1from __future__ import division
2import bisect
3from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
4from itertools import chain
5import math
6from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
7import random
9import numpy
12# Non-Dominated Sorting   (NSGA-II)  #
15def selNSGA2(individuals, k, nd='standard'):
16    """Apply NSGA-II selection operator on the *individuals*. Usually, the
17    size of *individuals* will be larger than *k* because any individual
18    present in *individuals* will appear in the returned list at most once.
19    Having the size of *individuals* equals to *k* will have no effect other
20    than sorting the population according to their front rank. The
21    list returned contains references to the input *individuals*. For more
22    details on the NSGA-II operator see [Deb2002]_.
24    :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from.
25    :param k: The number of individuals to select.
26    :param nd: Specify the non-dominated algorithm to use: 'standard' or 'log'.
27    :returns: A list of selected individuals.
29    .. [Deb2002] Deb, Pratab, Agarwal, and Meyarivan, "A fast elitist
30       non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective
31       optimization: NSGA-II", 2002.
32    """
33    if nd == 'standard':
34        pareto_fronts = sortNondominated(individuals, k)
35    elif nd == 'log':
36        pareto_fronts = sortLogNondominated(individuals, k)
37    else:
38        raise Exception('selNSGA2: The choice of non-dominated sorting '
39                        'method "{0}" is invalid.'.format(nd))
41    for front in pareto_fronts:
42        assignCrowdingDist(front)
44    chosen = list(chain(*pareto_fronts[:-1]))
45    k = k - len(chosen)
46    if k > 0:
47        sorted_front = sorted(pareto_fronts[-1], key=attrgetter("fitness.crowding_dist"), reverse=True)
48        chosen.extend(sorted_front[:k])
50    return chosen
53def sortNondominated(individuals, k, first_front_only=False):
54    """Sort the first *k* *individuals* into different nondomination levels
55    using the "Fast Nondominated Sorting Approach" proposed by Deb et al.,
56    see [Deb2002]_. This algorithm has a time complexity of :math:`O(MN^2)`,
57    where :math:`M` is the number of objectives and :math:`N` the number of
58    individuals.
60    :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from.
61    :param k: The number of individuals to select.
62    :param first_front_only: If :obj:`True` sort only the first front and
63                             exit.
64    :returns: A list of Pareto fronts (lists), the first list includes
65              nondominated individuals.
67    .. [Deb2002] Deb, Pratab, Agarwal, and Meyarivan, "A fast elitist
68       non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective
69       optimization: NSGA-II", 2002.
70    """
71    if k == 0:
72        return []
74    map_fit_ind = defaultdict(list)
75    for ind in individuals:
76        map_fit_ind[ind.fitness].append(ind)
77    fits = map_fit_ind.keys()
79    current_front = []
80    next_front = []
81    dominating_fits = defaultdict(int)
82    dominated_fits = defaultdict(list)
84    # Rank first Pareto front
85    for i, fit_i in enumerate(fits):
86        for fit_j in fits[i+1:]:
87            if fit_i.dominates(fit_j):
88                dominating_fits[fit_j] += 1
89                dominated_fits[fit_i].append(fit_j)
90            elif fit_j.dominates(fit_i):
91                dominating_fits[fit_i] += 1
92                dominated_fits[fit_j].append(fit_i)
93        if dominating_fits[fit_i] == 0:
94            current_front.append(fit_i)
96    fronts = [[]]
97    for fit in current_front:
98        fronts[-1].extend(map_fit_ind[fit])
99    pareto_sorted = len(fronts[-1])
101    # Rank the next front until all individuals are sorted or
102    # the given number of individual are sorted.
103    if not first_front_only:
104        N = min(len(individuals), k)
105        while pareto_sorted < N:
106            fronts.append([])
107            for fit_p in current_front:
108                for fit_d in dominated_fits[fit_p]:
109                    dominating_fits[fit_d] -= 1
110                    if dominating_fits[fit_d] == 0:
111                        next_front.append(fit_d)
112                        pareto_sorted += len(map_fit_ind[fit_d])
113                        fronts[-1].extend(map_fit_ind[fit_d])
114            current_front = next_front
115            next_front = []
117    return fronts
119def assignCrowdingDist(individuals):
120    """Assign a crowding distance to each individual's fitness. The
121    crowding distance can be retrieve via the :attr:`crowding_dist`
122    attribute of each individual's fitness.
