1 // =============================================================================
2 // === spqr_rcount =============================================================
3 // =============================================================================
5 // Count the number of explicit nonzeros in each column of R.  Exact zero
6 // entries are excluded.
8 #include "spqr.hpp"
spqr_rcount(spqr_symbolic * QRsym,spqr_numeric<Entry> * QRnum,Long n1rows,Long econ,Long n2,int getT,Long * Ra,Long * Rb,Long * H2p,Long * p_nh)10 template <typename Entry> void spqr_rcount
11 (
12     // inputs, not modified
13     spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
14     spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum,
16     Long n1rows,        // added to each row index of Ra and Rb
17     Long econ,          // only get entries in rows n1rows to econ-1
18     Long n2,            // Ra = R (:,0:n2-1), Rb = R (:,n2:n-1)
19     int getT,           // if true, count Rb' instead of Rb
21     // input/output
22     // FUTURE : make Ra, Rb, H2 cholmod_sparse
23     Long *Ra,           // size n2; Ra [j] += nnz (R (:,j)) if j < n2
24     Long *Rb,           // If getT is false: size n-n2 and
25                         // Rb [j-n2] += nnz (R (:,j)) if j >= n2.
26                         // If getT is true: size econ, and
27                         // Rb [i] += nnz (R (i, n2:n-1))
28     Long *H2p,          // size rjsize+1.  Column pointers for H.
29                         // Only computed if H was kept during factorization.
30                         // Only H2p [0..nh] is used.
31     Long *p_nh          // number of Householder vectors (nh <= rjsize)
32 )
33 {
34     Entry **Rblock, *R, *Tau, *HTau ;
35     Long *Rp, *Rj, *Super, *HStair, *Stair, *Hm ;
36     char *Rdead ;
37     Long nf, j, f, col1, fp, pr, fn, rm, k, i, t, fm, h, getRa, getRb, nh,
38         row1, keepH, getH, hnz ;
40     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
41     // get the contents of the QRsym and QRnum objects
42     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
44     keepH = QRnum->keepH ;
46     getRa = (Ra != NULL) ;
47     getRb = (Rb != NULL) ;
48     getH  = (H2p != NULL && p_nh != NULL) && keepH ;
49     if (!(getRa || getRb || getH))
50     {
51         // nothing to do
52         return ;
53     }
55     nf = QRsym->nf ;
56     // n = QRsym->n ;
57     Rblock = QRnum->Rblock ;
58     Rp = QRsym->Rp ;
59     Rj = QRsym->Rj ;
60     Super = QRsym->Super ;
61     Rdead = QRnum->Rdead ;
63     HStair = QRnum->HStair ;
64     HTau = QRnum->HTau ;
65     Hm = QRnum->Hm ;
66     Stair = NULL ;
67     Tau = NULL ;
68     fm = 0 ;
69     h = 0 ;
70     t = 0 ;
71     nh = 0 ;
72     hnz = 0 ;
74     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
75     // examine the packed block for each front F
76     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
78     row1 = n1rows ;
79     for (f = 0 ; f < nf ; f ++)
80     {
81         R = Rblock [f] ;
82         col1 = Super [f] ;                  // first pivot column in front F
83         fp = Super [f+1] - col1 ;           // number of pivots in front F
84         pr = Rp [f] ;                       // pointer to row indices for F
85         fn = Rp [f+1] - pr ;                // # of columns in front F
87         if (keepH)
88         {
89             Stair = HStair + pr ;           // staircase of front F
90             Tau = HTau + pr ;               // Householder coeff. for front F
91             fm = Hm [f] ;                   // # of rows in front F
92             h = 0 ;                         // H vbector starts in row h
93         }
95         rm = 0 ;                            // number of rows in R block
96         for (k = 0 ; k < fn ; k++)
97         {
98             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
99             // get the column and its staircase
100             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
102             if (k < fp)
103             {
104                 // a pivotal column of front F
105                 j = col1 + k ;
106                 ASSERT (Rj [pr + k] == j) ;
107                 if (keepH)
108                 {
109                     t = Stair [k] ;             // length of R+H vector
110                     ASSERT (t >= 0 && t <= fm) ;
111                     if (t == 0)
112                     {
113                         t = rm ;                // dead col, R only, no H
114                     }
115                     else if (rm < fm)
116                     {
117                         rm++ ;                  // column k is not dead
118                     }
119                     h = rm ;                    // H vector starts in row h
120                 }
121                 else
122                 {
123                     if (!Rdead [j])
124                     {
125                         rm++ ;                  // column k is not dead
126                     }
127                 }
128             }
129             else
130             {
131                 // a non-pivotal column of front F
132                 j = Rj [pr + k] ;
133                 ASSERT (j >= Super [f+1] && j < QRsym->n) ;
134                 if (keepH)
135                 {
