1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3Created on Sat Oct 01 20:20:16 2011
5Author: Josef Perktold
6License: BSD-3
9check orientation, size and alpha should be increasing for interp1d,
10but what is alpha? can be either sf or cdf probability
11change it to use one consistent notation
13check: instead of bound checking I could use the fill-value of the
16import numpy as np
17from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interp2d, Rbf
19from statsmodels.tools.decorators import cache_readonly
22class TableDist(object):
23    """
24    Distribution, critical values and p-values from tables
26    currently only 1 extra parameter, e.g. sample size
28    Parameters
29    ----------
30    alpha : array_like, 1d
31        probabiliy in the table, could be either sf (right tail) or cdf (left
32        tail)
33    size : array_like, 1d
34        The sample sizes for the table
35    crit_table : array_like, 2d
36        The sample sizes in the table
37        array with critical values for sample size in rows and probability in
38        columns
39    asymptotic : callable, optional
40        Callable function with the form fn(nobs) that returns len(alpha)
41        critical values where the critical value in position i corresponds to
42        alpha[i]
43    min_nobs : int, optional
44        Minimum number of observations to use the asymptotic distribution. If
45        not provided, uses max(size).
46    max_nobs : int, optional
47        Maximum number of observations to use the tabular distribution. If not
48        provided, uses max(size)
50    Notes
51    -----
52    size and alpha must be sorted and increasing.
54    If both min_nobs and max_nobs are provided, then
55    the critical values from the tabular distribution and the asymptotic
56    distribution are linearly blended using the formula
57    :math:`w cv_a + (1-w) cv_t` where the weight is
58    :math:`w = (n - a_{min}) / (a_{max} - a_{min})`. This ensures the
59    transition between the tabular and the asymptotic critical values is
60    continuous. If these are not provided, then the asymptotic critical value
61    is used for nobs > max(size).
62    """
64    def __init__(self, alpha, size, crit_table, asymptotic=None,
65                 min_nobs=None, max_nobs=None):
66        self.alpha = np.asarray(alpha)
67        if self.alpha.ndim != 1:
68            raise ValueError('alpha is not 1d')
69        elif (np.diff(self.alpha) <= 0).any():
70            raise ValueError('alpha is not sorted')
71        self.size = np.asarray(size)
72        if self.size.ndim != 1:
73            raise ValueError('size is not 1d')
74        elif (np.diff(self.size) <= 0).any():
75            raise ValueError('size is not sorted')
76        if self.size.ndim == 1:
77            if (np.diff(alpha) <= 0).any():
78                raise ValueError('alpha is not sorted')
79        self.crit_table = np.asarray(crit_table)
80        if self.crit_table.shape != (self.size.shape[0], self.alpha.shape[0]):
81            raise ValueError('crit_table must have shape'
82                             '(len(size), len(alpha))')
84        self.n_alpha = len(alpha)
85        self.signcrit = np.sign(np.diff(self.crit_table, 1).mean())
86        if self.signcrit > 0:  # increasing
87            self.critv_bounds = self.crit_table[:, [0, 1]]
88        else:
89            self.critv_bounds = self.crit_table[:, [1, 0]]
90        self.asymptotic = None
91        max_size = self.max_size = max(size)
93        if asymptotic is not None:
94            try:
95                cv = asymptotic(self.max_size + 1)
96            except Exception as exc:
97                raise type(exc)('Calling asymptotic(self.size+1) failed. The '
98                                'error message was:'
99                                '\n\n{err_msg}'.format(err_msg=exc.args[0]))
100            if len(cv) != len(alpha):
101                raise ValueError('asymptotic does not return len(alpha) '
102                                 'values')
103            self.asymptotic = asymptotic
105        self.min_nobs = max_size if min_nobs is None else min_nobs
106        self.max_nobs = max_size if max_nobs is None else max_nobs
107        if self.min_nobs > max_size:
108            raise ValueError('min_nobs > max(size)')
109        if self.max_nobs > max_size:
110            raise ValueError('max_nobs > max(size)')
112    @cache_readonly
113    def polyn(self):
114        polyn = [interp1d(self.size, self.crit_table[:, i])
115                 for i in range(self.n_alpha)]
116        return polyn
118    @cache_readonly
119    def poly2d(self):
120        # check for monotonicity ?