123    """
124    if len(individuals) == 0:
125        return
127    distances = [0.0] * len(individuals)
128    crowd = [(ind.fitness.values, i) for i, ind in enumerate(individuals)]
130    nobj = len(individuals[0].fitness.values)
132    for i in xrange(nobj):
133        crowd.sort(key=lambda element: element[0][i])
134        distances[crowd[0][1]] = float("inf")
135        distances[crowd[-1][1]] = float("inf")
136        if crowd[-1][0][i] == crowd[0][0][i]:
137            continue
138        norm = nobj * float(crowd[-1][0][i] - crowd[0][0][i])
139        for prev, cur, next in zip(crowd[:-2], crowd[1:-1], crowd[2:]):
140            distances[cur[1]] += (next[0][i] - prev[0][i]) / norm
142    for i, dist in enumerate(distances):
143        individuals[i].fitness.crowding_dist = dist
145def selTournamentDCD(individuals, k):
146    """Tournament selection based on dominance (D) between two individuals, if
147    the two individuals do not interdominate the selection is made
148    based on crowding distance (CD). The *individuals* sequence length has to
149    be a multiple of 4. Starting from the beginning of the selected
150    individuals, two consecutive individuals will be different (assuming all
151    individuals in the input list are unique). Each individual from the input
152    list won't be selected more than twice.
154    This selection requires the individuals to have a :attr:`crowding_dist`
155    attribute, which can be set by the :func:`assignCrowdingDist` function.
157    :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from.
158    :param k: The number of individuals to select.
159    :returns: A list of selected individuals.
160    """
162    if len(individuals) % 4 != 0:
163        raise ValueError("selTournamentDCD: individuals length must be a multiple of 4")
165    if k % 4 != 0:
166        raise ValueError("selTournamentDCD: number of individuals to select must be a multiple of 4")
168    def tourn(ind1, ind2):
169        if ind1.fitness.dominates(ind2.fitness):
170            return ind1
171        elif ind2.fitness.dominates(ind1.fitness):
172            return ind2
174        if ind1.fitness.crowding_dist < ind2.fitness.crowding_dist:
175            return ind2
176        elif ind1.fitness.crowding_dist > ind2.fitness.crowding_dist:
177            return ind1
179        if random.random() <= 0.5:
180            return ind1
181        return ind2
183    individuals_1 = random.sample(individuals, len(individuals))
184    individuals_2 = random.sample(individuals, len(individuals))
186    chosen = []
187    for i in xrange(0, k, 4):
188        chosen.append(tourn(individuals_1[i],   individuals_1[i+1]))
189        chosen.append(tourn(individuals_1[i+2], individuals_1[i+3]))
190        chosen.append(tourn(individuals_2[i],   individuals_2[i+1]))
191        chosen.append(tourn(individuals_2[i+2], individuals_2[i+3]))
193    return chosen
196# Generalized Reduced runtime ND sort #
199def identity(obj):
200    """Returns directly the argument *obj*.
201    """
202    return obj
204def isDominated(wvalues1, wvalues2):
205    """Returns whether or not *wvalues1* dominates *wvalues2*.
207    :param wvalues1: The weighted fitness values that would be dominated.
208    :param wvalues2: The weighted fitness values of the dominant.
209    :returns: :obj:`True` if wvalues2 dominates wvalues1, :obj:`False`
210              otherwise.
211    """
212    not_equal = False
213    for self_wvalue, other_wvalue in zip(wvalues1, wvalues2):
214        if self_wvalue > other_wvalue:
215            return False
216        elif self_wvalue < other_wvalue:
217            not_equal = True
218    return not_equal
220def median(seq, key=identity):
221    """Returns the median of *seq* - the numeric value separating the higher
222    half of a sample from the lower half. If there is an even number of
223    elements in *seq*, it returns the mean of the two middle values.
