1from typing import Any, Optional
2from collections.abc import Mapping
4import numpy as np
5import pandas as pd
8def _right_squeeze(arr, stop_dim=0):
9    """
10    Remove trailing singleton dimensions
12    Parameters
13    ----------
14    arr : ndarray
15        Input array
16    stop_dim : int
17        Dimension where checking should stop so that shape[i] is not checked
18        for i < stop_dim
20    Returns
21    -------
22    squeezed : ndarray
23        Array with all trailing singleton dimensions (0 or 1) removed.
24        Singleton dimensions for dimension < stop_dim are retained.
25    """
26    last = arr.ndim
27    for s in reversed(arr.shape):
28        if s > 1:
29            break
30        last -= 1
31    last = max(last, stop_dim)
33    return arr.reshape(arr.shape[:last])
36def array_like(
37    obj,
38    name,
39    dtype=np.double,
40    ndim=1,
41    maxdim=None,
42    shape=None,
43    order=None,
44    contiguous=False,
45    optional=False,
47    """
48    Convert array-like to a ndarray and check conditions
50    Parameters
51    ----------
52    obj : array_like
53         An array, any object exposing the array interface, an object whose
54        __array__ method returns an array, or any (nested) sequence.
55    name : str
56        Name of the variable to use in exceptions
57    dtype : {None, numpy.dtype, str}
58        Required dtype. Default is double. If None, does not change the dtype
59        of obj (if present) or uses NumPy to automatically detect the dtype
60    ndim : {int, None}
61        Required number of dimensions of obj. If None, no check is performed.
62        If the number of dimensions of obj is less than ndim, additional axes
63        are inserted on the right. See examples.
64    maxdim : {int, None}
65        Maximum allowed dimension.  Use ``maxdim`` instead of ``ndim`` when
66        inputs are allowed to have ndim 1, 2, ..., or maxdim.
67    shape : {tuple[int], None}
68        Required shape obj.  If None, no check is performed. Partially
69        restricted shapes can be checked using None. See examples.
70    order : {'C', 'F', None}
71        Order of the array
72    contiguous : bool
73        Ensure that the array's data is contiguous with order ``order``
74    optional : bool
75        Flag indicating whether None is allowed
77    Returns
78    -------
79    ndarray
80        The converted input.
82    Examples
83    --------
84    Convert a list or pandas series to an array
85    >>> import pandas as pd
86    >>> x = [0, 1, 2, 3]
87    >>> a = array_like(x, 'x', ndim=1)
88    >>> a.shape
89    (4,)
91    >>> a = array_like(pd.Series(x), 'x', ndim=1)
92    >>> a.shape
93    (4,)
95    >>> type(a.orig)
96    pandas.core.series.Series
98    Squeezes singleton dimensions when required
99    >>> x = np.array(x).reshape((4, 1))
100    >>> a = array_like(x, 'x', ndim=1)
101    >>> a.shape
102    (4,)
104    Right-appends when required size is larger than actual
105    >>> x = [0, 1, 2, 3]
106    >>> a = array_like(x, 'x', ndim=2)
107    >>> a.shape
108    (4, 1)
110    Check only the first and last dimension of the input
111    >>> x = np.arange(4*10*4).reshape((4, 10, 4))
112    >>> y = array_like(x, 'x', ndim=3, shape=(4, None, 4))
114    Check only the first two dimensions
115    >>> z = array_like(x, 'x', ndim=3, shape=(4, 10))
117    Raises ValueError if constraints are not satisfied
118    >>> z = array_like(x, 'x', ndim=2)
119    Traceback (most recent call last):
120     ...
121    ValueError: x is required to have ndim 2 but has ndim 3
123    >>> z = array_like(x, 'x', shape=(10, 4, 4))
124    Traceback (most recent call last):
125     ...
126    ValueError: x is required to have shape (10, 4, 4) but has shape (4, 10, 4)
128    >>> z = array_like(x, 'x', shape=(None, 4, 4))
129    Traceback (most recent call last):
130     ...
