1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // SLIP_LU/Include/SLIP_LU.h: user #include file for SLIP_LU.
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SLIP_LU: (c) 2019-2020, Chris Lourenco, Jinhao Chen, Erick Moreno-Centeno,
6 // Timothy A. Davis, Texas A&M University.  All Rights Reserved.  See
7 // SLIP_LU/License for the license.
9 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 #ifndef SLIP_LU_H
12 #define SLIP_LU_H
14 // This software package exactly solves a sparse system of linear equations
15 // using the SLIP LU factorization. This code accompanies the paper (submitted
16 // to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software):
18 //    "Algorithm 1xxx: SLIP LU: A Sparse Left-Looking Integer-Preserving LU
19 //    Factorization for Exactly Solving Sparse Linear Systems",
20 //    C. Lourenco, J. Chen, E. Moreno-Centeno, T. Davis, under submission,
21 //    ACM Trans. Mathematical Software.
23 //    The theory associated with this software can be found in the paper
24 //    (published in SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications):
26 //    "Exact Solution of Sparse Linear Systems via Left-Looking
27 //     Roundoff-Error-Free LU Factorization in Time Proportional to
28 //     Arithmetic Work", C. Lourenco, A. R. Escobedo, E. Moreno-Centeno,
29 //     T. Davis, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications.  pp 609-638,
30 //     vol 40, no 2, 2019.
32 //    If you use this code, you must first download and install the GMP and
33 //    MPFR libraries. GMP and MPFR can be found at:
34 //              https://gmplib.org/
35 //              http://www.mpfr.org/
37 //    If you use SLIP LU for a publication, we request that you please cite
38 //    the above two papers.
40 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 //-------------------------Authors----------------------------------------------
43 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 //    Christopher Lourenco, Jinhao Chen, Erick Moreno-Centeno, and Timothy Davis
47 //
49 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 //-------------------------Contact Information----------------------------------
52 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 //    Please contact Chris Lourenco (chrisjlourenco@gmail.com)
56 //    or Tim Davis (timdavis@aldenmath.com, DrTimothyAldenDavis@gmail.com,
57 //                  davis@tamu.edu)
59 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 //-------------------------Copyright--------------------------------------------
62 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 //    SLIP LU is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
66 //     it under the terms of either:
67 //
68 //        * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
69 //          Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
70 //          or (at your option) any later version.
71 //
72 //     or
73 //
74 //        * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
75 //          Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
76 //          later version.
77 //
78 //    or both in parallel, as here.
79 //
80 //    See license.txt for license info.
81 //
82 // This software is copyright by Christopher Lourenco, Jinhao Chen, Erick
83 // Moreno-Centeno and Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved.
84 //
86 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 //---------------------------DISCLAIMER-----------------------------------------
89 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 // SLIP LU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
93 // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
94 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
95 // for more details.
97 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 //--------------------------Summary---------------------------------------------
100 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 //    This software package solves the linear system Ax = b exactly. The input
104 //    matrix and right hand side vectors are stored as either integers, double
105 //    precision numbers, multiple precision floating points (through the mpfr
106 //    library) or as rational numbers (as a collection of numerators and
107 //    denominators using the GMP mpq_t data structure). Appropriate routines
108 //    within the code transform the input into an integral matrix in compressed
109 //    column form.
111 //    This package computes the factorization PAQ = LDU. Note that we store the
112 //    "functional" form of the factorization by only storing L and U. The user
113 //    is given some freedom to select the permutation matrices P and Q. The
114 //    recommended default settings select Q using the COLAMD column ordering
115 //    and select P via a partial pivoting scheme in which the diagonal entry
116 //    in column k is selected if it is the same magnitude as the smallest
117 //    entry, otherwise the smallest entry is selected as the kth pivot.
118 //    Alternative strategies allowed to select Q include the AMD column
119 //    ordering or no column permutation (Q=I).  For pivots, there are a variety
120 //    of potential schemes including traditional partial pivoting, diagonal
121 //    pivoting, tolerance pivoting etc. This package does not allow pivoting
122 //    based on sparsity criterion.
124 //    The factors L and U are computed via integer preserving operations via
125 //    integer-preserving Gaussian elimination. The key part of this algorithm
126 //    is a Roundoff Error Free (REF) sparse triangular solve function which
127 //    exploits sparsity to reduce the number of operations that must be
128 //    performed.
