1 #include "redist.h"
2 /* $Id: pctrmrdrv.c,v 2000/02/15 18:04:11 susan Exp $
3  *
4  * pctrmrdrv.c :
5  *
6  *
8  *
9  * this driver is testing the PCTRMR2D routine. It calls it to obtain a new
10  * scattered block data decomposition of a distributed COMPLEX (block
11  * scattered) matrix. Then it calls PCTRMR2D for the inverse redistribution
12  * and checks the results with the initial data.
13  *
14  * Data are going from a Block Scattered nbrow0 x nbcol0 decomposition on the
15  * processor grid p0 x q0, to data distributed in a BS nbrow1 x nbcol1 on the
16  * processor grid p1 x q1, then back to the BS nbrow0 x nbcol0 decomposition
17  * on the processor grid p0 x q0.
18  *
19  * See pctrmr.c file for detailed info on the PCTRMR2D function.
20  *
21  *
22  * The testing parameters are read from the file TRMR2D.dat, see the file in the
23  * distribution to have an example.
24  *
25  * created by Bernard Tourancheau in April 1994.
26  *
27  * modifications : see sccs history
28  *
29  * ===================================
30  *
31  *
32  * NOTE :
33  *
34  * - the matrix elements are COMPLEX
35  *
36  * - memory requirements : this procedure requires approximately 3 times the
37  * memory space of the initial data block in grid 0 (initial block, copy for
38  * test and second redistribution result) and 1 time the memory space of the
39  * result data block in grid 1. with  the element size = sizeof(complex)
40  * bytes,
41  *
42  *
43  * - use the procedures of the files:
44  *
45  * pctrmr.o pctrmr2.o pctrmraux.o
46  *
47  *
48  * ======================================
49  *
51  *
52  *
53  * ========================================
54  *
55  *
56  * Planned changes:
57  *
58  *
59  *
60  * ========================================= */
61 #define static2 static
62 #if defined(Add_) || defined(f77IsF2C)
63 #define fortran_mr2d pctrmr2do_
64 #define fortran_mr2dnew pctrmr2d_
65 #elif defined(UpCase)
66 #define fortran_mr2dnew PCTRMR2D
67 #define fortran_mr2d PCTRMR2DO
68 #define ccopy_ CCOPY
69 #define clacpy_ CLACPY
70 #else
71 #define fortran_mr2d pctrmr2do
72 #define fortran_mr2dnew pctrmr2d
73 #define ccopy_ ccopy
74 #define clacpy_ clacpy
75 #endif
76 #define Clacpy Cctrlacpy
77 void  Clacpy();
78 typedef struct {
79   float r, i;
80 }     complex;
81 typedef struct {
82   int   desctype;
83   int   ctxt;
84   int   m;
85   int   n;
86   int   nbrow;
87   int   nbcol;
88   int   sprow;
89   int   spcol;
90   int   lda;
91 }     MDESC;
92 #define BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D 1
93 typedef struct {
94   int   gstart;
95   int   len;
96 }     IDESC;
97 #define SHIFT(row,sprow,nbrow) ((row)-(sprow)+ ((row) >= (sprow) ? 0 : (nbrow)))
98 #define max(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
99 #define min(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(B):(A))
100 #define DIVUP(a,b) ( ((a)-1) /(b)+1)
101 #define ROUNDUP(a,b) (DIVUP(a,b)*(b))
102 #ifdef MALLOCDEBUG
103 #define malloc mymalloc
104 #define free myfree
105 #define realloc myrealloc
106 #endif
107 /* Cblacs */
108 extern void Cblacs_pcoord();
109 extern int Cblacs_pnum();
110 extern void Csetpvmtids();
111 extern void Cblacs_get();
112 extern void Cblacs_pinfo();
113 extern void Cblacs_gridinfo();
114 extern void Cblacs_gridinit();
115 extern void Cblacs_exit();
116 extern void Cblacs_gridexit();
117 extern void Cblacs_setup();
118 extern void Cigebs2d();
119 extern void Cigebr2d();
