2 "cells": [
3  {
4   "cell_type": "markdown",
5   "metadata": {},
6   "source": [
7    "# Polymake jupyter tutorials that should end up on the website\n",
8    "\n",
9    "\n",
10    "\n",
11    "Jupyter notebooks support github flavored markdown `gfm` which will be further treated by `pandocfilters` and `pandoc` during the conversion to dokuwiki. Here are some useful links:\n",
12    "\n",
13    "- [Working with markdown Cells in jupyter](https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples/Notebook/Working%20With%20Markdown%20Cells.html)\n",
14    "- [github flavored markdown specs](https://github.github.com/gfm/)\n",
15    "- [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/)\n",
16    "- [pandocfilters](https://github.com/jgm/pandocfilters)\n",
17    "\n",
18    "In order to make everything work in both jupyter and dokuwiki (and without reediting much after conversion), there are a few general things to take note of :\n",
19    "\n",
20    "- Use only lower case letters, digits, hyphens and underscores for your notebook name. `[a-z0-9_-]`\n",
21    "- Do not put code (with backticks) inside of link or image captions\n",
22    "\n",
23    "Others require their own section:"
24   ]
25  },
26  {
27   "attachments": {
28    "logo.png": {
29     "image/png": "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30    }
31   },
32   "cell_type": "markdown",
33   "metadata": {},
34   "source": [
35    "## Markdown\n",
36    "### Embedding images\n",
37    "\n",
38    "Filenames of images should be lower case aswell and they should be base64 attached. Dragging and dropping them into the notebook creates a syntax like `![tooltip](attachment:logo.png)`. \n",
39    "![tooltip](attachment:logo.png)\n",
40    "\n",
41    "This syntax, however, does not support image formatting inside of the notebook or the dokuwiki page it will end up on. Thus, if you need more control use img tags and their style attribute. Some examples: \n",
42    "\n",
43    "An inline image: `<img src=attachment:logo.png width=15 alt=\"tooltip\" style=\"display: inline\">` <img src=attachment:logo.png width=15 alt=\"tooltip\" style=\"display: inline\">\n",
44    "\n",
45    "As a block: `<img src=attachment:logo.png alt=\"tooltip\"><img>`\n",
46    "<img src=attachment:logo.png alt=\"tooltip\"><img>\n",
47    "\n",
48    "\n",
49    "To display the image as a centered block in dokuwiki, like it is the default in jupyter, you may add something like `style=\"display: block, margin-left: auto, margin-right: auto\"` or use the css `class=\"center-block\"`\n",
50    "<img src=attachment:logo.png alt=\"tooltip\" class=\"center-block\">\n",
51    "\n",
52    "Attached images will be extracted and the conversion process handles the replacement of \"attachment:\" with a proper link to the image in dokuwiki.  "
53   ]
54  },
55  {
56   "cell_type": "markdown",
57   "metadata": {},
58   "source": [
59    "### Links\n",
60    "\n",
61    "To other ipynbs: \n",
62    "\n",
63    "`[Tutorial on Polytopes](apps_polytope.ipynb)`:\n",
64    "[Tutorial on polytopes](apps_polytope.ipynb)\n",
65    "\n",
66    "Internal section links: \n",
67    "\n",
68    "`[Markdown testing](#Markdown-testing)`:\n",
69    "[Markdown testing](#Markdown-testing)\n",
70    "\n",
71    "Due to differing seperation characters `-` in jupyter and `_` in polymake dokuwiki, it is not possible to link to section headings with hyphens directly, yet simply adding a dokuwiki friendly hyperlink `<a id=\"a_non_hyphen_free_heading\"></a>` is a workaround: \n",
72    "\n",
73    "`[A non hyphen-free heading](#a_non_hyphen_free_heading)`:\n",
74    "[A non hyphen-free heading](#a_non_hyphen_free_heading)\n",
75    "\n",
76    "Links to sections in other ipynbs: \n",
77    "\n",
78    "`[Convex Hulls in the tutorial on polytopes](apps_polytope.ipynb#Convex-Hulls)`\n",
79    "[Convex Hulls in the tutorial on polytopes](apps_polytope.ipynb#Convex-Hulls)\n",
80    "\n",
81    "To something in the documentation: \n",
82    "\n",
83    "`[linearprogram properties](https://polymake.org/doku.php/documentation/latest/polytope/linearprogram#properties)`\n",
84    "[linearprogram properties](https://polymake.org/doku.php/documentation/latest/polytope/linearprogram#properties)\n",
85    "\n",
86    "To a downloadable file:\n",
87    "\n",
88    "`[filtrationexample]https://polymake.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tutorial/filtrationexample.top`\n",
89    "[filtrationexample](https://polymake.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tutorial/filtrationexample.top)\n",
90    "\n",
91    "\n",
92    "<a name=\"a_non_hyphen_free_heading\"></a>\n",
93    "### A non hyphen-free heading "
94   ]
95  },
96  {
97   "cell_type": "markdown",
98   "metadata": {},
99   "source": [
100    "## Code\n",
101    "\n",
102    "Svg and threejs output created in notebooks will also end up on the dokuwiki website. Thus, for working with notebooks that already contain svg output, it is recommended to have the perl SVG module installed and svg configured\n",
103    "\n",
104    "```perl\n",
105    "reconfigure(\"common::svg.rules\");\n",
106    "```\n",
107    "\n",
108    "If svg is configured, it will be the prefered output for lattices in jupyter polymake."
109   ]
110  },
111  {
112   "cell_type": "code",
113   "execution_count": 1,
114   "metadata": {},
115   "outputs": [
116    {
117     "data": {
118      "text/html": [
119       "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n",
120       "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd\">\n",
121       "<svg height=\"841pt\" id=\"document\" viewBox=\"0 -824 570 824\" width=\"595pt\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\">\n",
122       "\t<title id=\"document_title\">unnamed</title>\n",
123       "\t<line stroke=\"rgb(0,0,0)\" stroke-width=\"1\" x1=\"253.883125864454\" x2=\"297.5\" y1=\"-597.5\" y2=\"-774.5\" />\n",
124       "\t<line stroke=\"rgb(0,0,0)\" stroke-width=\"1\" x1=\"341.666666666667\" x2=\"297.5\" y1=\"-597.5\" y2=\"-774.5\" />\n",
125       "\t<line stroke=\"rgb(0,0,0)\" stroke-width=\"1\" x1=\"166.099585062241\" x2=\"297.5\" y1=\"-597.5\" y2=\"-774.5\" />\n",
126       "\t<line stroke=\"rgb(0,0,0)\" stroke-width=\"1\" x1=\"429.45020746888\" x2=\"297.5\" y1=\"-597.5\" y2=\"-774.5\" />\n",
127       "\t<line stroke=\"rgb(0,0,0)\" stroke-width=\"1\" x1=\"517.233748271093\" x2=\"297.5\" y1=\"-597.5\" y2=\"-774.5\" />\n",
128       "\t<line stroke=\"rgb(0,0,0)\" stroke-width=\"1\" x1=\"78.3160442600276\" x2=\"297.5\" y1=\"-597.5\" y2=\"-774.5\" />\n",
129       "\t<line stroke=\"rgb(0,0,0)\" stroke-width=\"1\" x1=\"142.916666666667\" x2=\"253.883125864454\" y1=\"-420.5\" y2=\"-597.5\" />\n",
130       "\t<line stroke=\"rgb(0,0,0)\" stroke-width=\"1\" x1=\"142.916666666667\" x2=\"166.099585062241\" y1=\"-420.5\" y2=\"-597.5\" />\n",
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377       "\t<!--\n",
378       "\tGenerated using the Perl SVG Module V2.84\n",
379       "\tby Ronan Oger\n",
380       "\tInfo: http://www.roitsystems.com/\n",
381       "\t-->\n",
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388    {
389     "data": {
390      "text/html": [
391       "<details><summary><pre style=\"display:inline\"><small>Click here for additional output</small></pre></summary>\n",
392       "<pre>\n",
393       "polymake: used package SVG\n",
394       "   Generated using the Perl SVG Module\n",
395       "   by Ronan Oger\n",
396       "\n",
397       "</pre>\n",
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407    "cube(3)->HASSE_DIAGRAM->VISUAL;"
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410  {
411   "cell_type": "code",
412   "execution_count": 2,
413   "metadata": {},
414   "outputs": [
415    {
416     "data": {
417      "text/html": [
418       "<!--\n",
419       "polymake for knusper\n",
420       "Thu Aug 27 11:38:57 2020\n",
421       "unnamed\n",
422       "-->\n",
423       "\n",
424       "\n",
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470       "           border-radius: 0px;\n",
471       "           border: 0px solid #000000;\n",
472       "         }\n",
473       "         input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {\n",
474       "           box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #B8B8B8;\n",
475       "           border: 1px solid #ABABAB;\n",
476       "           height: 13px;\n",
477       "           width: 25px;\n",
478       "           border-radius: 20px;\n",
479       "           background: #E0E0E0;\n",
480       "           cursor: pointer;\n",
481       "           -webkit-appearance: none;\n",
482       "           margin-top: -5px;\n",
483       "         }\n",
484       "         input[type=range]:focus::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\n",
485       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
486       "         }\n",
487       "         input[type=range]::-moz-range-track {\n",
488       "           height: 4px;\n",
489       "           cursor: pointer;\n",
490       "           animate: 0.2s;\n",
491       "           box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000000;\n",
492       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
493       "           border-radius: 0px;\n",
494       "           border: 0px solid #000000;\n",
495       "         }\n",
496       "         input[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {\n",
497       "           box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #B8B8B8;\n",
498       "           border: 1px solid #ABABAB;\n",
499       "           height: 13px;\n",
500       "           width: 25px;\n",
501       "           border-radius: 20px;\n",
502       "           background: #E0E0E0;\n",
503       "           cursor: pointer;\n",
504       "         }\n",
505       "         input[type=range]::-ms-track {\n",
506       "           height: 4px;\n",
507       "           cursor: pointer;\n",
508       "           animate: 0.2s;\n",
509       "           background: transparent;\n",
510       "           border-color: transparent;\n",
511       "           color: transparent;\n",
512       "         }\n",
513       "         input[type=range]::-ms-fill-lower {\n",
514       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
515       "           border: 0px solid #000000;\n",
516       "           border-radius: 0px;\n",
517       "           box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000000;\n",
518       "         }\n",
519       "         input[type=range]::-ms-fill-upper {\n",
520       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
521       "           border: 0px solid #000000;\n",
522       "           border-radius: 0px;\n",
523       "           box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000000;\n",
524       "         }\n",
525       "         input[type=range]::-ms-thumb {\n",
526       "           box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #B8B8B8;\n",
527       "           border: 1px solid #ABABAB;\n",
528       "           height: 13px;\n",
529       "           width: 25px;\n",
530       "           border-radius: 20px;\n",
531       "           background: #E0E0E0;\n",
532       "           cursor: pointer;\n",
533       "         }\n",
534       "         input[type=range]:focus::-ms-fill-lower {\n",
535       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
536       "         }\n",
537       "         input[type=range]:focus::-ms-fill-upper {\n",
538       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
539       "         }\n",
540       "/*\n",
541       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_END\n",
542       "*/\n",
543       "\t\t</style>\n",
544       "   </head>\n",
545       "<body>\n",
546       "   <div class='threejs_container'>\n",
547       "\t\t<div id='settings_0' class='settings'>\n",
548       "\t\t\t<div class=group id='transparency_0' class='transparency'>\n",
549       "\t\t\t\t<strong>Transparency</strong>\n",
550       "\t\t\t\t<input id='transparencyRange_0' type='range' min=0 max=1 step=0.01 value=0>\n",
551       "\t\t\t</div>\n",
552       "\t\t\t\n",
553       "\t\t\t<div class=group id='rotation_0'>\n",
554       "\t\t\t\t<strong>Rotation</strong>\n",
555       "\t\t\t\t<div class=indented>\n",
556       "\t\t\t\t\t<div><input type='checkbox' id='changeRotationX_0'> x-axis</div>\n",
557       "\t\t\t\t\t<div><input type='checkbox' id='changeRotationY_0'> y-axis</div>\n",
558       "\t\t\t\t\t<div><input type='checkbox' id='changeRotationZ_0'> z-axis</div>\n",
559       "\t\t\t\t\t<button id='resetButton_0'>Reset</button>\n",
560       "\t\t\t\t</div>\n",
561       "\n",
562       "\t\t\t\t<div class=suboption>Rotation speed</div>\n",
563       "\t\t\t\t<input id='rotationSpeedRange_0' type='range' min=0 max=5 step=0.01 value=2>\n",
564       "\t\t\t</div>\n",
565       "\n",
566       "\n",
567       "\t\t\t<div class=group id='display_0'>\n",
568       "\t\t\t\t<strong>Display</strong>\n",
569       "\t\t\t\t<div class=indented>\n",
570       "\t\t\t\t\t<div id='shownObjectTypesList_0' class='shownObjectsList'></div>\n",
571       "\t\t\t\t</div>\n",
572       "\t\t\t\t<div class=suboption>Objects</div>\n",
573       "\t\t\t\t<div class=indented>\n",
574       "\t\t\t\t   <div id='shownObjectsList_0' class='shownObjectsList'></div>\n",
575       "\t\t\t\t</div>\n",
576       "\t\t\t</div>\n",
577       "         \n",
578       "         <div class=group id='camera_0'>\n",
579       "            <strong>Camera</strong>\n",
580       "            <div class=indented>\n",
581       "               <form>\n",
582       "                  <select id=\"cameraType_0\">\n",
583       "                     <option value='perspective' selected> Perspective<br></option>\n",
584       "                     <option value='orthographic' > Orthographic<br></option>\n",
585       "                  </select>\n",
586       "               </form>\n",
587       "            </div>\n",
588       "         </div>\n",
589       "\n",
590       "\t\t\t<div class=group id='svg_0'>\n",
591       "\t\t\t\t<strong>SVG</strong>\n",
592       "\t\t\t\t<div class=indented>\n",
593       "\t\t\t\t\t<form>\n",
594       "\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"radio\" name='screenshotMode' value='download' id='download_0' checked> Download<br>\n",
595       "\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"radio\" name='screenshotMode' value='tab' id='tab_0' > New tab<br>\n",
596       "\t\t\t\t\t</form>\n",
597       "\t\t\t\t\t<button id='takeScreenshot_0'>Screenshot</button>\n",
598       "\t\t\t\t</div>\n",
599       "\t\t\t</div>\n",
600       "\n",
601       "\t\t</div>\t<!-- end of settings -->\n",
602       "\t\t<img id='hideSettingsButton_0' class='hideSettingsButton' src='/kernelspecs/polymake/close.svg' width=20px\">\n",
603       "\t\t<img id='showSettingsButton_0' class='showSettingsButton' src='/kernelspecs/polymake/menu.svg' width=20px\">\n",
604       "<div id=\"model12887458766\"></div>\n",
605       "</div>\n",
606       "   <script>\n",
607       "    requirejs.config({\n",
608       "      paths: {\n",
609       "        three: '/kernelspecs/polymake/three',\n",
610       "        TrackballControls: '/kernelspecs/polymake/TrackballControls',\n",
611       "        OrbitControls: '/kernelspecs/polymake/OrbitControls',\n",
612       "        Projector: '/kernelspecs/polymake/Projector',\n",
613       "        SVGRenderer: '/kernelspecs/polymake/SVGRenderer',\n",
614       "        WEBGL: '/kernelspecs/polymake/WebGL',\n",
615       "      },\n",
616       "      shim: {\n",
617       "        'three': { exports: 'THREE'},\n",
618       "        'SVGRenderer': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.SVGRenderer' },\n",
619       "        'WEBGL': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.WEBGL' },\n",
620       "        'Projector': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.Projector' },\n",
621       "        'TrackballControls': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.TrackballControls' },\n",
622       "        'OrbitControls': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.OrbitControls' },\n",
623       "      }\n",
624       "    });\n",
625       "    \n",
626       "    require(['three'],function(THREE){\n",
627       "        window.THREE = THREE;\n",
628       "      require(['TrackballControls', 'OrbitControls', 'Projector', 'SVGRenderer', 'WEBGL'],\n",
629       "               function(TrackballControls, OrbitControls, Projector, SVGRenderer, WEBGL) {\n",
630       "    THREE.TrackballControls = TrackballControls;\n",
631       "    THREE.OrbitControls = OrbitControls;\n",