130 //    Once L and U are computed, a simplified version of the triangular solve
131 //    is performed which assumes the vector b is dense. The final solution
132 //    vector x is gauranteed to be exact. This vector can be output in one of
133 //    three ways: 1) full precision rational arithmetic (as a sequence of
134 //    numerators and denominators) using the GMP mpq_t data type, 2) double
135 //    precision while not exact will produce a solution accurate to machine
136 //    roundoff unless the size of the associated solution exceeds double
137 //    precision (i.e., the solution is 10^500 or something), 3) variable
138 //    precision floating point using the GMP mpfr_t data type. The associated
139 //    precision is user defined.
142 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 //---------------------Include files required by SLIP LU------------------------
145 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 #include <stdio.h>
149 #include <stdbool.h>
150 #include <stdint.h>
151 #include <stdlib.h>
152 #include <string.h>
153 #include <gmp.h>
154 #include <mpfr.h>
155 #include "SuiteSparse_config.h"
157 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 // Version
159 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
161 // Current version of the code
162 #define SLIP_LU_VERSION "1.0.2"
165 #define SLIP_LU_VERSION_SUB   2
167 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 // Error codes
169 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 // Most SLIP_LU functions return a code that indicates if it was successful
172 // or not. Otherwise the code returns a pointer to the object that was created
173 // or it returns void (in the case that an object was deleted)
175 typedef enum
176 {
177     SLIP_OK = 0,                // all is well
178     SLIP_OUT_OF_MEMORY = -1,    // out of memory
179     SLIP_SINGULAR = -2,         // the input matrix A is singular
180     SLIP_INCORRECT_INPUT = -3,  // one or more input arguments are incorrect
181     SLIP_INCORRECT = -4,        // The solution is incorrect
182     SLIP_PANIC = -5             // SLIP_LU used without proper initialization
183 }
184 SLIP_info ;
186 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 // Pivot scheme codes
188 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 // A code in SLIP_options to tell SLIP LU what type of pivoting to use.
192 typedef enum
193 {
194     SLIP_SMALLEST = 0,      // Smallest pivot
195     SLIP_DIAGONAL = 1,      // Diagonal pivoting
196     SLIP_FIRST_NONZERO = 2, // First nonzero per column chosen as pivot
197     SLIP_TOL_SMALLEST = 3,  // Diagonal pivoting with tol for smallest pivot.
198                             //   (Default)
199     SLIP_TOL_LARGEST = 4,   // Diagonal pivoting with tol. for largest pivot
200     SLIP_LARGEST = 5        // Largest pivot
201 }
202 SLIP_pivot ;
204 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 // Column ordering scheme codes
206 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 // A code in SLIP_options to tell SLIP LU what column ordering to use.
210 typedef enum
211 {
212     SLIP_NO_ORDERING = 0,   // None: A is factorized as-is
213     SLIP_COLAMD = 1,        // COLAMD: Default
214     SLIP_AMD = 2            // AMD
215 }
216 SLIP_col_order ;
218 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 //-------------------------Data Structures--------------------------------------
221 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
224 // This struct serves as a global struct to define all user-selectable options.
226 typedef struct SLIP_options
227 {
228     SLIP_pivot pivot ;     // row pivoting scheme used.
229     SLIP_col_order order ; // column ordering scheme used
230     double tol ;           // tolerance for the row-pivotin methods
231                            // SLIP_TOL_SMALLEST and SLIP_TOL_LARGEST
232     int print_level ;      // 0: print nothing, 1: just errors,
233                            // 2: terse (basic stats from COLAMD/AMD and
234                            // SLIP LU), 3: all, with matrices and results
235     int32_t prec ;         // Precision used to output file if MPFR is chosen
236     mpfr_rnd_t round ;     // Type of MPFR rounding used
237     bool check ;           // Set true if the solution to the system should be
238                            // checked.  Intended for debugging only; SLIP_LU is
239                            // guaranteed to return the exact solution.
240 } SLIP_options ;
242 // Purpose: Create and return SLIP_options object with default parameters
243 // upon successful allocation, which are defined in SLIP_LU_internal.h
244 // To free it, simply use SLIP_FREE (option).
