1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11This module defines the classes that provide an NLP interface based on
12the Ampl Solver Library (ASL) implementation
15import os
16import numpy as np
18from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
19from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
20from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager
21from pyomo.opt import WriterFactory
22import pyomo.core.base as pyo
23from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
24from pyomo.common.env import CtypesEnviron
25from ..sparse.block_matrix import BlockMatrix
26from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.ampl_nlp import AslNLP
27from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.nlp import NLP
28from .external_grey_box import ExternalGreyBoxBlock
31__all__ = ['PyomoNLP']
33# TODO: There are todos in the code below
34class PyomoNLP(AslNLP):
35    def __init__(self, pyomo_model, nl_file_options=None):
36        """
37        Pyomo nonlinear program interface
39        Parameters
40        ----------
41        pyomo_model: pyomo.environ.ConcreteModel
42            Pyomo concrete model
43        """
44        TempfileManager.push()
45        try:
46            # get the temp file names for the nl file
47            nl_file = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(
48                suffix='pynumero.nl')
50            # The current AmplInterface code only supports a single
51            # objective function Therefore, we throw an error if there
52            # is not one (and only one) active objective function. This
53            # is better than adding a dummy objective that the user does
54            # not know about (since we do not have a good place to
55            # remove this objective later)
56            #
57            # TODO: extend the AmplInterface and the AslNLP to correctly
58            # handle this
59            #
60            # This currently addresses issue #1217
61            objectives = list(pyomo_model.component_data_objects(
62                ctype=pyo.Objective, active=True, descend_into=True))
63            if len(objectives) != 1:
64                raise NotImplementedError(
65                    'The ASL interface and PyomoNLP in PyNumero currently '
66                    'only support single objective problems. Deactivate '
67                    'any extra objectives you may have, or add a dummy '
68                    'objective (f(x)=0) if you have a square problem '
69                    '(found %s objectives).' % (len(objectives),))
70            self._objective = objectives[0]
72            # write the nl file for the Pyomo model and get the symbolMap
73            if nl_file_options is None:
74                nl_file_options = dict()
75            fname, symbolMap = WriterFactory('nl')(
76                pyomo_model, nl_file, lambda x:True, nl_file_options)
78            # create component maps from vardata to idx and condata to idx
79            self._vardata_to_idx = vdidx = ComponentMap()
80            self._condata_to_idx = cdidx = ComponentMap()
82            # TODO: Are these names totally consistent?
83            for name, obj in symbolMap.bySymbol.items():
84                if name[0] == 'v':
85                    vdidx[obj()] = int(name[1:])
86                elif name[0] == 'c':
87                    cdidx[obj()] = int(name[1:])
89            # The NL writer advertises the external function libraries
90            # through the PYOMO_AMPLFUNC environment variable; merge it
91            # with any preexisting AMPLFUNC definitions
92            amplfunc = "\n".join(
93                val for val in (
94                    os.environ.get('AMPLFUNC', ''),
95                    os.environ.get('PYOMO_AMPLFUNC', ''),
96                ) if val)
97            with CtypesEnviron(AMPLFUNC=amplfunc):
98                super(PyomoNLP, self).__init__(nl_file)
100            # keep pyomo model in cache
101            self._pyomo_model = pyomo_model
103            # Create ComponentMap corresponding to equality constraint indices
104            # This must be done after the call to super-init.
105            full_to_equality = self._con_full_eq_map
106            equality_mask = self._con_full_eq_mask
107            self._condata_to_eq_idx = ComponentMap(
108                    (con, full_to_equality[i])
109                    for con, i in self._condata_to_idx.items()
110                    if equality_mask[i]
111                    )
112            full_to_inequality = self._con_full_ineq_map
113            inequality_mask = self._con_full_ineq_mask
114            self._condata_to_ineq_idx = ComponentMap(
115                    (con, full_to_inequality[i])
116                    for con, i in self._condata_to_idx.items()
117                    if inequality_mask[i]
118                    )
120        finally:
121            # delete the nl file
122            TempfileManager.pop()
125    def pyomo_model(self):
126        """
127        Return optimization model
128        """
129        return self._pyomo_model
131    def get_pyomo_objective(self):
132        """
133        Return an instance of the active objective function on the Pyomo model.
134        (there can be only one)
135        """
136        return self._objective
138    def get_pyomo_variables(self):
139        """
140        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo VarData objects in
141        the order corresponding to the primals
142        """
143        # ToDo: is there a more efficient way to do this
144        idx_to_vardata = {i:v for v,i in self._vardata_to_idx.items()}
145        return [idx_to_vardata[i] for i in range(len(idx_to_vardata))]
147    def get_pyomo_constraints(self):
148        """
149        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo ConData objects in
150        the order corresponding to the primals
151        """
152        # ToDo: is there a more efficient way to do this
153        idx_to_condata = {i:v for v,i in self._condata_to_idx.items()}
154        return [idx_to_condata[i] for i in range(len(idx_to_condata))]
156    def get_pyomo_equality_constraints(self):
157        """
158        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo ConData objects in
159        the order corresponding to the equality constraints.
160        """
161        idx_to_condata = {i: c for c, i in
162                self._condata_to_eq_idx.items()}
163        return [idx_to_condata[i] for i in range(len(idx_to_condata))]
165    def get_pyomo_inequality_constraints(self):
166        """
167        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo ConData objects in
168        the order corresponding to the inequality constraints.
169        """
170        idx_to_condata = {i: c for c, i in
171                self._condata_to_ineq_idx.items()}
172        return [idx_to_condata[i] for i in range(len(idx_to_condata))]
174    @deprecated(msg='This method has been replaced with primals_names', version='6.0.0.dev0', remove_in='6.0')
175    def variable_names(self):
176        return self.primals_names()
178    def primals_names(self):
179        """
180        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo variable
181        names in the order corresponding to the primals
182        """
183        pyomo_variables = self.get_pyomo_variables()
184        return [v.getname(fully_qualified=True) for v in pyomo_variables]
186    def constraint_names(self):
187        """
188        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo constraint
189        names in the order corresponding to internal constraint order
190        """
191        pyomo_constraints = self.get_pyomo_constraints()
192        return [v.getname(fully_qualified=True) for v in pyomo_constraints]
194    def equality_constraint_names(self):
195        """
196        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo ConData names in
197        the order corresponding to the equality constraints.
198        """
199        equality_constraints = self.get_pyomo_equality_constraints()
200        return [v.getname(fully_qualified=True) for v in equality_constraints]
202    def inequality_constraint_names(self):
203        """
204        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo ConData names in
205        the order corresponding to the inequality constraints.
