205(defsubst sli-prop-should-remove (beg props)
1206  (let ((lola 0) (res t))
1207    (or (and (get-text-property beg 'sli-time)
1208             (> (- (cadr (current-time)) (get-text-property beg 'sli-time))
1209                sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time))
1210        (progn
1211          (while (< lola (/ (length props) 2))
1212            (setq res (and res (get-text-property beg (elt props (* lola 2))))
1213                  lola (+ 1 lola)))
1214          ;; res is nil if one of the properties that PROPS wants to set
1215          ;; is not already set.
1216          (not res)))))
1218(defsubst sli-prop-word (beg)
1219  (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (next-property-change beg)))
1221(defsubst sli-prop-full-key (beg)
1222  (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (next-property-change beg)) beg))
1224(defsubst sli-prop-region (beg)
1225  (cons beg (next-property-change beg)))
1227(defun sli-prop-renew (beg end props)
1228  "PROPS is '(sli-type head sli-ancestor 66) for instance."
1229  (let ((old-buff-modp (buffer-modified-p)))
1230    (when (sli-prop-should-remove beg props)
1231      (remove-text-properties beg end '(sli-type nil sli-ancestor nil sli-reverse-ancestor nil sli-time nil))
1232      (when sli-prop-verbose
1233        (princ "\n((sli-prop-renew) propertying ")(princ beg))
1234      (add-text-properties beg end props)
1235      (add-text-properties beg end (list 'sli-time (cadr (current-time))))
1236      (set-buffer-modified-p old-buff-modp))))
1238(defsubst sli-prop-renew2 (full-key props)
1239  "Same as sli-prop-renew except that full-key replaces BEG END"
1240  (sli-prop-renew (cdr full-key) (+ (cdr full-key) (length (car full-key))) props))
1242(defsubst sli-prop-has-type (beg)
1243  "Answer sli-type at BEG if it exists and is not stale.
1244Answer is nil otherwise."
1245  (if (sli-prop-should-remove beg '(sli-time 0)) nil
1246    (setq sli-prop-used (+ 1 sli-prop-used))
1247    (get-text-property beg 'sli-type)))
1250;;; The real stuff starts here.
1253;;; Functions to get pairs ....
1256(defun sli-reduce-skel (skel &optional full)
1257  ; (cdr skel) is reduced if FULL is nil. With a t value,
1258  ; (cdr skel goes through reduction.
1259  (if (null skel) nil
1260   (let*((word (car skel)) end-lst strong-lst
1261         (found-strongp nil) (found-endp nil)
1262         (skel (if full (sli-reduce-skel (cdr skel) t) (cdr skel))))
1263     (cond
1264       ((sli-member word sli-end-keys) ; don't do a thing !
1265        (append (list word) skel))
1266       ((sli-member word sli-head-keys)
1267        ;; its end should be below or it is the key we seek. Erase this closed part.
1268        (setq end-lst (sli-get-ends-from-head word))
1269        ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-reduce-skel): end-lst is " end-lst))
1270        (while (and skel (not (sli-member (car skel) end-lst)))
1271          (setq skel (cdr skel)))
1272        ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-reduce-skel): last skel is " skel))
1273        (if (null skel) (list word) (cdr skel))) ; the answer.
1274       ((sli-member word sli-strong-keys)
1275        ;; its end should be below or it is the key we seek.
1276        (setq end-lst (sli-get-ends-from-strong word)
1277              strong-lst (sli-get-strongs-from-strong-or-head word))
1278        (mapc (lambda (s)
1279                (setq found-endp (or found-endp (sli-member s end-lst))
1280                      found-strongp (or found-strongp (sli-member s strong-lst))))
1281              skel)
1282        (cond
1283         (found-endp
1284          (while (and skel (not (sli-member (car skel) end-lst)))
1285            (setq skel (cdr skel))))
1286         ;; So word is a strong key with no end below.
1287         (found-strongp
1288          (while (and skel (not (sli-member (car skel) strong-lst)))
1289            (setq skel (cdr skel)))
1290          (when (and (cdr skel) (sli-member (cadr skel) strong-lst))
1291            (setq skel (cdr skel)))))
1292        (append (list word) skel))))))
1294(defun sli-find-matching-key (pt whatwewant relevant &optional givekey forspecialhead) ; goes backward
1295"PT is supposedly at beginning of an end/strong-key, out of comment or
1296string and we look for the first element of WHATWEWANT which is not
1297in a complete expression. RELEVANT is the list of keys that may
1298intervene. If GIVEKEY, then full-key is given else key only.
1299That's a kind of backward-sexp...
1300If FORSPECIALHEAD is t, then if we find a special-head before PT,
1301we stop and answer t.
1302Supports imbedded comments. Answer nil if not found."
1303  (save-excursion
1304    (goto-char pt)
1305    ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-find-matching-key) getting in with " pt whatwewant relevant))
1306    (if (and (sli-prop-has-type (point))
1307             (get-text-property (point) 'sli-ancestor)
1308             (sli-member (sli-prop-word (get-text-property (point) 'sli-ancestor)) whatwewant))
1309        (sli-prop-full-key (get-text-property (point) 'sli-ancestor))
1310      (when (and (sli-prop-has-type (point))
1311                 (get-text-property (point) 'sli-ancestor))
1312        ;; but the ancestor is not the good one. Still go till there :
1313        (setq pt (get-text-property (point) 'sli-ancestor)))
1314      (let ((level-comment1 0) (skel '())
1315            (foundp nil) (ans nil) (case-fold-search sli-case-fold)
1316            word start (in-stringp nil) ancestor
1317            (aregexp (sli-regexp-opt
1318                      (append relevant
1319                              (list "\"" block-comment-start block-comment-end)))))
1320        (while (and (not foundp) (not (bobp)))
1321        ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-find-matching-key) word " word "skel" skel))
1322          (if (sli-anchored-posix-search-backward aregexp nil 1)
1323              (cond
1324               ((string= (setq word (match-string-no-properties 0)) "\"")
1325                (if (= (preceding-char) ?\\)
1326                    (setq in-stringp t) ; it should already be.
1327                  (setq in-stringp (not in-stringp))))
1328               (in-stringp)
1329               ; Out of strings:
1330               ((string= word block-comment-end)
1331                (sli-prop-renew (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) '(sli-type block-comment-end))
1332                (setq level-comment1 (+ 1 level-comment1)))
1333               ((string= word block-comment-start)
1334               ; in case the string we look for is a block-comment-start
1335                (sli-prop-renew (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) '(sli-type block-comment-start))
1336                (setq level-comment1 (1- level-comment1))
1337                (when (and (< level-comment1 0)
1338                           (equal (list block-comment-start) whatwewant))
1339                           ; in case the string we look for is a block-comment-start
1340                           ;(princ (list "Found !" (point)))
1341                  (setq ans (if givekey (cons word (point)) (point))
1342                        foundp t)))
1343               ((sli-member word sli-comment-starts)) ; within a one-line-comment
1344               ((> level-comment1 0)); within a multiline-comment
1345               ;; Out of imbedded comments. Now word is in RELEVANT.
1346               ((not (sli-member word relevant)) ; should not happen!!
1347                (setq foundp t ans nil))
1348               ((and forspecialhead
1349                     (sli-member word whatwewant))
1350                ;; Avoid crossed recursivity of next point.
1351                (setq foundp t ans (if givekey (cons word (point)) (point))))
1352               ((setq ancestor (sli-is-a-special-head (point) word))
1353                ;; crossed recursivity ... But point is going backward !
1354                (sli-prop-renew2 (cons word (point))
1355                                (list 'sli-type 'special-head 'sli-ancestor (cdr ancestor)))
1356                (if (or (sli-separator-directly-afterp pt word)
1357                        (sli-in-one-line-comment))
1358                    (goto-char (+ (cdr ancestor) (length (car ancestor))))
1359                  (setq ans (if givekey (cons word (point)) (point)) foundp t)))
1360               ((save-excursion (sli-in-one-line-comment)))
1361               (t (setq skel (sli-reduce-skel (append (list word) skel))
1362                        forspecialhead nil)
1363                  (when (and (= 1 (length skel)) (sli-member (car skel) whatwewant))
1364                    (setq ans (if givekey (cons word (point)) (point))
1365                          foundp t)))) ; end of cond
1366            )) ; end of while
1367            ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-find-matching-key) out with " ans))
1368        ans))))
1370(defsubst sli-special-head-headp (word)
1371  "Answer not nil if WORD is a special-head that can be a head."
1372  (assoc (sli-keyword word) sli-special-head-heads-alist))
1374(defun sli-is-a-special-head (pt word)
1375  "Answer nil if WORD located at PT is not a special-head.  WORD should not be
1376in comment, and PT is before WORD.  If WORD is a special-head that can be a
1377head, answer is nil if it acts like a head; else answer is
1378(previousword . previouspt) where previousword is the one that showed that word
1379was a special-head: it is thus a special-head or a head located before (word . pt). "
1380  (save-match-data
1381    (cond
1382     ((sli-special-head-headp word)
1383      (cond
1384        ((and (eq (sli-prop-has-type pt) 'special-head)
1385              (get-text-property pt 'sli-ancestor))
1386         (sli-prop-full-key (get-text-property pt 'sli-ancestor)))
1387        ;; An easy trick: if a separator is not after, it can't be a special-head !