245 SLIP_options* SLIP_create_default_options (void) ;
247 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 // SLIP_matrix: a sparse CSC, sparse triplet, or dense matrix
249 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 // SLIP LU uses a single matrix data type, SLIP_matrix, which can be held in
252 // one of three kinds of formats:  sparse CSC (compressed sparse column),
253 // sparse triplet, and dense:
255 typedef enum
256 {
257     SLIP_CSC = 0,           // matrix is in compressed sparse column format
258     SLIP_TRIPLET = 1,       // matrix is in sparse triplet format
259     SLIP_DENSE = 2          // matrix is in dense format
260 }
261 SLIP_kind ;
263 // Each of the three formats can have values of 5 different data types: mpz_t,
264 // mpq_t, mpfr_t, int64_t, and double:
266 typedef enum
267 {
268     SLIP_MPZ = 0,           // matrix of mpz_t integers
269     SLIP_MPQ = 1,           // matrix of mpq_t rational numbers
270     SLIP_MPFR = 2,          // matrix of mpfr_t
271     SLIP_INT64 = 3,         // matrix of int64_t integers
272     SLIP_FP64 = 4           // matrix of doubles
273 }
274 SLIP_type ;
276 // This gives a total of 15 different matrix types.  Not all functions accept
277 // all 15 matrices types, however.
279 // Suppose A is an m-by-n matrix with nz <= nzmax entries.
280 // The p, i, j, and x components are defined as:
282 // (0) SLIP_CSC:  A sparse matrix in CSC (compressed sparse column) format.
283 //      A->p is an int64_t array of size n+1, A->i is an int64_t array of size
284 //      nzmax (with nz <= nzmax), and A->x.type is an array of size nzmax of
285 //      matrix entries ('type' is one of mpz, mpq, mpfr, int64, or fp64).  The
286 //      row indices of column j appear in A->i [A->p [j] ... A->p [j+1]-1], and
287 //      the values appear in the same locations in A->x.type.  The A->j array
288 //      is NULL.  A->nz is ignored; nz is A->p [A->n].
290 // (1) SLIP_TRIPLET:  A sparse matrix in triplet format.  A->i and A->j are
291 //      both int64_t arrays of size nzmax, and A->x.type is an array of values
292 //      of the same size.  The kth tuple has row index A->i [k], column index
293 //      A->j [k], and value A->x.type [k], with 0 <= k < A->nz.  The A->p array
294 //      is NULL.
296 // (2) SLIP_DENSE:  A dense matrix.  The integer arrays A->p, A->i, and A->j
297 //      are all NULL.  A->x.type is a pointer to an array of size m*n, stored
298 //      in column-oriented format.  The value of A(i,j) is A->x.type [p]
299 //      with p = i + j*A->m.  A->nz is ignored; nz is A->m * A->n.
301 // The SLIP_matrix may contain 'shallow' components, A->p, A->i, A->j, and
302 // A->x.  For example, if A->p_shallow is true, then a non-NULL A->p is a
303 // pointer to a read-only array, and the A->p array is not freed by
304 // SLIP_matrix_free.  If A->p is NULL (for a triplet or dense matrix), then
305 // A->p_shallow has no effect.
307 typedef struct
308 {
309     int64_t m ;         // number of rows
310     int64_t n ;         // number of columns
311     int64_t nzmax ;     // size of A->i, A->j, and A->x
312     int64_t nz ;        // # nonzeros in a triplet matrix .
313                         // Ignored for CSC and dense matrices.
314     SLIP_kind kind ;    // CSC, triplet, or dense
315     SLIP_type type ;    // mpz, mpq, mpfr, int64, or fp64 (double)
317     int64_t *p ;        // if CSC: column pointers, an array size is n+1.
318                         // if triplet or dense: A->p is NULL.
319     bool p_shallow ;    // if true, A->p is shallow.
321     int64_t *i ;        // if CSC or triplet: row indices, of size nzmax.
322                         // if dense: A->i is NULL.
323     bool i_shallow ;    // if true, A->i is shallow.
325     int64_t *j ;        // if triplet: column indices, of size nzmax.
326                         // if CSC or dense: A->j is NULL.
327     bool j_shallow ;    // if true, A->j is shallow.
329     union               // A->x.type has size nzmax.
330     {
331         mpz_t *mpz ;            // A->x.mpz
332         mpq_t *mpq ;            // A->x.mpq
333         mpfr_t *mpfr ;          // A->x.mpfr
334         int64_t *int64 ;        // A->x.int64
335         double *fp64 ;          // A->x.fp64
336     } x ;
337     bool x_shallow ;    // if true, A->x.type is shallow.
