1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11import pyomo.core.expr.current as EXPR
12from pyomo.gdp import GDP_Error, Disjunction
13from pyomo.gdp.disjunct import _DisjunctData, Disjunct
15from pyomo.core.base.component import _ComponentBase
17from pyomo.core import Block, TraversalStrategy
18from pyomo.opt import TerminationCondition, SolverStatus
19from weakref import ref as weakref_ref
20import logging
22logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.gdp')
24_acceptable_termination_conditions = set([
25    TerminationCondition.optimal,
26    TerminationCondition.globallyOptimal,
27    TerminationCondition.locallyOptimal,
29_infeasible_termination_conditions = set([
30    TerminationCondition.infeasible,
31    TerminationCondition.invalidProblem,
35class NORMAL(object): pass
36class INFEASIBLE(object): pass
37class NONOPTIMAL(object): pass
39def verify_successful_solve(results):
40    status = results.solver.status
41    term = results.solver.termination_condition
43    if status == SolverStatus.ok and term in _acceptable_termination_conditions:
44        return NORMAL
45    elif term in _infeasible_termination_conditions:
46        return INFEASIBLE
47    else:
48        return NONOPTIMAL
51def clone_without_expression_components(expr, substitute=None):
52    """A function that is used to clone an expression.
54    Cloning is roughly equivalent to calling ``copy.deepcopy``.
55    However, the :attr:`clone_leaves` argument can be used to
56    clone only interior (i.e. non-leaf) nodes in the expression
57    tree.   Note that named expression objects are treated as
58    leaves when :attr:`clone_leaves` is :const:`True`, and hence
59    those subexpressions are not cloned.
61    This function uses a non-recursive
62    logic, which makes it more scalable than the logic in
63    ``copy.deepcopy``.
65    Args:
66        expr: The expression that will be cloned.
67        substitute (dict): A dictionary mapping object ids to
68            objects.  This dictionary has the same semantics as
69            the memo object used with ``copy.deepcopy``.  Defaults
70            to None, which indicates that no user-defined
71            dictionary is used.
73    Returns:
74        The cloned expression.
75    """
76    if substitute is None:
77        substitute = {}
78    #
79    visitor = EXPR.ExpressionReplacementVisitor(substitute=substitute,
80                                                remove_named_expressions=True)
81    return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(expr)
83def preprocess_targets(targets):
84    preprocessed_targets = []
85    for t in targets:
86        if t.ctype is Disjunction:
87            if t.is_indexed():
88                for disjunction in t.values():
89                    for disj in disjunction.disjuncts:
90                        preprocessed_targets.append(disj)
91            else:
92                for disj in t.disjuncts:
93                    preprocessed_targets.append(disj)
94        # now we are safe to put the disjunction, and if the target was
95        # anything else, then we don't need to worry because disjuncts
96        # are declared before disjunctions they appear in
97        preprocessed_targets.append(t)
98    return preprocessed_targets
100def target_list(x):
101    if isinstance(x, _ComponentBase):
102        return [ x ]
103    elif hasattr(x, '__iter__'):
104        ans = []
105        for i in x:
106            if isinstance(i, _ComponentBase):
107                ans.append(i)
108            else:
109                raise ValueError(
110                    "Expected Component or list of Components."
111                    "\n\tReceived %s" % (type(i),))
112        return ans
113    else:
114        raise ValueError(
115            "Expected Component or list of Components."
116            "\n\tReceived %s" % (type(x),))
118# [ESJ 07/09/2019 Should this be a more general utility function elsewhere?  I'm
119#  putting it here for now so that all the gdp transformations can use it.
120#  Returns True if child is a node or leaf in the tree rooted at parent, False
121#  otherwise. Accepts list of known components in the tree and updates this list
122#  to enhance performance in future calls. Note that both child and parent must
123#  be blocks!
124def is_child_of(parent, child, knownBlocks=None):
125    # Note: we can get away with a dictionary and not ComponentMap because we
126    # will only store Blocks (or their ilk), and Blocks are hashable (only
127    # derivatives of NumericValue are not hashable)
128    if knownBlocks is None:
129        knownBlocks = {}
130    tmp = set()
131    node = child
132    while True:
133        known = knownBlocks.get(node)
134        if known:
135            knownBlocks.update({c: True for c in tmp})
136            return True
137        if known is not None and not known:
138            knownBlocks.update({c: False for c in tmp})
139            return False
140        if node is parent:
141            knownBlocks.update({c: True for c in tmp})
142            return True
143        if node is None:
144            knownBlocks.update({c: False for c in tmp})
145            return False
147        tmp.add(node)
148        container = node.parent_component()
149        if container is node:
150            node = node.parent_block()
151        else:
152            node = container
154def get_src_disjunction(xor_constraint):
155    """Return the Disjunction corresponding to xor_constraint
157    Parameters
158    ----------
159    xor_constraint: Constraint, which must be the logical constraint
160                    (located on the transformation block) of some
161                    Disjunction
162    """
163    # NOTE: This is indeed a linear search through the Disjunctions on the
164    # model. I am leaving it this way on the assumption that asking XOR
165    # constraints for their Disjunction is not going to be a common
166    # question. If we ever need efficiency then we should store a reverse
167    # map from the XOR constraint to the Disjunction on the transformation
168    # block while we do the transformation. And then this method could query
169    # that map.
