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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


README.rstH A D08-May-20211.6 KiB3726

clapack_scrub.pyH A D09-May-20218.5 KiB305252

f2c.cH A D08-May-202111.7 KiB765636

f2c.hH A D08-May-202110.3 KiB396342

f2c_blas.cH A D08-May-2021547.5 KiB21,61612,981

f2c_c_lapack.cH A D08-May-2021851.5 KiB29,86214,950

f2c_c_lapack.f.patchH A D08-May-20211.3 KiB3332

f2c_config.cH A D08-May-202149 KiB2,069862

f2c_config.c.patchH A D08-May-2021328 1914

f2c_d_lapack.cH A D08-May-20211.1 MiB41,86520,722

f2c_d_lapack.f.patchH A D08-May-20211.3 KiB3332

f2c_lapack.cH A D08-May-202144.7 KiB1,652804

f2c_lapack.f.patchH A D08-May-20211.4 KiB4948

f2c_s_lapack.cH A D08-May-20211.1 MiB41,69220,579

f2c_s_lapack.f.patchH A D08-May-20211.3 KiB3332

f2c_z_lapack.cH A D08-May-2021861.9 KiB29,99715,064

f2c_z_lapack.f.patchH A D08-May-20211.3 KiB3332

fortran.pyH A D08-May-20213.3 KiB11898

lapack_lite_names.hH A D08-May-202123.5 KiB692680

make_lite.pyH A D09-May-202111.7 KiB389310

python_xerbla.cH A D08-May-20211.3 KiB4826

wrapped_routinesH A D08-May-2021416 5251


1Regenerating lapack_lite source
4:Authors: * David M. Cooke <cookedm@physics.mcmaster.ca>
5          * Eric Wieser (upgraded lapack version on 2017-03-26)
7The ``numpy/linalg/f2c_*.c`` files are ``f2c``'d versions of the LAPACK routines
8required by the ``LinearAlgebra`` module, and wrapped by the ``lapack_lite``
9module. The scripts in this directory can be used to create these files
10automatically from a directory of LAPACK source files.
12You'll need `plex 2.0.0dev`_, available from PyPI, installed to do the
13appropriate scrubbing. As of writing, **this is only available for python 2.7**,
14and is unlikely to ever be ported to python 3.
16.. _plex 2.0.0dev: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/plex/
18The routines that ``lapack_litemodule.c`` wraps are listed in
19``wrapped_routines``, along with a few exceptions that aren't picked up
20properly. Assuming that you have an unpacked LAPACK source tree in
21``~/LAPACK``, you generate the new routines in this directory with::
23$ python ./make_lite.py wrapped_routines ~/LAPACK
25This will grab the right routines, with dependencies, put them into the
26appropriate ``f2c_*.f`` files, run ``f2c`` over them, then do some scrubbing
27similar to that done to generate the CLAPACK_ distribution.
29.. _CLAPACK: http://netlib.org/clapack/index.html
31The output C files in git use the LAPACK source from the LAPACK_ page, using
32version 3.2.2. Unfortunately, newer versions use newer FORTRAN features, which
33are increasingly not supported by ``f2c``. As these are found, the patch files
34will need to be changed to re-express new constructs with legacy constructs.
36.. _LAPACK: http://netlib.org/lapack/index.html