339     mpq_t scale ;       // scale factor for mpz matrices (never shallow)
340                         // For all matrices who's type is not mpz,
341                         // mpz_scale = 1.
343 } SLIP_matrix ;
345 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 // SLIP_matrix_allocate: allocate an m-by-n SLIP_matrix
347 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 // if shallow is false: All components (p,i,j,x) are allocated and set to zero,
350 //                      and then shallow flags are all false.
352 // if shallow is true:  All components (p,i,j,x) are NULL, and their shallow
353 //                      flags are all true.  The user can then set A->p,
354 //                      A->i, A->j, and/or A->x accordingly, from their own
355 //                      arrays.
357 SLIP_info SLIP_matrix_allocate
358 (
359     SLIP_matrix **A_handle, // matrix to allocate
360     SLIP_kind kind,         // CSC, triplet, or dense
361     SLIP_type type,         // mpz, mpq, mpfr, int64, or double
362     int64_t m,              // # of rows
363     int64_t n,              // # of columns
364     int64_t nzmax,          // max # of entries
365     bool shallow,           // if true, matrix is shallow.  A->p, A->i, A->j,
366                             // A->x are all returned as NULL and must be set
367                             // by the caller.  All A->*_shallow are returned
368                             // as true.
369     bool init,              // If true, and the data types are mpz, mpq, or
370                             // mpfr, the entries are initialized (using the
371                             // appropriate SLIP_mp*_init function). If false,
372                             // the mpz, mpq, and mpfr arrays are allocated but
373                             // not initialized.
374     const SLIP_options *option
375 ) ;
377 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
378 // SLIP_matrix_free: free a SLIP_matrix
379 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
381 SLIP_info SLIP_matrix_free
382 (
383     SLIP_matrix **A_handle, // matrix to free
384     const SLIP_options *option
385 ) ;
387 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 // SLIP_matrix_nnz: # of entries in a matrix
389 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
391 int64_t SLIP_matrix_nnz     // return # of entries in A, or -1 on error
392 (
393     const SLIP_matrix *A,         // matrix to query
394     const SLIP_options *option
395 ) ;
397 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
398 // SLIP_matrix_copy: makes a copy of a matrix
399 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 // SLIP_matrix_copy: make a copy of a SLIP_matrix, into another kind and type.
403 SLIP_info SLIP_matrix_copy
404 (
405     SLIP_matrix **C_handle, // matrix to create (never shallow)
406     // inputs, not modified:
407     SLIP_kind C_kind,       // C->kind: CSC, triplet, or dense
408     SLIP_type C_type,       // C->type: mpz_t, mpq_t, mpfr_t, int64_t, or double
409     SLIP_matrix *A,         // matrix to make a copy of (may be shallow)
410     const SLIP_options *option
411 ) ;
413 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 // SLIP_matrix macros
415 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
417 // These macros simplify the access to entries in a SLIP_matrix.
418 // The type parameter is one of: mpq, mpz, mpfr, int64, or fp64.
420 // To access the kth entry in a SLIP_matrix using 1D linear addressing,
421 // in any matrix kind (CSC, triplet, or dense), in any type:
422 #define SLIP_1D(A,k,type) ((A)->x.type [k])
424 // To access the (i,j)th entry in a 2D SLIP_matrix, in any type:
425 #define SLIP_2D(A,i,j,type) SLIP_1D (A, (i)+(j)*((A)->m), type)
427 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 // SLIP_LU_analysis: symbolic pre-analysis
429 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 // This struct stores the column permutation for LU and the estimate of the
432 // number of nonzeros in L and U.
434 typedef struct
435 {
436     int64_t *q ;    // Column permutation for LU factorization, representing
437                     // the permutation matrix Q.   The matrix A*Q is factorized.
438                     // If the kth column of L, U, and A*Q is column j of the
439                     // unpermuted matrix A, then j = S->q [k].
440     int64_t lnz ;   // Approximate number of nonzeros in L.
441     int64_t unz ;   // Approximate number of nonzeros in U.
442                     // lnz and unz are used to allocate the initial space for
443                     // L and U; the space is reallocated as needed.
444 } SLIP_LU_analysis ;
446 // The symbolic analysis object is created by SLIP_LU_analyze.
448 // SLIP_LU_analysis_free frees the SLIP_LU_analysis object.
