1 /* Copyright (C) 2012  The PARI group.
3 This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
5 PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
6 terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
7 Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
8 version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
12 with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
13 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
15 #include "pari.h"
16 #include "paripriv.h"
18 /*To be moved elsewhere */
20 static long
Z_trunc(GEN z)21 Z_trunc(GEN z)
22 {
23   long s = signe(z);
24   return s==0 ? 0: (long)(s*mod2BIL(z));
25 }
27 static GEN
ZV_trunc_to_zv(GEN z)28 ZV_trunc_to_zv(GEN z)
29 {
30   long i, l = lg(z);
31   GEN x = cgetg(l, t_VECSMALL);
32   for (i=1; i<l; i++) x[i] = Z_trunc(gel(z,i));
33   return x;
34 }
36 /* returns scalar product of vectors x and y with respect to Gram-matrix F */
37 static long
scp(GEN x,GEN F,GEN y)38 scp(GEN x, GEN F, GEN y)
39 {
40   long i, j, n = lg(F)-1;
41   ulong sum = 0;
42   for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
43   {
44     ulong xi = uel(x,i);
45     if (xi)
46     {
47       GEN Fi = gel(F, i);
48       for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j) sum += xi * uel(Fi,j) * uel(y,j);
49     }
50   }
51   return sum;
52 }
54 static GEN
ZM_trunc_to_zm(GEN z)55 ZM_trunc_to_zm(GEN z)
56 {
57   long i, l = lg(z);
58   GEN x = cgetg(l,t_MAT);
59   for (i=1; i<l; i++) gel(x,i) = ZV_trunc_to_zv(gel(z,i));
60   return x;
61 }
63 static GEN
zm_divmod(GEN A,GEN B,ulong p)64 zm_divmod(GEN A, GEN B, ulong p)
65 {
66   pari_sp av = avma;
67   GEN Ap = zm_to_Flm(A,p), Bp = zm_to_Flm(B,p);
68   GEN C = Flm_center(Flm_mul(Flm_inv(Ap, p), Bp, p), p, p>>1);
69   return gerepileupto(av, C);
70 }
72 static int
zv_canon(GEN V)73 zv_canon(GEN V)
74 {
75   long l = lg(V), j, k;
76   for (j = 1; j < l && V[j] == 0; ++j);
77   if (j < l && V[j] < 0)
78   {
79     for (k = j; k < l; ++k) V[k] = -V[k];
80     return -1;
81   }
82   return 1;
83 }
84 static GEN
ZM_to_zm_canon(GEN V)85 ZM_to_zm_canon(GEN V)
86 {
87   GEN W = ZM_to_zm(V);
88   long i, l = lg(W);
89   for (i=1; i<l; i++) (void)zv_canon(gel(W,i));
90   return W;
91 }
93 static GEN
zm_apply_zm(GEN M,GEN U)94 zm_apply_zm(GEN M, GEN U)
95 { return zm_mul(zm_transpose(U),zm_mul(M, U)); }
97 static GEN
zmV_apply_zm(GEN v,GEN U)98 zmV_apply_zm(GEN v, GEN U)
99 {
100   long i, l;
101   GEN V = cgetg_copy(v, &l);
102   for (i=1; i<l; i++) gel(V,i) = zm_apply_zm(gel(v,i), U);
103   return V;
104 }
106 /********************************************************************/
107 /**                                                                **/
108 /**      QFAUTO/QFISOM ported from B. Souvignier ISOM program      **/
109 /**                                                                **/
110 /********************************************************************/
112 /* This is a port by Bill Allombert of the program ISOM by Bernt Souvignier
113 which implements
114 W. PLESKEN, B. SOUVIGNIER, Computing Isometries of Lattices,
115 Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 24, Issues 3-4, September 1997,
116 Pages 327-334, ISSN 0747-7171, 10.1006/jsco.1996.0130.
117 (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747717196901303)
119 We thank Professor Souvignier for giving us permission to port his code.
120 */
122 struct group
123 {
124   GEN ord, ng, nsg, g;
125 };
127 struct fingerprint
128 {
129   GEN diag, per, e;
130 };
132 struct qfauto
133 {
134   long dim;
135   GEN F, U, V, W, v;
136   ulong p;
137 };
139 struct qfcand
140 {
141   long cdep;
142   GEN comb, bacher_pol;
143 };
145 static long
possible(GEN F,GEN Ftr,GEN V,GEN W,GEN per,long I,long J)146 possible(GEN F, GEN Ftr, GEN V, GEN W, GEN per, long I, long J)
147 {
148   long i, j, k, count = 0, n = lg(W)-1, f = lg(F)-1;
150   for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
151   {
152     GEN Wj = gel(W,j), Vj = gel(V,j);
153     i = I+1;
154     /* check vector length */
155     for (k = 1; k <= f && i > I && Wj[k] == mael3(F,k,J,J); k++)
156       for (i = 1; i <= I; i++) /* check scalar products with basis vectors */
157         if (zv_dotproduct(Vj,gmael(Ftr,k,per[i])) != mael(gel(F,k),J,per[i]))
158           break;
159     if (k == f+1 && i > I) ++count;
160     /* same for the negative vector */
161     i = I+1;
162     for (k = 1; k <= f && i > I && Wj[k] == mael3(F,k,J,J); k++)
163       for (i = 1; i <= I ; i++)
164         if (zv_dotproduct(Vj,gmael(Ftr,k,per[i])) != -mael(gel(F,k),J,per[i]))
165           break;
166     if (k == f+1 && i > I) ++count;
167   }
168   return count;
169 }
171 static void
fingerprint(struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfauto * qf)172 fingerprint(struct fingerprint *fp, struct qfauto *qf)
173 {
174   pari_sp av;
175   GEN V=qf->V, W=qf->W, F=qf->F, Mf, Ftr;
176   long i, j, k, min, dim = qf->dim, n = lg(V)-1, f = lg(F)-1;
177   fp->per = identity_perm(dim);
178   fp->e = cgetg(dim+1, t_VECSMALL);
179   fp->diag = cgetg(dim+1, t_VECSMALL);
180   av = avma;
181   Ftr = cgetg(f+1,t_VEC);
182   for (i = 1; i <= f; i++) gel(Ftr,i) = zm_transpose(gel(F,i));
183   Mf = zero_Flm_copy(dim, dim);
184   /* the first row of the fingerprint has as entry nr. i the number of
185    vectors, which have the same length as the i-th basis-vector with
186    respect to every invariant form */
187   for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
188   {
189     GEN Wj = gel(W,j);
190     for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
191     {
192       for (k = 1; k <= f && Wj[k] == mael3(F,k,i,i); ++k);
193       if (k == f+1) mael(Mf,1,i) += 2;
194     }
195   }
196   for (i = 1; i <= dim-1; ++i)
197   { /* a minimal entry != 0 in the i-th row is chosen */
198     min = i;
199     for (j = i+1; j <= dim; j++)
200       if (mael(Mf,i,fp->per[j]) < mael(Mf,i,fp->per[min])) min = j;
201     lswap(fp->per[i],fp->per[min]);
202     /* the column below the minimal entry is set to 0 */
203     for (j = i+1; j <= dim; j++) mael(Mf,j,fp->per[i]) = 0;
204     /* compute the row i+1 of the fingerprint */
205     for (j = i+1; j <= dim; j++)
206       mael(Mf,i+1,fp->per[j]) = possible(F, Ftr, V, W, fp->per, i, fp->per[j]);
207   }
208   for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
209   {
210     fp->diag[i] = mael(Mf,i,fp->per[i]); /* only diag(f) is needed later */
211     fp->e[i] = vecvecsmall_search(V,vecsmall_ei(dim,fp->per[i]),0);
212     if (!fp->e[i]) pari_err_BUG("qfisom, standard basis vector not found");
213   }
214   set_avma(av);
215 }
217 /* The Bacher polynomial for v[I] with scalar product S is defined as follows:
218  * let L be the vectors with same length as v[I] and scalar product S with v[I];
219  * for each vector w in L let nw be the number of pairs (y,z) of vectors in L,
220  * such that all scalar products between w,y and z are S, then the Bacher
221  * polynomial is the sum over the w in list of the monomials X^nw  */
222 static GEN
bacher(long I,long S,struct qfauto * qf)223 bacher(long I, long S, struct qfauto *qf)
224 {
225   pari_sp av = avma;
226   GEN V=qf->V, W=qf->W, Fv=gel(qf->v,1), list, listxy, counts, vI, coef;
227   long i, j, k, nlist, nxy, sum, mind, maxd, n = lg(V)-1;
229   I = labs(I); /* Bacher polynomials of v[I] and -v[I] are equal */
230   vI = gel(V,I);
231   list = zero_Flv(2*n); /* vectors that have scalar product S with v[I] */
232   nlist = 0;
233   for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
