1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === Cholesky/cholmod_factorize =========================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * CHOLMOD/Cholesky Module.  Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Timothy A. Davis
7  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
9 /* Computes the numerical factorization of a symmetric matrix.  The primary
10  * inputs to this routine are a sparse matrix A and the symbolic factor L from
11  * cholmod_analyze or a prior numerical factor L.  If A is symmetric, this
12  * routine factorizes A(p,p)+beta*I (beta can be zero), where p is the
13  * fill-reducing permutation (L->Perm).  If A is unsymmetric, either
14  * A(p,:)*A(p,:)'+beta*I or A(p,f)*A(p,f)'+beta*I is factorized.  The set f and
15  * the nonzero pattern of the matrix A must be the same as the matrix passed to
16  * cholmod_analyze for the supernodal case.  For the simplicial case, it can
17  * be different, but it should be the same for best performance.  beta is real.
18  *
19  * A simplicial factorization or supernodal factorization is chosen, based on
20  * the type of the factor L.  If L->is_super is TRUE, a supernodal LL'
21  * factorization is computed.  Otherwise, a simplicial numeric factorization
22  * is computed, either LL' or LDL', depending on Common->final_ll.
23  *
24  * Once the factorization is complete, it can be left as is or optionally
25  * converted into any simplicial numeric type, depending on the
26  * Common->final_* parameters.  If converted from a supernodal to simplicial
27  * type, and the Common->final_resymbol parameter is true, then numerically
28  * zero entries in L due to relaxed supernodal amalgamation are removed from
29  * the simplicial factor (they are always left in the supernodal form of L).
30  * Entries that are numerically zero but present in the simplicial symbolic
31  * pattern of L are left in place (that is, the graph of L remains chordal).
32  * This is required for the update/downdate/rowadd/rowdel routines to work
33  * properly.
34  *
35  * workspace: Flag (nrow), Head (nrow+1),
36  *	if symmetric:   Iwork (2*nrow+2*nsuper)
37  *	if unsymmetric: Iwork (2*nrow+MAX(2*nsuper,ncol))
38  *	    where nsuper is 0 if simplicial, or the # of relaxed supernodes in
39  *	    L otherwise (nsuper <= nrow).
40  *	if simplicial: W (nrow).
41  *	Allocates up to two temporary copies of its input matrix (including
42  *	both pattern and numerical values).
43  *
44  * If the matrix is not positive definite the routine returns TRUE, but
45  * sets Common->status to CHOLMOD_NOT_POSDEF and L->minor is set to the
46  * column at which the failure occurred.  Columns L->minor to L->n-1 are
47  * set to zero.
48  *
49  * Supports any xtype (pattern, real, complex, or zomplex), except that the
50  * input matrix A cannot be pattern-only.  If L is simplicial, its numeric
51  * xtype matches A on output.  If L is supernodal, its xtype is real if A is
52  * real, or complex if A is complex or zomplex.
53  */
55 #ifndef NCHOLESKY
57 #include "cholmod_internal.h"
58 #include "cholmod_cholesky.h"
60 #ifndef NSUPERNODAL
61 #include "cholmod_supernodal.h"
62 #endif
65 /* ========================================================================== */
66 /* === cholmod_factorize ==================================================== */
67 /* ========================================================================== */
69 /* Factorizes PAP' (or PAA'P' if A->stype is 0), using a factor obtained
70  * from cholmod_analyze.  The analysis can be re-used simply by calling this
71  * routine a second time with another matrix.  A must have the same nonzero
72  * pattern as that passed to cholmod_analyze. */
CHOLMOD(factorize)74 int CHOLMOD(factorize)
75 (
76     /* ---- input ---- */
77     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to factorize */
78     /* ---- in/out --- */
79     cholmod_factor *L,	/* resulting factorization */
80     /* --------------- */
81     cholmod_common *Common
82 )
83 {
84     double zero [2] ;
85     zero [0] = 0 ;
86     zero [1] = 0 ;
87     return (CHOLMOD(factorize_p) (A, zero, NULL, 0, L, Common)) ;
88 }
91 /* ========================================================================== */
92 /* === cholmod_factorize_p ================================================== */
93 /* ========================================================================== */
95 /* Same as cholmod_factorize, but with more options. */
CHOLMOD(factorize_p)97 int CHOLMOD(factorize_p)
98 (
99     /* ---- input ---- */
100     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to factorize */
101     double beta [2],	/* factorize beta*I+A or beta*I+A'*A */
102     Int *fset,		/* subset of 0:(A->ncol)-1 */
103     size_t fsize,	/* size of fset */
104     /* ---- in/out --- */
105     cholmod_factor *L,	/* resulting factorization */
106     /* --------------- */
107     cholmod_common *Common
108 )
109 {
110     cholmod_sparse *S, *F, *A1, *A2 ;
111     Int nrow, ncol, stype, convert, n, nsuper, grow2, status ;
112     size_t s, t, uncol ;
113     int ok = TRUE ;
115     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
116     /* check inputs */
117     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
124     nrow = A->nrow ;
125     ncol = A->ncol ;
126     n = L->n ;
127     stype = A->stype ;
128     if (L->n != A->nrow)
129     {
130 	ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "A and L dimensions do not match") ;
131 	return (FALSE) ;
132     }
133     if (stype != 0 && nrow != ncol)
134     {
135 	ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "matrix invalid") ;
136 	return (FALSE) ;
137     }
138     DEBUG (CHOLMOD(dump_sparse) (A, "A for cholmod_factorize", Common)) ;
139     Common->status = CHOLMOD_OK ;
