1-- plimage demo
3-- Copyright (C) 2008 Jerry Bauck
5-- This file is part of PLplot.
7-- PLplot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8-- it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
9-- by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10-- (at your option) any later version.
12-- PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15-- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
18-- along with PLplot; if not, write to the Free Software
19-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
22    Ada.Text_IO,
23    Interfaces.C,
24    System,
25    Ada.Sequential_IO,
26    Ada.Numerics,
27    Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions,
28    PLplot_Auxiliary,
29    PLplot_Traditional;
31    Ada.Text_IO,
32    Interfaces.C,
33    System,
34    Ada.Numerics,
35    Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions,
36    PLplot_Auxiliary,
37    PLplot_Traditional;
39procedure xtraditional20a is
41    XDIM : constant Integer := 260;
42    YDIM : constant Integer := 220;
43    PLK_Return : constant unsigned := 16#0D#;
44    dbg : Integer := 0;
45    nosombrero : Integer := 0;
46    nointeractive : Integer := 0;
47    x : Real_Vector(0 .. XDIM - 1);
48    y : Real_Vector(0 .. YDIM - 1);
49    z, r : Real_Matrix(0 .. XDIM - 1, 0 .. YDIM - 1);
50    xi, yi, xe, ye : Long_Float;
51    width, height, num_col : Integer;
52    img_f : Real_Matrix(0 .. 310, 0 .. 239); -- Chloe is width 311, height 240.
53    img_min, img_max : Long_Float;
54    Get_Clip_Return : Integer;
55    type stretch_data is
56        record
57            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : Long_Float;
58            stretch                : Long_Float;
59        end record;
60    stretch : stretch_data;
61    xx, yy : Long_Float;
62    f_name : String(1 .. 200);
63    f_name_length : Integer;
64    Save_Sombrero : Boolean := False;
66    -- Read image from file in binary ppm format.
67    procedure read_img
68       (fname : String; img_f : out Real_Matrix;
69        width, height, num_col : out Integer)
70    is
71        type Byte is mod 2 ** 8;
72        A_Byte : Byte;
73        package Chloe_IO is new Ada.Sequential_IO(Byte);
74        use Chloe_IO;
75        Input_File : Chloe_IO.File_Type;
76    begin
77        -- Naive grayscale binary ppm reading. If you know how to, improve it.
78        -- Mine is naiver than yours.
79        -- Chloe.pgm has 15 bytes of header followed by 311 * 240 bytes of 8-bit pixels.
80        Chloe_IO.Open(Input_File, In_File, fname);
82        for i in 1 .. 15 loop
83            Chloe_IO.Read(Input_File, A_Byte);
84        end loop;
86        width  := 311; -- columns
87        height := 240; -- rows
88        num_col := 255; -- number of colors
90        for j in img_f'range(2) loop
91            for i in img_f'range(1) loop
92                Chloe_IO.Read(Input_File, A_Byte);
93                img_f(i, height - j - 1) := Long_Float(A_Byte); -- Flip image up-down.
94            end loop;
95        end loop;
96    end read_img;
99    -- Save plot.
100    procedure save_plot(fname : String) is
101        cur_strm, new_strm : Integer;
102    begin
103        plgstrm(cur_strm); -- Get current stream.
104        plmkstrm(new_strm); -- Create a new one.
105        plsdev("psc"); -- New device type. Use a known existing driver.
106        plsfnam(fname); -- Set the file name.
107        plcpstrm(cur_strm, False); -- Copy old stream parameters to new stream.
108        plreplot;	-- Do the save.
109        plend1; -- Close new device...
110        plsstrm(cur_strm);	-- ...and return to previous one.
111    end save_plot;
114    -- Get selection square interactively.
115    procedure get_clip(xi, xe, yi, ye : in out Long_Float; Return_This : out Integer) is
116        gin : Graphics_Input_Record_Type;
117        xxi : Long_Float := xi;
118        yyi : Long_Float := yi;
119        xxe : Long_Float := xe;
120        yye : Long_Float := ye;
121        t : Long_Float;
122        start : Integer := 0;
123        st : Boolean := False;
124        sx, sy : Real_Vector(0 .. 4);
125    begin
126        plxormod(True, st); -- Enter xor mode to draw a selection rectangle.
128        if st then -- Driver has xormod capability. Continue.
129            loop
130                plxormod(False, st);
131                plGetCursor(gin);
132                plxormod(True, st);
134                if gin.button = 1 then
135                    xxi := gin.wX;
136                    yyi := gin.wY;
137                    if start /= 0 then
138                        -- Suppress warning """sy"" may be referenced before it has a value".
139                        pragma Warnings(Off);
140                        plline(sx, sy); -- Clear previous rectangle.
141                        pragma Warnings(On);
142                    end if;
144                    start := 0;
146                    sx(0) := xxi;
147                    sy(0) := yyi;
148                    sx(4) := xxi;
149                    sy(4) := yyi;
150                end if;
152                if (gin.state and Unsigned(16#100#)) /= 0 then
153                    xxe := gin.wX;
154                    yye := gin.wY;
156                    if start /= 0 then
157                        plline(sx, sy); -- Clear previous rectangle.
