1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === RBio/Source/RBio.c: C-callable RBio functions ======================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* Copyright 2009, Timothy A. Davis, All Rights Reserved.
6    Refer to RBio/Doc/license.txt for the RBio license. */
8 /* This file contains functions for writing/reading a sparse matrix to/from a
9    file in Rutherford-Boeing format.  User-callable functions are declared
10    as PUBLIC.  PRIVATE functions are available only within this file.
11 */
13 /* ========================================================================== */
14 /* === definitions ========================================================== */
15 /* ========================================================================== */
17 #include "RBio.h"
19 #ifdef INT
20 /* int version */
21 #define Int int
22 #define IDD "d"
23 #define RB(name) RB ## name ## _i
24 #else
25 /* Default: long (except for Windows, which is __int64) */
26 #define Int SuiteSparse_long
27 #define IDD SuiteSparse_long_idd
28 #define RB(name) RB ## name
29 #endif
30 #define ID "%" IDD
32 #define TRUE (1)
33 #define FALSE (0)
34 #define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
35 #define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
36 #define ABS(a)   (((a) > 0) ? (a) : -(a))
37 #define ISNAN(a) ((a) != (a))
38 #define PRIVATE static
39 #define PUBLIC
41 #define SLEN 4096
42 #define FREE_WORK   { SuiteSparse_free (w) ; \
43                       SuiteSparse_free (cp) ; }
45 #define FREE_ALL    { FREE_WORK ; \
46                       SuiteSparse_free (Ap) ; \
47                       SuiteSparse_free (Ai) ; \
48                       SuiteSparse_free (Ax) ; \
49                       SuiteSparse_free (Az) ; \
50                       SuiteSparse_free (Zp) ; \
51                       SuiteSparse_free (Zi) ; }
53 #define FREE_RAW    { SuiteSparse_free (Ap) ; \
54                       SuiteSparse_free (Ai) ; \
55                       SuiteSparse_free (Ax) ; }
58 /* ========================================================================== */
59 /* === internal prototypes ================================================== */
60 /* ========================================================================== */
62 PRIVATE Int RB(format)  /* return format to use (index in F_, C_format) */
63 (
64     /* input */
65     Int nnz,            /* number of nonzeros */
66     double *x,          /* of size nnz */
67     Int is_int,         /* true if integer format is to be used */
68     double xmin,        /* minimum value of x */
69     double xmax,        /* maximum value of x */
70     Int fmt,            /* initial format to use (index into F_format, ...) */
72     /* output */
73     char valfmt [21],   /* Fortran format to use */
74     char valcfm [21],   /* C format to use */
75     Int *valn           /* number of entries per line */
76 ) ;
78 PRIVATE void RB(iformat)
79 (
80     /* input */
81     double xmin,            /* smallest integer to print */
82     double xmax,            /* largest integer to print */
84     /* output */
85     char indfmt [21],       /* Fortran format to use */
86     char indcfm [21],       /* C format to use */
87     Int *indn               /* number of entries per line */
88 ) ;
90 PRIVATE Int RB(cards)
91 (
92     Int nitems,         /* number of items to print */
93     Int nperline        /* number of items per line */
94 ) ;
96 PRIVATE Int RB(iprint)        /* returns TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise */
97 (
98     /* input */
99     FILE *file,             /* which file to write to */
100     char *indcfm,           /* C format to use */
101     Int i,                  /* value to write */
102     Int indn,               /* number of entries to write per line */
104     /* input/output */
105     Int *nbuf               /* number of entries written to current line */
106 ) ;
108 PRIVATE Int RB(xprint)        /* returns TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise */
109 (
110     /* input */
111     FILE *file,             /* which file to write to */
112     char *valcfm,           /* C format to use */
113     double x,               /* value to write */
114     Int valn,               /* number of entries to write per line */
115     Int mkind,              /* 0:real, 1:pattern, 2:complex, 3:integer */
117     /* input/output */
118     Int *nbuf               /* number of entries written to current line */
119 ) ;
121 PRIVATE void RB(fill)
122 (
123     char *s,            /* string to fill */
124     Int len,            /* length of s (including trailing '\0') */
125     char c              /* character to fill s with */
126 ) ;
128 PRIVATE Int RB(fix_mkind_in)      /* return revised mkind */
129 (
130     Int mkind_in,       /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
131     double *Ax,
132     double *Az
133 ) ;
135 PRIVATE Int RB(writeTask)       /* returns TRUE if OK, FALSE on failure */
