1from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
3import unittest
5import numpy as np
6from numpy.linalg.linalg import LinAlgError
8import theano
9from theano import config
10from theano.gpuarray.linalg import (GpuCusolverSolve, GpuCublasTriangularSolve,
11                                    GpuCholesky, GpuMagmaCholesky,
12                                    GpuMagmaEigh, GpuMagmaMatrixInverse,
13                                    GpuMagmaQR, GpuMagmaSVD,
14                                    cusolver_available, gpu_matrix_inverse,
15                                    gpu_cholesky,
16                                    gpu_solve, gpu_solve_lower_triangular,
17                                    gpu_svd, gpu_qr)
18from theano.tensor.nlinalg import (SVD, MatrixInverse, QRFull,
19                                   QRIncomplete, eigh, matrix_inverse, qr)
20from theano.tensor.slinalg import Cholesky, cholesky, imported_scipy
21from theano.tests import unittest_tools as utt
23from .. import gpuarray_shared_constructor
24from .config import mode_with_gpu, mode_without_gpu
25from .test_basic_ops import rand
26from nose.tools import assert_raises
29class TestCusolver(unittest.TestCase):
31    def setUp(self):
32        if not cusolver_available:
33            self.skipTest('Optional package scikits.cuda.cusolver not available')
35    def run_gpu_solve(self, A_val, x_val, A_struct=None):
36        b_val = np.dot(A_val, x_val)
37        b_val_trans = np.dot(A_val.T, x_val)
39        A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float32")
40        b = theano.tensor.matrix("b", dtype="float32")
41        b_trans = theano.tensor.matrix("b", dtype="float32")
43        if A_struct is None:
44            solver = gpu_solve(A, b)
45            solver_trans = gpu_solve(A, b_trans, trans='T')
46        else:
47            solver = gpu_solve(A, b, A_struct)
48            solver_trans = gpu_solve(A, b_trans, A_struct, trans='T')
50        fn = theano.function([A, b, b_trans], [solver, solver_trans], mode=mode_with_gpu)
51        res = fn(A_val, b_val, b_val_trans)
52        x_res = np.array(res[0])
53        x_res_trans = np.array(res[1])
54        utt.assert_allclose(x_val, x_res)
55        utt.assert_allclose(x_val, x_res_trans)
57    def test_diag_solve(self):
58        np.random.seed(1)
59        A_val = np.asarray([[2, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
60                           dtype="float32")
61        x_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (A_val.shape[1],
62                                  1)).astype("float32")
63        self.run_gpu_solve(A_val, x_val)
65    def test_bshape_solve(self):
66        # Test when shape of b (k, m) is such as m > k
68        np.random.seed(1)
69        A_val = np.asarray([[2, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
70                           dtype="float32")
71        x_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (A_val.shape[1],
72                                  A_val.shape[1] + 1)).astype("float32")
73        self.run_gpu_solve(A_val, x_val)
75    def test_sym_solve(self):
76        np.random.seed(1)
77        A_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (5, 5)).astype("float32")
78        A_sym = np.dot(A_val, A_val.T)
79        x_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (A_val.shape[1],
80                                  1)).astype("float32")
81        self.run_gpu_solve(A_sym, x_val, 'symmetric')
83    def test_orth_solve(self):
84        np.random.seed(1)
85        A_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (5, 5)).astype("float32")
86        A_orth = np.linalg.svd(A_val)[0]
87        x_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (A_orth.shape[1],
88                                  1)).astype("float32")
89        self.run_gpu_solve(A_orth, x_val)
91    def test_uni_rand_solve(self):
92        np.random.seed(1)
93        A_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (5, 5)).astype("float32")
94        x_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4,
95                                  (A_val.shape[1], 4)).astype("float32")
96        self.run_gpu_solve(A_val, x_val)
98    def test_linalgerrsym_solve(self):
99        np.random.seed(1)
100        A_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (5, 5)).astype("float32")
101        x_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4,
102                                  (A_val.shape[1], 4)).astype("float32")
