4 #include <stan/math/prim/meta.hpp>
5 #include <stan/math/prim/err.hpp>
6 #include <stan/math/prim/fun/constants.hpp>
7 #include <stan/math/prim/fun/exp.hpp>
8 #include <stan/math/prim/fun/gamma_p.hpp>
9 #include <stan/math/prim/fun/gamma_q.hpp>
10 #include <stan/math/prim/fun/is_any_nan.hpp>
11 #include <stan/math/prim/fun/is_inf.hpp>
12 #include <stan/math/prim/fun/log.hpp>
13 #include <stan/math/prim/fun/multiply_log.hpp>
14 #include <cmath>
15 #include <limits>
17 namespace stan {
18 namespace math {
20 /**
21  * Gradient of the regularized incomplete gamma functions igamma(a, z)
22  *
23  * For small z, the gradient is computed via the series expansion;
24  * for large z, the series is numerically inaccurate due to cancellation
25  * and the asymptotic expansion is used.
26  *
27  * @tparam T1 type of the shape parameter
28  * @tparam T2 type of the location parameter
29  * @param a shape parameter, a > 0
30  * @param z location z >= 0
31  * @param g stan::math::tgamma(a) (precomputed value)
32  * @param dig boost::math::digamma(a) (precomputed value)
33  * @param precision required precision; applies to series expansion only
34  * @param max_steps number of steps to take.
35  * @throw throws std::domain_error if not converged after max_steps
36  *   or increment overflows to inf.
37  *
38  * For the asymptotic expansion, the gradient is given by:
39    \f[
40    \begin{array}{rcl}
41    \Gamma(a, z) & = & z^{a-1}e^{-z} \sum_{k=0}^N \frac{(a-1)_k}{z^k} \qquad , z
42  \gg a\\
43    Q(a, z) & = & \frac{z^{a-1}e^{-z}}{\Gamma(a)} \sum_{k=0}^N
44  \frac{(a-1)_k}{z^k}\\
45    (a)_k & = & (a)_{k-1}(a-k)\\
46    \frac{d}{da} (a)_k & = & (a)_{k-1} + (a-k)\frac{d}{da} (a)_{k-1}\\
47    \frac{d}{da}Q(a, z) & = & (log(z) - \psi(a)) Q(a, z)\\
48    && + \frac{z^{a-1}e^{-z}}{\Gamma(a)} \sum_{k=0}^N \left(\frac{d}{da}
49  (a-1)_k\right) \frac{1}{z^k} \end{array} \f]
50  */
51 template <typename T1, typename T2>
grad_reg_inc_gamma(T1 a,T2 z,T1 g,T1 dig,double precision=1e-6,int max_steps=1e5)52 return_type_t<T1, T2> grad_reg_inc_gamma(T1 a, T2 z, T1 g, T1 dig,
53                                          double precision = 1e-6,
54                                          int max_steps = 1e5) {
55   using std::exp;
56   using std::fabs;
57   using std::log;
58   using TP = return_type_t<T1, T2>;
60   if (is_any_nan(a, z, g, dig)) {
61     return std::numeric_limits<TP>::quiet_NaN();
62   }
64   T2 l = log(z);
65   if (z >= a && z >= 8) {
66     // asymptotic expansion http://dlmf.nist.gov/8.11#E2
67     TP S = 0;
68     T1 a_minus_one_minus_k = a - 1;
69     T1 fac = a_minus_one_minus_k;  // falling_factorial(a-1, k)
70     T1 dfac = 1;                   // d/da[falling_factorial(a-1, k)]
71     T2 zpow = z;                   // z ** k
72     TP delta = dfac / zpow;
74     for (int k = 1; k < 10; ++k) {
75       a_minus_one_minus_k -= 1;
77       S += delta;
79       zpow *= z;
80       dfac = a_minus_one_minus_k * dfac + fac;
81       fac *= a_minus_one_minus_k;
82       delta = dfac / zpow;
84       if (is_inf(delta)) {
85         throw_domain_error("grad_reg_inc_gamma", "is not converging", "", "");
86       }
87     }
89     return gamma_q(a, z) * (l - dig) + exp(-z + (a - 1) * l) * S / g;
90   } else {
91     // gradient of series expansion http://dlmf.nist.gov/8.7#E3
92     TP S = 0;
93     TP log_s = 0.0;
94     double s_sign = 1.0;
95     T2 log_z = log(z);
96     TP log_delta = log_s - multiply_log(2, a);
97     for (int k = 1; k <= max_steps; ++k) {
98       S += s_sign >= 0.0 ? exp(log_delta) : -exp(log_delta);
99       log_s += log_z - log(k);
100       s_sign = -s_sign;
101       log_delta = log_s - multiply_log(2, k + a);
102       if (is_inf(log_delta)) {
103         throw_domain_error("grad_reg_inc_gamma", "is not converging", "", "");
104       }
105       if (log_delta <= log(precision)) {
106         return gamma_p(a, z) * (dig - l) + exp(a * l) * S / g;
107       }
108     }
109     throw_domain_error(
110         "grad_reg_inc_gamma", "k (internal counter)", max_steps, "exceeded ",
111         " iterations, gamma function gradient did not converge.");
112     return INFTY;
113   }
114 }
116 }  // namespace math
117 }  // namespace stan
118 #endif