141     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
142     /* allocate workspace */
143     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
145     nsuper = (L->is_super ? L->nsuper : 0) ;
146     uncol = ((stype != 0) ? 0 : ncol) ;
148     /* s = 2*nrow + MAX (uncol, 2*nsuper) */
149     s = CHOLMOD(mult_size_t) (nsuper, 2, &ok) ;
150     s = MAX (uncol, s) ;
151     t = CHOLMOD(mult_size_t) (nrow, 2, &ok) ;
152     s = CHOLMOD(add_size_t) (s, t, &ok) ;
153     if (!ok)
154     {
155 	ERROR (CHOLMOD_TOO_LARGE, "problem too large") ;
156 	return (FALSE) ;
157     }
159     CHOLMOD(allocate_work) (nrow, s, 0, Common) ;
160     if (Common->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
161     {
162 	return (FALSE) ;
163     }
165     S  = NULL ;
166     F  = NULL ;
167     A1 = NULL ;
168     A2 = NULL ;
170     /* convert to another form when done, if requested */
171     convert = !(Common->final_asis) ;
173     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
174     /* perform supernodal LL' or simplicial LDL' factorization */
175     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
177     if (L->is_super)
178     {
180 #ifndef NSUPERNODAL
182 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
183 	/* supernodal factorization */
184 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
186 	if (L->ordering == CHOLMOD_NATURAL)
187 	{
189 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
190 	    /* natural ordering */
191 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
193 	    if (stype > 0)
194 	    {
195 		/* S = tril (A'), F not needed */
196 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow) */
197 		A1 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, Common) ;
198 		S = A1 ;
199 	    }
200 	    else if (stype < 0)
201 	    {
202 		/* This is the fastest option for the natural ordering */
203 		/* S = A; F not needed */
204 		S = A ;
205 	    }
206 	    else
207 	    {
208 		/* F = A(:,f)' */
209 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow) */
210 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow if no fset; MAX (nrow,ncol) if fset)*/
211 		A1 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, NULL, fset, fsize, Common) ;
212 		F = A1 ;
213 		/* S = A */
214 		S = A ;
215 	    }
217 	}
218 	else
219 	{
221 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
222 	    /* permute the input matrix before factorization */
223 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
225 	    if (stype > 0)
226 	    {
227 		/* This is the fastest option for factoring a permuted matrix */
228 		/* S = tril (PAP'); F not needed */
229 		/* workspace: Iwork (2*nrow) */
230 		A1 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, L->Perm, NULL, 0, Common) ;
231 		S = A1 ;
232 	    }
233 	    else if (stype < 0)
234 	    {
235 		/* A2 = triu (PAP') */
236 		/* workspace: Iwork (2*nrow) */
237 		A2 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, L->Perm, NULL, 0, Common) ;
238 		/* S = tril (A2'); F not needed */
239 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow) */
240 		A1 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A2, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, Common) ;
241 		S = A1 ;
242 		CHOLMOD(free_sparse) (&A2, Common) ;
243 		ASSERT (A2 == NULL) ;
244 	    }
245 	    else
246 	    {
247 		/* F = A(p,f)' */
248 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow if no fset; MAX (nrow,ncol) if fset)*/
249 		A1 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, L->Perm, fset, fsize, Common) ;
250 		F = A1 ;
251 		/* S = F' */
252 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow) */
253 		A2 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (F, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, Common) ;
254 		S = A2 ;
255 	    }
256 	}
258 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
259 	/* supernodal factorization */
260 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
262 	/* workspace: Flag (nrow), Head (nrow+1), Iwork (2*nrow+2*nsuper) */
263 	if (Common->status == CHOLMOD_OK)
264 	{
265 	    CHOLMOD(super_numeric) (S, F, beta, L, Common) ;
266 	}
267 	status = Common->status ;
268 	ASSERT (IMPLIES (status >= CHOLMOD_OK, L->xtype != CHOLMOD_PATTERN)) ;
270 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
271 	/* convert to final form, if requested */
272 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
274 	if (Common->status >= CHOLMOD_OK && convert)
275 	{
276 	    /* workspace: none */
277 	    ok = CHOLMOD(change_factor) (L->xtype, Common->final_ll,
278 		    Common->final_super, Common->final_pack,
279 		    Common->final_monotonic, L, Common) ;
280 	    if (ok && Common->final_resymbol && !(L->is_super))
281 	    {
282 		/* workspace: Flag (nrow), Head (nrow+1),
283 		 *	if symmetric:   Iwork (2*nrow)
284 		 *	if unsymmetric: Iwork (2*nrow+ncol) */
285 		CHOLMOD(resymbol_noperm) (S, fset, fsize, Common->final_pack,
286 		    L, Common) ;
287 	    }
288 	}
290 #else
292 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
293 	/* CHOLMOD Supernodal module not installed */
294 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
297 	ERROR (CHOLMOD_NOT_INSTALLED,"Supernodal module not installed") ;
299 #endif
301     }
302     else
303     {
305 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
306 	/* simplicial LDL' factorization */
307 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
309 	/* Permute the input matrix A if necessary.  cholmod_rowfac requires
310 	 * triu(A) in column form for the symmetric case, and A in column form
311 	 * for the unsymmetric case (the matrix S).  The unsymmetric case
312 	 * requires A in row form, or equivalently A' in column form (the
313 	 * matrix F).