206        """
207        inequality_constraints = self.get_pyomo_inequality_constraints()
208        return [v.getname(fully_qualified=True) for v in inequality_constraints]
210    def get_primal_indices(self, pyomo_variables):
211        """
212        Return the list of indices for the primals
213        corresponding to the list of Pyomo variables provided
215        Parameters
216        ----------
217        pyomo_variables : list of Pyomo Var or VarData objects
218        """
219        assert isinstance(pyomo_variables, list)
220        var_indices = []
221        for v in pyomo_variables:
222            if v.is_indexed():
223                for vd in v.values():
224                    var_id = self._vardata_to_idx[vd]
225                    var_indices.append(var_id)
226            else:
227                var_id = self._vardata_to_idx[v]
228                var_indices.append(var_id)
229        return var_indices
231    def get_constraint_indices(self, pyomo_constraints):
232        """
233        Return the list of indices for the constraints
234        corresponding to the list of Pyomo constraints provided
236        Parameters
237        ----------
238        pyomo_constraints : list of Pyomo Constraint or ConstraintData objects
239        """
240        assert isinstance(pyomo_constraints, list)
241        con_indices = []
242        for c in pyomo_constraints:
243            if c.is_indexed():
244                for cd in c.values():
245                    con_id = self._condata_to_idx[cd]
246                    con_indices.append(con_id)
247            else:
248                con_id = self._condata_to_idx[c]
249                con_indices.append(con_id)
250        return con_indices
252    def get_equality_constraint_indices(self, constraints):
253        """
254        Return the list of equality indices for the constraints
255        corresponding to the list of Pyomo constraints provided.
257        Parameters
258        ----------
259        constraints : list of Pyomo Constraints or ConstraintData objects
260        """
261        indices = []
262        for c in constraints:
263            if c.is_indexed():
264                for cd in c.values():
265                    con_eq_idx = self._condata_to_eq_idx[cd]
266                    indices.append(con_eq_idx)
267            else:
268                con_eq_idx = self._condata_to_eq_idx[c]
269                indices.append(con_eq_idx)
270        return indices
272    def get_inequality_constraint_indices(self, constraints):
273        """
274        Return the list of inequality indices for the constraints
275        corresponding to the list of Pyomo constraints provided.
277        Parameters
278        ----------
279        constraints : list of Pyomo Constraints or ConstraintData objects
280        """
281        indices = []
282        for c in constraints:
283            if c.is_indexed():
284                for cd in c.values():
285                    con_ineq_idx = self._condata_to_ineq_idx[cd]
286                    indices.append(con_ineq_idx)
287            else:
288                con_ineq_idx = self._condata_to_ineq_idx[c]
289                indices.append(con_ineq_idx)
290        return indices
292    # overloaded from NLP
293    def get_obj_scaling(self):
294        obj = self.get_pyomo_objective()
295        scaling_suffix = self._pyomo_model.component('scaling_factor')
296        if scaling_suffix and scaling_suffix.ctype is pyo.Suffix:
297            if obj in scaling_suffix:
298                return scaling_suffix[obj]
299            return 1.0
300        return None
302    # overloaded from NLP
303    def get_primals_scaling(self):
304        scaling_suffix = self._pyomo_model.component('scaling_factor')
305        if scaling_suffix and scaling_suffix.ctype is pyo.Suffix:
306            primals_scaling = np.ones(self.n_primals())
307            for i,v in enumerate(self.get_pyomo_variables()):
308                if v in scaling_suffix:
309                    primals_scaling[i] = scaling_suffix[v]
310            return primals_scaling
311        return None
313    # overloaded from NLP
314    def get_constraints_scaling(self):
315        scaling_suffix = self._pyomo_model.component('scaling_factor')
316        if scaling_suffix and scaling_suffix.ctype is pyo.Suffix:
317            constraints_scaling = np.ones(self.n_constraints())
318            for i,c in enumerate(self.get_pyomo_constraints()):
319                if c in scaling_suffix:
320                    constraints_scaling[i] = scaling_suffix[c]
321            return constraints_scaling
322        return None
324    def extract_subvector_grad_objective(self, pyomo_variables):
325        """Compute the gradient of the objective and return the entries
326        corresponding to the given Pyomo variables
328        Parameters
329        ----------
330        pyomo_variables : list of Pyomo Var or VarData objects
331        """
332        grad_obj = self.evaluate_grad_objective()
333        return grad_obj[self.get_primal_indices(pyomo_variables)]
335    def extract_subvector_constraints(self, pyomo_constraints):
336        """
337        Return the values of the constraints
338        corresponding to the list of Pyomo constraints provided
340        Parameters
341        ----------
342        pyomo_constraints : list of Pyomo Constraint or ConstraintData objects
343        """
344        residuals = self.evaluate_constraints()
345        return residuals[self.get_constraint_indices(pyomo_constraints)]
347    def extract_submatrix_jacobian(self, pyomo_variables, pyomo_constraints):
348        """
349        Return the submatrix of the jacobian that corresponds to the list
350        of Pyomo variables and list of Pyomo constraints provided
352        Parameters
353        ----------
354        pyomo_variables : list of Pyomo Var or VarData objects
355        pyomo_constraints : list of Pyomo Constraint or ConstraintData objects
356        """
357        jac = self.evaluate_jacobian()
358        primal_indices = self.get_primal_indices(pyomo_variables)
359        constraint_indices = self.get_constraint_indices(pyomo_constraints)
360        row_mask = np.isin(jac.row, constraint_indices)
361        col_mask = np.isin(jac.col, primal_indices)
362        submatrix_mask = row_mask & col_mask
363        submatrix_irows = np.compress(submatrix_mask, jac.row)
364        submatrix_jcols = np.compress(submatrix_mask, jac.col)
365        submatrix_data = np.compress(submatrix_mask, jac.data)
367        # ToDo: this is expensive - have to think about how to do this with numpy
368        row_submatrix_map = {j:i for i,j in enumerate(constraint_indices)}
369        for i, v in enumerate(submatrix_irows):
370            submatrix_irows[i] = row_submatrix_map[v]
372        col_submatrix_map = {j:i for i,j in enumerate(primal_indices)}
373        for i, v in enumerate(submatrix_jcols):
374            submatrix_jcols[i] = col_submatrix_map[v]
376        return coo_matrix((submatrix_data, (submatrix_irows, submatrix_jcols)), shape=(len(constraint_indices), len(primal_indices)))
378    def extract_submatrix_hessian_lag(self, pyomo_variables_rows, pyomo_variables_cols):
379        """
380        Return the submatrix of the hessian of the lagrangian that
