1 /* emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- */
3 /**
4  * @file cf_gcd.cc
5  *
6  * gcd/content/lcm of polynomials
7  *
8  * To compute the GCD different variants are chosen automatically
9 **/
11 #include "config.h"
14 #include "timing.h"
15 #include "cf_assert.h"
16 #include "debug.h"
18 #include "cf_defs.h"
19 #include "canonicalform.h"
20 #include "cf_iter.h"
21 #include "cf_reval.h"
22 #include "cf_primes.h"
23 #include "cf_algorithm.h"
24 #include "cfEzgcd.h"
25 #include "cfGcdAlgExt.h"
26 #include "cfSubResGcd.h"
27 #include "cfModGcd.h"
28 #include "FLINTconvert.h"
29 #include "facAlgFuncUtil.h"
30 #include "templates/ftmpl_functions.h"
32 #ifdef HAVE_NTL
33 #include <NTL/ZZX.h>
34 #include "NTLconvert.h"
35 bool isPurePoly(const CanonicalForm & );
36 #endif
38 void out_cf(const char *s1,const CanonicalForm &f,const char *s2);
40 /** static CanonicalForm icontent ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & c )
41  *
42  * icontent() - return gcd of c and all coefficients of f which
43  *   are in a coefficient domain.
44  *
45  * @sa icontent().
46  *
47 **/
48 static CanonicalForm
icontent(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & c)49 icontent ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & c )
50 {
51     if ( f.inBaseDomain() )
52     {
53       if (c.isZero()) return abs(f);
54       return bgcd( f, c );
55     }
56     //else if ( f.inCoeffDomain() )
57     //   return gcd(f,c);
58     else
59     {
60         CanonicalForm g = c;
61         for ( CFIterator i = f; i.hasTerms() && ! g.isOne(); i++ )
62             g = icontent( i.coeff(), g );
63         return g;
64     }
65 }
67 /** CanonicalForm icontent ( const CanonicalForm & f )
68  *
69  * icontent() - return gcd over all coefficients of f which are
70  *   in a coefficient domain.
71  *
72 **/
73 CanonicalForm
icontent(const CanonicalForm & f)74 icontent ( const CanonicalForm & f )
75 {
76     return icontent( f, 0 );
77 }
79 #ifdef HAVE_FLINT
80 static CanonicalForm
gcd_univar_flintp(const CanonicalForm & F,const CanonicalForm & G)81 gcd_univar_flintp (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G)
82 {
83   nmod_poly_t F1, G1;
84   convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (F1, F);
85   convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (G1, G);
86   nmod_poly_gcd (F1, F1, G1);
87   CanonicalForm result= convertnmod_poly_t2FacCF (F1, F.mvar());
88   nmod_poly_clear (F1);
89   nmod_poly_clear (G1);
90   return result;
91 }
93 static CanonicalForm
gcd_univar_flint0(const CanonicalForm & F,const CanonicalForm & G)94 gcd_univar_flint0( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G )
95 {
96   fmpz_poly_t F1, G1;
97   convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t(F1, F);
98   convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t(G1, G);
99   fmpz_poly_gcd (F1, F1, G1);
100   CanonicalForm result= convertFmpz_poly_t2FacCF (F1, F.mvar());
101   fmpz_poly_clear (F1);
102   fmpz_poly_clear (G1);
103   return result;
104 }
105 #endif
107 #ifdef HAVE_NTL
108 #ifndef HAVE_FLINT
109 static CanonicalForm
gcd_univar_ntl0(const CanonicalForm & F,const CanonicalForm & G)110 gcd_univar_ntl0( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G )
111 {
112     ZZX F1=convertFacCF2NTLZZX(F);
113     ZZX G1=convertFacCF2NTLZZX(G);
114     ZZX R=GCD(F1,G1);
115     return convertNTLZZX2CF(R,F.mvar());
116 }
118 static CanonicalForm
gcd_univar_ntlp(const CanonicalForm & F,const CanonicalForm & G)119 gcd_univar_ntlp( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G )
120 {
121   int ch=getCharacteristic();
122   if (fac_NTL_char!=ch)
123   {
124     fac_NTL_char=ch;
125     zz_p::init(ch);
126   }
127   zz_pX F1=convertFacCF2NTLzzpX(F);
128   zz_pX G1=convertFacCF2NTLzzpX(G);
129   zz_pX R=GCD(F1,G1);
130   return  convertNTLzzpX2CF(R,F.mvar());
131 }
132 #endif
133 #endif
135 //{{{ static CanonicalForm balance_p ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & q )
136 //{{{ docu
137 //
138 // balance_p() - map f from positive to symmetric representation
139 //   mod q.
