1 #include <unordered_map>
2 #include "ast/ast_pp_dot.h"
4 #include "muz/spacer/spacer_iuc_proof.h"
5 #include "ast/for_each_expr.h"
6 #include "ast/array_decl_plugin.h"
7 #include "ast/proofs/proof_utils.h"
8 #include "muz/spacer/spacer_proof_utils.h"
9 #include "muz/spacer/spacer_util.h"
10 namespace spacer {
12 /*
13  * ====================================
14  * init
15  * ====================================
16  */
iuc_proof(ast_manager & m,proof * pr,const expr_set & core_lits)17 iuc_proof::iuc_proof(ast_manager& m, proof* pr, const expr_set& core_lits) :
18     m(m), m_pr(pr,m) {
19     for (auto lit : core_lits) m_core_lits.insert(lit);
20     // init A-marks and B-marks
21     collect_core_symbols();
22     compute_marks();
23 }
iuc_proof(ast_manager & m,proof * pr,const expr_ref_vector & core_lits)25 iuc_proof::iuc_proof(ast_manager& m, proof* pr, const expr_ref_vector& core_lits) :
26     m(m), m_pr(pr,m) {
27     for (auto lit : core_lits) m_core_lits.insert(lit);
28     // init A-marks and B-marks
29     collect_core_symbols();
30     compute_marks();
31 }
32 /*
33  * ====================================
34  * methods for computing symbol colors
35  * ====================================
36  */
37 class collect_pure_proc {
38     func_decl_set& m_symbs;
39 public:
collect_pure_proc(func_decl_set & s)40     collect_pure_proc(func_decl_set& s):m_symbs(s) {}
operator ()(app * a)42     void operator()(app* a) {
43         if (a->get_family_id() == null_family_id) {
44             m_symbs.insert(a->get_decl());
45         }
46     }
operator ()(var *)47     void operator()(var*) {}
operator ()(quantifier *)48     void operator()(quantifier*) {}
49 };
collect_core_symbols()51 void iuc_proof::collect_core_symbols()
52 {
53     expr_mark visited;
54     collect_pure_proc proc(m_core_symbols);
55     for (auto lit : m_core_lits)
56         for_each_expr(proc, visited, lit);
57 }
59 class is_pure_expr_proc {
60     func_decl_set const& m_symbs;
61     array_util           m_au;
62 public:
63     struct non_pure {};
is_pure_expr_proc(func_decl_set const & s,ast_manager & m)65     is_pure_expr_proc(func_decl_set const& s, ast_manager& m):
66         m_symbs(s),
67         m_au (m)
68         {}
operator ()(app * a)70     void operator()(app* a) {
71         if (a->get_family_id() == null_family_id) {
72             if (!m_symbs.contains(a->get_decl())) {
73                 throw non_pure();
74             }
75         }
76         else if (a->get_family_id () == m_au.get_family_id () &&
77                  a->is_app_of (a->get_family_id (), OP_ARRAY_EXT)) {
78             throw non_pure();
79         }
80     }
operator ()(var *)81     void operator()(var*) {}
operator ()(quantifier *)82     void operator()(quantifier*) {}
83 };
is_core_pure(expr * e) const85 bool iuc_proof::is_core_pure(expr* e) const
86 {
87     is_pure_expr_proc proc(m_core_symbols, m);
88     try {
89         for_each_expr(proc, e);
90     }
91     catch (const is_pure_expr_proc::non_pure &)
92     {return false;}
94     return true;
95 }
compute_marks()97 void iuc_proof::compute_marks()
98 {
99     proof_post_order it(m_pr, m);
100     while (it.hasNext())
101     {
102         proof* cur = it.next();
103         if (m.get_num_parents(cur) == 0)
104         {
105             switch(cur->get_decl_kind())
106             {
107             case PR_ASSERTED:
108                 if (m_core_lits.contains(m.get_fact(cur)))
109                     m_b_mark.mark(cur, true);
110                 else
111                     m_a_mark.mark(cur, true);
112                 break;
113             case PR_HYPOTHESIS:
114                 m_h_mark.mark(cur, true);
115                 break;
116             default:
117                 break;
118             }
119         }
120         else
121         {
122             // collect from parents whether derivation of current node
123             // contains A-axioms, B-axioms and hypothesis
124             bool need_to_mark_a = false;
125             bool need_to_mark_b = false;
126             bool need_to_mark_h = false;
128             for (unsigned i = 0; i < m.get_num_parents(cur); ++i)
129             {
130                 SASSERT(m.is_proof(cur->get_arg(i)));
131                 proof* premise = to_app(cur->get_arg(i));
133                 need_to_mark_a |= m_a_mark.is_marked(premise);
134                 need_to_mark_b |= m_b_mark.is_marked(premise);
135                 need_to_mark_h |= m_h_mark.is_marked(premise);
136             }
138             // if current node is application of a lemma, then all
139             // active hypotheses are removed
140             if (cur->get_decl_kind() == PR_LEMMA) need_to_mark_h = false;
142             // save results
143             m_a_mark.mark(cur, need_to_mark_a);