136 (
137     /* input */
138     FILE *file,     /* file to print to (already open) */
139     Int task,       /* 0 to 3 (see above) */
140     Int nrow,       /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
141     Int ncol,
142     Int mkind,      /* 0:real, 1:pattern, 2:complex, 3:integer */
143     Int skind,      /* -1:rect, 0:unsym, 1:sym, 2:hermitian, 3:skew */
144     Int *Ap,        /* size ncol+1, column pointers */
145     Int *Ai,        /* size anz=Ap[ncol], row indices */
146     double *Ax,     /* size anz, real values */
147     double *Az,     /* size anz, imaginary part (may be NULL) */
148     Int *Zp,        /* size ncol+1, column pointers for Z (may be NULL) */
149     Int *Zi,        /* size Zp[ncol], row indices for Z */
150     char *indcfm,   /* C format for indices */
151     Int indn,       /* # of indices per line */
152     char *valcfm,   /* C format for values */
153     Int valn,       /* # of values per line */
155     /* output */
156     Int *nnz,           /* number of entries that will be printed to the file */
158     /* workspace */
159     Int *w,         /* size MAX(nrow,ncol)+1 */
160     Int *cp         /* size MAX(nrow,ncol)+1 */
161 ) ;
163 PRIVATE Int RB(read2)     /* 0: OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
164 (
165     /* input */
166     FILE *file,         /* must be already open for reading */
167     Int nrow,           /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
168     Int ncol,
169     Int nnz,            /* number of entries in A, from the header */
170     Int mkind,          /* R: 0, P: 1, C: 2, I: 3 */
171     Int skind,          /* R: -1, U: 0, S: 1, H: 2, Z: 3 */
172     Int build_upper,    /* if TRUE and skind>0, then create upper part.  Ai, Ax,
173                            and Az must be twice the size as given below */
175     /* output */
176     Int *Ap,            /* size ncol+1, column pointers for A */
177     Int *Ai,            /* size nnz, row indices for A */
178     double *Ax,         /* size nnz or 2*nnz if complex and Az NULL */
179     double *Az,         /* size nnz, or NULL, for complex matrices only */
181     /* workspace */
182     Int *w,             /* size MAX(nrow,ncol)+1 */
183     Int *cp,            /* size ncol+1 */
185     /* input/workspace */
186     char *s,            /* first line of column pointers on input */
187     Int slen
188 ) ;
190 PRIVATE Int RB(zcount)    /* return number of explicit zeros in A */
191 (
192     Int nnz,            /* number of entries to check */
193     Int mkind,          /* R: 0, P: 1, C: 2, I: 3 */
194     double *Ax,         /* NULL, size nnz, or 2*nnz */
195     double *Az          /* NULL or size nnz */
196 ) ;
198 PRIVATE Int RB(extract)   /* return # of explicit zero entries */
199 (
200     /* input */
201     Int ncol,
202     Int mkind,          /* R: 0, P: 1, C: 2, I: 3 */
204     /* input/output */
205     Int *Ap,            /* size ncol+1, column pointers A A */
206     Int *Ai,            /* size nnz=Ap[ncol], row indices of A */
207     double *Ax,         /* NULL, size nnz, or 2*nnz */
208     double *Az,         /* NULL or size nnz */
210     /* output */
211     Int *Zp,            /* size ncol+1, column pointers for Z */
212     Int *Zi             /* size znz = Zp [ncol] = # of zeros in A on input */
213 ) ;
215 PRIVATE Int RB(readline) /* return string length, or -1 on error or EOF */
216 (
217     char *s,            /* buffer to read into */
218     Int slen,           /* s [0..slen] is of length slen+1 */
219     FILE *file          /* file to read from */
220 ) ;
222 PRIVATE void RB(substring)
223 (
224     /* input */
225     char *s,            /* input string */
226     Int len,            /* length of string s [0..len] */
227     Int start,          /* extract t [0:len-1] from s [start:start+len-1] */
228     Int tlen,           /* length of substring t, excluding null terminator */
230     /* output */
231     char *t             /* size tlen+1 */
232 ) ;
234 PRIVATE Int RB(xtoken)   /* TRUE if token found, FALSE othewise */
235 (
236     /* input/output */
237     char *s,            /* parse the next token in s [k..len] and update k */
238     Int len,            /* length of s (input only) */
239     Int *k,             /* start parsing at s [k] */
240     /* output */
241     double *x           /* value of the token, or 0 if not found */
242 ) ;
244 PRIVATE Int RB(itoken)
245 (
246     /* input/output */
247     char *s,            /* parse the next token in s [k..len] and update k */
248     Int len,            /* length of s (input only) */
249     Int *k,             /* start parsing at s [k] */
250     /* output */
251     Int *i              /* value of the token, or 0 if not found */
252 ) ;
254 PRIVATE void RB(prune_space)
255 (
256     /* input/output */
257     char *s
258 ) ;
260 PRIVATE Int RB(header)    /* 0: success, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