381        corresponds to the list of Pyomo variables provided
383        Parameters
384        ----------
385        pyomo_variables_rows : list of Pyomo Var or VarData objects
386            List of Pyomo Var or VarData objects corresponding to the desired rows
387        pyomo_variables_cols : list of Pyomo Var or VarData objects
388            List of Pyomo Var or VarData objects corresponding to the desired columns
389        """
390        hess_lag = self.evaluate_hessian_lag()
391        primal_indices_rows = self.get_primal_indices(pyomo_variables_rows)
392        primal_indices_cols = self.get_primal_indices(pyomo_variables_cols)
393        row_mask = np.isin(hess_lag.row, primal_indices_rows)
394        col_mask = np.isin(hess_lag.col, primal_indices_cols)
395        submatrix_mask = row_mask & col_mask
396        submatrix_irows = np.compress(submatrix_mask, hess_lag.row)
397        submatrix_jcols = np.compress(submatrix_mask, hess_lag.col)
398        submatrix_data = np.compress(submatrix_mask, hess_lag.data)
400        # ToDo: this is expensive - have to think about how to do this with numpy
401        submatrix_map = {j:i for i,j in enumerate(primal_indices_rows)}
402        for i, v in enumerate(submatrix_irows):
403            submatrix_irows[i] = submatrix_map[v]
405        submatrix_map = {j:i for i,j in enumerate(primal_indices_cols)}
406        for i, v in enumerate(submatrix_jcols):
407            submatrix_jcols[i] = submatrix_map[v]
409        return coo_matrix((submatrix_data, (submatrix_irows, submatrix_jcols)), shape=(len(primal_indices_rows), len(primal_indices_cols)))
411    def load_state_into_pyomo(self, bound_multipliers=None):
412        primals = self.get_primals()
413        variables = self.get_pyomo_variables()
414        for var, val in zip(variables, primals):
415            var.set_value(val)
416        m = self.pyomo_model()
417        model_suffixes = dict(
418            pyo.suffix.active_import_suffix_generator(m))
419        if 'dual' in model_suffixes:
420            duals = self.get_duals()
421            constraints = self.get_pyomo_constraints()
422            model_suffixes['dual'].clear()
423            model_suffixes['dual'].update(
424                zip(constraints, duals))
425        if 'ipopt_zL_out' in model_suffixes:
426            model_suffixes['ipopt_zL_out'].clear()
427            if bound_multipliers is not None:
428                model_suffixes['ipopt_zL_out'].update(
429                    zip(variables, bound_multipliers[0]))
430        if 'ipopt_zU_out' in model_suffixes:
431            model_suffixes['ipopt_zU_out'].clear()
432            if bound_multipliers is not None:
433                model_suffixes['ipopt_zU_out'].update(
434                    zip(variables, bound_multipliers[1]))
436# TODO: look for the [:-i] when i might be zero
437class PyomoGreyBoxNLP(NLP):
438    def __init__(self, pyomo_model):
439        # store all the greybox custom block data objects
440        greybox_components = []
441        try:
442            # We support Pynumero's ExternalGreyBoxBlock modeling
443            # objects.  We need to find them and convert them to Blocks
444            # before calling the NL writer so that the attached Vars get
445            # picked up by the writer.
446            for greybox in pyomo_model.component_objects(
447                    ExternalGreyBoxBlock, descend_into=True):
448                greybox.parent_block().reclassify_component_type(
449                    greybox, pyo.Block)
450                greybox_components.append(greybox)
452            self._pyomo_model = pyomo_model
453            self._pyomo_nlp = PyomoNLP(pyomo_model)
455        finally:
456            # Restore the ctypes of the ExternalGreyBoxBlock components
457            for greybox in greybox_components:
458                greybox.parent_block().reclassify_component_type(
459                    greybox, ExternalGreyBoxBlock)
461        # get the greybox block data objects
462        greybox_data = []
463        for greybox in greybox_components:
464            greybox_data.extend(data for data in greybox.values()
465                                if data.active)
467        if len(greybox_data) > 1:
468            raise NotImplementedError("The PyomoGreyBoxModel interface has not"
469                                      " been tested with Pyomo models that contain"
470                                      " more than one ExternalGreyBoxBlock. Currently,"
471                                      " only a single block is supported.")
473        if self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals() == 0:
474            raise ValueError(
475                "No variables were found in the Pyomo part of the model."
476                " PyomoGreyBoxModel requires at least one variable"
477                " to be active in a Pyomo objective or constraint")
479        # check that the greybox model supports what we would expect
480        # TODO: add support for models that do not provide jacobians
481        """
482        for data in greybox_data:
483            c = data._ex_model.model_capabilities()
484            if (c.n_equality_constraints() > 0 \
485               and not c.supports_jacobian_equality_constraints) \
486               or (c.n_equality_constraints() > 0 \
487               and not c.supports_jacobian_equality_constraints)
488                raise NotImplementedError('PyomoGreyBoxNLP does not support models'
489                                          ' without explicit Jacobian support')
490        """
492        # number of additional variables required - they are in the
493        # greybox models but not included in the NL file
494        self._n_greybox_primals = 0
496        # number of residuals (equality constraints + output constraints
497        # coming from the grey box models
498        self._greybox_primals_names = []
499        self._greybox_constraints_names = []
501        # Update the primal index map with any variables in the
502        # greybox models that do not otherwise appear in the NL
503        # and capture some other book keeping items
504        n_primals = self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals()
505        greybox_primals = []
506        self._vardata_to_idx = ComponentMap(self._pyomo_nlp._vardata_to_idx)
507        for data in greybox_data:
508            # check that none of the inputs / outputs are fixed
509            for v in data.inputs.values():
510                if v.fixed:
511                    raise NotImplementedError('Found a grey box model input that is fixed: {}.'
512                                              ' This interface does not currently support fixed'
513                                              ' variables. Please add a constraint instead.'
514                                              ''.format(v.getname(fully_qualified=True)))
515            for v in data.outputs.values():
516                if v.fixed:
517                    raise NotImplementedError('Found a grey box model output that is fixed: {}.'
518                                              ' This interface does not currently support fixed'
519                                              ' variables. Please add a constraint instead.'
