1Changes for 0.82
4.. code-block:: text
6  - toolbar import change in GTKAgg, GTKCairo and WXAgg
8  - Added subplot config tool to GTK* backends -- note you must now
9    import the NavigationToolbar2 from your backend of choice rather
10    than from backend_gtk because it needs to know about the backend
11    specific canvas -- see examples/embedding_in_gtk2.py.  Ditto for
12    wx backend -- see examples/embedding_in_wxagg.py
15  - hist bin change
17      Sean Richards notes there was a problem in the way we created
18      the binning for histogram, which made the last bin
19      underrepresented.  From his post:
21        I see that hist uses the linspace function to create the bins
22        and then uses searchsorted to put the values in their correct
23        bin. That's all good but I am confused over the use of linspace
24        for the bin creation. I wouldn't have thought that it does
25        what is needed, to quote the docstring it creates a "Linear
26        spaced array from min to max". For it to work correctly
27        shouldn't the values in the bins array be the same bound for
28        each bin? (i.e. each value should be the lower bound of a
29        bin). To provide the correct bins for hist would it not be
30        something like
32        def bins(xmin, xmax, N):
33          if N==1: return xmax
34          dx = (xmax-xmin)/N # instead of N-1
35          return xmin + dx*arange(N)
38       This suggestion is implemented in 0.81.  My test script with these
39       changes does not reveal any bias in the binning
41        from matplotlib.numerix.mlab import randn, rand, zeros, Float
42        from matplotlib.mlab import hist, mean
44        Nbins = 50
45        Ntests = 200
46        results = zeros((Ntests,Nbins), typecode=Float)
47        for i in range(Ntests):
48            print 'computing', i
49            x = rand(10000)
50            n, bins = hist(x, Nbins)
51            results[i] = n
52        print mean(results)