103        A_val = np.dot(A_val.T, A_val)
104        # make A singular
105        A_val[:, 2] = A_val[:, 1] + A_val[:, 3]
107        A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float32")
108        b = theano.tensor.matrix("b", dtype="float32")
109        solver = gpu_solve(A, b, 'symmetric')
111        fn = theano.function([A, b], [solver], mode=mode_with_gpu)
112        self.assertRaises(LinAlgError, fn, A_val, x_val)
114    def test_linalgerr_solve(self):
115        np.random.seed(1)
116        A_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (5, 5)).astype("float32")
117        x_val = np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4,
118                                  (A_val.shape[1], 4)).astype("float32")
119        # make A singular
120        A_val[:, 2] = 0
122        A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float32")
123        b = theano.tensor.matrix("b", dtype="float32")
124        solver = gpu_solve(A, b, trans='T')
126        fn = theano.function([A, b], [solver], mode=mode_with_gpu)
127        self.assertRaises(LinAlgError, fn, A_val, x_val)
129    def verify_solve_grad(self, m, n, A_structure, lower, rng):
130        # ensure diagonal elements of A relatively large to avoid numerical
131        # precision issues
132        A_val = (rng.normal(size=(m, m)) * 0.5 +
133                 np.eye(m)).astype(config.floatX)
134        if A_structure == 'lower_triangular':
135            A_val = np.tril(A_val)
136        elif A_structure == 'upper_triangular':
137            A_val = np.triu(A_val)
138        if n is None:
139            b_val = rng.normal(size=m).astype(config.floatX)
140        else:
141            b_val = rng.normal(size=(m, n)).astype(config.floatX)
142        eps = None
143        if config.floatX == "float64":
144            eps = 2e-8
146        if A_structure in ('lower_triangular', 'upper_triangular'):
147            solve_op = GpuCublasTriangularSolve(lower=lower)
148        else:
149            solve_op = GpuCusolverSolve(A_structure="general")
150        utt.verify_grad(solve_op, [A_val, b_val], 3, rng, eps=eps)
152    def test_solve_grad(self):
153        rng = np.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
154        structures = ['general', 'lower_triangular', 'upper_triangular']
155        for A_structure in structures:
156            lower = (A_structure == 'lower_triangular')
157            # self.verify_solve_grad(5, None, A_structure, lower, rng)
158            self.verify_solve_grad(6, 1, A_structure, lower, rng)
159            self.verify_solve_grad(4, 3, A_structure, lower, rng)
160        # lower should have no effect for A_structure == 'general' so also
161        # check lower=True case
162        self.verify_solve_grad(4, 3, 'general', lower=True, rng=rng)
165class TestGpuCholesky(unittest.TestCase):
167    def setUp(self):
168        if not cusolver_available:
169            self.skipTest('Optional package scikits.cuda.cusolver not available')
170        utt.seed_rng()
172    def get_gpu_cholesky_func(self, lower=True, inplace=False):
173        # Helper function to compile function from GPU Cholesky op.
174        A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float32")
175        cholesky_op = GpuCholesky(lower=lower, inplace=inplace)
176        chol_A = cholesky_op(A)
177        return theano.function([A], chol_A, accept_inplace=inplace,
178                               mode=mode_with_gpu)
180    def compare_gpu_cholesky_to_np(self, A_val, lower=True, inplace=False):
181        # Helper function to compare op output to np.cholesky output.
182        chol_A_val = np.linalg.cholesky(A_val)
183        if not lower:
184            chol_A_val = chol_A_val.T
185        fn = self.get_gpu_cholesky_func(lower, inplace)
186        res = fn(A_val)
187        chol_A_res = np.array(res)
188        utt.assert_allclose(chol_A_res, chol_A_val)
190    def test_gpu_cholesky_opt(self):
191        if not imported_scipy:
192            self.skipTest('SciPy is not enabled, skipping test')
193        A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float32")
194        fn = theano.function([A], cholesky(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
195        assert any([isinstance(node.op, GpuCholesky)
196                    for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
198    def test_invalid_input_fail_non_square(self):
199        # Invalid Cholesky input test with non-square matrix as input.
