1 /*
2  * gfanlib_zfan.h
3  *
4  *  Created on: Nov 17, 2010
5  *      Author: anders
6  */
8 #ifndef GFANLIB_ZFAN_H_
9 #define GFANLIB_ZFAN_H_
11 /*
12  * gfanlib_polyhedralfan.h
13  *
14  *  Created on: Nov 16, 2010
15  *      Author: anders
16  */
21 #include <set>
22 #include <list>
23 #include <map>
24 #include "gfanlib_polyhedralfan.h"
25 #include "gfanlib_symmetriccomplex.h"
27 namespace gfan{
29 /**
30  * This class represents a Polyhedral fan with the combined features of a SymmetricComplex, and
31  * a PolyhedralFan (which we regards as some collection of cones of the fan with the property that every cone
32  * of the fan is a face of these (up to action by the group)).
33  * It is important to distinguis between the cones of the collection, the cones of the fan as a mathematical object, and the orbits of cones of the fan.
34  *
35  *
37  */
38 class ZFan
39 {
40   mutable PolyhedralFan *coneCollection;
41   mutable SymmetricComplex *complex;
42   mutable std::vector<std::vector<IntVector > > cones;
43   mutable std::vector<std::vector<IntVector > > maximalCones;
44   mutable std::vector<std::vector<Integer> > multiplicities; // for maximal cones only
45   mutable std::vector<std::vector<IntVector > > coneOrbits;
46   mutable std::vector<std::vector<IntVector > > maximalConeOrbits;
47   mutable std::vector<std::vector<Integer> > multiplicitiesOrbits; // for maximal cones orbits only
50   //  SymmetryGroup sym;
52   /**
53    * Functions that makes the symmetric complex invalid:
54    * insert() and construction
55    *
56    * Functions that make the cone collection invalid:
57    * readFan()
58    *
59    */
60   void ensureConeCollection()const;
61   void ensureComplex()const;
62   void killComplex()const;
63 public:
64   std::vector<std::vector<IntVector> > &table(bool orbit, bool maximal)const;
65   ~ZFan();
ZFan()66   ZFan():
67     coneCollection(0),
68     complex(0)
69   {}
70   ZFan(ZFan const& f);
71   /**
72    *
73    * To read from string, do the following:
74    *       std::string test="TEST";
75    *   std::istringstream s(test);
76    *   ZFan G(s);
77    *
78    */
79   ZFan(std::istream  &f);
80   ZFan& operator=(ZFan const &f);
81   /**
82    * Creates an empty fan in the ambient space of dimension n.
83    * It is a mistake to:
84    *  specify a negative ambientDimension.
85    */
86   ZFan(int ambientDimension);
87   /**
88    * Creates an empty fan in the ambient space with dimension equal to the number of elements being permuted by the group.
89    * The fan will have the symmmetries given by sym_ associated.
90    */
91   ZFan(SymmetryGroup const &sym_);
92   /**
93    * Creates the fan in dimension n consisting of the n-dimensional space.
94    */
95   static ZFan fullFan(int n);
96   /**
97    * Creates the full space as a fan in the ambient space with dimension equal to the number of elements being permuted by the group.
98    * The fan will have the symmetries given by sym_ associated.
99    */
100   static ZFan fullFan(SymmetryGroup const &sym_);
101   /**
102    * Reads from stream
103    */
104 //  static ZFan readFan(string const &filename, bool onlyMaximal=true, IntegerVector *w=0, set<int> const *conesIndice=0, SymmetryGroup const *sym=0, bool readCompressedIfNotSym=false);
105   /**
106    * Writes to string
107    */
108   std::string toString(int flags=0)const;
109   /**
110    * Returns the dimension of the ambient space.
111    */
112   int getAmbientDimension()const;
113   /**
114    * Returns the largest dimension of a cone in the fan. If the fan is empty, then -1 is returned.
115    */
116   int getDimension()const;
117   /**
118    * Returns the smallest codimension of a cone in the fan. If the fan is empty, then -1 is returned.
119    */
120   int getCodimension()const;
121   /**
122    * Returns the dimension of the lineality space of the fan. Notice that the lineality space of the
123    * empty fan is the ambient space.
124    */
125   int getLinealityDimension()const;
126   /**
127    * Returns the f-Vector of the fan.
128    */
129   ZVector getFVector()const;
130   /**
131    * Returns true, if the fan is simplicial. False otherwise.
132    */
133   bool isSimplicial()const;
134   /**
135    * Returns true, if the fan is pure. False otherwise.
136    */
137   bool isPure()const;
138   /**
139    * Inserts c into the fan.
140    * It is a mistake to insert a cone which live in a space of the wrong dimension.
141    * It is a mistake to insert a cone which does not result in a fan satisfying the nice intersection properties of a fan.
142    * However, the second mistake will not cause the code to crash, but only give undefined results.
143    *
144    * The method insert() is expensive in the sense that calling it may require part of the representation
145    * of the fan to be recomputed. The recomputation only happens on request. Therefore it is expensive
146    * to have alternating calls to for example "insert()" and "numberOfConesOfDimension()".
147    *
148    * Notice that insert() has the effect of reordering cones, orbits and rays of the fan.
149    */
150   void insert(ZCone const &c);
151   void remove(ZCone const &c);
152   /**
153    * Returns the number of cones of dimension d in the collection.
154    */
155   int numberOfConesOfDimension(int d, bool orbit, bool maximal)const;
156   int numberOfConesInCollection()const;
157   /**
158    * Returns the cone in the collection given by the index. It is a mistake to specify an index which
159    * is out of range.
160    */
161   //  ZCone const &getConeInCollection(int index)const;
162   /**
163    * Returns the cone in the cone of the fan
164    */
165   ZCone getCone(int dimension, int index, bool orbit, bool maximal)const;
166   IntVector getConeIndices(int dimension, int index, bool orbit, bool maximal)const;
168 //  ZFan expand()const;
169 //  SymmetryGorup recoverAllSymmetries()const;
171 /*  typedef PolyhedralConeList::const_iterator coneIterator;
172   PolyhedralFan::coneIterator conesBegin()const;
173   PolyhedralFan::coneIterator conesEnd()const;
174 */
176 };
178 }
180 #endif
182 #endif /* GFANLIB_ZFAN_H_ */