1388        ((not (sli-separator-directly-afterp (point-max) word))
1389         (sli-prop-renew pt (+ pt (length word)) '(sli-type head))
1390         nil)
1391        (t (let ((appui (sli-find-matching-key
1392                         pt (sli-get-special-head-previous-heads word)
1393                         (sli-get-relevant word) t t)))
1394             (if (consp appui)
1395                 (sli-prop-renew pt (+ pt (length word))
1396                                 (list 'sli-type 'special-head 'sli-ancestor (cdr appui)))
1397               (if appui (sli-prop-renew pt (+ pt (length word)) '(sli-type special-head))
1398                 (sli-prop-renew pt (+ pt (length word)) '(sli-type head))))
1399             appui))))
1400     (t (sli-member word sli-special-head-keys)))))
1402(defun sli-get-corresponding-key (pt whatwewant)
1403  ;; answer is (block-comment-start . point)
1404  ;; if PT is within a multiline-comment.
1405  ;; PT is at the beginning of the word we want to match.
1406  ;; This function skips
1407  ;; head/end blocks by using sli-find-matching-key.
1408  ;; Answers the first element of what we want that is not
1409  ;; enclosed in a construct.
1410  (save-excursion
1411    (goto-char pt)
1412    (let ((level-comment1 0) (foundp nil) beg aux
1413          word start (in-stringp nil) (case-fold-search sli-case-fold)
1414          (relevant (append whatwewant
1415                            sli-comment-starts
1416                            (list "\"" block-comment-start block-comment-end)))
1417          aregexp)
1418      (dolist (wd whatwewant)
1419        (dolist (x (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword wd) sli-relevant-alist)))
1420          (when (sli-member x sli-end-keys) (add-to-list 'relevant x))))
1421      (setq aregexp (sli-regexp-opt relevant) sli-key-is-a-special-headp nil)
1422      ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-get-corresponding-key) getting in " relevant))
1423      (while (and (not foundp) (not (bobp)))
1424        (if (sli-anchored-posix-search-backward aregexp nil 1)
1425          (cond
1426            ((string= (setq word (match-string-no-properties 0)) "\"")
1427             (if (= (preceding-char) ?\\)
1428                 (setq in-stringp t) ; it should already be.
1429               (setq in-stringp (not in-stringp))))
1430            (in-stringp)
1431            ; Out of strings:
1432            ((string= word block-comment-end)
1433             (sli-prop-renew (point) (+ (point) (length word)) '(sli-type block-comment-end))
1434             (setq level-comment1 (1+ level-comment1)))
1435            ((string= word block-comment-start)
1436             (sli-prop-renew (point) (+ (point) (length word)) '(sli-type block-comment-start))
1437             (if (= level-comment1 0)
1438                 (setq foundp t)
1439               (setq level-comment1 (1- level-comment1))))
1440            ((sli-member word sli-comment-starts)) ; within a one-line-comment
1441            ((> level-comment1 0)); within a multiline-comment
1442            ;; Out of imbedded comments:
1443            ((sli-member word sli-end-keys)
1444             (setq start (point))
1445             (unless (sli-in-one-line-comment)
1446               (if (setq beg (sli-find-matching-key
1447                              start (sli-get-heads-from-end word) (sli-get-relevant word) t))
1448                   (progn
1449                     (goto-char (cdr beg))
1450                     (sli-prop-renew start (+ start (length word))
1451                                     (list 'sli-type 'end 'sli-ancestor (cdr beg)))
1452                     (sli-prop-renew2 beg (list 'sli-type 'head 'sli-reverse-ancestor start)))
1453                 (goto-char (point-min)))))
1454            ((not (sli-member word whatwewant)))
1455            ((sli-special-head-headp word) ;; special heads that can be heads
1456	     (when sli-verbose
1457	       (princ "\n")
1458	       (princ
1459		(list "(sli-get-corresponding-key) Found special-head that could be a head: "
1460		      word "...")))
1461	     (if (setq aux (sli-is-a-special-head (point) word))
1462		 ;; acts like a special head:
1463		 (unless (or (sli-separator-directly-afterp pt word)
1464			     (sli-in-one-line-comment))
1465                   (sli-prop-renew (point) (+ (point) (length word))
1466                                   (list 'sli-type 'special-head 'sli-ancestor (cdr aux)))
1467		   (setq foundp t sli-key-is-a-special-headp t))
1468	       ;; acts like a head:
1469	       (when sli-verbose (princ "\n(                            ... and is indeed one !)"))
1470               (sli-prop-renew (point) (+ (point) (length word)) '(sli-type head))
1471	       (setq foundp (sli-member word whatwewant))))
1472            ((sli-member word sli-special-head-keys)
1473             (unless (or (sli-separator-directly-afterp pt word)
1474                         (sli-in-one-line-comment))
1475               (setq foundp t)))
1476            ((sli-member word whatwewant)
1477             (setq start (point))
1478             (unless (sli-in-one-line-comment)
1479                     (setq foundp t)))
1480            (t nil))
1481           ))
1482       ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-get-corresponding-key) out with " (if foundp (cons word (point)) nil)))
1483      (if foundp (cons word (point)) nil))))
1485(defsubst sli-get-key-for-soft (pt soft)
1486  (sli-get-corresponding-key pt (sli-get-head-and-strong-from-soft soft)))
1488(defun sli-get-key-for-strong (pt strong)
1489  (sli-get-corresponding-key pt (sli-get-heads-from-strong strong)))
1491(defun sli-get-key-for-end (pt end)
1492  "Looking for head of (END.PT)."
1493  (sli-get-corresponding-key pt (sli-get-heads-from-end end)))
1495(defsubst sli-get-head-from-ambiguous (pt key)
1496  (let (auxkey)
1497    (cond
1498     ((sli-member key sli-strong-keys)
1499      (sli-get-key-for-strong pt key))
1500     ((sli-member key sli-soft-keys)
1501      (unless (sli-member (car (setq auxkey (sli-get-key-for-soft (point) key))) sli-head-keys)
1502        (setq auxkey (sli-get-key-for-strong pt (car auxkey))))
1503      (if auxkey auxkey 'sli-fail))
1504     (t 'sli-fail))))
1506(defun sli-separator-directly-afterp (end word)
1507  "t if there is SEPARATOR between (1+ point) and end
1508which is not within a comment or a string and such that
1509no keyword appear in between  except maybe someone in
1511  (save-excursion
1512    (forward-char 1)
1513    ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "Getting in sli-separator-directly-afterp with " (point) end word))
1514    (let ((level-comment1 0) (level 0) (foundp nil)
1515           wd (in-stringp nil) (directlyp nil)
1516           (separators (cdr (assoc (sli-keyword word) sli-special-head-alist)))
1517           (case-fold-search sli-case-fold))
1518      (while (and (not foundp) (< (point) end))
1519        (when (posix-search-forward sli-all-keys-and-constructors-regexp end 1)
1520          (cond
1521            ((string= (setq wd (match-string-no-properties 0)) "\"")
1522             (if (= (preceding-char) ?\\)
1523                 (setq in-stringp t) ; it should already be.
1524               (setq in-stringp (not in-stringp))))
1525            (in-stringp)
1526            ; Out of strings:
1527            ((string= wd block-comment-end)
1528             (setq level-comment1 (1- level-comment1)))
1529            ((string= wd block-comment-start)
1530             (setq level-comment1 (1+ level-comment1)))
1531            ((sli-member wd sli-comment-starts) (forward-line 1)) ; within a one-line-comment
1532            ((> level-comment1 0)); within a multiline-comment
1533            ;; Out of imbedded comments:
1534            ((and (member wd separators) (sli-is-a-separatorp (1- (point))))
1535             (setq foundp t directlyp t))
1536            ((sli-member wd sli-constructor-keys))
1537            (t (setq foundp t))
1538          )))
1539      ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "Out of sli-separator-directly-afterp. directlyp =  " directlyp))
1540      directlyp)))
1543;;;--- beginning of forward/backward/scan-sexp/s
1546(defsubst sli-move-a-bit-before nil
1547  (let ((p (point))(case-fold-search sli-case-fold))
1548    (save-restriction
1549      (unwind-protect
1550          (progn
1551            (narrow-to-region
1552             (progn (re-search-backward "\\s-" nil 1)
1553                    (when (and (not (eobp))
1554                               (not (member (char-syntax (char-after)) '(?w ?_ ?\( ?\) ?$))))
1555                      (forward-char 1)); at beob
1556                    (point))
1557             (progn (re-search-forward "\\s-" nil 1)
1558                    (when (and (not (bobp))
1559                               (not (member (char-syntax (preceding-char)) '(?w ?_ ?\( ?\) ?$))))
1560                      (forward-char -1)); at eob
1561                    (point)))
1562            (goto-char p)
1563            (when (member (char-syntax (preceding-char)) '(?w ?_ ?\( ?\) ?$))
1564              (skip-syntax-backward "w_()$"))
1565            (while (and (<= (point) p);(princ (list "sli-move-a-bit-before" (point)))
1566                        (posix-search-forward sli-all-keys-regexp nil t))); we have gone too far.
1567            (sli-anchored-posix-search-backward sli-all-keys-regexp nil 1))
1568	(widen)))
1569    (when sli-verbose (print (list p (point))))
1570    (if (> (point) p) (progn (goto-char p) nil) t)))
1572(defun sli-skip-to-beginning-of-keyword nil
1573  (sli-move-a-bit-before))
1575(defun sli-find-full-key-at-point (&optional move)
1576  (save-excursion
1577    (if (or (sli-move-a-bit-before) move)
1578        (progn
1579          ;(princ "\n")(princ (list "sli-find-full-key-at-point"(match-string-no-properties 0) (point)))
1580          (cons (match-string-no-properties 0) (point)))
1581      nil)))
1583(defun sli-backward-sexp (&optional arg)
1584  "A backward-sexp. If point is after an end or a strong,
1585go to its head. If point is in the middle of the text,
1586use backward-word. If ARG, repeat that many times.
