1 // Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Yixuan Qiu <yixuan.qiu@cos.name>
2 //
3 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
4 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
5 // with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 #include <Eigen/Core>
11 #include <Eigen/SparseCore>
12 #include <Eigen/SparseLU>
13 #include <stdexcept>
15 namespace Spectra {
17 ///
18 /// \ingroup MatOp
19 ///
20 /// This class defines the complex shift-solve operation on a sparse real matrix \f$A\f$,
21 /// i.e., calculating \f$y=\mathrm{Re}\{(A-\sigma I)^{-1}x\}\f$ for any complex-valued
22 /// \f$\sigma\f$ and real-valued vector \f$x\f$. It is mainly used in the
23 /// GenEigsComplexShiftSolver eigen solver.
24 ///
25 /// \tparam Scalar_      The element type of the matrix, for example,
26 ///                      `float`, `double`, and `long double`.
27 /// \tparam Flags        Either `Eigen::ColMajor` or `Eigen::RowMajor`, indicating
28 ///                      the storage format of the input matrix.
29 /// \tparam StorageIndex The type of the indices for the sparse matrix.
30 ///
31 template <typename Scalar_, int Flags = Eigen::ColMajor, typename StorageIndex = int>
32 class SparseGenComplexShiftSolve
33 {
34 public:
35     ///
36     /// Element type of the matrix.
37     ///
38     using Scalar = Scalar_;
40 private:
41     using Index = Eigen::Index;
42     using Vector = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>;
43     using MapConstVec = Eigen::Map<const Vector>;
44     using MapVec = Eigen::Map<Vector>;
45     using SparseMatrix = Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Flags, StorageIndex>;
46     using ConstGenericSparseMatrix = const Eigen::Ref<const SparseMatrix>;
48     using Complex = std::complex<Scalar>;
49     using ComplexVector = Eigen::Matrix<Complex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>;
50     using SparseComplexMatrix = Eigen::SparseMatrix<Complex, Flags, StorageIndex>;
52     using ComplexSolver = Eigen::SparseLU<SparseComplexMatrix>;
54     ConstGenericSparseMatrix m_mat;
55     const Index m_n;
56     ComplexSolver m_solver;
57     mutable ComplexVector m_x_cache;
59 public:
60     ///
61     /// Constructor to create the matrix operation object.
62     ///
63     /// \param mat An **Eigen** sparse matrix object, whose type can be
64     /// `Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, ...>` or its mapped version
65     /// `Eigen::Map<Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, ...> >`.
66     ///
67     template <typename Derived>
SparseGenComplexShiftSolve(const Eigen::SparseMatrixBase<Derived> & mat)68     SparseGenComplexShiftSolve(const Eigen::SparseMatrixBase<Derived>& mat) :
69         m_mat(mat), m_n(mat.rows())
70     {
71         static_assert(
72             static_cast<int>(Derived::PlainObject::IsRowMajor) == static_cast<int>(SparseMatrix::IsRowMajor),
73             "SparseGenComplexShiftSolve: the \"Flags\" template parameter does not match the input matrix (Eigen::ColMajor/Eigen::RowMajor)");
75         if (mat.rows() != mat.cols())
76             throw std::invalid_argument("SparseGenComplexShiftSolve: matrix must be square");
77     }
79     ///
80     /// Return the number of rows of the underlying matrix.
81     ///
rows()82     Index rows() const { return m_n; }
83     ///
84     /// Return the number of columns of the underlying matrix.
85     ///
cols()86     Index cols() const { return m_n; }
88     ///
89     /// Set the complex shift \f$\sigma\f$.
90     ///
91     /// \param sigmar Real part of \f$\sigma\f$.
92     /// \param sigmai Imaginary part of \f$\sigma\f$.
93     ///
set_shift(const Scalar & sigmar,const Scalar & sigmai)94     void set_shift(const Scalar& sigmar, const Scalar& sigmai)
95     {
96         // Create a sparse idendity matrix (1 + 0i on diagonal)
97         SparseComplexMatrix I(m_n, m_n);
98         I.setIdentity();
99         // Sparse LU decomposition
100         m_solver.compute(m_mat.template cast<Complex>() - Complex(sigmar, sigmai) * I);
101         // Set cache to zero
102         m_x_cache.resize(m_n);
103         m_x_cache.setZero();
104     }
106     ///
107     /// Perform the complex shift-solve operation
108     /// \f$y=\mathrm{Re}\{(A-\sigma I)^{-1}x\}\f$.
109     ///
110     /// \param x_in  Pointer to the \f$x\f$ vector.
111     /// \param y_out Pointer to the \f$y\f$ vector.
112     ///
113     // y_out = Re( inv(A - sigma * I) * x_in )
perform_op(const Scalar * x_in,Scalar * y_out)114     void perform_op(const Scalar* x_in, Scalar* y_out) const
115     {
116         m_x_cache.real() = MapConstVec(x_in, m_n);
117         MapVec y(y_out, m_n);
118         y.noalias() = m_solver.solve(m_x_cache).real();
119     }
120 };
122 }  // namespace Spectra