131    ValueError: x is required to have shape (*, 4, 4) but has shape (4, 10, 4)
132    """
133    if optional and obj is None:
134        return None
135    arr = np.asarray(obj, dtype=dtype, order=order)
136    if maxdim is not None:
137        if arr.ndim > maxdim:
138            msg = "{0} must have ndim <= {1}".format(name, maxdim)
139            raise ValueError(msg)
140    elif ndim is not None:
141        if arr.ndim > ndim:
142            arr = _right_squeeze(arr, stop_dim=ndim)
143        elif arr.ndim < ndim:
144            arr = np.reshape(arr, arr.shape + (1,) * (ndim - arr.ndim))
145        if arr.ndim != ndim:
146            msg = "{0} is required to have ndim {1} but has ndim {2}"
147            raise ValueError(msg.format(name, ndim, arr.ndim))
148    if shape is not None:
149        for actual, req in zip(arr.shape, shape):
150            if req is not None and actual != req:
151                req_shape = str(shape).replace("None, ", "*, ")
152                msg = "{0} is required to have shape {1} but has shape {2}"
153                raise ValueError(msg.format(name, req_shape, arr.shape))
154    if contiguous:
155        arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr, dtype=dtype)
156    return arr
159class PandasWrapper(object):
160    """
161    Wrap array_like using the index from the original input, if pandas
163    Parameters
164    ----------
165    pandas_obj : {Series, DataFrame}
166        Object to extract the index from for wrapping
168    Notes
169    -----
170    Raises if ``orig`` is a pandas type but obj and and ``orig`` have
171    different numbers of elements in axis 0. Also raises if the ndim of obj
172    is larger than 2.
173    """
175    def __init__(self, pandas_obj):
176        self._pandas_obj = pandas_obj
177        self._is_pandas = isinstance(pandas_obj, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame))
179    def wrap(self, obj, columns=None, append=None, trim_start=0, trim_end=0):
180        """
181        Parameters
182        ----------
183        obj : {array_like}
184            The value to wrap like to a pandas Series or DataFrame.
185        columns : {str, list[str]}
186            Column names or series name, if obj is 1d.
187        append : str
188            String to append to the columns to create a new column name.
189        trim_start : int
190            The number of observations to drop from the start of the index, so
191            that the index applied is index[trim_start:].
192        trim_end : int
193            The number of observations to drop from the end of the index , so
194            that the index applied is index[:nobs - trim_end].
196        Returns
197        -------
198        array_like
199            A pandas Series or DataFrame, depending on the shape of obj.
200        """
201        obj = np.asarray(obj)
202        if not self._is_pandas:
203            return obj
205        if obj.shape[0] + trim_start + trim_end != self._pandas_obj.shape[0]:
206            raise ValueError(
207                "obj must have the same number of elements in "
208                "axis 0 as orig"
209            )
210        index = self._pandas_obj.index
211        index = index[trim_start: index.shape[0] - trim_end]
212        if obj.ndim == 1:
213            if columns is None:
214                name = getattr(self._pandas_obj, "name", None)
215            elif isinstance(columns, str):
216                name = columns
217            else:
218                name = columns[0]
219            if append is not None:
220                name = append if name is None else f"{name}_{append}"
222            return pd.Series(obj, name=name, index=index)
223        elif obj.ndim == 2:
224            if columns is None:
225                columns = getattr(self._pandas_obj, "columns", None)
226            if append is not None:
227                new = []
228                for c in columns:
229                    new.append(append if c is None else f"{c}_{append}")
230                columns = new
231            return pd.DataFrame(obj, columns=columns, index=index)
232        else:
233            raise ValueError("Can only wrap 1 or 2-d array_like")
236def bool_like(value, name, optional=False, strict=False):
237    """
238    Convert to bool or raise if not bool_like
240    Parameters
241    ----------
242    value : object
243        Value to verify
244    name : str
245        Variable name for exceptions
246    optional : bool
247        Flag indicating whether None is allowed
248    strict : bool
249        If True, then only allow bool. If False, allow types that support
250        casting to bool.
252    Returns
253    -------
254    converted : bool
255        value converted to a bool
256    """
257    if optional and value is None:
258        return value
259    extra_text = " or None" if optional else ""
260    if strict:
261        if isinstance(value, bool):
262            return value
263        else:
264            raise TypeError("{0} must be a bool{1}".format(name, extra_text))
266    if hasattr(value, "squeeze") and callable(value.squeeze):
267        value = value.squeeze()
268    try:
269        return bool(value)
270    except Exception:
271        raise TypeError(
272            "{0} must be a bool (or bool-compatible)"
273            "{1}".format(name, extra_text)
274        )
277def int_like(
278    value: Any, name: str, optional: bool = False, strict: bool = False
279) -> Optional[int]:
280    """
281    Convert to int or raise if not int_like
283    Parameters
284    ----------
285    value : object
286        Value to verify
287    name : str
288        Variable name for exceptions
289    optional : bool
290        Flag indicating whether None is allowed
291    strict : bool
292        If True, then only allow int or np.integer that are not bool. If False,
293        allow types that support integer division by 1 and conversion to int.