1587Answer POINT of where to go"
1588  (save-restriction
1589    (condition-case err
1590        (progn
1591          (if (and arg (< arg 0))
1592              (sli-forward-sexp (- arg))
1593            (let ((n (or arg 1)) first-stuff beg pt (modifiedp (buffer-modified-p))
1594                  (case-fold-search sli-case-fold))
1595              (while (> n 0)
1596                (setq first-stuff (sli-find-full-key-at-point t))
1597                (goto-char (setq pt (cdr first-stuff)))
1598               (when sli-verbose
1599                  (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-backward-sexp) to be matched: " first-stuff)))
1600                (if (or (null first-stuff)
1601                        (search-backward " " pt t)
1602                        (not (sli-member (car first-stuff) (append sli-end-keys sli-strong-keys))))
1603                    ;; The previous word is not an end or a strong:
1604                    (progn
1605                      (when sli-verbose
1606                        (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-backward-sexp) nothing special")))
1607                      ;; Do *not* use backward-sexp, it is advised !!!
1608                      (forward-word -1))
1609                  (cond
1610                   ((and (sli-prop-has-type (cdr first-stuff))
1611                         (get-text-property (cdr first-stuff) 'sli-ancestor)
1612                         (sli-member (sli-prop-word (get-text-property (cdr first-stuff) 'sli-ancestor))
1613                                 sli-head-keys))
1614                    (goto-char (get-text-property (cdr first-stuff) 'sli-ancestor)))
1615                   ((sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-end-keys)
1616                    (setq beg (sli-get-key-for-end
1617                               (if (and (sli-prop-has-type (cdr first-stuff))
1618                                        (get-text-property (cdr first-stuff) 'sli-ancestor))
1619                                   ;; An ancestor exists. It is a strong. Still it is better than nothing.
1620                                   (get-text-property (cdr first-stuff) 'sli-ancestor)
1621                                 (cdr first-stuff))
1622                               (car first-stuff)))
1623                    (when sli-verbose
1624                      (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-backward-sexp) match: " beg)))
1625                    (cond
1626                     ((and (consp beg) (equal (car beg) block-comment-start));;un'
1627                      (sli-prop-renew2 beg '(sli-type block-comment-start))
1628                      (goto-char (cdr beg)))
1629                     ((consp beg)
1630                      (sli-prop-renew2 first-stuff (list 'sli-type 'end 'sli-ancestor (cdr beg)))
1631                      (sli-prop-renew2  beg (list 'sli-type 'head 'sli-reverse-ancestor (cdr first-stuff)))
1632                      (goto-char (cdr beg)))
1633                     (t nil)))
1634                   ((sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-strong-keys)
1635                    (setq beg (sli-get-key-for-strong (cdr first-stuff) (car first-stuff)))
1636                    (when sli-verbose (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-backward-sexp) match: " beg)))
1637                    (cond
1638                     ((and (consp beg) (equal (car beg) block-comment-start));;un'
1639                      (sli-prop-renew2  beg '(sli-type block-comment-start))
1640                      (goto-char (cdr beg)))
1641                     ((consp beg)
1642                      (sli-prop-renew2 first-stuff (list 'sli-type 'strong 'sli-ancestor (cdr beg)))
1643                      (sli-prop-renew2 beg (list 'sli-type 'head 'sli-reverse-ancestor (cdr first-stuff)))
1644                      (goto-char (cdr beg)))
1645                     (t nil)))
1646                   (t (when sli-verbose (princ "\n(sli-backward-sexp) Should not be here!)")))))
1647                (setq n (- n 1)))
1648              (set-buffer-modified-p modifiedp)))
1649          (when sli-verbose (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-backward-sexp) answer: " (point))))
1650          (point))
1651      (error (princ "\n(sli-backward-sexp): ") (princ err) nil))))
1653(defun sli-find-end-forward (pt word)
1654  "WORD is a head or a strong. PT is at beginning of WORD.
1655Answer is (endword . endpoint)."
1656  (let ((whatwewant-regexp (if (sli-member word sli-head-keys)
1657                               (sli-regexp-opt (sli-get-ends-from-head word))
1658                             (sli-regexp-opt (sli-get-ends-from-strong word))))
1659        foundp end his-head (case-fold-search sli-case-fold))
1660    (if (and (sli-prop-has-type pt)
1661             (get-text-property pt 'sli-reverse-ancestor))
1662        (sli-prop-full-key (get-text-property pt 'sli-reverse-ancestor))
1663      ;; Start the swallow/unswallow process :
1664      (save-restriction
1665        (unwind-protect
1666            (progn
1667              (narrow-to-region (sli-get-safe-backward-place) (sli-get-safe-forward-place))
1668              (while (and (re-search-forward whatwewant-regexp nil t)
1669                          (not foundp))
1670                (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1671                (setq end (cons (match-string-no-properties 0) (match-beginning 0)))
1672                (when sli-verbose
1673                  (princ "\n")
1674                  (princ (list "(sli-find-end-forward) Potential end:" end)))
1675                (setq his-head (sli-get-key-for-end (point) (car end))
1676                      foundp (or (null his-head) ; meaning we don't understand a thing!
1677                                 (and (consp his-head) (<= (cdr his-head) pt))))
1678                (when sli-verbose
1679                  (princ "\n")
1680                  (princ (list "(sli-find-end-forward) His head:" his-head)))
1681                (when (consp his-head)
1682                  (sli-prop-renew2 end (list 'sli-type 'end 'sli-ancestor (cdr his-head)))
1683                  (sli-prop-renew2
1684                   his-head (list 'sli-type 'head 'sli-reverse-ancestor (cdr end))))
1685                ;; In case the end found was closing something in between, continue from after:
1686                (goto-char (+ (cdr end) (length (car end))))
1687                ))
1688          (widen)))
1689      (if foundp end nil))))
1691(defun sli-forward-sexp (&optional arg)
1692  "A forward-sexp. If point is before a head or a strong,
1693go to its end. If point is in the middle of the text,
1694use forward-word. If ARG, repeat that many times.
1695Answer POINT of where to go."
1696  (save-restriction
1697    (condition-case err
1698        (progn
1699          (if (and arg (< arg 0))
1700              (sli-backward-sexp (- arg))
1701            (let ((n (or arg 1)) end beg aux (modifiedp (buffer-modified-p))
1702                  (case-fold-search sli-case-fold))
1703              (while (> n 0)
1704                (sli-skip-to-beginning-of-keyword)
1705                (cond
1706                 ((posix-looking-at (regexp-opt (if (boundp 'block-comment-start)
1707                                                    (append sli-comment-starts (list block-comment-start))
1708                                                    sli-comment-starts)))
1709                  ;; In comment: use text forward-sexp.
1710                  (when sli-verbose (princ "\n((sli-forward-sexp) comments)"))
1711                  ;; Do *not* use forward-sexp !!!
1712                  (forward-word 2))
1713                 ((or (setq aux (member (sli-prop-has-type (point)) '(head strong)))
1714                      (and (posix-looking-at sli-head-regexp)
1715                           (not (sli-is-a-special-head (match-beginning 0) (match-string-no-properties 0))))
1716                      (posix-looking-at sli-strong-regexp))
1717                  (if aux
1718                      (setq beg (sli-prop-full-key (point))
1719                            end (sli-find-end-forward (point) (car beg)))
1720                    (setq beg (cons (match-string-no-properties 0) (match-beginning 0))
1721                          end (sli-find-end-forward (point) (match-string-no-properties 0))))
1722                  (when sli-verbose
1723                    (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-forward-sexp) to be matched: " beg))
1724                    (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-forward-sexp) match: " end)))
1725                  (cond
1726                   ((and (consp end) (equal (car end) block-comment-end));;un'
1727                    (sli-prop-renew2 beg (list 'sli-type (if (sli-member (car beg) sli-head-keys)
1728                                                             'head 'strong)))
1729                    (sli-prop-renew2 end '(sli-type block-comment-end))
1730                    (goto-char (+ (length block-comment-end) (cdr end))))
1731                   ((consp end)
1732                    (sli-prop-renew2
1733                     beg (list 'sli-type (if (sli-member (car beg) sli-head-keys) 'head 'strong)
1734                               'sli-reverse-ancestor (cdr end)))
1735                    (sli-prop-renew2 end (list 'sli-type 'end 'sli-ancestor (cdr beg)))
1736                    (goto-char (+ (length (car end)) (cdr end))))
1737                   (t nil)))
1738                 (t (when sli-verbose (princ "\n((sli-forward-sexp) nothing found)"))
1739                    (forward-word 2)))
1740                (setq n (- n 1)))
1741          (set-buffer-modified-p modifiedp)))
1742          (when sli-verbose (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-forward-sexp) answer: " (point))))
1743          (point))
1744      (error (princ "\n(sli-forward-sexp): ") (princ err) nil))))
1746(defun sli-scan-sexps (pt count)
1747  (goto-char pt)
1748  (when sli-verbose (princ "\n((sli-scan-sexps))"))
1749  (if (< count 0)
1750      (sli-backward-sexp count)
1751    (sli-forward-sexp count)))
1753(defvar sli-select-end-of-overlay-fn
1754  'sli-select-end-of-overlay-fn-default
1755"Function used to give the end of the overlay.
