2Defines base classes `Op`, `PureOp`, and `CLinkerOp`.
4The `Op` class is the base interface for all operations
5compatible with `gof`'s :doc:`graph` routines.
8from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
10import inspect
11import logging
12import numpy as np
13import os
14import re
15import sys
16import warnings
18import theano
19from theano import config
21import theano.gof.cc
22from six import itervalues, PY3
23from theano.gof import graph
24from theano.gof import utils
25from theano.gof.cmodule import GCC_compiler
26from theano.gof.fg import FunctionGraph
28__authors__ = "theano-dev"
29__copyright__ = "(c) 2010, Universite de Montreal"
30__license__ = "3-clause BSD License"
31__contact__ = "theano-dev <theano-dev@googlegroups.com>"
33__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
35_logger = logging.getLogger('theano.gof.op.Op')
38# Open file in "universal newline mode".
39# In Python 2, this is done by calling open(..., 'U'), but this is
40# deprected in Python 3 (where we would need to pass "newline=None",
41# which is the default).
42if PY3:
43    _open_u = open
45    def _open_u(file):
46        return open(file, 'U')
49class CLinkerObject(object):
50    """
51    Standard elements of an Op or Type used with the CLinker.
53    """
55    def c_headers(self):
56        """
57        Optional: Return a list of header files required by code returned by
58        this class.
60        Examples
61        --------
62        return ['<iostream>', '<math.h>', '/full/path/to/header.h']
64        These strings will be prefixed with "#include " and inserted at the
65        beginning of the c source code.
67        Strings in this list that start neither with '<' nor '"' will be
68        enclosed in double-quotes.
70        Raises
71        ------
72        MethodNotDefined
73            Subclass does not implement this method.
75        """
76        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
77            "c_headers", type(self), self.__class__.__name__)
79    def c_header_dirs(self):
80        """
81        Optional: Return a list of header search paths required by code
82        returned by this class.
84        Examples
85        --------
86        return ['/usr/local/include', '/opt/weirdpath/src/include']
88        Provides search paths for headers, in addition to those in any relevant
89        environment variables.
91        Hint: for unix compilers, these are the things that get '-I' prefixed
92        in the compiler cmdline.
94        Raises
95        ------
96        MethodNotDefined
97            Subclass does not implement this method.
99        """
100        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
101            "c_header_dirs",
102            type(self),
103            self.__class__.__name__)
105    def c_libraries(self):
106        """
107        Optional: Return a list of libraries required by code returned by
108        this class.
110        Examples
111        --------
112        return ['gsl', 'gslcblas', 'm', 'fftw3', 'g2c'].
114        The compiler will search the directories specified by the environment
115        variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in addition to any returned by `c_lib_dirs`.
117        Hint: for unix compilers, these are the things that get '-l' prefixed
118        in the compiler cmdline.
120        Raises
121        ------
122        MethodNotDefined
123            Subclass does not implement this method.
125        """
126        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
127            "c_libraries", type(self), self.__class__.__name__)
129    def c_lib_dirs(self):
130        """
131        Optional: Return a list of library search paths required by code
132        returned by this class.
134        Examples
135        --------
136        return ['/usr/local/lib', '/opt/weirdpath/build/libs'].
138        Provides search paths for libraries, in addition to those in any
139        relevant environment variables (e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
141        Hint: for unix compilers, these are the things that get '-L' prefixed
142        in the compiler cmdline.
144        Raises
145        ------
146        MethodNotDefined
147            Subclass does not implement this method.
149        """
150        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
151            "c_lib_dirs", type(self), self.__class__.__name__)
153    def c_support_code(self):
154        """
155        Optional: Return utility code (a string, or a list of strings) for use by a `Variable` or `Op` to be
156        included at global scope prior to the rest of the code for this class.
158        QUESTION: How many times will this support code be emitted for a graph
159        with many instances of the same type?
161        Raises
162        ------
163        MethodNotDefined
164            Subclass does not implement this method.
166        """
167        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
168            "c_support_code",
169            type(self),
170            self.__class__.__name__)
172    def c_code_cache_version(self):
173        """
174        Return a tuple of integers indicating the version of this Op.
176        An empty tuple indicates an 'unversioned' Op that will not be cached
177        between processes.
179        The cache mechanism may erase cached modules that have been superceded
180        by newer versions. See `ModuleCache` for details.
182        See Also
183        --------
184        c_code_cache_version_apply()
186        """
187        return ()
189    def c_compile_args(self):
190        """
191        Optional: Return a list of compile args recommended to compile the
192        code returned by other methods in this class.
194        Example
195        -------
196        return ['-ffast-math']
198        Compiler arguments related to headers, libraries and search paths should
199        be provided via the functions `c_headers`, `c_libraries`,
200        `c_header_dirs`, and `c_lib_dirs`.
202        Raises
203        ------
204        MethodNotDefined
205            Subclass does not implement this method.
207        """
208        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
209            "c_compile_args",
210            type(self),
211            self.__class__.__name__)
213    def c_no_compile_args(self):
214        """
215        Optional: return a list of incompatible gcc compiler arguments.
217        We will remove those arguments from the command line of gcc. So if
218        another Op adds a compile arg in the graph that is incompatible
219        with this Op, the incompatible arg will not be used.
220        Useful for instance to remove -ffast-math.
222        EXAMPLE
224        WRITEME
226        Raises
227        ------
228        MethodNotDefined
229            The subclass does not override this method.
231        """
232        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
233            "c_no_compile_args",
234            type(self),
235            self.__class__.__name__)
237    def c_init_code(self):
238        """
239        Optional: return a list of code snippets to be inserted in module
240        initialization.
242        Raises
243        ------
244        MethodNotDefined
245            The subclass does not override this method.
247        """
248        raise utils.MethodNotDefined("c_init_code", type(self),
249                                     self.__class__.__name__)
252class CLinkerOp(CLinkerObject):
253    """
254    Interface definition for `Op` subclasses compiled by `CLinker`.
256    A subclass should implement WRITEME.
258    WRITEME: structure of automatically generated C code.
259    Put this in doc/code_structure.txt
261    """
263    def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub):
264        """
265        Required: return the C implementation of an Op.
267        Returns C code that does the computation associated to this `Op`,
268        given names for the inputs and outputs.