200        A_val = np.random.normal(size=(3, 2)).astype("float32")
201        fn = self.get_gpu_cholesky_func(True, False)
202        self.assertRaises(ValueError, fn, A_val)
204    def test_invalid_input_fail_vector(self):
205        # Invalid Cholesky input test with vector as input.
206        def invalid_input_func():
207            A = theano.tensor.vector("A", dtype="float32")
208            GpuCholesky(lower=True, inplace=False)(A)
209        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, invalid_input_func)
211    def test_invalid_input_fail_tensor3(self):
212        # Invalid Cholesky input test with 3D tensor as input.
213        def invalid_input_func():
214            A = theano.tensor.tensor3("A", dtype="float32")
215            GpuCholesky(lower=True, inplace=False)(A)
216        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, invalid_input_func)
218    @utt.assertFailure_fast
219    def test_diag_chol(self):
220        # Diagonal matrix input Cholesky test.
221        for lower in [True, False]:
222            for inplace in [True, False]:
223                # make sure all diagonal elements are positive so positive-definite
224                A_val = np.diag(np.random.uniform(size=5).astype("float32") + 1)
225                self.compare_gpu_cholesky_to_np(A_val, lower=lower, inplace=inplace)
227    @utt.assertFailure_fast
228    def test_dense_chol_lower(self):
229        # Dense matrix input lower-triangular Cholesky test.
230        for lower in [True, False]:
231            for inplace in [True, False]:
232                M_val = np.random.normal(size=(3, 3)).astype("float32")
233                # A = M.dot(M) will be positive definite for all non-singular M
234                A_val = M_val.dot(M_val.T)
235                self.compare_gpu_cholesky_to_np(A_val, lower=lower, inplace=inplace)
237    def test_invalid_input_fail_non_symmetric(self):
238        # Invalid Cholesky input test with non-symmetric input.
239        #    (Non-symmetric real input must also be non-positive definite).
240        A_val = None
241        while True:
242            A_val = np.random.normal(size=(3, 3)).astype("float32")
243            if not np.allclose(A_val, A_val.T):
244                break
245        fn = self.get_gpu_cholesky_func(True, False)
246        self.assertRaises(LinAlgError, fn, A_val)
248    def test_invalid_input_fail_negative_definite(self):
249        # Invalid Cholesky input test with negative-definite input.
250        M_val = np.random.normal(size=(3, 3)).astype("float32")
251        # A = -M.dot(M) will be negative definite for all non-singular M
252        A_val = -M_val.dot(M_val.T)
253        fn = self.get_gpu_cholesky_func(True, False)
254        self.assertRaises(LinAlgError, fn, A_val)
257class TestGpuCholesky64(unittest.TestCase):
259    def setUp(self):
260        if not cusolver_available:
261            self.skipTest('Optional package scikits.cuda.cusolver not available')
262        utt.seed_rng()
264    def get_gpu_cholesky_func(self, lower=True, inplace=False):
265        # Helper function to compile function from GPU Cholesky op.
266        A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float64")
267        cholesky_op = GpuCholesky(lower=lower, inplace=inplace)
268        chol_A = cholesky_op(A)
269        return theano.function([A], chol_A, accept_inplace=inplace,
270                               mode=mode_with_gpu)
272    def compare_gpu_cholesky_to_np(self, A_val, lower=True, inplace=False):
273        # Helper function to compare op output to np.cholesky output.
274        chol_A_val = np.linalg.cholesky(A_val)
275        if not lower:
276            chol_A_val = chol_A_val.T
277        fn = self.get_gpu_cholesky_func(lower, inplace)
278        res = fn(A_val)
279        chol_A_res = np.array(res)
280        utt.assert_allclose(chol_A_res, chol_A_val)
282    def test_gpu_cholesky_opt(self):
283        if not imported_scipy:
284            self.skipTest('SciPy is not enabled, skipping test')
285        A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float64")
286        fn = theano.function([A], cholesky(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
287        assert any([isinstance(node.op, GpuCholesky)
288                    for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
290    def test_invalid_input_fail_non_square(self):
291        # Invalid Cholesky input test with non-square matrix as input.