140 //
141 // This makes sense for univariate polynomials over Z only.
142 // q should be an integer.
143 //
144 // Used by gcd_poly_univar0().
145 //
146 //}}}
148 static CanonicalForm
balance_p(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & q,const CanonicalForm & qh)149 balance_p ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & q, const CanonicalForm & qh )
150 {
151     Variable x = f.mvar();
152     CanonicalForm result = 0;
153     CanonicalForm c;
154     CFIterator i;
155     for ( i = f; i.hasTerms(); i++ )
156     {
157         c = i.coeff();
158         if ( c.inCoeffDomain())
159         {
160           if ( c > qh )
161             result += power( x, i.exp() ) * (c - q);
162           else
163             result += power( x, i.exp() ) * c;
164         }
165         else
166           result += power( x, i.exp() ) * balance_p(c,q,qh);
167     }
168     return result;
169 }
171 static CanonicalForm
balance_p(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & q)172 balance_p ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & q )
173 {
174     CanonicalForm qh = q / 2;
175     return balance_p (f, q, qh);
176 }
gcd_poly_univar0(const CanonicalForm & F,const CanonicalForm & G,bool primitive)178 static CanonicalForm gcd_poly_univar0( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G, bool primitive )
179 {
180   CanonicalForm f, g, c, cg, cl, BB, B, M, q, Dp, newD, D, newq;
181   int p, i;
183   if ( primitive )
184   {
185     f = F;
186     g = G;
187     c = 1;
188   }
189   else
190   {
191     CanonicalForm cF = content( F ), cG = content( G );
192     f = F / cF;
193     g = G / cG;
194     c = bgcd( cF, cG );
195   }
196   cg = gcd( f.lc(), g.lc() );
197   cl = ( f.lc() / cg ) * g.lc();
198 //     B = 2 * cg * tmin(
199 //         maxnorm(f)*power(CanonicalForm(2),f.degree())*isqrt(f.degree()+1),
200 //         maxnorm(g)*power(CanonicalForm(2),g.degree())*isqrt(g.degree()+1)
201 //         )+1;
202   M = tmin( maxNorm(f), maxNorm(g) );
203   BB = power(CanonicalForm(2),tmin(f.degree(),g.degree()))*M;
204   q = 0;
205   i = cf_getNumSmallPrimes() - 1;
206   while ( true )
207   {
208     B = BB;
209     while ( i >= 0 && q < B )
210     {
211       p = cf_getSmallPrime( i );
212       i--;
213       while ( i >= 0 && mod( cl, p ) == 0 )
214       {
215         p = cf_getSmallPrime( i );
216         i--;
217       }
218       setCharacteristic( p );
219       Dp = gcd( mapinto( f ), mapinto( g ) );
220       Dp = ( Dp / Dp.lc() ) * mapinto( cg );
221       setCharacteristic( 0 );
222       if ( Dp.degree() == 0 )
223         return c;
224       if ( q.isZero() )
225       {
226         D = mapinto( Dp );
227         q = p;
228         B = power(CanonicalForm(2),D.degree())*M+1;
229       }
230       else
231       {
232         if ( Dp.degree() == D.degree() )
233         {
234           chineseRemainder( D, q, mapinto( Dp ), p, newD, newq );
235           q = newq;
236           D = newD;
237         }
238         else if ( Dp.degree() < D.degree() )
239         {
240           // all previous p's are bad primes
241           q = p;
242           D = mapinto( Dp );
243           B = power(CanonicalForm(2),D.degree())*M+1;
244         }
245         // else p is a bad prime
246       }
247     }
248     if ( i >= 0 )
249     {
250       // now balance D mod q
251       D = pp( balance_p( D, q ) );
252       if ( fdivides( D, f ) && fdivides( D, g ) )
253         return D * c;
254       else
255         q = 0;
256     }
257     else