270        Parameters
271        ----------
272        node : Apply instance
273            The node for which we are compiling the current c_code.
274           The same Op may be used in more than one node.
275        name : str
276            A name that is automatically assigned and guaranteed to be
277            unique.
278        inputs : list of strings
279            There is a string for each input of the function, and the
280            string is the name of a C variable pointing to that input.
281            The type of the variable depends on the declared type of
282            the input.  There is a corresponding python variable that
283            can be accessed by prepending "py_" to the name in the
284            list.
285        outputs : list of strings
286            Each string is the name of a C variable where the Op should
287            store its output.  The type depends on the declared type of
288            the output.  There is a corresponding python variable that
289            can be accessed by prepending "py_" to the name in the
290            list.  In some cases the outputs will be preallocated and
291            the value of the variable may be pre-filled.  The value for
292            an unallocated output is type-dependent.
293        sub : dict of strings
294            Extra symbols defined in `CLinker` sub symbols (such as 'fail').
295            WRITEME
297        Raises
298        ------
299        MethodNotDefined
300            The subclass does not override this method.
302        """
303        raise utils.MethodNotDefined('%s.c_code' % self.__class__.__name__)
305    def c_code_cache_version_apply(self, node):
306        """
307        Return a tuple of integers indicating the version of this Op.
309        An empty tuple indicates an 'unversioned' Op that will not be
310        cached between processes.
312        The cache mechanism may erase cached modules that have been
313        superceded by newer versions.  See `ModuleCache` for details.
315        See Also
316        --------
317        c_code_cache_version()
319        Notes
320        -----
321            This function overrides `c_code_cache_version` unless it explicitly
322            calls `c_code_cache_version`. The default implementation simply
323            calls `c_code_cache_version` and ignores the `node` argument.
325        """
326        return self.c_code_cache_version()
328    def c_code_cleanup(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub):
329        """
330        Optional: return C code to run after c_code, whether it failed or not.
332        This is a convenient place to clean up things allocated by c_code().
334        Parameters
335        ----------
336        node : Apply instance
337            WRITEME
338        name : str
339            A name that is automatically assigned and guaranteed to be
340            unique.
341        inputs : list of strings
342            There is a string for each input of the function, and the
343            string is the name of a C variable pointing to that input.
344            The type of the variable depends on the declared type of
345            the input. There is a corresponding python variable that
346            can be accessed by prepending "py_" to the name in the
347            list.
348        outputs : list of strings
349            Each string is the name of a C variable correspoinding to
350            one of the outputs of the Op. The type depends on the
351            declared type of the output. There is a corresponding
352            python variable that can be accessed by prepending "py_" to
353            the name in the list.
354        sub : dict of strings
355            extra symbols defined in `CLinker` sub symbols (such as 'fail').
356            WRITEME
358        Raises
359        ------
360        MethodNotDefined
361            The subclass does not override this method.
363        """
364        raise utils.MethodNotDefined('%s.c_code_cleanup' %
365                                     self.__class__.__name__)
367    def c_support_code_apply(self, node, name):
368        """
369        Optional: return utility code for use by an `Op` that will be
370        inserted at global scope, that can be specialized for the
371        support of a particular `Apply` node.
373        Parameters
374        ----------
375        node: an Apply instance in the graph being compiled
376        name: str
377            A string or number that serves to uniquely identify this node.
378            Symbol names defined by this support code should include the name,
379            so that they can be called from the c_code, and so that they do not
380            cause name collisions.
382        Notes
383        -----
384        This function is called in addition to c_support_code and will
385        supplement whatever is returned from there.
387        Raises
388        ------
389        MethodNotDefined
390            Subclass does not implement this method.
392        """
393        raise utils.MethodNotDefined("c_support_code_apply",
394                                     type(self), self.__class__.__name__)
396    def c_init_code_apply(self, node, name):
397        """
398        Optional: return a code string specific to the apply
399        to be inserted in the module initialization code.
401        Parameters
402        ----------
403        node : an Apply instance in the graph being compiled
404        name : str
405            A string or number that serves to uniquely identify this node.
406            Symbol names defined by this support code should include the name,
407            so that they can be called from the c_code, and so that they do not
408            cause name collisions.
410        Notes
411        -----
412        This function is called in addition to c_init_code and will supplement
413        whatever is returned from there.
415        Raises
416        ------
417        MethodNotDefined
418            The subclass does not override this method.
420        """
421        raise utils.MethodNotDefined("c_init_code_apply", type(self),
422                                     self.__class__.__name__)
424    def c_init_code_struct(self, node, name, sub):
425        """
426        Optional: return a code string specific to the apply
427        to be inserted in the struct initialization code.
429        Parameters
430        ----------
431        node : an Apply instance in the graph being compiled
432        name : str
433            A unique name to distinguish variables from those of other nodes.
434        sub
435            A dictionary of values to substitute in the code.
436            Most notably it contains a 'fail' entry that you should place in
437            your code after setting a python exception to indicate an error.
439        Raises
440        ------
441        MethodNotDefined
442            The subclass does not override this method.
444        """
445        raise utils.MethodNotDefined("c_init_code_struct", type(self),
446                                     self.__class__.__name__)
448    def c_support_code_struct(self, node, name):
449        """
450        Optional: return utility code for use by an `Op` that will be
451        inserted at struct scope, that can be specialized for the
452        support of a particular `Apply` node.
454        Parameters
455        ----------
456        node : an Apply instance in the graph being compiled
457        name : str
458            A unique name to distinguish you variables from those of other
459            nodes.
461        Raises
462        ------
463        MethodNotDefined
464            Subclass does not implement this method.
466        """
467        raise utils.MethodNotDefined("c_support_code_struct",
468                                     type(self), self.__class__.__name__)
470    def c_cleanup_code_struct(self, node, name):
471        """
472        Optional: return a code string specific to the apply to be
473        inserted in the struct cleanup code.
475        Parameters
476        ----------
477        node : an Apply instance in the graph being compiled
478        name : str
479            A unique name to distinguish variables from those of other nodes.
481        Raises
482        ------
483        MethodNotDefined
484            The subclass does not override this method.
486        """
487        raise utils.MethodNotDefined("c_cleanup_code_struct", type(self),
488                                     self.__class__.__name__)
491class PureOp(object):
492    """
493    An :term:`Op` is a type of operation.
495    `Op` is an abstract class that documents the interface for theano's data
496    transformations. It has many subclasses, such as
497    `sparse dot <http://pylearn.org/epydoc/theano.sparse.Dot-class.html>`__,
498    and `Shape <http://pylearn.org/epydoc/theano.tensor.Shape-class.html>`__.