234     if (mael(W,i,1) == mael(W,I,1))
235     {
236       long s = zv_dotproduct(vI, gel(Fv,i));
237       if (s == S) list[++nlist] = i;
238       if (-s == S) list[++nlist] = -i;
239     }
240   /* there are nlist vectors that have scalar product S with v[I] */
241   sum = nlist;
242   if (nlist==0) retmkvec2(mkvecsmall3(0,0,0),cgetg(1,t_VEC));
243   counts = cgetg(nlist+1, t_VECSMALL);
244   listxy = cgetg(nlist+1, t_VECSMALL);
245   for (i = 1; i <= nlist; ++i)
246   {
247     long S1;
248     /* listxy is the list of the nxy vectors from list that have scalar
249        product S with v[list[i]] */
250     for (j = 1; j <= nlist; ++j) listxy[j] = 0;
251     nxy = 0;
252     S1 = list[i] > 0 ? S : -S;
253     for (j = 1; j <= nlist; ++j)
254     {
255       long S2 = list[j] > 0 ? S1 : -S1;
256       /* note: for i > 0 is v[-i] = -v[i] */
257       if (zv_dotproduct(gel(V,labs(list[i])), gel(Fv,labs(list[j]))) == S2)
258         listxy[++nxy] = list[j];
259     }
260     /* counts[i] is the number of pairs for the vector v[list[i]] */
261     counts[i] = 0;
262     for (j = 1; j <= nxy; ++j)
263     {
264       long S1 = listxy[j] > 0 ? S : -S;
265       GEN Vj = gel(V, labs(listxy[j]));
266       for (k = j+1; k <= nxy; ++k)
267       {
268         long S2 = listxy[k] > 0 ? S1 : -S1, lk = labs(listxy[k]);
269         if (zv_dotproduct(Vj, gel(Fv,lk)) == S2) counts[i]++;
270       }
271     }
272   }
273    /* maxd = max degree of the Bacher-polynomial, mind = min degree */
274   mind = maxd = counts[1];
275   for (i = 2; i <= nlist; i++)
276   {
277     if (counts[i] > maxd) maxd = counts[i];
278     else if (counts[i] < mind) mind = counts[i];
279   }
280   coef = zero_Flv(maxd - mind + 1);
281   for (i = 1; i <= nlist; i++) coef[1+counts[i] - mind] += 1;
282   if (DEBUGLEVEL)
283     err_printf("QFIsom: mind=%ld maxd=%ld sum=%ld\n",mind,maxd,sum);
284   /* Bacher polynomial = sum_{mind <= i <= maxd} coef[i - mind] * X^i */
285   return gerepilecopy(av, mkvec2(mkvecsmall3(sum, mind, maxd), coef));
286 }
288 static GEN
init_bacher(long bachdep,struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfauto * qf)289 init_bacher(long bachdep, struct fingerprint *fp, struct qfauto *qf)
290 {
291   GEN z = cgetg(bachdep+1,t_VEC);
292   long i;
293   for (i=1;i<=bachdep;i++)
294   {
295     long bachscp = mael(qf->W,fp->e[i],1) / 2;
296     gel(z,i) = bacher(fp->e[i], bachscp, qf);
297   }
298   return z;
299 }
301 /* checks, whether the vector v[I] has Bacher polynomial pol  */
302 static long
bachcomp(GEN pol,long I,GEN V,GEN W,GEN Fv)303 bachcomp(GEN pol, long I, GEN V, GEN W, GEN Fv)
304 {
305   pari_sp av = avma;
306   GEN co, list, listxy, vI, coef = gel(pol,2);
307   long i, j, k, nlist, nxy, count;
308   const long n = lg(V)-1, S = mael(W,I,1) / 2;
309   long sum = mael(pol,1,1), mind = mael(pol,1,2), maxd = mael(pol,1,3);
310   vI = gel(V,I);
311   list = zero_Flv(sum);
312   nlist = 0; /* nlist should be equal to pol.sum */
313   for (i = 1; i <= n && nlist <= sum; i++)
314     if (mael(W,i,1) == mael(W,I,1))
315     {
316       long s = zv_dotproduct(vI, gel(Fv,i));
317       if (s == S)
318       {
319         if (nlist < sum) list[nlist+1] = i;
320         nlist++;
321       }
322       if (-s == S)
323       {
324         if (nlist < sum) list[nlist+1] = -i;
325         nlist++;
326       }
327     }
328   /* the number of vectors with scalar product S is already different */
329   if (nlist != sum) return gc_long(av,0);
330   if (nlist == 0) return gc_long(av,1);
331   /* listxy is the list of the nxy vectors from list that have scalar product S
332      with v[list[i]] */
333   listxy = cgetg(nlist+1,t_VECSMALL);
334   co = zero_Flv(maxd - mind + 1);
335   for (i = 1; i <= nlist; i++)
336   {
337     long S1 = list[i] > 0 ? S : -S;
338     GEN Vi = gel(V, labs(list[i]));
339     for (j = 1; j <= nlist; j++) listxy[j] = 0;
340     nxy = 0;
341     for (j = 1; j <= nlist; j++)
342     {
343       long S2 = list[j] > 0 ? S1 : -S1;
344       if (zv_dotproduct(Vi, gel(Fv,labs(list[j]))) == S2)
345         listxy[++nxy] = list[j];
346     }
347     count = 0; /* number of pairs */
348     for (j = 1; j <= nxy && count <= maxd; j++)
349     {
350       long S1 = listxy[j] > 0 ? S : -S;
351       GEN Vj = gel(V, labs(listxy[j]));
352       for (k = j+1; k <= nxy && count <= maxd; k++)
353       {
354         long S2 = listxy[k] > 0 ? S1 : -S1, lk = labs(listxy[k]);
355         if (zv_dotproduct(Vj, gel(Fv,lk)) == S2) count++;
356       }
357     }
358     /* Bacher polynomials can not be equal */
359     if (count < mind  ||  count > maxd  ||
360         co[count-mind+1] >= coef[count-mind+1]) return gc_long(av, 0);
361     co[count-mind+1]++;
362   }
363   return gc_long(av, 1); /* Bacher-polynomials are equal */
364 }
366 static GEN
checkvecs(GEN V,GEN F,GEN norm)367 checkvecs(GEN V, GEN F, GEN norm)
368 {
369   long i, j, k, n = lg(V)-1, f = lg(F)-1;
370   GEN W = cgetg(n+1, t_MAT);
371   j = 0;
372   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
373   {
374     GEN normvec = cgetg(f+1, t_VECSMALL), Vi = gel(V,i);
375     for (k = 1; k <= f; ++k) normvec[k] = scp(Vi, gel(F,k), Vi);
376     if (!vecvecsmall_search(norm,normvec,0)) ++j;
377     else
378     {
379       gel(V,i-j) = Vi;
380       gel(W,i-j) = normvec;
381     }
382   }
383   setlg(V, n+1-j);
384   setlg(W, n+1-j); return W;
385 }
387 static long
operate(long nr,GEN A,GEN V)388 operate(long nr, GEN A, GEN V)
389 {
390   pari_sp av = avma;
391   long im,eps;
392   GEN w = zm_zc_mul(A,gel(V,labs(nr)));
393   eps = zv_canon(w);
394   if (nr < 0) eps = -eps; /* -w */
395   im = vecvecsmall_search(V,w,0);
396   if (!im) pari_err_BUG("qfauto, image of vector not found");
397   return gc_long(av, eps * im);
398 }
400 static GEN
orbit(GEN pt,long ipt,long npt,GEN H,GEN V)401 orbit(GEN pt, long ipt, long npt, GEN H, GEN V)
402 {
403   pari_sp av = avma;
404   long i, cnd, im, n = lg(V)-1, nH = lg(H)-1, no = npt;
405   GEN flag = zero_Flv(2*n+1)+n+1; /* need negative indices */
406   GEN orb = cgetg(2*n+1,t_VECSMALL);
407   for (i = 1; i <= npt; ++i)
408   {
409     orb[i] = pt[ipt+i];
410     flag[pt[ipt+i]] = 1;
411   }
412   for (cnd=1; cnd <= no; ++cnd)
413     for (i = 1; i <= nH; ++i)
414     {
415       im = operate(orb[cnd], gel(H,i), V);
416       /* image is a new point in the orbit */
417       if (flag[im] == 0) { orb[++no] = im; flag[im] = 1; }
418     }
419   setlg(orb,no+1); return gerepileuptoleaf(av, orb);
420 }
422 /* return the length of the orbit of pt under the first nG matrices in G */
423 static long
orbitlen(long pt,long orblen,GEN G,long nG,GEN V)424 orbitlen(long pt, long orblen, GEN G, long nG, GEN V)
425 {
426   pari_sp av = avma;
427   long i, len, cnd, n = lg(V)-1;
428   GEN orb, flag;
429   /* if flag[i + n+1] = 1, -n <= i <= n, then i is already in the orbit */
430   flag = zero_F2v(2*n + 1);
431   orb = zero_Flv(orblen); orb[1] = pt;
432   F2v_set(flag,pt+n+1);
433   len = 1;
434   for (cnd = 1; cnd <= len && len < orblen; cnd++)
435     for (i = 1; i <= nG && len < orblen; i++)
436     {
437       long im = operate(orb[cnd], gel(G,i), V);
438       /* image is a new point in the orbit */
439       if (!F2v_coeff(flag,im+n+1)) { orb[++len] = im; F2v_set(flag,im+n+1); }
440     }
441   return gc_long(av, len);
442 }
444 /* delete the elements in orb2 from orb1, an entry 0 marks the end of the
445  * list, returns the length of orb1 */
446 static long
orbdelete(GEN orb1,GEN orb2)447 orbdelete(GEN orb1, GEN orb2)