632       "    THREE.Projector = Projector;\n",
633       "    THREE.SVGRenderer = SVGRenderer;\n",
634       "    THREE.WEBGL = WEBGL;\n",
635       "\n",
636       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_BEGIN\n",
637       "\n",
638       "const intervalLength = 25; // for automatic animations\n",
639       "const explodableModel = false; \n",
640       "const modelContains = { points: false, pointlabels: false, lines: false, edgelabels: false, faces: false, arrowheads: false };\n",
641       "const foldables = [];\n",
642       "\n",
643       "var three = document.getElementById(\"model12887458766\");\n",
644       "var scene = new THREE.Scene();\n",
645       "var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );\n",
646       "var svgRenderer = new THREE.SVGRenderer( { antialias: true } );\n",
647       "renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );\n",
648       "renderer.setClearColor(0xFFFFFF, 1);\n",
649       "svgRenderer.setClearColor(0xFFFFFF, 1);\n",
650       "three.appendChild(renderer.domElement);\n",
651       "\n",
652       "var frustumSize = 4;\n",
653       "var cameras = [new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, 1, 0.1, 1000), new THREE.OrthographicCamera()];\n",
654       "cameras.forEach(function(cam) {\n",
655       "    cam.position.set(0, 0, 5);\n",
656       "    cam.lookAt(0, 0, 0);  \n",
657       "    cam.up.set(0, 1, 0);         \n",
658       "});\n",
659       "var controls = [new THREE.TrackballControls(cameras[0], three), new THREE.OrbitControls(cameras[1], three)];\n",
660       "var camera, control;\n",
661       "\n",
662       "controls[0].zoomSpeed = 0.2;\n",
663       "controls[0].rotateSpeed = 4;\n",
664       "\n",
665       "\n",
666       "// class to allow move points together with labels and spheres\n",
667       "var PMPoint = function (x,y,z) {\n",
668       "   this.vector = new THREE.Vector3(x,y,z);\n",
669       "   this.sprite = null;\n",
670       "   this.sphere = null;\n",
671       "}\n",
672       "PMPoint.prototype.addLabel = function(labelsprite) {\n",
673       "   this.sprite = labelsprite;\n",
674       "   this.sprite.position.copy(this.vector);\n",
675       "}\n",
676       "PMPoint.prototype.addSphere = function(spheremesh) {\n",
677       "   this.sphere = spheremesh;\n",
678       "   this.sphere.position.copy(this.vector);\n",
679       "}\n",
680       "PMPoint.prototype.set = function(x,y,z) {\n",
681       "   this.vector.set(x,y,z);\n",
682       "   if (this.sprite) {\n",
683       "      this.sprite.position.copy(this.vector);\n",
684       "   }\n",
685       "   if (this.sphere) {\n",
686       "      this.sphere.position.copy(this.vector);\n",
687       "   }\n",
688       "}\n",
689       "PMPoint.prototype.radius = function() {\n",
690       "   if (this.sphere) {\n",
691       "      return this.sphere.geometry.parameters.radius;\n",
692       "   } else {\n",
693       "      return 0;\n",
694       "   }\n",
695       "};\n",
696       "// select the target node\n",
697       "var target = document.querySelector('#model12887458766');\n",
698       "\n",
699       "// create an observer instance\n",
700       "var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {\n",
701       "   mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {\n",
702       "      if (mutation.removedNodes && mutation.removedNodes.length > 0) {\n",
703       "         cancelAnimationFrame(renderId);\n",
704       "         observer.disconnect();\n",
705       "         console.log(\"cancelled frame \"+renderId);\n",
706       "      }\n",
707       "   });\n",
708       "});\n",
709       "\n",
710       "// configuration of the observer:\n",
711       "var config = { childList: true, characterData: true }\n",
712       "\n",
713       "// pass in the target node, as well as the observer options\n",
714       "while (target) {\n",
715       "   if (target.className==\"output\") {\n",
716       "      observer.observe(target, config);\n",
717       "      break;\n",
718       "   }\n",
719       "   target = target.parentNode;\n",
720       "}\n",
721       "\n",
722       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_END\n",
723       "\n",
724       "var obj0 = new THREE.Object3D();\n",
725       "obj0.name = \"unnamed__1\";\n",
726       "obj0.userData.explodable = 1;\n",
727       "obj0.userData.points = [];\n",
728       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(-1, -1, -1));\n",
729       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(1, -1, -1));\n",
730       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(-1, 1, -1));\n",
731       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(1, 1, -1));\n",
732       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(-1, -1, 1));\n",
733       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(1, -1, 1));\n",
734       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(-1, 1, 1));\n",
735       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(1, 1, 1));\n",
736       "\n",
737       "obj0.userData.pointradii = 0.02;\n",
738       "   <!-- Vertex style -->\n",
739       "obj0.userData.pointmaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xFF0000, side: THREE.DoubleSide, transparent: false } );\n",
740       "obj0.userData.pointlabels = [\"0\", \"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\"];\n",
741       "obj0.userData.edgeindices = [0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 4, 5, 2, 6, 4, 6, 3, 7, 5, 7, 6, 7];\n",
742       "   <!-- Edge style -->\n",
743       "obj0.userData.edgematerial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x000000, depthTest: true, linewidth: 1.5, transparent: false } );\n",
744       "obj0.userData.facets = [[0, 4, 6, 2], [7, 5, 1, 3], [5, 4, 0, 1], [2, 6, 7, 3], [0, 2, 3, 1], [6, 4, 5, 7]];\n",
745       "   <!-- Facet style -->\n",
746       "obj0.userData.facetmaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x77EC9E, depthFunc: THREE.LessDepth, opacity: 1, polygonOffset: true, polygonOffsetFactor: 1, polygonOffsetUnits: 0.5, side: THREE.DoubleSide, transparent: true } );\n",
747       "init_object(obj0);\n",
748       "scene.add(obj0);\n",
749       "\n",
750       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_BEGIN\n",
751       "function textSpriteMaterial(message, parameters) {\n",
752       "    if ( parameters === undefined ) parameters = {};\n",
753       "    var fontface = \"Helvetica\";\n",
754       "    var fontsize = parameters.hasOwnProperty(\"fontsize\") ? parameters[\"fontsize\"] : 15;\n",
755       "    fontsize = fontsize*10;\n",
756       "    var lines = message.split('\\\\n');\n",
757       "    var size = 512;\n",
758       "    for(var i = 0; i<lines.length; i++){\n",
759       "        var tmp = lines[i].length;\n",
760       "        while(tmp*fontsize > size){\n",
761       "           fontsize--;\n",
762       "        }\n",
763       "    }\n",
764       "    \n",
765       "    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n",
766       "    canvas.width = size;\n",
767       "    canvas.height = size;\n",
768       "    var context = canvas.getContext('2d');\n",
769       "    context.fillStyle = \"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)\";\n",
770       "    context.fill();\n",
771       "    context.font = fontsize + \"px \" + fontface;\n",
772       "    \n",
773       "    // text color\n",
774       "    context.fillStyle = \"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)\";\n",
775       "     for(var i = 0; i<lines.length; i++){\n",
776       "        context.fillText(lines[i], size/2, size/2+i*fontsize);\n",
777       "     }\n",
778       "    \n",
779       "    // canvas contents will be used for a texture\n",
780       "    var texture = new THREE.Texture(canvas);\n",
781       "    texture.needsUpdate = true;\n",
782       "    \n",
783       "    var spriteMaterial = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({map: texture, depthTest: true, depthWrite: false, polygonOffset: true, polygonOffsetFactor: -1, polygonOffsetUnits: 1 });\n",
784       "    return spriteMaterial;\n",
785       "}\n",
786       "\n",
787       "\n",
788       "// ---------------------- INITIALIZING OBJECTS--------------------------------------\n",
789       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
790       "\n",
791       "function init_object(obj) {\n",
792       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"pointmaterial\")) {\n",
793       "        init_points(obj);\n",
794       "        modelContains.points = true;\n",
795       "    }\n",
796       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"pointlabels\")) {\n",
797       "        init_pointlabels(obj);\n",
798       "        modelContains.pointlabels = true;\n",
799       "    }\n",
800       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"edgematerial\")) {\n",
801       "        init_lines(obj);\n",
802       "        modelContains.lines = true;\n",
803       "    }\n",
804       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"edgelabels\")) {\n",
805       "        init_edgelabels(obj);\n",
806       "        modelContains.edgelabels = true;\n",
807       "    }\n",
808       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"arrowstyle\")) {\n",
809       "        init_arrowheads(obj);\n",
810       "        modelContains.arrowheads = true;\n",
811       "    }\n",
812       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"facetmaterial\")) {\n",
813       "        init_faces(obj);\n",
814       "        modelContains.faces = true;\n",
815       "    }\n",
816       "}\n",
817       "\n",
818       "function init_points(obj) {\n",
819       "    var pointgroup = new THREE.Group();\n",
820       "    pointgroup.name = \"points\";\n",
821       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
822       "    var radii = obj.userData.pointradii;\n",
823       "    var materials = obj.userData.pointmaterial;\n",
824       "    var geometry,material;\n",
825       "    if (!Array.isArray(radii)) {\n",
826       "        geometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(radii);  \n",
827       "    }\n",
828       "    if (!Array.isArray(materials)) {\n",
829       "        material = materials;\n",
830       "    }\n",
831       "    for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {\n",
832       "        var point = points[i];\n",
833       "        if (Array.isArray(radii)) {\n",
834       "            if (radii[i] == 0) {\n",
835       "                continue;\n",
836       "            }\n",
837       "            geometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(radii[i]);  \n",
838       "        } \n",
839       "        if (Array.isArray(materials)) {\n",
840       "            material = materials[i];     \n",
841       "        } \n",
842       "        var sphere = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);\n",
843       "        point.addSphere(sphere);\n",
844       "        pointgroup.add(sphere);\n",
845       "    }\n",
846       "    obj.add(pointgroup);\n",
847       "}\n",
848       "\n",
849       "function init_pointlabels(obj) {\n",
850       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
851       "    var labels = obj.userData.pointlabels;\n",
852       "    var pointlabels = new THREE.Group();\n",
853       "    pointlabels.name = \"pointlabels\";\n",
854       "    if (Array.isArray(labels)) {\n",
855       "        for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {\n",
856       "            var point = points[i];\n",
857       "            var spriteMaterial = textSpriteMaterial( labels[i] );\n",
858       "\t        var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);\n",
859       "            point.addLabel(sprite);\n",
860       "            pointlabels.add(sprite);\n",
861       "        }\n",
862       "    } else {\n",
863       "        var spriteMaterial = textSpriteMaterial( labels );\n",
864       "        for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {\n",
865       "            var point = points[i];\n",
866       "\t        var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);\n",
867       "            point.addLabel(sprite);\n",
868       "            pointlabels.add(sprite);\n",
869       "        }\n",
870       "    }\n",
871       "    obj.add(pointlabels);\n",
872       "}\n",
873       "\n",
874       "function init_lines(obj) {\n",
875       "    var edgeindices = obj.userData.edgeindices;\n",
876       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
877       "    var materials = obj.userData.edgematerial;\n",
878       "    var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();\n",
879       "    var bufarr = new Float32Array( obj.userData.edgeindices.length * 3 );\n",
880       "    var bufattr = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( bufarr, 3 );\n",
881       "    var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();\n",
882       "    geometry.setAttribute('position', bufattr);\n",
883       "    if (Array.isArray(materials)) {     \n",
884       "        for (var i=0; i<materials.length; i++) {\n",
885       "            geometry.addGroup(2*i,2,i);\n",
886       "        }\n",
887       "    }\n",
888       "    var lines = new THREE.LineSegments(geometry, materials);\n",
889       "    lines.name = \"lines\";\n",
890       "    obj.add(lines);\n",
891       "    updateEdgesPosition(obj);\n",
892       "}\n",
893       "\n",
894       "function init_edgelabels(obj) {\n",
895       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
896       "    var edgeindices = obj.userData.edgeindices;\n",
897       "    var labels = obj.userData.edgelabels;\n",
898       "    var edgelabels = new THREE.Group();\n",
899       "    edgelabels.name = \"edgelabels\";\n",
900       "    if (Array.isArray(labels)) {\n",
901       "        for (var i=0; i<edgeindices.length; i=i+2) {\n",
902       "            var point = points[i];\n",
903       "            var spriteMaterial = textSpriteMaterial( labels[i] );\n",
904       "            var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);\n",
905       "            sprite.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3().addVectors(points[edgeindices[i]].vector,points[edgeindices[i+1]].vector).multiplyScalar(0.5));\n",
906       "            edgelabels.add(sprite);\n",
907       "        }\n",
908       "    } else {\n",
909       "        var spriteMaterial = textSpriteMaterial( labels );\n",
910       "        for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {\n",
911       "            var point = points[i];\n",
912       "            var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);\n",
913       "            sprite.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3().addVectors(points[edgeindices[i]].vector,points[edgeindices[i+1]].vector).multiplyScalar(0.5));\n",
914       "            pointlabels.add(sprite);\n",
915       "        }\n",
916       "    }\n",
917       "    obj.add(edgelabels);\n",
918       "}\n",
919       "\n",
920       "function init_arrowheads(obj) {\n",
921       "    var arrowheads = new THREE.Group();\n",
922       "    arrowheads.name = \"arrowheads\";\n",
923       "    var arrowstyle = obj.userData.arrowstyle;\n",
924       "    var edgeindices = obj.userData.edgeindices;\n",
925       "    var edgematerials = obj.userData.edgematerial;\n",
926       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
927       "    var material;\n",
928       "    if (!Array.isArray(edgematerials)) {\n",
929       "        material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: edgematerials.color} );\n",
930       "    }\n",
931       "\n",
932       "    for (var i=0; i<edgeindices.length; i=i+2) {\n",
933       "        var start = points[edgeindices[i]];\n",
934       "        var end = points[edgeindices[i+1]];\n",
935       "        var dist = start.vector.distanceTo( end.vector ) - start.radius() - end.radius();\n",
936       "        if (dist <= 0) {\n",
937       "            continue;\n",
938       "        }\n",
939       "        var dir = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors(end.vector,start.vector);\n",
940       "        dir.normalize();\n",
941       "        var axis = new THREE.Vector3().set(dir.z,0,-dir.x);\n",
942       "        axis.normalize();\n",
943       "        var radians = Math.acos( dir.y );\n",
944       "        var radius = dist/25;\n",
945       "        var height = dist/5;\n",
946       "        var geometry = new THREE.ConeBufferGeometry(radius,height);\n",