520                                              ''.format(v.getname(fully_qualified=True)))
522            block_name = data.getname()
523            for nm in data._ex_model.equality_constraint_names():
524                self._greybox_constraints_names.append('{}.{}'.format(block_name, nm))
525            for nm in data._ex_model.output_names():
526                self._greybox_constraints_names.append('{}.{}_con'.format(block_name, nm))
528            for var in data.component_data_objects(pyo.Var):
529                if var not in self._vardata_to_idx:
530                    # there is a variable in the greybox block that
531                    # is not in the NL - append this to the end
532                    self._vardata_to_idx[var] = n_primals
533                    n_primals += 1
534                    greybox_primals.append(var)
535                    self._greybox_primals_names.append(var.getname(fully_qualified=True))
536        self._n_greybox_primals = len(greybox_primals)
537        self._greybox_primal_variables = greybox_primals
539        # Configure the primal and dual data caches
540        self._greybox_primals_lb = np.zeros(self._n_greybox_primals)
541        self._greybox_primals_ub = np.zeros(self._n_greybox_primals)
542        self._init_greybox_primals = np.zeros(self._n_greybox_primals)
543        for i, var in enumerate(greybox_primals):
544            if var.value is not None:
545                self._init_greybox_primals[i] = var.value
546            self._greybox_primals_lb[i] = -np.inf if var.lb is None else var.lb
547            self._greybox_primals_ub[i] = np.inf if var.ub is None else var.ub
548        self._greybox_primals_lb.flags.writeable = False
549        self._greybox_primals_ub.flags.writeable = False
551        self._greybox_primals = self._init_greybox_primals.copy()
553        # data member to store the cached greybox constraints and jacobian
554        self._cached_greybox_constraints = None
555        self._cached_greybox_jac = None
557        # create the helper objects
558        con_offset = self._pyomo_nlp.n_constraints()
559        self._external_greybox_helpers = []
560        for data in greybox_data:
561            h = _ExternalGreyBoxModelHelper(data, self._vardata_to_idx, con_offset)
562            self._external_greybox_helpers.append(h)
563            con_offset += h.n_residuals()
565        self._n_greybox_constraints = con_offset - self._pyomo_nlp.n_constraints()
566        assert len(self._greybox_constraints_names) == self._n_greybox_constraints
568        # make sure the primal values get to the greybox models
569        self.set_primals(self.get_primals())
571        # If any part of the problem is scaled (i.e., obj, primals,
572        # or any of the constraints for any of the external grey boxes),
573        # then we want scaling factors for everything (defaulting to
574        # ones for any of the missing factors).
575        # This code builds all the scaling factors, with the defaults,
576        # but then sets them all to None if *no* scaling factors are provided
577        # for any of the pieces. (inefficient, but only done once)
578        need_scaling = False
579        self._obj_scaling = self._pyomo_nlp.get_obj_scaling()
580        if self._obj_scaling is None:
581            self._obj_scaling = 1.0
582        else:
583            need_scaling = True
585        self._primals_scaling = np.ones(self.n_primals())
586        scaling_suffix = self._pyomo_nlp._pyomo_model.component('scaling_factor')
587        if scaling_suffix and scaling_suffix.ctype is pyo.Suffix:
588            need_scaling = True
589            for i,v in enumerate(self.get_pyomo_variables()):
590                if v in scaling_suffix:
591                    self._primals_scaling[i] = scaling_suffix[v]
593        self._constraints_scaling = []
594        pyomo_nlp_scaling = self._pyomo_nlp.get_constraints_scaling()
595        if pyomo_nlp_scaling is None:
596            pyomo_nlp_scaling = np.ones(self._pyomo_nlp.n_constraints())
597        else:
598            need_scaling = True
599        self._constraints_scaling.append(pyomo_nlp_scaling)
601        for h in self._external_greybox_helpers:
602            tmp_scaling = h.get_residual_scaling()
603            if tmp_scaling is None:
604                tmp_scaling = np.ones(h.n_residuals())
605            else:
606                need_scaling = True
607            self._constraints_scaling.append(tmp_scaling)
609        if need_scaling:
610            self._constraints_scaling = np.concatenate(self._constraints_scaling)
611        else:
612            self._obj_scaling = None
613            self._primals_scaling = None
614            self._constraints_scaling = None
616        # might want the user to be able to specify these at some point
617        self._init_greybox_duals = np.zeros(self._n_greybox_constraints)
618        self._init_greybox_primals.flags.writeable = False
619        self._init_greybox_duals.flags.writeable = False
620        self._greybox_duals = self._init_greybox_duals.copy()
622        # compute the jacobian for the external greybox models
623        # to get some of the statistics
624        self._evaluate_greybox_jacobians_and_cache_if_necessary()
625        self._nnz_greybox_jac = len(self._cached_greybox_jac.data)
627        # make sure the duals get to the external greybox models
628        self.set_duals(self.get_duals())
630        # compute the hessian for the external greybox models
631        # to get some of the statistics
632        try:
633            self._evaluate_greybox_hessians_and_cache_if_necessary()
634            self._nnz_greybox_hess = len(self._cached_greybox_hess.data)
635        except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
636            self._nnz_greybox_hess = None
638    def _invalidate_greybox_primals_cache(self):
639        self._greybox_constraints_cached = False
640        self._greybox_jac_cached = False
641        self._greybox_hess_cached = False
643    def _invalidate_greybox_duals_cache(self):
644        self._greybox_hess_cached = False
646    # overloaded from NLP
647    def n_primals(self):
648        return self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals() + self._n_greybox_primals
650    # overloaded from NLP
651    def n_constraints(self):
652        return self._pyomo_nlp.n_constraints() + self._n_greybox_constraints
654    # overloaded from ExtendedNLP
655    def n_eq_constraints(self):
656        return self._pyomo_nlp.n_eq_constraints() + self._n_greybox_constraints
658    # overloaded from ExtendedNLP
659    def n_ineq_constraints(self):
660        return self._pyomo_nlp.n_ineq_constraints()
662    # overloaded from NLP
663    def nnz_jacobian(self):
664        return self._pyomo_nlp.nnz_jacobian() + self._nnz_greybox_jac
666    # overloaded from AslNLP
667    def nnz_jacobian_eq(self):
668        return self._pyomo_nlp.nnz_jacobian_eq() + self._nnz_greybox_jac
670    # overloaded from NLP
671    def nnz_hessian_lag(self):
672        return self._pyomo_nlp.nnz_hessian_lag() + self._nnz_greybox_hess
674    # overloaded from NLP
675    def primals_lb(self):
676        return np.concatenate((self._pyomo_nlp.primals_lb(),
677            self._greybox_primals_lb,
678        ))
680    # overloaded from NLP
681    def primals_ub(self):
682        return np.concatenate((
683            self._pyomo_nlp.primals_ub(),
684            self._greybox_primals_ub,
685        ))
687    # overloaded from NLP
688    def constraints_lb(self):
689        return np.concatenate((
690            self._pyomo_nlp.constraints_lb(),
691            np.zeros(self._n_greybox_constraints, dtype=np.float64),
692        ))
694    # overloaded from NLP
695    def constraints_ub(self):
696        return np.concatenate((
697            self._pyomo_nlp.constraints_ub(),
698            np.zeros(self._n_greybox_constraints, dtype=np.float64),
699        ))
701    # overloaded from NLP
702    def init_primals(self):
703        return np.concatenate((
704            self._pyomo_nlp.init_primals(),
705            self._init_greybox_primals,
706        ))
708    # overloaded from NLP
709    def init_duals(self):
710        return np.concatenate((
711            self._pyomo_nlp.init_duals(),
712            self._init_greybox_duals,
713        ))
715    # overloaded from ExtendedNLP
716    def init_duals_eq(self):
717        return np.concatenate((
718            self._pyomo_nlp.init_duals_eq(),
719            self._init_greybox_duals,
720        ))
722    # overloaded from NLP / Extended NLP
723    def create_new_vector(self, vector_type):
724        if vector_type == 'primals':
725            return np.zeros(self.n_primals(), dtype=np.float64)
726        elif vector_type == 'constraints' or vector_type == 'duals':
727            return np.zeros(self.n_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
728        elif vector_type == 'eq_constraints' or vector_type == 'duals_eq':
729            return np.zeros(self.n_eq_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
730        elif vector_type == 'ineq_constraints' or vector_type == 'duals_ineq':
731            return np.zeros(self.n_ineq_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
732        else:
733            raise RuntimeError('Called create_new_vector with an unknown vector_type')
735    # overloaded from NLP
736    def set_primals(self, primals):
