1 #ifndef KKT_H
2 # define KKT_H
4 # ifdef __cplusplus
5 extern "C" {
6 # endif // ifdef __cplusplus
8 # include "types.h"
10 # ifndef EMBEDDED
12 #  include "cs.h"
14 /**
15  * Form square symmetric KKT matrix of the form
16  *
17  * [P + param1 I,            A';
18  *  A             -diag(param2)]
19  *
20  * NB: Only the upper triangular part is stuffed!
21  *
22  *
23  *  If Pdiag_idx is not OSQP_NULL, it saves the index of the diagonal
24  * elements of P there and the number of diagonal elements in Pdiag_n.
25  *
26  * Similarly, if rhotoKKT is not null,
27  * it saves where the values of param2 go in the final KKT matrix
28  *
29  * NB: Pdiag_idx needs to be freed!
30  *
31  * @param  P          cost matrix (already just upper triangular part)
32  * @param  A          linear constraint matrix
33  * @param  format     CSC (0) or CSR (1)
34  * @param  param1     regularization parameter
35  * @param  param2     regularization parameter (vector)
36  * @param  PtoKKT     (modified) index mapping from elements of P to KKT matrix
37  * @param  AtoKKT     (modified) index mapping from elements of A to KKT matrix
38  * @param  Pdiag_idx  (modified) Address of the index of diagonal elements in P
39  * @param  Pdiag_n    (modified) Address to the number of diagonal elements in P
40  * @param  param2toKKT    (modified) index mapping from param2 to elements of
41  *KKT
42  * @return            return status flag
43  */
44 csc* form_KKT(const csc  *P,
45               const  csc *A,
46               c_int       format,
47               c_float     param1,
48               c_float    *param2,
49               c_int      *PtoKKT,
50               c_int      *AtoKKT,
51               c_int     **Pdiag_idx,
52               c_int      *Pdiag_n,
53               c_int      *param2toKKT);
54 # endif // ifndef EMBEDDED
57 # if EMBEDDED != 1
59 /**
60  * Update KKT matrix using the elements of P
61  *
62  * @param KKT       KKT matrix in CSC form (upper-triangular)
63  * @param P         P matrix in CSC form (upper-triangular)
64  * @param PtoKKT    Vector of pointers from P->x to KKT->x
65  * @param param1    Parameter added to the diagonal elements of P
66  * @param Pdiag_idx Index of diagonal elements in P->x
67  * @param Pdiag_n   Number of diagonal elements of P
68  */
69 void update_KKT_P(csc          *KKT,
70                   const csc    *P,
71                   const c_int  *PtoKKT,
72                   const c_float param1,
73                   const c_int  *Pdiag_idx,
74                   const c_int   Pdiag_n);
77 /**
78  * Update KKT matrix using the elements of A
79  *
80  * @param KKT       KKT matrix in CSC form (upper-triangular)
81  * @param A         A matrix in CSC form (upper-triangular)
82  * @param AtoKKT    Vector of pointers from A->x to KKT->x
83  */
84 void update_KKT_A(csc         *KKT,
85                   const csc   *A,
86                   const c_int *AtoKKT);
89 /**
90  * Update KKT matrix with new param2
91  *
92  * @param KKT           KKT matrix
93  * @param param2        Parameter of the KKT matrix (vector)
94  * @param param2toKKT   index where param2 enters in the KKT matrix
95  * @param m             number of constraints
96  */
97 void update_KKT_param2(csc           *KKT,
98                        const c_float *param2,
99                        const c_int   *param2toKKT,
100                        const c_int    m);
102 # endif // EMBEDDED != 1
105 # ifdef __cplusplus
106 }
107 # endif // ifdef __cplusplus
109 #endif // ifndef KKT_H