261 (
262     /* input */
263     FILE *file,         /* must be already open for reading */
265     /* output */
266     char title [73],    /* title, from first line of header */
267     char key [9],       /* 8-character key, from first header line */
268     char mtype [4],     /* RUA, RSA, PUA, PSA, RRA, etc */
269     Int *nrow,          /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
270     Int *ncol,
271     Int *nnz,           /* number of entries in A (tril(A) if symmetric) */
272     Int *nelnz,         /* number of finite-elements */
273     char ptrfmt [21],   /* Fortran format for column pointers */
274     char indfmt [21],   /* Fortran format for row indices */
275     char valfmt [21],   /* Fortran format for numerical values */
276     Int *mkind,         /* R__: 0, P__: 1, C__: 2, I__: 3 */
277     Int *skind,         /* _R_: -1, _U_: 0, _S_: 1, _H_: 2, _Z_: 3 */
278     Int *fem,           /* __A: false, __E: true */
279     char *s,            /* first line of data after the header */
280     Int slen            /* s is of length slen+1 */
281 ) ;
283 PRIVATE Int RB(read1i)    /* TRUE if OK, false otherwise */
284 (
285     FILE *file,         /* file to read from (must be already open) */
286     char *s,            /* buffer to use */
287     Int *len,           /* strlen(s) */
288     Int slen,           /* size of s */
289     Int *k,             /* read position in s */
290     Int *x              /* value read from the file */
291 ) ;
293 PRIVATE Int RB(read1x)    /* TRUE if OK, false otherwise */
294 (
295     FILE *file,         /* file to read from (must be already open) */
296     char *s,            /* buffer to use */
297     Int *len,           /* strlen(s) */
298     Int slen,           /* size of s */
299     Int *k,             /* read position in s */
300     double *x           /* value read from the file */
301 ) ;
303 PRIVATE Int RB(iread)     /* TRUE if OK, false otherwise */
304 (
305     /* input */
306     FILE *file,         /* file to read from (must be already open) */
307     Int n,              /* number of integers to read */
308     Int offset,         /* offset to subtract from each integer */
310     /* output */
311     Int *A,             /* read integers from file into A [0..n-1] */
313     /* input/workspace */
314     char *s,            /* first line of input may be present in s */
315     Int slen            /* s is of size slen+1 */
316 ) ;
318 PRIVATE Int RB(xread)     /* TRUE if OK, false otherwise */
319 (
320     /* input */
321     FILE *file,         /* file to read from (must be already open) */
322     Int n,              /* number of values to read (2*n if complex) */
323     Int mkind,          /* R: 0, P: 1, C: 2, I: 3 */
325     /* output */
326     double *Ax,         /* read reals from file into Ax [0..n-1] */
327     double *Az,         /* read reals from file into Az [0..n-1], may be NULL */
329     /* input/workspace */
330     char *s,            /* first line of input may be present in s */
331     Int slen            /* s is of size slen+1 */
332 ) ;
334 PRIVATE void RB(skipheader)
335 (
336     char *s,
337     Int slen,
338     FILE *file
339 ) ;
342 /* ========================================================================== */
343 /* === functions ============================================================ */
344 /* ========================================================================== */
347 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
348 /* RBget_entry: get numerical entry in the matrix at position p */
349 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(get_entry)351 PUBLIC void RB(get_entry)
352 (
353     Int mkind,          /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
354     double *Ax,         /* real part, or both if merged-complex */
355     double *Az,         /* imaginary part if split-complex */
356     Int p,              /* index of the entry */
357     double *xr,         /* real part */
358     double *xz          /* imaginary part */
359 )
360 {
361     if (mkind == 0 || mkind == 3)
362     {
363         /* A is real or integer */
364         *xr = Ax ? Ax [p] : 1 ;
365         *xz = 0 ;
366     }
367     else if (mkind == 2)
368     {
369         /* A is split-complex */
370         *xr = Ax ? Ax [p] : 1 ;
371         *xz = Ax ? Az [p] : 0 ;
372     }
373     else if (mkind == 4)
374     {
375         /* A is merged-complex */
376         *xr = Ax ? Ax [2*p  ] : 1 ;
377         *xz = Ax ? Ax [2*p+1] : 0 ;
378     }
379     else /* if (mkind == 1) */
380     {
381         /* A is pattern-only */
382         *xr = 1 ;
383         *xz = 0 ;
384     }
385 }
388 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
389 /* RBput_entry: put numerical entry in the matrix in position p */
390 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(put_entry)392 PUBLIC void RB(put_entry)
393 (
