1% CHOLMOD TEST functions
3%   cholmod_test  - test the CHOLMOD mexFunctions
4%   dg            - order and plot A*A', using CHOLMOD's nested dissection
5%   n2            - script to test CHOLMOD septree function
6%   nn            - Compare nesdis with metis, in both quality and run time
7%   test0         - test most CHOLMOD functions
8%   test1         - test sparse2
9%   test2         - test sparse2
10%   test3         - test sparse on int8, int16, and logical
11%   test4         - test cholmod2 with multiple and sparse right-hand-sides
12%   test5         - test sparse2
13%   test6         - test sparse with large matrix, both real and complex
14%   test7         - test sparse2
15%   test8         - order a large range of sparse matrices, test symbfact2
16%   test9         - test metis, etree, bisect, nesdis
17%   test10        - test cholmod2's backslash on real and complex matrices
18%   test11        - compare CHOLMOD and MATLAB, save results in Results.mat
19%   test11results - analyze results from test11.m
20%   test12        - test etree2 and compare with etree
21%   test13        - test cholmod2 and MATLAB on large tridiagonal matrices
22%   test14        - test metis, symbfact2, and etree2
23%   test15        - test symbfact2 vs MATLAB
24%   test16        - test cholmod2 on a large matrix
25%   test17        - test lchol on a few large matrices
26%   test18        - test cholmod2 on a few large matrices
27%   test19        - look for NaN's from lchol (caused by Intel MKL 7.x bug)
28%   test20        - test symbfact2, cholmod2, and lu on a few large matrices
29%   test21        - test cholmod2 on diagonal or ill-conditioned matrices
30%   test22        - test pos.def and indef. matrices
31%   test23        - test chol and cholmod2 on the sparse matrix used in "bench"
32%   test24        - test sdmult
33%   test25        - test sdmult on a large matrix
34%   test26        - test logical full and sparse matrices
35%   test27        - test nesdis with one matrix (HB/west0479)
36%   test28        - test nesdis
37%   testmm        - compare mread and mmread for entire Matrix Market collection
38%   testsolve     - test CHOLMOD and compare with x=A\b
39%   ltest         - test lxbpattern
40%   lxtest        - test lsubsolve
41%   ltest2        - test lsubsolve
43% Example:
44%   cholmod_test
46% Copyright 2007, Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com