500    These subclasses are meant to be instantiated.
501    An instance has several responsabilities:
503    - making `Apply` instances, which mean "apply this type of operation to some
504      particular inputs" (via `make_node`),
506    - performing the calculation of outputs from given inputs
507      (via the `perform`),
509    - [optionally] building gradient-calculating graphs (via `grad`).
511    To see how `Op`, `Type`, `Variable`, and `Apply` fit together see the page
512    on :doc:`graph`.
514    For more specifications on how these methods should behave: see the
515    `Op Contract` in the sphinx docs (advanced tutorial on Op-making).
517    """
519    default_output = None
520    """
521    Configuration variable for `__call__`.
523    A subclass should not change this class variable, but instead over-ride it with a subclass
524    variable or an instance variable.
526    """
528    #############
529    # make_node #
530    #############
532    def make_node(self, *inputs):
533        """
534        Required: return an Apply instance representing the
535        application of this Op to the provided inputs.
537        """
538        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
539            "make_node", type(self), self.__class__.__name__)
541    @classmethod
542    def _get_test_value(cls, v):
543        """
544        Extract test value from variable v.
545        Raises AttributeError if there is none.
547        For a Constant, the test value is v.value.
548        For a Shared variable, it is the internal value.
549        For another Variable, it is the content of v.tag.test_value.
551        """
552        # avoid circular import
553        from theano.compile.sharedvalue import SharedVariable
555        if isinstance(v, graph.Constant):
556            return v.value
557        elif isinstance(v, SharedVariable):
558            return v.get_value(borrow=True, return_internal_type=True)
559        elif isinstance(v, graph.Variable) and hasattr(v.tag, 'test_value'):
560            # ensure that the test value is correct
561            try:
562                ret = v.type.filter(v.tag.test_value)
563            except Exception as e:
564                # Better error message.
565                detailed_err_msg = (
566                    "For compute_test_value, one input test value does not"
567                    " have the requested type.\n")
568                detailed_err_msg += utils.get_variable_trace_string(v)
570                detailed_err_msg += (
571                    "\nThe error when converting the test value to that"
572                    " variable type:")
573                # We need to only have 1 args and it should be of type
574                # string.  Otherwise, it print the tuple and so the
575                # new line do not get printed.
576                args = (detailed_err_msg,) + tuple(str(arg) for arg in e.args)
577                e.args = ("\n".join(args),)
578                raise
579            return ret
580        detailed_err_msg = utils.get_variable_trace_string(v)
581        raise AttributeError('%s has no test value %s' % (v, detailed_err_msg))
583    def __call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs):
584        """
585        Optional: return some or all output[s] of `make_node`.
587        It is called by code such as:
589        .. python::
591           x = tensor.matrix()
593           # tensor.exp is an Op instance, calls
594           # Op.__call__(self=<instance of exp>, inputs=(x,))
595           y = tensor.exp(x)
597        This class implements a convenience function (for graph-building) which
598        uses `default_output`, but subclasses are free to override this function
599        and ignore `default_output`.
601        Parameters
602        ----------
603        inputs
604            The Op's inputs, forwarded to the call to `make_node()`.
605        kwargs
606            Additional keyword arguments to be forwarded to
607            `make_node()` *except* for optional argument `return_list` (which
608            defaults to False). If `return_list` is True, then the returned
609            value is always a list. Otherwise it is either a single Variable
610            when the output of `make_node()` contains a single element, or this
611            output (unchanged) when it contains multiple elements.
613        """
614        return_list = kwargs.pop('return_list', False)
615        node = self.make_node(*inputs, **kwargs)
617        if config.compute_test_value != 'off':
618            run_perform = True
620            # build test input-values
621            storage_map = {}
622            compute_map = {}
623            for i, ins in enumerate(node.inputs):
624                try:
625                    storage_map[ins] = [self._get_test_value(ins)]
626                    compute_map[ins] = [True]
627                except AttributeError:
628                    # no test-value was specified, act accordingly
629                    if config.compute_test_value == 'warn':
630                        warnings.warn(
631                            'Warning, Cannot compute test value: input %i (%s) of Op %s missing default value' %
632                            (i, ins, node), stacklevel=2)
633                        run_perform = False
634                    elif config.compute_test_value == 'raise':
635                        detailed_err_msg = utils.get_variable_trace_string(ins)
637                        raise ValueError(
638                            'Cannot compute test value: input %i (%s) of Op %s missing default value. %s' %
639                            (i, ins, node, detailed_err_msg))
640                    elif config.compute_test_value == 'ignore':
641                        # silently skip test
642                        run_perform = False
643                    elif config.compute_test_value == 'pdb':
644                        import pdb
645                        pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2])
646                    else:
647                        raise ValueError(
648                            '%s is invalid for option config.compute_Test_value' %
649                            config.compute_test_value)
651            # if all inputs have test-values, run the actual op
652            if run_perform:
653                # Original values should not be destroyed:
654                # copy the values of the inputs in destroy_map
655                destroyed_inputs_idx = set()
656                if getattr(node.op, 'destroy_map', None):
657                    for i_pos_list in itervalues(node.op.destroy_map):
658                        destroyed_inputs_idx.update(i_pos_list)
659                for inp_idx in destroyed_inputs_idx:
660                    inp = node.inputs[inp_idx]
661                    storage_map[inp] = [storage_map[inp][0].copy()]
663                # Prepare storage_map and compute_map for the outputs
664                for o in node.outputs:
665                    storage_map[o] = [None]
666                    compute_map[o] = [False]
668                # compute output value once with test inputs to validate graph
669                thunk = node.op.make_thunk(node, storage_map, compute_map,
670                                           no_recycling=[])
671                thunk.inputs = [storage_map[v] for v in node.inputs]
672                thunk.outputs = [storage_map[v] for v in node.outputs]
674                required = thunk()
675                assert not required  # We provided all inputs
677                for output in node.outputs:
678                    # Check that the output has been computed
679                    assert compute_map[output][
680                        0], (output, storage_map[output][0])
682                    # add 'test_value' to output tag, so that downstream ops can use these
683                    # numerical values as inputs to their perform method.