1756Takes two arguments KEY and PT.
1757Default value is `sli-select-end-of-overlay-fn-default'.")
1759(defun sli-select-end-of-overlay-fn-default (key pt)
1760  (+ pt (length key)))
1762(defun sli-select-end-of-overlay (key pt)
1763  (funcall sli-select-end-of-overlay-fn key pt))
1765(defun sli-show-sexp (&optional arg)
1766  "POINT is on a head or end key.
1767This key is highlighted as well as its corresponding end/head.
1768Color used is `show-paren-match-face'. Nothing is highlighted
1769if no corresponding key is found.
1770  When used with prefix C-u, remove stale text properties and
1771recompute things by setting `sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time' to 0."
1772  (interactive "P")
1773  (save-excursion
1774    (save-restriction
1775      (let ((old-sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time))
1776        (unwind-protect
1777            (let ((full-key (sli-find-full-key-at-point)) pt
1778                  (modifiedp (buffer-modified-p)))
1779              (when sli-verbose
1780                (princ "\n")
1781                (princ (list "(sli-show-sexp) full-key-at-point: " full-key)))
1782              (when full-key (setq pt (goto-char (cdr full-key))))
1783              (when (and arg (= (car arg) 4)) ;; call prefixed by C-u
1784                (setq sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time 0))
1785              (setq sli-prop-used 0)
1786              (narrow-to-region (sli-get-safe-backward-place) (sli-get-safe-forward-place))
1787              (cond
1788               ((and full-key (sli-member (car full-key) sli-head-keys)
1789                     (not (sli-is-a-special-head (cdr full-key) (car full-key))));(print full-key)
1790                     (move-overlay sli-overlay-beg (cdr full-key)
1791                                   (sli-select-end-of-overlay (car full-key) (cdr full-key)))
1792                     (if (and (sli-forward-sexp)
1793                              (equal (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'sli-type) 'end)); ?(1- point) ??
1794                         (progn
1795                           (overlay-put sli-overlay-beg 'face 'show-paren-match-face)
1796                           (overlay-put sli-overlay-end 'face 'show-paren-match-face)
1797                           (when sli-prop-verbose
1798                             (princ "\n")
1799                             (princ (list "(sli-show-sexp) overlay-end:"
1800                                          (get-text-property pt 'sli-reverse-ancestor) (point))))
1801                           (goto-char (1- (point)))
1802                           (setq full-key (sli-find-full-key-at-point));(print full-key)
1803                           (move-overlay sli-overlay-end (get-text-property pt 'sli-reverse-ancestor)
1804                                         (sli-select-end-of-overlay (car full-key) (cdr full-key))))
1805                       (overlay-put sli-overlay-beg 'face 'show-paren-mismatch-face)
1806                       (move-overlay sli-overlay-end (point-min) (point-min))))
1807               ((and full-key (sli-member (car full-key) sli-end-keys))
1808                (move-overlay sli-overlay-end (cdr full-key)
1809                              (sli-select-end-of-overlay (car full-key) (cdr full-key)))
1810                (if (and (sli-backward-sexp)
1811                         (equal (get-text-property (point) 'sli-type) 'head))
1812                    (progn
1813                      (overlay-put sli-overlay-beg 'face 'show-paren-match-face)
1814                      (overlay-put sli-overlay-end 'face 'show-paren-match-face)
1815                      (when sli-prop-verbose
1816                        (princ "\n")
1817                        (princ (list "(sli-show-sexp) overlay-beg:"
1818                                     (get-text-property pt 'sli-ancestor) (next-property-change (point))))
1819                        (princ "\n")
1820                        (princ (list "(sli-show-sexp) number of text-properties used:" sli-prop-used)))
1821                      (goto-char (get-text-property pt 'sli-ancestor))
1822                      (setq full-key (sli-find-full-key-at-point))
1823                      (move-overlay sli-overlay-beg (cdr full-key)
1824                                    (sli-select-end-of-overlay (car full-key) (cdr full-key))))
1825                  (overlay-put sli-overlay-end 'face 'show-paren-mismatch-face)
1826                  (move-overlay sli-overlay-beg (point-min) (point-min))))
1827               (t ;; Erase overlays:
1828                (when sli-prop-verbose
1829                  (princ (list "\n(sli-show-sexp) Erasing overlays")))
1830                (move-overlay sli-overlay-beg (point-min) (point-min))
1831                (move-overlay sli-overlay-end (point-min) (point-min))))
1832              (set-buffer-modified-p modifiedp)
1833              (widen)
1834              (setq sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time old-sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time)))))))
1836(defvar sli-show-sexp-idle-timer nil)
1838(defun sli-show-sexp-semi-mode (arg)
1839  "When ARG>0 corresponding head/end keys are automatically
1840shown with an idle timer. When ARG=0, sli-show-sexp is bound
1841to f8. When ARG is anything else, remove `sli-overlay-beg' and
1843  (when sli-show-sexp-idle-timer
1844      (cancel-timer sli-show-sexp-idle-timer))
1845  (cond
1846   ((< 0 arg)
1847    (setq sli-show-sexp-idle-timer
1848          (run-with-idle-timer (if (featurep 'lisp-float-type) (/ (float 1) (float 8)) 1)
1849                               t 'sli-show-sexp)))
1850   ((= 0 arg)
1851    (move-overlay sli-overlay-beg (point-min) (point-min))
1852    (move-overlay sli-overlay-end (point-min) (point-min))
1853    (local-set-key [f8] 'sli-show-sexp))
1854   (t
1855    (move-overlay sli-overlay-beg (point-min) (point-min))
1856    (move-overlay sli-overlay-end (point-min) (point-min)))))
1858(defadvice forward-sexp (around sli-handles-forward-sexp (&optional arg))
1859  (interactive)
1860  (if (bound-and-true-p sli-handles-sexp) (sli-forward-sexp arg) ad-do-it))
1862(defadvice backward-sexp (around sli-handles-backward-sexp (&optional arg))
1863  (interactive)
1864  (if (bound-and-true-p sli-handles-sexp) (sli-backward-sexp arg) ad-do-it))
1866(require 'advice)
1867(ad-activate 'forward-sexp  'around)
1868(ad-activate 'backward-sexp 'around)
1871;;;--- end of forward/backward/scan-sexp/s
1874;;; Indentation
1877(defun sli-get-first-fixed-or-strong-or-end-or-soft (pt)
1878  ; Go to first non whitespace char on line on which PT lies and before PT.
1879  ; Then nil if within comment or first word is not a fixed/end/strong/soft key,
1880  ; the cons (KEY . point-at-its-beginning) otherwise.
1881  (save-excursion
1882    (save-restriction
1883      (unwind-protect
1884	  (let (aux (case-fold-search sli-case-fold))
1885	    (narrow-to-region (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)) pt)
1886	    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1887            ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-get-first-fixed-or-strong-or-end-or-soft)" (point)))
1888	    (cond ((setq aux (sli-prop-has-type (point)))
1889                   (cond ((member aux '(block-comment-end block-comment-start))
1890                          (cons (eval aux) (point)))
1891                         ((and (or (member aux '(end strong soft))
1892                                   (assoc (sli-keyword (sli-prop-word (point))) sli-fixed-keys-alist))
1893                               (<= (next-property-change (point)) pt))
1894                          (sli-prop-full-key (point)))
1895                         (t nil)))
1896                  ((posix-looking-at (regexp-opt (append sli-comment-starts (list block-comment-start))))
1897                   (sli-prop-renew (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) (list 'sli-type 'block-comment-start))
1898		   (cons block-comment-start (point)))
1899		  ((posix-looking-at (regexp-opt (list block-comment-end)))
1900		   (sli-prop-renew (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) (list 'sli-type 'block-comment-end))
1901		   (cons block-comment-end (point)))
1902                  ((posix-looking-at (sli-regexp-opt sli-soft-keys))
1903                   (sli-prop-renew (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) (list 'sli-type 'soft))
1904                   (cons (match-string-no-properties 0) (point)))
1905		  ((or (posix-looking-at sli-fixed-regexp)
1906		       (posix-looking-at sli-all-end-strong-regexp))
1907		   (cons (match-string-no-properties 0) (point)))
1908		  (t nil)))
1909	(widen)))))
1911(defun sli-get-first-non-end-key (pt &optional nomrelation) ; goes backward
1912"Find first non-end-key before PT outside comment
1913or string which is not matched by an end-key.
1914Imbedded comments are supported.
1915If NOMRELATION is t, then this key is not a math-relation
1916either. Answer is a full-key (KEY . POINT)
1917where POINT indicates the beginning of the occurence
1918of KEY we're interested in.
1919Answer is (block-comment-start . point)
1920if PT is within a multiline-comment."
1921  (save-excursion
1922    (goto-char pt)
1923    (let ((level-comment1 0) (foundp nil) beg
1924          (accessible-separator (sli-member (char-to-string (preceding-char)) sli-separators))
1925          word start (in-stringp nil) (case-fold-search sli-case-fold)
1926          (aregexp
1927             (if nomrelation sli-all-keys-nomrelations-noseparators-regexp sli-all-keys-regexp)))
1928      (setq sli-key-is-a-special-headp nil)
1929      (while (and (not foundp) (not (bobp)))
1930        (if (sli-anchored-posix-search-backward aregexp nil 1)
1931          (progn ;(princ "\n")
1932        	 ;(princ (list "(sli-get-first-non-end-key). word = " (match-string-no-properties 0) (point)))
1933            (cond
1934             ((string= (setq word (match-string-no-properties 0)) "\"")
1935              (if (= (preceding-char) ?\\)
1936                  (setq in-stringp t) ; it should already be.