224    """
225    sseq = sorted(seq, key=key)
226    length = len(seq)
227    if length % 2 == 1:
228        return key(sseq[(length - 1) // 2])
229    else:
230        return (key(sseq[(length - 1) // 2]) + key(sseq[length // 2])) / 2.0
232def sortLogNondominated(individuals, k, first_front_only=False):
233    """Sort *individuals* in pareto non-dominated fronts using the Generalized
234    Reduced Run-Time Complexity Non-Dominated Sorting Algorithm presented by
235    Fortin et al. (2013).
237    :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from.
238    :returns: A list of Pareto fronts (lists), with the first list being the
239              true Pareto front.
240    """
241    if k == 0:
242        return []
244    #Separate individuals according to unique fitnesses
245    unique_fits = defaultdict(list)
246    for i, ind in enumerate(individuals):
247        unique_fits[ind.fitness.wvalues].append(ind)
249    #Launch the sorting algorithm
250    obj = len(individuals[0].fitness.wvalues)-1
251    fitnesses = unique_fits.keys()
252    front = dict.fromkeys(fitnesses, 0)
254    # Sort the fitnesses lexicographically.
255    fitnesses.sort(reverse=True)
256    sortNDHelperA(fitnesses, obj, front)
258    #Extract individuals from front list here
259    nbfronts = max(front.values())+1
260    pareto_fronts = [[] for i in range(nbfronts)]
261    for fit in fitnesses:
262        index = front[fit]
263        pareto_fronts[index].extend(unique_fits[fit])
265    # Keep only the fronts required to have k individuals.
266    if not first_front_only:
267        count = 0
268        for i, front in enumerate(pareto_fronts):
269            count += len(front)
270            if count >= k:
271                return pareto_fronts[:i+1]
272        return pareto_fronts
273    else:
274        return pareto_fronts[0]
276def sortNDHelperA(fitnesses, obj, front):
277    """Create a non-dominated sorting of S on the first M objectives"""
278    if len(fitnesses) < 2:
279        return
280    elif len(fitnesses) == 2:
281        # Only two individuals, compare them and adjust front number
282        s1, s2 = fitnesses[0], fitnesses[1]
283        if isDominated(s2[:obj+1], s1[:obj+1]):
284            front[s2] = max(front[s2], front[s1] + 1)
285    elif obj == 1:
286        sweepA(fitnesses, front)
287    elif len(frozenset(map(itemgetter(obj), fitnesses))) == 1:
288        #All individuals for objective M are equal: go to objective M-1
289        sortNDHelperA(fitnesses, obj-1, front)
290    else:
291        # More than two individuals, split list and then apply recursion
292        best, worst = splitA(fitnesses, obj)
293        sortNDHelperA(best, obj, front)
294        sortNDHelperB(best, worst, obj-1, front)
295        sortNDHelperA(worst, obj, front)
297def splitA(fitnesses, obj):
298    """Partition the set of fitnesses in two according to the median of
299    the objective index *obj*. The values equal to the median are put in
300    the set containing the least elements.
301    """
302    median_ = median(fitnesses, itemgetter(obj))
303    best_a, worst_a = [], []
304    best_b, worst_b = [], []
306    for fit in fitnesses:
307        if fit[obj] > median_:
308            best_a.append(fit)
309            best_b.append(fit)
310        elif fit[obj] < median_:
311            worst_a.append(fit)
312            worst_b.append(fit)
313        else:
314            best_a.append(fit)
315            worst_b.append(fit)
317    balance_a = abs(len(best_a) - len(worst_a))
318    balance_b = abs(len(best_b) - len(worst_b))
320    if balance_a <= balance_b:
321        return best_a, worst_a
322    else:
323        return best_b, worst_b
325def sweepA(fitnesses, front):
326    """Update rank number associated to the fitnesses according
327    to the first two objectives using a geometric sweep procedure.