449 SLIP_info SLIP_LU_analysis_free
450 (
451     SLIP_LU_analysis **S, // Structure to be deleted
452     const SLIP_options *option
453 ) ;
455 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
456 // Memory management
457 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
459 // SLIP_LU relies on the SuiteSparse memory management functions,
460 // SuiteSparse_malloc, SuiteSparse_calloc, SuiteSparse_realloc, and
461 // SuiteSparse_free.
463 // Allocate and initialize memory space for SLIP_LU.
464 void *SLIP_calloc
465 (
466     size_t nitems,      // number of items to allocate
467     size_t size         // size of each item
468 ) ;
470 // Allocate memory space for SLIP_LU.
471 void *SLIP_malloc
472 (
473     size_t size        // size of memory space to allocate
474 ) ;
476 // Free the memory allocated by SLIP_calloc, SLIP_malloc, or SLIP_realloc.
477 void SLIP_free
478 (
479     void *p         // pointer to memory space to free
480 ) ;
482 // Free a pointer and set it to NULL.
483 #define SLIP_FREE(p)                        \
484 {                                           \
485     SLIP_free (p) ;                         \
486     (p) = NULL ;                            \
487 }
489 // SLIP_realloc is a wrapper for realloc.  If p is non-NULL on input, it points
490 // to a previously allocated object of size old_size * size_of_item.  The
491 // object is reallocated to be of size new_size * size_of_item.  If p is NULL
492 // on input, then a new object of that size is allocated.  On success, a
493 // pointer to the new object is returned.  If the reallocation fails, p is not
494 // modified, and a flag is returned to indicate that the reallocation failed.
495 // If the size decreases or remains the same, then the method always succeeds
496 // (ok is returned as true).
498 // Typical usage:  the following code fragment allocates an array of 10 int's,
499 // and then increases the size of the array to 20 int's.  If the SLIP_malloc
500 // succeeds but the SLIP_realloc fails, then the array remains unmodified,
501 // of size 10.
502 //
503 //      int *p ;
504 //      p = SLIP_malloc (10 * sizeof (int)) ;
505 //      if (p == NULL) { error here ... }
506 //      printf ("p points to an array of size 10 * sizeof (int)\n") ;
507 //      bool ok ;
508 //      p = SLIP_realloc (20, 10, sizeof (int), p, &ok) ;
509 //      if (ok) printf ("p has size 20 * sizeof (int)\n") ;
510 //      else printf ("realloc failed; p still has size 10 * sizeof (int)\n") ;
511 //      SLIP_free (p) ;
513 void *SLIP_realloc      // pointer to reallocated block, or original block
514                         // if the realloc failed
515 (
516     int64_t nitems_new,     // new number of items in the object
517     int64_t nitems_old,     // old number of items in the object
518     size_t size_of_item,    // sizeof each item
519     void *p,                // old object to reallocate
520     bool *ok                // true if success, false on failure
521 ) ;
523 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
524 // SLIP LU memory environment routines
525 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 // SLIP_initialize: initializes the working evironment for SLIP LU library.
528 // It must be called prior to calling any other SLIP_* function.
529 SLIP_info SLIP_initialize (void) ;
531 // SLIP_initialize_expert is the same as SLIP_initialize, except that it allows
532 // for a redefinition of custom memory functions that are used for SLIP_LU and
533 // GMP.  The four inputs to this function are pointers to four functions with
534 // the same signatures as the ANSI C malloc, calloc, realloc, and free.
535 SLIP_info SLIP_initialize_expert
536 (
537     void* (*MyMalloc) (size_t),             // user-defined malloc
538     void* (*MyCalloc) (size_t, size_t),     // user-defined calloc
539     void* (*MyRealloc) (void *, size_t),    // user-defined realloc
540     void  (*MyFree) (void *)                // user-defined free
541 ) ;
543 // SLIP_finalize: This function finalizes the working evironment for SLIP LU
544 // library, and frees any internal workspace created by SLIP_LU.  It must be
545 // called as the last SLIP_* function called.
546 SLIP_info SLIP_finalize (void) ;
548 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
549 // Primary factorization & solve routines
550 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
552 // SLIP_backslash solves the linear system Ax = b. This is the simplest way to
553 // use the SLIP LU package. This function encompasses both factorization and
554 // solve and returns the solution vector in the user desired type.  It can be
555 // thought of as an exact version of MATLAB sparse backslash.
