2       Sample plots using date / time formatting for axes
4  Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Ross
5  Copyright (C) 2008 Hezekiah M. Carty
7  This file is part of PLplot.
9    PLplot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
11  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12  (at your option) any later version.
14  PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
19  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
20  along with PLplot; if not, write to the Free Software
21  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25open Plplot
26open Printf
28let pi = atan 1.0 *. 4.0
30(* Plot a model diurnal cycle of temperature *)
31let plot1 () =
32  (* Data points every 10 minutes for 1 day *)
33  let npts = 73 in
35  let xmin = 0.0 in
36  let xmax = 60.0 *. 60.0 *. 24.0 in (* Number of seconds in a day *)
37  let ymin = 10.0 in
38  let ymax = 20.0 in
40  let x =
41    Array.init npts (fun i -> xmax *. float_of_int i /. float_of_int npts)
42  in
43  let y =
44    Array.init npts (
45      fun i ->
46        15.0 -. 5.0 *. cos (2.0 *. pi *. (float_of_int i /. float_of_int npts))
47    )
48  in
50  (* Set x error bars to +/- 5 minute *)
51  let xerr1 = Array.map (fun xi -> xi -. 60.0 *. 5.0) x in
52  let xerr2 = Array.map (fun xi -> xi +. 60.0 *. 5.0) x in
53  (* Set y error bars to +/- 0.1 deg C *)
54  let yerr1 = Array.map (fun yi -> yi -. 0.1) y in
55  let yerr2 = Array.map (fun yi -> yi +. 0.1) y in
57  pladv 0;
59  (* Rescale major ticks marks by 0.5 *)
60  plsmaj 0.0 0.5;
61  (* Rescale minor ticks and error bar marks by 0.5 *)
62  plsmin 0.0 0.5;
64  plvsta ();
65  plwind xmin xmax ymin ymax;
67  (* Draw a box with ticks spaced every 3 hour in X and 1 degree C in Y. *)
68  plcol0 1;
69  (* Set time format to be hours:minutes *)
70  pltimefmt "%H:%M";
71  plbox "bcnstd" (3.0 *. 60.0 *. 60.0) 3 "bcnstv" 1.0 5;
73  plcol0 3;
74  pllab "Time (hours:mins)" "Temperature (degC)" "#frPLplot Example 29 - Daily temperature";
76  plcol0 4;
78  plline x y;
80  plcol0 2;
81  plerrx xerr1 xerr2 y;
82  plcol0 3;
83  plerry x yerr1 yerr2;
85  (* Rescale major / minor tick marks back to default *)
86  plsmin 0.0 1.0;
87  plsmaj 0.0 1.0;
88  ()
90(* Plot the number of hours of daylight as a function of day for a year *)
91let plot2 () =
92  (* Latitude for London *)
93  let lat = 51.5 in
95  let npts = 365 in
97  let xmin = 0.0 in
98  let xmax = float_of_int npts *. 60.0 *. 60.0 *. 24.0 in
99  let ymin = 0.0 in
100  let ymax = 24.0 in
102  let x = Array.make npts 0.0 in
103  let y = Array.make npts 0.0 in
104  (* Formula for hours of daylight from
105   * "A Model Comparison for Daylength as a Function of Latitude and
106   * Day of the Year", 1995, Ecological Modelling, 80, pp 87-95. *)
107  for j = 0 to npts - 1 do
108    x.(j) <- float_of_int j *. 60.0 *. 60.0 *. 24.0;
109    let p =
110      asin (0.39795 *. cos (0.2163108 +. 2.0 *.
111        atan (0.9671396 *. tan (0.00860 *. (float_of_int j -. 186.0))))
112      )
113    in
114    let d =
115      24.0 -. (24.0 /. pi) *. acos (( sin (0.8333 *. pi /. 180.0) +.
116        sin (lat *. pi /. 180.0) *. sin p) /.