448 {
449   long i, j, len, l1 = lg(orb1)-1, l2 = lg(orb2)-1;
450   for (i = 1; i <= l1 && orb1[i] != 0; ++i);
451   len = i - 1;
452   for (i = 1; i <= l2 && orb2[i] != 0; ++i)
453   {
454     long o2i = orb2[i];
455     for (j = 1; j <= len && orb1[j] != o2i; ++j);
456     /* orb1[j] = orb2[i], hence delete orb1[j] from orb1 */
457     if (j <= len) { orb1[j] = orb1[len]; orb1[len--] = 0; }
458   }
459   return len;
460 }
462 static long
orbsubtract(GEN Cs,GEN pt,long ipt,long npt,GEN H,GEN V,long * len)463 orbsubtract(GEN Cs, GEN pt, long ipt, long npt, GEN H, GEN V, long *len)
464 {
465   pari_sp av = avma;
466   GEN orb = orbit(pt, ipt, npt, H, V);
467   if (len) *len = lg(orb)-1;
468   return gc_long(av, orbdelete(Cs, orb));
469 }
471 /* Generates the matrix X whose per[i]-th row is the vector V[x[i]] */
472 static GEN
matgen(GEN x,GEN per,GEN V)473 matgen(GEN x, GEN per, GEN V)
474 {
475   long i, j, n = lg(x)-1;
476   GEN X = cgetg(n+1,t_MAT);
477   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
478   {
479     GEN Xp = cgetg(n+1,t_VECSMALL);
480     long xi = x[i];
481     for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) Xp[j] = xi > 0? mael(V,xi,j): -mael(V,-xi,j);
482     gel(X, per[i]) = Xp;
483   }
484   return X;
485 }
486 /* x1 corresponds to an element X1 mapping some vector e on p1, x2 to an
487  * element X2 mapping e on p2 and G is a generator mapping p1 on p2, then
488  * S = X1*G*X2^-1 stabilizes e */
489 static GEN
stabil(GEN x1,GEN x2,GEN per,GEN G,GEN V,ulong p)490 stabil(GEN x1, GEN x2, GEN per, GEN G, GEN V, ulong p)
491 {
492   pari_sp av = avma;
493   long i, n = lg(x1)-1;
494   GEN XG, X2, x = cgetg(n+1,t_VECSMALL);
495   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) x[i] = operate(x1[i], G, V);
496   /* XG is the composite mapping of the matrix corresponding to x1 and G */
497   XG = matgen(x, per, V);
498   X2 = matgen(x2, per, V);
499   return gerepileupto(av, zm_divmod(X2,XG,p));
500 }
502 /* computes the orbit of fp.e[I] under the generators in G->g[I]...G->g[n-1]
503  * and elements stabilizing fp.e[I], has some heuristic break conditions, the
504  * generators in G->g[i] stabilize fp.e[0]...fp.e[i-1] but not fp.e[i],
505  * G->ng[i] is the number of generators in G->g[i], the first G->nsg[i] of
506  * which are elements which are obtained as stabilizer elements in
507  * <G->g[0],...,G->g[i-1]>, G->ord[i] is the orbit length of fp.e[i] under
508  * <G->g[i],...,G->g[n-1]> */
509 static void
stab(long I,struct group * G,struct fingerprint * fp,GEN V,ulong p)510 stab(long I, struct group *G, struct fingerprint *fp, GEN V, ulong p)
511 {
512   GEN orb, w, flag, H, Hj, S;
513   long len, cnd, i, j, k, l, im, nH, fail;
514   long Maxfail, Rest, dim = lg(fp->diag)-1, n = lg(V)-1;
515   /* Heuristic break conditions for the computation of stabilizer elements:
516    * it is too expensive to calculate all the stabilizer generators, which are
517    * obtained from the orbit, since this is highly redundant. On the other hand
518    * every new generator which enlarges the group is cheaper than one obtained
519    * from the backtrack, after Maxfail subsequent stabilizer elements, that do
520    * not enlarge the group, Rest more elements are calculated even if they
521    * leave the group unchanged, since it turned out that this is often useful
522    * in the following steps. Increasing the parameters may decrease the number
523    * of generators for the group while increasing the running time. */
524   for (Rest = 0, i = I; i <= dim; i++)
525     if (fp->diag[i] > 1 && G->ord[i] < fp->diag[i]) ++Rest;
526   for (Maxfail = Rest, i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
527     if (fp->diag[i] > 1) ++Maxfail;
528   for (nH = 0, i = I; i <= dim; i++)
529     nH += G->ng[i];
530   /* generators of the group in which the stabilizer is computed */
531   H = cgetg(nH+1,t_MAT);
532   Hj = cgetg(nH+2,t_MAT);
533   for (i = I, k = 0; i <= dim; i++)
534     for (j = 1; j <= G->ng[i]; j++) gel(H,++k) = gmael(G->g,i,j);
535   /* in w[V.n+i] an element is stored that maps fp.e[I] on v[i] */
536   w = cgetg(2*n+2,t_VEC);
537   orb = zero_Flv(2*n); /* the orbit of fp.e[I] */
538   flag = zero_F2v(2*n+1); /* if flag[i + V.n], then i is already in orbit */
539   orb[1] = fp->e[I];
540   F2v_set(flag,orb[1]+n+1);
541   gel(w,orb[1]+n+1) = cgetg(dim+1,t_VECSMALL);
542   for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++) mael(w,orb[1]+n+1,i) = fp->e[i];
543   cnd = len = 1;
544   fail = 0; /* number of successive failures */
545   while (cnd <= len && fail < Maxfail+Rest)
546   {
547     for (i = 1; i <= nH && fail < Maxfail+Rest; ++i)
548     {
549       if (fail >= Maxfail)
550         /* already Maxfail successive failures: apply a random generator to a
551          * random point of the orbit to get Rest more stabilizer elements */
552       {
553         cnd = 1+(long)random_Fl(len);
554         i = 1+(long)random_Fl(nH);
555       }
556       im = operate(orb[cnd], gel(H,i), V);
557       if (F2v_coeff(flag,im+n+1) == 0)
558       { /* found new element, appended to the orbit; an element mapping
559          *  fp.e[I] to im is stored in w[im+V.n] */
560         GEN wim;
561         orb[++len] = im;
562         F2v_set(flag,im+n+1);
563         wim = cgetg(dim+1,t_VECSMALL);
564         gel(w,im+n+1) = wim;
565         for (j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
566           wim[j] = operate(mael(w,orb[cnd]+n+1,j), gel(H,i), V);
567       }
568       else /* image was already in the orbit */
569       { /* j = first index where images of old and new element mapping e[I] on
570          * im differ */
571         for (j = I; j <= dim; j++)
572           if (operate(mael(w,orb[cnd]+n+1,j), gel(H,i), V) != mael(w,im+n+1,j))
573             break;
574         if (j <= dim  && (G->ord[j] < fp->diag[j] || fail >= Maxfail))
575         {
576           GEN wo = gel(w,orb[cnd]+n+1);
577           long tmplen, nHj = 1;
578         /* new stabilizer element S = w[orb[cnd]+V.n] * H[i] * (w[im+V.n])^-1 */
579           S = stabil(wo, gel(w,im+n+1), fp->per, gel(H,i), V, p);
580           gel(Hj,1) = S;
581           for (k = j; k <= dim; k++)
582             for (l = 1; l <= G->ng[k]; l++) gel(Hj, ++nHj) = gmael(G->g,k,l);
583           tmplen = orbitlen(fp->e[j], fp->diag[j], Hj, nHj, V);
584           if (tmplen > G->ord[j]  ||  fail >= Maxfail)
585             /* the new stabilizer element S either enlarges the orbit of e[j]
586                or it is one of the additional elements after MAXFAIL failures */
587           {
588             GEN Ggj;
589             G->ord[j] = tmplen;
590             G->ng[j]++;
591             G->nsg[j]++;
592             /* allocate memory for new generator */
593             gel(G->g,j) = vec_lengthen(gel(G->g,j),G->ng[j]);
594             Ggj = gel(G->g,j);
595             /* new generator is inserted as stabilizer element nsg[j]-1 */
596             for (k = G->ng[j]; k > G->nsg[j]; k--) gel(Ggj,k) = gel(Ggj,k-1);
597             gel(Ggj,G->nsg[j]) = S;
598             nH++;
599             H = vec_lengthen(H, nH);
600             Hj = vec_lengthen(Hj, nH+1);
601             gel(H,nH) = gel(Ggj,G->nsg[j]); /* append new generator to H */
602             if (fail < Maxfail)
603               fail = 0; /* number of failures is reset to 0 */
604             else
605               ++fail;
606           }
607           else /* new stabilizer element S does not enlarge the orbit of e[j] */
608             ++fail;