556 SLIP_info SLIP_backslash
557 (
558     // Output
559     SLIP_matrix **X_handle,       // Final solution vector
560     // Input
561     SLIP_type type,               // Type of output desired:
562                                   // Must be SLIP_MPQ, SLIP_MPFR,
563                                   // or SLIP_FP64
564     const SLIP_matrix *A,         // Input matrix
565     const SLIP_matrix *b,         // Right hand side vector(s)
566     const SLIP_options* option
567 ) ;
569 // SLIP_LU_analyze performs the symbolic ordering and analysis for SLIP LU.
570 // Currently, there are three options: no ordering, COLAMD, and AMD.
571 SLIP_info SLIP_LU_analyze
572 (
573     SLIP_LU_analysis **S, // symbolic analysis (column permutation and nnz L,U)
574     const SLIP_matrix *A, // Input matrix
575     const SLIP_options *option  // Control parameters
576 ) ;
578 // SLIP_LU_factorize performs the SLIP LU factorization. This factorization is
579 // done via n iterations of the sparse REF triangular solve function. The
580 // overall factorization is PAQ = LDU.  The determinant can be obtained as
581 // rhos->x.mpz[n-1].
582 //
583 //  L: undefined on input, created on output
584 //  U: undefined on input, created on output
585 //  rhos: undefined on input, created on output
586 //  pinv: undefined on input, created on output
587 //
588 //  A: input only, not modified
589 //  S: input only, not modified
590 //  option: input only, not modified
591 SLIP_info SLIP_LU_factorize
592 (
593     // output:
594     SLIP_matrix **L_handle,     // lower triangular matrix
595     SLIP_matrix **U_handle,     // upper triangular matrix
596     SLIP_matrix **rhos_handle,  // sequence of pivots
597     int64_t **pinv_handle,      // inverse row permutation
598     // input:
599     const SLIP_matrix *A,       // matrix to be factored
600     const SLIP_LU_analysis *S,  // column permutation and estimates
601                                 // of nnz in L and U
602     const SLIP_options* option
603 ) ;
605 // SLIP_LU_solve solves the linear system LD^(-1)U x = b.
606 SLIP_info SLIP_LU_solve         // solves the linear system LD^(-1)U x = b
607 (
608     // Output
609     SLIP_matrix **X_handle,     // rational solution to the system
610     // input:
611     const SLIP_matrix *b,       // right hand side vector
612     const SLIP_matrix *A,       // Input matrix
613     const SLIP_matrix *L,       // lower triangular matrix
614     const SLIP_matrix *U,       // upper triangular matrix
615     const SLIP_matrix *rhos,    // sequence of pivots
616     const SLIP_LU_analysis *S,  // symbolic analysis struct
617     const int64_t *pinv,        // inverse row permutation
618     const SLIP_options* option
619 ) ;
621 // SLIP_matrix_check: check and print a SLIP_sparse matrix
622 SLIP_info SLIP_matrix_check     // returns a SLIP_LU status code
623 (
624     const SLIP_matrix *A,       // matrix to check
625     const SLIP_options* option  // defines the print level
626 ) ;
628 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
629 //---------------------------SLIP GMP/MPFR Functions----------------------------
630 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
632 // The following functions are the SLIP LU interface to the GMP/MPFR libary.
633 // Each corresponding GMP/MPFR function is given a wrapper to ensure that no
634 // memory leaks or crashes occur. All covered GMP functions can be found in
635 // SLIP_gmp.c
637 // The GMP library does not handle out-of-memory failures.  However, it does
638 // provide a mechanism for passing function pointers that replace GMP's use of
639 // malloc, realloc, and free.  This mechanism is used to provide a try/catch
640 // mechanism for memory allocation errors, using setjmp and longjmp.
642 // When a GMP function is called, this wrapper keeps track of a list of objects
643 // allocated by that function.  The list is started fresh each time a GMP
644 // function is called.  If any allocation fails, the NULL pointer is not
645 // returned to GMP.  Instead, all allocated blocks in the list are freed,
646 // and slip_gmp_allocate returns directly to wrapper.