684                    output.tag.test_value = storage_map[output][0]
686        if self.default_output is not None:
687            rval = node.outputs[self.default_output]
688            if return_list:
689                rval = [rval]
690            return rval
691        else:
692            if return_list:
693                return list(node.outputs)
694            elif len(node.outputs) == 1:
695                return node.outputs[0]
696            else:
697                return node.outputs
699    def __ne__(self, other):
700        return not (self == other)
702    # Convenience so that subclass implementers don't have to import utils
703    # just to self.add_tag_trace
704    add_tag_trace = staticmethod(utils.add_tag_trace)
706    #########################
707    # Python implementation #
708    #########################
710    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_grads):
711        return self.grad(inputs, output_grads)
713    def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points):
714        """
715        This method is primarily used by tensor.Rop
717        Suppose the op outputs
719        [ f_1(inputs), ..., f_n(inputs) ]
721        Parameters
722        ----------
723        inputs : a Variable or list of Variables
724        eval_points
725            A Variable or list of Variables with the same length as inputs.
726            Each element of eval_points specifies the value of the corresponding
727            input at the point where the R op is to be evaluated.
729        Returns
730        -------
731        list of n elements
732            rval[i] should be Rop(f=f_i(inputs),
733                                  wrt=inputs,
734                                  eval_points=eval_points)
736        """
737        raise NotImplementedError(
738            "%s of class %s does not "
739            "implement R_op. If this is a theano op, write to the "
740            "theano-dev mailing list for assistance. If it is your "
741            "own op, implement the R_op method." %
742            (self, self.__class__.__name__))
744    def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage, params=None):
745        """
746        Required: Calculate the function on the inputs and put the variables in
747        the output storage. Return None.
749        Parameters
750        ----------
751        node : Apply instance
752            Contains the symbolic inputs and outputs.
753        inputs : list
754            Sequence of inputs (immutable).
755        output_storage : list
756             List of mutable 1-element lists (do not change the length of
757             these lists)
759        Notes
760        -----
761        The `output_storage` list might contain data. If an element of
762        output_storage is not None, it has to be of the right type,
763        for instance, for a TensorVariable, it has to be a Numpy ndarray,
764        with the right number of dimensions, and the correct dtype.
765        Its shape and stride pattern, can be arbitrary. It not is
766        guaranteed that it was produced by a previous call to impl. It
767        could be allocated by another Op impl is free to reuse it as it
768        sees fit, or to discard it and allocate new memory.
770        Raises
771        ------
772        MethodNotDefined
773            The subclass does not override this method.
775        """
776        raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
777            "perform", type(self), self.__class__.__name__,
778            "Did you used Theano flags mode=FAST_COMPILE?"
779            " You can use optimizer=fast_compile instead.")
781    def do_constant_folding(self, node):
782        """
783        This allows each op to determine if it wants to be constant
784        folded when all its inputs are constant. This allows it to
785        choose where it puts its memory/speed trade-off. Also, it
786        could make things faster as constants can't be used for inplace
787        operations (see *IncSubtensor).
789        """
790        return True
793class Op(utils.object2, PureOp, CLinkerOp):
794    """
795    Convenience class to bundle `PureOp` and `CLinkerOp`.
797    """
799    # We add a default get_params() implementation which will try to detect params from the op
800    # if params_type is set to a ParamsType. If not, we raise a MethodNotDefined exception.
801    def get_params(self, node):
802        if hasattr(self, 'params_type') and isinstance(self.params_type, theano.gof.ParamsType):
803            wrapper = self.params_type
804            if not all(hasattr(self, field) for field in wrapper.fields):
805                # Let's print missing attributes for debugging.
806                not_found = tuple(field for field in wrapper.fields if not hasattr(self, field))
807                raise AttributeError('%s: missing attributes %s for ParamsType.' % (type(self).__name__, not_found))
808            # ParamsType.get_params() will apply filtering to attributes.
809            return self.params_type.get_params(self)
810        raise theano.gof.utils.MethodNotDefined('get_params')
812    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
813        """
814        Make any special modifications that the Op needs before doing
815        make_thunk().
817        This can modify the node inplace and should return nothing.
819        It can be called multiple time with different impl. It is the
820        op responsibility to don't re-prepare the node when it isn't
821        good to do so.
823        """
824        pass
826    def make_c_thunk(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling):
827        """Like make_thunk, but will only try to make a C thunk.
829        """
830        node_input_storage = [storage_map[r] for r in node.inputs]
831        node_output_storage = [storage_map[r] for r in node.outputs]
833        e = FunctionGraph(node.inputs, node.outputs)
834        e_no_recycling = [new_o
835                          for (new_o, old_o) in zip(e.outputs, node.outputs)
836                          if old_o in no_recycling]
837        cl = theano.gof.cc.CLinker().accept(e,
838                                            no_recycling=e_no_recycling)
839        # float16 gets special treatment since running
840        # unprepared C code will get bad results.
841        if not getattr(self, '_f16_ok', False):
842            def is_f16(t):
843                return getattr(t, 'dtype', '') == 'float16'
845            if (any(is_f16(i.type) for i in node.inputs) or
846                    any(is_f16(o.type) for o in node.outputs)):
847                # get_dynamic_module is a subset of make_thunk that is reused.
848                # This just try to build the c code
849                # It will raise an error for ops
850                # that don't implement c code. In those cases, we
851                # don't want to print a warning.