609         }
610         else if ((j < dim && fail < Maxfail)  || (j == dim && fail >= Maxfail))
611           ++fail;
612         /* if S is the identity and fail < Maxfail, nothing is done */
613       }
614     }
615     if (fail < Maxfail) ++cnd;
616   }
617 }
619 /* tests, whether x[1],...,x[I-1] is a partial automorphism, using scalar
620  * product combinations and Bacher-polynomials depending on the chosen options,
621  * puts the candidates for x[I] (i.e. the vectors vec such that the scalar
622  * products of x[1],...,x[I-1],vec are correct) on CI, returns their number
623  * (should be fp.diag[I]) */
624 static long
qfisom_candidates_novec(GEN CI,long I,GEN x,struct qfauto * qf,struct qfauto * qff,struct fingerprint * fp)625 qfisom_candidates_novec(GEN CI, long I, GEN x, struct qfauto *qf,
626        struct qfauto *qff, struct fingerprint *fp)
627 {
628   pari_sp av = avma;
629   long i, j, k, okp, okm, nr, fail;
630   GEN vec, F =qf->F, V=qff->V, W=qff->W, v=qff->v;
631   long n = lg(V)-1, f = lg(F)-1;
632   vec = cgetg(I,t_VECSMALL);
633   for (i = 1; i <= fp->diag[I]; i++) CI[i] = 0; /* list for the candidates */
634   nr = fail = 0;
635   for (j = 1; j <= n && fail == 0; j++)
636   {
637     GEN Vj = gel(V,j), Wj = gel(W, j);
638     okp = okm = 0;
639     for (i = 1; i <= f; i++)
640     {
641       GEN FAiI = gmael(F,i,fp->per[I]), FFvi = gel(v,i);
642       /* vec is the vector of scalar products of V.v[j] with the first I base
643          vectors x[0]...x[I-1] */
644       for (k = 1; k < I; k++)
645       {
646         long xk = x[k];
647         if (xk > 0)
648           vec[k] = zv_dotproduct(Vj, gel(FFvi,xk));
649         else
650           vec[k] = -zv_dotproduct(Vj, gel(FFvi,-xk));
651       }
652       for (k = 1; k < I && vec[k] == FAiI[fp->per[k]]; k++);
653       if (k == I && Wj[i] == FAiI[fp->per[I]]) ++okp;
654         /* V.v[j] is a candidate for x[I] with respect to the form F.A[i] */
655       for (k = 1; k < I && vec[k] == -FAiI[fp->per[k]]; k++);
656       if (k == I && Wj[i] == FAiI[fp->per[I]]) ++okm;
657         /* -V.v[j] is a candidate for x[I] with respect to the form F.A[i] */
658     }
659     if (okp == f) /* V.v[j] is a candidate for x[I] */
660     {
661       if (nr < fp->diag[I])
662         CI[++nr] = j;
663       else
664         fail = 1; /* too many candidates */
665     }
666     if (okm == f) /* -V.v[j] is a candidate for x[I] */
667     {
668       if (nr < fp->diag[I])
669         CI[++nr] = -j;
670       else
671         fail = 1; /* too many candidates */
672     }
673   }
674   return gc_long(av, fail? 0: nr);
675 }
677 static long
qfisom_candidates(GEN CI,long I,GEN x,struct qfauto * qf,struct qfauto * qff,struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfcand * qfcand)678 qfisom_candidates(GEN CI, long I, GEN x, struct qfauto *qf,
679       struct qfauto *qff, struct fingerprint *fp, struct qfcand *qfcand)
680 {
681   pari_sp av = avma;
682   GEN vec, xvec, xbase, Fxbase, scpvec, com, list, trans, ccoef, cF;
683   GEN F =qf->F, V=qff->V, W=qff->W, v=qff->v, FF= qff->F;
684   long i, j, k, okp, okm, nr, nc, vj, rank, num;
685   long dim = qf->dim, n = lg(V)-1, f = lg(F)-1;
686   long DEP = qfcand->cdep, len = f * DEP;
687   if (I >= 2 && I <= lg(qfcand->bacher_pol))
688   {
689     long t = labs(x[I-1]);
690     GEN bpolI = gel(qfcand->bacher_pol,I-1);
691     if (bachcomp(bpolI, t, V, W, gel(v,1)) == 0) return 0;
692   }
693   if (I==1 || DEP ==0) return qfisom_candidates_novec(CI,I,x,qf,qff,fp);
694   vec = cgetg(I,t_VECSMALL);
695   scpvec = cgetg(len+1,t_VECSMALL);
696   com = gel(qfcand->comb,I-1);
697   list=gel(com,1); trans = gel(com,2); ccoef = gel(com,3); cF=gel(com,4);
698   rank = lg(trans)-1;
699   nc = lg(list)-2;
700   /* xvec is the list of vector sums which are computed with respect to the
701      partial basis in x */
702   xvec = zero_Flm_copy(dim,nc+1);
703   /* xbase should be a basis for the lattice generated by the vectors in xvec,
704      it is obtained via the transformation matrix comb[I-1].trans */
705   xbase = cgetg(rank+1,t_MAT);
706   for (i = 1; i <= rank; ++i)
707     gel(xbase,i) = cgetg(dim+1,t_VECSMALL);
708   Fxbase = cgetg(rank+1,t_MAT); /* product of a form F with the base xbase */
709   for (i = 1; i <= rank; ++i) gel(Fxbase,i) = cgetg(dim+1,t_VECSMALL);
710   for (i = 1; i <= fp->diag[I]; ++i) CI[i] = 0; /* list for the candidates */
711   nr = 0;
712   for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
713   {
714     long sign;
715     GEN Vj = gel(V,j), Wj = gel(W, j);
716     okp = okm = 0;
717     for (k = 1; k <= len; ++k) scpvec[k] = 0;
718     for (i = 1; i <= f; ++i)
719     {
720       GEN FAiI = gmael(F,i,fp->per[I]), FFvi = gel(v,i);
721       /* vec is the vector of scalar products of V.v[j] with the first I base
722          vectors x[0]...x[I-1] */
723       for (k = 1; k < I; ++k)
724       {
725         long xk = x[k];
726         if (xk > 0)
727           vec[k] = zv_dotproduct(Vj, gel(FFvi,xk));
728         else
729           vec[k] = -zv_dotproduct(Vj, gel(FFvi,-xk));
730       }
731       for (k = 1; k < I && vec[k] == FAiI[fp->per[k]]; ++k);
732       if (k == I && Wj[i] == FAiI[fp->per[I]]) ++okp;
733         /* V.v[j] is a candidate for x[I] with respect to the form F.A[i] */
734       for (k = 1; k < I && vec[k] == -FAiI[fp->per[k]]; ++k);
735       if (k == I && Wj[i] == FAiI[fp->per[I]]) ++okm;
736         /* -V.v[j] is a candidate for x[I] with respect to the form F.A[i] */
737       for (k = I-1; k >= 1 && k > I-1-DEP; --k)
738         scpvec[(i-1)*DEP+I-k] = vec[k];
739     }
740     /* check, whether the scalar product combination scpvec is contained in the
741        list comb[I-1].list */
742     if (!zv_equal0(scpvec))
743     {
744       sign = zv_canon(scpvec);
745       num = vecvecsmall_search(list,scpvec,0);
746       if (!num) return gc_long(av,0); /* x[0..I-1] not a partial automorphism */
747       else
748       {
749         GEN xnum = gel(xvec,num);
750         for (k = 1; k <= dim; ++k) xnum[k] += sign * Vj[k];
751       }
752     }
753     if (okp == f) /* V.v[j] is a candidate for x[I] */
754     {
755       if (nr >= fp->diag[I]) return gc_long(av,0); /* too many candidates */
756       CI[++nr] = j;
757     }
758     if (okm == f) /* -V.v[j] is a candidate for x[I] */
759     {
760       if (nr >= fp->diag[I]) return gc_long(av,0); /* too many candidates */
761       CI[++nr] = -j;
762     }
763   }
764   if (nr == fp->diag[I])
765   { /* compute the basis of the lattice generated by the vectors in xvec via
766        the transformation matrix comb[I-1].trans */
767     for (i = 1; i <= rank; ++i)
768     {
769       GEN comtri = gel(trans,i);
770       for (j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
771       {
772         long xbij = 0;
773         for (k = 1; k <= nc+1; ++k) xbij += comtri[k] * mael(xvec,k,j);
774         mael(xbase,i,j) = xbij;
775       }
776     }
777     /* check, whether the base xbase has the right scalar products */
778     for (i = 1; i <= f; ++i)
779     {
780       for (j = 1; j <= rank; ++j)
781         for (k = 1; k <= dim; ++k)
782           mael(Fxbase,j,k) = zv_dotproduct(gmael(FF,i,k), gel(xbase,j));
783       for (j = 1; j <= rank; ++j)
784         for (k = 1; k <= j; ++k) /* a scalar product is wrong ? */
785           if (zv_dotproduct(gel(xbase,j), gel(Fxbase,k)) != mael3(cF,i,j,k))
786             return gc_long(av, 0);
787     }
788     for (i = 1; i <= nc+1; ++i)
789     {
790       GEN comcoi = gel(ccoef,i);