394     Int mkind,          /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
395     double *Ax,         /* real part, or both if merged-complex */
396     double *Az,         /* imaginary part if split-complex */
397     Int p,              /* index of the entry */
398     double xr,          /* real part */
399     double xz           /* imaginary part */
400 )
401 {
402     if (mkind == 0 || mkind == 3)
403     {
404         /* A is real or integer; ignore xz */
405         if (Ax) Ax [p] = xr ;
406         if (Az) Az [p] = 0 ;
407     }
408     else if (mkind == 2)
409     {
410         /* A is split-complex */
411         if (Ax) Ax [p] = xr ;
412         if (Az) Az [p] = xz ;
413     }
414     else if (mkind == 4)
415     {
416         /* A is merged-complex */
417         if (Ax) Ax [2*p  ] = xr ;
418         if (Ax) Ax [2*p+1] = xz ;
419     }
420     else /* if (mkind == 1) */
421     {
422         /* A is pattern-only; ignore xr and xz */
423         if (Ax) Ax [p] = 1 ;
424         if (Az) Az [p] = 0 ;
425     }
426 }
429 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
430 /* RBskipheader: skip past the header */
431 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(skipheader)433 PRIVATE void RB(skipheader)
434 (
435     char *s,            /* size slen+1 */
436     Int slen,
437     FILE *file          /* file to read from */
438 )
439 {
440     s [0] = '\0' ;
441     RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
442     RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
443     RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
444     RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
445     RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
446     if ((s [0] == 'F') || (s [0] == 'f') || (s [0] == 'M') || (s[0] == 'm'))
447     {
448         RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
449     }
450     /* s now contains the first non-header line */
451 }
454 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
455 /* RBread2: read all but the header and construct the matrix */
456 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(read2)458 PRIVATE Int RB(read2)   /* 0: OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
459 (
460     /* input */
461     FILE *file,         /* must be already open for reading */
462     Int nrow,           /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
463     Int ncol,
464     Int nnz,            /* number of entries in A, from the header */
465     Int mkind,          /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
466     Int skind,          /* R: -1, U: 0, S: 1, H: 2, Z: 3 */
467     Int build_upper,    /* if TRUE and skind>0, then create upper part.  Ai, Ax,
468                            and Az must be twice the size as given below */
470     /* output */
471     Int *Ap,            /* size ncol+1, column pointers for A */
472     Int *Ai,            /* size nnz, row indices for A */
473     double *Ax,         /* size nnz or 2*nnz if complex and Az NULL */
474     double *Az,         /* size nnz, or NULL, for complex matrices only */
476     /* workspace */
477     Int *w,             /* size MAX(nrow,ncol)+1 */
478     Int *cp,            /* size ncol+1 */
480     /* input/workspace */
481     char *s,            /* first line of column pointers on input */
482     Int slen
483 )
484 {
485     double xr = 0, xz = 0 ;
486     Int p, i, j, k, ilast, alen, llen, psrc, pdst ;
488     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
489     /* skip past the header, if reading from a file */
490     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
492     if (file)
493     {
494         RB(skipheader) (s, slen, file) ;
495     }
497     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
498     /* read the column pointers and check them */
499     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
501     if (!RB(iread) (file, ncol+1, 1, Ap, s, slen))
502     {
503         return (RBIO_CP_IOERROR) ;      /* I/O error reading column pointers */
504     }
505     if (Ap [0] != 0 || Ap [ncol] != nnz)
506     {
507         return (RBIO_CP_INVALID) ;      /* column pointers invalid */
508     }
509     for (j = 1 ; j <= ncol ; j++)
510     {
511         if (Ap [j] < Ap [j-1])
512         {
513             return (RBIO_CP_INVALID) ;
514         }
515     }
517     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
518     /* read the row indices and check them */
519     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
521     if (!RB(iread) (file, nnz, 1, Ai, s, slen))
522     {
523         return (RBIO_ROW_IOERROR) ;       /* I/O error reading row indices */
524     }
526     for (i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++)
527     {
528         w [i] = -1 ;
529     }
531     for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
532     {
533         ilast = -1 ;
534         for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
535         {