117        (cos (lat *. pi /. 180.0) *. cos p)
118      )
119    in
120    y.(j) <- d;
121  done;
123  plcol0 1;
124  (* Set time format to be abbreviated month name followed by day of month *)
125  pltimefmt "%b %d";
126  plprec 1 1;
127  plenv xmin xmax ymin ymax 0 40;
130  plcol0 3;
131  pllab "Date" "Hours of daylight" "#frPLplot Example 29 - Hours of daylight at 51.5N";
133  plcol0 4;
135  plline x y;
137  plprec 0 0;
138  ()
140let plot3 () =
141  (* Calculate seconds since the Unix epoch for 2005-12-01 UTC. *)
142  (* Adopt the known result for POSIX-compliant systems. *)
143  let tstart = 1133395200.0 in
145  let npts = 62 in
147  let xmin = tstart in
148  let xmax = xmin +. float_of_int npts *. 60.0 *. 60.0 *. 24.0 in
149  let ymin = 0.0 in
150  let ymax = 5.0 in
152  let x =
153    Array.init npts (fun i -> xmin +. float_of_int i *. 60.0 *. 60.0 *. 24.0)
154  in
155  let y =
156    Array.init npts (
157      fun i ->
158        1.0 +. sin (2.0 *. pi *. float_of_int i /. 7.0) +.
159        exp (float_of_int (min i (npts - i)) /. 31.0)
160    )
161  in
163  pladv 0;
165  plvsta ();
166  plwind xmin xmax ymin ymax;
168  plcol0 1;
169  (* Set time format to be ISO 8601 standard YYYY-MM-DD. Note that this is
170     equivalent to %f for C99 compliant implementations of strftime. *)
171  pltimefmt "%Y-%m-%d";
172  (* Draw a box with ticks spaced every 14 days in X and 1 hour in Y. *)
173  plbox "bcnstd" (14.0 *. 24.0 *. 60.0 *. 60.0) 14 "bcnstv" 1.0 4;
175  plcol0 3;
176  pllab "Date" "Hours of television watched" "#frPLplot Example 29 - Hours of television watched in Dec 2005 / Jan 2006";
178  plcol0 4;
180  (* Rescale symbol size (used by plpoin) by 0.5 *)
181  plssym 0.0 0.5;
182  plpoin x y 2;
183  plline x y;
184  ()
186let plot4 () =
187  (* TAI-UTC (seconds) as a function of time. *)
189  (* Continuous time unit is Besselian years from whatever epoch is
190   * chosen below.  Could change to seconds (or days) from the
191   * epoch, but then would have to adjust xlabel_step below. *)
192  let scale = 365.242198781 in
193  (* MJD epoch (see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day>).
194   * This is only set for illustrative purposes, and is overwritten
195   * below for the time-representation reasons given in the
196   * discussion below. *)
197  let epoch_year  = ref 1858 in
198  let epoch_month = ref 11 in
199  let epoch_day   = ref 17 in
200  let epoch_hour  = ref 0 in
201  let epoch_min   = ref 0 in
202  let epoch_sec   = ref 0. in
203  (* To illustrate the time-representation issues of using the MJD
204   * epoch, in 1985, MJD was roughly 46000 days which corresponds to
205   * 4e9 seconds.  Thus, for the -DPL_DOUBLE=ON case where PLFLT is
206   * a double which can represent continuous time to roughly 16
207   * decimal digits of precision the time-representation error is
208   * roughly ~400 nanoseconds.  Therefore the MJD epoch would be
209   * acceptable for the plots below in the -DPL_DOUBLE=ON case.
210   * However, that epoch is obviously not acceptable for the
211   * -DPL_DOUBLE=OFF case where PLFLT is a float which can represent
212   * continuous time to only ~7 decimal digits of precision
213   * corresponding to a time representation error of 400 seconds (!)