158                    end if;
160                    start := 1;
162                    sx(2) := xxe;
163                    sy(2) := yye;
164                    sx(1) := xxe;
165                    sy(1) := yyi;
166                    sx(3) := xxi;
167                    sy(3) := yye;
168                    plline(sx, sy); -- Draw new rectangle.
169                end if;
171                if gin.button = 3 or gin.keysym = PLK_Return or
172                    gin.keysym = unsigned(Character'pos('Q')) then
173                    if start /= 0 then
174                        plline(sx, sy); -- Clear previous rectangle.
175                    end if;
176                    exit;
177                end if;
178            end loop;
180            plxormod(False, st); -- Leave xor mod.
182            if xxe < xxi then
183                t   := xxi;
184                xxi := xxe;
185                xxe := t;
186            end if;
188            if yyi < yye then
189                t   :=yyi;
190                yyi := yye;
191                yye := t;
192            end if;
194            xe := xxe;
195            xi := xxi;
196            ye := yye;
197            yi := yyi;
199            if gin.keysym = unsigned(Character'pos('Q')) then
200                Return_This := 1;
201            else
202                Return_This := 0;
203            end if;
204        else -- Driver has no xormod capability; just do nothing.
205            Return_This := 0;
206        end if;
207    end get_clip;
210    -- Set gray colormap.
211    procedure gray_cmap(num_col : Integer) is
212        r, g, b, pos : Real_Vector(0 .. 1);
213    begin
214        r(0) := 0.0;
215        g(0) := 0.0;
216        b(0) := 0.0;
218        r(1) := 1.0;
219        g(1) := 1.0;
220        b(1) := 1.0;
222        pos(0) := 0.0;
223        pos(1) := 1.0;
225        plscmap1n(num_col);
226        plscmap1l(RGB, pos, r, g, b, Alt_Hue_Path_None);
227    end gray_cmap;
230    procedure mypltr
231       (x, y   : Long_Float;
232        tx, ty : out Long_Float;
233        s      : stretch_data)
234    is
235        x0, y0, dy : Long_Float;
236    begin
237        x0 := (s.xmin + s.xmax) * 0.5;
238        y0 := (s.ymin + s.ymax) * 0.5;
239        dy := (s.ymax - s.ymin) * 0.5;
240        tx := x0 + (x0 - x) * (1.0 - s.stretch * cos((y - y0) / dy * pi * 0.5));
241        ty := y;
242    end mypltr;
246    -- Parse and process command line arguments
247    plparseopts(PL_PARSE_FULL);
249    -- Initialize plplot
250    plinit;
252    -- View image border pixels.
253    if dbg /= 0 then
254        plenv(1.0, Long_Float(XDIM), 1.0, Long_Float(YDIM), 1, 1); -- no plot box
256        -- Build a one pixel square border, for diagnostics.
257        for i in z'range(1) loop
258            z(i, YDIM - 1) := 1.0; -- right
259        end loop;
261        for i in z'range(1) loop
262            z(i, 0) := 1.0; -- left
263        end loop;
265        for i in z'range(2) loop
266            z(0, i) := 1.0; -- top
267        end loop;
269        for i in z'range(2) loop
270            z(XDIM - 1, i) := 1.0; -- botton
271        end loop;
273        pllab("...around a blue square."," ","A red border should appear...");
275        plimage(z,
276            1.0, Long_Float(XDIM), 1.0, Long_Float(YDIM), 0.0, 0.0,
277            1.0, Long_Float(XDIM), 1.0, Long_Float(YDIM));
278    end if;
280    -- sombrero-like demo
281    if nosombrero = 0 then
282        plcol0(2); -- Draw a yellow plot box, useful for diagnostics! :(
283        plenv(0.0, 2.0 * pi, 0.0, 3.0 * pi, 1, -1);
285        for i in x'range loop
286            x(i) := Long_Float(i) * 2.0 * pi / Long_Float(XDIM - 1);
287        end loop;
289        for i in y'range loop
290            y(i) := Long_Float(i) * 3.0 * pi / Long_Float(YDIM - 1);
291        end loop;
293        for i in z'range(1) loop
294            for j in z'range(2) loop
295                r(i, j) := sqrt(x(i) * x(i) + y(j) * y(j)) + 1.0e-3;
296                z(i, j) := sin(r(i, j)) / (r(i, j));
297            end loop;
298        end loop;
300        pllab("No, an amplitude clipped ""sombrero""", "", "Saturn?");
301        plptex(2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 0.0, "Transparent image");
302        plimage(z, 0.0, 2.0 * pi, 0.0, 3.0 * pi, 0.05, 1.0,
303            0.0, 2.0 * pi, 0.0, 3.0 * pi);
305        -- Save the plot.