737        self._invalidate_greybox_primals_cache()
739        # set the primals on the "pyomo" part of the nlp
740        self._pyomo_nlp.set_primals(
741            primals[:self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals()])
743        # copy the values for the greybox primals
744        np.copyto(self._greybox_primals, primals[self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals():])
746        for external in self._external_greybox_helpers:
747            external.set_primals(primals)
749    # overloaded from AslNLP
750    def get_primals(self):
751        # return the value of the primals that the pyomo
752        # part knows about as well as any extra values that
753        # are only in the greybox part
754        return np.concatenate((
755            self._pyomo_nlp.get_primals(),
756            self._greybox_primals,
757        ))
759    # overloaded from NLP
760    def set_duals(self, duals):
761        self._invalidate_greybox_duals_cache()
763        # set the duals for the pyomo part of the nlp
764        self._pyomo_nlp.set_duals(
765            duals[:self._pyomo_nlp.n_constraints()])
767        # set the duals for the greybox part of the nlp
768        np.copyto(self._greybox_duals, duals[self._pyomo_nlp.n_constraints():])
770        # set the duals in the helpers for the hessian computation
771        for h in self._external_greybox_helpers:
772            h.set_duals(duals)
774    # overloaded from NLP
775    def get_duals(self):
776        # return the duals for the pyomo part of the nlp
777        # concatenated with the greybox part
778        return np.concatenate((
779            self._pyomo_nlp.get_duals(),
780            self._greybox_duals,
781        ))
783    # overloaded from ExtendedNLP
784    def set_duals_eq(self, duals):
785        raise NotImplementedError('set_duals_eq not implemented for PyomoGreyBoxNLP')
786        # we think the code below is correct, but it has not yet been tested
787        """
788        #self._invalidate_greybox_duals_cache()
790        # set the duals for the pyomo part of the nlp
791        self._pyomo_nlp.set_duals_eq(
792            duals[:self._pyomo_nlp.n_equality_constraints()])
794        # set the duals for the greybox part of the nlp
795        np.copyto(self._greybox_duals, duals[self._pyomo_nlp.n_equality_constraints():])
796        # set the duals in the helpers for the hessian computation
797        for h in self._external_greybox_helpers:
798            h.set_duals_eq(duals)
799        """
801    # TODO: Implement set_duals_ineq
803    # overloaded from NLP
804    def get_duals_eq(self):
805        raise NotImplementedError('get_duals_eq not implemented for PyomoGreyBoxNLP')
806        """
807        # return the duals for the pyomo part of the nlp
808        # concatenated with the greybox part
809        return np.concatenate((
810            self._pyomo_nlp.get_duals_eq(),
811            self._greybox_duals,
812        ))
813        """
815    # overloaded from NLP
816    def set_obj_factor(self, obj_factor):
817        # objective is owned by the pyomo model
818        self._pyomo_nlp.set_obj_factor(obj_factor)
820    # overloaded from NLP
821    def get_obj_factor(self):
822        # objective is owned by the pyomo model
823        return self._pyomo_nlp.get_obj_factor()
825    # overloaded from NLP
826    def get_obj_scaling(self):
827        return self._obj_scaling
829    # overloaded from NLP
830    def get_primals_scaling(self):
831        return self._primals_scaling
833    # overloaded from NLP
834    def get_constraints_scaling(self):
835        return self._constraints_scaling
837    # overloaded from NLP
838    def evaluate_objective(self):
839        # objective is owned by the pyomo model
840        return self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_objective()
842    # overloaded from NLP
843    def evaluate_grad_objective(self, out=None):
844        # objective is owned by the pyomo model
845        return np.concatenate((
846            self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_grad_objective(out),
847            np.zeros(self._n_greybox_primals)))
849    def _evaluate_greybox_constraints_and_cache_if_necessary(self):
850        if self._greybox_constraints_cached:
851            return
853        self._cached_greybox_constraints = np.concatenate(tuple(
854            external.evaluate_residuals()
855            for external in self._external_greybox_helpers))
856        self._greybox_constraints_cached = True
858    # overloaded from NLP
859    def evaluate_constraints(self, out=None):
860        self._evaluate_greybox_constraints_and_cache_if_necessary()
862        if out is not None:
863            if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) \
864               or out.size != self.n_constraints():
865                raise RuntimeError(
866                    'Called evaluate_constraints with an invalid'
867                    ' "out" argument - should take an ndarray of '
868                    'size {}'.format(self.n_constraints()))
870            # call on the pyomo part of the nlp
871            self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_constraints(
872                out[:-self._n_greybox_constraints])
874            # call on the greybox part of the nlp
875            np.copyto(out[-self._n_greybox_constraints:],
876                      self._cached_greybox_constraints)
877            return out
879        else:
880            # concatenate the pyomo and external constraint residuals
881            return np.concatenate((
882                self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_constraints(),
883                self._cached_greybox_constraints,
884            ))
886    # overloaded from ExtendedNLP
887    def evaluate_eq_constraints(self, out=None):
888        raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented for PyomoGreyBoxNLP')
889        """
890        self._evaluate_greybox_constraints_and_cache_if_necessary()
892        if out is not None:
893            if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) \
894               or out.size != self.n_eq_constraints():
895                raise RuntimeError(
896                    'Called evaluate_eq_constraints with an invalid'
897                    ' "out" argument - should take an ndarray of '
898                    'size {}'.format(self.n_eq_constraints()))
899            self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_eq_constraints(
900                out[:-self._n_greybox_constraints])
901            np.copyto(out[-self._n_greybox_constraints:], self._cached_greybox_constraints)
902            return out
903        else:
904            return np.concatenate((
905                self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_eq_constraints(),
906                self._cached_greybox_constraints,
907            ))
908        """
910    def _evaluate_greybox_jacobians_and_cache_if_necessary(self):
911        if self._greybox_jac_cached:
912            return
914        jac = BlockMatrix(len(self._external_greybox_helpers), 1)
915        for i, external in enumerate(self._external_greybox_helpers):
916            jac.set_block(i, 0, external.evaluate_jacobian())
917        self._cached_greybox_jac = jac.tocoo()
918        self._greybox_jac_cached = True
920    # overloaded from NLP
921    def evaluate_jacobian(self, out=None):
922        self._evaluate_greybox_jacobians_and_cache_if_necessary()
924        if out is not None:
925            if ( not isinstance(out, coo_matrix)
926                 or out.shape[0] != self.n_constraints()
927                 or out.shape[1] != self.n_primals()
928                 or out.nnz != self.nnz_jacobian() ):
929                raise RuntimeError(
930                    'evaluate_jacobian called with an "out" argument'
931                    ' that is invalid. This should be a coo_matrix with'
932                    ' shape=({},{}) and nnz={}'
933                    .format(self.n_constraints(), self.n_primals(),
934                            self.nnz_jacobian()))
935            n_pyomo_constraints = self.n_constraints() - self._n_greybox_constraints
937            # to avoid an additional copy, we pass in a slice (numpy view) of the underlying
938            # data, row, and col that we were handed to be populated in evaluate_jacobian
939            self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_jacobian(
940                out=coo_matrix((out.data[:-self._nnz_greybox_jac],
941                                (out.row[:-self._nnz_greybox_jac],
942                                 out.col[:-self._nnz_greybox_jac])),
943                               shape=(n_pyomo_constraints, self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals())))
944            np.copyto(out.data[-self._nnz_greybox_jac:],
945                      self._cached_greybox_jac.data)
946            return out
947        else:
948            base = self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_jacobian()
949            base = coo_matrix((base.data, (base.row, base.col)),
950                              shape=(base.shape[0], self.n_primals()))
952            jac = BlockMatrix(2,1)
953            jac.set_block(0, 0, base)
954            jac.set_block(1, 0, self._cached_greybox_jac)
955            return jac.tocoo()
957            # TODO: Doesn't this need a "shape" specification?