292        A_val = np.random.normal(size=(3, 2)).astype("float64")
293        fn = self.get_gpu_cholesky_func(True, False)
294        self.assertRaises(ValueError, fn, A_val)
296    def test_invalid_input_fail_vector(self):
297        # Invalid Cholesky input test with vector as input.
298        def invalid_input_func():
299            A = theano.tensor.vector("A", dtype="float64")
300            GpuCholesky(lower=True, inplace=False)(A)
301        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, invalid_input_func)
303    def test_invalid_input_fail_tensor3(self):
304        # Invalid Cholesky input test with 3D tensor as input.
305        def invalid_input_func():
306            A = theano.tensor.tensor3("A", dtype="float64")
307            GpuCholesky(lower=True, inplace=False)(A)
308        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, invalid_input_func)
310    @utt.assertFailure_fast
311    def test_diag_chol(self):
312        # Diagonal matrix input Cholesky test.
313        for lower in [True, False]:
314            for inplace in [True, False]:
315                # make sure all diagonal elements are positive so positive-definite
316                A_val = np.diag(np.random.uniform(size=5).astype("float64") + 1)
317                self.compare_gpu_cholesky_to_np(A_val, lower=lower, inplace=inplace)
319    @utt.assertFailure_fast
320    def test_dense_chol_lower(self):
321        # Dense matrix input lower-triangular Cholesky test.
322        for lower in [True, False]:
323            for inplace in [True, False]:
324                M_val = np.random.normal(size=(3, 3)).astype("float64")
325                # A = M.dot(M) will be positive definite for all non-singular M
326                A_val = M_val.dot(M_val.T)
327                self.compare_gpu_cholesky_to_np(A_val, lower=lower, inplace=inplace)
329    def test_invalid_input_fail_non_symmetric(self):
330        # Invalid Cholesky input test with non-symmetric input.
331        #    (Non-symmetric real input must also be non-positive definite).
332        A_val = None
333        while True:
334            A_val = np.random.normal(size=(3, 3)).astype("float64")
335            if not np.allclose(A_val, A_val.T):
336                break
337        fn = self.get_gpu_cholesky_func(True, False)
338        self.assertRaises(LinAlgError, fn, A_val)
340    def test_invalid_input_fail_negative_definite(self):
341        # Invalid Cholesky input test with negative-definite input.
342        M_val = np.random.normal(size=(3, 3)).astype("float64")
343        # A = -M.dot(M) will be negative definite for all non-singular M
344        A_val = -M_val.dot(M_val.T)
345        fn = self.get_gpu_cholesky_func(True, False)
346        self.assertRaises(LinAlgError, fn, A_val)
349class TestMagma(unittest.TestCase):
351    def setUp(self):
352        if not config.magma.enabled:
353            self.skipTest('Magma is not enabled, skipping test')
355    def test_magma_opt_float16(self):
356        ops_to_gpu = [(MatrixInverse(), GpuMagmaMatrixInverse),
357                      (SVD(), GpuMagmaSVD),
358                      (QRFull(mode='reduced'), GpuMagmaQR),
359                      (QRIncomplete(mode='r'), GpuMagmaQR),
360                      # TODO: add support for float16 to Eigh numpy
361                      # (Eigh(), GpuMagmaEigh),
362                      (Cholesky(), GpuMagmaCholesky)]
363        for op, gpu_op in ops_to_gpu:
364            A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float16")
365            fn = theano.function([A], op(A), mode=mode_with_gpu.excluding('cusolver'))
366            assert any([isinstance(node.op, gpu_op)
367                        for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
369    def test_gpu_matrix_inverse(self):
370        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
372        fn = theano.function([A], gpu_matrix_inverse(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
373        N = 1000
374        test_rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=1)
375        # Copied from theano.tensor.tests.test_basic.rand.