120 extern void Cigesd2d();
121 extern void Cigerv2d();
122 extern void Cigsum2d();
123 extern void Cigamn2d();
124 extern void Cigamx2d();
125 extern void Ccgesd2d();
126 extern void Ccgerv2d();
127 /* lapack */
128 void  clacpy_();
129 /* aux fonctions */
130 extern int localindice();
131 extern void *mr2d_malloc();
132 extern int ppcm();
133 extern int localsize();
134 extern int memoryblocksize();
135 extern int changeorigin();
136 extern void paramcheck();
137 /* tools and others function */
138 #define scanD0 ctrscanD0
139 #define dispmat ctrdispmat
140 #define setmemory ctrsetmemory
141 #define freememory ctrfreememory
142 #define scan_intervals ctrscan_intervals
143 extern void scanD0();
144 extern void dispmat();
145 extern void setmemory();
146 extern void freememory();
147 extern int scan_intervals();
148 extern void Cpctrmr2do();
149 extern void Cpctrmr2d();
150 /* some defines for Cpctrmr2do */
151 #define SENDBUFF 0
152 #define RECVBUFF 1
153 #define SIZEBUFF 2
154 #if 0
155 #define DEBUG
156 #endif
157 #ifndef DEBUG
158 #define NDEBUG
159 #endif
160 #include <stdio.h>
161 #include <stdlib.h>
162 #include <string.h>
163 #include <ctype.h>
164 #include <assert.h>
165 /* initblock: intialize the local part of a matrix with random data (well,
166  * not very random) */
167 static2 void
initblock(block,m,n)168 initblock(block, m, n)
169   complex *block;
170   int   m, n;
171 {
172   complex *pdata;
173   int   i;
174   pdata = block;
175   for (i = 0; i < m * n; i++, pdata++) {
176     (*pdata).r = i;
177   };
178 }
179 /* getparam:read from a file a list of integer parameters, the end of the
180  * parameters to read is given by a NULL at the end of the args list */
181 #ifdef __STDC__
182 #include <stdarg.h>
183 static void
getparam(FILE * f,...)184 getparam(FILE * f,...)
185 {
186 #else
187 #include <varargs.h>
188 static void
189 getparam(va_alist)
190 va_dcl
191 {
192   FILE *f;
193 #endif
194   va_list ap;
195   int   i;
196   static int nbline;
197   char *ptr, *next;
198   int  *var;
199   static char buffer[200];
200 #ifdef __STDC__
201   va_start(ap, f);
202 #else
203   va_start(ap);
204   f = va_arg(ap, FILE *);
205 #endif
206   do {
207     next = fgets(buffer, 200, f);
208     if (next == NULL) {
209       fprintf(stderr, "bad configuration driver file:after line %d\n", nbline);
210       exit(1);
211     }
212     nbline += 1;
213   } while (buffer[0] == '#');
214   ptr = buffer;
215   var = va_arg(ap, int *);
216   while (var != NULL) {
217     *var = strtol(ptr, &next, 10);
218     if (ptr == next) {
219       fprintf(stderr, "bad configuration driver file:error line %d\n", nbline);
220       exit(1);
221     }
222     ptr = next;
223     var = va_arg(ap, int *);
224   }
225   va_end(ap);
226 }
227 void
228 initforpvm(argc, argv)
229   int   argc;
230   char *argv[];
231 {
232   int   pnum, nproc;
233   Cblacs_pinfo(&pnum, &nproc);
234   if (nproc < 1) {	/* we are with PVM */
235     if (pnum == 0) {
236       if (argc < 2) {
237 	fprintf(stderr, "usage with PVM:xctrmr nbproc\n\
238 \t where nbproc is the number of nodes to initialize\n");
239 	exit(1);
240       }
241       nproc = atoi(argv[1]);
242     }
243     Cblacs_setup(&pnum, &nproc);
244   }
245 }
246 int
247 main(argc, argv)
248   int   argc;
249   char *argv[];
250 {
251   /* We initialize the data-block on the current processor, then redistribute
252    * it, and perform the inverse redistribution  to compare the local memory