947       "        var position = new THREE.Vector3().addVectors(start.vector,dir.clone().multiplyScalar(start.radius()+dist-height/2));\n",
948       "        if (Array.isArray(edgematerials)) {\n",
949       "            material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: edgematerials[i].color} );\n",
950       "        }\n",
951       "        var cone = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );\n",
952       "        cone.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(axis,radians);;\n",
953       "        cone.position.copy(position);;\n",
954       "        arrowheads.add(cone);\n",
955       "    }\n",
956       "    obj.add(arrowheads);\n",
957       "}\n",
958       "\n",
959       "function init_faces(obj) {\n",
960       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
961       "    var facets = obj.userData.facets;\n",
962       "    obj.userData.triangleindices = [];\n",
963       "    for (var i=0; i<facets.length; i++) {\n",
964       "        facet = facets[i];\n",
965       "        for (var t=0; t<facet.length-2; t++) {\n",
966       "            obj.userData.triangleindices.push(facet[0],facet[t+1],facet[t+2]);  \n",
967       "        }\n",
968       "    }\n",
969       "    var bufarr = new Float32Array( obj.userData.triangleindices.length * 3 );\n",
970       "    var bufattr = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(bufarr,3);\n",
971       "    \n",
972       "    var materials = obj.userData.facetmaterial;\n",
973       "    var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();\n",
974       "    geometry.setAttribute('position',bufattr);\n",
975       "    if (Array.isArray(materials)) {\n",
976       "        var tricount = 0;\n",
977       "        var facet;\n",
978       "        for (var i=0; i<facets.length; i++) {\n",
979       "            facet = facets[i];\n",
980       "            geometry.addGroup(tricount,(facet.length-2)*3,i);\n",
981       "            tricount += (facet.length-2)*3;\n",
982       "        }\n",
983       "    }\n",
984       "    var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, materials);\n",
985       "    mesh.name = \"faces\";\n",
986       "    obj.add(mesh); \n",
987       "    updateFacesPosition(obj);\n",
988       "}\n",
989       "// //INITIALIZING\n",
990       "\n",
991       "\n",
992       "function updateFacesPosition(obj) {\n",
993       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
994       "    var indices = obj.userData.triangleindices;\n",
995       "    var faces = obj.getObjectByName(\"faces\");\n",
996       "    var ba = faces.geometry.getAttribute(\"position\");\n",
997       "    for (var i=0; i<indices.length; i++) {\n",
998       "        ba.setXYZ(i, points[indices[i]].vector.x, points[indices[i]].vector.y ,points[indices[i]].vector.z); \n",
999       "    }\n",
1000       "    faces.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;\n",
1001       "    \n",
1002       "}\n",
1003       "\n",
1004       "function updateEdgesPosition(obj) {\n",
1005       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
1006       "    var indices = obj.userData.edgeindices;\n",
1007       "    var lines = obj.getObjectByName(\"lines\");\n",
1008       "    var ba = lines.geometry.getAttribute(\"position\"); \n",
1009       "    for (var i=0; i<indices.length; i++) {\n",
1010       "        ba.setXYZ(i, points[indices[i]].vector.x, points[indices[i]].vector.y ,points[indices[i]].vector.z); \n",
1011       "    }\n",
1012       "    lines.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;\n",
1013       "}\n",
1014       "\n",
1015       "function onWindowResize() {\n",
1016       "    renderer.setSize( three.clientWidth, three.clientHeight );\n",
1017       "    svgRenderer.setSize( three.clientWidth, three.clientHeight );\n",
1018       "    updateCamera();\n",
1019       "}\n",
1020       "\n",
1021       "function updateCamera() {\n",
1022       "    var width = three.clientWidth;\n",
1023       "    var height = three.clientHeight;\n",
1024       "    var aspect = width / height;\n",
1025       "    if (camera.type == \"OrthographicCamera\") {\n",
1026       "        camera.left = frustumSize * aspect / - 2;\n",
1027       "        camera.right = frustumSize * aspect / 2;\n",
1028       "        camera.top = frustumSize / 2;\n",
1029       "        camera.bottom = - frustumSize / 2;\n",
1030       "    } else if (camera.type == \"PerspectiveCamera\") {\n",
1031       "        camera.aspect = aspect;\n",
1032       "    }\n",
1033       "    camera.updateProjectionMatrix();\n",
1034       "}\n",
1035       "\n",
1036       "function changeCamera(event) {\n",
1037       "    var selindex = event.currentTarget.selectedIndex;\n",
1038       "    camera = cameras[selindex];\n",
1039       "    control = controls[selindex];\n",
1040       "    control.enabled = true; \n",
1041       "    for (var i=0; i<controls.length; i++) {\n",
1042       "        if (i!=selindex) {\n",
1043       "            controls[i].enabled = false;\n",
1044       "        }\n",
1045       "    }\n",
1046       "    updateCamera();\n",
1047       "}\n",
1048       "\n",
1049       "var camtypenode = document.getElementById('cameraType_0');\n",
1050       "camtypenode.onchange = changeCamera;\n",
1051       "camtypenode.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));\n",
1052       "\n",
1053       "onWindowResize();\n",
1054       "window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize);\t\n",
1055       "\n",
1056       "\n",
1057       "var xRotationEnabled = false;\n",
1058       "var yRotationEnabled = false;\n",
1059       "var zRotationEnabled = false;\n",
1060       "var rotationSpeedFactor = 1;\n",
1061       "var settingsShown = false;\n",
1062       "var labelsShown = true;\n",
1063       "var intervals = [];\n",
1064       "var timeouts = [];\n",
1065       "var explodingSpeed = 0.05;\n",
1066       "var explodeScale = 0;\n",
1067       "var XMLS = new XMLSerializer();\n",
1068       "var svgElement;\n",
1069       "var renderId;\n",
1070       "\n",
1071       "var render = function () {\n",
1072       "\n",
1073       "\trenderId = requestAnimationFrame(render);\n",
1074       "\n",
1075       "//\tcomment in for automatic explosion\n",
1076       "//\texplode(updateFactor());\n",
1077       "\n",
1078       "    var phi = 0.02 * rotationSpeedFactor;\n",
1079       "\n",
1080       "    if (xRotationEnabled) {\n",
1081       "        scene.rotation.x += phi;\n",
1082       "    }\n",
1083       "    if (yRotationEnabled) {\n",
1084       "        scene.rotation.y += phi;\n",
1085       "    }\n",
1086       "    if (zRotationEnabled) {\n",
1087       "        scene.rotation.z += phi;\n",
1088       "    }\n",
1089       "\n",
1090       "    control.update();\n",
1091       "    renderer.render(scene, camera);\n",
1092       "};\n",
1093       "\n",
1094       "if ( THREE.WEBGL.isWebGLAvailable() ) {\n",
1095       "\trender();\n",
1096       "} else {\n",
1097       "\tvar warning = WEBGL.getWebGLErrorMessage();\n",
1098       "\tthree.appendChild( warning );\n",
1099       "}\n",
1100       "    \n",
1101       "function changeTransparency() {\n",
1102       "    var opacity = 1-Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
1103       "    for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++) {\n",
1104       "        child = scene.children[i];\n",
1105       "        if ( child.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"facetmaterial\") ) {\n",
1106       "            if (Array.isArray(child.userData.facetmaterial)) {\n",
1107       "                for (var j=0; j<child.userData.facetmaterial.length; j++) {\n",
1108       "                    child.userData.facetmaterial[j].opacity = opacity;\n",
1109       "                }\n",
1110       "            } else {\n",
1111       "                child.userData.facetmaterial.opacity = opacity;\n",
1112       "            }    \n",
1113       "        }\n",
1114       "    }\n",
1115       "}\n",
1116       "\n",
1117       "function changeRotationX(event){\n",
1118       "    xRotationEnabled = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
1119       "}\t\n",
1120       "\n",
1121       "function changeRotationY(event){\n",
1122       "    yRotationEnabled = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
1123       "}\t\n",
1124       "\n",
1125       "function changeRotationZ(event){\n",
1126       "    zRotationEnabled = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
1127       "}\t\n",
1128       "\n",
1129       "\n",
1130       "function changeRotationSpeedFactor(event){\n",
1131       "    rotationSpeedFactor = Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
1132       "}\n",
1133       "\n",
1134       "function resetScene(){\n",
1135       "    scene.rotation.set(0,0,0);\n",
1136       "    camera.position.set(0,0,5);\n",
1137       "    camera.up.set(0,1,0);\n",
1138       "}\n",
1139       "\n",
1140       "function showSettings(event){\n",
1141       "    document.getElementById('settings_0').style.visibility = 'visible';\n",
1142       "    document.getElementById('showSettingsButton_0').style.visibility = 'hidden';\n",
1143       "    document.getElementById('hideSettingsButton_0').style.visibility = 'visible';\n",
1144       "    settingsShown = true;\n",
1145       "}\n",
1146       "\n",
1147       "function hideSettings(event){\n",
1148       "    document.getElementById('settings_0').style.visibility = 'hidden';\n",
1149       "    document.getElementById('showSettingsButton_0').style.visibility = 'visible';\n",
1150       "    document.getElementById('hideSettingsButton_0').style.visibility = 'hidden';\n",
1151       "    settingsShown = false;\n",
1152       "}\n",
1153       "\n",
1154       "\n",
1155       "\n",
1156       "var pos = 150* Math.PI;\n",
1157       "\n",
1158       "function updateFactor() {\n",
1159       "    pos++;\n",
1160       "    return Math.sin(.01*pos)+1;\n",
1161       "}\n",
1162       "\n",
1163       "// ------------------------ FOLDING ------------------------------------------------\n",
1164       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
1165       "// rotate point p around axis defined by points p1 and p2 by given angle\n",
1166       "function rotate(p, p1, p2, angle ){   \n",
1167       "    angle = -angle;\n",
1168       "    var x = p.x, y = p.y, z = p.z, \n",
1169       "    a = p1.x, b = p1.y, c = p1.z, \n",
1170       "    u = p2.x-p1.x, v = p2.y-p1.y, w = p2.z-p1.z;\n",
1171       "    var result = [];\n",
1172       "    var L = u*u + v*v + w*w;\n",
1173       "    var sqrt = Math.sqrt;\n",
1174       "    var cos = Math.cos;\n",
1175       "    var sin = Math.sin;\n",
1176       "\n",
1177       "    result[0] = ((a*(v*v+w*w)-u*(b*v+c*w-u*x-v*y-w*z))*(1-cos(angle))+L*x*cos(angle)+sqrt(L)*(-c*v+b*w-w*y+v*z)*sin(angle))/L;\n",
1178       "    result[1] = ((b*(u*u+w*w)-v*(a*u+c*w-u*x-v*y-w*z))*(1-cos(angle))+L*y*cos(angle)+sqrt(L)*(c*u-a*w+w*x-u*z)*sin(angle))/L;\n",
1179       "    result[2] = ((c*(u*u+v*v)-w*(a*u+b*v-u*x-v*y-w*z))*(1-cos(angle))+L*z*cos(angle)+sqrt(L)*(-b*u+a*v-v*x+u*y)*sin(angle))/L;\n",
1180       "\n",
1181       "    return result;\n",
1182       "}\n",
1183       "\n",
1184       "var fold = function(event){\n",
1185       "    var obj = foldables[Number(event.currentTarget.name)];\n",
1186       "    var foldvalue = Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
1187       "    var scale = foldvalue - obj.userData.oldscale;\n",
1188       "\n",
1189       "    for (var j=0; j<obj.userData.axes.length; j++) {\n",
1190       "        rotateVertices(obj, j, scale);\n",
1191       "    }\n",
1192       "    update(obj);\n",
1193       "    obj.userData.oldscale += scale;\n",
1194       "    lookAtBarycenter(obj);\n",
1195       "}\n",
1196       "\n",
1197       "function lookAtBarycenter(obj){\n",
1198       "    control.target = barycenter(obj);\n",
1199       "}\n",
1200       "\n",
1201       "function barycenter(obj) {\n",
1202       "    var center = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0);\n",
1203       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
1204       "    for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++){\n",
1205       "        center.add(points[i].vector);\n",
1206       "    }\n",
1207       "    center.divideScalar(points.length);\n",
1208       "    return center;\n",
1209       "}\n",
1210       "\n",
1211       "function rotateVertices(obj, edge, scale) {\n",
1212       "    var axes = obj.userData.axes;\n",
1213       "    var subtrees = obj.userData.subtrees;\n",
1214       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
1215       "    var angles = obj.userData.angles;\n",
1216       "    if (edge < axes.length){\n",
1217       "        for (var j=0; j<subtrees[edge].length; j++){\n",
1218       "            var rotP = rotate(points[subtrees[edge][j]].vector, points[axes[edge][0]].vector,points[axes[edge][1]].vector, scale * (Math.PI - angles[edge]));\n",
1219       "            points[subtrees[edge][j]].set(rotP[0],rotP[1],rotP[2]);\n",
1220       "        }\n",
1221       "    }\n",
1222       "}\n",
1223       "\n",
1224       "function update(obj) {\n",
1225       "   updateFacesPosition(obj);\n",
1226       "   updateEdgesPosition(obj);\n",
1227       "}\n",
1228       "\n",
1229       "if (foldables.length) {\n",
1230       "    var settings = document.getElementById('settings_0');\n",
1231       "    var foldDiv = document.createElement('div');\n",
1232       "    foldDiv.id = 'fold_0';\n",
1233       "    var title = document.createElement('strong');\n",
1234       "    title.innerHTML = 'Fold';\n",
1235       "    foldDiv.appendChild(title);\n",
1236       "    foldDiv.className = 'group';\n",
1237       "    for (var i=0; i<foldables.length; i++) {\n",
1238       "        var range = document.createElement('input');\n",
1239       "        range.type = 'range';\n",
1240       "        range.min = 0;\n",
1241       "        range.max = 1;\n",
1242       "        range.value = 0;\n",
1243       "        range.step = 0.001;\n",
1244       "        range.name = String(i);\n",
1245       "        range.oninput = fold;\n",
1246       "        foldDiv.appendChild(range);\n",
1247       "    }\n",
1248       "    lookAtBarycenter(foldables[0]);\n",
1249       "    settings.insertBefore(foldDiv,settings.childNodes[0]);\n",
1250       "}\n",
1251       "\n",
1252       "    \n",
1253       "// ---------------------- EXPLOSION ------------------------------------------------\n",
1254       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
1255       "\n",
1256       "if (explodableModel) {\n",
1257       "    for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++) {\n",
1258       "        obj = scene.children[i];\n",
1259       "        if ( obj.userData.explodable ) {\n",
1260       "            computeCentroid(obj);\n",
1261       "        }\n",
1262       "    }\n",
1263       "    document.getElementById('explodeRange_0').oninput = triggerExplode;\n",
1264       "    document.getElementById('explodeCheckbox_0').onchange = triggerAutomaticExplode;\n",
1265       "    document.getElementById('explodingSpeedRange_0').oninput = setExplodingSpeed;\n",
1266       "}\n",
1267       "\n",
1268       "function computeCentroid(obj) {\n",
1269       "    centroid = new THREE.Vector3();\n",
1270       "    obj.userData.points.forEach(function(pmpoint) {\n",
1271       "        centroid.add(pmpoint.vector);\t\t\t\n",
1272       "    });\n",
1273       "    centroid.divideScalar(obj.userData.points.length);\n",
1274       "    obj.userData.centroid = centroid;\n",
1275       "}\n",
1276       "\n",
1277       "function explode(factor) {\n",
1278       "    for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++) {\n",
1279       "        var obj = scene.children[i];\n",
1280       "        if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"centroid\")) { \n",
1281       "            var c = obj.userData.centroid;\n",
1282       "            obj.position.set(c.x*factor, c.y*factor, c.z*factor);\n",
1283       "        }\n",
1284       "    }\t\n",
1285       "}\n",
1286       "\n",
1287       "function triggerExplode(event){\n",
1288       "    explodeScale = Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
1289       "    explode(explodeScale);\n",
1290       "}\n",
1291       "\n",
1292       "function setExplodingSpeed(event){\n",
1293       "    explodingSpeed = Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
1294       "}\n",
1295       "\n",
1296       "function triggerAutomaticExplode(event){\n",
1297       "    if (event.currentTarget.checked){\n",