1937                (setq in-stringp (not in-stringp))))
1938             (in-stringp)
1939             ;; Out of strings:
1940             ((string= word block-comment-end)
1941              (setq start (point))
1942              ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-get-first-non-end-key) In block-comment."))
1943              (unless (sli-in-one-line-comment)
1944                (if (setq beg (sli-find-matching-key
1945                               start (list block-comment-start) (list block-comment-start) t))
1946                    (progn
1947                      (goto-char (cdr beg))
1948                      (sli-prop-renew start (+ start (length word))
1949                                      (list 'sli-type 'block-comment-end 'sli-ancestor (cdr beg)))
1950                      (sli-prop-renew2
1951                        beg (list 'sli-type 'block-comment-start 'sli-reverse-ancestor start)))
1952                  (setq level-comment1 (1+ level-comment1))
1953                  (goto-char  (point-min)))))
1954             ((string= word block-comment-start)
1955              (sli-prop-renew start (+ start (length word)) '(sli-type block-comment-start))
1956              (if (= level-comment1 0)
1957                  (setq foundp t)
1958                (setq level-comment1 (1- level-comment1))))
1959             ((sli-member word sli-comment-starts)) ; within a one-line-comment
1960             ((> level-comment1 0)); within a multiline-comment
1961             ;; Out of imbedded comments:
1962             ((sli-is-a-separatorp) ; only if NOMRELATION is t.
1963              (setq start (point))
1964              (unless (sli-in-one-line-comment)
1965                (goto-char start) (setq accessible-separator t)))
1966             ((sli-member word sli-math-relation-keys) ; only if NOMRELATION is t.
1967              (unless accessible-separator
1968                (setq start (point))
1969                (unless (sli-in-one-line-comment)
1970                  (goto-char start) (setq foundp t))))
1971             ((sli-member word sli-end-keys)
1972              (setq start (point))
1973              (unless (sli-in-one-line-comment)
1974                (if (setq beg (sli-find-matching-key
1975                               start (sli-get-heads-from-end word) (sli-get-relevant word) t))
1976                    (progn
1977                      (goto-char (cdr beg))
1978                      (sli-prop-renew start (+ start (length word))
1979                                      (list 'sli-type 'end 'sli-ancestor (cdr beg)))
1980                      (sli-prop-renew2 beg (list 'sli-type 'head 'sli-reverse-ancestor start)))
1981                  (goto-char (point-min)))))
1982             ((sli-special-head-headp word) ;; special heads that can be heads
1983              (when sli-verbose
1984                (princ "\n")
1985                (princ
1986                 (list "(sli-get-first-non-end-key) Found a special head that could be a head: "
1987                       word " at " (point) "...")))
1988              (if (sli-is-a-special-head (point) word)
1989                  ;; acts like a special head:
1990                  (unless (or (sli-separator-directly-afterp pt word)
1991                              (sli-in-one-line-comment))
1992                    (sli-prop-renew (point) (+ (point) (length word)) '(sli-type special-head))
1993                    (setq foundp t sli-key-is-a-special-headp t))
1994                ;; acts like a head:
1995                (when sli-verbose (princ "\n((sli-get-first-non-end-key) ... and is indeed one !)"))
1996                (sli-prop-renew (point) (+ (point) (length word)) '(sli-type head))
1997                (setq foundp t)))
1998             ((sli-member word sli-special-head-keys);(princ " lyo ")
1999              (unless (or (sli-separator-directly-afterp pt word)
2000                          (sli-in-one-line-comment))
2001                (setq foundp t)))
2002             ((sli-member word sli-separators))      ;; momentanous
2003             (t (setq foundp (not (sli-in-one-line-comment))))))
2004          ))
2005          ;(princ "\n")
2006          ;(princ (list "Out of sli-get-first-non-end-key with "
2007          ;		   (if foundp (cons word (point)) nil) accessible-separator))
2008      (if foundp (cons word (point)) nil))))
2011(defsubst sli-compute-indent-after (full-key &optional before-soft)
2012  (let ((the-indent (sli-indent-after (car full-key) before-soft))) ;(princ full-key)
2013    ;(princ (list "Yummy!!" the-indent))
2014    (throw 'indent (if (consp the-indent)
2015		       (cdr the-indent) ; absolute indent
2016		     (+ (sli-point-to-indent (cdr full-key))
2017			the-indent)))))
2019(defsubst sli-on-same-linep (pt1 pt2)
2020  ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-on-same-linep)" pt1 pt2 ?\n
2021  ;                          (string-to-list (buffer-substring-no-properties pt1 pt2))))
2022  (if (member ?\n (string-to-list (buffer-substring-no-properties pt1 pt2)))
2023      nil t))
2025(defun sli-tell-indent-within-long-comment (afterp pos-beg-comment)
2026  (when sli-verbose
2027    (princ "\n")
2028    (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent-within-long-comment) getting in with afterp = " afterp
2029                 " and pos-beg-comment = "pos-beg-comment)))
2030  ;; AFTERP like in sli-tell-indent.
2031  ;; If pos-beg-comment and (point) are on the same line, do nothing:
2032  (when (and (not afterp) (sli-on-same-linep pos-beg-comment (point)))
2033    (when sli-verbose
2034      (princ "\n")
2035      (princ "((sli-tell-indent-within-long-comment) On same line as beginning of comment : no indent.)"))
2036    (throw 'indent 0))
2037  (let*((pos-first-char (save-excursion
2038                          (goto-char (+ pos-beg-comment (length block-comment-start)))
2039                          (skip-syntax-forward "^w") (point)))
2040        (on-same-linep (and (or (not afterp) (< pos-first-char (point)))
2041                            ; because if afterp is true, a \n will be inserted just before (point)
2042                            (sli-on-same-linep pos-beg-comment pos-first-char)))
2043        (pos-end-comment (save-excursion
2044                           (goto-char (+ pos-beg-comment (length block-comment-start)))
2045                           (search-forward block-comment-end nil t)))
2046        (end (line-end-position))
2047        (special-last-linep (and pos-end-comment
2048                                 (= pos-end-comment
2049                                    (save-excursion
2050                                      (beginning-of-line);(princ (point))(princ " ")
2051                                      (skip-syntax-forward "-" end);(princ (point))(princ " ")
2052                                      (skip-syntax-forward "^-" end);(princ (point))(princ " ")
2053                                      (point))))))
2055  ;; check whether heredity should apply:
2056  ;(princ (count-lines pos-beg-comment (point)))
2057  (when (and (not afterp)
2058             (not special-last-linep)
2059             (> (count-lines pos-beg-comment (point)) 2))
2060    (throw 'indent (save-excursion
2061                     (forward-line -1)
2062                     (current-indentation))))
2063  ;; Else align on the start :
2064  (when sli-verbose
2065    (princ "\n")
2066    (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent-within-long-comment) align on first line?"
2067                 (and on-same-linep (not special-last-linep)))))
2068  (if (and on-same-linep (not special-last-linep))
2069      (throw 'indent (sli-point-to-indent pos-first-char))
2070    ;; Special treatment of last line of comment:
2071    (when sli-verbose
2072      (princ "\n")
2073      (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent-within-long-comment) last line?" special-last-linep)))
2074    (if special-last-linep
2075        ;; only one word on this line ending with block-comment-end.
2076        ;; For instance "**/"
2077        (throw 'indent (+ (sli-point-to-indent pos-beg-comment)
2078                          (length block-comment-start)
2079                          sli-block-comment-end-offset
2080                          ))
2081      (throw 'indent (+ (sli-point-to-indent pos-beg-comment)
2082                        (length block-comment-start)
2083                        sli-block-comment-middle-offset
2084                        ))))))
2086(defun sli-tell-indent (&optional afterp nomrelation point-is-the-end) ;; used only here
2087  "Gives the indentation of line on which point lies.
2088Or on line after if AFTERP is t."
2089  ;; This indentation depends on what is on the previous
2090  ;; line except that the first word of the line could be
2091  ;; a strong or end key in which case it is to be aligned
2092  ;; on the previous head/strong of the same block.
2093  ;; The only thing we don't do is if a string spreads across lines.