253    * with the initial one. */
254   /* Data file */
255   FILE *fp;
256   int   nbre, nbremax;
257   /* Data distribution 0 parameters */
258   int   p0,	/* # of rows in the processor grid */
259         q0;	/* # of columns in the processor grid */
260   /* Data distribution 1 parameters */
261   int   p1, q1;
262   /* # of parameter to be read on the keyboard */
263 #define nbparameter 24
264   /* General variables */
265   int   blocksize0;
266   int   mypnum, nprocs;
267   int   parameters[nbparameter], nberrors;
268   int   i;
269   int   ia, ja, ib, jb, m, n;
270   int   gcontext, context0, context1;
271   int   myprow1, myprow0, mypcol0, mypcol1;
272   int   dummy;
273   MDESC ma, mb;
274   char *uplo, *diag;
275   complex *ptrmyblock, *ptrsavemyblock, *ptrmyblockcopy, *ptrmyblockvide;
276 #ifdef UsingMpiBlacs
277    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
278 #endif
279   setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
280   setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
281 #ifdef T3D
282   free(malloc(14000000));
283 #endif
284   initforpvm(argc, argv);
285   /* Read physical parameters */
286   Cblacs_pinfo(&mypnum, &nprocs);
287   /* initialize BLACS for the parameter communication */
288   Cblacs_get(0, 0, &gcontext);
289   Cblacs_gridinit(&gcontext, "R", nprocs, 1);
290   Cblacs_gridinfo(gcontext, &dummy, &dummy, &mypnum, &dummy);
291   if (mypnum == 0) {
292     if ((fp = fopen("TRMR2D.dat", "r")) == NULL) {
293       fprintf(stderr, "Can't open TRMR2D.dat\n");
294       exit(1);
295     };
296     printf("\n// CTRMR2D TESTER for COMPLEX //\n");
297     getparam(fp, &nbre, NULL);
298     printf("////////// %d tests \n\n", nbre);
299     parameters[0] = nbre;
300     Cigebs2d(gcontext, "All", "H", 1, 1, parameters, 1);
301   } else {
302     Cigebr2d(gcontext, "All", "H", 1, 1, parameters, 1, 0, 0);
303     nbre = parameters[0];
304   };
305   if (mypnum == 0) {
306     printf("\n  m   n  m0  n0  sr0 sc0 i0  j0  p0  q0 nbr0 nbc0 \
307 m1  n1  sr1 sc1 i1  j1  p1  q1 nbr1 nbc1\n\n");
308   };
309   /****** TEST LOOP *****/
310   /* Here we are in grip 1xnprocs */
311   nbremax = nbre;
312 #ifdef DEBUG
313   fprintf(stderr, "bonjour,je suis le noeud %d\n", mypnum);
314 #endif
315   while (nbre-- != 0) {	/* Loop on the serie of tests */
316     /* All the processors read the parameters so we have to be in a 1xnprocs
317      * grid at each iteration */
318     /* Read processors grid and matrices parameters */
319     if (mypnum == 0) {
320       int   u, d;
321       getparam(fp,
322 	       &m, &n,
323 	       &ma.m, &ma.n, &ma.sprow, &ma.spcol,
324 	       &ia, &ja, &p0, &q0, &ma.nbrow, &ma.nbcol,
325 	       &mb.m, &mb.n, &mb.sprow, &mb.spcol,
326 	       &ib, &jb, &p1, &q1, &mb.nbrow, &mb.nbcol,
327 	       &u, &d,
328 	       NULL);
329       uplo = u ? "UPPER" : "LOWER";
330       diag = d ? "UNIT" : "NONUNIT";
331       printf("\t\t************* TEST # %d **********\n",
332 	     nbremax - nbre);
333       printf(" %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d \
334 %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d",
335 	     m, n,
336 	     ma.m, ma.n, ma.sprow, ma.spcol,
337 	     ia, ja, p0, q0, ma.nbrow, ma.nbcol,
338 	     mb.m, mb.n, mb.sprow, mb.spcol,
339 	     ib, jb, p1, q1, mb.nbrow, mb.nbcol);
340       printf(" %s %s", toupper(*uplo) == 'U' ? "up" : "low",