536             i = Ai [p] ;
537             if (i < 0 || i >= nrow)
538             {
539                 return (RBIO_ROW_INVALID) ; /* row index out of range */
540             }
541             if (w [i] == j)
542             {
543                 return (RBIO_DUPLICATE) ;   /* duplicate entry in matrix */
544             }
545             w [i]= j ;
546             if (i < ilast)
547             {
548                 return (RBIO_JUMBLED) ;     /* row indices unsorted */
549             }
550             ilast = i ;
551         }
552     }
554     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
555     /* read the values */
556     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
558     if (!RB(xread) (file, nnz, mkind, Ax, Az, s, slen))
559     {
560         return (RBIO_VALUE_IOERROR) ;     /* I/O error reading values */
561     }
563     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
564     /* construct or check the upper triangular part for symmetric matrices */
565     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
567     if (skind > 0)
568     {
570         /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
571         /* check the matrix and compute new column counts */
572         /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
574         for (j = 0 ; j <= ncol ; j++)
575         {
576             w [j] = 0 ;
577         }
579         for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
580         {
581             for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
582             {
583                 i = Ai [p] ;
584                 if (i == j)
585                 {
586                     /* diagonal entry, only appears as A(j,j) */
587                     w [j]++ ;
588                 }
589                 else if (i > j)
590                 {
591                     /* entry in lower triangular part, A(i,j) will be */
592                     /* duplicated as A(j,i), so count it in column i and j  */
593                     w [i]++ ;
594                     w [j]++ ;
595                 }
596                 else
597                 {
598                     /* error: entry in upper triangular part */
599                     return (RBIO_EXTRANEOUS) ;
600                 }
601             }
602         }
604         /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
605         /* construct the upper trianglar part, if requested */
606         /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
608         if (build_upper)
609         {
611             /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
612             /* compute the new column pointers */
613             /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
615             cp [0] = 0 ;
616             for (j = 1 ; j <= ncol ; j++)
617             {
618                 cp [j] = cp [j-1] + w [j-1] ;
619             }
621             /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
622             /* shift the matrix by adding gaps to the top of each column */
623             /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
625             for (j = ncol-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
626             {
627                 /* number of entries in lower tri. part (including diagonal) */
628                 llen = Ap [j+1] - Ap [j] ;
630                 /* number of entries in entire column */
631                 alen = cp [j+1] - cp [j] ;
633                 /* move the column from Ai [Ap [j] ... Ap [j+1]-1] down to
634                    Ai [cp [j+1]-llen ... cp[j+1]-1], leaving a gap
635                    at Ai [Ap [j] ... cp [j+1]-llen] */
637                 for (k = 1 ; k <= llen ; k++)
638                 {
639                     psrc = Ap [j+1] - k ;
640                     pdst = cp [j+1] - k ;
641                     Ai [pdst] = Ai [psrc] ;
642                     RB(get_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, psrc, &xr, &xz) ;
643                     RB(put_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, pdst, xr, xz) ;
644                 }
645             }
647             /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
648             /* populate the upper triangular part */
649             /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
651             /* create temporary column pointers to point to the gaps */
652             for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
653             {
654                 w [j] = cp [j] ;
655             }
657             for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
658             {
659                 /* scan the entries in the lower tri. part, in
660                     Ai [cp[j+1]-llen ... cp[j+1]-1] */
661                 llen = Ap [j+1] - Ap [j] ;
663                 for (k = 1 ; k <= llen ; k++)
664                 {
665                     /* get the A(i,j) entry in strictly lower triangular part */