314 	 */
316 	if (L->ordering == CHOLMOD_NATURAL)
317 	{
319 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
320 	    /* natural ordering */
321 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
323 	    if (stype > 0)
324 	    {
325 		/* F is not needed, S = A */
326 		S = A ;
327 	    }
328 	    else if (stype < 0)
329 	    {
330 		/* F is not needed, S = A' */
331 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow) */
332 		A2 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, Common) ;
333 		S = A2 ;
334 	    }
335 	    else
336 	    {
337 		/* F = A (:,f)' */
338 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow if no fset; MAX (nrow,ncol) if fset)*/
339 		A1 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, NULL, fset, fsize, Common) ;
340 		F = A1 ;
341 		S = A ;
342 	    }
344 	}
345 	else
346 	{
348 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
349 	    /* permute the input matrix before factorization */
350 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
352 	    if (stype > 0)
353 	    {
354 		/* F = tril (A (p,p)') */
355 		/* workspace: Iwork (2*nrow) */
356 		A1 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, L->Perm, NULL, 0, Common) ;
357 		/* A2 = triu (F') */
358 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow) */
359 		A2 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A1, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, Common) ;
360 		/* the symmetric case does not need F, free it and set to NULL*/
361 		CHOLMOD(free_sparse) (&A1, Common) ;
362 	    }
363 	    else if (stype < 0)
364 	    {
365 		/* A2 = triu (A (p,p)'), F not needed.  This is the fastest
366 		 * way to factorize a matrix using the simplicial routine
367 		 * (cholmod_rowfac). */
368 		/* workspace: Iwork (2*nrow) */
369 		A2 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, L->Perm, NULL, 0, Common) ;
370 	    }
371 	    else
372 	    {
373 		/* F = A (p,f)' */
374 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow if no fset; MAX (nrow,ncol) if fset)*/
375 		A1 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (A, 2, L->Perm, fset, fsize, Common) ;
376 		F = A1 ;
377 		/* A2 = F' */
378 		/* workspace: Iwork (nrow) */
379 		A2 = CHOLMOD(ptranspose) (F, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, Common) ;
380 	    }
381 	    S = A2 ;
382 	}
384 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
385 	/* simplicial LDL' or LL' factorization */
386 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
388 	/* factorize beta*I+S (symmetric) or beta*I+F*F' (unsymmetric) */
389 	/* workspace: Flag (nrow), W (nrow), Iwork (2*nrow) */
390 	if (Common->status == CHOLMOD_OK)
391 	{
392 	    grow2 = Common->grow2 ;
393 	    L->is_ll = BOOLEAN (Common->final_ll) ;
394 	    if (L->xtype == CHOLMOD_PATTERN && Common->final_pack)
395 	    {
396 		/* allocate a factor with exactly the space required */
397 		Common->grow2 = 0 ;
398 	    }
399 	    CHOLMOD(rowfac) (S, F, beta, 0, nrow, L, Common) ;
400 	    Common->grow2 = grow2 ;
401 	}
402 	status = Common->status ;
404 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
405 	/* convert to final form, if requested */
406 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
408 	if (Common->status >= CHOLMOD_OK && convert)
409 	{
410 	    /* workspace: none */
411 	    CHOLMOD(change_factor) (L->xtype, L->is_ll, FALSE,
412 		    Common->final_pack, Common->final_monotonic, L, Common) ;
413 	}
414     }
416     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
417     /* free A1 and A2 if they exist */
418     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
420     CHOLMOD(free_sparse) (&A1, Common) ;
421     CHOLMOD(free_sparse) (&A2, Common) ;
422     Common->status = MAX (Common->status, status) ;
423     return (Common->status >= CHOLMOD_OK) ;
424 }
425 #endif