791       for (j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
792       {
793         vj = 0;
794         for (k = 1; k <= rank; ++k)
795           vj += comcoi[k] * mael(xbase,k,j);
796         if (vj != mael(xvec,i,j)) return gc_long(av,0); /* an entry is wrong */
797       }
798     }
799   }
800   return gc_long(av, nr);
801 }
803 static long
aut(long step,GEN x,GEN C,struct group * G,struct qfauto * qf,struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfcand * cand)804 aut(long step, GEN x, GEN C, struct group *G, struct qfauto *qf,
805     struct fingerprint *fp, struct qfcand *cand)
806 {
807   long dim = qf->dim;
808   GEN orb;
809   /* found new automorphism */
810   if (step == dim && mael(C,dim,1)) { x[dim] = mael(C,dim,1); return 1; }
811   orb = cgetg(2,t_VECSMALL);
812   while (mael(C,step,1))
813   {
814     long nbc;
815     /* choose the image of the base-vector nr. step */
816     x[step] = mael(C,step,1);
817     /* check, whether x[0..step] is a partial automorphism and compute
818        the candidates for x[step+1] */
819     nbc = qfisom_candidates(gel(C,step+1), step+1, x, qf, qf, fp, cand);
820     if (nbc == fp->diag[step+1]
821         && aut(step+1, x, C, G, qf, fp, cand)) return 1;
822     orb[1] = x[step];
823     /* delete chosen vector from list of candidates */
824     (void)orbdelete(gel(C,step), orb);
825   }
826   return 0;
827 }
829 /* search new automorphisms until on all levels representatives for all orbits
830  * have been tested */
831 static void
autom(struct group * G,struct qfauto * qf,struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfcand * cand)832 autom(struct group *G, struct qfauto *qf, struct fingerprint *fp,
833       struct qfcand *cand)
834 {
835   long i, j, step, im, nC, found, tries, nbad;
836   GEN x, bad, H, V = qf->V;
837   long dim = qf->dim, n = lg(V)-1, STAB = 1;
838   GEN C = cgetg(dim+1,t_VEC);
839   /* C[i] is the list of candidates for the image of the i-th base-vector */
840   for (i = 1; i <= dim; ++i)
841     gel(C,i) = cgetg(fp->diag[i]+1, t_VECSMALL);
842   /* x is the new base i.e. x[i] is the index in V.v of the i-th base-vector */
843   x = cgetg(dim+1, t_VECSMALL);
844   for (step = STAB; step <= dim; ++step)
845   {
846     long nH = 0;
847     if (DEBUGLEVEL) err_printf("QFAuto: Step %ld/%ld\n",step,dim);
848     for (nH = 0, i = step; i <= dim; ++i)
849       nH += G->ng[i];
850     H = cgetg(nH+1,t_VEC);
851     for (nH = 0, i = step; i <= dim; ++i)
852       for (j = 1; j <= G->ng[i]; ++j)
853         gel(H,++nH) = gmael(G->g,i,j);
854     bad = zero_Flv(2*n);
855     nbad = 0;
856     /* the first step base-vectors are fixed */
857     for (i = 1; i < step; ++i)
858       x[i] = fp->e[i];
859     /* compute the candidates for x[step] */
860     if (fp->diag[step] > 1)
861       /* if fp.diag[step] > 1 compute the candidates for x[step] */
862       nC = qfisom_candidates(gel(C,step), step, x, qf, qf, fp, cand);
863     else
864       /* if fp.diag[step] == 1, fp.e[step] is the only candidate */
865     {
866       mael(C,step,1) = fp->e[step];
867       nC = 1;
868     }
869     /* delete the orbit of the step-th base-vector from the candidates */
870     nC = orbsubtract(gel(C,step), fp->e, step-1, 1, H, V, &(G->ord[step]));
871     while (nC > 0 && (im = mael(C,step,1)) != 0)
872     {
873       found = 0;
874       /* tries vector V.v[im] as image of the step-th base-vector */
875       x[step] = im;
876       if (step < dim)
877       {
878         long nbc;
879         /* check, whether x[0]...x[step] is a partial basis and compute the
880            candidates for x[step+1] */
881         nbc = qfisom_candidates(gel(C,step+1), step+1, x, qf, qf, fp, cand);
882         if (nbc == fp->diag[step+1])
883           /* go into the recursion */
884           found = aut(step+1, x, C, G, qf, fp, cand);
885         else
886           found = 0;
887       }
888       else
889         found = 1;
890       if (!found) /* x[0..step] can not be continued to an automorphism */
891       { /* delete the orbit of im from the candidates for x[step] */
892         nC = orbsubtract(gel(C,step),mkvecsmall(im), 0, 1, H, V, NULL);
893         bad[++nbad] = im;
894       }
895       else
896       { /* new generator has been found */
897         GEN Gstep;
898         ++G->ng[step];
899         /* append new generator to G->g[step] */
900         Gstep = vec_lengthen(gel(G->g,step),G->ng[step]);
901         gel(Gstep,G->ng[step]) = matgen(x, fp->per, V);
902         gel(G->g,step) = Gstep;
903         ++nH;
904         H = cgetg(nH+1, t_VEC);
905         for (nH = 0, i = step; i <= dim; i++)
906           for (j = 1; j <= G->ng[i]; j++) gel(H,++nH) = gmael(G->g,i,j);
907         nC = orbsubtract(gel(C,step), fp->e, step-1, 1, H, V, &(G->ord[step]));
908         nC = orbsubtract(gel(C,step), bad, 0, nbad, H, V, NULL);
909       }
910     }
911     /* test, whether on step STAB some generators may be omitted */
912     if (step == STAB) for (tries = G->nsg[step]; tries <= G->ng[step]; tries++)
913     {
914       nH = 0;
915       for (j = 1; j < tries; j++) gel(H,++nH) = gmael(G->g,step,j);
916       for (j = tries+1; j < G->ng[step]; j++) gel(H,++nH) = gmael(G->g,step,j);
917       for (i = step+1; i <= dim; i++)
918         for (j = 1; j <= G->ng[i]; j++) gel(H,++nH) = gmael(G->g,i,j);
919       if (orbitlen(fp->e[step], G->ord[step], H, nH, V) == G->ord[step])
920       { /* generator g[step][tries] can be omitted */
921         G->ng[step]--;
922         for (i = tries; i < G->ng[step]; ++i)
923           gmael(G->g,step,i) = gmael(G->g,step,i+1);
924         tries--;
925       }
926     }
927     /* calculate stabilizer elements fixing basis-vectors fp.e[0..step] */
928     if (step < dim && G->ord[step] > 1) stab(step, G, fp, V, qf->p);
929   }
930 }
932 #define MAXENTRY (1L<<((BITS_IN_LONG-2)>>1))
933 #define MAXNORM (1L<<(BITS_IN_LONG-2))
935 static long
zm_maxdiag(GEN A)936 zm_maxdiag(GEN A)
937 {
938   long dim = lg(A)-1, max = coeff(A,1,1), i;
939   for (i = 2; i <= dim; ++i)
940     if (coeff(A,i,i) > max) max = coeff(A,i,i);
941   return max;
942 }
944 static GEN
init_qfauto(GEN F,GEN U,long max,struct qfauto * qf,GEN norm,GEN minvec)945 init_qfauto(GEN F, GEN U, long max, struct qfauto *qf, GEN norm, GEN minvec)
946 {
947   GEN V = minvec ? ZM_to_zm_canon(minvec)
948                  : gel(minim_zm(zm_to_ZM(gel(F,1)), stoi(max), NULL), 3);
949   GEN W, v;
950   long i, j, k, n = lg(V)-1, f = lg(F)-1, dim = lg(gel(F,1))-1;
951   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
952   {
953     GEN Vi = gel(V,i);
954     for (k = 1; k <= dim; k++)
955     {
956       long l = labs(Vi[k]);
957       if (l > max) max = l;
958     }
959   }
960   if (max > MAXENTRY) pari_err_OVERFLOW("qfisom [lattice too large]");
961   qf->p = unextprime(2*max+1);
962   V = vecvecsmall_sort_uniq(V);
963   if (!norm)
964   {
965     norm = cgetg(dim+1,t_VEC);
966     for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
967     {
968       GEN Ni = cgetg(f+1,t_VECSMALL);
969       for (k = 1; k <= f; k++) Ni[k] = mael3(F,k,i,i);
970       gel(norm,i) = Ni;
971     }
972     norm = vecvecsmall_sort_uniq(norm);
973   }
974   W = checkvecs(V, F, norm);
975   v = cgetg(f+1,t_VEC);
976   /* the product of the maximal entry in the short vectors with the maximal
977      entry in v[i] should not exceed MAXNORM to avoid overflow */
978   max = MAXNORM / max;
979   for (i = 1; i <= f; ++i)
980   {
981     GEN Fi = gel(F,i), vi = cgetg(n+1,t_MAT);