258       return gcd_poly( F, G );
259     DEBOUTLN( cerr, "another try ..." );
260   }
261 }
263 static CanonicalForm
gcd_poly_p(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & g)264 gcd_poly_p( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
265 {
266     if (f.inCoeffDomain() || g.inCoeffDomain()) //zero case should be caught by gcd
267       return 1;
268     CanonicalForm pi, pi1;
269     CanonicalForm C, Ci, Ci1, Hi, bi, pi2;
270     bool bpure, ezgcdon= isOn (SW_USE_EZGCD_P);
271     int delta = degree( f ) - degree( g );
273     if ( delta >= 0 )
274     {
275         pi = f; pi1 = g;
276     }
277     else
278     {
279         pi = g; pi1 = f; delta = -delta;
280     }
281     if (pi.isUnivariate())
282       Ci= 1;
283     else
284     {
285       if (!ezgcdon)
286         On (SW_USE_EZGCD_P);
287       Ci = content( pi );
288       if (!ezgcdon)
289         Off (SW_USE_EZGCD_P);
290       pi = pi / Ci;
291     }
292     if (pi1.isUnivariate())
293       Ci1= 1;
294     else
295     {
296       if (!ezgcdon)
297         On (SW_USE_EZGCD_P);
298       Ci1 = content( pi1 );
299       if (!ezgcdon)
300         Off (SW_USE_EZGCD_P);
301       pi1 = pi1 / Ci1;
302     }
303     C = gcd( Ci, Ci1 );
304     int d= 0;
305     if ( !( pi.isUnivariate() && pi1.isUnivariate() ) )
306     {
307         if ( gcd_test_one( pi1, pi, true, d ) )
308         {
309           C=abs(C);
310           //out_cf("GCD:",C,"\n");
311           return C;
312         }
313         bpure = false;
314     }
315     else
316     {
317         bpure = isPurePoly(pi) && isPurePoly(pi1);
318 #ifdef HAVE_FLINT
319         if (bpure && (CFFactory::gettype() != GaloisFieldDomain))
320           return gcd_univar_flintp(pi,pi1)*C;
321 #else
322 #ifdef HAVE_NTL
323         if ( bpure && (CFFactory::gettype() != GaloisFieldDomain))
324             return gcd_univar_ntlp(pi, pi1 ) * C;
325 #endif
326 #endif
327     }
328     Variable v = f.mvar();
329     Hi = power( LC( pi1, v ), delta );
330     int maxNumVars= tmax (getNumVars (pi), getNumVars (pi1));
332     if (!(pi.isUnivariate() && pi1.isUnivariate()))
333     {
334       if (size (Hi)*size (pi)/(maxNumVars*3) > 500) //maybe this needs more tuning
335       {
336         On (SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD);
337         C *= gcd (pi, pi1);
338         Off (SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD);
339         return C;
340       }
341     }
343     if ( (delta+1) % 2 )
344         bi = 1;
345     else
346         bi = -1;
347     CanonicalForm oldPi= pi, oldPi1= pi1, powHi;
348     while ( degree( pi1, v ) > 0 )
349     {
350         if (!(pi.isUnivariate() && pi1.isUnivariate()))
351         {
352           if (size (pi)/maxNumVars > 500 || size (pi1)/maxNumVars > 500)
353           {
354             On (SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD);
355             C *= gcd (oldPi, oldPi1);
356             Off (SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD);
357             return C;
358           }
359         }
360         pi2 = psr( pi, pi1, v );
361         pi2 = pi2 / bi;
362         pi = pi1; pi1 = pi2;
363         maxNumVars= tmax (getNumVars (pi), getNumVars (pi1));
364         if (!pi1.isUnivariate() && (size (pi1)/maxNumVars > 500))
365         {
366             On (SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD);
367             C *= gcd (oldPi, oldPi1);
368             Off (SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD);
369             return C;