341 	     toupper(*diag) == 'U' ? "unit" : "nonunit");
342       printf("\n");
343       if (p0 * q0 > nprocs || p1 * q1 > nprocs) {
344 	fprintf(stderr, "not enough nodes:%d processors required\n",
345 		max(p0 * q0, p1 * q1));
346 	exit(1);
347       }
348       parameters[0] = p0;
349       parameters[1] = q0;
350       parameters[2] = ma.nbrow;
351       parameters[3] = ma.nbcol;
352       parameters[4] = p1;
353       parameters[5] = q1;
354       parameters[6] = mb.nbrow;
355       parameters[7] = mb.nbcol;
356       parameters[8] = ma.m;
357       parameters[9] = ma.n;
358       parameters[10] = ma.sprow;
359       parameters[11] = ma.spcol;
360       parameters[12] = mb.sprow;
361       parameters[13] = mb.spcol;
362       parameters[14] = ia;
363       parameters[15] = ja;
364       parameters[16] = ib;
365       parameters[17] = jb;
366       parameters[18] = m;
367       parameters[19] = n;
368       parameters[20] = mb.m;
369       parameters[21] = mb.n;
370       parameters[22] = *uplo == 'U';
371       parameters[23] = *diag == 'U';
372       Cigebs2d(gcontext, "All", "H", 1, nbparameter, parameters, 1);
373     } else {
374       Cigebr2d(gcontext, "All", "H", 1, nbparameter, parameters, 1, 0, 0);
375       p0 = parameters[0];
376       q0 = parameters[1];
377       ma.nbrow = parameters[2];
378       ma.nbcol = parameters[3];
379       p1 = parameters[4];
380       q1 = parameters[5];
381       mb.nbrow = parameters[6];
382       mb.nbcol = parameters[7];
383       ma.m = parameters[8];
384       ma.n = parameters[9];
385       ma.sprow = parameters[10];
386       ma.spcol = parameters[11];
387       mb.sprow = parameters[12];
388       mb.spcol = parameters[13];
389       ia = parameters[14];
390       ja = parameters[15];
391       ib = parameters[16];
392       jb = parameters[17];
393       m = parameters[18];
394       n = parameters[19];
395       mb.m = parameters[20];
396       mb.n = parameters[21];
397       ma.desctype = BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D;
398       mb.desctype = BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D;
399       uplo = parameters[22] ? "UPPER" : "LOWER";
400       diag = parameters[23] ? "UNIT" : "NONUNIT";
401     };
402     Cblacs_get(0, 0, &context0);
403     Cblacs_gridinit(&context0, "R", p0, q0);
404     Cblacs_get(0, 0, &context1);
405     Cblacs_gridinit(&context1, "R", p1, q1);
406     Cblacs_gridinfo(context0, &dummy, &dummy, &myprow0, &mypcol0);
407     if (myprow0 >= p0 || mypcol0 >= q0)
408       myprow0 = mypcol0 = -1;
409     Cblacs_gridinfo(context1, &dummy, &dummy, &myprow1, &mypcol1);
410     if (myprow1 >= p1 || mypcol1 >= q1)
411       myprow1 = mypcol1 = -1;
412     assert((myprow0 < p0 && mypcol0 < q0) || (myprow0 == -1 && mypcol0 == -1));
413     assert((myprow1 < p1 && mypcol1 < q1) || (myprow1 == -1 && mypcol1 == -1));
414     ma.ctxt = context0;
415     mb.ctxt = context1;
416     /* From here, we are not assuming that only the processors working in the
417      * redistribution are calling  xxMR2D, but the ones not concerned will do
418      * nothing. */
419     /* We compute the exact size of the local memory block for the memory
420      * allocations */
421     if (myprow0 >= 0 && mypcol0 >= 0) {
422       blocksize0 = memoryblocksize(&ma);
423       ma.lda = localsize(SHIFT(myprow0, ma.sprow, p0), p0, ma.nbrow, ma.m);
424       setmemory(&ptrmyblock, blocksize0);
425       initblock(ptrmyblock, 1, blocksize0);