328    """
329    stairs = [-fitnesses[0][1]]
330    fstairs = [fitnesses[0]]
331    for fit in fitnesses[1:]:
332        idx = bisect.bisect_right(stairs, -fit[1])
333        if 0 < idx <= len(stairs):
334            fstair = max(fstairs[:idx], key=front.__getitem__)
335            front[fit] = max(front[fit], front[fstair]+1)
336        for i, fstair in enumerate(fstairs[idx:], idx):
337            if front[fstair] == front[fit]:
338                del stairs[i]
339                del fstairs[i]
340                break
341        stairs.insert(idx, -fit[1])
342        fstairs.insert(idx, fit)
344def sortNDHelperB(best, worst, obj, front):
345    """Assign front numbers to the solutions in H according to the solutions
346    in L. The solutions in L are assumed to have correct front numbers and the
347    solutions in H are not compared with each other, as this is supposed to
348    happen after sortNDHelperB is called."""
349    key = itemgetter(obj)
350    if len(worst) == 0 or len(best) == 0:
351        #One of the lists is empty: nothing to do
352        return
353    elif len(best) == 1 or len(worst) == 1:
354        #One of the lists has one individual: compare directly
355        for hi in worst:
356            for li in best:
357                if isDominated(hi[:obj+1], li[:obj+1]) or hi[:obj+1] == li[:obj+1]:
358                    front[hi] = max(front[hi], front[li] + 1)
359    elif obj == 1:
360        sweepB(best, worst, front)
361    elif key(min(best, key=key)) >= key(max(worst, key=key)):
362        #All individuals from L dominate H for objective M:
363        #Also supports the case where every individuals in L and H
364        #has the same value for the current objective
365        #Skip to objective M-1
366        sortNDHelperB(best, worst, obj-1, front)
367    elif key(max(best, key=key)) >= key(min(worst, key=key)):
368        best1, best2, worst1, worst2 = splitB(best, worst, obj)
369        sortNDHelperB(best1, worst1, obj, front)
370        sortNDHelperB(best1, worst2, obj-1, front)
371        sortNDHelperB(best2, worst2, obj, front)
373def splitB(best, worst, obj):
374    """Split both best individual and worst sets of fitnesses according
375    to the median of objective *obj* computed on the set containing the
376    most elements. The values equal to the median are attributed so as
377    to balance the four resulting sets as much as possible.
378    """
379    median_ = median(best if len(best) > len(worst) else worst, itemgetter(obj))
380    best1_a, best2_a, best1_b, best2_b = [], [], [], []
381    for fit in best:
382        if fit[obj] > median_:
383            best1_a.append(fit)
384            best1_b.append(fit)
385        elif fit[obj] < median_:
386            best2_a.append(fit)
387            best2_b.append(fit)
388        else:
389            best1_a.append(fit)
390            best2_b.append(fit)
392    worst1_a, worst2_a, worst1_b, worst2_b = [], [], [], []
393    for fit in worst:
394        if fit[obj] > median_:
395            worst1_a.append(fit)
396            worst1_b.append(fit)
397        elif fit[obj] < median_:
398            worst2_a.append(fit)
399            worst2_b.append(fit)
400        else:
401            worst1_a.append(fit)
402            worst2_b.append(fit)
404    balance_a = abs(len(best1_a) - len(best2_a) + len(worst1_a) - len(worst2_a))
405    balance_b = abs(len(best1_b) - len(best2_b) + len(worst1_b) - len(worst2_b))
407    if balance_a <= balance_b:
408        return best1_a, best2_a, worst1_a, worst2_a
409    else:
410        return best1_b, best2_b, worst1_b, worst2_b
412def sweepB(best, worst, front):
413    """Adjust the rank number of the worst fitnesses according to
414    the best fitnesses on the first two objectives using a sweep
415    procedure.