1298       "        startExploding();\n",
1299       "    } else {\n",
1300       "        clearIntervals();\n",
1301       "    }\t\n",
1302       "}\n",
1303       "\n",
1304       "function startExploding(){\n",
1305       "    intervals.push(setInterval(explodingInterval, 25));\n",
1306       "}\n",
1307       "\n",
1308       "\n",
1309       "function explodingInterval(){\n",
1310       "    explodeScale += explodingSpeed;\n",
1311       "    if (explodeScale <= 6){ \n",
1312       "        explode(explodeScale);\n",
1313       "    }\n",
1314       "    else{\n",
1315       "        explode(6);\n",
1316       "        explodeScale = 6;\n",
1317       "        clearIntervals();\n",
1318       "        timeouts.push(setTimeout(startUnexploding, 3000));\n",
1319       "    }\n",
1320       "    document.getElementById('explodeRange_0').value = explodeScale;\n",
1321       "}\n",
1322       "\n",
1323       "\n",
1324       "function startUnexploding(){\n",
1325       "    intervals.push(setInterval(unexplodingInterval, 25));\n",
1326       "}\n",
1327       "\n",
1328       "function unexplodingInterval(){\n",
1329       "    explodeScale -= explodingSpeed;\n",
1330       "    if (explodeScale >= 0){\t\n",
1331       "        explode(explodeScale);\n",
1332       "    }\n",
1333       "    else {\n",
1334       "        explode(0);\n",
1335       "        explodeScale = 0;\n",
1336       "        clearIntervals();\n",
1337       "        timeouts.push(setTimeout(startExploding, 3000));\n",
1338       "    }\n",
1339       "    document.getElementById('explodeRange_0').value = explodeScale;\n",
1340       "}\n",
1341       "\n",
1342       "function clearIntervals(){\n",
1343       "    intervals.forEach(function(interval){\n",
1344       "        clearInterval(interval);\n",
1345       "    });\n",
1346       "    intervals = [];\n",
1347       "    timeouts.forEach(function(timeout){\n",
1348       "        clearTimeout(timeout);\n",
1349       "    });\n",
1350       "    timeouts = [];\n",
1351       "}\n",
1352       "\n",
1353       "// ---------------------- DISPLAY --------------------------------------------------\n",
1354       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
1355       "\n",
1356       "const objectTypeInnerHTMLs = { points: \"Points\", pointlabels: \"Point labels\", lines: \"Edges\", edgelabels: \"Edge labels\", faces: \"Faces\", arrowheads: \"Arrow heads\" };\n",
1357       "const objectTypeVisible = {};\n",
1358       "Object.assign(objectTypeVisible,modelContains);\n",
1359       "const sortedObjectTypeKeys = Object.keys(objectTypeInnerHTMLs).sort();\n",
1360       "const shownObjectTypesList = document.getElementById('shownObjectTypesList_0');\n",
1361       "\n",
1362       "function setVisibility(bool,objname) {\n",
1363       "    for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++){\n",
1364       "        var obj = scene.children[i].getObjectByName(objname);\n",
1365       "        if (obj) {\n",
1366       "            obj.visible = bool;\n",
1367       "        }\n",
1368       "    }\n",
1369       "}\n",
1370       "\n",
1371       "function toggleObjectTypeVisibility(event){\n",
1372       "    var name = event.currentTarget.name;\n",
1373       "    var checked = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
1374       "    objectTypeVisible[name] = checked;\n",
1375       "    setVisibility(checked,name);\n",
1376       "}\n",
1377       "\n",
1378       "for (var i=0; i<sortedObjectTypeKeys.length; i++){\n",
1379       "    var key = sortedObjectTypeKeys[i];\n",
1380       "    if (modelContains[key]) {\n",
1381       "        var objTypeNode = document.createElement('span');\n",
1382       "        objTypeNode.innerHTML = objectTypeInnerHTMLs[key] + '<br>';\n",
1383       "        var checkbox = document.createElement('input');\n",
1384       "        checkbox.type = 'checkbox';\n",
1385       "        checkbox.checked = true;\n",
1386       "        checkbox.name = key;\n",
1387       "        checkbox.onchange = toggleObjectTypeVisibility;\n",
1388       "        shownObjectTypesList.appendChild(checkbox);\n",
1389       "        shownObjectTypesList.appendChild(objTypeNode);\n",
1390       "    }\n",
1391       "}\n",
1392       "\n",
1393       "// ------------------------------------------------------\n",
1394       "\n",
1395       "function toggleObjectVisibility(event){\n",
1396       "    var nr = Number(event.currentTarget.name);\n",
1397       "    scene.children[nr].visible = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
1398       "}\n",
1399       "\n",
1400       "// append checkboxes for displaying or hiding objects\n",
1401       "var shownObjectsList = document.getElementById('shownObjectsList_0');\n",
1402       "for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++){\n",
1403       "    obj = scene.children[i];\n",
1404       "    var objNode = document.createElement('span');\n",
1405       "    objNode.innerHTML = obj.name + '<br>';\n",
1406       "    var checkbox = document.createElement('input');\n",
1407       "    checkbox.type = 'checkbox';\n",
1408       "    checkbox.checked = true;\n",
1409       "    checkbox.name = String(i);\n",
1410       "    checkbox.onchange = toggleObjectVisibility;\n",
1411       "    shownObjectsList.appendChild(checkbox);\n",
1412       "    shownObjectsList.appendChild(objNode);\n",
1413       "}\n",
1414       "\n",
1415       "// ---------------------- SVG ------------------------------------------------------\n",
1416       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
1417       "\n",
1418       "function takeSvgScreenshot() {\n",
1419       "    if (objectTypeVisible[\"pointlabels\"]) {\n",
1420       "        setVisibility(false,\"pointlabels\");\n",
1421       "    }\n",
1422       "    if (objectTypeVisible[\"edgelabels\"]) {\n",
1423       "        setVisibility(false,\"edgelabels\");\n",
1424       "    }\n",
1425       "    svgRenderer.render(scene,camera);\n",
1426       "    svgElement = XMLS.serializeToString(svgRenderer.domElement);\n",
1427       "    \n",
1428       "    if (objectTypeVisible[\"pointlabels\"]) {\n",
1429       "        setVisibility(true,\"pointlabels\");\n",
1430       "    }\n",
1431       "    if (objectTypeVisible[\"edgelabels\"]) {\n",
1432       "        setVisibility(true,\"edgelabels\");\n",
1433       "    }\n",
1434       "\n",
1435       "    if (document.getElementById('tab_0').checked){\n",
1436       "        //show in new tab\n",
1437       "        var myWindow = window.open(\"\",\"\");\n",
1438       "        myWindow.document.body.innerHTML = svgElement;\n",
1439       "    } else{\n",
1440       "        // download svg file \n",
1441       "        download(\"screenshot.svg\", svgElement);\n",
1442       "    }\n",
1443       "}\n",
1444       "\n",
1445       "function download(filename, text) {\n",
1446       "    var element = document.createElement('a');\n",
1447       "    element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));\n",
1448       "    element.setAttribute('download', filename);\n",
1449       "\n",
1450       "    element.style.display = 'none';\n",
1451       "    document.body.appendChild(element);\n",
1452       "\n",
1453       "    element.click();\n",
1454       "\n",
1455       "    document.body.removeChild(element);\n",
1456       "}\n",
1457       "\n",
1458       "\n",
1459       "document.getElementById('transparencyRange_0').oninput = changeTransparency;\n",
1460       "document.getElementById('changeRotationX_0').onchange = changeRotationX;\n",
1461       "document.getElementById('changeRotationY_0').onchange = changeRotationY;\n",
1462       "document.getElementById('changeRotationZ_0').onchange = changeRotationZ;\n",
1463       "document.getElementById('resetButton_0').onclick = resetScene;\n",
1464       "document.getElementById('rotationSpeedRange_0').oninput = changeRotationSpeedFactor;\n",
1465       "document.getElementById('takeScreenshot_0').onclick = takeSvgScreenshot;\n",
1466       "document.getElementById('showSettingsButton_0').onclick = showSettings;\n",
1467       "document.getElementById('hideSettingsButton_0').onclick = hideSettings;\n",
1468       "\n",
1469       "\n",
1470       "// ------------------ SHORTCUTS --------------------------------------------\n",
1471       "// -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
1472       "\n",
1473       "/**\n",
1474       " * http://www.openjs.com/scripts/events/keyboard_shortcuts/\n",
1475       " * Version : 2.01.B\n",
1476       " * By Binny V A\n",
1477       " * License : BSD\n",
1478       " */\n",
1479       "shortcut = {\n",
1480       "\t'all_shortcuts':{},//All the shortcuts are stored in this array\n",
1481       "\t'add': function(shortcut_combination,callback,opt) {\n",
1482       "\t\t//Provide a set of default options\n",
1483       "\t\tvar default_options = {\n",
1484       "\t\t\t'type':'keydown',\n",
1485       "\t\t\t'propagate':false,\n",
1486       "\t\t\t'disable_in_input':false,\n",
1487       "\t\t\t'target':document,\n",
1488       "\t\t\t'keycode':false\n",
1489       "\t\t}\n",
1490       "\t\tif(!opt) opt = default_options;\n",
1491       "\t\telse {\n",
1492       "\t\t\tfor(var dfo in default_options) {\n",
1493       "\t\t\t\tif(typeof opt[dfo] == 'undefined') opt[dfo] = default_options[dfo];\n",
1494       "\t\t\t}\n",
1495       "\t\t}\n",
1496       "\n",
1497       "\t\tvar ele = opt.target;\n",
1498       "\t\tif(typeof opt.target == 'string') ele = document.getElementById(opt.target);\n",
1499       "\t\tvar ths = this;\n",
1500       "\t\tshortcut_combination = shortcut_combination.toLowerCase();\n",
1501       "\n",
1502       "\t\t//The function to be called at keypress\n",
1503       "\t\tvar func = function(e) {\n",
1504       "\t\t\te = e || window.event;\n",
1505       "\t\t\t\n",
1506       "\t\t\tif(opt['disable_in_input']) { //Don't enable shortcut keys in Input, Textarea fields\n",
1507       "\t\t\t\tvar element;\n",
1508       "\t\t\t\tif(e.target) element=e.target;\n",
1509       "\t\t\t\telse if(e.srcElement) element=e.srcElement;\n",
1510       "\t\t\t\tif(element.nodeType==3) element=element.parentNode;\n",
1511       "\n",
1512       "\t\t\t\tif(element.tagName == 'INPUT' || element.tagName == 'TEXTAREA') return;\n",
1513       "\t\t\t}\n",
1514       "\t\n",
1515       "\t\t\t//Find Which key is pressed\n",
1516       "\t\t\tif (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode;\n",
1517       "\t\t\telse if (e.which) code = e.which;\n",
1518       "\t\t\tvar character = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase();\n",
1519       "\t\t\t\n",
1520       "\t\t\tif(code == 188) character=\",\"; //If the user presses , when the type is onkeydown\n",
1521       "\t\t\tif(code == 190) character=\".\"; //If the user presses , when the type is onkeydown\n",
1522       "\n",
1523       "\t\t\tvar keys = shortcut_combination.split(\"+\");\n",
1524       "\t\t\t//Key Pressed - counts the number of valid keypresses - if it is same as the number of keys, the shortcut function is invoked\n",
1525       "\t\t\tvar kp = 0;\n",
1526       "\t\t\t\n",
1527       "\t\t\t//Work around for stupid Shift key bug created by using lowercase - as a result the shift+num combination was broken\n",
1528       "\t\t\tvar shift_nums = {\n",
1529       "\t\t\t\t\"`\":\"~\",\n",
1530       "\t\t\t\t\"1\":\"!\",\n",
1531       "\t\t\t\t\"2\":\"@\",\n",
1532       "\t\t\t\t\"3\":\"#\",\n",
1533       "\t\t\t\t\"4\":\"$\",\n",
1534       "\t\t\t\t\"5\":\"%\",\n",
1535       "\t\t\t\t\"6\":\"^\",\n",
1536       "\t\t\t\t\"7\":\"&\",\n",
1537       "\t\t\t\t\"8\":\"*\",\n",
1538       "\t\t\t\t\"9\":\"(\",\n",
1539       "\t\t\t\t\"0\":\")\",\n",
1540       "\t\t\t\t\"-\":\"_\",\n",
1541       "\t\t\t\t\"=\":\"+\",\n",
1542       "\t\t\t\t\";\":\":\",\n",
1543       "\t\t\t\t\"'\":\"\\\"\",\n",
1544       "\t\t\t\t\",\":\"<\",\n",
1545       "\t\t\t\t\".\":\">\",\n",
1546       "\t\t\t\t\"/\":\"?\",\n",
1547       "\t\t\t\t\"\\\\\":\"|\"\n",
1548       "\t\t\t}\n",
1549       "\t\t\t//Special Keys - and their codes\n",
1550       "\t\t\tvar special_keys = {\n",
1551       "\t\t\t\t'esc':27,\n",
1552       "\t\t\t\t'escape':27,\n",
1553       "\t\t\t\t'tab':9,\n",
1554       "\t\t\t\t'space':32,\n",
1555       "\t\t\t\t'return':13,\n",
1556       "\t\t\t\t'enter':13,\n",
1557       "\t\t\t\t'backspace':8,\n",
1558       "\t\n",
1559       "\t\t\t\t'scrolllock':145,\n",
1560       "\t\t\t\t'scroll_lock':145,\n",
1561       "\t\t\t\t'scroll':145,\n",
1562       "\t\t\t\t'capslock':20,\n",
1563       "\t\t\t\t'caps_lock':20,\n",
1564       "\t\t\t\t'caps':20,\n",
1565       "\t\t\t\t'numlock':144,\n",
1566       "\t\t\t\t'num_lock':144,\n",
1567       "\t\t\t\t'num':144,\n",
1568       "\t\t\t\t\n",
1569       "\t\t\t\t'pause':19,\n",
1570       "\t\t\t\t'break':19,\n",
1571       "\t\t\t\t\n",
1572       "\t\t\t\t'insert':45,\n",
1573       "\t\t\t\t'home':36,\n",
1574       "\t\t\t\t'delete':46,\n",
1575       "\t\t\t\t'end':35,\n",
1576       "\t\t\t\t\n",
1577       "\t\t\t\t'pageup':33,\n",
1578       "\t\t\t\t'page_up':33,\n",
1579       "\t\t\t\t'pu':33,\n",
1580       "\t\n",
1581       "\t\t\t\t'pagedown':34,\n",
1582       "\t\t\t\t'page_down':34,\n",
1583       "\t\t\t\t'pd':34,\n",
1584       "\t\n",
1585       "\t\t\t\t'left':37,\n",
1586       "\t\t\t\t'up':38,\n",
1587       "\t\t\t\t'right':39,\n",
1588       "\t\t\t\t'down':40,\n",
1589       "\t\n",
1590       "\t\t\t\t'f1':112,\n",
1591       "\t\t\t\t'f2':113,\n",
1592       "\t\t\t\t'f3':114,\n",
1593       "\t\t\t\t'f4':115,\n",
1594       "\t\t\t\t'f5':116,\n",
1595       "\t\t\t\t'f6':117,\n",
1596       "\t\t\t\t'f7':118,\n",
1597       "\t\t\t\t'f8':119,\n",
1598       "\t\t\t\t'f9':120,\n",
1599       "\t\t\t\t'f10':121,\n",
1600       "\t\t\t\t'f11':122,\n",
1601       "\t\t\t\t'f12':123\n",
1602       "\t\t\t}\n",
1603       "\t\n",
1604       "\t\t\tvar modifiers = { \n",
1605       "\t\t\t\tshift: { wanted:false, pressed:false},\n",
1606       "\t\t\t\tctrl : { wanted:false, pressed:false},\n",
1607       "\t\t\t\talt  : { wanted:false, pressed:false},\n",
1608       "\t\t\t\tmeta : { wanted:false, pressed:false}\t//Meta is Mac specific\n",
1609       "\t\t\t};\n",
1610       "                        \n",
1611       "\t\t\tif(e.ctrlKey)\tmodifiers.ctrl.pressed = true;\n",
1612       "\t\t\tif(e.shiftKey)\tmodifiers.shift.pressed = true;\n",
1613       "\t\t\tif(e.altKey)\tmodifiers.alt.pressed = true;\n",
1614       "\t\t\tif(e.metaKey)   modifiers.meta.pressed = true;\n",
1615       "                        \n",
1616       "\t\t\tfor(var i=0; k=keys[i],i<keys.length; i++) {\n",
1617       "\t\t\t\t//Modifiers\n",
1618       "\t\t\t\tif(k == 'ctrl' || k == 'control') {\n",
1619       "\t\t\t\t\tkp++;\n",
1620       "\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.ctrl.wanted = true;\n",
1621       "\n",
1622       "\t\t\t\t} else if(k == 'shift') {\n",
1623       "\t\t\t\t\tkp++;\n",
1624       "\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.shift.wanted = true;\n",
1625       "\n",
1626       "\t\t\t\t} else if(k == 'alt') {\n",
1627       "\t\t\t\t\tkp++;\n",
1628       "\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.alt.wanted = true;\n",
1629       "\t\t\t\t} else if(k == 'meta') {\n",
1630       "\t\t\t\t\tkp++;\n",
1631       "\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.meta.wanted = true;\n",
1632       "\t\t\t\t} else if(k.length > 1) { //If it is a special key\n",
1633       "\t\t\t\t\tif(special_keys[k] == code) kp++;\n",
1634       "\t\t\t\t\t\n",
1635       "\t\t\t\t} else if(opt['keycode']) {\n",
1636       "\t\t\t\t\tif(opt['keycode'] == code) kp++;\n",
1637       "\n",
1638       "\t\t\t\t} else { //The special keys did not match\n",
1639       "\t\t\t\t\tif(character == k) kp++;\n",
1640       "\t\t\t\t\telse {\n",
1641       "\t\t\t\t\t\tif(shift_nums[character] && e.shiftKey) { //Stupid Shift key bug created by using lowercase\n",
1642       "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcharacter = shift_nums[character]; \n",
1643       "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(character == k) kp++;\n",
1644       "\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n",
1645       "\t\t\t\t\t}\n",
1646       "\t\t\t\t}\n",
1647       "\t\t\t}\n",
1648       "\t\t\t\n",
1649       "\t\t\tif(kp == keys.length && \n",
1650       "\t\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.ctrl.pressed == modifiers.ctrl.wanted &&\n",
1651       "\t\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.shift.pressed == modifiers.shift.wanted &&\n",