666                     psrc = cp [j+1] - k ;
667                     i = Ai [psrc] ;
668                     if (i != j)
669                     {
670                         /* get the numerical value of the A(i,j) entry */
671                         RB(get_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, psrc, &xr, &xz) ;
673                         /* negate for Hermitian and skew-symmetric */
674                         if (skind == 2)
675                         {
676                             xz = -xz ;      /* complex Hermitian */
677                         }
678                         else if (skind == 3)
679                         {
680                             xr = -xr ;      /* skew symmetric */
681                             xz = -xz ;
682                         }
684                         /* add A(j,i) as the next entry in column i */
685                         pdst = w [i]++ ;
686                         Ai [pdst] = j ;
687                         RB(put_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, pdst, xr, xz) ;
688                     }
689                 }
690             }
692             /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
693             /* finalize the column pointers */
694             /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
696             for (j = 0 ; j <= ncol ; j++)
697             {
698                 Ap [j] = cp [j] ;
699             }
700         }
701     }
703     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
704     /* matrix is valid */
705     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
707     return (RBIO_OK) ;
708 }
711 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
712 /* RBzcount: count the number of explicit zeros */
713 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(zcount)715 PRIVATE Int RB(zcount)    /* return number of explicit zeros in A */
716 (
717     Int nnz,            /* number of entries in A */
718     Int mkind,          /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
719     double *Ax,         /* NULL, size nnz, or 2*nnz */
720     double *Az          /* NULL or size nnz */
721 )
722 {
723     double xr, xz ;
724     Int p, znz = 0 ;
725     for (p = 0 ; p < nnz ; p++)
726     {
727         RB(get_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, p, &xr, &xz) ;
728         if (xr == 0 && xz == 0)
729         {
730             znz++ ;
731         }
732     }
733     return (znz) ;
734 }
737 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
738 /* RBextract: extract explicit zeros */
739 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
741 /* The matrix is A is split into A (the nonzeros) and Z (the pattern of
742    explicit zero entries in A).  On input, A may have explicit zeros.  On
743    output they are removed from A.   If Zp is NULL on input, these explicit
744    zeros are removed from A and simply discarded. */
RB(extract)746 PRIVATE Int RB(extract) /* return # of explicit zero entries */
747 (
748     /* input */
749     Int ncol,
750     Int mkind,          /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
752     /* input/output */
753     Int *Ap,            /* size ncol+1, column pointers A A */
754     Int *Ai,            /* size nnz=Ap[ncol], row indices of A */
755     double *Ax,         /* NULL, size nnz, or 2*nnz */
756     double *Az,         /* NULL or size nnz */
758     /* output */
759     Int *Zp,            /* size ncol+1, column pointers for Z */
760     Int *Zi             /* size znz = Zp [ncol] = # of zeros in A on input */
761 )
762 {
763     double xr, xz ;
764     Int p, i, j, pa, pz ;
766     pa = 0 ;
767     pz = 0 ;
769     for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
770     {
771         /* save the new start of column j of A */
772         p = Ap [j] ;
773         Ap [j] = pa ;
774         if (Zp) Zp [j] = pz ;
776         /* split column j of A */
777         for ( ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
778         {
779             i = Ai [p] ;
780             RB(get_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, p, &xr, &xz) ;
781             if (xr == 0 && xz == 0)
782             {
783                 /* copy into Z, if Z exists */
784                 if (Zp) Zi [pz++] = i ;
785             }
786             else
787             {
788                 /* copy into A */
789                 Ai [pa] = i ;
790                 RB(put_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, pa++, xr, xz) ;
791             }
792         }
793     }
794     Ap [ncol] = pa ;
795     if (Zp) Zp [ncol] = pz ;
796     return (pz) ;
797 }
800 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
801 /* RBreadline: read a line from the file */
802 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(readline)804 PRIVATE Int RB(readline)  /* return length of string, or -1 on error or EOF */
805 (
806     char *s,            /* buffer to read into */