982     gel(v,i) = vi;
983     for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
984     {
985       GEN Vj = gel(V,j), vij = cgetg(dim+1, t_VECSMALL);
986       gel(vi,j) = vij;
987       for (k = 1; k <= dim; ++k)
988       {
989         vij[k] = zv_dotproduct(gel(Fi,k), Vj);
990         if (labs(vij[k]) > max) pari_err_OVERFLOW("qfisom [lattice too large]");
991       }
992     }
993   }
994   qf->dim = dim; qf->F = F; qf->V = V; qf->W = W; qf->v = v; qf->U = U;
995   return norm;
996 }
998 static void
init_qfgroup(struct group * G,struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfauto * qf)999 init_qfgroup(struct group *G, struct fingerprint *fp, struct qfauto *qf)
1000 {
1001   GEN H, M, V = qf->V;
1002   long nH, i, j, k, dim = qf->dim;
1003   G->ng  = zero_Flv(dim+1);
1004   G->nsg = zero_Flv(dim+1);
1005   G->ord = cgetg(dim+1,t_VECSMALL);
1006   G->g = cgetg(dim+1,t_VEC);
1007   for (i = 1; i <= dim; ++i) gel(G->g,i) = mkvec(gen_0);
1008   M = matid_Flm(dim);
1009   gmael(G->g,1,1) = M;
1010   G->ng[1] = 1;
1011   /* -Id is always an automorphism */
1012   for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++) mael(M,i,i) = -1;
1013   nH = 0;
1014   for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++) nH += G->ng[i];
1015   H = cgetg(nH+1,t_MAT);
1016   /* calculate the orbit lengths under the automorphisms known so far */
1017   for (i = 1; i <= dim; ++i)
1018   {
1019     if (G->ng[i] > 0)
1020     {
1021       nH = 0;
1022       for (j = i; j <= dim; j++)
1023         for (k = 1; k <= G->ng[j]; k++) gel(H,++nH) = gmael(G->g,j,k);
1024       G->ord[i] = orbitlen(fp->e[i], fp->diag[i], H, nH, V);
1025     }
1026     else
1027       G->ord[i] = 1;
1028   }
1029 }
1031 /* calculates the scalar products of the vector w with the base vectors
1032  * v[b[I]] down to v[b[I-dep+1]] with respect to all invariant forms and puts
1033  * them on scpvec  */
1034 static GEN
scpvector(GEN w,GEN b,long I,long dep,GEN v)1035 scpvector(GEN w, GEN b, long I, long dep, GEN v)
1036 {
1037   long  i, j, n = lg(v)-1;
1038   GEN scpvec = zero_Flv(dep*n);
1039   for (i = I; i >= 1 && i > I-dep; i--)
1040   {
1041     long bi = b[i];
1042     if (bi > 0)
1043       for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
1044         scpvec[1+(j-1)*dep + I-i] = zv_dotproduct(w, gmael(v,j,bi));
1045     else
1046       for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
1047         scpvec[1+(j-1)*dep + I-i] = -zv_dotproduct(w, gmael(v,j,-bi));
1048   }
1049   return scpvec;
1050 }
1052 /* computes the list of scalar product combinations of the vectors
1053  * in V.v with the basis-vectors in b */
1054 static GEN
scpvecs(GEN * pt_vec,long I,GEN b,long dep,struct qfauto * qf)1055 scpvecs(GEN *pt_vec, long I, GEN b, long dep, struct qfauto *qf)
1056 {
1057   GEN list, vec, V = qf->V, F = qf->F, v = qf->v;
1058   long n = lg(V)-1, dim = lg(gel(F,1))-1, len = (lg(F)-1)*dep;
1059   long j;
1060   /* the first vector in the list is the 0-vector and is not counted */
1061   list = mkvec(zero_Flv(len));
1062   vec  = mkvec(zero_Flv(dim));
1063   for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
1064   {
1065     GEN Vvj = gel(V,j), scpvec = scpvector(Vvj, b, I, dep, v);
1066     long i, nr, sign;
1067     if (zv_equal0(scpvec)) continue;
1068     sign = zv_canon(scpvec);
1069     nr = vecvecsmall_search(list, scpvec, 0);
1070     if (nr > 0) /* scpvec already in list */
1071     {
1072       GEN vecnr = gel(vec,nr);
1073       for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++) vecnr[i] += sign * Vvj[i];
1074     }
1075     else /* scpvec is a new scalar product combination */
1076     {
1077       nr = vecvecsmall_search(list, scpvec, 1);
1078       list = vec_insert(list,nr,scpvec);
1079       vec = vec_insert(vec,nr,sign < 0 ? zv_neg(Vvj) : zv_copy(Vvj));
1080     }
1081   }
1082   settyp(list,t_MAT);
1083   settyp(vec,t_MAT);
1084   *pt_vec = vec; return list;
1085 }
1087 /* com->F[i] is the Gram-matrix of the basis b with respect to F.A[i] */
1088 static GEN
scpforms(GEN b,struct qfauto * qf)1089 scpforms(GEN b, struct qfauto *qf)
1090 {
1091   GEN F = qf->F;
1092   long i, j, k, n = lg(F)-1, dim = lg(gel(F,1))-1, nb = lg(b)-1;
1093   GEN gram = cgetg(n+1, t_VEC), Fbi = cgetg(nb+1, t_MAT);
1094   /* list of products of F.A[i] with the vectors in b */
1095   for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++) gel(Fbi, j) = cgetg(dim+1, t_VECSMALL);
1096   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
1097   {
1098     GEN FAi = gel(F,i);
1099     gel(gram, i) = cgetg(nb+1, t_MAT);
1100     for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
1101       for (k = 1; k <= dim; k++)
1102         mael(Fbi,j,k) = zv_dotproduct(gel(FAi,k), gel(b,j));
1103     for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
1104     {
1105       GEN Gij = cgetg(nb+1, t_VECSMALL);
1106       for (k = 1; k <= nb; k++) Gij[k] = zv_dotproduct(gel(b,j), gel(Fbi,k));
1107       gmael(gram,i,j) = Gij;
1108     }
1109   }
1110   return gram;
1111 }
1113 static GEN
gen_comb(long cdep,GEN A,GEN e,struct qfauto * qf,long lim)1114 gen_comb(long cdep, GEN A, GEN e, struct qfauto *qf, long lim)
1115 {
1116   long i, dim = lg(A)-1;
1117   GEN comb = cgetg(dim+1,t_VEC);
1118   for (i = 1; i <= dim; ++i)
1119   {
1120     pari_sp av = avma;
1121     GEN trans, ccoef, cF, B, BI, sumveclist, sumvecbase;
1122     GEN list = scpvecs(&sumveclist, i, e, cdep, qf);
1123     GEN M = zm_to_ZM(sumveclist);
1124     GEN T = lllgramint(qf_apply_ZM(A,M));
1125     if (lim && lg(T)-1>=lim) return NULL;
1126     B = ZM_mul(M,T);
1127     BI = RgM_inv(B);
1128     sumvecbase = ZM_trunc_to_zm(B);
1129     trans = ZM_trunc_to_zm(T);
1130     ccoef = ZM_trunc_to_zm(RgM_mul(BI,M));
1131     cF = scpforms(sumvecbase, qf);
1132     gel(comb,i) = gerepilecopy(av, mkvec4(list, trans, ccoef, cF));
1133   }
1134   return comb;
1135 }
1137 static void
init_comb(struct qfcand * cand,GEN A,GEN e,struct qfauto * qf)1138 init_comb(struct qfcand *cand, GEN A, GEN e, struct qfauto *qf)
1139 {
1140   long dim = lg(A)-1;
1141   GEN Am = zm_to_ZM(A);
1142   for (cand->cdep = 1; ; cand->cdep++)
1143   {
1144     cand->comb = gen_comb(cand->cdep, Am, e, qf, (dim+1)>>1);
1145     if (!cand->comb) break;
1146   }
1147   cand->cdep= maxss(1, cand->cdep-1);
1148   cand->comb = gen_comb(cand->cdep, Am, e, qf, 0);
1149 }
1151 static void
init_flags(struct qfcand * cand,GEN A,struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfauto * qf,GEN flags)1152 init_flags(struct qfcand *cand, GEN A, struct fingerprint *fp,
1153                                        struct qfauto *qf, GEN flags)
1154 {
1155   if (!flags)
1156   {
1157     init_comb(cand, A, fp->e, qf);
1158     cand->bacher_pol = init_bacher(0, fp, qf);
1159   }
1160   else
1161   {
1162     long cdep, bach;
1163     if (typ(flags)!=t_VEC || lg(flags)!=3) pari_err_TYPE("qfisominit",flags);
1164     cdep = gtos(gel(flags,1));
1165     bach = minss(gtos(gel(flags,2)), lg(fp->e)-1);
1166     if (cdep<0 || bach<0) pari_err_FLAG("qfisom");
1167     cand->cdep = cdep;
1168     cand->comb = cdep? gen_comb(cdep, zm_to_ZM(A), fp->e, qf, 0): NULL;
1169     cand->bacher_pol = init_bacher(bach, fp, qf);
1170   }
1171 }
1173 static GEN
gen_group(struct group * G,GEN U)1174 gen_group(struct group *G, GEN U)
1175 {
1176   GEN V, o = gen_1;
1177   long i, j, n, dim = lg(G->ord)-1;
1178   for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++) o = muliu(o, G->ord[i]);
1179   for (i = n = 1; i <= dim; i++) n += G->ng[i] - G->nsg[i];