370         }
371         if ( degree( pi1, v ) > 0 )
372         {
373             delta = degree( pi, v ) - degree( pi1, v );
374             powHi= power (Hi, delta-1);
375             if ( (delta+1) % 2 )
376                 bi = LC( pi, v ) * powHi*Hi;
377             else
378                 bi = -LC( pi, v ) * powHi*Hi;
379             Hi = power( LC( pi1, v ), delta ) / powHi;
380             if (!(pi.isUnivariate() && pi1.isUnivariate()))
381             {
382               if (size (Hi)*size (pi)/(maxNumVars*3) > 1500) //maybe this needs more tuning
383               {
384                 On (SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD);
385                 C *= gcd (oldPi, oldPi1);
386                 Off (SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD);
387                 return C;
388               }
389             }
390         }
391     }
392     if ( degree( pi1, v ) == 0 )
393     {
394       C=abs(C);
395       //out_cf("GCD:",C,"\n");
396       return C;
397     }
398     if (!pi.isUnivariate())
399     {
400       if (!ezgcdon)
401         On (SW_USE_EZGCD_P);
402       Ci= gcd (LC (oldPi,v), LC (oldPi1,v));
403       pi /= LC (pi,v)/Ci;
404       Ci= content (pi);
405       pi /= Ci;
406       if (!ezgcdon)
407         Off (SW_USE_EZGCD_P);
408     }
409     if ( bpure )
410         pi /= pi.lc();
411     C=abs(C*pi);
412     //out_cf("GCD:",C,"\n");
413     return C;
414 }
416 static CanonicalForm
gcd_poly_0(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & g)417 gcd_poly_0( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
418 {
419     CanonicalForm pi, pi1;
420     CanonicalForm C, Ci, Ci1, Hi, bi, pi2;
421     int delta = degree( f ) - degree( g );
423     if ( delta >= 0 )
424     {
425         pi = f; pi1 = g;
426     }
427     else
428     {
429         pi = g; pi1 = f; delta = -delta;
430     }
431     Ci = content( pi ); Ci1 = content( pi1 );
432     pi1 = pi1 / Ci1; pi = pi / Ci;
433     C = gcd( Ci, Ci1 );
434     int d= 0;
435     if ( pi.isUnivariate() && pi1.isUnivariate() )
436     {
437 #ifdef HAVE_FLINT
438         if (isPurePoly(pi) && isPurePoly(pi1) )
439             return gcd_univar_flint0(pi, pi1 ) * C;
440 #else
441 #ifdef HAVE_NTL
442         if ( isPurePoly(pi) && isPurePoly(pi1) )
443             return gcd_univar_ntl0(pi, pi1 ) * C;
444 #endif
445 #endif
446         return gcd_poly_univar0( pi, pi1, true ) * C;
447     }
448     else if ( gcd_test_one( pi1, pi, true, d ) )
449       return C;
450     Variable v = f.mvar();
451     Hi = power( LC( pi1, v ), delta );
452     if ( (delta+1) % 2 )
453         bi = 1;
454     else
455         bi = -1;
456     while ( degree( pi1, v ) > 0 )
457     {
458         pi2 = psr( pi, pi1, v );
459         pi2 = pi2 / bi;
460         pi = pi1; pi1 = pi2;
461         if ( degree( pi1, v ) > 0 )
462         {
463             delta = degree( pi, v ) - degree( pi1, v );
464             if ( (delta+1) % 2 )
465                 bi = LC( pi, v ) * power( Hi, delta );
466             else
467                 bi = -LC( pi, v ) * power( Hi, delta );
468             Hi = power( LC( pi1, v ), delta ) / power( Hi, delta-1 );
469         }
470     }
471     if ( degree( pi1, v ) == 0 )
472         return C;
473     else
474         return C * pp( pi );
475 }
477 /** CanonicalForm gcd_poly ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
478  *
479  * gcd_poly() - calculate polynomial gcd.
480  *
481  * This is the dispatcher for polynomial gcd calculation.