2094  (sli-remove-trailing-spaces); for current-indentation
2095  (catch 'indent
2096  (let ((pos-beg-comment (if afterp (sli-within-long-comment)
2097                           (save-excursion
2098                             (beginning-of-line)
2099                             (sli-within-long-comment)))))
2100    (when pos-beg-comment
2101      (when sli-verbose
2102        (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) looking on next line ?" afterp))
2103        (princ "\n")
2104        (princ (list "(sli-indent-line) Within long comment starting at " pos-beg-comment)))
2105      (sli-tell-indent-within-long-comment afterp pos-beg-comment)))
2107  (unless (or afterp point-is-the-end) (end-of-line))
2109  (let*((pt (point)) wd-lst beg-str full-key appui head opp the-indent
2110        (first-stuff (and (not afterp) (sli-get-first-fixed-or-strong-or-end-or-soft pt)))
2111        is-a-fixed-keyp)
2112    (when sli-verbose
2113      (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) looking on next line ?" afterp))
2114      (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) first-stuff on line = " first-stuff)))
2115    ; Zeroth case, indentation of this line and (car first-stuff) is a block-comment-end:
2116    (when (and (not (null first-stuff))
2117               (string= (car first-stuff) block-comment-end))
2118      (when sli-verbose
2119        (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) first-stuff is block-comment-end")))
2120      (throw 'indent 0))
2121    ; First case, indentation of this line and (car first-stuff) is a fixed key:
2122    (when (and (not (null first-stuff))
2123               (setq opp (assoc (sli-keyword (car first-stuff)) sli-fixed-keys-alist)))
2124      (when sli-verbose
2125	(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) first-stuff is in sli-fixed-keys-alist")))
2126      (setq is-a-fixed-keyp t)
2127      ;; Old treatment:
2128      ;(throw 'indent (+ (save-excursion (forward-line -1) (current-indentation))
2129      ;                  (eval (cdr opp)))))
2130      )
2131    ; Second case, line starts by a soft key:
2132    ; it has to be done in case of "if 2<3 \n then" since the "then"
2133    ; has been aligned with respect to the math-relation and not to the "if"
2134    (when (and first-stuff (sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-soft-keys))
2135      (setq appui (sli-get-key-for-soft (cdr first-stuff) (car first-stuff)))
2136      (when sli-verbose
2137	(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) first-stuff is in sli-soft-keys")))
2138      (sli-compute-indent-after appui))
2139    ; Third case, indentation of this line
2140    ; and (car first-stuff) is not a fixed key or a comment or a soft-key:
2141    (when (and first-stuff (not (string= (car first-stuff) block-comment-start))
2142               (not is-a-fixed-keyp))
2143      ; line starts by a strong/end key. We select the key from which to
2144      ; compute the indent. Usually we align it on the previous head/strong
2145      ; key and add possible offset. That's the heredity principle. But we can also
2146      ; align strong/end-keys on the head if this head is in sli-no-heredity-list.
2147      ; Another case is when the previous corresponding strong/head had the
2148      ; attribute 'absolute, in which case its indentation applies.
2149      (setq appui
2150            (sli-find-matching-key   ; backward
2151             (cdr first-stuff) ; where to start the search.
2152             (sli-possible-ancestors (car first-stuff))
2153             (sli-get-relevant (car first-stuff)) t))
2154      ; see whether the absolute attribute is present:
2155      (when (and (not (null appui))
2156		 (consp (setq the-indent (sli-indent-after (car appui))))
2157		 (eq (car the-indent) 'absolute))
2158        (sli-prop-renew2 first-stuff
2159                         (list 'sli-type (if (sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-end-keys) 'end 'strong)
2160                               'sli-ancestor (cdr appui)))
2161        (sli-prop-renew2 appui
2162                         (list 'sli-type (if (sli-member (car appui) sli-head-keys) 'head 'strong)
2163                               'sli-reverse-ancestor (cdr first-stuff)))
2164        (when sli-verbose
2165          (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-indent) Absolute indent. Indent resting on: " (car appui))))
2166	(throw 'indent (+ (cdr the-indent)
2167			  (sli-get-shift (car appui) (car first-stuff)))))
2168      ; see whether heredity applies:
2169      (unless (or (null appui) (sli-member (car appui) sli-head-keys))
2170        ; select head from appui and not from full-key because
2171        ; (1) it is shorter (2) (car head) *is* a strong key.
2172        (setq head (sli-get-head-from-ambiguous (cdr appui) (car appui)))
2173        ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "heredity ? for " (vector (car head) (car first-stuff))))
2174        (sli-prop-renew2 first-stuff
2175                         (list 'sli-type (if (sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-end-keys) 'end 'strong)
2176                               'sli-ancestor (cdr appui)))
2177        (if (eq head 'sli-fail)
2178            (sli-prop-renew2 appui (list 'sli-type 'strong 'sli-reverse-ancestor (cdr first-stuff)))
2179          (sli-prop-renew2 appui
2180                           (list 'sli-type 'strong
2181                                 'sli-reverse-ancestor (cdr first-stuff) 'sli-ancestor (cdr head)))
2182          (sli-prop-renew2 head (list 'sli-type 'head 'sli-reverse-ancestor (cdr appui)))
2183          (when (sli-member (vector (car head) (car first-stuff)) sli-no-heredity-list)
2184            (setq appui head))))
2185      (when sli-verbose
2186	(princ "\n((sli-tell-indent) indentation of this line and not in comment)")
2187	(princ "\n") (princ (list "                  Resting on: " (car appui) (cdr appui))))
2188      (throw 'indent (if (null appui) 0
2189                       (+ (sli-get-shift (car appui) (car first-stuff))
2190                          (sli-indent-at (cdr appui))))))
2191    ; Fourth case, indentation of this line and (car first-stuff) is a comment:
2192    (when (and first-stuff (string= (car first-stuff) block-comment-start))
2193      ; PT is within multi-line-comment.
2194      (sli-prop-renew2 first-stuff '(sli-type block-comment-start))
2195      (when sli-verbose
2196	(princ "\n((sli-tell-indent) indentation of this line and in comment)"))
2197      (throw 'indent (current-indentation)))
2199    (unless afterp
2200      ; ; Fifth case : line doesn't start by a strong/end/soft key:
2201      (save-excursion
2202        (if (= -1 (forward-line -1))
2203            ; we are already on the first line:
2204            (if first-stuff (throw 'indent (current-indentation))
2205                (throw 'indent 0)))
2206	(when sli-verbose
2207	  (princ "\n((sli-tell-indent) line doesn't start by a strong/end/soft key)"))
2208        (end-of-line)
2209        (setq pt (point))))
2211    ;; This point can be reached only if AFTERP is t OR first-stuff is nothing special
2212    ;; (which could be a fixed key).
2213    (setq first-stuff (sli-get-first-non-end-key pt nomrelation)) ; backward search
2214    ;; sli-key-is-a-special-headp is set.
2215    (when sli-verbose
2216      (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) indentation of line after?" afterp))
2217      (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) key deciding of indent = " first-stuff)))
2219    (cond
2220      ((null first-stuff)
2221       ;; no construct active or within comment. Don't do a thing:
2222       (when sli-verbose
2223	  (princ "\n((sli-tell-indent) no construct active or within comment)"))
2224       (throw 'indent (current-indentation)))
2225      ((string= (car first-stuff) block-comment-start)
2226       (sli-prop-renew2 first-stuff '(sli-type block-comment-start))
2227       (when sli-verbose
2228	  (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) within comment")))
2229       (throw 'indent (current-indentation)))
2230      (sli-key-is-a-special-headp ;; a special head;
2231       (when sli-verbose (princ "\n((sli-tell-indent) within special-head.)"))
2232       (sli-compute-indent-after first-stuff t))
2233      ((and (sli-member (car first-stuff) (append sli-head-keys sli-strong-keys))
2234            (not (assoc (sli-keyword (car first-stuff)) sli-soft-head-or-strong-alist)))
2235       ;; head/strong without soft:
2236       (when sli-verbose
2237	  (princ "\n")
2238          (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) within a head/strong construct never followed by a soft")))
2239       (sli-prop-renew2 first-stuff (list 'sli-type (if (sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-head-keys)
2240                                                        'head 'strong)))
2241       (sli-compute-indent-after first-stuff))
2242      ((sli-member (car first-stuff)
2243                   (append sli-head-keys sli-strong-keys sli-special-head-keys))
2244       ;; head/strong with soft missing or special-head:
2245       (sli-prop-renew2 first-stuff (list 'sli-type
2246                                          (cond ((sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-head-keys) 'head)
2247                                                ((sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-strong-keys) 'strong)
2248                                                (t 'special-head))))
2249       (when sli-verbose
2250	  (princ "\n((sli-tell-indent) within special-head or head/strong sometimes")
2251          (princ "\n                   followed by currently missing soft)"))
2252       (sli-compute-indent-after first-stuff t))
2253      ((and is-a-fixed-keyp
2254            (sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-relation-keys))
2255       (throw 'indent
2256              (+ (eval (cdr opp))
2257                 (save-excursion
2258                   (goto-char (cdr first-stuff))
2259                   (beginning-of-line)
2260                   (skip-syntax-forward "-" (cdr first-stuff))
2261                   (sli-point-to-indent (point))))))
2262      ((sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-relation-keys)
2263       ; relation: if it is just before point ignore it:
2264       ;  (but can you tell me why????)
2265       (if (save-excursion
2266	     (save-restriction
2267	       (unwind-protect
2268		   (progn
2269		     (narrow-to-region (goto-char (cdr first-stuff)) pt)
2270		     (posix-looking-at (concat (car first-stuff) " *$")))
2271		 (widen))))
2272           (save-excursion
2273             (goto-char (cdr first-stuff))
2274             (sli-tell-indent t t point-is-the-end))
2275	 (when sli-verbose
2276	   (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) last non-end-key is in sli-relation-keys")))
2277	 (sli-compute-indent-after first-stuff)))
2278      ((sli-member (car first-stuff) sli-soft-keys)
2279       ; a soft key. Find its head/strong and align things on it.
2280       (setq full-key (sli-get-key-for-soft (cdr first-stuff) (car first-stuff)))
2281       (when sli-verbose
2282	 (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-tell-indent) last non-end-key is in sli-soft-keys")))
2283       (sli-compute-indent-after full-key))))))
2286;;;  Functions that are used outside. Avoid using the two first ones
2287;;;  as they are not nicely surrounded by a condition-case !