1652       "\t\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.alt.pressed == modifiers.alt.wanted &&\n",
1653       "\t\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.meta.pressed == modifiers.meta.wanted) {\n",
1654       "\t\t\t\tcallback(e);\n",
1655       "\t\n",
1656       "\t\t\t\tif(!opt['propagate']) { //Stop the event\n",
1657       "\t\t\t\t\t//e.cancelBubble is supported by IE - this will kill the bubbling process.\n",
1658       "\t\t\t\t\te.cancelBubble = true;\n",
1659       "\t\t\t\t\te.returnValue = false;\n",
1660       "\t\n",
1661       "\t\t\t\t\t//e.stopPropagation works in Firefox.\n",
1662       "\t\t\t\t\tif (e.stopPropagation) {\n",
1663       "\t\t\t\t\t\te.stopPropagation();\n",
1664       "\t\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n",
1665       "\t\t\t\t\t}\n",
1666       "\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n",
1667       "\t\t\t\t}\n",
1668       "\t\t\t}\n",
1669       "\t\t}\n",
1670       "\t\tthis.all_shortcuts[shortcut_combination] = {\n",
1671       "\t\t\t'callback':func, \n",
1672       "\t\t\t'target':ele, \n",
1673       "\t\t\t'event': opt['type']\n",
1674       "\t\t};\n",
1675       "\t\t//Attach the function with the event\n",
1676       "\t\tif(ele.addEventListener) ele.addEventListener(opt['type'], func, false);\n",
1677       "\t\telse if(ele.attachEvent) ele.attachEvent('on'+opt['type'], func);\n",
1678       "\t\telse ele['on'+opt['type']] = func;\n",
1679       "\t},\n",
1680       "\n",
1681       "\t//Remove the shortcut - just specify the shortcut and I will remove the binding\n",
1682       "\t'remove':function(shortcut_combination) {\n",
1683       "\t\tshortcut_combination = shortcut_combination.toLowerCase();\n",
1684       "\t\tvar binding = this.all_shortcuts[shortcut_combination];\n",
1685       "\t\tdelete(this.all_shortcuts[shortcut_combination])\n",
1686       "\t\tif(!binding) return;\n",
1687       "\t\tvar type = binding['event'];\n",
1688       "\t\tvar ele = binding['target'];\n",
1689       "\t\tvar callback = binding['callback'];\n",
1690       "\n",
1691       "\t\tif(ele.detachEvent) ele.detachEvent('on'+type, callback);\n",
1692       "\t\telse if(ele.removeEventListener) ele.removeEventListener(type, callback, false);\n",
1693       "\t\telse ele['on'+type] = false;\n",
1694       "\t}\n",
1695       "}\n",
1696       "\n",
1697       "shortcut.add(\"Alt+Left\",function() {\n",
1698       "\tvar event = new Event('click');\n",
1699       "\tif (settingsShown){\n",
1700       "\t\tdocument.getElementById('hideSettingsButton_0').dispatchEvent(event);\n",
1701       "\t} else {\n",
1702       "\t\tdocument.getElementById('showSettingsButton_0').dispatchEvent(event);\n",
1703       "\t}\n",
1704       "});\n",
1705       "\n",
1706       "\n",
1707       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_END\n",
1708       "\n",
1709       "});});\n",
1710       "      </script>\n",
1711       "   </body>\n",
1712       "</html>"
1713      ]
1714     },
1715     "metadata": {},
1716     "output_type": "display_data"
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1723       "Thu Aug 27 11:38:57 2020\n",
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1726       "\n",
1727       "\n",
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1747       "         .hideSettingsButton{visibility: hidden; z-index: 12; position: absolute; opacity: 0.5}\n",
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1761       "           margin-bottom: 15px;\n",
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1800       "           box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #B8B8B8;\n",
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1813       "           border-color: transparent;\n",
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1817       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
1818       "           border: 0px solid #000000;\n",
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1821       "         }\n",
1822       "         input[type=range]::-ms-fill-upper {\n",
1823       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
1824       "           border: 0px solid #000000;\n",
1825       "           border-radius: 0px;\n",
1826       "           box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000000;\n",
1827       "         }\n",
1828       "         input[type=range]::-ms-thumb {\n",
1829       "           box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #B8B8B8;\n",
1830       "           border: 1px solid #ABABAB;\n",
1831       "           height: 13px;\n",
1832       "           width: 25px;\n",
1833       "           border-radius: 20px;\n",
1834       "           background: #E0E0E0;\n",
1835       "           cursor: pointer;\n",
1836       "         }\n",
1837       "         input[type=range]:focus::-ms-fill-lower {\n",
1838       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
1839       "         }\n",
1840       "         input[type=range]:focus::-ms-fill-upper {\n",
1841       "           background: #E3E3E3;\n",
1842       "         }\n",
1843       "/*\n",
1844       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_END\n",
1845       "*/\n",
1846       "\t\t</style>\n",
1847       "   </head>\n",
1848       "<body>\n",
1849       "   <div class='threejs_container'>\n",
1850       "\t\t<div id='settings_1' class='settings'>\n",
1851       "\t\t\t<div class=group id='transparency_1' class='transparency'>\n",
1852       "\t\t\t\t<strong>Transparency</strong>\n",
1853       "\t\t\t\t<input id='transparencyRange_1' type='range' min=0 max=1 step=0.01 value=0>\n",
1854       "\t\t\t</div>\n",
1855       "\t\t\t\n",
1856       "\t\t\t<div class=group id='rotation_1'>\n",
1857       "\t\t\t\t<strong>Rotation</strong>\n",
1858       "\t\t\t\t<div class=indented>\n",
1859       "\t\t\t\t\t<div><input type='checkbox' id='changeRotationX_1'> x-axis</div>\n",
1860       "\t\t\t\t\t<div><input type='checkbox' id='changeRotationY_1'> y-axis</div>\n",
1861       "\t\t\t\t\t<div><input type='checkbox' id='changeRotationZ_1'> z-axis</div>\n",
1862       "\t\t\t\t\t<button id='resetButton_1'>Reset</button>\n",
1863       "\t\t\t\t</div>\n",
1864       "\n",
1865       "\t\t\t\t<div class=suboption>Rotation speed</div>\n",
1866       "\t\t\t\t<input id='rotationSpeedRange_1' type='range' min=0 max=5 step=0.01 value=2>\n",
1867       "\t\t\t</div>\n",
1868       "\n",
1869       "\n",
1870       "\t\t\t<div class=group id='display_1'>\n",
1871       "\t\t\t\t<strong>Display</strong>\n",
1872       "\t\t\t\t<div class=indented>\n",
1873       "\t\t\t\t\t<div id='shownObjectTypesList_1' class='shownObjectsList'></div>\n",
1874       "\t\t\t\t</div>\n",
1875       "\t\t\t\t<div class=suboption>Objects</div>\n",
1876       "\t\t\t\t<div class=indented>\n",
1877       "\t\t\t\t   <div id='shownObjectsList_1' class='shownObjectsList'></div>\n",
1878       "\t\t\t\t</div>\n",
1879       "\t\t\t</div>\n",
1880       "         \n",
1881       "         <div class=group id='camera_1'>\n",
1882       "            <strong>Camera</strong>\n",
1883       "            <div class=indented>\n",
1884       "               <form>\n",
1885       "                  <select id=\"cameraType_1\">\n",
1886       "                     <option value='perspective' selected> Perspective<br></option>\n",
1887       "                     <option value='orthographic' > Orthographic<br></option>\n",
1888       "                  </select>\n",
1889       "               </form>\n",
1890       "            </div>\n",
1891       "         </div>\n",
1892       "\n",
1893       "\t\t\t<div class=group id='svg_1'>\n",
1894       "\t\t\t\t<strong>SVG</strong>\n",
1895       "\t\t\t\t<div class=indented>\n",
1896       "\t\t\t\t\t<form>\n",
1897       "\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"radio\" name='screenshotMode' value='download' id='download_1' checked> Download<br>\n",
1898       "\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"radio\" name='screenshotMode' value='tab' id='tab_1' > New tab<br>\n",
1899       "\t\t\t\t\t</form>\n",
1900       "\t\t\t\t\t<button id='takeScreenshot_1'>Screenshot</button>\n",
1901       "\t\t\t\t</div>\n",
1902       "\t\t\t</div>\n",
1903       "\n",
1904       "\t\t</div>\t<!-- end of settings -->\n",
1905       "\t\t<img id='hideSettingsButton_1' class='hideSettingsButton' src='/kernelspecs/polymake/close.svg' width=20px\">\n",
1906       "\t\t<img id='showSettingsButton_1' class='showSettingsButton' src='/kernelspecs/polymake/menu.svg' width=20px\">\n",
1907       "<div id=\"model37327624959\"></div>\n",
1908       "</div>\n",
1909       "   <script>\n",
1910       "    requirejs.config({\n",
1911       "      paths: {\n",
1912       "        three: '/kernelspecs/polymake/three',\n",
1913       "        TrackballControls: '/kernelspecs/polymake/TrackballControls',\n",
1914       "        OrbitControls: '/kernelspecs/polymake/OrbitControls',\n",
1915       "        Projector: '/kernelspecs/polymake/Projector',\n",
1916       "        SVGRenderer: '/kernelspecs/polymake/SVGRenderer',\n",
1917       "        WEBGL: '/kernelspecs/polymake/WebGL',\n",
1918       "      },\n",
1919       "      shim: {\n",
1920       "        'three': { exports: 'THREE'},\n",
1921       "        'SVGRenderer': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.SVGRenderer' },\n",
1922       "        'WEBGL': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.WEBGL' },\n",
1923       "        'Projector': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.Projector' },\n",
1924       "        'TrackballControls': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.TrackballControls' },\n",
1925       "        'OrbitControls': { deps: [ 'three' ], exports: 'THREE.OrbitControls' },\n",
1926       "      }\n",
1927       "    });\n",
1928       "    \n",
1929       "    require(['three'],function(THREE){\n",
1930       "        window.THREE = THREE;\n",
1931       "      require(['TrackballControls', 'OrbitControls', 'Projector', 'SVGRenderer', 'WEBGL'],\n",
1932       "               function(TrackballControls, OrbitControls, Projector, SVGRenderer, WEBGL) {\n",
1933       "    THREE.TrackballControls = TrackballControls;\n",
1934       "    THREE.OrbitControls = OrbitControls;\n",
1935       "    THREE.Projector = Projector;\n",
1936       "    THREE.SVGRenderer = SVGRenderer;\n",
1937       "    THREE.WEBGL = WEBGL;\n",
1938       "\n",
1939       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_BEGIN\n",
1940       "\n",
1941       "const intervalLength = 25; // for automatic animations\n",
1942       "const explodableModel = false; \n",
1943       "const modelContains = { points: false, pointlabels: false, lines: false, edgelabels: false, faces: false, arrowheads: false };\n",
1944       "const foldables = [];\n",
1945       "\n",
1946       "var three = document.getElementById(\"model37327624959\");\n",
1947       "var scene = new THREE.Scene();\n",
1948       "var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );\n",
1949       "var svgRenderer = new THREE.SVGRenderer( { antialias: true } );\n",
1950       "renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );\n",
1951       "renderer.setClearColor(0xFFFFFF, 1);\n",
1952       "svgRenderer.setClearColor(0xFFFFFF, 1);\n",
1953       "three.appendChild(renderer.domElement);\n",
1954       "\n",
1955       "var frustumSize = 4;\n",
1956       "var cameras = [new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, 1, 0.1, 1000), new THREE.OrthographicCamera()];\n",
1957       "cameras.forEach(function(cam) {\n",
1958       "    cam.position.set(0, 0, 5);\n",
1959       "    cam.lookAt(0, 0, 0);  \n",
1960       "    cam.up.set(0, 1, 0);         \n",
1961       "});\n",
1962       "var controls = [new THREE.TrackballControls(cameras[0], three), new THREE.OrbitControls(cameras[1], three)];\n",
1963       "var camera, control;\n",
1964       "\n",
1965       "controls[0].zoomSpeed = 0.2;\n",
1966       "controls[0].rotateSpeed = 4;\n",
1967       "\n",
1968       "\n",
1969       "// class to allow move points together with labels and spheres\n",
1970       "var PMPoint = function (x,y,z) {\n",
1971       "   this.vector = new THREE.Vector3(x,y,z);\n",
1972       "   this.sprite = null;\n",
1973       "   this.sphere = null;\n",
1974       "}\n",
1975       "PMPoint.prototype.addLabel = function(labelsprite) {\n",
1976       "   this.sprite = labelsprite;\n",
1977       "   this.sprite.position.copy(this.vector);\n",
1978       "}\n",
1979       "PMPoint.prototype.addSphere = function(spheremesh) {\n",
1980       "   this.sphere = spheremesh;\n",
1981       "   this.sphere.position.copy(this.vector);\n",
1982       "}\n",
1983       "PMPoint.prototype.set = function(x,y,z) {\n",
1984       "   this.vector.set(x,y,z);\n",
1985       "   if (this.sprite) {\n",
1986       "      this.sprite.position.copy(this.vector);\n",
1987       "   }\n",
1988       "   if (this.sphere) {\n",
1989       "      this.sphere.position.copy(this.vector);\n",
1990       "   }\n",
1991       "}\n",
1992       "PMPoint.prototype.radius = function() {\n",
1993       "   if (this.sphere) {\n",
1994       "      return this.sphere.geometry.parameters.radius;\n",
1995       "   } else {\n",
1996       "      return 0;\n",
1997       "   }\n",
1998       "};\n",
1999       "// select the target node\n",
2000       "var target = document.querySelector('#model37327624959');\n",
2001       "\n",
2002       "// create an observer instance\n",
2003       "var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {\n",
2004       "   mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {\n",
2005       "      if (mutation.removedNodes && mutation.removedNodes.length > 0) {\n",
2006       "         cancelAnimationFrame(renderId);\n",
2007       "         observer.disconnect();\n",
2008       "         console.log(\"cancelled frame \"+renderId);\n",
2009       "      }\n",
2010       "   });\n",
2011       "});\n",
2012       "\n",
2013       "// configuration of the observer:\n",
2014       "var config = { childList: true, characterData: true }\n",
2015       "\n",
2016       "// pass in the target node, as well as the observer options\n",
2017       "while (target) {\n",
2018       "   if (target.className==\"output\") {\n",
2019       "      observer.observe(target, config);\n",
2020       "      break;\n",
2021       "   }\n",
2022       "   target = target.parentNode;\n",
2023       "}\n",
2024       "\n",
2025       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_END\n",
2026       "\n",
2027       "var obj0 = new THREE.Object3D();\n",
2028       "obj0.name = \"unnamed__1\";\n",
2029       "obj0.userData.explodable = 1;\n",
2030       "obj0.userData.points = [];\n",
2031       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(0, 0, 0));\n",
2032       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(1, 0, 0));\n",
2033       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(0, 1, 0));\n",
2034       "obj0.userData.points.push(new PMPoint(0, 0, 1));\n",
2035       "\n",
2036       "obj0.userData.pointradii = 0.02;\n",
2037       "   <!-- Vertex style -->\n",
2038       "obj0.userData.pointmaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xFF0000, side: THREE.DoubleSide, transparent: false } );\n",
2039       "obj0.userData.pointlabels = [\"0\", \"1\", \"2\", \"3\"];\n",
2040       "obj0.userData.edgeindices = [0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3];\n",
2041       "   <!-- Edge style -->\n",
2042       "obj0.userData.edgematerial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x000000, depthTest: true, linewidth: 1.5, transparent: false } );\n",
2043       "obj0.userData.facets = [[2, 3, 1], [0, 3, 2], [1, 3, 0], [2, 1, 0]];\n",
2044       "   <!-- Facet style -->\n",
2045       "obj0.userData.facetmaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x77EC9E, depthFunc: THREE.LessDepth, opacity: 1, polygonOffset: true, polygonOffsetFactor: 1, polygonOffsetUnits: 0.5, side: THREE.DoubleSide, transparent: true } );\n",
2046       "init_object(obj0);\n",
2047       "scene.add(obj0);\n",
2048       "\n",
2049       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_BEGIN\n",
2050       "function textSpriteMaterial(message, parameters) {\n",
2051       "    if ( parameters === undefined ) parameters = {};\n",
2052       "    var fontface = \"Helvetica\";\n",
2053       "    var fontsize = parameters.hasOwnProperty(\"fontsize\") ? parameters[\"fontsize\"] : 15;\n",
2054       "    fontsize = fontsize*10;\n",
2055       "    var lines = message.split('\\\\n');\n",
2056       "    var size = 512;\n",
2057       "    for(var i = 0; i<lines.length; i++){\n",