1180   V = cgetg(n, t_VEC);
1181   for (i = n = 1; i <= dim; ++i)
1182     for (j=G->nsg[i]+1; j<=G->ng[i]; j++)
1183       gel(V,n++) = U ? zm_mul(gel(U,1), zm_mul(gmael(G->g,i,j), gel(U,2)))
1184                      : gmael(G->g,i,j);
1185   return mkvec2(o, V);
1186 }
1188 static long
is_qfisom(GEN F)1189 is_qfisom(GEN F)
1190 {
1191   return (lg(F)==6 && typ(F)==t_VEC && typ(gel(F,1))==t_VEC
1192                    && typ(gel(F,3))==t_VEC && typ(gel(F,4))==t_VEC);
1193 }
1195 static GEN
unpack_qfisominit(GEN F,GEN * norm,struct qfauto * qf,struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfcand * cand)1196 unpack_qfisominit(GEN F, GEN *norm, struct qfauto *qf,
1197       struct fingerprint *fp, struct qfcand *cand)
1198 {
1199   GEN QF = gel(F,3);
1200   qf->F = gel(QF,1);
1201   qf->V = gel(QF,2);
1202   qf->W = gel(QF,3);
1203   qf->v = gel(QF,4);
1204   qf->p = itou(gel(QF,5));
1205   qf->U = lg(QF)>6 ? gel(QF,6):NULL;
1206   QF = gel(F,4);
1207   fp->diag = gel(QF,1);
1208   fp->per  = gel(QF,2);
1209   fp->e    = gel(QF,3);
1210   QF = gel(F,5);
1211   cand->cdep =itos(gel(QF,1));
1212   cand->comb = gel(QF,2);
1213   cand->bacher_pol = gel(QF,3);
1214   *norm = gel(F,2);
1215   qf->dim = lg(gmael(F,1,1))-1;
1216   return qf->F;
1217 }
1219 static GEN
qfisom_bestmat(GEN A,long * pt_max)1220 qfisom_bestmat(GEN A, long *pt_max)
1221 {
1222   long max = zm_maxdiag(A), max2;
1223   GEN A2, A1 = zm_to_ZM(A), U = lllgramint(A1);
1224   if (lg(U) != lg(A1))
1225     pari_err_DOMAIN("qfisom","form","is not",
1226                     strtoGENstr("positive definite"), A1);
1227   A2 = ZM_to_zm(qf_apply_ZM(A1, U));
1228   max2 = zm_maxdiag(A2);
1229   if (max2 >= max) { *pt_max = max; return NULL; }
1230   *pt_max = max2; return mkvec2(ZM_to_zm(U), ZM_to_zm(ZM_inv(U,NULL)));
1231 }
1233 static GEN
init_qfisom(GEN F,struct fingerprint * fp,struct qfcand * cand,struct qfauto * qf,GEN flags,long * max,GEN minvec)1234 init_qfisom(GEN F, struct fingerprint *fp, struct qfcand *cand,
1235             struct qfauto *qf, GEN flags, long *max, GEN minvec)
1236 {
1237   GEN U, A, norm;
1238   if (is_qfisom(F))
1239   {
1240     F = unpack_qfisominit(F, &norm, qf, fp, cand);
1241     A = gel(F,1);
1242     *max = zm_maxdiag(A);
1243     if (flags)
1244       init_flags(cand, A, fp, qf, flags);
1245   }
1246   else
1247   {
1248     if (lg(F)<2) pari_err_TYPE("qfisom",F);
1249     A = gel(F,1);
1250     if (lg(A)<2) pari_err_TYPE("qfisom",A);
1251     if (!minvec)
1252     {
1253       U = qfisom_bestmat(A, max);
1254       if (DEBUGLEVEL) err_printf("QFIsom: max=%ld\n",*max);
1255       if (U) F = zmV_apply_zm(F, gel(U,1));
1256     } else
1257     {
1258       *max = zm_maxdiag(A); U = NULL;
1259       if (typ(minvec)==t_VEC && lg(minvec)==4 && typ(gel(minvec,2))==t_INT)
1260       {
1261         long n = itos(gel(minvec,2));
1262         if (n != *max)
1263           pari_err_DOMAIN("qfisominit","m[2]","!=",stoi(*max),stoi(n));
1264         minvec = gel(minvec, 3);
1265       }
1266       if (typ(minvec)!=t_MAT || lg(gel(minvec,1))!=lg(A))
1267         pari_err_TYPE("qfisominit",minvec);
1268     }
1269     norm = init_qfauto(F, U, *max, qf, NULL, minvec);
1270     fingerprint(fp, qf);
1271     if (DEBUGLEVEL) err_printf("QFIsom: fp=%Ps\n",fp->diag);
1272     init_flags(cand, A, fp, qf, flags);
1273   }
1274   return norm;
1275 }
1277 GEN
qfauto(GEN F,GEN flags)1278 qfauto(GEN F, GEN flags)
1279 {
1280   pari_sp av = avma;
1281   struct fingerprint fp;
1282   struct group G;
1283   struct qfcand cand;
1284   struct qfauto qf;
1285   long max;
1286   (void)init_qfisom(F, &fp, &cand, &qf, flags, &max, NULL);
1287   init_qfgroup(&G, &fp, &qf);
1288   autom(&G, &qf, &fp, &cand);
1289   return gerepilecopy(av, gen_group(&G, qf.U));
1290 }
1292 static GEN
qf_to_zmV(GEN F)1293 qf_to_zmV(GEN F)
1294 {
1295   switch(typ(F))
1296   {
1297     case t_MAT: return RgM_is_ZM(F)? mkvec(ZM_to_zm(F)): NULL;
1298     case t_VEC: return RgV_is_ZMV(F)? ZMV_to_zmV(F): NULL;
1299   }
1300   return NULL;
1301 }
1303 GEN
qfauto0(GEN x,GEN flags)1304 qfauto0(GEN x, GEN flags)
1305 {
1306   pari_sp av = avma;
1307   GEN F, G;
1308   if (is_qfisom(x)) F = x;
1309   else
1310   {
1311     F = qf_to_zmV(x);
1312     if (!F) pari_err_TYPE("qfauto",x);
1313   }
1314   G = qfauto(F, flags);
1315   return gerepilecopy(av, mkvec2(gel(G,1), zmV_to_ZMV(gel(G,2))));
1316 }
1317 /* computes the orbit of V.v[pt] under the generators G[0],...,G[nG-1] and
1318  * elements stabilizing V.v[pt], which are stored in H, returns the number of
1319  * generators in H */
1320 static GEN
isostab(long pt,GEN G,GEN V,long Maxfail,ulong p)1321 isostab(long pt, GEN G, GEN V, long Maxfail, ulong p)
1322 {
1323   pari_sp av = avma;
1324   long  i, im, nH, fail, len, cnd, orblen, rpt;
1325   long dim = lg(gel(V,1))-1, n = lg(V)-1, nG = lg(G)-1;
1326   GEN w, flag, orb, H;
1327   H = cgetg(2,t_VEC); /* generators of the stabilizer of V.v[pt] */
1328   nH = 0;
1329   w = cgetg(2*n+2,t_MAT); /* w[i+V.n] is a matrix that maps V.v[pt] on V.v[i] */
1330   orb = zero_Flv(2*n);
1331   orblen = 1; /* length of the orbit of a random vector in V.v */
1332   flag = zero_Flv(2*n+1); /* if flag[i+V.n] = 1, then i is already in orbit */
1333   orb[1] = pt;
1334   flag[orb[1]+n+1] = 1;
1335   /* w[pt+V.n] is the Identity */
1336   gel(w,orb[1]+n+1) = matid_Flm(dim);
1337   cnd = len = 1;
1338   fail = 0; /* number of successive failures */
1339   while (cnd <= len && fail < Maxfail)
1340   {
1341     for (i = 1; i <= nG && fail < Maxfail; i++)
1342     {
1343       im = operate(orb[cnd], gel(G,i), V);
1344       if (flag[im+n+1] == 0)
1345       { /* new element is found, append to the orbit and store an element
1346          * mapping V.v[pt] to im in w[im+V.n] */
1347         orb[++len] = im;
1348         flag[im+n+1] = 1;
1349         gel(w,im+n+1) = zm_mul(gel(G,i), gel(w,orb[cnd]+n+1));
1350       }
1351       else
1352       { /* image was already in orbit */
1353         GEN B = zm_mul(gel(G,i), gel(w,orb[cnd]+n+1));
1354         /* check whether the old and the new element mapping pt on im differ */
1355         if (!zvV_equal(B, gel(w,im+n+1)))
1356         {
1357           long tmplen;
1358           gel(H,nH+1) = zm_divmod(gel(w,im+n+1),B,p);
1359           rpt = 1+(long)random_Fl(n);
1360           tmplen = orbitlen(rpt, 2*n, H, nH+1, V);
1361           while (tmplen < orblen)
1362           { /* orbit of this vector is shorter than a previous one:
1363              * choose new random vector */
1364             rpt = 1+(long)random_Fl(n);
1365             tmplen = orbitlen(rpt, 2*n, H, nH+1, V);
1366           }
1367           if (tmplen > orblen)
1368           { /* new stabilizer element H[nH] enlarges the group generated by H */
1369             orblen = tmplen;
1370             H = vec_lengthen(H, (++nH)+1); /* allocate for new generator */
1371             fail = 0;
1372           }
1373           else /* new stabilizer element does not enlarge random vector orbit */
1374             ++fail;
1375         }
1376         /* if H[nH] is the identity, do nothing */
1377       }
1378     }
1379     ++cnd;
1380   }
1381   setlg(H, nH+1); return gerepilecopy(av, H);
1382 }
1384 /* the heart of the program: the recursion */
1385 static long
iso(long step,GEN x,GEN C,struct qfauto * qf,struct qfauto * qff,struct fingerprint * fp,GEN G,struct qfcand * cand)1386 iso(long step, GEN x, GEN C, struct qfauto *qf, struct qfauto *qff,
1387     struct fingerprint *fp, GEN G, struct qfcand *cand)