144             m_b_mark.mark(cur, need_to_mark_b);
145             m_h_mark.mark(cur, need_to_mark_h);
146         }
147     }
148 }
150 /*
151  * ====================================
152  * statistics
153  * ====================================
154  */
156 // debug method
dump_farkas_stats()157 void iuc_proof::dump_farkas_stats()
158 {
159     unsigned fl_total = 0;
160     unsigned fl_lowcut = 0;
162     proof_post_order it(m_pr, m);
163     while (it.hasNext())
164     {
165         proof* cur = it.next();
167         // if node is theory lemma
168         if (is_farkas_lemma(m, cur))
169         {
170             fl_total++;
172             // check whether farkas lemma is to be interpolated (could
173             // potentially miss farkas lemmas, which are interpolated,
174             // because we potentially don't want to use the lowest
175             // cut)
176             bool has_blue_nonred_parent = false;
177             for (unsigned i = 0; i < m.get_num_parents(cur); ++i) {
178                 proof* premise = to_app(cur->get_arg(i));
179                 if (!is_a_marked(premise) && is_b_marked(premise)) {
180                     has_blue_nonred_parent = true;
181                     break;
182                 }
183             }
185             if (has_blue_nonred_parent && is_a_marked(cur))
186             {
187                 SASSERT(is_b_marked(cur));
188                 fl_lowcut++;
189             }
190         }
191     }
193     IF_VERBOSE(1, verbose_stream()
194                << "\n total farkas lemmas " << fl_total
195                << " farkas lemmas in lowest cut " << fl_lowcut << "\n";);
196 }
display_dot(std::ostream & out)198 void iuc_proof::display_dot(std::ostream& out) {
199     out << "digraph proof { \n";
201     std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> ids;
202     unsigned last_id = 0;
204     proof_post_order it(m_pr, m);
205     while (it.hasNext())
206     {
207         proof* curr = it.next();
209         SASSERT(ids.count(curr->get_id()) == 0);
210         ids.insert(std::make_pair(curr->get_id(), last_id));
212         std::string color = "white";
213         if (this->is_a_marked(curr) && !this->is_b_marked(curr))
214             color = "red";
215         else if (!this->is_a_marked(curr) && this->is_b_marked(curr))
216             color = "blue";
217         else if (this->is_a_marked(curr) && this->is_b_marked(curr) )
218             color = "purple";
220         // compute node label
221         std::ostringstream label_ostream;
222         label_ostream << mk_epp(m.get_fact(curr), m) << "\n";
223         std::string label = escape_dot(label_ostream.str());
225         // compute edge-label
226         std::string edge_label = "";
227         if (m.get_num_parents(curr) == 0) {
228             switch (curr->get_decl_kind())
229             {
230             case PR_ASSERTED:
231                 edge_label = "asserted:";
232                 break;
233             case PR_HYPOTHESIS:
234                 edge_label = "hyp:";
235                 color = "grey";
236                 break;
237             case PR_TH_LEMMA:
238                 if (is_farkas_lemma(m, curr))
239                     edge_label = "th_axiom(farkas):";
240                 else if (is_arith_lemma(m, curr))
241                     edge_label = "th_axiom(arith):";
242                 else
243                     edge_label = "th_axiom:";
244                 break;
245             default:
246                 edge_label = "unknown axiom:";
247             }
248         }
249         else {
250             if (curr->get_decl_kind() == PR_LEMMA)
251                 edge_label = "lemma:";
252             else if (curr->get_decl_kind() == PR_TH_LEMMA) {
253                 if (is_farkas_lemma(m, curr))
254                     edge_label = "th_lemma(farkas):";
255                 else if (is_arith_lemma(m, curr))
256                     edge_label = "th_lemma(arith):";
257                 else
258                     edge_label = "th_lemma(other):";
259             }
260         }
262         // generate entry for node in dot-file
263         out   << "node_" << last_id << " " << "["
264               << "shape=box,style=\"filled\","
265               << "label=\"" << edge_label << " " << label << "\", "
266               << "fillcolor=\"" << color << "\"" << "]\n";
268         // add entry for each edge to that node
269         for (unsigned i = m.get_num_parents(curr); i > 0  ; --i)
270         {
271             proof* premise = to_app(curr->get_arg(i-1));
272             unsigned pid = ids.at(premise->get_id());
273             out   << "node_" << pid << " -> " << "node_" << last_id << ";\n";
274         }
276         ++last_id;
277     }
278     out << "\n}" << std::endl;
279 }
280 }