416    """
417    stairs, fstairs = [], []
418    iter_best = iter(best)
419    next_best = next(iter_best, False)
420    for h in worst:
421        while next_best and h[:2] <= next_best[:2]:
422            insert = True
423            for i, fstair in enumerate(fstairs):
424                if front[fstair] == front[next_best]:
425                    if fstair[1] > next_best[1]:
426                        insert = False
427                    else:
428                        del stairs[i], fstairs[i]
429                    break
430            if insert:
431                idx = bisect.bisect_right(stairs, -next_best[1])
432                stairs.insert(idx, -next_best[1])
433                fstairs.insert(idx, next_best)
434            next_best = next(iter_best, False)
436        idx = bisect.bisect_right(stairs, -h[1])
437        if 0 < idx <= len(stairs):
438            fstair = max(fstairs[:idx], key=front.__getitem__)
439            front[h] = max(front[h], front[fstair]+1)
442# Non-Dominated Sorting  (NSGA-III)  #
445NSGA3Memory = namedtuple("NSGA3Memory", ["best_point", "worst_point", "extreme_points"])
448class selNSGA3WithMemory(object):
449    """Class version of NSGA-III selection including memory for best, worst and
450    extreme points. Registering this operator in a toolbox is a bit different
451    than classical operators, it requires to instanciate the class instead
452    of just registering the function::
454        >>> from deap import base
455        >>> ref_points = uniform_reference_points(nobj=3, p=12)
456        >>> toolbox = base.Toolbox()
457        >>> toolbox.register("select", selNSGA3WithMemory(ref_points))
459    """
460    def __init__(self, ref_points, nd="log"):
461        self.ref_points = ref_points
462        self.nd = nd
463        self.best_point = numpy.full((1, ref_points.shape[1]), numpy.inf)
464        self.worst_point = numpy.full((1, ref_points.shape[1]), -numpy.inf)
465        self.extreme_points = None
467    def __call__(self, individuals, k):
468        chosen, memory = selNSGA3(individuals, k, self.ref_points, self.nd,
469                                  self.best_point, self.worst_point,
470                                  self.extreme_points, True)
471        self.best_point = memory.best_point.reshape((1, -1))
472        self.worst_point = memory.worst_point.reshape((1, -1))
473        self.extreme_points = memory.extreme_points
474        return chosen
477def selNSGA3(individuals, k, ref_points, nd="log", best_point=None,
478             worst_point=None, extreme_points=None, return_memory=False):
479    """Implementation of NSGA-III selection as presented in [Deb2014]_.
481    This implementation is partly based on `lmarti/nsgaiii
482    <https://github.com/lmarti/nsgaiii>`_. It departs slightly from the
483    original implementation in that it does not use memory to keep track
484    of ideal and extreme points. This choice has been made to fit the
485    functional api of DEAP. For a version of NSGA-III see
486    :class:`~deap.tools.selNSGA3WithMemory`.
488    :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from.
489    :param k: The number of individuals to select.
490    :param ref_points: Reference points to use for niching.
491    :param nd: Specify the non-dominated algorithm to use: 'standard' or 'log'.
492    :param best_point: Best point found at previous generation. If not provided
493        find the best point only from current individuals.
494    :param worst_point: Worst point found at previous generation. If not provided
495        find the worst point only from current individuals.
496    :param extreme_points: Extreme points found at previous generation. If not provided
497        find the extreme points only from current individuals.
498    :param return_memory: If :data:`True`, return the best, worst and extreme points
499        in addition to the chosen individuals.
500    :returns: A list of selected individuals.
501    :returns: If `return_memory` is :data:`True`, a namedtuple with the
502        `best_point`, `worst_point`, and `extreme_points`.
505    You can generate the reference points using the :func:`uniform_reference_points`
506    function::
508        >>> ref_points = tools.uniform_reference_points(nobj=3, p=12)   # doctest: +SKIP
509        >>> selected = selNSGA3(population, k, ref_points)              # doctest: +SKIP
511    .. [Deb2014] Deb, K., & Jain, H. (2014). An Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization
512        Algorithm Using Reference-Point-Based Nondominated Sorting Approach,
513        Part I: Solving Problems With Box Constraints. IEEE Transactions on
514        Evolutionary Computation, 18(4), 577-601. doi:10.1109/TEVC.2013.2281535.
515    """
516    if nd == "standard":
517        pareto_fronts = sortNondominated(individuals, k)
518    elif nd == "log":
519        pareto_fronts = sortLogNondominated(individuals, k)
520    else:
521        raise Exception("selNSGA3: The choice of non-dominated sorting "
522                        "method '{0}' is invalid.".format(nd))
524    # Extract fitnesses as a numpy array in the nd-sort order
525    # Use wvalues * -1 to tackle always as a minimization problem
526    fitnesses = numpy.array([ind.fitness.wvalues for f in pareto_fronts for ind in f])
527    fitnesses *= -1
529    # Get best and worst point of population, contrary to pymoo
530    # we don't use memory
531    if best_point is not None and worst_point is not None:
532        best_point = numpy.min(numpy.concatenate((fitnesses, best_point), axis=0), axis=0)
533        worst_point = numpy.max(numpy.concatenate((fitnesses, worst_point), axis=0), axis=0)
534    else:
535        best_point = numpy.min(fitnesses, axis=0)
536        worst_point = numpy.max(fitnesses, axis=0)
538    extreme_points = find_extreme_points(fitnesses, best_point, extreme_points)
539    front_worst = numpy.max(fitnesses[:sum(len(f) for f in pareto_fronts), :], axis=0)
540    intercepts = find_intercepts(extreme_points, best_point, worst_point, front_worst)
541    niches, dist = associate_to_niche(fitnesses, ref_points, best_point, intercepts)
543    # Get counts per niche for individuals in all front but the last
544    niche_counts = numpy.zeros(len(ref_points), dtype=numpy.int64)
545    index, counts = numpy.unique(niches[:-len(pareto_fronts[-1])], return_counts=True)
546    niche_counts[index] = counts
548    # Choose individuals from all fronts but the last
549    chosen = list(chain(*pareto_fronts[:-1]))
551    # Use niching to select the remaining individuals
552    sel_count = len(chosen)
553    n = k - sel_count
554    selected = niching(pareto_fronts[-1], n, niches[sel_count:], dist[sel_count:], niche_counts)
555    chosen.extend(selected)
557    if return_memory:
558        return chosen, NSGA3Memory(best_point, worst_point, extreme_points)
559    return chosen
562def find_extreme_points(fitnesses, best_point, extreme_points=None):
563    'Finds the individuals with extreme values for each objective function.'
564    # Keep track of last generation extreme points
565    if extreme_points is not None:
566        fitnesses = numpy.concatenate((fitnesses, extreme_points), axis=0)
568    # Translate objectives
569    ft = fitnesses - best_point
571    # Find achievement scalarizing function (asf)
572    asf = numpy.eye(best_point.shape[0])
573    asf[asf == 0] = 1e6
574    asf = numpy.max(ft * asf[:, numpy.newaxis, :], axis=2)
576    # Extreme point are the fitnesses with minimal asf
577    min_asf_idx = numpy.argmin(asf, axis=1)
578    return fitnesses[min_asf_idx, :]
581def find_intercepts(extreme_points, best_point, current_worst, front_worst):
582    """Find intercepts between the hyperplane and each axis with
583    the ideal point as origin."""
584    # Construct hyperplane sum(f_i^n) = 1
585    b = numpy.ones(extreme_points.shape[1])
586    A = extreme_points - best_point
587    try:
588        x = numpy.linalg.solve(A, b)
589    except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
590        intercepts = current_worst
591    else:
592        intercepts = 1 / x
594        if (not numpy.allclose(numpy.dot(A, x), b) or
595                numpy.any(intercepts <= 1e-6) or
596                numpy.any((intercepts + best_point) > current_worst)):
597            intercepts = front_worst
599    return intercepts
602def associate_to_niche(fitnesses, reference_points, best_point, intercepts):
603    """Associates individuals to reference points and calculates niche number.