2058       "        var tmp = lines[i].length;\n",
2059       "        while(tmp*fontsize > size){\n",
2060       "           fontsize--;\n",
2061       "        }\n",
2062       "    }\n",
2063       "    \n",
2064       "    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n",
2065       "    canvas.width = size;\n",
2066       "    canvas.height = size;\n",
2067       "    var context = canvas.getContext('2d');\n",
2068       "    context.fillStyle = \"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)\";\n",
2069       "    context.fill();\n",
2070       "    context.font = fontsize + \"px \" + fontface;\n",
2071       "    \n",
2072       "    // text color\n",
2073       "    context.fillStyle = \"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)\";\n",
2074       "     for(var i = 0; i<lines.length; i++){\n",
2075       "        context.fillText(lines[i], size/2, size/2+i*fontsize);\n",
2076       "     }\n",
2077       "    \n",
2078       "    // canvas contents will be used for a texture\n",
2079       "    var texture = new THREE.Texture(canvas);\n",
2080       "    texture.needsUpdate = true;\n",
2081       "    \n",
2082       "    var spriteMaterial = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({map: texture, depthTest: true, depthWrite: false, polygonOffset: true, polygonOffsetFactor: -1, polygonOffsetUnits: 1 });\n",
2083       "    return spriteMaterial;\n",
2084       "}\n",
2085       "\n",
2086       "\n",
2087       "// ---------------------- INITIALIZING OBJECTS--------------------------------------\n",
2088       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
2089       "\n",
2090       "function init_object(obj) {\n",
2091       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"pointmaterial\")) {\n",
2092       "        init_points(obj);\n",
2093       "        modelContains.points = true;\n",
2094       "    }\n",
2095       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"pointlabels\")) {\n",
2096       "        init_pointlabels(obj);\n",
2097       "        modelContains.pointlabels = true;\n",
2098       "    }\n",
2099       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"edgematerial\")) {\n",
2100       "        init_lines(obj);\n",
2101       "        modelContains.lines = true;\n",
2102       "    }\n",
2103       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"edgelabels\")) {\n",
2104       "        init_edgelabels(obj);\n",
2105       "        modelContains.edgelabels = true;\n",
2106       "    }\n",
2107       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"arrowstyle\")) {\n",
2108       "        init_arrowheads(obj);\n",
2109       "        modelContains.arrowheads = true;\n",
2110       "    }\n",
2111       "    if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"facetmaterial\")) {\n",
2112       "        init_faces(obj);\n",
2113       "        modelContains.faces = true;\n",
2114       "    }\n",
2115       "}\n",
2116       "\n",
2117       "function init_points(obj) {\n",
2118       "    var pointgroup = new THREE.Group();\n",
2119       "    pointgroup.name = \"points\";\n",
2120       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2121       "    var radii = obj.userData.pointradii;\n",
2122       "    var materials = obj.userData.pointmaterial;\n",
2123       "    var geometry,material;\n",
2124       "    if (!Array.isArray(radii)) {\n",
2125       "        geometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(radii);  \n",
2126       "    }\n",
2127       "    if (!Array.isArray(materials)) {\n",
2128       "        material = materials;\n",
2129       "    }\n",
2130       "    for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {\n",
2131       "        var point = points[i];\n",
2132       "        if (Array.isArray(radii)) {\n",
2133       "            if (radii[i] == 0) {\n",
2134       "                continue;\n",
2135       "            }\n",
2136       "            geometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(radii[i]);  \n",
2137       "        } \n",
2138       "        if (Array.isArray(materials)) {\n",
2139       "            material = materials[i];     \n",
2140       "        } \n",
2141       "        var sphere = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);\n",
2142       "        point.addSphere(sphere);\n",
2143       "        pointgroup.add(sphere);\n",
2144       "    }\n",
2145       "    obj.add(pointgroup);\n",
2146       "}\n",
2147       "\n",
2148       "function init_pointlabels(obj) {\n",
2149       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2150       "    var labels = obj.userData.pointlabels;\n",
2151       "    var pointlabels = new THREE.Group();\n",
2152       "    pointlabels.name = \"pointlabels\";\n",
2153       "    if (Array.isArray(labels)) {\n",
2154       "        for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {\n",
2155       "            var point = points[i];\n",
2156       "            var spriteMaterial = textSpriteMaterial( labels[i] );\n",
2157       "\t        var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);\n",
2158       "            point.addLabel(sprite);\n",
2159       "            pointlabels.add(sprite);\n",
2160       "        }\n",
2161       "    } else {\n",
2162       "        var spriteMaterial = textSpriteMaterial( labels );\n",
2163       "        for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {\n",
2164       "            var point = points[i];\n",
2165       "\t        var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);\n",
2166       "            point.addLabel(sprite);\n",
2167       "            pointlabels.add(sprite);\n",
2168       "        }\n",
2169       "    }\n",
2170       "    obj.add(pointlabels);\n",
2171       "}\n",
2172       "\n",
2173       "function init_lines(obj) {\n",
2174       "    var edgeindices = obj.userData.edgeindices;\n",
2175       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2176       "    var materials = obj.userData.edgematerial;\n",
2177       "    var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();\n",
2178       "    var bufarr = new Float32Array( obj.userData.edgeindices.length * 3 );\n",
2179       "    var bufattr = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( bufarr, 3 );\n",
2180       "    var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();\n",
2181       "    geometry.setAttribute('position', bufattr);\n",
2182       "    if (Array.isArray(materials)) {     \n",
2183       "        for (var i=0; i<materials.length; i++) {\n",
2184       "            geometry.addGroup(2*i,2,i);\n",
2185       "        }\n",
2186       "    }\n",
2187       "    var lines = new THREE.LineSegments(geometry, materials);\n",
2188       "    lines.name = \"lines\";\n",
2189       "    obj.add(lines);\n",
2190       "    updateEdgesPosition(obj);\n",
2191       "}\n",
2192       "\n",
2193       "function init_edgelabels(obj) {\n",
2194       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2195       "    var edgeindices = obj.userData.edgeindices;\n",
2196       "    var labels = obj.userData.edgelabels;\n",
2197       "    var edgelabels = new THREE.Group();\n",
2198       "    edgelabels.name = \"edgelabels\";\n",
2199       "    if (Array.isArray(labels)) {\n",
2200       "        for (var i=0; i<edgeindices.length; i=i+2) {\n",
2201       "            var point = points[i];\n",
2202       "            var spriteMaterial = textSpriteMaterial( labels[i] );\n",
2203       "            var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);\n",
2204       "            sprite.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3().addVectors(points[edgeindices[i]].vector,points[edgeindices[i+1]].vector).multiplyScalar(0.5));\n",
2205       "            edgelabels.add(sprite);\n",
2206       "        }\n",
2207       "    } else {\n",
2208       "        var spriteMaterial = textSpriteMaterial( labels );\n",
2209       "        for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {\n",
2210       "            var point = points[i];\n",
2211       "            var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);\n",
2212       "            sprite.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3().addVectors(points[edgeindices[i]].vector,points[edgeindices[i+1]].vector).multiplyScalar(0.5));\n",
2213       "            pointlabels.add(sprite);\n",
2214       "        }\n",
2215       "    }\n",
2216       "    obj.add(edgelabels);\n",
2217       "}\n",
2218       "\n",
2219       "function init_arrowheads(obj) {\n",
2220       "    var arrowheads = new THREE.Group();\n",
2221       "    arrowheads.name = \"arrowheads\";\n",
2222       "    var arrowstyle = obj.userData.arrowstyle;\n",
2223       "    var edgeindices = obj.userData.edgeindices;\n",
2224       "    var edgematerials = obj.userData.edgematerial;\n",
2225       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2226       "    var material;\n",
2227       "    if (!Array.isArray(edgematerials)) {\n",
2228       "        material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: edgematerials.color} );\n",
2229       "    }\n",
2230       "\n",
2231       "    for (var i=0; i<edgeindices.length; i=i+2) {\n",
2232       "        var start = points[edgeindices[i]];\n",
2233       "        var end = points[edgeindices[i+1]];\n",
2234       "        var dist = start.vector.distanceTo( end.vector ) - start.radius() - end.radius();\n",
2235       "        if (dist <= 0) {\n",
2236       "            continue;\n",
2237       "        }\n",
2238       "        var dir = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors(end.vector,start.vector);\n",
2239       "        dir.normalize();\n",
2240       "        var axis = new THREE.Vector3().set(dir.z,0,-dir.x);\n",
2241       "        axis.normalize();\n",
2242       "        var radians = Math.acos( dir.y );\n",
2243       "        var radius = dist/25;\n",
2244       "        var height = dist/5;\n",
2245       "        var geometry = new THREE.ConeBufferGeometry(radius,height);\n",
2246       "        var position = new THREE.Vector3().addVectors(start.vector,dir.clone().multiplyScalar(start.radius()+dist-height/2));\n",
2247       "        if (Array.isArray(edgematerials)) {\n",
2248       "            material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: edgematerials[i].color} );\n",
2249       "        }\n",
2250       "        var cone = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );\n",
2251       "        cone.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(axis,radians);;\n",
2252       "        cone.position.copy(position);;\n",
2253       "        arrowheads.add(cone);\n",
2254       "    }\n",
2255       "    obj.add(arrowheads);\n",
2256       "}\n",
2257       "\n",
2258       "function init_faces(obj) {\n",
2259       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2260       "    var facets = obj.userData.facets;\n",
2261       "    obj.userData.triangleindices = [];\n",
2262       "    for (var i=0; i<facets.length; i++) {\n",
2263       "        facet = facets[i];\n",
2264       "        for (var t=0; t<facet.length-2; t++) {\n",
2265       "            obj.userData.triangleindices.push(facet[0],facet[t+1],facet[t+2]);  \n",
2266       "        }\n",
2267       "    }\n",
2268       "    var bufarr = new Float32Array( obj.userData.triangleindices.length * 3 );\n",
2269       "    var bufattr = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(bufarr,3);\n",
2270       "    \n",
2271       "    var materials = obj.userData.facetmaterial;\n",
2272       "    var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();\n",
2273       "    geometry.setAttribute('position',bufattr);\n",
2274       "    if (Array.isArray(materials)) {\n",
2275       "        var tricount = 0;\n",
2276       "        var facet;\n",
2277       "        for (var i=0; i<facets.length; i++) {\n",
2278       "            facet = facets[i];\n",
2279       "            geometry.addGroup(tricount,(facet.length-2)*3,i);\n",
2280       "            tricount += (facet.length-2)*3;\n",
2281       "        }\n",
2282       "    }\n",
2283       "    var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, materials);\n",
2284       "    mesh.name = \"faces\";\n",
2285       "    obj.add(mesh); \n",
2286       "    updateFacesPosition(obj);\n",
2287       "}\n",
2288       "// //INITIALIZING\n",
2289       "\n",
2290       "\n",
2291       "function updateFacesPosition(obj) {\n",
2292       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2293       "    var indices = obj.userData.triangleindices;\n",
2294       "    var faces = obj.getObjectByName(\"faces\");\n",
2295       "    var ba = faces.geometry.getAttribute(\"position\");\n",
2296       "    for (var i=0; i<indices.length; i++) {\n",
2297       "        ba.setXYZ(i, points[indices[i]].vector.x, points[indices[i]].vector.y ,points[indices[i]].vector.z); \n",
2298       "    }\n",
2299       "    faces.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;\n",
2300       "    \n",
2301       "}\n",
2302       "\n",
2303       "function updateEdgesPosition(obj) {\n",
2304       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2305       "    var indices = obj.userData.edgeindices;\n",
2306       "    var lines = obj.getObjectByName(\"lines\");\n",
2307       "    var ba = lines.geometry.getAttribute(\"position\"); \n",
2308       "    for (var i=0; i<indices.length; i++) {\n",
2309       "        ba.setXYZ(i, points[indices[i]].vector.x, points[indices[i]].vector.y ,points[indices[i]].vector.z); \n",
2310       "    }\n",
2311       "    lines.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;\n",
2312       "}\n",
2313       "\n",
2314       "function onWindowResize() {\n",
2315       "    renderer.setSize( three.clientWidth, three.clientHeight );\n",
2316       "    svgRenderer.setSize( three.clientWidth, three.clientHeight );\n",
2317       "    updateCamera();\n",
2318       "}\n",
2319       "\n",
2320       "function updateCamera() {\n",
2321       "    var width = three.clientWidth;\n",
2322       "    var height = three.clientHeight;\n",
2323       "    var aspect = width / height;\n",
2324       "    if (camera.type == \"OrthographicCamera\") {\n",
2325       "        camera.left = frustumSize * aspect / - 2;\n",
2326       "        camera.right = frustumSize * aspect / 2;\n",
2327       "        camera.top = frustumSize / 2;\n",
2328       "        camera.bottom = - frustumSize / 2;\n",
2329       "    } else if (camera.type == \"PerspectiveCamera\") {\n",
2330       "        camera.aspect = aspect;\n",
2331       "    }\n",
2332       "    camera.updateProjectionMatrix();\n",
2333       "}\n",
2334       "\n",
2335       "function changeCamera(event) {\n",
2336       "    var selindex = event.currentTarget.selectedIndex;\n",
2337       "    camera = cameras[selindex];\n",
2338       "    control = controls[selindex];\n",
2339       "    control.enabled = true; \n",
2340       "    for (var i=0; i<controls.length; i++) {\n",
2341       "        if (i!=selindex) {\n",
2342       "            controls[i].enabled = false;\n",
2343       "        }\n",
2344       "    }\n",
2345       "    updateCamera();\n",
2346       "}\n",
2347       "\n",
2348       "var camtypenode = document.getElementById('cameraType_1');\n",
2349       "camtypenode.onchange = changeCamera;\n",
2350       "camtypenode.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));\n",
2351       "\n",
2352       "onWindowResize();\n",
2353       "window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize);\t\n",
2354       "\n",
2355       "\n",
2356       "var xRotationEnabled = false;\n",
2357       "var yRotationEnabled = false;\n",
2358       "var zRotationEnabled = false;\n",
2359       "var rotationSpeedFactor = 1;\n",
2360       "var settingsShown = false;\n",
2361       "var labelsShown = true;\n",
2362       "var intervals = [];\n",
2363       "var timeouts = [];\n",
2364       "var explodingSpeed = 0.05;\n",
2365       "var explodeScale = 0;\n",
2366       "var XMLS = new XMLSerializer();\n",
2367       "var svgElement;\n",
2368       "var renderId;\n",
2369       "\n",
2370       "var render = function () {\n",
2371       "\n",
2372       "\trenderId = requestAnimationFrame(render);\n",
2373       "\n",
2374       "//\tcomment in for automatic explosion\n",
2375       "//\texplode(updateFactor());\n",
2376       "\n",
2377       "    var phi = 0.02 * rotationSpeedFactor;\n",
2378       "\n",
2379       "    if (xRotationEnabled) {\n",
2380       "        scene.rotation.x += phi;\n",
2381       "    }\n",
2382       "    if (yRotationEnabled) {\n",