852                cl.get_dynamic_module()
853                print("Disabling C code for %s due to unsupported "
854                      "float16" % (self,))
855                raise NotImplementedError("float16")
856        _logger.debug('Trying CLinker.make_thunk')
857        outputs = cl.make_thunk(input_storage=node_input_storage,
858                                output_storage=node_output_storage)
859        thunk, node_input_filters, node_output_filters = outputs
861        def rval():
862            thunk()
863            for o in node.outputs:
864                compute_map[o][0] = True
866        rval.thunk = thunk
867        rval.cthunk = thunk.cthunk
868        rval.inputs = node_input_storage
869        rval.outputs = node_output_storage
870        rval.lazy = False
871        return rval
873    def make_py_thunk(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling,
874                      debug=False):
875        """
876        Like make_thunk() but only makes python thunks.
878        """
879        node_input_storage = [storage_map[r] for r in node.inputs]
880        node_output_storage = [storage_map[r] for r in node.outputs]
882        if debug:
883            p = node.op.debug_perform
884        else:
885            p = node.op.perform
887        params = node.run_params()
889        if params is graph.NoParams:
890            # default arguments are stored in the closure of `rval`
891            def rval(p=p, i=node_input_storage, o=node_output_storage, n=node):
892                r = p(n, [x[0] for x in i], o)
893                for o in node.outputs:
894                    compute_map[o][0] = True
895                return r
896        else:
897            params_val = node.params_type.filter(params)
899            def rval(p=p, i=node_input_storage, o=node_output_storage, n=node,
900                     params=params_val):
901                r = p(n, [x[0] for x in i], o, params)
902                for o in node.outputs:
903                    compute_map[o][0] = True
904                return r
906        rval.inputs = node_input_storage
907        rval.outputs = node_output_storage
908        rval.perform = p
909        rval.lazy = False
910        return rval
912    def make_thunk(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling,
913                   impl=None):
914        """
915        This function must return a thunk, that is a zero-arguments
916        function that encapsulates the computation to be performed
917        by this op on the arguments of the node.
919        Parameters
920        ----------
921        node
922            Something previously returned by self.make_node.
923        storage_map
924            dict variable -> one-element-list where a computed
925            value for this variable may be found.
926        compute_map
927            dict variable -> one-element-list where a boolean
928            value will be found. The boolean indicates whether the
929            variable's storage_map container contains a valid value (True)
930            or if it has not been computed yet (False).
931        no_recycling
932            List of variables for which it is forbidden to reuse memory
933            allocated by a previous call.
934        impl
935            Currently, None, 'c' or 'py'. If 'c' or 'py' we will only try
936            that version of the code.
938        Notes
939        -----
940        If the thunk consults the storage_map on every call, it is safe
941        for it to ignore the no_recycling argument, because elements of the
942        no_recycling list will have a value of None in the storage map.  If
943        the thunk can potentially cache return values (like CLinker does),
944        then it must not do so for variables in the no_recycling list.
946        self.prepare_node(node, ...) is always called. If we try 'c' and it
947        fail and we try again 'py', prepare_node will be called twice.
948        """
950        if (impl is None and theano.config.cxx) or impl == 'c':
951            self.prepare_node(node, storage_map=storage_map,
952                              compute_map=compute_map, impl='c')
953            try:
954                return self.make_c_thunk(node, storage_map, compute_map,
955                                         no_recycling)
956            except (NotImplementedError, utils.MethodNotDefined):
957                # We requested the c code, so don't catch the error.
958                if impl == 'c':
959                    raise
960                _logger.debug('Falling back on perform')
962        # condition: either there was no c_code, or it failed or
963        # python code was requested.
964        self.prepare_node(node, storage_map=storage_map,
965                          compute_map=compute_map, impl='py')
966        return self.make_py_thunk(node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling)
968    def make_node(self, *inputs):
969        """
970        Create a "apply" nodes for the inputs in that order.
971        """
972        if not hasattr(self, 'itypes'):
973            raise NotImplementedError("You can either define itypes and otypes,\
974             or implement make_node")
976        if not hasattr(self, 'otypes'):
977            raise NotImplementedError("You can either define itypes and otypes,\
978             or implement make_node")
980        if len(inputs) != len(self.itypes):
981            raise ValueError("We expected %d inputs but got %d." %
982                             (len(self.itypes), len(inputs)))
983        if not all(inp.type == it for inp, it in zip(inputs, self.itypes)):
984            raise TypeError(
985                "We expected inputs of types '%s' but got types '%s' " %
986                (str(self.itypes), str([inp.type for inp in inputs])))
987        return theano.Apply(self, inputs, [o() for o in self.otypes])
990def get_test_value(v):
991    """
992    Extract test value from `v`. Raises AttributeError if there is none.
994    If input `v` is not already a variable, it is turned into one by calling
995    `as_tensor_variable(v)`, so that this function can be applied e.g.
996    on numpy arrays or Python lists and scalars, considering them as constants.
998    For a Constant, the test value is v.value.
999    For a Shared variable, it is the internal value.
1000    For another Variable, it is the content of v.tag.test_value.
1002    """
1003    if not isinstance(v, graph.Variable):
1004        v_var = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(v)
1005    else:
1006        v_var = v
1007    return PureOp._get_test_value(v_var)
1010def missing_test_message(msg):
1011    """
1012    Displays msg, a message saying that some test_value is missing,
1013    in the appropriate form based on config.compute_test_value:
1015        off: The interactive debugger is off, so we do nothing.
1016        ignore: The interactive debugger is set to ignore missing inputs,
1017                so do nothing.
1018        warn: Display msg as a warning.
1020    Raises
1021    ------
1022    AttributeError
1023        With msg as the exception text.
1025    """
1026    action = config.compute_test_value
1027    if action == 'raise':
1028        raise AttributeError(msg)
1029    elif action == 'warn':
1030        warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
1031    else:
1032        assert action in ['ignore', 'off']
1035def debug_error_message(msg):
1036    """
1037    Displays a message saying that an error was found in some
1038    test_values. Becomes a warning or a ValueError depending on
1039    config.compute_test_value.
1041    """
1042    action = config.compute_test_value
1044    # this message should never be called when the debugger is off
1045    assert action != 'off'
1047    if action in ['raise', 'ignore']:
1048        raise ValueError(msg)
1049    else:
1050        assert action == 'warn'
1051        warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
1054def debug_assert(condition, msg=None):
1055    """
1056    Customized assert with options to ignore the assert
1057    with just a warning
1058    """
1059    if msg is None:
1060        msg = 'debug_assert failed'
1061    if not condition:
1062        action = config.compute_test_value
1063        if action in ['raise', 'ignore']:
1064            raise AssertionError(msg)
1065        else:
1066            assert action == 'warn'
1067            warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
1070def get_debug_values(*args):
1071    """
1072    Intended use:
1074        for val_1, ..., val_n in get_debug_values(var_1, ..., var_n):
1075            if some condition on val_1, ..., val_n is not met:
1076                debug_error_message("condition was not met")
1078    Given a list of variables, get_debug_values does one of three things:
1080        1. If the interactive debugger is off, returns an empty list
1081        2. If the interactive debugger is on, and all variables have
1082            debug values, returns a list containing a single element.