1388 {
1389   long dim = qf->dim;
1390   /* found isomorphism */
1391   if (step == dim && mael(C,dim,1)) { x[dim] = mael(C,dim,1); return 1; }
1392   while (mael(C,step,1))
1393   {
1394     long nbc;
1395     /* choose the image of the base-vector nr. step */
1396     x[step] = mael(C,step,1);
1397     /* check whether x[0]...x[step] is a partial automorphism and compute the
1398        candidates for x[step+1] */
1399     nbc = qfisom_candidates(gel(C,step+1), step+1, x, qf, qff, fp, cand);
1400     if (nbc == fp->diag[step+1])
1401     { /* go deeper into the recursion */
1402       long i, Maxfail = 0;
1403       GEN H;
1404       /* heuristic value of Maxfail for break condition in isostab */
1405       for (i = 1; i <= step; ++i)
1406         if (fp->diag[i] > 1) Maxfail++;
1407       for (; i <= dim; ++i)
1408         if (fp->diag[i] > 1) Maxfail += 2;
1409       /* compute the stabilizer H of x[step] in G */
1410       H = isostab(x[step], G, qff->V, Maxfail,qff->p);
1411       if (iso(step+1, x, C, qf, qff, fp, H, cand)) return 1;
1412     }
1413     /* delete the orbit of the chosen vector from the list of candidates */
1414     orbsubtract(gel(C,step), x, step-1, 1, G, qff->V, NULL);
1415   }
1416   return 0;
1417 }
1419 /* search for an isometry */
1420 static GEN
isometry(struct qfauto * qf,struct qfauto * qff,struct fingerprint * fp,GEN G,struct qfcand * cand)1421 isometry(struct qfauto *qf, struct qfauto *qff, struct fingerprint *fp, GEN G,
1422          struct qfcand *cand)
1424 {
1425   long i, dim = qf->dim;
1426   GEN x, C = cgetg(dim+1,t_VEC);
1427   /* C[i] is the list of candidates for the image of the i-th base-vector */
1428   for (i = 1; i <= dim; ++i) gel(C,i) = cgetg(fp->diag[i]+1, t_VECSMALL);
1429   x = cgetg(dim+1, t_VECSMALL);
1430   /* compute the candidates for x[1] */
1431   qfisom_candidates(gel(C,1), 1, x, qf, qff, fp, cand);
1432   return iso(1, x, C, qf, qff, fp, G, cand)? matgen(x, fp->per, qff->V): NULL;
1433 }
1435 GEN
qfisominit(GEN F,GEN flags,GEN minvec)1436 qfisominit(GEN F, GEN flags, GEN minvec)
1437 {
1438   pari_sp av = avma;
1439   struct fingerprint fp;
1440   struct qfauto qf;
1441   struct qfcand cand;
1442   long max;
1443   GEN norm = init_qfisom(F, &fp, &cand, &qf, flags, &max, minvec);
1444   return gerepilecopy(av, mkvec5(F, norm,
1445                           mkvecn(qf.U?6:5, qf.F, qf.V, qf.W, qf.v, utoi(qf.p), qf.U),
1446                           mkvec3(fp.diag, fp.per, fp.e),
1447                           mkvec3(stoi(cand.cdep),cand.comb?cand.comb:cgetg(1,t_VEC),
1448                                  cand.bacher_pol)));
1449 }
1451 GEN
qfisominit0(GEN x,GEN flags,GEN minvec)1452 qfisominit0(GEN x, GEN flags, GEN minvec)
1453 {
1454   pari_sp av = avma;
1455   GEN F = qf_to_zmV(x);
1456   if (!F) pari_err_TYPE("qfisom",x);
1457   return gerepileupto(av, qfisominit(F, flags, minvec));
1458 }
1460 GEN
qfisom(GEN F,GEN FF,GEN flags,GEN G)1461 qfisom(GEN F, GEN FF, GEN flags, GEN G)
1462 {
1463   pari_sp av = avma;
1464   struct fingerprint fp;
1465   GEN res, detf, detff;
1466   struct qfauto qf, qff;
1467   struct qfcand cand;
1468   long max;
1469   GEN norm = init_qfisom(F, &fp, &cand, &qf, flags, &max, NULL);
1470   init_qfauto(FF, NULL, max, &qff, norm, NULL);
1471   detf = ZM_det(zm_to_ZM(gel(qf.F,1)));
1472   detff = ZM_det(zm_to_ZM(gel(qff.F,1)));
1473   if (lg(qf.W)!=lg(qff.W) || !equalii(detf, detff)
1474       || !zvV_equal(vecvecsmall_sort_shallow(qf.W),
1475                     vecvecsmall_sort_shallow(qff.W))) return gc_const(av,gen_0);
1476   if (!G) G = mkvec(scalar_Flm(-1, qff.dim));
1477   res = isometry(&qf, &qff, &fp, G, &cand);
1478   if (!res) return gc_const(av, gen_0);
1479   return gerepilecopy(av, zm_to_ZM(qf.U? zm_mul(res,gel(qf.U, 2)): res));
1480 }
1482 static GEN
check_qfauto(GEN G)1483 check_qfauto(GEN G)
1484 {
1485   if (typ(G)==t_VEC && lg(G)==3 && typ(gel(G,1))==t_INT) G = gel(G,2);
1486   return qf_to_zmV(G);
1487 }
1489 GEN
qfisom0(GEN x,GEN y,GEN flags,GEN G)1490 qfisom0(GEN x, GEN y, GEN flags, GEN G)
1491 {
1492   pari_sp av = avma;
1493   GEN F, FF;
1494   if (is_qfisom(x)) F = x;
1495   else
1496   {
1497     F = qf_to_zmV(x);
1498     if (!F) pari_err_TYPE("qfisom",x);
1499   }
1500   FF = qf_to_zmV(y);
1501   if (!FF) pari_err_TYPE("qfisom",y);
1502   if (G) G = check_qfauto(G);
1503   return gerepileupto(av, qfisom(F, FF, flags, G));
1504 }
1506 static GEN
ZM_to_GAP(GEN M)1507 ZM_to_GAP(GEN M)
1508 {
1509   pari_sp av = avma;
1510   long i, j, c, rows = nbrows(M), cols = lg(M)-1;
1511   GEN comma = strtoGENstr(", "), bra = strtoGENstr("["), ket = strtoGENstr("]");
1512   GEN s = cgetg(2*rows*cols+2*rows+2,t_VEC);
1513   gel(s,1) = bra; c=2;
1514   for (i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
1515   {
1516     if (i > 1) gel(s,c++) = comma;
1517     gel(s,c++) = bra;
1518     for (j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
1519     {
1520       if (j > 1) gel(s,c++) = comma;
1521       gel(s,c++) = GENtoGENstr(gcoeff(M,i,j));
1522     }
1523     gel(s,c++) = ket;
1524   }
1525   gel(s,c++) = ket;
1526   return gerepilecopy(av, shallowconcat1(s));
1527 }
1529 GEN
qfautoexport(GEN G,long flag)1530 qfautoexport(GEN G, long flag)
1531 {
1532   pari_sp av = avma;
1533   long i, lgen,  c = 2;
1534   GEN gen, str, comma = strtoGENstr(", ");
1535   if (typ(G)!=t_VEC || lg(G)!=3) pari_err_TYPE("qfautoexport", G);
1536   if (flag!=0 && flag!=1) pari_err_FLAG("qfautoexport");
1537   gen = gel(G,2); lgen = lg(gen)-1;
1538   str = cgetg(2+2*lgen,t_VEC);
1539   /* in GAP or MAGMA the matrix group is called BG */
1540   if (flag == 0)
1541     gel(str,1) = strtoGENstr("Group(");
1542   else
1543   {
1544     long dim = lg(gmael(gen,1,1))-1;
1545     gel(str,1) = gsprintf("MatrixGroup<%d, Integers() |",dim);
1546   }
1547   for (i = 1; i <= lgen; i++)
1548   {
1549     if (i!=1) gel(str,c++) = comma;
1550     gel(str,c++) = ZM_to_GAP(gel(gen,i));
1551   }
1552   gel(str,c++) = strtoGENstr(flag ? ">":")");
1553   return gerepilecopy(av, shallowconcat1(str));
1554 }
1556 GEN
qforbits(GEN G,GEN V)1557 qforbits(GEN G, GEN V)
1558 {
1559   pari_sp av = avma;
1560   GEN gen, w, W, p, v, orb, o;
1561   long i, j, n, ng, nborbits = 0;
1562   gen = check_qfauto(G);
1563   if (!gen) pari_err_TYPE("qforbits", G);
1564   if (typ(V)==t_VEC && lg(V)==4
1565       && typ(gel(V,1))==t_INT && typ(gel(V,2))==t_INT) V = gel(V,3);
1566   if (typ(V)!=t_MAT || !RgM_is_ZM(V)) pari_err_TYPE("qforbits", V);
1567   n = lg(V)-1; ng = lg(gen)-1;
1568   W = ZM_to_zm_canon(V);
1569   p = vecvecsmall_indexsort(W);
1570   v = vecpermute(W, p);
1571   w = zero_zv(n);
1572   orb = cgetg(n+1, t_VEC);
1573   o = cgetg(n+1, t_VECSMALL);
1574   if (lg(v) != lg(V)) return gen_0;
1575   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
1576   {
1577     long cnd, no = 1;
1578     GEN T;
1579     if (w[i]) continue;
1580     w[i] = ++nborbits;
1581     o[1] = i;
1582     for (cnd=1; cnd <= no; ++cnd)
1583       for (j=1; j <= ng; j++)
1584       {
1585         GEN Vij = zm_zc_mul(gel(gen, j), gel(v, o[cnd]));
1586         long k;
1587         (void) zv_canon(Vij);
1588         k = vecvecsmall_search(v, Vij, 0);
1589         if (k == 0) return gc_const(av, gen_0);
1590         if (w[k] == 0) { o[++no] = k; w[k] = nborbits; }
1591       }
1592     gel(orb, nborbits) = T = cgetg(no+1, t_VEC);
1593     for (j=1; j<=no; j++) gel(T,j) = gel(V,p[o[j]]);
1594   }
1595   setlg(orb, nborbits+1); return gerepilecopy(av, orb);
1596 }