2383       "        scene.rotation.y += phi;\n",
2384       "    }\n",
2385       "    if (zRotationEnabled) {\n",
2386       "        scene.rotation.z += phi;\n",
2387       "    }\n",
2388       "\n",
2389       "    control.update();\n",
2390       "    renderer.render(scene, camera);\n",
2391       "};\n",
2392       "\n",
2393       "if ( THREE.WEBGL.isWebGLAvailable() ) {\n",
2394       "\trender();\n",
2395       "} else {\n",
2396       "\tvar warning = WEBGL.getWebGLErrorMessage();\n",
2397       "\tthree.appendChild( warning );\n",
2398       "}\n",
2399       "    \n",
2400       "function changeTransparency() {\n",
2401       "    var opacity = 1-Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
2402       "    for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++) {\n",
2403       "        child = scene.children[i];\n",
2404       "        if ( child.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"facetmaterial\") ) {\n",
2405       "            if (Array.isArray(child.userData.facetmaterial)) {\n",
2406       "                for (var j=0; j<child.userData.facetmaterial.length; j++) {\n",
2407       "                    child.userData.facetmaterial[j].opacity = opacity;\n",
2408       "                }\n",
2409       "            } else {\n",
2410       "                child.userData.facetmaterial.opacity = opacity;\n",
2411       "            }    \n",
2412       "        }\n",
2413       "    }\n",
2414       "}\n",
2415       "\n",
2416       "function changeRotationX(event){\n",
2417       "    xRotationEnabled = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
2418       "}\t\n",
2419       "\n",
2420       "function changeRotationY(event){\n",
2421       "    yRotationEnabled = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
2422       "}\t\n",
2423       "\n",
2424       "function changeRotationZ(event){\n",
2425       "    zRotationEnabled = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
2426       "}\t\n",
2427       "\n",
2428       "\n",
2429       "function changeRotationSpeedFactor(event){\n",
2430       "    rotationSpeedFactor = Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
2431       "}\n",
2432       "\n",
2433       "function resetScene(){\n",
2434       "    scene.rotation.set(0,0,0);\n",
2435       "    camera.position.set(0,0,5);\n",
2436       "    camera.up.set(0,1,0);\n",
2437       "}\n",
2438       "\n",
2439       "function showSettings(event){\n",
2440       "    document.getElementById('settings_1').style.visibility = 'visible';\n",
2441       "    document.getElementById('showSettingsButton_1').style.visibility = 'hidden';\n",
2442       "    document.getElementById('hideSettingsButton_1').style.visibility = 'visible';\n",
2443       "    settingsShown = true;\n",
2444       "}\n",
2445       "\n",
2446       "function hideSettings(event){\n",
2447       "    document.getElementById('settings_1').style.visibility = 'hidden';\n",
2448       "    document.getElementById('showSettingsButton_1').style.visibility = 'visible';\n",
2449       "    document.getElementById('hideSettingsButton_1').style.visibility = 'hidden';\n",
2450       "    settingsShown = false;\n",
2451       "}\n",
2452       "\n",
2453       "\n",
2454       "\n",
2455       "var pos = 150* Math.PI;\n",
2456       "\n",
2457       "function updateFactor() {\n",
2458       "    pos++;\n",
2459       "    return Math.sin(.01*pos)+1;\n",
2460       "}\n",
2461       "\n",
2462       "// ------------------------ FOLDING ------------------------------------------------\n",
2463       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
2464       "// rotate point p around axis defined by points p1 and p2 by given angle\n",
2465       "function rotate(p, p1, p2, angle ){   \n",
2466       "    angle = -angle;\n",
2467       "    var x = p.x, y = p.y, z = p.z, \n",
2468       "    a = p1.x, b = p1.y, c = p1.z, \n",
2469       "    u = p2.x-p1.x, v = p2.y-p1.y, w = p2.z-p1.z;\n",
2470       "    var result = [];\n",
2471       "    var L = u*u + v*v + w*w;\n",
2472       "    var sqrt = Math.sqrt;\n",
2473       "    var cos = Math.cos;\n",
2474       "    var sin = Math.sin;\n",
2475       "\n",
2476       "    result[0] = ((a*(v*v+w*w)-u*(b*v+c*w-u*x-v*y-w*z))*(1-cos(angle))+L*x*cos(angle)+sqrt(L)*(-c*v+b*w-w*y+v*z)*sin(angle))/L;\n",
2477       "    result[1] = ((b*(u*u+w*w)-v*(a*u+c*w-u*x-v*y-w*z))*(1-cos(angle))+L*y*cos(angle)+sqrt(L)*(c*u-a*w+w*x-u*z)*sin(angle))/L;\n",
2478       "    result[2] = ((c*(u*u+v*v)-w*(a*u+b*v-u*x-v*y-w*z))*(1-cos(angle))+L*z*cos(angle)+sqrt(L)*(-b*u+a*v-v*x+u*y)*sin(angle))/L;\n",
2479       "\n",
2480       "    return result;\n",
2481       "}\n",
2482       "\n",
2483       "var fold = function(event){\n",
2484       "    var obj = foldables[Number(event.currentTarget.name)];\n",
2485       "    var foldvalue = Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
2486       "    var scale = foldvalue - obj.userData.oldscale;\n",
2487       "\n",
2488       "    for (var j=0; j<obj.userData.axes.length; j++) {\n",
2489       "        rotateVertices(obj, j, scale);\n",
2490       "    }\n",
2491       "    update(obj);\n",
2492       "    obj.userData.oldscale += scale;\n",
2493       "    lookAtBarycenter(obj);\n",
2494       "}\n",
2495       "\n",
2496       "function lookAtBarycenter(obj){\n",
2497       "    control.target = barycenter(obj);\n",
2498       "}\n",
2499       "\n",
2500       "function barycenter(obj) {\n",
2501       "    var center = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0);\n",
2502       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2503       "    for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++){\n",
2504       "        center.add(points[i].vector);\n",
2505       "    }\n",
2506       "    center.divideScalar(points.length);\n",
2507       "    return center;\n",
2508       "}\n",
2509       "\n",
2510       "function rotateVertices(obj, edge, scale) {\n",
2511       "    var axes = obj.userData.axes;\n",
2512       "    var subtrees = obj.userData.subtrees;\n",
2513       "    var points = obj.userData.points;\n",
2514       "    var angles = obj.userData.angles;\n",
2515       "    if (edge < axes.length){\n",
2516       "        for (var j=0; j<subtrees[edge].length; j++){\n",
2517       "            var rotP = rotate(points[subtrees[edge][j]].vector, points[axes[edge][0]].vector,points[axes[edge][1]].vector, scale * (Math.PI - angles[edge]));\n",
2518       "            points[subtrees[edge][j]].set(rotP[0],rotP[1],rotP[2]);\n",
2519       "        }\n",
2520       "    }\n",
2521       "}\n",
2522       "\n",
2523       "function update(obj) {\n",
2524       "   updateFacesPosition(obj);\n",
2525       "   updateEdgesPosition(obj);\n",
2526       "}\n",
2527       "\n",
2528       "if (foldables.length) {\n",
2529       "    var settings = document.getElementById('settings_1');\n",
2530       "    var foldDiv = document.createElement('div');\n",
2531       "    foldDiv.id = 'fold_1';\n",
2532       "    var title = document.createElement('strong');\n",
2533       "    title.innerHTML = 'Fold';\n",
2534       "    foldDiv.appendChild(title);\n",
2535       "    foldDiv.className = 'group';\n",
2536       "    for (var i=0; i<foldables.length; i++) {\n",
2537       "        var range = document.createElement('input');\n",
2538       "        range.type = 'range';\n",
2539       "        range.min = 0;\n",
2540       "        range.max = 1;\n",
2541       "        range.value = 0;\n",
2542       "        range.step = 0.001;\n",
2543       "        range.name = String(i);\n",
2544       "        range.oninput = fold;\n",
2545       "        foldDiv.appendChild(range);\n",
2546       "    }\n",
2547       "    lookAtBarycenter(foldables[0]);\n",
2548       "    settings.insertBefore(foldDiv,settings.childNodes[0]);\n",
2549       "}\n",
2550       "\n",
2551       "    \n",
2552       "// ---------------------- EXPLOSION ------------------------------------------------\n",
2553       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
2554       "\n",
2555       "if (explodableModel) {\n",
2556       "    for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++) {\n",
2557       "        obj = scene.children[i];\n",
2558       "        if ( obj.userData.explodable ) {\n",
2559       "            computeCentroid(obj);\n",
2560       "        }\n",
2561       "    }\n",
2562       "    document.getElementById('explodeRange_1').oninput = triggerExplode;\n",
2563       "    document.getElementById('explodeCheckbox_1').onchange = triggerAutomaticExplode;\n",
2564       "    document.getElementById('explodingSpeedRange_1').oninput = setExplodingSpeed;\n",
2565       "}\n",
2566       "\n",
2567       "function computeCentroid(obj) {\n",
2568       "    centroid = new THREE.Vector3();\n",
2569       "    obj.userData.points.forEach(function(pmpoint) {\n",
2570       "        centroid.add(pmpoint.vector);\t\t\t\n",
2571       "    });\n",
2572       "    centroid.divideScalar(obj.userData.points.length);\n",
2573       "    obj.userData.centroid = centroid;\n",
2574       "}\n",
2575       "\n",
2576       "function explode(factor) {\n",
2577       "    for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++) {\n",
2578       "        var obj = scene.children[i];\n",
2579       "        if (obj.userData.hasOwnProperty(\"centroid\")) { \n",
2580       "            var c = obj.userData.centroid;\n",
2581       "            obj.position.set(c.x*factor, c.y*factor, c.z*factor);\n",
2582       "        }\n",
2583       "    }\t\n",
2584       "}\n",
2585       "\n",
2586       "function triggerExplode(event){\n",
2587       "    explodeScale = Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
2588       "    explode(explodeScale);\n",
2589       "}\n",
2590       "\n",
2591       "function setExplodingSpeed(event){\n",
2592       "    explodingSpeed = Number(event.currentTarget.value);\n",
2593       "}\n",
2594       "\n",
2595       "function triggerAutomaticExplode(event){\n",
2596       "    if (event.currentTarget.checked){\n",
2597       "        startExploding();\n",
2598       "    } else {\n",
2599       "        clearIntervals();\n",
2600       "    }\t\n",
2601       "}\n",
2602       "\n",
2603       "function startExploding(){\n",
2604       "    intervals.push(setInterval(explodingInterval, 25));\n",
2605       "}\n",
2606       "\n",
2607       "\n",
2608       "function explodingInterval(){\n",
2609       "    explodeScale += explodingSpeed;\n",
2610       "    if (explodeScale <= 6){ \n",
2611       "        explode(explodeScale);\n",
2612       "    }\n",
2613       "    else{\n",
2614       "        explode(6);\n",
2615       "        explodeScale = 6;\n",
2616       "        clearIntervals();\n",
2617       "        timeouts.push(setTimeout(startUnexploding, 3000));\n",
2618       "    }\n",
2619       "    document.getElementById('explodeRange_1').value = explodeScale;\n",
2620       "}\n",
2621       "\n",
2622       "\n",
2623       "function startUnexploding(){\n",
2624       "    intervals.push(setInterval(unexplodingInterval, 25));\n",
2625       "}\n",
2626       "\n",
2627       "function unexplodingInterval(){\n",
2628       "    explodeScale -= explodingSpeed;\n",
2629       "    if (explodeScale >= 0){\t\n",
2630       "        explode(explodeScale);\n",
2631       "    }\n",
2632       "    else {\n",
2633       "        explode(0);\n",
2634       "        explodeScale = 0;\n",
2635       "        clearIntervals();\n",
2636       "        timeouts.push(setTimeout(startExploding, 3000));\n",
2637       "    }\n",
2638       "    document.getElementById('explodeRange_1').value = explodeScale;\n",
2639       "}\n",
2640       "\n",
2641       "function clearIntervals(){\n",
2642       "    intervals.forEach(function(interval){\n",
2643       "        clearInterval(interval);\n",
2644       "    });\n",
2645       "    intervals = [];\n",
2646       "    timeouts.forEach(function(timeout){\n",
2647       "        clearTimeout(timeout);\n",
2648       "    });\n",
2649       "    timeouts = [];\n",
2650       "}\n",
2651       "\n",
2652       "// ---------------------- DISPLAY --------------------------------------------------\n",
2653       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
2654       "\n",
2655       "const objectTypeInnerHTMLs = { points: \"Points\", pointlabels: \"Point labels\", lines: \"Edges\", edgelabels: \"Edge labels\", faces: \"Faces\", arrowheads: \"Arrow heads\" };\n",
2656       "const objectTypeVisible = {};\n",
2657       "Object.assign(objectTypeVisible,modelContains);\n",
2658       "const sortedObjectTypeKeys = Object.keys(objectTypeInnerHTMLs).sort();\n",
2659       "const shownObjectTypesList = document.getElementById('shownObjectTypesList_1');\n",
2660       "\n",
2661       "function setVisibility(bool,objname) {\n",
2662       "    for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++){\n",
2663       "        var obj = scene.children[i].getObjectByName(objname);\n",
2664       "        if (obj) {\n",
2665       "            obj.visible = bool;\n",
2666       "        }\n",
2667       "    }\n",
2668       "}\n",
2669       "\n",
2670       "function toggleObjectTypeVisibility(event){\n",
2671       "    var name = event.currentTarget.name;\n",
2672       "    var checked = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
2673       "    objectTypeVisible[name] = checked;\n",
2674       "    setVisibility(checked,name);\n",
2675       "}\n",
2676       "\n",
2677       "for (var i=0; i<sortedObjectTypeKeys.length; i++){\n",
2678       "    var key = sortedObjectTypeKeys[i];\n",
2679       "    if (modelContains[key]) {\n",
2680       "        var objTypeNode = document.createElement('span');\n",
2681       "        objTypeNode.innerHTML = objectTypeInnerHTMLs[key] + '<br>';\n",
2682       "        var checkbox = document.createElement('input');\n",
2683       "        checkbox.type = 'checkbox';\n",
2684       "        checkbox.checked = true;\n",
2685       "        checkbox.name = key;\n",
2686       "        checkbox.onchange = toggleObjectTypeVisibility;\n",
2687       "        shownObjectTypesList.appendChild(checkbox);\n",
2688       "        shownObjectTypesList.appendChild(objTypeNode);\n",
2689       "    }\n",
2690       "}\n",
2691       "\n",
2692       "// ------------------------------------------------------\n",
2693       "\n",
2694       "function toggleObjectVisibility(event){\n",
2695       "    var nr = Number(event.currentTarget.name);\n",
2696       "    scene.children[nr].visible = event.currentTarget.checked;\n",
2697       "}\n",
2698       "\n",
2699       "// append checkboxes for displaying or hiding objects\n",
2700       "var shownObjectsList = document.getElementById('shownObjectsList_1');\n",
2701       "for (var i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++){\n",
2702       "    obj = scene.children[i];\n",
2703       "    var objNode = document.createElement('span');\n",
2704       "    objNode.innerHTML = obj.name + '<br>';\n",
2705       "    var checkbox = document.createElement('input');\n",
2706       "    checkbox.type = 'checkbox';\n",
2707       "    checkbox.checked = true;\n",
2708       "    checkbox.name = String(i);\n",
2709       "    checkbox.onchange = toggleObjectVisibility;\n",
2710       "    shownObjectsList.appendChild(checkbox);\n",
2711       "    shownObjectsList.appendChild(objNode);\n",
2712       "}\n",
2713       "\n",
2714       "// ---------------------- SVG ------------------------------------------------------\n",
2715       "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
2716       "\n",
2717       "function takeSvgScreenshot() {\n",
2718       "    if (objectTypeVisible[\"pointlabels\"]) {\n",
2719       "        setVisibility(false,\"pointlabels\");\n",
2720       "    }\n",
2721       "    if (objectTypeVisible[\"edgelabels\"]) {\n",
2722       "        setVisibility(false,\"edgelabels\");\n",
2723       "    }\n",
2724       "    svgRenderer.render(scene,camera);\n",
2725       "    svgElement = XMLS.serializeToString(svgRenderer.domElement);\n",
2726       "    \n",
2727       "    if (objectTypeVisible[\"pointlabels\"]) {\n",
2728       "        setVisibility(true,\"pointlabels\");\n",
2729       "    }\n",
2730       "    if (objectTypeVisible[\"edgelabels\"]) {\n",
2731       "        setVisibility(true,\"edgelabels\");\n",
2732       "    }\n",
2733       "\n",
2734       "    if (document.getElementById('tab_1').checked){\n",
2735       "        //show in new tab\n",
2736       "        var myWindow = window.open(\"\",\"\");\n",
2737       "        myWindow.document.body.innerHTML = svgElement;\n",