807     Int slen,           /* s [0..slen] is of length slen+1 */
808     FILE *file          /* file to read from */
809 )
810 {
811     Int len, ok ;
812     if (!file) file = stdin ;                   /* file defaults to stdin */
813     ok = (fgets (s, slen, file) != NULL) ;      /* read line in s [0..slen-1] */
814     s [slen] = '\0' ;                           /* ensure line is terminated */
815     len = ok ? ((Int) strlen (s)) : (-1) ;      /* get the length */
816     return ((len < slen) ? len : (-1)) ;        /* return len, or -1 on error */
817 }
820 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
821 /* RBsubstring: extract a substring */
822 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(substring)824 PRIVATE void RB(substring)
825 (
826     /* input */
827     char *s,            /* input string */
828     Int len,            /* length of string s [0..len] */
829     Int start,          /* extract t [0:len-1] from s [start:start+len-1] */
830     Int tlen,           /* length of substring t, excluding null terminator */
832     /* output */
833     char *t             /* size tlen+1 */
834 )
835 {
836     Int i, end, k ;
837     end = MIN (start+tlen, len) ;       /* do not go past the end of s */
838     k = 0 ;
839     for (i = start ; i < end ; i++)
840     {
841         t [k++] = s [i] ;
842     }
843     t [k] = '\0' ;                      /* ensure t is null-terminated */
844 }
847 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
848 /* RBxtoken: get the next token from a string, returning it as a double */
849 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
851 /* On input, the token to return from s [0..len] starts at s[k].  On output, k
852    is updated so that the s[k] is the start of the token after this one. */
RB(xtoken)854 PRIVATE Int RB(xtoken)    /* TRUE if token found, FALSE othewise */
855 (
856     /* input/output */
857     char *s,            /* parse the next token in s [k..len] and update k */
858     Int len,            /* length of s (input only) */
859     Int *k,             /* start parsing at s [k] */
860     /* output */
861     double *x           /* value of the token, or 0 if not found */
862 )
863 {
864     Int start ;
866     *x = 0 ;
868     /* consume leading spaces, if any */
869     while ((*k) < len && s [*k] == ' ')
870     {
871         (*k)++ ;
872     }
874     /* the token starts here, if present */
875     start = (*k) ;
877     if (s [start] == '\0')
878     {
879         /* the end of s has been reached; there is no token */
880         return (FALSE) ;
881     }
883     /* find where the token ends */
884     while ((*k) < len && s [*k] != ' ')
885     {
886         (*k)++ ;
887     }
889     /* terminate the current token.  Note this might be s [len] */
890     if (s [*k] != '\0')
891     {
892         s [(*k)++] = '\0' ;
893     }
895     /* parse the current token and return its value */
896     return (sscanf (s+start, "%lg", x) == 1) ;
897 }
900 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
901 /* RBitoken: get the next token from a string, returning it as an Int */
902 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
904 /* Same as RBxtoken, except for the data type of the 4th parameter.  The
905    return value i is checked for integer overflow of i+1. */
RB(itoken)907 PRIVATE Int RB(itoken)
908 (
909     /* input/output */
910     char *s,            /* parse the next token in s [k..len] and update k */
911     Int len,            /* length of s (input only) */
912     Int *k,             /* start parsing at s [k] */
913     /* output */
914     Int *i              /* value of the token, or 0 if not found */
915 )
916 {
917     double x ;
918     Int ok = RB(xtoken) (s, len, k, &x) ;
919     *i = (Int) x ;      /* convert to integer */
920     return (ok && ((double) ((*i)+1) == (x+1))) ;
921 }
923 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
924 /* RBprune_space: remove trailing space from a string */
925 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(prune_space)927 PRIVATE void RB(prune_space)
928 (
929     /* input/output */
930     char *s
931 )
932 {
933     Int k ;
934     for (k = strlen (s) - 1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
935     {
936         if (isspace (s [k]))
937         {
938             s [k] = '\0' ;
939         }
940         else
941         {
942             return ;
943         }
944     }
945 }
948 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
949 /* RBheader:  read Rutherford/Boeing header lines */
950 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
952 /*
953 The Rutherford/Boeing matrix type is a 3-character string:
955     (1) R: real, C: complex, P: pattern only, I: integer
956         mkind: 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged
957         Note that this function does not return mkind == 4, since the
958         split/merged Ax and Az are considered by this function.