136                     t = Stair [k] ;             // length of R+H vector
137                     ASSERT (t >= rm && t <= fm) ;
138                     h = MIN (h+1, fm) ;         // one more row of C to skip
139                 }
140             }
142             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
143             // count nnz (R (0:econ-1,j)) for this R block
144             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
146             for (i = 0 ; i < rm ; i++)
147             {
148                 // R (i,j) is nonzero (i local)
149                 Entry rij = *(R++) ;
150                 if (rij != (Entry) 0)
151                 {
152                     if (j < n2)
153                     {
154                         if (getRa && row1 + i < econ)
155                         {
156                             Ra [j]++ ;
157                         }
158                     }
159                     else
160                     {
161                         if (getRb && row1 + i < econ)
162                         {
163                             if (getT)
164                             {
165                                 Rb [row1+i]++ ;
166                             }
167                             else
168                             {
169                                 Rb [j-n2]++ ;
170                             }
171                         }
172                     }
173                 }
174             }
176             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
177             // count nnz (H (:,pr+k))
178             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
180             if (keepH && t >= h)
181             {
182                 // the Householder reflection is not empty
183                 PR (("count terms in H k %ld, t %ld h %ld\n", k, t, h)) ;
184                 if (getH && Tau [k] != (Entry) 0)
185                 {
186                     H2p [nh++] = hnz++ ;    // count the implicit identity
187                     for (i = h ; i < t ; i++)
188                     {
189                         Entry hij = *(R++) ;
190                         if (hij != (Entry) 0)
191                         {
192                             hnz++ ;         // H (i,pr+k) is nonzero
193                         }
194                     }
195                 }
196                 else
197                 {
198                     R += (t-h) ;            // skip over the column of H
199                 }
200             }
201         }
202         ASSERT (IMPLIES (keepH, QRnum->Hr [f] == rm)) ;
203         row1 += rm ;                        // count the squeezed rows of R
204     }
206     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
207     // finalize the H column pointers
208     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
210     if (getH)
211     {
212         H2p [nh] = hnz ;
213         *p_nh = nh ;
214     }
215 }
218 // =============================================================================
220 template void spqr_rcount <double>
221 (
222     // inputs, not modified
223     spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
224     spqr_numeric <double> *QRnum,
226     Long n1rows,        // added to each row index of Ra and Rb
227     Long econ,          // only get entries in rows n1rows to econ-1
228     Long n2,            // Ra = R (:,0:n2-1), Rb = R (:,n2:n-1)
229     int getT,           // if true, count Rb' instead of Rb
231     // input/output
232     Long *Ra,           // size n2; Ra [j] += nnz (R (:,j)) if j < n2
233     Long *Rb,           // If getT is false: size n-n2 and
234                         // Rb [j-n2] += nnz (R (:,j)) if j >= n2.
235                         // If getT is true: size econ, and
236                         // Rb [i] += nnz (R (i, n2:n-1))
237     Long *H2p,          // size rjsize+1.  Column pointers for H.
238                         // Only computed if H was kept during factorization.
239                         // Only H2p [0..nh] is used.
240     Long *p_nh          // number of Householder vectors (nh <= rjsize)
241 ) ;
243 // =============================================================================
245 template void spqr_rcount <Complex>
246 (
247     // inputs, not modified
248     spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
249     spqr_numeric <Complex> *QRnum,
251     Long n1rows,        // added to each row index of Ra and Rb
252     Long econ,          // only get entries in rows n1rows to econ-1
253     Long n2,            // Ra = R (:,0:n2-1), Rb = R (:,n2:n-1)
254     int getT,           // if true, count Rb' instead of Rb
256     // input/output
257     Long *Ra,           // size n2; Ra [j] += nnz (R (:,j)) if j < n2
258     Long *Rb,           // If getT is false: size n-n2 and
259                         // Rb [j-n2] += nnz (R (:,j)) if j >= n2.
260                         // If getT is true: size econ, and
261                         // Rb [i] += nnz (R (i, n2:n-1))
262     Long *H2p,          // size rjsize+1.  Column pointers for H.
263                         // Only computed if H was kept during factorization.
264                         // Only H2p [0..nh] is used.
265     Long *p_nh          // number of Householder vectors (nh <= rjsize)
266 ) ;