170    m = xor_constraint.model()
171    for disjunction in m.component_data_objects(Disjunction,
172                                                descend_into=(Block, Disjunct)):
173        if disjunction._algebraic_constraint:
174            if disjunction._algebraic_constraint() is xor_constraint:
175                return disjunction
176    raise GDP_Error("It appears that '%s' is not an XOR or OR constraint "
177                    "resulting from transforming a Disjunction."
178                    % xor_constraint.name)
180def get_src_disjunct(transBlock):
181    """Return the Disjunct object whose transformed components are on
182    transBlock.
184    Parameters
185    ----------
186    transBlock: _BlockData which is in the relaxedDisjuncts IndexedBlock
187                on a transformation block.
188    """
189    if not hasattr(transBlock, "_srcDisjunct") or \
190       type(transBlock._srcDisjunct) is not weakref_ref:
191        raise GDP_Error("Block '%s' doesn't appear to be a transformation "
192                        "block for a disjunct. No source disjunct found."
193                        % transBlock.name)
194    return transBlock._srcDisjunct()
196def get_src_constraint(transformedConstraint):
197    """Return the original Constraint whose transformed counterpart is
198    transformedConstraint
200    Parameters
201    ----------
202    transformedConstraint: Constraint, which must be a component on one of
203    the BlockDatas in the relaxedDisjuncts Block of
204    a transformation block
205    """
206    transBlock = transformedConstraint.parent_block()
207    # This should be our block, so if it's not, the user messed up and gave
208    # us the wrong thing. If they happen to also have a _constraintMap then
209    # the world is really against us.
210    if not hasattr(transBlock, "_constraintMap"):
211        raise GDP_Error("Constraint '%s' is not a transformed constraint"
212                        % transformedConstraint.name)
213    # if something goes wrong here, it's a bug in the mappings.
214    return transBlock._constraintMap['srcConstraints'][transformedConstraint]
216def _find_parent_disjunct(constraint):
217    # traverse up until we find the disjunct this constraint lives on
218    parent_disjunct = constraint.parent_block()
219    while not isinstance(parent_disjunct, _DisjunctData):
220        if parent_disjunct is None:
221            raise GDP_Error(
222                "Constraint '%s' is not on a disjunct and so was not "
223                "transformed" % constraint.name)
224        parent_disjunct = parent_disjunct.parent_block()
226    return parent_disjunct
228def _get_constraint_transBlock(constraint):
229    parent_disjunct = _find_parent_disjunct(constraint)
230    # we know from _find_parent_disjunct that parent_disjunct is a Disjunct,
231    # so the below is OK
232    transBlock = parent_disjunct._transformation_block
233    if transBlock is None:
234        raise GDP_Error("Constraint '%s' is on a disjunct which has not been "
235                        "transformed" % constraint.name)
236    # if it's not None, it's the weakref we wanted.
237    transBlock = transBlock()
239    return transBlock
241def get_transformed_constraints(srcConstraint):
242    """Return the transformed version of srcConstraint
244    Parameters
245    ----------
246    srcConstraint: ScalarConstraint or _ConstraintData, which must be in
247    the subtree of a transformed Disjunct
248    """
249    if srcConstraint.is_indexed():
250        raise GDP_Error("Argument to get_transformed_constraint should be "
251                        "a ScalarConstraint or _ConstraintData. (If you "
252                        "want the container for all transformed constraints "
253                        "from an IndexedDisjunction, this is the parent "
254                        "component of a transformed constraint originating "
255                        "from any of its _ComponentDatas.)")
256    transBlock = _get_constraint_transBlock(srcConstraint)
257    try:
258        return transBlock._constraintMap['transformedConstraints'][srcConstraint]
259    except:
260        logger.error("Constraint '%s' has not been transformed."
261                     % srcConstraint.name)
262        raise
264def _warn_for_active_disjunction(disjunction, disjunct, NAME_BUFFER):
265    # this should only have gotten called if the disjunction is active
266    assert disjunction.active
267    problemdisj = disjunction
268    if disjunction.is_indexed():
269        for i in sorted(disjunction.keys()):
270            if disjunction[i].active:
271                # a _DisjunctionData is active, we will yell about
272                # it specifically.
273                problemdisj = disjunction[i]
274                break
276    parentblock = problemdisj.parent_block()
277    # the disjunction should only have been active if it wasn't transformed
278    assert problemdisj.algebraic_constraint is None
279    _probDisjName = problemdisj.getname(
280        fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
281    _disjName = disjunct.getname(fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
282    raise GDP_Error("Found untransformed disjunction '%s' in disjunct '%s'! "
283                    "The disjunction must be transformed before the "
284                    "disjunct. If you are using targets, put the "
285                    "disjunction before the disjunct in the list."