1083            This single element is either:
1084                a) if there is only one variable, the element is its
1085                   value
1086                b) otherwise, a tuple containing debug values of all
1087                   the variables.
1088        3. If the interactive debugger is on, and some variable does
1089            not have a debug value, issue a missing_test_message about
1090            the variable, and, if still in control of execution, return
1091            an empty list.
1093    """
1095    if config.compute_test_value == 'off':
1096        return []
1098    rval = []
1100    for i, arg in enumerate(args):
1101        try:
1102            rval.append(get_test_value(arg))
1103        except AttributeError:
1104            if hasattr(arg, 'name') and arg.name is not None:
1105                missing_test_message("Argument " + str(i) + "('" + arg.name +
1106                                     "') has no test value")
1107            else:
1108                missing_test_message("Argument " + str(i) +
1109                                     " has no test value")
1110            return []
1112    if len(rval) == 1:
1113        return rval
1115    return [tuple(rval)]
1118ops_with_inner_function = {}
1120Registry of Ops that have an inner compiled Theano function.
1122The keys are Op classes (not instances), and values are the name of the
1123attribute that contains the function. For instance, if the function is
1124self.fn, the value will be 'fn'.
1126We need that to be able not to run debug checks a number of times that is
1127exponential in the nesting level of those ops.
1128For instance, Scan will be registered here.
1133class OpenMPOp(Op):
1134    """
1135    All op using OpenMP code should inherit from this Op.
1137    This op will check that the compiler support correctly OpenMP code.
1138    If not, it will print a warning and disable openmp for this Op.
1139    Then it will generate the not OpenMP code.
1141    This is needed as EPD on Windows g++ version spec information tell
1142    it support OpenMP, but does not include the OpenMP files.
1144    We also add the correct compiler flags in c_compile_args.
1146    """
1148    gxx_support_openmp = None
1149    """
1150    True/False after we tested this.
1152    """
1154    def __init__(self, openmp=None):
1155        if openmp is None:
1156            openmp = theano.config.openmp
1157        self.openmp = openmp
1159    def __setstate__(self, d):
1160        self.__dict__.update(d)
1161        # If we unpickle old op
1162        if not hasattr(self, "openmp"):
1163            self.openmp = False
1165    def c_compile_args(self):
1166        """
1167        Return the compilation arg "fopenmp" if openMP is supported
1168        """
1169        self.update_self_openmp()
1170        if self.openmp:
1171            return ['-fopenmp']
1172        return []
1174    def c_headers(self):
1175        """
1176        Return the header file name "omp.h" if openMP is supported
1177        """
1178        self.update_self_openmp()
1179        if self.openmp:
1180            return ["omp.h"]
1181        return []
1183    @staticmethod
1184    def test_gxx_support():
1185        """
1186        Check if openMP is supported
1187        """
1188        code = """
1189        #include <omp.h>
1190int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
1192        int res[10];
1194        for(int i=0; i < 10; i++){
1195            res[i] = i;
1196        }
1198        """
1199        default_openmp = GCC_compiler.try_compile_tmp(
1200            src_code=code,
1201            tmp_prefix='test_omp_',
1202            flags=['-fopenmp'],
1203            try_run=False)
1204        return default_openmp
1206    def update_self_openmp(self):
1207        """
1208        Make sure self.openmp is not True if there is no support in gxx.
1210        """
1211        if self.openmp:
1212            if OpenMPOp.gxx_support_openmp is None:
1213                OpenMPOp.gxx_support_openmp = OpenMPOp.test_gxx_support()
1214                if not OpenMPOp.gxx_support_openmp:
1215                    # We want to warn only once.
1216                    warnings.warn(
1217                        "Your g++ compiler fails to compile OpenMP code. We"
1218                        " know this happen with some version of the EPD mingw"
1219                        " compiler and LLVM compiler on Mac OS X."
1220                        " We disable openmp everywhere in Theano."
1221                        " To remove this warning set the theano flags `openmp`"
1222                        " to False.",
1223                        stacklevel=3)
1224            if OpenMPOp.gxx_support_openmp is False:
1225                self.openmp = False
1226                theano.config.openmp = False
1228    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
1229        if impl == 'c':
1230            self.update_self_openmp()
1233def simple_meth(tag):
1234    def f(self):
1235        if tag in self.code_sections:
1236            return self.code_sections[tag]
1237        else:
1238            raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
1239                'c_' + tag, type(self), type(self).__name__)
1240    f.__name__ = 'c_' + tag
1241    return f
1244def apply_meth(tag):
1245    def f(self, node, name):
1246        if tag in self.code_sections:
1247            code = self.code_sections[tag]
1249            define_macros, undef_macros = self.get_c_macros(node, name)
1250            return '\n'.join(['', define_macros, code,
1251                              undef_macros])
1252        else:
1253            raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
1254                'c_' + tag, type(self), type(self).__name__)
1255    f.__name__ = 'c_' + tag
1256    return f
1259class COp(Op):
1260    """
1261    Class to allow an op to have an external C implementation.
1263    An op can use this class by inheriting from it and calling its
1264    __init__() method, providing it with a path to an external file containing
1265    the C implementation and the name of the function, in that file, to call
1266    to perform the computations for the op.
1268    """
1270    section_re = re.compile(r'^#section ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$', re.MULTILINE)
1271    backward_re = re.compile(
1273        re.MULTILINE)
1274    # This is the set of allowed markers
1275    SECTIONS = set([
1276        'init_code', 'init_code_apply', 'init_code_struct',
1277        'support_code', 'support_code_apply', 'support_code_struct',
1278        'cleanup_code_struct',
1279        'code', 'code_cleanup'])
1281    @classmethod
1282    def get_path(cls, f):
1283        """
1284        Convert a path relative to the location of the class file into
1285        an aboslute path. Paths that are already absolute are passed
1286        through unchanged.
