1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // gb_mxarray_to_list: convert a MATLAB array to a list of integers
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // The MATLAB list may be double, int64, or uint64.  If double or 1-based
11 // int64, a new integer list is created, and the 1-based input list is
12 // converted to the 0-based integer list.
14 #include "gb_matlab.h"
gb_mxarray_to_list(const mxArray * mxList,base_enum_t base,bool * allocated,int64_t * len,int64_t * List_max)16 int64_t *gb_mxarray_to_list     // return List of integers
17 (
18     const mxArray *mxList,      // list to extract
19     base_enum_t base,           // input is zero-based or one-based
20     bool *allocated,            // true if output list was allocated
21     int64_t *len,               // length of list
22     int64_t *List_max           // max entry in the list, if computed
23 )
24 {
26     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
27     // check inputs
28     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
30     CHECK_ERROR (!mxIsNumeric (mxList), "index list must be numeric") ;
31     CHECK_ERROR (mxIsSparse (mxList), "index list cannot be sparse") ;
32     CHECK_ERROR (mxIsComplex (mxList), "index list cannot be complex") ;
34     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
35     // get the length and class of the MATLAB list
36     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
38     (*len) = mxGetNumberOfElements (mxList) ;
39     mxClassID class = mxGetClassID (mxList) ;
41     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
42     // extract the contents and convert to int64_t
43     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
45     (*List_max) = -1 ;
46     bool zerobased = (base == BASE_0_INT64) ;
48     if (*len == 0)
49     {
50         (*allocated) = true ;
51         int64_t *List = (int64_t *) mxMalloc (1 * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
52         List [0] = 0 ;
53         return (List) ;
54     }
55     else if (class == mxINT64_CLASS && zerobased)
56     {
57         // input list is int64; just return a shallow pointer
58         (*allocated) = false ;
59         return ((int64_t *) mxGetInt64s (mxList)) ;
60     }
61     else if (class == mxUINT64_CLASS && zerobased)
62     {
63         // input list is uint64; just return a shallow pointer
64         (*allocated) = false ;
65         return ((int64_t *) mxGetUint64s (mxList)) ;
66     }
67     else if (class == mxINT64_CLASS || class == mxUINT64_CLASS ||
68              class == mxDOUBLE_CLASS)
69     {
70         // input list 1-based: decrement to convert to 0-based
71         (*allocated) = true ;
72         int64_t *List = mxMalloc ((*len) * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
73         if (class == mxDOUBLE_CLASS)
74         {
75             // input list is 1-based double
76             double *List_double = mxGetDoubles (mxList) ;
77             CHECK_ERROR (List_double == NULL, "index list must be integer") ;
78             bool ok = GB_matlab_helper3 (List, List_double, (*len), List_max) ;
79             CHECK_ERROR (!ok, "index must be integer") ;
80         }
81         else if (class == mxINT64_CLASS)
82         {
83             // input list is 1-based int64
84             int64_t *List_int64 = (int64_t *) mxGetInt64s (mxList) ;
85             GB_matlab_helper3i (List, List_int64, (*len), List_max) ;
86         }
87         else // if (class == mxUINT64_CLASS)
88         {
89             // input list is 1-based uint64
90             int64_t *List_int64 = (int64_t *) mxGetUint64s (mxList) ;
91             GB_matlab_helper3i (List, List_int64, (*len), List_max) ;
92         }
93         return (List) ;
94     }
95     else
96     {
97         ERROR ("integer array must be double, int64, or uint64") ;
98         return (NULL) ;
99     }
100 }