286                    % (_probDisjName, _disjName))
288def _warn_for_active_disjunct(innerdisjunct, outerdisjunct, NAME_BUFFER):
289    assert innerdisjunct.active
290    problemdisj = innerdisjunct
291    if innerdisjunct.is_indexed():
292        for i in sorted(innerdisjunct.keys()):
293            if innerdisjunct[i].active:
294                # This shouldn't be true, we will complain about it.
295                problemdisj = innerdisjunct[i]
296                break
298    raise GDP_Error("Found active disjunct '{0}' in disjunct '{1}'! Either {0} "
299                    "is not in a disjunction or the disjunction it is in "
300                    "has not been transformed. {0} needs to be deactivated "
301                    "or its disjunction transformed before {1} can be "
302                    "transformed.".format(
303                        problemdisj.getname(
304                            fully_qualified=True, name_buffer = NAME_BUFFER),
305                        outerdisjunct.getname(
306                            fully_qualified=True,
307                            name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)))
310def _warn_for_active_logical_constraint(logical_statement, disjunct, NAME_BUFFER):
311    # this should only have gotten called if the logical constraint is active
312    assert logical_statement.active
313    problem_statement = logical_statement
314    if logical_statement.is_indexed():
315        for i in logical_statement:
316            if logical_statement[i].active:
317                # a _LogicalConstraintData is active, we will yell about
318                # it specifically.
319                problem_statement = logical_statement[i]
320                break
321        # None of the _LogicalConstraintDatas were actually active. We
322        # are OK and we can deactivate the container.
323        else:
324            logical_statement.deactivate()
325            return
326    # the logical constraint should only have been active if it wasn't transformed
327    _probStatementName = problem_statement.getname(
328        fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
329    raise GDP_Error("Found untransformed logical constraint %s in disjunct %s! "
330                    "The logical constraint must be transformed before the "
331                    "disjunct. Use the logical_to_linear transformation."
332                    % (_probStatementName, disjunct.name))
335def check_model_algebraic(instance):
336    """Checks if there are any active Disjuncts or Disjunctions reachable via
337    active Blocks. If there are not, it returns True. If there are, it issues
338    a warning detailing where in the model there are remaining non-algebraic
339    components, and returns False.
341    Parameters
342    ----------
343    instance: a Model or Block
344    """
345    disjunction_set = {i for i in instance.component_data_objects(
346        Disjunction, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct), active=None)}
347    active_disjunction_set = {i for i in instance.component_data_objects(
348        Disjunction, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct), active=True)}
349    disjuncts_in_disjunctions = set()
350    for i in disjunction_set:
351        disjuncts_in_disjunctions.update(i.disjuncts)
352    disjuncts_in_active_disjunctions = set()
353    for i in active_disjunction_set:
354        disjuncts_in_active_disjunctions.update(i.disjuncts)
356    for disjunct in instance.component_data_objects(
357            Disjunct, descend_into=(Block,),
358            descent_order=TraversalStrategy.PostfixDFS):
359        # check if it's relaxed
360        if disjunct.transformation_block is not None:
361            continue
362        # It's not transformed, check if we should complain
363        elif disjunct.active and _disjunct_not_fixed_true(disjunct) and \
364             _disjunct_on_active_block(disjunct):
365            # If someone thinks they've transformed the whole instance, but
366            # there is still an active Disjunct on the model, we will warn
367            # them. In the future this should be the writers' job.)
368            if disjunct not in disjuncts_in_disjunctions:
369                logger.warning('Disjunct "%s" is currently active, '
370                               'but was not found in any Disjunctions. '
371                               'This is generally an error as the model '
372                               'has not been fully relaxed to a '
373                               'pure algebraic form.' % (disjunct.name,))
374                return False
375            elif disjunct not in disjuncts_in_active_disjunctions:
376                logger.warning('Disjunct "%s" is currently active. While '
377                               'it participates in a Disjunction, '
378                               'that Disjunction is currently deactivated. '
379                               'This is generally an error as the '
380                               'model has not been fully relaxed to a pure '
381                               'algebraic form. Did you deactivate '
382                               'the Disjunction without addressing the '
383                               'individual Disjuncts?' % (disjunct.name,))
384                return False
385            else:
386                logger.warning('Disjunct "%s" is currently active. It must be '
387                               'transformed or deactivated before solving the '
388                               'model.' % (disjunct.name,))
389                return False
390    # We didn't find anything bad.
391    return True
393def _disjunct_not_fixed_true(disjunct):
394    # Return true if the disjunct indicator variable is not fixed to True
395    return not (disjunct.indicator_var.fixed and
396                disjunct.indicator_var.value)
398def _disjunct_on_active_block(disjunct):
399    # Check first to make sure that the disjunct is not a descendent of an
400    # inactive Block or fixed and deactivated Disjunct, before raising a
401    # warning.
402    parent_block = disjunct.parent_block()
403    while parent_block is not None:
404        # deactivated Block
405        if parent_block.ctype is Block and not parent_block.active:
406            return False
407        # properly deactivated Disjunct
408        elif (parent_block.ctype is Disjunct and not parent_block.active
409              and parent_block.indicator_var.value == False
410              and parent_block.indicator_var.fixed):
411            return False
412        else:
413            # Step up one level in the hierarchy
414            parent_block = parent_block.parent_block()
415            continue
416    return True