2290(defsubst sli-safe-insert (wd)
2291  (unless (get-text-property (point) 'read-only)
2292    (insert wd)))
2294(defsubst sli-insert-indent (ind)
2295  (or (null ind)
2296    (let ((beg (point)) (last (current-column)) move-p (cc (current-indentation))
2297          (old-buff-modp (buffer-modified-p)))
2298      (when sli-verbose
2299	(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-insert-indent) indent for: " (point))))
2300      ;;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-insert-indent) buffer-modifiedp: " old-buff-modp))
2301      (save-excursion
2302        (setq move-p (re-search-backward "[^ \t]" (line-beginning-position) t))
2303        (beginning-of-line)
2304        (if (get-text-property (point) 'read-only)
2305            (setq move-p t)
2306          (delete-horizontal-space) ; Simply because I Hate \t chars.
2307          (indent-to ind)) ;(insert-char ?  ind)
2308        )                  ;(princ "\nInserting indent: done.")
2309      ;; If ind is cc on unmodified buffer, declare the buffer as unmodified:
2310      (set-buffer-modified-p (or old-buff-modp (not (= cc ind))))
2311      ;; if point was inside the removed spaces,
2312      ;; then now it is at the beginning of the line.
2313      ;; Not what we wanted.
2314      ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "Deplacement Automatique ?" move-p))
2315      (unless move-p ; point has been moved automatically
2316        (move-to-column ind))
2317      )))
2319(defun sli-indent-line nil
2320  (save-restriction
2321    (condition-case err
2322        (save-excursion
2323          (sli-insert-indent (sli-tell-indent)))
2324      (error (princ "\n(sli-indent-line): ") (princ err) nil))))
2326(defun sli-indent-region (beg end)
2327  (interactive "r")
2328  (save-restriction
2329    (condition-case err
2330        (save-excursion
2331          (setq end (progn (goto-char end) (end-of-line) (point)))
2332          (narrow-to-region (progn (goto-char beg) (sli-get-safe-backward-place))
2333                            (progn (goto-char end) (sli-get-safe-forward-place)))
2334          (when sli-verbose
2335            (princ "\n")
2336            (princ (list "(sli-indent-region) Narrowing to: " (point-min) (point-max))))
2337          ;; Use text-properties as much as possible:
2338          (let ((sli-prop-do-not-recompute-time 10000) (modifiedp (buffer-modified-p)))
2339            (remove-text-properties beg end '(sli-type nil))
2340            (goto-char beg)
2341            (while (progn (sli-indent-line)
2342                          (and (re-search-forward "$" end t)
2343                               (not (= end (point)))))
2344              (forward-line 1))
2345            (set-buffer-modified-p modifiedp)))
2346      (error (princ "\n(sli-indent-region): ") (princ err) nil))))
2348(defun sli-electric-tab nil ;; linked to 'indent-line-function
2349  "The interactive counterpart of 'sli-indent-line.
2350Does a number of other things:
2351 -- if there are nothing but spaces between beginning-of-line
2352    and (point), then indents the line and sends (point)
2353    to the first non space ot tab character of the line.
2354 -- else if sli-tab-always-indent then indents the line
2355    the cursor being 'relatively' fixed.
2356In a program, use `sli-indent-line'."
2357  (interactive)
2358  (save-restriction
2359    (condition-case err
2360        (unwind-protect
2361            (progn
2362              (setq sli-prop-used 0)
2363              (narrow-to-region (sli-get-safe-backward-place) (sli-get-safe-forward-place))
2364              (if (sli-only-spacep)
2365                  (progn
2366                    (sli-indent-line)
2367                    (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
2368                (when sli-tab-always-indent (sli-indent-line)))
2369              (when sli-verbose
2370                (princ "\n")
2371                (princ (list "(sli-electric-tab) number of text-properties used:" sli-prop-used))))
2372          (widen))
2373      (error (princ "\n(sli-electric-tab): ") (princ err) nil))))
2375(defun sli-electric-terminate-line (&optional beg)
2376  "Terminate line and indent next line."
2377  (interactive)
2378  (save-restriction
2379    (condition-case err
2380        (unwind-protect
2381            ;(if (sli-within-long-comment)
2382            ;    (sli-put-newline)
2383              (setq sli-prop-used 0)
2384	      (when sli-verbose
2385		(princ "\n")
2386		(princ (list "(sli-electric-terminate-line) narrowing to "
2387			     (sli-get-safe-backward-place) (sli-get-safe-forward-place))))
2388              (narrow-to-region (sli-get-safe-backward-place) (sli-get-safe-forward-place))
2389              (let (this-indent next-indent only-spacep)
2390                (sli-remove-trailing-spaces)
2391                (setq only-spacep (sli-only-spacep))
2392				; (princ "\n") (princ (list "only-spacep = " only-spacep))
2393                (sli-insert-indent (setq this-indent (sli-tell-indent nil nil t)))
2394                (unless only-spacep (sli-safe-insert " "))
2395                                        ;--> in case of thendo with point between then and do.
2396                (setq next-indent (sli-tell-indent t nil t))
2397                (when sli-verbose
2398		  (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-electric-terminate-line) indent before:" this-indent))
2399		  (princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-electric-terminate-line) indent after:" next-indent)))
2400                (unless only-spacep (if (= (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\ )(delete-char -1)))
2401		;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-electric-terminate-line) inserting a newline at: " (point)))
2402                (sli-put-newline)
2403                (sli-remove-trailing-spaces-previous-line)
2404		;(princ "\n") (princ (list "(sli-electric-terminate-line) inserting indent at: " (point)))
2405                (sli-insert-indent next-indent))
2406              (when sli-verbose
2407                (princ "\n")
2408                (princ (list "(sli-electric-terminate-line) number of text-properties USED:" sli-prop-used)))
2409          (widen))
2410      (error (princ "\n(sli-electric-terminate-line): ") (princ err) nil))))
2412(defun sli-newline (&optional beg)
2413  "Insert a newline without indenting current line.
2414Next line is properly indented."
2415  (interactive)
2416  (save-restriction
2417    (condition-case err
2418        (unwind-protect
2419            ;(if (sli-within-long-comment)
2420            ;    (sli-put-newline)
2421              (narrow-to-region (sli-get-safe-backward-place) (sli-get-safe-forward-place))
2422              (sli-remove-trailing-spaces)
2423              (sli-put-newline)
2424              (sli-remove-trailing-spaces-previous-line)
2425              (sli-insert-indent (sli-tell-indent nil nil t))
2426          (widen))
2427      (error (princ "\n(sli-newline): ") (princ err) nil))))
2429(defun sli-maid (&optional arg on-listp)
2430  "Closes constructs for you, puts the children to bed and
2431may order a pizza if you know how to ask.
2432 Usually, adds the corresponding part of `sli-add-to-key-alist'
2433except when the call is prefixed by C-u. If the variable
2434`sli-more-maidp' is nil, this behaviour is reversed.
2435The word to pursue the structure is taken from `sli-maid-alist'.
2436This list is created automatically but can be corrected
2437by specifying special furtherings in `sli-maid-correction-alist'"
2438  (interactive "P")
2439  (save-restriction
2440    (condition-case err
2441        (unwind-protect
2442            ;; *Before* any narrowing, check the possibility of inserting !!
2443            (unless (get-text-property (point) 'read-only)
2444              (narrow-to-region (sli-get-safe-backward-place) (sli-get-safe-forward-place))
2445              (let*((full-key (sli-get-first-non-end-key (point) t)) (key nil) (head nil) smore
2446                    (where-to-write '()) is-a-special-head-head-keyp has-answered)
2447		(when sli-verbose
2448		  (princ "\n")
2449		  (princ (list "(sli-maid) Key to be continued: " full-key)))
2450                (sli-remove-trailing-spaces)
2451                ;; Sort ambiguity arising from ambiguous-keys:
2452                (when (and full-key (sli-member (car full-key) sli-ambiguous-keys))
2453                  (if (eq (setq smore (sli-get-head-from-ambiguous (cdr full-key) (car full-key))) 'sli-fail)
2454                      (setq head 'sli-fail)
2455                    (setq head (car smore)))
2456		  (when sli-verbose
2457		    (princ "\n")
2458		    (princ (list "(sli-maid) The previous key was soft/strong and ambiguous. Its head is : " head))))
2459                ;; Sort ambiguity head-special-head-keys:
2460                (when (and full-key (sli-special-head-headp (car full-key)))
2461		  ;(print (list "yes" (cdr full-key) (sli-get-special-head-previous-keys (car full-key))
2462		  ;             (sli-get-relevant (car full-key))))
2463                  (setq head
2464			(sli-find-matching-key
2465			 (cdr full-key)
2466                         (sli-get-special-head-previous-keys (car full-key)) (sli-get-relevant (car full-key)) t))
2467		  (setq is-a-special-head-head-keyp t)
2468		  (when sli-verbose
2469		    (princ "\n")
2470		    (princ (list "(sli-maid) The previous key was a head-special-head. Its head is : " head))))
2471                ;; Go out of one-line-comment:
2472                (when (save-excursion (sli-in-one-line-comment))
2473                  (if on-listp
2474                      (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list 'newline)))
2475                    (sli-electric-terminate-line)))
2476                ;; add a newline before insertion if required:
2477                (unless (sli-only-spacep)
2478                  (when (or (and (not is-a-special-head-head-keyp)
2479                                 full-key (sli-member (car full-key) sli-keys-with-newline))
2480			    (and is-a-special-head-head-keyp (not head)
2481				 (sli-member head sli-keys-with-newline)))
2482                    (if on-listp
2483                        (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list 'newline)))
2484                      (sli-electric-terminate-line))))
2485                ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "Inside mupad-maid. full-key/head = " full-key head))
2486                ;; find or insert closing-key:
2487                (cond
2488                 ((eq head 'sli-fail) (message "Could not resolve ambiguity"))
2489                 ((null full-key)
2490                     ;; No construct to be closed.