1288        """
1289        if not os.path.isabs(f):
1290            class_file = inspect.getfile(cls)
1291            class_dir = os.path.dirname(class_file)
1292            f = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(class_dir, f))
1293        return f
1295    def __init__(self, func_files, func_name=None):
1296        """
1297        Sections are loaded from files in order with sections in later
1298        files overriding sections in previous files.
1300        """
1301        if not isinstance(func_files, list):
1302            func_files = [func_files]
1304        self.func_name = func_name
1305        # Keep the original name. If we reload old pickle, we want to
1306        # find the new path and new version of the file in Theano.
1307        self.func_files = func_files
1308        self.load_c_code(func_files)
1310        if len(self.code_sections) == 0:
1311            raise ValueError("No sections where defined in C files")
1313        if self.func_name is not None:
1314            if 'op_code' in self.code_sections:
1315                # maybe a warning instead (and clearing the key)
1316                raise ValueError('Cannot have an "op_code" section and '
1317                                 'specify the func_name')
1318            if 'op_code_cleanup' in self.code_sections:
1319                # maybe a warning instead (and clearing the key)
1320                raise ValueError('Cannot have an "op_code_cleanup" section '
1321                                 'and specify the func_name')
1323    def load_c_code(self, func_files):
1324        """
1325        Loads the c code to perform the Op
1326        """
1327        func_files = [self.get_path(f) for f in func_files]
1328        self.func_codes = []
1329        for func_file in func_files:
1330            # U (universal) will convert all new lines format to \n.
1331            with _open_u(func_file) as f:
1332                self.func_codes.append(f.read())
1334        # If both the old section markers and the new section markers are
1335        # present, raise an error because we don't know which ones to follow.
1336        old_markers_present = False
1337        new_markers_present = False
1338        for code in self.func_codes:
1339            if self.backward_re.search(code):
1340                old_markers_present = True
1341            if self.section_re.search(code):
1342                new_markers_present = True
1344        if old_markers_present and new_markers_present:
1345            raise ValueError('Both the new and the old syntax for '
1346                             'identifying code sections are present in the '
1347                             'provided C code. These two syntaxes should not '
1348                             'be used at the same time.')
1350        self.code_sections = dict()
1351        for i, code in enumerate(self.func_codes):
1352            if self.backward_re.search(code):
1353                # This is backward compat code that will go away in a while
1355                # Separate the code into the proper sections
1356                split = self.backward_re.split(code)
1357                n = 1
1358                while n < len(split):
1359                    if split[n] == 'APPLY':
1360                        self.code_sections['support_code_apply'] = split[n + 1]
1361                    elif split[n] == 'SUPPORT':
1362                        self.code_sections['support_code'] = split[n + 1]
1363                    n += 2
1364                continue
1366            elif self.section_re.search(code):
1368                # Check for code outside of the supported sections
1369                split = self.section_re.split(code)
1370                if split[0].strip() != '':
1371                    raise ValueError('Stray code before first #section '
1372                                     'statement (in file %s): %s' %
1373                                     (func_files[i], split[0]))
1375                # Separate the code into the proper sections
1376                n = 1
1377                while n < len(split):
1378                    if split[n] not in self.SECTIONS:
1379                        raise ValueError(
1380                            "Unknown section type (in file %s): %s" %
1381                            (func_files[i], split[n]))
1382                    if split[n] not in self.code_sections:
1383                        self.code_sections[split[n]] = ""
1384                    self.code_sections[split[n]] += split[n + 1]
1385                    n += 2
1387            else:
1388                raise ValueError("No valid section marker was found in file "
1389                                 "%s" % func_files[i])
1391    def __get_op_params(self):
1392        """
1393        Returns a list of (name, value) pairs that will be turned into
1394        macros for use within the op code.
1396        The names must be strings that are not a C keyword and the
1397        values must be strings of literal C representations.
1399        If op uses a :class:`theano.gof.params_type.ParamsType` as ``params_type``,
1400        it returns:
1401         - a default macro ``PARAMS_TYPE`` which defines the class name of the
1402           corresponding C struct.
1403         - a macro ``DTYPE_PARAM_key`` for every ``key`` in the ParamsType for which associated
1404           type implements the method :func:`theano.gof.type.CLinkerType.c_element_type`.
1405           ``DTYPE_PARAM_key`` defines the primitive C type name of an item in a variable
1406           associated to ``key``.
1408        """
1409        if hasattr(self, 'params_type') and isinstance(self.params_type, theano.gof.ParamsType):
1410            wrapper = self.params_type
1411            params = [('PARAMS_TYPE', wrapper.name)]
1412            for i in range(wrapper.length):
1413                try:
1414                    # NB (reminder): These macros are currently used only in ParamsType example test
1415                    # (`theano/gof/tests/test_quadratic_function.c`), to demonstrate how we can
1416                    # access params dtypes when dtypes may change (e.g. if based on theano.config.floatX).
1417                    # But in practice, params types generally have fixed types per op.