482  * Different gcd variants get called depending the input, characteristic, and
483  * on switches (cf_defs.h)
484  *
485  * With the current settings from Singular (i.e. SW_USE_EZGCD= on,
486  * SW_USE_EZGCD_P= on, SW_USE_CHINREM_GCD= on, the EZ GCD variants are the
487  * default algorithms for multivariate polynomial GCD computations)
488  *
489  * @sa gcd(), cf_defs.h
490  *
491 **/
gcd_poly(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & g)492 CanonicalForm gcd_poly ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
493 {
494   CanonicalForm fc, gc;
495   bool fc_isUnivariate=f.isUnivariate();
496   bool gc_isUnivariate=g.isUnivariate();
497   bool fc_and_gc_Univariate=fc_isUnivariate && gc_isUnivariate;
498   fc = f;
499   gc = g;
500   int ch=getCharacteristic();
501   if ( ch != 0 )
502   {
503     if (0) {} // dummy, to be able to build without NTL and FLINT
504     #if defined(HAVE_FLINT) && ( __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20503)
505     if ( isOn( SW_USE_FL_GCD_P)
506     && (CFFactory::gettype() != GaloisFieldDomain)
507     #ifdef HAVE_NTL
508     && (ch>10) // if we have NTL: it is better for char <11
509     #endif
510     &&(!hasAlgVar(fc)) && (!hasAlgVar(gc)))
511     {
512       return gcdFlintMP_Zp(fc,gc);
513     }
514     #endif
515     #ifdef HAVE_NTL
516     if ((!fc_and_gc_Univariate) && (isOn( SW_USE_EZGCD_P )))
517     {
518       fc= EZGCD_P (fc, gc);
519     }
520     #endif
521     #if defined(HAVE_NTL) || defined(HAVE_FLINT)
522     else if (isOn(SW_USE_FF_MOD_GCD) && !fc_and_gc_Univariate)
523     {
524       Variable a;
525       if (hasFirstAlgVar (fc, a) || hasFirstAlgVar (gc, a))
526         fc=modGCDFq (fc, gc, a);
527       else if (CFFactory::gettype() == GaloisFieldDomain)
528         fc=modGCDGF (fc, gc);
529       else
530         fc=modGCDFp (fc, gc);
531     }
532     #endif
533     else
534     fc = gcd_poly_p( fc, gc );
535   }
536   else if (!fc_and_gc_Univariate) /* && char==0*/
537   {
538     #if defined(HAVE_FLINT) && ( __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20503)
539     if (( isOn( SW_USE_FL_GCD_0) )
540     &&(!hasAlgVar(fc)) && (!hasAlgVar(gc)))
541     {
542       return gcdFlintMP_QQ(fc,gc);
543     }
544     else
545     #endif
546     #ifdef HAVE_NTL
547     if ( isOn( SW_USE_EZGCD ) )
548       fc= ezgcd (fc, gc);
549     else
550     #endif
551     #if defined(HAVE_NTL) || defined(HAVE_FLINT)
552     if (isOn(SW_USE_CHINREM_GCD))
553       fc = modGCDZ( fc, gc);
554     else
555     #endif
556     {
557        fc = gcd_poly_0( fc, gc );
558     }
559   }
560   else
561   {
562     fc = gcd_poly_0( fc, gc );
563   }
564   if ((ch>0)&&(!hasAlgVar(fc))) fc/=fc.lc();
565   return fc;
566 }
568 /** static CanonicalForm cf_content ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
569  *
570  * cf_content() - return gcd(g, content(f)).
571  *
572  * content(f) is calculated with respect to f's main variable.
573  *
574  * @sa gcd(), content(), content( CF, Variable ).
575  *
576 **/
577 static CanonicalForm
cf_content(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & g)578 cf_content ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
579 {
580     if ( f.inPolyDomain() || ( f.inExtension() && ! getReduce( f.mvar() ) ) )
581     {
582         CFIterator i = f;
583         CanonicalForm result = g;
584         while ( i.hasTerms() && ! result.isOne() )
585         {
586             result = gcd( i.coeff(), result );
587             i++;
588         }
589         return result;
590     }
591     else
592         return abs( f );
593 }
595 /** CanonicalForm content ( const CanonicalForm & f )
596  *
597  * content() - return content(f) with respect to main variable.
598  *
599  * Normalizes result.
600  *
601 **/
602 CanonicalForm
content(const CanonicalForm & f)603 content ( const CanonicalForm & f )
604 {
605     if ( f.inPolyDomain() || ( f.inExtension() && ! getReduce( f.mvar() ) ) )
606     {
607         CFIterator i = f;
608         CanonicalForm result = abs( i.coeff() );
609         i++;
610         while ( i.hasTerms() && ! result.isOne() )
611         {
612             result = gcd( i.coeff(), result );
613             i++;
614         }
615         return result;
616     }
617     else
618         return abs( f );
619 }
621 /** CanonicalForm content ( const CanonicalForm & f, const Variable & x )
622  *
623  * content() - return content(f) with respect to x.
624  *
625  * x should be a polynomial variable.