648 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_asprintf (char **str, const char *format, ... ) ;
650 SLIP_info SLIP_gmp_fscanf (FILE *fp, const char *format, ... ) ;
652 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_init (mpz_t x) ;
654 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_init2(mpz_t x, const size_t size) ;
656 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_set (mpz_t x, const mpz_t y) ;
658 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_set_ui (mpz_t x, const uint64_t y) ;
660 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_set_si (mpz_t x, const int64_t y) ;
662 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_get_d (double *x, const mpz_t y) ;
664 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_get_si (int64_t *x, const mpz_t y) ;
666 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_set_q (mpz_t x, const mpq_t y) ;
668 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_mul (mpz_t a, const mpz_t b, const mpz_t c) ;
670 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_submul (mpz_t x, const mpz_t y, const mpz_t z) ;
672 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_divexact (mpz_t x, const mpz_t y, const mpz_t z) ;
674 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_gcd (mpz_t x, const mpz_t y, const mpz_t z) ;
676 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_lcm (mpz_t lcm, const mpz_t x, const mpz_t y) ;
678 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_abs (mpz_t x, const mpz_t y) ;
680 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_cmp (int *r, const mpz_t x, const mpz_t y) ;
682 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_cmpabs (int *r, const mpz_t x, const mpz_t y) ;
684 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_cmp_ui (int *r, const mpz_t x, const uint64_t y) ;
686 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_sgn (int *sgn, const mpz_t x) ;
688 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_sizeinbase (size_t *size, const mpz_t x, int64_t base) ;
690 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_init (mpq_t x) ;
692 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_set (mpq_t x, const mpq_t y) ;
694 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_set_z (mpq_t x, const mpz_t y) ;
696 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_set_d (mpq_t x, const double y) ;
698 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_set_ui (mpq_t x, const uint64_t y, const uint64_t z) ;
700 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_set_si (mpq_t x, const int64_t y, const uint64_t z) ;
702 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_set_num (mpq_t x, const mpz_t y) ;
704 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_set_den (mpq_t x, const mpz_t y) ;
706 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_get_den (mpz_t x, const mpq_t y) ;
708 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_get_d (double *x, const mpq_t y) ;
710 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_abs (mpq_t x, const mpq_t y) ;
712 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_add (mpq_t x, const mpq_t y, const mpq_t z) ;
714 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_mul (mpq_t x, const mpq_t y, const mpq_t z) ;
716 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_div (mpq_t x, const mpq_t y, const mpq_t z) ;
718 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_cmp (int *r, const mpq_t x, const mpq_t y) ;
720 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_cmp_ui (int *r, const mpq_t x,
721                     const uint64_t num, const uint64_t den) ;
723 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_sgn (int *sgn, const mpq_t x) ;
725 SLIP_info SLIP_mpq_equal (int *r, const mpq_t x, const mpq_t y) ;
727 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_init2(mpfr_t x, const uint64_t size) ;
729 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_set (mpfr_t x, const mpfr_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
731 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_set_d (mpfr_t x, const double y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
733 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_set_si (mpfr_t x, int64_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
735 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_set_q (mpfr_t x, const mpq_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
737 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_set_z (mpfr_t x, const mpz_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
739 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_get_z (mpz_t x, const mpfr_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
741 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_get_q (mpq_t x, const mpfr_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
743 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_get_d (double *x, const mpfr_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
745 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_get_si (int64_t *x, const mpfr_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
747 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_mul (mpfr_t x, const mpfr_t y, const mpfr_t z,
748                     const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
750 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_mul_d (mpfr_t x, const mpfr_t y, const double z,
751                     const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
753 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_div_d (mpfr_t x, const mpfr_t y, const double z,
754                     const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
756 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_ui_pow_ui (mpfr_t x, const uint64_t y, const uint64_t z,
757                     const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
759 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_sgn (int *sgn, const mpfr_t x) ;
761 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_free_cache (void) ;
763 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_free_str (char *str) ;
765 #if 0
766 // These functions are currently unused, but kept here for future reference.
767 SLIP_info SLIP_gmp_asprintf (char **str, const char *format, ... ) ;
768 SLIP_info SLIP_gmp_printf (const char *format, ... ) ;
769 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_printf ( const char *format, ... ) ;
770 SLIP_info SLIP_gmp_fprintf (FILE *fp, const char *format, ... ) ;
771 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_fprintf (FILE *fp, const char *format, ... ) ;
772 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_set_d (mpz_t x, const double y) ;
773 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_add (mpz_t a, const mpz_t b, const mpz_t c) ;
774 SLIP_info SLIP_mpz_addmul (mpz_t x, const mpz_t y, const mpz_t z) ;
775 SLIP_info SLIP_mpfr_log2(mpfr_t x, const mpfr_t y, const mpfr_rnd_t rnd) ;
776 #endif
778 #endif