1418                    params.append(('DTYPE_PARAM_' + wrapper.fields[i], wrapper.types[i].c_element_type()))
1419                except utils.MethodNotDefined:
1420                    pass
1421            return params
1422        return []
1424    def c_code_cache_version(self):
1425        version = (hash(tuple(self.func_codes)), )
1426        if hasattr(self, 'params_type'):
1427            version += (self.params_type.c_code_cache_version(), )
1428        return version
1430    def c_init_code(self):
1431        """
1432        Get the code section for init_code
1433        """
1434        if 'init_code' in self.code_sections:
1435            return [self.code_sections['init_code']]
1436        else:
1437            raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
1438                'c_init_code', type(self), type(self).__name__)
1440    c_init_code_apply = apply_meth('init_code_apply')
1441    c_support_code = simple_meth('support_code')
1442    c_support_code_apply = apply_meth('support_code_apply')
1443    c_support_code_struct = apply_meth('support_code_struct')
1444    c_cleanup_code_struct = apply_meth('cleanup_code_struct')
1446    def format_c_function_args(self, inp, out):
1447        # Generate an string containing the arguments sent to the external C
1448        # function. The argstring will be of format :
1449        # "input0, input1, input2, &output0, &output1"
1450        inp = list(inp)
1451        numi = getattr(self, '_cop_num_inputs', len(inp))
1452        while len(inp) < numi:
1453            inp.append('NULL')
1454        out = ["&%s" % o for o in out]
1455        numo = getattr(self, '_cop_num_outputs', len(out))
1456        while len(out) < numo:
1457            out.append('NULL')
1458        return ", ".join(inp + out)
1460    def get_c_macros(self, node, name, check_input=None):
1461        define_template = "#define %s %s"
1462        undef_template = "#undef %s"
1463        define_macros = []
1464        undef_macros = []
1466        if check_input is None:
1467            check_input = getattr(self, 'check_input', True)
1469        if check_input:
1470            # Extract the various properties of the input and output variables
1471            variables = node.inputs + node.outputs
1472            variable_names = (["INPUT_%i" % i for i in range(len(node.inputs))] +
1473                              ["OUTPUT_%i" % i for i in range(len(node.outputs))])
1475            # Generate dtype macros
1476            for i, v in enumerate(variables):
1477                if not hasattr(v, 'dtype'):
1478                    continue
1479                vname = variable_names[i]
1481                macro_name = "DTYPE_" + vname
1482                macro_value = "npy_" + v.dtype
1484                define_macros.append(
1485                    define_template %
1486                    (macro_name, macro_value))
1487                undef_macros.append(undef_template % macro_name)
1489                d = np.dtype(v.dtype)
1491                macro_name = "TYPENUM_" + vname
1492                macro_value = d.num
1494                define_macros.append(
1495                    define_template %
1496                    (macro_name, macro_value))
1497                undef_macros.append(undef_template % macro_name)
1499                macro_name = "ITEMSIZE_" + vname
1500                macro_value = d.itemsize
1502                define_macros.append(
1503                    define_template %
1504                    (macro_name, macro_value))
1505                undef_macros.append(undef_template % macro_name)
1507        # Generate a macro to mark code as being apply-specific
1508        define_macros.append(define_template % ("APPLY_SPECIFIC(str)",
1509                                                "str##_%s" % name))
1510        undef_macros.append(undef_template % "APPLY_SPECIFIC")
1512        for n, v in self.__get_op_params():
1513            define_macros.append(define_template % (n, v))
1514            undef_macros.append(undef_template % (n,))
1516        return '\n'.join(define_macros), '\n'.join(undef_macros)
1518    def _lquote_macro(self, txt):
1519        res = []
1520        spl = txt.split('\n')
1521        for l in spl[:-1]:
1522            res.append(l + ' \\')
1523        res.append(spl[-1])
1524        return '\n'.join(res)
1526    def get_sub_macros(self, sub):
1527        define_macros = []
1528        undef_macros = []
1529        define_macros.append("#define FAIL %s" % (
1530                             self._lquote_macro(sub['fail']),))
1531        undef_macros.append("#undef FAIL")
1532        if 'params' in sub:
1533            define_macros.append("#define PARAMS %s" % (sub['params'],))
1534            undef_macros.append("#undef PARAMS")
1536        return '\n'.join(define_macros), '\n'.join(undef_macros)
1538    def get_io_macros(self, inputs, outputs):
1539        define_macros = []
1540        undef_macros = []
1542        for i, inp in enumerate(inputs):
1543            define_macros.append("#define INPUT_%d %s" % (i, inp))
1544            undef_macros.append("#undef INPUT_%d" % (i,))
1546        for i, out in enumerate(outputs):
1547            define_macros.append("#define OUTPUT_%d %s" % (i, inp))
1548            undef_macros.append("#undef OUTPUT_%d" % (i,))
1550    def c_init_code_struct(self, node, name, sub):
1551        """
1552        Stitches all the macros and "init_code" together
1554        """
1555        if 'init_code_struct' in self.code_sections:
1556            op_code = self.code_sections['init_code_struct']
1558            def_macros, undef_macros = self.get_c_macros(node, name)
1559            def_sub, undef_sub = self.get_sub_macros(sub)
1561            return '\n'.join(['', def_macros, def_sub,
1562                              op_code,
1563                              undef_sub, undef_macros])
1564        else:
1565            raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
1566                'c_init_code_struct', type(self), type(self).__name__)
1568    def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out, sub):
1569        if self.func_name is not None:
1570            assert 'code' not in self.code_sections
1572            define_macros, undef_macros = self.get_c_macros(node, name,
1573                                                            check_input=False)
1575            params = ""
1576            if 'params' in sub:
1577                params = ", %s" % (sub['params'],)
1579            # Generate the C code
1580            return """
1581                %(define_macros)s
1582                {
1583                  if (%(func_name)s(%(func_args)s%(params)s) != 0) {
1584                    %(fail)s
1585                  }
1586                }
1587                %(undef_macros)s
1588                """ % dict(func_name=self.func_name,
1589                           fail=sub['fail'], params=params,
1590                           func_args=self.format_c_function_args(inp, out),
1591                           define_macros=define_macros,
1592                           undef_macros=undef_macros)
1593        else:
1594            if 'code' in self.code_sections:
1595                op_code = self.code_sections['code']
1597                def_macros, undef_macros = self.get_c_macros(node, name)
1598                def_sub, undef_sub = self.get_sub_macros(sub)
1599                # FIXME: get_io_macros() doesn't return anything. Unpacking will raise a TypeError.
1600                def_io, undef_io = self.get_io_macros(inp, out)
1602                return '\n'.join([def_macros, def_sub, def_io,
1603                                  op_code,
1604                                  undef_io, undef_sub, undef_macros])
1605            else:
1606                raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
1607                    'c_code', type(self), type(self).__name__)
1609    def c_code_cleanup(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub):
1610        """
1611        Stitches all the macros and "code_cleanup" together
1612        """
1613        if 'code_cleanup' in self.code_sections:
1614            op_code = self.code_sections['code_cleanup']
1616            def_macros, undef_macros = self.get_c_macros(node, name)
1617            def_sub, undef_sub = self.get_sub_macros(sub)
1618            # FIXME: get_io_macros() doesn't return anything. Unpacking will raise a TypeError.
1619            def_io, undef_io = self.get_io_macros(inputs, outputs)
1621            return '\n'.join([def_macros, def_sub, def_io,
1622                              op_code,
1623                              undef_io, undef_sub, undef_macros])
1624        else:
1625            raise utils.MethodNotDefined(
1626                'c_code_cleanup', type(self), type(self).__name__)