376        A_val = test_rng.rand(N, N).astype('float32') * 2 - 1
377        A_val_inv = fn(A_val)
378        utt.assert_allclose(np.eye(N), np.dot(A_val_inv, A_val), atol=1e-2)
380    @utt.assertFailure_fast
381    def test_gpu_matrix_inverse_inplace(self):
382        N = 1000
383        test_rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=1)
384        A_val_gpu = gpuarray_shared_constructor(test_rng.rand(N, N).astype('float32') * 2 - 1)
385        A_val_copy = A_val_gpu.get_value()
386        A_val_gpu_inv = GpuMagmaMatrixInverse()(A_val_gpu)
387        fn = theano.function([], A_val_gpu_inv, mode=mode_with_gpu, updates=[(A_val_gpu, A_val_gpu_inv)])
388        assert any([
389            node.op.inplace
390            for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort() if
391            isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaMatrixInverse)
392        ])
393        fn()
394        utt.assert_allclose(np.eye(N), np.dot(A_val_gpu.get_value(), A_val_copy), atol=5e-3)
396    @utt.assertFailure_fast
397    def test_gpu_matrix_inverse_inplace_opt(self):
398        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
399        fn = theano.function([A], matrix_inverse(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
400        assert any([
401            node.op.inplace
402            for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort() if
403            isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaMatrixInverse)
404        ])
406    def run_gpu_svd(self, A_val, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True):
407        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
408        f = theano.function(
409            [A], gpu_svd(A, full_matrices=full_matrices, compute_uv=compute_uv),
410            mode=mode_with_gpu)
411        return f(A_val)
413    def assert_column_orthonormal(self, Ot):
414        utt.assert_allclose(np.dot(Ot.T, Ot), np.eye(Ot.shape[1]))
416    def check_svd(self, A, U, S, VT, rtol=None, atol=None):
417        S_m = np.zeros_like(A)
418        np.fill_diagonal(S_m, S)
419        utt.assert_allclose(
420            np.dot(np.dot(U, S_m), VT), A, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
422    def test_gpu_svd_wide(self):
423        A = rand(100, 50).astype('float32')
424        M, N = A.shape
426        U, S, VT = self.run_gpu_svd(A)
427        self.assert_column_orthonormal(U)
428        self.assert_column_orthonormal(VT.T)
429        self.check_svd(A, U, S, VT)
431        U, S, VT = self.run_gpu_svd(A, full_matrices=False)
432        self.assertEqual(U.shape[1], min(M, N))
433        self.assert_column_orthonormal(U)
434        self.assertEqual(VT.shape[0], min(M, N))
435        self.assert_column_orthonormal(VT.T)
437    def test_gpu_svd_tall(self):
438        A = rand(50, 100).astype('float32')
439        M, N = A.shape
441        U, S, VT = self.run_gpu_svd(A)
442        self.assert_column_orthonormal(U)
443        self.assert_column_orthonormal(VT.T)
444        self.check_svd(A, U, S, VT)
446        U, S, VT = self.run_gpu_svd(A, full_matrices=False)
447        self.assertEqual(U.shape[1], min(M, N))
448        self.assert_column_orthonormal(U)
449        self.assertEqual(VT.shape[0], min(M, N))
450        self.assert_column_orthonormal(VT.T)
452    def test_gpu_singular_values(self):
453        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
454        f_cpu = theano.function(
455            [A], theano.tensor.nlinalg.svd(A, compute_uv=False),
456            mode=mode_without_gpu)
457        f_gpu = theano.function(
458            [A], gpu_svd(A, compute_uv=False), mode=mode_with_gpu)
460        A_val = rand(50, 100).astype('float32')
461        utt.assert_allclose(f_cpu(A_val), f_gpu(A_val))
463        A_val = rand(100, 50).astype('float32')
464        utt.assert_allclose(f_cpu(A_val), f_gpu(A_val))
466    def run_gpu_cholesky(self, A_val, lower=True):
467        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
468        f = theano.function([A], GpuMagmaCholesky(lower=lower)(A),
469                            mode=mode_with_gpu.excluding('cusolver'))
470        return f(A_val)
472    def rand_symmetric(self, N):