214   * in 1985.  For this reason, we do not use the MJD epoch below
215   * and instead choose the best epoch for each case to minimize
216   * time-representation issues. *)
218  let xmin = ref 0.0 in
219  let xmax = ref 0.0 in
220  let npts = ref 0 in
221  let ymin = ref 0.0 in
222  let ymax = ref 0.0 in
223  let time_format = ref "" in
224  let if_TAI_time_format = ref false in
225  let title_suffix = ref "" in
226  let xtitle = ref "" in
227  let xlabel_step = ref 0.0 in
229  for kind = 0 to 6 do
230    let () =
231      match kind with
232      | 0 ->
233          (* Choose midpoint to maximize time-representation precision. *)
234          epoch_year  := 1985;
235          epoch_month := 0;
236          epoch_day   := 2;
237          epoch_hour  := 0;
238          epoch_min   := 0;
239          epoch_sec   := 0.;
240          plconfigtime scale 0. 0. 0x0 true !epoch_year !epoch_month !epoch_day !epoch_hour !epoch_min !epoch_sec;
241          xmin := plctime 1950 0 2 0 0 0.0;
242          xmax := plctime 2020 0 2 0 0 0.0;
243          npts := 70 * 12 + 1;
244          ymin := 0.0;
245          ymax := 36.0;
246          time_format := "%Y%";
247          if_TAI_time_format := true;
248          title_suffix := "from 1950 to 2020";
249          xtitle := "Year";
250          xlabel_step := 10.0;
251      | 1
252      | 2 ->
253          (* Choose midpoint to maximize time-representation precision. *)
254          epoch_year  := 1961;
255          epoch_month := 7;
256          epoch_day   := 1;
257          epoch_hour  := 0;
258          epoch_min   := 0;
259          epoch_sec   := 1.64757;
260          plconfigtime scale 0. 0. 0x0 true !epoch_year !epoch_month !epoch_day !epoch_hour !epoch_min !epoch_sec;
261          xmin := plctime 1961 7 1 0 0 (1.64757 -. 0.20);
262          xmax := plctime 1961 7 1 0 0 (1.64757 +. 0.20);
263          npts := 1001;
264          ymin := 1.625;
265          ymax := 1.725;
266          time_format := "%S%2%";
267          title_suffix := "near 1961-08-01 (TAI)";
268          xlabel_step := 0.05 /. (scale *. 86400.0);
269          if kind = 1 then (
270            if_TAI_time_format := true;
271            xtitle := "Seconds (TAI)";
272          )
273          else (
274            if_TAI_time_format := false;
275            xtitle := "Seconds (TAI) labelled with corresponding UTC";
276          )
277      | 3
278      | 4 ->
279          (* Choose midpoint to maximize time-representation precision. *)
280          epoch_year  := 1963;
281          epoch_month := 10;
282          epoch_day   := 1;
283          epoch_hour  := 0;
284          epoch_min   := 0;
285          epoch_sec   := 2.6972788;
286          plconfigtime scale 0. 0. 0x0 true !epoch_year !epoch_month !epoch_day !epoch_hour !epoch_min !epoch_sec;
287          xmin := plctime 1963 10 1 0 0 (2.6972788 -. 0.20);
288          xmax := plctime 1963 10 1 0 0 (2.6972788 +. 0.20);
289          npts := 1001;
290          ymin := 2.55;
291          ymax := 2.75;
292          time_format := "%S%2%";
293          title_suffix := "near 1963-11-01 (TAI)";
294          xlabel_step := 0.05 /. (scale *. 86400.0);
295          if kind = 3 then (
296            if_TAI_time_format := true;
297            xtitle := "Seconds (TAI)";
298          )
299          else (
300            if_TAI_time_format := false;
301            xtitle := "Seconds (TAI) labelled with corresponding UTC";
302          )
303      | 5
304      | 6 ->
305          (* Choose midpoint to maximize time-representation precision. *)