295    Returns
296    -------
297    converted : int
298        value converted to a int
299    """
300    if optional and value is None:
301        return None
302    is_bool_timedelta = isinstance(value, (bool, np.timedelta64))
304    if hasattr(value, "squeeze") and callable(value.squeeze):
305        value = value.squeeze()
307    if isinstance(value, (int, np.integer)) and not is_bool_timedelta:
308        return int(value)
309    elif not strict and not is_bool_timedelta:
310        try:
311            if value == (value // 1):
312                return int(value)
313        except Exception:
314            pass
315    extra_text = " or None" if optional else ""
316    raise TypeError(
317        "{0} must be integer_like (int or np.integer, but not bool"
318        " or timedelta64){1}".format(name, extra_text)
319    )
322def required_int_like(value: Any, name: str, strict: bool = False) -> int:
323    """
324    Convert to int or raise if not int_like
326    Parameters
327    ----------
328    value : object
329        Value to verify
330    name : str
331        Variable name for exceptions
332    optional : bool
333        Flag indicating whether None is allowed
334    strict : bool
335        If True, then only allow int or np.integer that are not bool. If False,
336        allow types that support integer division by 1 and conversion to int.
338    Returns
339    -------
340    converted : int
341        value converted to a int
342    """
343    _int = int_like(value, name, optional=False, strict=strict)
344    assert _int is not None
345    return _int
348def float_like(value, name, optional=False, strict=False):
349    """
350    Convert to float or raise if not float_like
352    Parameters
353    ----------
354    value : object
355        Value to verify
356    name : str
357        Variable name for exceptions
358    optional : bool
359        Flag indicating whether None is allowed
360    strict : bool
361        If True, then only allow int, np.integer, float or np.inexact that are
362        not bool or complex. If False, allow complex types with 0 imag part or
363        any other type that is float like in the sense that it support
364        multiplication by 1.0 and conversion to float.
366    Returns
367    -------
368    converted : float
369        value converted to a float
370    """
371    if optional and value is None:
372        return None
373    is_bool = isinstance(value, bool)
374    is_complex = isinstance(value, (complex, np.complexfloating))
375    if hasattr(value, "squeeze") and callable(value.squeeze):
376        value = value.squeeze()
378    if isinstance(value, (int, np.integer, float, np.inexact)) and not (
379        is_bool or is_complex
380    ):
381        return float(value)
382    elif not strict and is_complex:
383        imag = np.imag(value)
384        if imag == 0:
385            return float(np.real(value))
386    elif not strict and not is_bool:
387        try:
388            return float(value / 1.0)
389        except Exception:
390            pass
391    extra_text = " or None" if optional else ""
392    raise TypeError(
393        "{0} must be float_like (float or np.inexact)"
394        "{1}".format(name, extra_text)
395    )
398def string_like(value, name, optional=False, options=None, lower=True):
399    """
400    Check if object is string-like and raise if not
402    Parameters
403    ----------
404    value : object
405        Value to verify.
406    name : str
407        Variable name for exceptions.
408    optional : bool
409        Flag indicating whether None is allowed.
410    options : tuple[str]
411        Allowed values for input parameter `value`.
412    lower : bool
413        Convert all case-based characters in `value` into lowercase.
415    Returns
416    -------
417    str
418        The validated input
420    Raises
421    ------
422    TypeError
423        If the value is not a string or None when optional is True.
424    ValueError
425        If the input is not in ``options`` when ``options`` is set.
426    """
427    if value is None:
428        return None
429    if not isinstance(value, str):
430        extra_text = " or None" if optional else ""
431        raise TypeError("{0} must be a string{1}".format(name, extra_text))
432    if lower:
433        value = value.lower()
434    if options is not None and value not in options:
435        extra_text = "If not None, " if optional else ""
436        options_text = "'" + "', '".join(options) + "'"
437        msg = "{0}{1} must be one of: {2}".format(
438            extra_text, name, options_text
439        )
440        raise ValueError(msg)
441    return value
444def dict_like(value, name, optional=False, strict=True):
445    """
446    Check if dict_like (dict, Mapping) or raise if not
448    Parameters
449    ----------
450    value : object
451        Value to verify
452    name : str
453        Variable name for exceptions
454    optional : bool
455        Flag indicating whether None is allowed
456    strict : bool
457        If True, then only allow dict. If False, allow any Mapping-like object.
459    Returns
460    -------
461    converted : dict_like
462        value
463    """
464    if optional and value is None:
465        return None
466    if not isinstance(value, Mapping) or (
467        strict and not (isinstance(value, dict))
468    ):
469        extra_text = "If not None, " if optional else ""
470        strict_text = " or dict_like (i.e., a Mapping)" if strict else ""
471        msg = "{0}{1} must be a dict{2}".format(extra_text, name, strict_text)
472        raise TypeError(msg)
473    return value