473        A = rand(N, N).astype('float32')
474        # ensure that eigenvalues are not too small which sometimes results in
475        # magma cholesky failure due to gpu limited numerical precision
476        D, W = np.linalg.eigh(A)
477        D[D < 1] = 1
478        V_m = np.zeros_like(A)
479        np.fill_diagonal(V_m, D)
480        return np.dot(np.dot(W.T, V_m), W)
482    def check_cholesky(self, N, lower=True, rtol=None, atol=None):
483        A = self.rand_symmetric(N)
484        L = self.run_gpu_cholesky(A, lower=lower)
485        if not lower:
486            L = L.T
487        utt.assert_allclose(np.dot(L, L.T), A, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
489    def test_gpu_cholesky(self):
490        self.check_cholesky(1000, atol=1e-3)
491        self.check_cholesky(1000, lower=False, atol=1e-3)
493    def test_gpu_cholesky_opt(self):
494        A = theano.tensor.matrix("A", dtype="float32")
495        fn = theano.function([A], cholesky(A), mode=mode_with_gpu.excluding('cusolver'))
496        assert any([isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaCholesky)
497                    for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
499    @utt.assertFailure_fast
500    def test_gpu_cholesky_inplace(self):
501        A = self.rand_symmetric(1000)
502        A_gpu = gpuarray_shared_constructor(A)
503        A_copy = A_gpu.get_value()
504        C = GpuMagmaCholesky()(A_gpu)
505        fn = theano.function([], C, mode=mode_with_gpu, updates=[(A_gpu, C)])
506        assert any([
507            node.op.inplace
508            for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort() if
509            isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaCholesky)
510        ])
511        fn()
512        L = A_gpu.get_value()
513        utt.assert_allclose(np.dot(L, L.T), A_copy, atol=1e-3)
515    @utt.assertFailure_fast
516    def test_gpu_cholesky_inplace_opt(self):
517        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
518        fn = theano.function([A], GpuMagmaCholesky()(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
519        assert any([
520            node.op.inplace
521            for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort() if
522            isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaCholesky)
523        ])
525    def run_gpu_qr(self, A_val, complete=True):
526        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
527        fn = theano.function([A], gpu_qr(A, complete=complete),
528                             mode=mode_with_gpu)
529        return fn(A_val)
531    def check_gpu_qr(self, M, N, complete=True, rtol=None, atol=None):
532        A = rand(M, N).astype('float32')
533        if complete:
534            Q_gpu, R_gpu = self.run_gpu_qr(A, complete=complete)
535        else:
536            R_gpu = self.run_gpu_qr(A, complete=complete)
538        Q_np, R_np = np.linalg.qr(A, mode='reduced')
539        utt.assert_allclose(R_np, R_gpu, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
540        if complete:
541            utt.assert_allclose(Q_np, Q_gpu, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
543    def test_gpu_qr(self):
544        self.check_gpu_qr(1000, 500, atol=1e-3)
545        self.check_gpu_qr(1000, 500, complete=False, atol=1e-3)
546        self.check_gpu_qr(500, 1000, atol=1e-3)
547        self.check_gpu_qr(500, 1000, complete=False, atol=1e-3)
549    def test_gpu_qr_opt(self):
550        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
551        fn = theano.function([A], qr(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
552        assert any([
553            isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaQR) and node.op.complete
554            for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
555        ])
557    def test_gpu_qr_incomplete_opt(self):
558        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
559        fn = theano.function([A], qr(A, mode='r'), mode=mode_with_gpu)
560        assert any([
561            isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaQR) and not node.op.complete
562            for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
563        ])