958            #return coo_matrix((
959            #    np.concatenate((base.data, self._cached_greybox_jac.data)),
960            #    ( np.concatenate((base.row, self._cached_greybox_jac.row)),
961            #      np.concatenate((base.col, self._cached_greybox_jac.col)) )
962            #))
964    # overloaded from ExtendedNLP
965    """
966    def evaluate_jacobian_eq(self, out=None):
967        raise NotImplementedError()
968        self._evaluate_greybox_jacobians_and_cache_if_necessary()
970        if out is not None:
971            if ( not isinstance(out, coo_matrix)
972                 or out.shape[0] != self.n_eq_constraints()
973                 or out.shape[1] != self.n_primals()
974                 or out.nnz != self.nnz_jacobian_eq() ):
975                raise RuntimeError(
976                    'evaluate_jacobian called with an "out" argument'
977                    ' that is invalid. This should be a coo_matrix with'
978                    ' shape=({},{}) and nnz={}'
979                    .format(self.n_eq_constraints(), self.n_primals(),
980                            self.nnz_jacobian_eq()))
981            self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_jacobian_eq(
982                coo_matrix((out.data[:-self._nnz_greybox_jac],
983                            (out.row[:-self._nnz_greybox_jac],
984                             out.col[:-self._nnz_greybox_jac])))
985            )
986            np.copyto(out.data[-self._nnz_greybox_jac],
987                      self._cached_greybox_jac.data)
988            return out
989        else:
990            base = self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_jacobian_eq()
991            # TODO: Doesn't this need a "shape" specification?
992            return coo_matrix((
993                np.concatenate((base.data, self._cached_greybox_jac.data)),
994                ( np.concatenate((base.row, self._cached_greybox_jac.row)),
995                  np.concatenate((base.col, self._cached_greybox_jac.col)) )
996            ))
997    """
999    # overloaded from NLP
1000    def _evaluate_greybox_hessians_and_cache_if_necessary(self):
1001        if self._greybox_hess_cached:
1002            return
1004        data = list()
1005        irow = list()
1006        jcol = list()
1007        for external in self._external_greybox_helpers:
1008            hess = external.evaluate_hessian()
1009            data.append(hess.data)
1010            irow.append(hess.row)
1011            jcol.append(hess.col)
1013        data = np.concatenate(data)
1014        irow = np.concatenate(irow)
1015        jcol = np.concatenate(jcol)
1017        self._cached_greybox_hess = coo_matrix( (data, (irow,jcol)), shape=(self.n_primals(), self.n_primals()))
1018        self._greybox_hess_cached = True
1020    def evaluate_hessian_lag(self, out=None):
1021        self._evaluate_greybox_hessians_and_cache_if_necessary()
1022        if out is not None:
1023            if ( not isinstance(out, coo_matrix)
1024                 or out.shape[0] != self.n_primals()
1025                 or out.shape[1] != self.n_primals()
1026                 or out.nnz != self.nnz_hessian_lag() ):
1027                raise RuntimeError(
1028                    'evaluate_hessian_lag called with an "out" argument'
1029                    ' that is invalid. This should be a coo_matrix with'
1030                    ' shape=({},{}) and nnz={}'
1031                    .format(self.n_primals(), self.n_primals(),
1032                            self.nnz_hessian()))
1033            # to avoid an additional copy, we pass in a slice (numpy view) of the underlying
1034            # data, row, and col that we were handed to be populated in evaluate_hessian_lag
1035            # the coo_matrix is simply a holder of the data, row, and col structures
1036            self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_hessian_lag(
1037                out=coo_matrix((out.data[:-self._nnz_greybox_hess],
1038                                (out.row[:-self._nnz_greybox_hess],
1039                                 out.col[:-self._nnz_greybox_hess])),
1040                               shape=(self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals(), self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals())))
1041            np.copyto(out.data[-self._nnz_greybox_hess:],
1042                      self._cached_greybox_hess.data)
1043            return out
1044        else:
1045            hess = self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_hessian_lag()
1046            data = np.concatenate((hess.data, self._cached_greybox_hess.data))
1047            row = np.concatenate((hess.row, self._cached_greybox_hess.row))
1048            col = np.concatenate((hess.col, self._cached_greybox_hess.col))
1049            hess = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(self.n_primals(), self.n_primals()))
1050            return hess
1052    # overloaded from NLP
1053    def report_solver_status(self, status_code, status_message):
1054        raise NotImplementedError('Todo: implement this')
1056    @deprecated(msg='This method has been replaced with primals_names', version='6.0.0.dev0', remove_in='6.0')
1057    def variable_names(self):
1058        return self.primals_names()
1060    def primals_names(self):
1061        names = list(self._pyomo_nlp.variable_names())
1062        names.extend(self._greybox_primals_names)
1063        return names
1065    def constraint_names(self):
1066        names = list(self._pyomo_nlp.constraint_names())
1067        names.extend(self._greybox_constraints_names)
1068        return names
1070    def pyomo_model(self):
1071        """
1072        Return optimization model
1073        """
1074        return self._pyomo_model
1076    def get_pyomo_objective(self):
1077        """
1078        Return an instance of the active objective function on the Pyomo model.
1079        (there can be only one)
1080        """
1081        return self._pyomo_nlp.get_pyomo_objective()
1083    def get_pyomo_variables(self):
1084        """
1085        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo VarData objects in
1086        the order corresponding to the primals
1087        """
1088        return self._pyomo_nlp.get_pyomo_variables() + \
1089            self._greybox_primal_variables
1091    def get_pyomo_constraints(self):
1092        """
1093        Return an ordered list of the Pyomo ConData objects in
1094        the order corresponding to the primals
1095        """
1096        # FIXME: what do we return for the external block constraints?