2738       "    } else{\n",
2739       "        // download svg file \n",
2740       "        download(\"screenshot.svg\", svgElement);\n",
2741       "    }\n",
2742       "}\n",
2743       "\n",
2744       "function download(filename, text) {\n",
2745       "    var element = document.createElement('a');\n",
2746       "    element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));\n",
2747       "    element.setAttribute('download', filename);\n",
2748       "\n",
2749       "    element.style.display = 'none';\n",
2750       "    document.body.appendChild(element);\n",
2751       "\n",
2752       "    element.click();\n",
2753       "\n",
2754       "    document.body.removeChild(element);\n",
2755       "}\n",
2756       "\n",
2757       "\n",
2758       "document.getElementById('transparencyRange_1').oninput = changeTransparency;\n",
2759       "document.getElementById('changeRotationX_1').onchange = changeRotationX;\n",
2760       "document.getElementById('changeRotationY_1').onchange = changeRotationY;\n",
2761       "document.getElementById('changeRotationZ_1').onchange = changeRotationZ;\n",
2762       "document.getElementById('resetButton_1').onclick = resetScene;\n",
2763       "document.getElementById('rotationSpeedRange_1').oninput = changeRotationSpeedFactor;\n",
2764       "document.getElementById('takeScreenshot_1').onclick = takeSvgScreenshot;\n",
2765       "document.getElementById('showSettingsButton_1').onclick = showSettings;\n",
2766       "document.getElementById('hideSettingsButton_1').onclick = hideSettings;\n",
2767       "\n",
2768       "\n",
2769       "// ------------------ SHORTCUTS --------------------------------------------\n",
2770       "// -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
2771       "\n",
2772       "/**\n",
2773       " * http://www.openjs.com/scripts/events/keyboard_shortcuts/\n",
2774       " * Version : 2.01.B\n",
2775       " * By Binny V A\n",
2776       " * License : BSD\n",
2777       " */\n",
2778       "shortcut = {\n",
2779       "\t'all_shortcuts':{},//All the shortcuts are stored in this array\n",
2780       "\t'add': function(shortcut_combination,callback,opt) {\n",
2781       "\t\t//Provide a set of default options\n",
2782       "\t\tvar default_options = {\n",
2783       "\t\t\t'type':'keydown',\n",
2784       "\t\t\t'propagate':false,\n",
2785       "\t\t\t'disable_in_input':false,\n",
2786       "\t\t\t'target':document,\n",
2787       "\t\t\t'keycode':false\n",
2788       "\t\t}\n",
2789       "\t\tif(!opt) opt = default_options;\n",
2790       "\t\telse {\n",
2791       "\t\t\tfor(var dfo in default_options) {\n",
2792       "\t\t\t\tif(typeof opt[dfo] == 'undefined') opt[dfo] = default_options[dfo];\n",
2793       "\t\t\t}\n",
2794       "\t\t}\n",
2795       "\n",
2796       "\t\tvar ele = opt.target;\n",
2797       "\t\tif(typeof opt.target == 'string') ele = document.getElementById(opt.target);\n",
2798       "\t\tvar ths = this;\n",
2799       "\t\tshortcut_combination = shortcut_combination.toLowerCase();\n",
2800       "\n",
2801       "\t\t//The function to be called at keypress\n",
2802       "\t\tvar func = function(e) {\n",
2803       "\t\t\te = e || window.event;\n",
2804       "\t\t\t\n",
2805       "\t\t\tif(opt['disable_in_input']) { //Don't enable shortcut keys in Input, Textarea fields\n",
2806       "\t\t\t\tvar element;\n",
2807       "\t\t\t\tif(e.target) element=e.target;\n",
2808       "\t\t\t\telse if(e.srcElement) element=e.srcElement;\n",
2809       "\t\t\t\tif(element.nodeType==3) element=element.parentNode;\n",
2810       "\n",
2811       "\t\t\t\tif(element.tagName == 'INPUT' || element.tagName == 'TEXTAREA') return;\n",
2812       "\t\t\t}\n",
2813       "\t\n",
2814       "\t\t\t//Find Which key is pressed\n",
2815       "\t\t\tif (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode;\n",
2816       "\t\t\telse if (e.which) code = e.which;\n",
2817       "\t\t\tvar character = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase();\n",
2818       "\t\t\t\n",
2819       "\t\t\tif(code == 188) character=\",\"; //If the user presses , when the type is onkeydown\n",
2820       "\t\t\tif(code == 190) character=\".\"; //If the user presses , when the type is onkeydown\n",
2821       "\n",
2822       "\t\t\tvar keys = shortcut_combination.split(\"+\");\n",
2823       "\t\t\t//Key Pressed - counts the number of valid keypresses - if it is same as the number of keys, the shortcut function is invoked\n",
2824       "\t\t\tvar kp = 0;\n",
2825       "\t\t\t\n",
2826       "\t\t\t//Work around for stupid Shift key bug created by using lowercase - as a result the shift+num combination was broken\n",
2827       "\t\t\tvar shift_nums = {\n",
2828       "\t\t\t\t\"`\":\"~\",\n",
2829       "\t\t\t\t\"1\":\"!\",\n",
2830       "\t\t\t\t\"2\":\"@\",\n",
2831       "\t\t\t\t\"3\":\"#\",\n",
2832       "\t\t\t\t\"4\":\"$\",\n",
2833       "\t\t\t\t\"5\":\"%\",\n",
2834       "\t\t\t\t\"6\":\"^\",\n",
2835       "\t\t\t\t\"7\":\"&\",\n",
2836       "\t\t\t\t\"8\":\"*\",\n",
2837       "\t\t\t\t\"9\":\"(\",\n",
2838       "\t\t\t\t\"0\":\")\",\n",
2839       "\t\t\t\t\"-\":\"_\",\n",
2840       "\t\t\t\t\"=\":\"+\",\n",
2841       "\t\t\t\t\";\":\":\",\n",
2842       "\t\t\t\t\"'\":\"\\\"\",\n",
2843       "\t\t\t\t\",\":\"<\",\n",
2844       "\t\t\t\t\".\":\">\",\n",
2845       "\t\t\t\t\"/\":\"?\",\n",
2846       "\t\t\t\t\"\\\\\":\"|\"\n",
2847       "\t\t\t}\n",
2848       "\t\t\t//Special Keys - and their codes\n",
2849       "\t\t\tvar special_keys = {\n",
2850       "\t\t\t\t'esc':27,\n",
2851       "\t\t\t\t'escape':27,\n",
2852       "\t\t\t\t'tab':9,\n",
2853       "\t\t\t\t'space':32,\n",
2854       "\t\t\t\t'return':13,\n",
2855       "\t\t\t\t'enter':13,\n",
2856       "\t\t\t\t'backspace':8,\n",
2857       "\t\n",
2858       "\t\t\t\t'scrolllock':145,\n",
2859       "\t\t\t\t'scroll_lock':145,\n",
2860       "\t\t\t\t'scroll':145,\n",
2861       "\t\t\t\t'capslock':20,\n",
2862       "\t\t\t\t'caps_lock':20,\n",
2863       "\t\t\t\t'caps':20,\n",
2864       "\t\t\t\t'numlock':144,\n",
2865       "\t\t\t\t'num_lock':144,\n",
2866       "\t\t\t\t'num':144,\n",
2867       "\t\t\t\t\n",
2868       "\t\t\t\t'pause':19,\n",
2869       "\t\t\t\t'break':19,\n",
2870       "\t\t\t\t\n",
2871       "\t\t\t\t'insert':45,\n",
2872       "\t\t\t\t'home':36,\n",
2873       "\t\t\t\t'delete':46,\n",
2874       "\t\t\t\t'end':35,\n",
2875       "\t\t\t\t\n",
2876       "\t\t\t\t'pageup':33,\n",
2877       "\t\t\t\t'page_up':33,\n",
2878       "\t\t\t\t'pu':33,\n",
2879       "\t\n",
2880       "\t\t\t\t'pagedown':34,\n",
2881       "\t\t\t\t'page_down':34,\n",
2882       "\t\t\t\t'pd':34,\n",
2883       "\t\n",
2884       "\t\t\t\t'left':37,\n",
2885       "\t\t\t\t'up':38,\n",
2886       "\t\t\t\t'right':39,\n",
2887       "\t\t\t\t'down':40,\n",
2888       "\t\n",
2889       "\t\t\t\t'f1':112,\n",
2890       "\t\t\t\t'f2':113,\n",
2891       "\t\t\t\t'f3':114,\n",
2892       "\t\t\t\t'f4':115,\n",
2893       "\t\t\t\t'f5':116,\n",
2894       "\t\t\t\t'f6':117,\n",
2895       "\t\t\t\t'f7':118,\n",
2896       "\t\t\t\t'f8':119,\n",
2897       "\t\t\t\t'f9':120,\n",
2898       "\t\t\t\t'f10':121,\n",
2899       "\t\t\t\t'f11':122,\n",
2900       "\t\t\t\t'f12':123\n",
2901       "\t\t\t}\n",
2902       "\t\n",
2903       "\t\t\tvar modifiers = { \n",
2904       "\t\t\t\tshift: { wanted:false, pressed:false},\n",
2905       "\t\t\t\tctrl : { wanted:false, pressed:false},\n",
2906       "\t\t\t\talt  : { wanted:false, pressed:false},\n",
2907       "\t\t\t\tmeta : { wanted:false, pressed:false}\t//Meta is Mac specific\n",
2908       "\t\t\t};\n",
2909       "                        \n",
2910       "\t\t\tif(e.ctrlKey)\tmodifiers.ctrl.pressed = true;\n",
2911       "\t\t\tif(e.shiftKey)\tmodifiers.shift.pressed = true;\n",
2912       "\t\t\tif(e.altKey)\tmodifiers.alt.pressed = true;\n",
2913       "\t\t\tif(e.metaKey)   modifiers.meta.pressed = true;\n",
2914       "                        \n",
2915       "\t\t\tfor(var i=0; k=keys[i],i<keys.length; i++) {\n",
2916       "\t\t\t\t//Modifiers\n",
2917       "\t\t\t\tif(k == 'ctrl' || k == 'control') {\n",
2918       "\t\t\t\t\tkp++;\n",
2919       "\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.ctrl.wanted = true;\n",
2920       "\n",
2921       "\t\t\t\t} else if(k == 'shift') {\n",
2922       "\t\t\t\t\tkp++;\n",
2923       "\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.shift.wanted = true;\n",
2924       "\n",
2925       "\t\t\t\t} else if(k == 'alt') {\n",
2926       "\t\t\t\t\tkp++;\n",
2927       "\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.alt.wanted = true;\n",
2928       "\t\t\t\t} else if(k == 'meta') {\n",
2929       "\t\t\t\t\tkp++;\n",
2930       "\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.meta.wanted = true;\n",
2931       "\t\t\t\t} else if(k.length > 1) { //If it is a special key\n",
2932       "\t\t\t\t\tif(special_keys[k] == code) kp++;\n",
2933       "\t\t\t\t\t\n",
2934       "\t\t\t\t} else if(opt['keycode']) {\n",
2935       "\t\t\t\t\tif(opt['keycode'] == code) kp++;\n",
2936       "\n",
2937       "\t\t\t\t} else { //The special keys did not match\n",
2938       "\t\t\t\t\tif(character == k) kp++;\n",
2939       "\t\t\t\t\telse {\n",
2940       "\t\t\t\t\t\tif(shift_nums[character] && e.shiftKey) { //Stupid Shift key bug created by using lowercase\n",
2941       "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcharacter = shift_nums[character]; \n",
2942       "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(character == k) kp++;\n",
2943       "\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n",
2944       "\t\t\t\t\t}\n",
2945       "\t\t\t\t}\n",
2946       "\t\t\t}\n",
2947       "\t\t\t\n",
2948       "\t\t\tif(kp == keys.length && \n",
2949       "\t\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.ctrl.pressed == modifiers.ctrl.wanted &&\n",
2950       "\t\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.shift.pressed == modifiers.shift.wanted &&\n",
2951       "\t\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.alt.pressed == modifiers.alt.wanted &&\n",
2952       "\t\t\t\t\t\tmodifiers.meta.pressed == modifiers.meta.wanted) {\n",
2953       "\t\t\t\tcallback(e);\n",
2954       "\t\n",
2955       "\t\t\t\tif(!opt['propagate']) { //Stop the event\n",
2956       "\t\t\t\t\t//e.cancelBubble is supported by IE - this will kill the bubbling process.\n",
2957       "\t\t\t\t\te.cancelBubble = true;\n",
2958       "\t\t\t\t\te.returnValue = false;\n",
2959       "\t\n",
2960       "\t\t\t\t\t//e.stopPropagation works in Firefox.\n",
2961       "\t\t\t\t\tif (e.stopPropagation) {\n",
2962       "\t\t\t\t\t\te.stopPropagation();\n",
2963       "\t\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n",
2964       "\t\t\t\t\t}\n",
2965       "\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n",
2966       "\t\t\t\t}\n",
2967       "\t\t\t}\n",
2968       "\t\t}\n",
2969       "\t\tthis.all_shortcuts[shortcut_combination] = {\n",
2970       "\t\t\t'callback':func, \n",
2971       "\t\t\t'target':ele, \n",
2972       "\t\t\t'event': opt['type']\n",
2973       "\t\t};\n",
2974       "\t\t//Attach the function with the event\n",
2975       "\t\tif(ele.addEventListener) ele.addEventListener(opt['type'], func, false);\n",
2976       "\t\telse if(ele.attachEvent) ele.attachEvent('on'+opt['type'], func);\n",
2977       "\t\telse ele['on'+opt['type']] = func;\n",
2978       "\t},\n",
2979       "\n",
2980       "\t//Remove the shortcut - just specify the shortcut and I will remove the binding\n",
2981       "\t'remove':function(shortcut_combination) {\n",
2982       "\t\tshortcut_combination = shortcut_combination.toLowerCase();\n",
2983       "\t\tvar binding = this.all_shortcuts[shortcut_combination];\n",
2984       "\t\tdelete(this.all_shortcuts[shortcut_combination])\n",
2985       "\t\tif(!binding) return;\n",
2986       "\t\tvar type = binding['event'];\n",
2987       "\t\tvar ele = binding['target'];\n",
2988       "\t\tvar callback = binding['callback'];\n",
2989       "\n",
2990       "\t\tif(ele.detachEvent) ele.detachEvent('on'+type, callback);\n",
2991       "\t\telse if(ele.removeEventListener) ele.removeEventListener(type, callback, false);\n",
2992       "\t\telse ele['on'+type] = false;\n",
2993       "\t}\n",
2994       "}\n",
2995       "\n",
2996       "shortcut.add(\"Alt+Left\",function() {\n",
2997       "\tvar event = new Event('click');\n",
2998       "\tif (settingsShown){\n",
2999       "\t\tdocument.getElementById('hideSettingsButton_1').dispatchEvent(event);\n",
3000       "\t} else {\n",
3001       "\t\tdocument.getElementById('showSettingsButton_1').dispatchEvent(event);\n",
3002       "\t}\n",
3003       "});\n",
3004       "\n",
3005       "\n",
3006       "// COMMON_CODE_BLOCK_END\n",
3007       "\n",
3008       "});});\n",
3009       "      </script>\n",
3010       "   </body>\n",
3011       "</html>"
3012      ]
3013     },
3014     "metadata": {},
3015     "output_type": "display_data"
3016    },
3017    {
3018     "data": {
3019      "text/html": [
3020       "<details><summary><pre style=\"display:inline\"><small>Click here for additional output</small></pre></summary>\n",
3021       "<pre>\n",
3022       "polymake: used package threejs\n",
3023       "   Three.js is a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library/API used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics on a Web browser.\n",
3024       "   See http://github.com/mrdoob for the source code.\n",
3025       "\n",
3026       "polymake: used package cdd\n",
3027       "  cddlib\n",
3028       "  Implementation of the double description method of Motzkin et al.\n",
3029       "  Copyright by Komei Fukuda.\n",
3030       "  http://www-oldurls.inf.ethz.ch/personal/fukudak/cdd_home/\n",
3031       "\n",
3032       "</pre>\n",
3033       "</details>\n"
3034      ]
3035     },
3036     "metadata": {},
3037     "output_type": "display_data"
3038    }
3039   ],
3040   "source": [
3041    "# two threejs outputs\n",
3042    "cube(3)->VISUAL;\n",
3043    "simplex(3)->VISUAL;"
3044   ]
3045  },
3046  {
3047   "cell_type": "markdown",
3048   "metadata": {},
3049   "source": [
3050    "### Markdown\n",
3051    "\n",
3052    "For testing and comparing.\n",
3053    "\n",
3054    "#### sub sup del and s\n",
3055    "\n",
3056    "<sub>subscript</sub>\n",
3057    "<sup>supscript</sup>\n",
3058    "<del>deleted</del>\n",
3059    "<s>deleted</s>\n",
3060    "\n",
3061    "These tags are explicitly processed while conversion.\n",
3062    "\n",
3063    "\n",
3064    "\n",
3065    "\n",
3066    "\n",
3067    "\n",
3068    "\n",
3069    "\n",
3070    "\n",
3071    "\n",
3072    "#### Emphasis\n",
3073    "\n",
3074    "*This text will be italic*\n",
3075    "_This will also be italic_\n",
3076    "\n",
3077    "**This text will be bold**\n",
3078    "__This will also be bold__\n",
3079    "\n",
3080    "_You **can** combine them_\n",
3081    "\n",
3082    "#### Lists\n",
3083    "\n",
3084    "##### Unordered\n",
3085    "\n",
3086    "* Item 1\n",
3087    "* Item 2\n",
3088    "  * Item 2a\n",
3089    "  * Item 2b\n",
3090    "\n",
3091    "##### Ordered\n",
3092    "\n",
3093    "1. Item 1\n",
3094    "1. Item 2\n",
3095    "1. Item 3\n",
3096    "   1. Item 3a\n",
3097    "   1. Item 3b\n",
3098    "\n",
3099    "##### Task Lists\n",
3100    "\n",
3101    "- [x] @mentions, #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> supported\n",
3102    "- [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported)\n",
3103    "- [x] this is a complete item\n",
3104    "- [ ] this is an incomplete item\n",
3105    "\n",
3106    "##### Tables\n",
3107    "\n",
3108    "You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe |:\n",
3109    "\n",
3110    "First Header | Second Header\n",
3111    "------------ | -------------\n",
3112    "Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2\n",
3113    "Content in the first column | Content in the second column\n",
3114    "\n",
3115    "\n",
3116    "##### Strikethrough\n",
3117    "\n",
3118    "Any word wrapped with two tildes (like ~~this~~) will appear crossed out."
3119   ]
3120  },
3121  {
3122   "cell_type": "code",
3123   "execution_count": null,
3124   "metadata": {},
3125   "outputs": [],
3126   "source": []
3127  }
3128 ],
3129 "metadata": {
3130  "kernelspec": {
3131   "display_name": "polymake",
3132   "language": "polymake",
3133   "name": "polymake"
3134  },
3135  "language_info": {
3136   "codemirror_mode": "perl",
3137   "file_extension": ".pl",
3138   "mimetype": "text/x-polymake",
3139   "name": "polymake"
3140  }
3141 },
3142 "nbformat": 4,
3143 "nbformat_minor": 2