604    Corresponds to Algorithm 3 of Deb & Jain (2014)."""
605    # Normalize by ideal point and intercepts
606    fn = (fitnesses - best_point) / (intercepts - best_point)
608    # Create distance matrix
609    fn = numpy.repeat(numpy.expand_dims(fn, axis=1), len(reference_points), axis=1)
610    norm = numpy.linalg.norm(reference_points, axis=1)
612    distances = numpy.sum(fn * reference_points, axis=2) / norm.reshape(1, -1)
613    distances = distances[:, :, numpy.newaxis] * reference_points[numpy.newaxis, :, :] / norm[numpy.newaxis, :, numpy.newaxis]
614    distances = numpy.linalg.norm(distances - fn, axis=2)
616    # Retrieve min distance niche index
617    niches = numpy.argmin(distances, axis=1)
618    distances = distances[range(niches.shape[0]), niches]
619    return niches, distances
622def niching(individuals, k, niches, distances, niche_counts):
623    selected = []
624    available = numpy.ones(len(individuals), dtype=numpy.bool)
625    while len(selected) < k:
626        # Maximum number of individuals (niches) to select in that round
627        n = k - len(selected)
629        # Find the available niches and the minimum niche count in them
630        available_niches = numpy.zeros(len(niche_counts), dtype=numpy.bool)
631        available_niches[numpy.unique(niches[available])] = True
632        min_count = numpy.min(niche_counts[available_niches])
634        # Select at most n niches with the minimum count
635        selected_niches = numpy.flatnonzero(numpy.logical_and(available_niches, niche_counts == min_count))
636        numpy.random.shuffle(selected_niches)
637        selected_niches = selected_niches[:n]
639        for niche in selected_niches:
640            # Find the individuals associated with this niche
641            niche_individuals = numpy.flatnonzero(niches == niche)
642            numpy.random.shuffle(niche_individuals)
644            # If no individual in that niche, select the closest to reference
645            # Else select randomly
646            if niche_counts[niche] == 0:
647                sel_index = niche_individuals[numpy.argmin(distances[niche_individuals])]
648            else:
649                sel_index = niche_individuals[0]
651            # Update availability, counts and selection
652            available[sel_index] = False
653            niche_counts[niche] += 1
654            selected.append(individuals[sel_index])
656    return selected
659def uniform_reference_points(nobj, p=4, scaling=None):
660    """Generate reference points uniformly on the hyperplane intersecting
661    each axis at 1. The scaling factor is used to combine multiple layers of
662    reference points.
663    """
664    def gen_refs_recursive(ref, nobj, left, total, depth):
665        points = []
666        if depth == nobj - 1:
667            ref[depth] = left / total
668            points.append(ref)
669        else:
670            for i in range(left + 1):
671                ref[depth] = i / total
672                points.extend(gen_refs_recursive(ref.copy(), nobj, left - i, total, depth + 1))
673        return points
675    ref_points = numpy.array(gen_refs_recursive(numpy.zeros(nobj), nobj, p, p, 0))
676    if scaling is not None:
677        ref_points *= scaling
678        ref_points += (1 - scaling) / nobj
680    return ref_points
684# Strength Pareto         (SPEA-II)  #
687def selSPEA2(individuals, k):
688    """Apply SPEA-II selection operator on the *individuals*. Usually, the
689    size of *individuals* will be larger than *n* because any individual
690    present in *individuals* will appear in the returned list at most once.
691    Having the size of *individuals* equals to *n* will have no effect other
692    than sorting the population according to a strength Pareto scheme. The
693    list returned contains references to the input *individuals*. For more
694    details on the SPEA-II operator see [Zitzler2001]_.
696    :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from.
697    :param k: The number of individuals to select.
698    :returns: A list of selected individuals.
700    .. [Zitzler2001] Zitzler, Laumanns and Thiele, "SPEA 2: Improving the
701       strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm", 2001.