2491                  (setq key (buffer-substring-no-properties
2492                             (save-excursion (forward-word -1) (point)) (point))))
2493                 ((equal (car full-key) block-comment-start)
2494                  (if on-listp
2495                      (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list (setq key block-comment-end))))
2496                    (setq has-answered t)
2497                    (sli-safe-insert (setq key block-comment-end))))
2498                 ((and (sli-member (car full-key) sli-separators)
2499                                        ; Beware !! this key could be **very far**
2500                       (= (count-lines (cdr full-key) (point)) 0))
2501                  (setq key nil)) ; We shall put a newline, see below.
2502		 (is-a-special-head-head-keyp ; a special head possibly a head
2503		  (if head
2504		      ;; it is a special head:
2505		      (setq key (cadr (assoc (sli-keyword (car full-key)) sli-special-head-alist)))
2506		    ;; it is a  head:
2507		    (setq key (sli-following-key (car full-key))))
2508		  ;(print (list "yes" key head))
2509		  (unless (and (not (null key))
2510                                 (or (not (member (char-syntax (string-to-char key)) '(?w ?_ ?\( ?\) ?$)))
2511                                     (= (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\ )))
2512                      (if on-listp
2513                          (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write '(" ")))
2514                        (setq has-answered t)
2515                        (sli-safe-insert " ")))
2516		  (if on-listp
2517                      (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list key)))
2518                    (setq has-answered t)
2519                    (sli-safe-insert key)))
2520                 ((and (sli-member (car full-key) sli-special-head-keys)
2521                       (not (sli-separator-directly-afterp (point-max) (car full-key))))
2522                  (if on-listp
2523                      (setq where-to-write
2524                            (append where-to-write
2525                                    (list (cadr (assoc (sli-keyword (car full-key)) sli-special-head-alist)))))
2526                    (setq has-answered t)
2527                    (sli-safe-insert (cadr (assoc (sli-keyword (car full-key)) sli-special-head-alist)))))
2528                 (t (setq key (if head ;  completion of an ambiguous-key:
2529                                  (car (sli-get-ends-from-head head))
2530                                (sli-following-key (car full-key))))
2531                               ;(princ " Yol ")         ; add a space if required:
2532                    (unless (and (not (null key))
2533                                 (or (not (member (char-syntax (string-to-char key)) '(?w ?_ ?\( ?\) ?$)))
2534                                     (= (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\ )))
2535                      (if on-listp
2536                          (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write '(" ")))
2537                        (setq has-answered t)
2538                       (sli-safe-insert " ")))
2539                    (or (null key)
2540                        (if on-listp
2541                            (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list key)))
2542                          (setq has-answered t)
2543                          (sli-safe-insert key)))))
2544                ;(princ "\n") (princ (list "Inside mupad-maid. key = " key))
2545                ;; add things if required:
2546                (unless (if sli-more-maidp
2547                            (and arg (= (car arg) 4)) ; call is  prefixed by C-u
2548                          (not (and arg (= (car arg) 4)))) ; call is not prefixed by C-u
2549                  (cond
2550                   ((or (null key) (eq head 'sli-fail)))
2551                   ((setq smore (assoc (sli-keyword key) sli-add-to-key-alist))
2552                    (if on-listp
2553                        (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list (cdr smore))))
2554                      (setq has-answered t)
2555                      (sli-safe-insert (cdr smore))))))
2556                ;; Add a newline if required:
2557		;(princ "\n(sli-maid) looking if a newline is required")
2558                (cond
2559                 ((or (sli-member key sli-keys-without-newline) (eq head 'sli-fail)))
2560                 ((eobp) (if on-listp
2561                             (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list 'newline)))
2562                           (sli-electric-terminate-line)))
2563                 ((or (null key)
2564                      (< 2 (count-lines (point)
2565                                        (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward " \t\n") (point)))))
2566                  (if on-listp
2567                      (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list 'indent 'forward-line 'indent)))
2568		    ;(princ "\n(sli-maid) indentation plus going to next line")
2569                    (sli-indent-line) (forward-line 1) (indent-to (sli-tell-indent nil nil t))))
2570                                        ; beware if it is only an empty line.
2571                 (t (if on-listp
2572                        (setq where-to-write (append where-to-write (list 'indent)))
2573		      ;(princ "\n(sli-maid) indentation but not going to next line")
2574                      (sli-indent-line))))
2575                (unless has-answered (message "Nothing to do"))
2576                where-to-write))
2577          (widen))
2578        (error (princ "\nsli-maid can't understand what to do: ")(princ err) nil))))
2580(defun sli-tutor nil
2581  "*Adds what all you should add to end your construct."
2582  ;; Not so good if used in the middle of a mess ...
2583  ;; in mupad, try "while foo do" with point before "do".
2584  (interactive)
2585  (condition-case err
2586      (let ((some-more '()) what-to-do)
2587        (while (and (setq some-more (sli-maid nil t))
2588                    (not (member some-more '((indent) (newline)))))
2589                    ; (princ "\n") (princ (list "Tutor:" some-more (point)))
2590          (while some-more
2591            (cond
2592             ((equal (setq what-to-do (car some-more)) 'newline)
2593              (sli-electric-terminate-line))
2594             ((equal what-to-do 'indent)
2595              (sli-indent-line))
2596             ((equal what-to-do 'forward-line)
2597              (forward-line 1))
2598             (t (sli-safe-insert what-to-do)))
2599            (setq some-more (cdr some-more)))))
2600    (error (princ "\nsli-tutor can't understand what to do: ")(princ err) nil)))
2602(defun sli-tools
2603  (struct shift sep sepp fixed safe keyn keynn mkey comm noher
2604          &optional newl corr showsexpp case-fold eoov)
2605"Once these tools are loaded, you should have
2606`sli-newline' and `sli-electric-terminate-line'
2607which behave like `newline-and-indent' and
2608`reindent-then-newline-and-indent'. Also
2609`indent-line-function' is `sli-electric-tab'
2611`indent-region-function' is `sli-indent-region'.
2612Finally `sli-backward-to-indentation' is a good
2613function to bind [backspace] to.
2615When `sli-handles-sexp' is t then forward-sexp,
2616backward-sexp and scan-sexps are advised so that
2617for instance C-M-f on a head sends cursor on its end.
2619`sli-show-sexp' works like show-paren-mode. Two
2620ways: either showsexpp is t, either showsexpp is nil
2621in which case one should press [f8] to see the
2622corresponding key.
2623C-u[f8] forces to recompute text-properties locally.
2625C-M-f/C-M-b run forward-sexp/backward-sexp in a special
2626way: heads will be atuned to ends and strongs to either
2628Finally, `sli-maid' tries to further constructs for you
2629while `sli-tutor' strives to end all constructs.
2631For these tools to work, the parameters are
2637`sli-safe-place-regexp' ; safe place starts at the end of first grouping
2648and you should also set
2649`block-comment-start'      `block-comment-end'
2650`sli-more-maidp'           `sli-tab-always-indent'
2651and the syntax table should be ok.
2652Beware that `block-comment-start' and `block-comment-end'
2653are NOT regexp but simple strings."
2654  (interactive)
2655  (condition-case err
2656      (progn
2657        (setq sli-structures struct           sli-shift-alist shift
2658              sli-separators sep              sli-fixed-keys-alist fixed
2659              sli-case-fold case-fold         sli-keys-with-newline keyn
2660              sli-keys-without-newline keynn  sli-add-to-key-alist mkey
2661              sli-comment-starts comm         sli-no-heredity-list noher
2662              sli-maid-correction-alist corr)
2663        (if  safe
2664            (setq sli-safe-place-regexp safe)
2665          (setq sli-safe-place-regexp "\\(\\'\\|\\`\\)")) ;beginning/end of buffer !
2666        (when sepp
2667          (setq sli-is-a-separatorp-fn sepp))
2668        (when newl
2669          (setq sli-put-newline-fn newl))
2670        (when eoov
2671          (setq sli-select-end-of-overlay-fn eoov))
2672        (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'sli-electric-tab)
2673        (set (make-local-variable 'indent-region-function) 'sli-indent-region)
2674        (setq sli-handles-sexp t sli-verbose nil sli-prop-verbose nil)
2675        (setq sli-overlay-beg (make-overlay (point-min) (point-min)))
2676        (setq sli-overlay-end (make-overlay (point-min) (point-min)))
2677        (overlay-put sli-overlay-beg 'face 'show-paren-match-face)
2678        (overlay-put sli-overlay-end 'face 'show-paren-match-face)
2679        (overlay-put sli-overlay-beg 'priority 0)
2680        (overlay-put sli-overlay-end 'priority 0)
2681        (sli-show-sexp-semi-mode (if showsexpp 1 0))
2682        (sli-precomputations))
2683    (error (princ "\nSomething went wrong in sli-tools: ")(princ err) nil)))
2685;;------------------ sli-tools ends here. 2671 lines ??