1 /*  compress.c  */
3 #include "../Perm.h"
5 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*
7    ------------------------------------------------
8    given a permutation and a vector to map vertices
9    into compressed vertices, create and return a
10    permutation object for the compressed vertices.
12    created -- 96may02, cca
13    ------------------------------------------------
14 */
15 Perm *
Perm_compress(Perm * perm,IV * eqmapIV)16 Perm_compress (
17    Perm   *perm,
18    IV     *eqmapIV
19 ) {
20 int    n, N, v, vcomp, vnew ;
21 int    *eqmap, *head, *link, *newToOld, *oldToNew, *vals ;
22 Perm   *perm2 ;
23 /*
24    ---------------
25    check the input
26    ---------------
27 */
28 if (  perm == NULL
29    || (n = perm->size) <= 0
30    || eqmapIV == NULL
31    || n != IV_size(eqmapIV)
32    || (eqmap = IV_entries(eqmapIV)) == NULL ) {
33    fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Perm_compress(%p,%p)"
34            "\n bad input\n", perm, eqmapIV) ;
35    if ( perm != NULL ) {
36       Perm_writeStats(perm, stderr) ;
37    }
38    if ( eqmapIV != NULL ) {
39       IV_writeStats(eqmapIV, stderr) ;
40    }
41    exit(-1) ;
42 }
43 n = perm->size ;
44 if ( (oldToNew = perm->oldToNew) == NULL ) {
45    Perm_fillOldToNew(perm) ;
46    oldToNew = perm->oldToNew ;
47 }
48 if ( (newToOld = perm->newToOld) == NULL ) {
49    Perm_fillNewToOld(perm) ;
50    newToOld = perm->newToOld ;
51 }
52 /*
53    ---------------------------------
54    create the new permutation object
55    ---------------------------------
56 */
57 N = 1 + IVmax(n, eqmap, &v) ;
58 perm2 = Perm_new() ;
59 Perm_initWithTypeAndSize(perm2, 3, N) ;
60 /*
61    --------------------------------------------
62    get the head/link structure for the vertices
63    --------------------------------------------
64 */
65 head = IVinit(N, -1) ;
66 link = IVinit(n, -1) ;
67 for ( v = 0 ; v < n ; v++ ) {
68    vcomp = eqmap[v] ;
69    link[v] = head[vcomp] ;
70    head[vcomp] = v ;
71 }
72 /*
73    ---------------------------
74    get the two vectors to sort
75    ---------------------------
76 */
77 IVramp(N, perm2->newToOld, 0, 1) ;
78 vals = IVinit(N, -1) ;
79 for ( vcomp = 0 ; vcomp < N ; vcomp++ ) {
80    v = head[vcomp] ;
81    vnew = perm->oldToNew[v] ;
82    for ( v = link[v] ; v != -1 ; v = link[v] ) {
83       if ( vnew > perm->oldToNew[v] ) {
84          vnew = perm->oldToNew[v] ;
85       }
86    }
87    vals[vcomp] = vnew ;
88 }
89 IV2qsortUp(N, vals, perm2->newToOld) ;
90 for ( vcomp = 0 ; vcomp < N ; vcomp++ ) {
91    perm2->oldToNew[perm2->newToOld[vcomp]] = vcomp ;
92 }
93 /*
94    ---------------------
95    free the working data
96    ---------------------
97 */
98 IVfree(head) ;
99 IVfree(link) ;
100 IVfree(vals) ;
102 return(perm2) ; }
104 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/