702    """
703    N = len(individuals)
704    L = len(individuals[0].fitness.values)
705    K = math.sqrt(N)
706    strength_fits = [0] * N
707    fits = [0] * N
708    dominating_inds = [list() for i in xrange(N)]
710    for i, ind_i in enumerate(individuals):
711        for j, ind_j in enumerate(individuals[i+1:], i+1):
712            if ind_i.fitness.dominates(ind_j.fitness):
713                strength_fits[i] += 1
714                dominating_inds[j].append(i)
715            elif ind_j.fitness.dominates(ind_i.fitness):
716                strength_fits[j] += 1
717                dominating_inds[i].append(j)
719    for i in xrange(N):
720        for j in dominating_inds[i]:
721            fits[i] += strength_fits[j]
723    # Choose all non-dominated individuals
724    chosen_indices = [i for i in xrange(N) if fits[i] < 1]
726    if len(chosen_indices) < k:     # The archive is too small
727        for i in xrange(N):
728            distances = [0.0] * N
729            for j in xrange(i + 1, N):
730                dist = 0.0
731                for l in xrange(L):
732                    val = individuals[i].fitness.values[l] - \
733                          individuals[j].fitness.values[l]
734                    dist += val * val
735                distances[j] = dist
736            kth_dist = _randomizedSelect(distances, 0, N - 1, K)
737            density = 1.0 / (kth_dist + 2.0)
738            fits[i] += density
740        next_indices = [(fits[i], i) for i in xrange(N)
741                        if not i in chosen_indices]
742        next_indices.sort()
743        #print next_indices
744        chosen_indices += [i for _, i in next_indices[:k - len(chosen_indices)]]
746    elif len(chosen_indices) > k:   # The archive is too large
747        N = len(chosen_indices)
748        distances = [[0.0] * N for i in xrange(N)]
749        sorted_indices = [[0] * N for i in xrange(N)]
750        for i in xrange(N):
751            for j in xrange(i + 1, N):
752                dist = 0.0
753                for l in xrange(L):
754                    val = individuals[chosen_indices[i]].fitness.values[l] - \
755                          individuals[chosen_indices[j]].fitness.values[l]
756                    dist += val * val
757                distances[i][j] = dist
758                distances[j][i] = dist
759            distances[i][i] = -1
761        # Insert sort is faster than quick sort for short arrays
762        for i in xrange(N):
763            for j in xrange(1, N):
764                l = j
765                while l > 0 and distances[i][j] < distances[i][sorted_indices[i][l - 1]]:
766                    sorted_indices[i][l] = sorted_indices[i][l - 1]
767                    l -= 1
768                sorted_indices[i][l] = j
770        size = N
771        to_remove = []
772        while size > k:
773            # Search for minimal distance
774            min_pos = 0
775            for i in xrange(1, N):
776                for j in xrange(1, size):
777                    dist_i_sorted_j = distances[i][sorted_indices[i][j]]
778                    dist_min_sorted_j = distances[min_pos][sorted_indices[min_pos][j]]
780                    if dist_i_sorted_j < dist_min_sorted_j:
781                        min_pos = i
782                        break
783                    elif dist_i_sorted_j > dist_min_sorted_j:
784                        break
786            # Remove minimal distance from sorted_indices
787            for i in xrange(N):
788                distances[i][min_pos] = float("inf")
789                distances[min_pos][i] = float("inf")
791                for j in xrange(1, size - 1):
792                    if sorted_indices[i][j] == min_pos:
793                        sorted_indices[i][j] = sorted_indices[i][j + 1]
794                        sorted_indices[i][j + 1] = min_pos
796            # Remove corresponding individual from chosen_indices
797            to_remove.append(min_pos)
798            size -= 1
800        for index in reversed(sorted(to_remove)):
801            del chosen_indices[index]
803    return [individuals[i] for i in chosen_indices]
805def _randomizedSelect(array, begin, end, i):
806    """Allows to select the ith smallest element from array without sorting it.
807    Runtime is expected to be O(n).
808    """
809    if begin == end:
810        return array[begin]
811    q = _randomizedPartition(array, begin, end)
812    k = q - begin + 1
813    if i < k:
814        return _randomizedSelect(array, begin, q, i)
815    else:
816        return _randomizedSelect(array, q + 1, end, i - k)
818def _randomizedPartition(array, begin, end):
819    i = random.randint(begin, end)
820    array[begin], array[i] = array[i], array[begin]
821    return _partition(array, begin, end)
823def _partition(array, begin, end):
824    x = array[begin]
825    i = begin - 1
826    j = end + 1
827    while True:
828        j -= 1
829        while array[j] > x:
830            j -= 1
831        i += 1
832        while array[i] < x:
833            i += 1
834        if i < j:
835            array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
836        else:
837            return j
840__all__ = ['selNSGA2', 'selNSGA3', 'selNSGA3WithMemory', 'selSPEA2', 'sortNondominated', 'sortLogNondominated',
841           'selTournamentDCD', 'uniform_reference_points']