626  *
627 **/
628 CanonicalForm
content(const CanonicalForm & f,const Variable & x)629 content ( const CanonicalForm & f, const Variable & x )
630 {
631     if (f.inBaseDomain()) return f;
632     ASSERT( x.level() > 0, "cannot calculate content with respect to algebraic variable" );
633     Variable y = f.mvar();
635     if ( y == x )
636         return cf_content( f, 0 );
637     else  if ( y < x )
638         return f;
639     else
640         return swapvar( content( swapvar( f, y, x ), y ), y, x );
641 }
643 /** CanonicalForm vcontent ( const CanonicalForm & f, const Variable & x )
644  *
645  * vcontent() - return content of f with repect to variables >= x.
646  *
647  * The content is recursively calculated over all coefficients in
648  * f having level less than x.  x should be a polynomial
649  * variable.
650  *
651 **/
652 CanonicalForm
vcontent(const CanonicalForm & f,const Variable & x)653 vcontent ( const CanonicalForm & f, const Variable & x )
654 {
655     ASSERT( x.level() > 0, "cannot calculate vcontent with respect to algebraic variable" );
657     if ( f.mvar() <= x )
658         return content( f, x );
659     else {
660         CFIterator i;
661         CanonicalForm d = 0;
662         for ( i = f; i.hasTerms() && ! d.isOne(); i++ )
663             d = gcd( d, vcontent( i.coeff(), x ) );
664         return d;
665     }
666 }
668 /** CanonicalForm pp ( const CanonicalForm & f )
669  *
670  * pp() - return primitive part of f.
671  *
672  * Returns zero if f equals zero, otherwise f / content(f).
673  *
674 **/
675 CanonicalForm
pp(const CanonicalForm & f)676 pp ( const CanonicalForm & f )
677 {
678     if ( f.isZero() )
679         return f;
680     else
681         return f / content( f );
682 }
684 CanonicalForm
gcd(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & g)685 gcd ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
686 {
687     bool b = f.isZero();
688     if ( b || g.isZero() )
689     {
690         if ( b )
691             return abs( g );
692         else
693             return abs( f );
694     }
695     if ( f.inPolyDomain() || g.inPolyDomain() )
696     {
697         if ( f.mvar() != g.mvar() )
698         {
699             if ( f.mvar() > g.mvar() )
700                 return cf_content( f, g );
701             else
702                 return cf_content( g, f );
703         }
704         if (isOn(SW_USE_QGCD))
705         {
706           Variable m;
707           if (
708           (getCharacteristic() == 0) &&
709           (hasFirstAlgVar(f,m) || hasFirstAlgVar(g,m))
710           )
711           {
712             bool on_rational = isOn(SW_RATIONAL);
713             CanonicalForm r=QGCD(f,g);
714             On(SW_RATIONAL);
715             CanonicalForm cdF = bCommonDen( r );
716             if (!on_rational) Off(SW_RATIONAL);
717             return cdF*r;
718           }
719         }
721         if ( f.inExtension() && getReduce( f.mvar() ) )
722             return CanonicalForm(1);
723         else
724         {
725             if ( fdivides( f, g ) )
726                 return abs( f );
727             else  if ( fdivides( g, f ) )
728                 return abs( g );
729             if ( !( getCharacteristic() == 0 && isOn( SW_RATIONAL ) ) )
730             {
731                 CanonicalForm d;
732                 d = gcd_poly( f, g );
733                 return abs( d );
734             }
735             else
736             {
737                 CanonicalForm cdF = bCommonDen( f );
738                 CanonicalForm cdG = bCommonDen( g );
739                 CanonicalForm F = f * cdF, G = g * cdG;
740                 Off( SW_RATIONAL );
741                 CanonicalForm l = gcd_poly( F, G );
742                 On( SW_RATIONAL );
743                 return abs( l );
744             }
745         }
746     }
747     if ( f.inBaseDomain() && g.inBaseDomain() )
748         return bgcd( f, g );
749     else
750         return 1;
751 }
753 /** CanonicalForm lcm ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
754  *
755  * lcm() - return least common multiple of f and g.
756  *
757  * The lcm is calculated using the formula lcm(f, g) = f * g / gcd(f, g).
758  *
759  * Returns zero if one of f or g equals zero.
760  *
761 **/
762 CanonicalForm
lcm(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & g)763 lcm ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
764 {
765     if ( f.isZero() || g.isZero() )
766         return 0;
767     else
768         return ( f / gcd( f, g ) ) * g;
769 }