306        if Save_Sombrero then
307            Put("Enter a path and name to save the Postscript file or RETURN to not save: ");
308            Get_Line(f_name, f_name_length);
309            if f_name'Length /= 0 then
310                save_plot(f_name(1 .. f_name_length));
311            end if;
312        end if;
313    end if;
315    -- Read the Chloe image.
316    -- Note we try two different locations to cover the case where this
317    -- examples is being run from the test_c.sh script.
318    begin
319        read_img("./Chloe.pgm", img_f, width, height, num_col);
320    exception
321        when NAME_ERROR =>
322            null;
323        begin
324            read_img("../Chloe.pgm", img_f, width, height, num_col);
325        exception
326            when NAME_ERROR =>
327                Put_Line("Failed to open Chloe.pgm. Aborting.");
328                plend;
329                return;
330        end; -- second exception block
331    end; -- first exception block
333    -- Set gray colormap.
334    gray_cmap(num_col);
336    -- Display Chloe.
337    plenv(1.0, Long_Float(width), 1.0, Long_Float(height), 1, -1);
339    if nointeractive = 0 then
340        pllab("Set and drag Button 1 to (re)set selection, Button 2 to finish."," ","Chloe...");
341    else
342        pllab(""," ","Chloe...");
343    end if;
345    plimage(img_f, 1.0, Long_Float(width), 1.0, Long_Float(height), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
346        Long_Float(width), 1.0, Long_Float(height));
348    -- Selection/expansion demo
349    if nointeractive = 0 then
350        xi := 25.0;
351        xe := 130.0;
352        yi := 235.0;
353        ye := 125.0;
355        get_clip(xi, xe, yi, ye, Get_Clip_Return); -- get selection rectangle
356        if Get_Clip_Return /= 0 then
357            plend;
358        end if;
360        -- I'm unable to continue, clearing the plot and advancing to the next
361        -- one, without hiting the enter key, or pressing the button... help!
363        -- Forcing the xwin driver to leave locate mode and destroying the
364        -- xhairs (in GetCursorCmd()) solves some problems, but I still have
365        -- to press the enter key or press Button-2 to go to next plot, even
366        -- if a pladv() is not present!  Using plbop() solves the problem, but
367        -- it shouldn't be needed!
369        -- plbop();
371        -- plspause(0), pladv(0), plspause(1), also works,
372        -- but the above question remains.
373        -- With this approach, the previous pause state is lost,
374        -- as there is no API call to get its current state.
376        plspause(False);
377        pladv(0);
379        -- Display selection only.
380        plimage(img_f, 1.0, Long_Float(width), 1.0, Long_Float(height), 0.0, 0.0, xi, xe, ye, yi);
382        plspause(True);
384        -- Zoom in selection.
385        plenv(xi, xe, ye, yi, 1, -1);
386        plimage(img_f, 1.0, Long_Float(width), 1.0, Long_Float(height), 0.0, 0.0, xi, xe, ye, yi);
387    end if;
389    -- Base the dynamic range on the image contents.
390    img_min := Matrix_Min(img_f);
391    img_max := Matrix_Max(img_f);
393    -- Draw a saturated version of the original image. Use only the middle 50%
394    -- of the image's full dynamic range.
395    plcol0(2);
396    plenv(0.0, Long_Float(width), 0.0, Long_Float(height), 1, -1);
397    pllab("", "", "Reduced dynamic range image example");
398    plimagefr(img_f, 0.0, Long_Float(width), 0.0, Long_Float(height), 0.0, 0.0,
399        img_min + img_max * 0.25, img_max - img_max * 0.25, Null, System.Null_Address);
401    -- Draw a distorted version of the original image, showing its full dynamic range.
402    plenv(0.0, Long_Float(width), 0.0, Long_Float(height), 1, -1);
403    pllab("", "", "Distorted image example");
405    stretch.xmin := 0.0;
406    stretch.xmax := Long_Float(width);
407    stretch.ymin := 0.0;
408    stretch.ymax := Long_Float(height);
409    stretch.stretch := 0.5;
411    -- In C / C++ the following would work, with plimagefr directly calling
412    -- mypltr. For compatibilty with other language bindings the same effect
413    -- can be achieved by generating the transformed grid first and then
414    -- using pltr2.
415    -- plimagefr(img_f, width, height, 0., width, 0., height, 0., 0., img_min, img_max, mypltr, &stretch);
417    declare -- Declare block is based on runtime-determined values of width, height.
418        cgrid2 : aliased Transformation_Data_Type_2
419           (x_Last => width,
420            y_Last => height);
421    begin
422        for i in 0 .. width loop
423            for j in 0 .. height loop
424                mypltr(Long_Float(i), Long_Float(j), xx, yy, stretch);
425                cgrid2.xg(i, j) := xx;
426                cgrid2.yg(i, j) := yy;
427            end loop;
428        end loop;
430        plimagefr(img_f, 0.0, Long_Float(width), 0.0, Long_Float(height), 0.0, 0.0, img_min, img_max,
431            pltr2'access, cgrid2'Address);
432    end;
433    plend;
434end xtraditional20a;