1097        # return self._pyomo_nlp.get_pyomo_constraints()
1098        raise NotImplementedError(
1099            "returning list of all constraints when using an external "
1100            "model is TBD")
1102    def load_state_into_pyomo(self, bound_multipliers=None):
1103        primals = self.get_primals()
1104        variables = self.get_pyomo_variables()
1105        for var, val in zip(variables, primals):
1106            var.set_value(val)
1107        m = self.pyomo_model()
1108        model_suffixes = dict(
1109            pyo.suffix.active_import_suffix_generator(m))
1110        if 'dual' in model_suffixes:
1111            model_suffixes['dual'].clear()
1112            # Until we sort out how to return the duals for the external
1113            # block (implied) constraints, I am disabling *all* duals
1114            #
1115            # duals = self.get_duals()
1116            # constraints = self.get_pyomo_constraints()
1117            # model_suffixes['dual'].update(
1118            #     zip(constraints, duals))
1119        if 'ipopt_zL_out' in model_suffixes:
1120            model_suffixes['ipopt_zL_out'].clear()
1121            if bound_multipliers is not None:
1122                model_suffixes['ipopt_zL_out'].update(
1123                    zip(variables, bound_multipliers[0]))
1124        if 'ipopt_zU_out' in model_suffixes:
1125            model_suffixes['ipopt_zU_out'].clear()
1126            if bound_multipliers is not None:
1127                model_suffixes['ipopt_zU_out'].update(
1128                    zip(variables, bound_multipliers[1]))
1131class _ExternalGreyBoxModelHelper(object):
1132    def __init__(self, ex_grey_box_block, vardata_to_idx, con_offset):
1133        """This helper takes an ExternalGreyBoxModel and provides the residual,
1134        Jacobian, and Hessian computation mapped to the correct variable space.
1136        The ExternalGreyBoxModel provides an interface that supports
1137        equality constraints (pure residuals) and output equations. Let
1138        u be the inputs, o be the outputs, and x be the full set of
1139        primal variables from the entire pyomo_nlp.
1141        With this, the ExternalGreyBoxModel provides the residual
1142        computations w_eq(u), and w_o(u), as well as the Jacobians,
1143        Jw_eq(u), and Jw_o(u). This helper provides h(x)=0, where h(x) =
1144        [h_eq(x); h_o(x)-o] and h_eq(x)=w_eq(Pu*x), and
1145        h_o(x)=w_o(Pu*x), and Pu is a mapping from the full primal
1146        variables "x" to the inputs "u".
1148        It also provides the Jacobian of h w.r.t. x.
1149           J_h(x) = [Jw_eq(Pu*x); Jw_o(Pu*x)-Po*x]
1150        where Po is a mapping from the full primal variables "x" to the
1151        outputs "o".
1153        """
1154        self._block = ex_grey_box_block
1155        self._ex_model = ex_grey_box_block.get_external_model()
1156        self._n_primals = len(vardata_to_idx)
1157        n_inputs = len(self._block.inputs)
1158        assert n_inputs == self._ex_model.n_inputs()
1159        n_eq_constraints = self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints()
1160        n_outputs = len(self._block.outputs)
1161        assert n_outputs == self._ex_model.n_outputs()
1163        # store the map of input indices (0 .. n_inputs) to
1164        # the indices in the full primals vector
1165        self._inputs_to_primals_map = np.fromiter(
1166            (vardata_to_idx[v] for v in self._block.inputs.values()),
1167            dtype=np.int64, count=n_inputs)
1169        # store the map of output indices (0 .. n_outputs) to
1170        # the indices in the full primals vector
1171        self._outputs_to_primals_map = np.fromiter(
1172            (vardata_to_idx[v] for v in self._block.outputs.values()),
1173            dtype=np.int64, count=n_outputs)
1175        if self._ex_model.n_outputs() == 0 and \
1176           self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() == 0:
1177            raise ValueError(
1178                'ExternalGreyBoxModel has no equality constraints '
1179                'or outputs. It must have at least one or both.')
1181        self._ex_eq_duals_to_full_map = None
1182        if n_eq_constraints > 0:
1183            self._ex_eq_duals_to_full_map = \
1184                list(range(con_offset, con_offset + n_eq_constraints))
1186        self._ex_output_duals_to_full_map = None
1187        if n_outputs > 0:
1188            self._ex_output_duals_to_full_map = \
1189                list(range(con_offset + n_eq_constraints, con_offset + n_eq_constraints + n_outputs))
1191        # we need to change the column indices in the jacobian
1192        # from the 0..n_inputs provided by the external model
1193        # to the indices corresponding to the full Pyomo model
1194        # so we create that here
1195        self._eq_jac_primal_jcol = None
1196        self._outputs_jac_primal_jcol = None
1197        self._additional_output_entries_irow = None
1198        self._additional_output_entries_jcol = None
1199        self._additional_output_entries_data = None
1200        self._con_offset = con_offset
1201        self._eq_hess_jcol = None
1202        self._eq_hess_irow = None
1203        self._output_hess_jcol = None
1204        self._output_hess_irow = None
1206    def set_primals(self, primals):
1207        # map the full primals "x" to the inputs "u" and set
1208        # the values on the external model
1209        input_values = primals[self._inputs_to_primals_map]
1210        self._ex_model.set_input_values(input_values)
1212        # map the full primals "x" to the outputs "o" and
1213        # store a vector of the current output values to
1214        # use when evaluating residuals
1215        self._output_values = primals[self._outputs_to_primals_map]
1217    def set_duals(self, duals):
1218        # map the full duals to the duals for the equality
1219        # and the output constraints
1220        if self._ex_eq_duals_to_full_map is not None:
1221            duals_eq = duals[self._ex_eq_duals_to_full_map]
1222            self._ex_model.set_equality_constraint_multipliers(duals_eq)
1224        if self._ex_output_duals_to_full_map is not None:
1225            duals_outputs = duals[self._ex_output_duals_to_full_map]
1226            self._ex_model.set_output_constraint_multipliers(duals_outputs)
1228    def n_residuals(self):
1229        return self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() \
1230            + self._ex_model.n_outputs()
1232    def get_residual_scaling(self):
1233        eq_scaling = self._ex_model.get_equality_constraint_scaling_factors()
1234        output_con_scaling = self._ex_model.get_output_constraint_scaling_factors()
1235        if eq_scaling is None and output_con_scaling is None:
1236            return None
1237        if eq_scaling is None:
1238            eq_scaling = np.ones(self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints())
1239        if output_con_scaling is None:
1240            output_con_scaling = np.ones(self._ex_model.n_outputs())
1242        return np.concatenate((
1243            eq_scaling,
1244            output_con_scaling))
1246    def evaluate_residuals(self):
1247        # evalute the equality constraints and the output equations