426       setmemory(&ptrmyblockcopy, blocksize0);
427       memcpy((char *) ptrmyblockcopy, (char *) ptrmyblock,
428 	     blocksize0 * sizeof(complex));
429       setmemory(&ptrmyblockvide, blocksize0);
430       for (i = 0; i < blocksize0; i++)
431 	ptrmyblockvide[i].r = -1;
432     };	/* if (mypnum < p0 * q0) */
433     if (myprow1 >= 0 && mypcol1 >= 0) {
434       setmemory(&ptrsavemyblock, memoryblocksize(&mb));
435       mb.lda = localsize(SHIFT(myprow1, mb.sprow, p1), p1, mb.nbrow, mb.m);
436     };	/* if (mypnum < p1 * q1)  */
437     /* Redistribute the matrix from grid 0 to grid 1 (memory location
438      * ptrmyblock to ptrsavemyblock) */
439     Cpctrmr2d(uplo, diag, m, n,
440 	      ptrmyblock, ia, ja, &ma,
441 	      ptrsavemyblock, ib, jb, &mb, gcontext);
442     /* Perform the inverse redistribution of the matrix from grid 1 to grid 0
443      * (memory location ptrsavemyblock to ptrmyblockvide) */
444     Cpctrmr2d(uplo, diag, m, n,
445 	      ptrsavemyblock, ib, jb, &mb,
446 	      ptrmyblockvide, ia, ja, &ma, gcontext);
447     /* Check the differences */
448     nberrors = 0;
449     if (myprow0 >= 0 && mypcol0 >= 0) {
450       /* only for the processors that do have data at the begining */
451       for (i = 0; i < blocksize0; i++) {
452 	int   li, lj, gi, gj;
453 	int   in;
454 	in = 1;
455 	li = i % ma.lda;
456 	lj = i / ma.lda;
457 	gi = (li / ma.nbrow) * p0 * ma.nbrow +
458 	      SHIFT(myprow0, ma.sprow, p0) * ma.nbrow + li % ma.nbrow;
459 	gj = (lj / ma.nbcol) * q0 * ma.nbcol +
460 	      SHIFT(mypcol0, ma.spcol, q0) * ma.nbcol + lj % ma.nbcol;
461 	assert(gi < ma.m && gj < ma.n);
462 	gi -= (ia - 1);
463 	gj -= (ja - 1);
464 	if (gi < 0 || gj < 0 || gi >= m || gj >= n)
465 	  in = 0;
466 	else if (toupper(*uplo) == 'U')
467 	  in = (gi <= gj + max(0, m - n) - (toupper(*diag) == 'U'));
468 	else
469 	  in = (gi >= gj - max(0, n - m) + (toupper(*diag) == 'U'));
470 	if (!in) {
471 	  ptrmyblockcopy[i].r = -1;
472 	}
473 	if (ptrmyblockvide[i].r != ptrmyblockcopy[i].r) {
474 	  nberrors++;
475 	  printf("Proc %d : Error element number %d, value = %f , initvalue =%f \n"
476 		 ,mypnum, i,
477 		 ptrmyblockvide[i].r, ptrmyblockcopy[i].r);
478 	};
479       };
480       if (nberrors > 0) {
481 	printf("Processor %d, has tested  %d COMPLEX elements,\
482 Number of redistribution errors = %d \n",
483 	       mypnum, blocksize0, nberrors);
484       }
485     }
486     /* Look at the errors on all the processors at this point. */
487     Cigsum2d(gcontext, "All", "H", 1, 1, &nberrors, 1, 0, 0);
488     if (mypnum == 0)
489       if (nberrors)
490 	printf("  => Total number of redistribution errors = %d \n",
491 	       nberrors);
492       else
493 	printf("TEST PASSED OK\n");
494     /* release memory for the next iteration */
495     if (myprow0 >= 0 && mypcol0 >= 0) {
496       freememory((char *) ptrmyblock);
497       freememory((char *) ptrmyblockvide);
498       freememory((char *) ptrmyblockcopy);
499     };	/* if (mypnum < p0 * q0) */
500     /* release memory for the next iteration */
501     if (myprow1 >= 0 && mypcol1 >= 0) {
502       freememory((char *) ptrsavemyblock);
503     };
504     if (myprow0 >= 0)
505       Cblacs_gridexit(context0);
506     if (myprow1 >= 0)
507       Cblacs_gridexit(context1);
508   };	/* while nbre != 0 */
509   if (mypnum == 0) {
510     fclose(fp);
511   };
512   Cblacs_exit(0);
513   return 0;
514 }/* main */