1# SuiteSparse/GraphBLAS/GraphBLAS/test
3This folder, GraphBLAS/GraphBLAS/test, provides a 100% test for the MATLAB
4interface to GraphBLAS.  For a full test of the GraphBLAS library itself,
5see GraphBLAS/Test and GraphBLAS/Tcov.
7To run this test, first compile the GraphBLAS library by typing 'make' in the
8top-level GraphBLAS folder, in your system shell.  That statement will use
9cmake to compile GraphBLAS.  Use 'make JOBS=40' to compile in parallel (replace
10'40' with the number of cores in your system).  Next, go to the
11GraphBLAS/GraphBLAS/@GrB/private folder, and type the following in the MATLAB
12command window.
14# Usage:
16   cd GraphBLAS/GraphBLAS
17   help GraphBLAS      % short description of the MATLAB interface to GraphBLAS
18   addpath (pwd) ;
19   savepath ;          % if this fails, edit your startup.m file instead
20   cd @GrB/private
21   gbmake ;            % compile the MATLAB interface to GraphBLAS
22   cd ../../test       % this folder
23   gbtest
25NOTE: All lines of all m-files are covered by this test, but the MATLAB
26profiler shows that some lines are untested.  All of these 'untested' lines
27are end statements that appear after an error ('...') statement, so they are
28not reachable.
30If the savepath command fails, then add the following line to your startup.m:
32    addpath ('/your/path/to/SuiteSparse/GraphBLAS/GraphBLAS')
34where "/your/path/to/" should be replaced with the actual path of where
35GraphBLAS resides in your file system.
37See the tcov subfolder to run the test with statement coverage of the
38C mexFunctions and utility routines.
40SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
41SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later