1248        # and return a single vector of residuals
1249        # returns residual for h(x)=0, where h(x) = [h_eq(x); h_o(x)-o]
1250        resid_list = []
1251        if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0:
1252            resid_list.append(self._ex_model.evaluate_equality_constraints())
1254        if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0:
1255            computed_output_values = self._ex_model.evaluate_outputs()
1256            output_resid = computed_output_values - self._output_values
1257            resid_list.append(output_resid)
1259        return np.concatenate(resid_list)
1261    def evaluate_jacobian(self):
1262        # compute the jacobian of h(x) w.r.t. x
1263        # J_h(x) = [Jw_eq(Pu*x); Jw_o(Pu*x)-Po*x]
1265        # Jw_eq(x)
1266        eq_jac = None
1267        if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0:
1268            eq_jac = self._ex_model.evaluate_jacobian_equality_constraints()
1269            if self._eq_jac_primal_jcol is None:
1270                # The first time through, we won't have created the
1271                # mapping of external primals ('u') to the full space
1272                # primals ('x')
1273                self._eq_jac_primal_jcol = self._inputs_to_primals_map[
1274                    eq_jac.col]
1275            # map the columns from the inputs "u" back to the full primals "x"
1276            eq_jac = coo_matrix(
1277                (eq_jac.data, (eq_jac.row, self._eq_jac_primal_jcol)),
1278                (eq_jac.shape[0], self._n_primals))
1280        outputs_jac = None
1281        if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0:
1282            outputs_jac = self._ex_model.evaluate_jacobian_outputs()
1284            row = outputs_jac.row
1285            # map the columns from the inputs "u" back to the full primals "x"
1286            if self._outputs_jac_primal_jcol is None:
1287                # The first time through, we won't have created the
1288                # mapping of external outputs ('o') to the full space
1289                # primals ('x')
1290                self._outputs_jac_primal_jcol = self._inputs_to_primals_map[
1291                    outputs_jac.col]
1293                # We also need tocreate the irow, jcol, nnz structure for the
1294                # output variable portion of h(u)-o=0
1295                self._additional_output_entries_irow = np.asarray(range(self._ex_model.n_outputs()))
1296                self._additional_output_entries_jcol = self._outputs_to_primals_map
1297                self._additional_output_entries_data = -1.0*np.ones(self._ex_model.n_outputs())
1299            col = self._outputs_jac_primal_jcol
1300            data = outputs_jac.data
1302            # add the additional entries for the -Po*x portion of the jacobian
1303            row = np.concatenate((row, self._additional_output_entries_irow))
1304            col = np.concatenate((col, self._additional_output_entries_jcol))
1305            data  = np.concatenate((data, self._additional_output_entries_data))
1306            outputs_jac = coo_matrix(
1307                (data, (row, col)),
1308                shape=(outputs_jac.shape[0], self._n_primals))
1310        jac = None
1311        if eq_jac is not None:
1312            if outputs_jac is not None:
1313                # create a jacobian with both Jw_eq and Jw_o
1314                jac = BlockMatrix(2,1)
1315                jac.name = 'external model jacobian'
1316                jac.set_block(0,0,eq_jac)
1317                jac.set_block(1,0,outputs_jac)
1318            else:
1319                assert self._ex_model.n_outputs() == 0
1320                assert self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0
1321                # only need the Jacobian with Jw_eq (there are not
1322                # output equations)
1323                jac = eq_jac
1324        else:
1325            assert outputs_jac is not None
1326            assert self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0
1327            assert self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() == 0
1328            # only need the Jacobian with Jw_o (there are no equalities)
1329            jac = outputs_jac
1331        return jac
1333    def evaluate_hessian(self):
1334        # compute the portion of the Hessian of the Lagrangian
1335        # of h(x) w.r.t. x
1336        # H_h(x) = sum_i y_eq_i * Hw_eq(Pu*x) +_ sum_k y_o_j * Hw_o(Pu*x)]
1338        data_list = []
1339        irow_list = []
1340        jcol_list = []
1342        # Hw_eq(x)
1343        eq_hess = None
1344        if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0:
1345            eq_hess = self._ex_model.evaluate_hessian_equality_constraints()
1346            if self._eq_hess_jcol is None:
1347                # first time through, let's also check that it is lower triangular
1348                if np.any(eq_hess.row < eq_hess.col):
1349                    raise ValueError('ExternalGreyBoxModel must return lower '
1350                                     'triangular portion of the Hessian only')
1352                # The first time through, we won't have created the
1353                # mapping of external primals ('u') to the full space
1354                # primals ('x')
1355                self._eq_hess_irow = row = self._inputs_to_primals_map[eq_hess.row]
1356                self._eq_hess_jcol = col = self._inputs_to_primals_map[eq_hess.col]
1358                # mapping may have made this not lower triangular
1359                mask = col > row
1360                row[mask], col[mask] = col[mask], row[mask]
1362            data_list.append(eq_hess.data)
1363            irow_list.append(self._eq_hess_irow)
1364            jcol_list.append(self._eq_hess_jcol)
1366        if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0:
1367            output_hess = self._ex_model.evaluate_hessian_outputs()
1368            if self._output_hess_irow is None:
1369                # first time through, let's also check that it is lower triangular
1370                if np.any(output_hess.row < output_hess.col):
1371                    raise ValueError('ExternalGreyBoxModel must return lower '
1372                                     'triangular portion of the Hessian only')
1374                # The first time through, we won't have created the
1375                # mapping of external outputs ('o') to the full space
1376                # primals ('x')
1377                self._output_hess_irow = row = self._inputs_to_primals_map[output_hess.row]
1378                self._output_hess_jcol = col = self._inputs_to_primals_map[output_hess.col]
1380                # mapping may have made this not lower triangular
1381                mask = col > row
1382                row[mask], col[mask] = col[mask], row[mask]
1384            data_list.append(output_hess.data)
1385            irow_list.append(self._output_hess_irow)
1386            jcol_list.append(self._output_hess_jcol)
1388        data = np.concatenate(data_list)
1389        irow = np.concatenate(irow_list)
1390        jcol = np.concatenate(jcol_list)
1391        hess = coo_matrix( (data, (irow, jcol)), (self._n_primals, self._n_primals) )
1393        return hess