1% SuiteSparse/GraphBLAS/GraphBLAS/test: testing GraphBLAS MATLAB interface
3%  gbtest    - test GraphBLAS MATLAB interface
5%  gbtest0   - test GrB.clear
6%  gbtest1   - test GrB
7%  gbtest2   - list all binary operators
8%  gbtest3   - test dnn
9%  gbtest4   - list all semirings
10%  gbtest5   - test GrB.descriptorinfo
11%  gbtest6   - test GrB.mxm
12%  gbtest7   - test GrB.build
13%  gbtest8   - test GrB.select
14%  gbtest9   - test eye and speye
15%  gbtest10  - test GrB.assign
16%  gbtest11  - test GrB, sparse
17%  gbtest12  - test GrB.eadd, GrB.emult
18%  gbtest13  - test find and GrB.extracttuples
19%  gbtest14  - test kron and GrB.kronecker
20%  gbtest15  - list all unary operators
21%  gbtest16  - test GrB.extract
22%  gbtest17  - test GrB.trans
23%  gbtest18  - test comparators (and, or, >, ...)
24%  gbtest19  - test mpower
25%  gbtest20  - test bandwidth, isdiag, ceil, floor, round, fix
26%  gbtest21  - test isfinite, isinf, isnan
27%  gbtest22  - test reduce to scalar
28%  gbtest23  - test min and max
29%  gbtest24  - test any, all
30%  gbtest25  - test diag, tril, triu
31%  gbtest26  - test typecasting
32%  gbtest27  - test conversion to full
33%  gbtest28  - test GrB.build
34%  gbtest29  - test subsref and subsasgn with logical indexing
35%  gbtest30  - test colon notation
36%  gbtest31  - test GrB and casting
37%  gbtest32  - test nonzeros
38%  gbtest33  - test spones, numel, nzmax, size, length, is*, ...
39%  gbtest34  - test repmat
40%  gbtest35  - test reshape
41%  gbtest36  - test abs, sign
42%  gbtest37  - test istril, istriu, isbanded, isdiag, ishermitian, ...
43%  gbtest38  - test sqrt, eps, ceil, floor, round, fix, real, conj, ...
44%  gbtest39  - test amd, colamd, symamd, symrcm, dmperm, etree
45%  gbtest40  - test sum, prod, max, min, any, all, norm
46%  gbtest41  - test ones, zeros, false
47%  gbtest42  - test for nan
48%  gbtest43  - test error handling
49%  gbtest44  - test subsasgn, mtimes, plus, false, ...
50%  gbtest45  - test GrB.vreduce
51%  gbtest46  - test GrB.subassign and GrB.assign
52%  gbtest47  - test GrB.entries, GrB.nonz, numel
53%  gbtest48  - test GrB.apply
54%  gbtest49  - test GrB.prune
55%  gbtest50  - test GrB.ktruss and GrB.tricount
56%  gbtest51  - test GrB.tricount
57%  gbtest52  - test GrB.format
58%  gbtest53  - test GrB.monoidinfo
59%  gbtest54  - test GrB.compact
60%  gbtest55  - test disp
61%  gbtest56  - test GrB.empty
62%  gbtest57  - test fprintf and sprintf
63%  gbtest58  - test uplus
64%  gbtest59  - test end
65%  gbtest60  - test GrB.issigned
66%  gbtest61  - test GrB.laplacian
67%  gbtest62  - test ldivide, rdivide, mldivide, mrdivide
68%  gbtest63  - test GrB.incidence
69%  gbtest64  - test GrB.pagerank
70%  gbtest65  - test GrB.mis
71%  gbtest66  - test graph
72%  gbtest67  - test digraph
73%  gbtest68  - test isequal
74%  gbtest69  - test flip
75%  gbtest70  - test GrB.random
76%  gbtest71  - test GrB.selectopinfo
77%  gbtest72  - test any-pair semiring
78%  gbtest73  - test GrB.normdiff
79%  gbtest74  - test bitwise operators
80%  gbtest75  - test bitshift
81%  gbtest76  - test trig and other functions
82%  gbtest77  - test error handling
83%  gbtest78  - test integer operators
84%  gbtest79  - test real power
85%  gbtest80  - test complex division and power
86%  gbtest81  - test complex operators
87%  gbtest82  - test complex A*B, A'*B, A*B', A'*B', A+B
88%  gbtest83  - test GrB.apply
89%  gbtest84  - test GrB.assign
90%  gbtest85  - test GrB.subassign
91%  gbtest86  - test GrB.mxm
92%  gbtest87  - test GrB.eadd
93%  gbtest88  - test GrB.emult
94%  gbtest89  - test GrB.extract
95%  gbtest90  - test GrB.reduce
96%  gbtest91  - test GrB.trans
97%  gbtest92  - test GrB.kronecker
98%  gbtest93  - test GrB.select
99%  gbtest94  - test GrB.vreduce
100%  gbtest95  - test indexing
101%  gbtest96  - test GrB.optype
102%  gbtest97  - test GrB.apply2
103%  gbtest98  - test row/col degree for hypersparse matrices
104%  gbtest99  - test performance of C=A'*B and C=A'
105%  gbtest00  - test GrB.bfs and plot (graph (G))
106%  gbtest100 - test GrB.ver and GrB.version
107%  gbtest101 - test loading of v3 GraphBLAS objects
108%  gbtest102 - test horzcat, vertcat, cat, cell2mat, mat2cell, num2cell
110% Utilities and other tests:
112%  gbtest_binops  - list of all binary operators
113%  gbtest_types   - return a cell array of strings, listing all types
114%  gbtest_eq      - tests if A and B are equal, after dropping zeros.
115%  gbtest_perf1   - test A*x performance
116%  gbtest_perf2   - test A'*x performance
117%  gbtest_cast    - cast a MATLAB matrix to another type.
118%  gbtest_complex - return list of complex operators
119%  gbtest_err     - compare two matrices
121% SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
122% SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later