565    def run_gpu_eigh(self, A_val, UPLO='L', compute_v=True):
566        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
567        fn = theano.function([A], GpuMagmaEigh(UPLO=UPLO, compute_v=compute_v)(A),
568                             mode=mode_with_gpu)
569        return fn(A_val)
571    def check_gpu_eigh(self, N, UPLO='L', compute_v=True, rtol=None, atol=None):
572        A = rand(N, N).astype('float32')
573        A = np.dot(A.T, A)
574        d_np, v_np = np.linalg.eigh(A, UPLO=UPLO)
575        if compute_v:
576            d_gpu, v_gpu = self.run_gpu_eigh(A, UPLO=UPLO, compute_v=compute_v)
577        else:
578            d_gpu = self.run_gpu_eigh(A, UPLO=UPLO, compute_v=False)
579        utt.assert_allclose(d_np, d_gpu, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
580        if compute_v:
581            utt.assert_allclose(
582                np.eye(N), np.dot(v_gpu, v_gpu.T), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
583            D_m = np.zeros_like(A)
584            np.fill_diagonal(D_m, d_gpu)
585            utt.assert_allclose(
586                A, np.dot(np.dot(v_gpu, D_m), v_gpu.T), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
588    def test_gpu_eigh(self):
589        self.check_gpu_eigh(1000, UPLO='L', atol=1e-3)
590        self.check_gpu_eigh(1000, UPLO='U', atol=1e-3)
591        self.check_gpu_eigh(1000, UPLO='L', compute_v=False, atol=1e-3)
592        self.check_gpu_eigh(1000, UPLO='U', compute_v=False, atol=1e-3)
594    def test_gpu_eigh_opt(self):
595        A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
596        fn = theano.function([A], eigh(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
597        assert any([
598            isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaEigh)
599            for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
600        ])
603# mostly copied from theano/tensor/tests/test_slinalg.py
604def test_cholesky_grad():
605    rng = np.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
606    r = rng.randn(5, 5).astype(config.floatX)
608    # The dots are inside the graph since Cholesky needs separable matrices
610    # Check the default.
611    yield (lambda: utt.verify_grad(lambda r: gpu_cholesky(r.dot(r.T)),
612                                   [r], 3, rng))
613    # Explicit lower-triangular.
614    yield (lambda: utt.verify_grad(lambda r: GpuCholesky(lower=True)(r.dot(r.T)),
615                                   [r], 3, rng))
616    # Explicit upper-triangular.
617    yield (lambda: utt.verify_grad(lambda r: GpuCholesky(lower=False)(r.dot(r.T)),
618                                   [r], 3, rng))
621def test_cholesky_grad_indef():
622    x = theano.tensor.matrix()
623    matrix = np.array([[1, 0.2], [0.2, -2]]).astype(config.floatX)
624    cholesky = GpuCholesky(lower=True)
625    chol_f = theano.function([x], theano.tensor.grad(cholesky(x).sum(), [x]))
626    with assert_raises(LinAlgError):
627        chol_f(matrix)
628    # cholesky = GpuCholesky(lower=True, on_error='nan')
629    # chol_f = function([x], grad(gpu_cholesky(x).sum(), [x]))
630    # assert np.all(np.isnan(chol_f(matrix)))
633def test_lower_triangular_and_cholesky_grad():
634    # Random lower triangular system is ill-conditioned.
635    #
636    # Reference
637    # -----------
638    # Viswanath, Divakar, and L. N. Trefethen. "Condition numbers of random triangular matrices."
639    # SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 19.2 (1998): 564-581.
640    #
641    # Use smaller number of N when using float32
642    if config.floatX == 'float64':
643        N = 100
644    else:
645        N = 5
646    rng = np.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
647    r = rng.randn(N, N).astype(config.floatX)
648    y = rng.rand(N, 1).astype(config.floatX)
650    def f(r, y):
651        PD = r.dot(r.T)
652        L = gpu_cholesky(PD)
653        A = gpu_solve_lower_triangular(L, y)
654        AAT = theano.tensor.dot(A, A.T)
655        B = AAT + theano.tensor.eye(N)
656        LB = gpu_cholesky(B)
657        return theano.tensor.sum(theano.tensor.log(theano.tensor.diag(LB)))
658    yield (lambda: utt.verify_grad(f, [r, y], 3, rng))