121        # fix this, interp needs increasing
122        poly2d = interp2d(self.size, self.alpha, self.crit_table)
123        return poly2d
125    @cache_readonly
126    def polyrbf(self):
127        xs, xa = np.meshgrid(self.size.astype(float), self.alpha)
128        polyrbf = Rbf(xs.ravel(), xa.ravel(), self.crit_table.T.ravel(),
129                      function='linear')
130        return polyrbf
132    def _critvals(self, n):
133        """
134        Rows of the table, linearly interpolated for given sample size
136        Parameters
137        ----------
138        n : float
139            sample size, second parameter of the table
141        Returns
142        -------
143        critv : ndarray, 1d
144            critical values (ppf) corresponding to a row of the table
146        Notes
147        -----
148        This is used in two step interpolation, or if we want to know the
149        critical values for all alphas for any sample size that we can obtain
150        through interpolation
151        """
152        if n > self.max_size:
153            if self.asymptotic is not None:
154                cv = self.asymptotic(n)
155            else:
156                raise ValueError('n is above max(size) and no asymptotic '
157                                 'distribtuion is provided')
158        else:
159            cv = ([p(n) for p in self.polyn])
160            if n > self.min_nobs:
161                w = (n - self.min_nobs) / (self.max_nobs - self.min_nobs)
162                w = min(1.0, w)
163                a_cv = self.asymptotic(n)
164                cv = w * a_cv + (1 - w) * cv
166        return cv
168    def prob(self, x, n):
169        """
170        Find pvalues by interpolation, either cdf(x)
172        Returns extreme probabilities, 0.001 and 0.2, for out of range
174        Parameters
175        ----------
176        x : array_like
177            observed value, assumed to follow the distribution in the table
178        n : float
179            sample size, second parameter of the table
181        Returns
182        -------
183        prob : array_like
184            This is the probability for each value of x, the p-value in
185            underlying distribution is for a statistical test.
186        """
187        critv = self._critvals(n)
188        alpha = self.alpha
190        if self.signcrit < 1:
191            # reverse if critv is decreasing
192            critv, alpha = critv[::-1], alpha[::-1]
194        # now critv is increasing
195        if np.size(x) == 1:
196            if x < critv[0]:
197                return alpha[0]
198            elif x > critv[-1]:
199                return alpha[-1]
200            return interp1d(critv, alpha)(x)[()]
201        else:
202            # vectorized
203            cond_low = (x < critv[0])
204            cond_high = (x > critv[-1])
205            cond_interior = ~np.logical_or(cond_low, cond_high)
207            probs = np.nan * np.ones(x.shape)  # mistake if nan left
208            probs[cond_low] = alpha[0]
209            probs[cond_low] = alpha[-1]
210            probs[cond_interior] = interp1d(critv, alpha)(x[cond_interior])
212            return probs
214    def crit(self, prob, n):
215        """
216        Returns interpolated quantiles, similar to ppf or isf
218        use two sequential 1d interpolation, first by n then by prob
220        Parameters
221        ----------
222        prob : array_like
223            probabilities corresponding to the definition of table columns
224        n : int or float
225            sample size, second parameter of the table
227        Returns
228        -------
229        ppf : array_like
230            critical values with same shape as prob
231        """
232        prob = np.asarray(prob)
233        alpha = self.alpha
234        critv = self._critvals(n)
236        # vectorized
237        cond_ilow = (prob > alpha[0])
238        cond_ihigh = (prob < alpha[-1])
239        cond_interior = np.logical_or(cond_ilow, cond_ihigh)
241        # scalar
242        if prob.size == 1:
243            if cond_interior:
244                return interp1d(alpha, critv)(prob)
245            else:
246                return np.nan
248        # vectorized
249        quantile = np.nan * np.ones(prob.shape)  # nans for outside
250        quantile[cond_interior] = interp1d(alpha, critv)(prob[cond_interior])
251        return quantile
253    def crit3(self, prob, n):
254        """
255        Returns interpolated quantiles, similar to ppf or isf
257        uses Rbf to interpolate critical values as function of `prob` and `n`
259        Parameters
260        ----------
261        prob : array_like
262            probabilities corresponding to the definition of table columns
263        n : int or float
264            sample size, second parameter of the table
266        Returns
267        -------
268        ppf : array_like
269            critical values with same shape as prob, returns nan for arguments
270            that are outside of the table bounds
271        """
272        prob = np.asarray(prob)
273        alpha = self.alpha
275        # vectorized
276        cond_ilow = (prob > alpha[0])
277        cond_ihigh = (prob < alpha[-1])
278        cond_interior = np.logical_or(cond_ilow, cond_ihigh)
280        # scalar
281        if prob.size == 1:
282            if cond_interior:
283                return self.polyrbf(n, prob)
284            else:
285                return np.nan
287        # vectorized
288        quantile = np.nan * np.ones(prob.shape)  # nans for outside
290        quantile[cond_interior] = self.polyrbf(n, prob[cond_interior])
291        return quantile