306          epoch_year  := 2009;
307          epoch_month := 0;
308          epoch_day   := 1;
309          epoch_hour  := 0;
310          epoch_min   := 0;
311          epoch_sec   := 34.;
312          plconfigtime scale 0. 0. 0x0 true !epoch_year !epoch_month !epoch_day !epoch_hour !epoch_min !epoch_sec;
313          xmin := plctime 2009 0 1 0 0 (34.0 -. 5.0);
314          xmax := plctime 2009 0 1 0 0 (34.0 +. 5.0);
315          npts := 1001;
316          ymin := 32.5;
317          ymax := 34.5;
318          time_format := "%S%2%";
319          title_suffix := "near 2009-01-01 (TAI)";
320          xlabel_step := 1.0 /. (scale *. 86400.0);
321          if kind = 5 then (
322            if_TAI_time_format := true;
323            xtitle := "Seconds (TAI)";
324          )
325          else (
326            if_TAI_time_format := false;
327            xtitle := "Seconds (TAI) labelled with corresponding UTC";
328          )
329      | _ -> failwith "Bad plot kind"
330    in
332    let x = Array.make 1001 0.0 in
333    let y = Array.make 1001 0.0 in
335    (* Printf.printf "%s%d\n" "npts = " !npts; *)
336    for i = 0 to !npts - 1 do
337      x.(i) <-
338        !xmin +. float_of_int i *. (!xmax -. !xmin) /. (float_of_int (!npts - 1));
339      let tai = x.(i) in
340      (*Printf.printf "%g\n" tai; *)
341      plconfigtime scale 0. 0. 0x0 true !epoch_year !epoch_month !epoch_day !epoch_hour !epoch_min !epoch_sec;
342      let tai_year, tai_month, tai_day, tai_hour, tai_min, tai_sec = plbtime tai in
343      (* Calculate residual using tai as the epoch to nearly maximize time-representation precision. *)
344      plconfigtime scale 0. 0. 0x0 true tai_year tai_month tai_day tai_hour tai_min tai_sec;
345      (* Calculate continuous tai with new epoch. *)
346      let tai_new = plctime tai_year tai_month tai_day tai_hour tai_min tai_sec in
347      (* Calculate broken-down utc (with leap seconds inserted) from continuous tai with new epoch. *)
348      plconfigtime scale 0. 0. 0x2 true tai_year tai_month tai_day tai_hour tai_min tai_sec;
349      let utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_min, utc_sec = plbtime tai_new in
350      (* Calculate continuous utc from broken-down utc using same epoch as for the continuous tai. *)
351      plconfigtime scale 0. 0. 0x0 true tai_year tai_month tai_day tai_hour tai_min tai_sec;
352      let utc = plctime utc_year utc_month utc_day utc_hour utc_min utc_sec in
353      (* Convert residuals to seconds. *)
354      y.(i) <- (tai_new -. utc) *. scale *. 86400.0;
355    done;
357    pladv 0;
358    plvsta ();
359    plwind !xmin !xmax !ymin !ymax;
360    plcol0 1;
361    plconfigtime scale 0. 0.
362      (if !if_TAI_time_format then 0x0 else 0x2)
363    true !epoch_year !epoch_month !epoch_day !epoch_hour !epoch_min !epoch_sec;
364    pltimefmt !time_format;
365    plbox "bcnstd" !xlabel_step 0 "bcnstv" 0.0 0;
366    plcol0 3;
367    let title = sprintf "#frPLplot Example 29 - TAI-UTC %s" !title_suffix in
368    pllab !xtitle "TAI-UTC (sec)" title;
370    plcol0 4;
372    plline (Array.sub x 0 !npts) (Array.sub y 0 !npts);
373  done;
374  ()
377 * Draws several plots which demonstrate the use of date / time formats for
378 * the axis labels.
380let () =
381  (* Parse command line arguments *)
382  plparseopts Sys.argv [PL_PARSE_FULL];
384  (* Initialize plplot *)
385  plinit ();
387  plot1 ();
389  plot2 ();
391  plot3 ();
393  plot4 ();
395  (* Don't forget to call plend() to finish off! *)
396  plend();
397  ()