959         It must be selected by the caller.
961     (2) S: symmetric, U: unsymmetric, H: Hermitian, Z: skew symmetric,
962         R: rectangular
963         skind: R: -1, U: 0, S: 1, H: 2, Z: 3
965     (3) A: assembled, E: element form
966         nelnz = 0 for A, number of elements for E
968         pattern matrices are given numerical values of 1 (except PZA).
969         PZA matrices have +1 in the lower triangular part and -1 in
970         the upper triangular part.
971 */
RB(header)973 PRIVATE Int RB(header)    /* 0: success, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
974 (
975     /* input */
976     FILE *file,         /* must be already open for reading */
978     /* output */
979     char title [73],    /* title, from first line of header */
980     char key [9],       /* 8-character key, from first header line */
981     char mtype [4],     /* RUA, RSA, PUA, PSA, RRA, etc */
982     Int *nrow,          /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
983     Int *ncol,
984     Int *nnz,           /* number of entries in A (tril(A) if symmetric) */
985     Int *nelnz,         /* number of finite-elements */
986     char ptrfmt [21],   /* Fortran format for column pointers */
987     char indfmt [21],   /* Fortran format for row indices */
988     char valfmt [21],   /* Fortran format for numerical values */
989     Int *mkind,         /* R__: 0, P__: 1, C__: 2, I__: 3 */
990     Int *skind,         /* _R_: -1, _U_: 0, _S_: 1, _H_: 2, _Z_: 3 */
991     Int *fem,           /* __A: false, __E: true */
992     char *s,            /* first line of data after the header */
993     Int slen            /* s is of length slen+1 */
994 )
995 {
996     Int len, totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, k, ok ;
998     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
999     /* get the 1st line: title, key */
1000     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1002     len = RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
1003     if (len < 0) return (RBIO_HEADER_IOERROR) ;
1005     RB(substring) (s, len, 0, 72, title) ;
1006     RB(substring) (s, len, 72, 8, key) ;
1008     if (title [71] == '|')
1009     {
1010         /* remove the marker placed by RBwrite, if present */
1011         title [71] = '\0' ;
1012     }
1014     /* remove trailing spaces from the key and the title */
1015     RB(prune_space) (title) ;
1016     RB(prune_space) (key) ;
1018     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1019     /* get the 2nd line: totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd */
1020     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1022     len = RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
1023     if (len < 0) return (RBIO_HEADER_IOERROR) ;
1025     k = 0 ;
1026     ok = TRUE ;
1027     ok = ok && RB(itoken) (s, len, &k, &totcrd) ;
1028     ok = ok && RB(itoken) (s, len, &k, &ptrcrd) ;
1029     ok = ok && RB(itoken) (s, len, &k, &indcrd) ;
1030     ok = ok && RB(itoken) (s, len, &k, &valcrd) ;
1032     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1033     /* get the 3rd line: mtype (RUA, etc), nrow, ncol, nnz, nelnz */
1034     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1036     len = RB(readline)(s, slen, file) ;
1037     if (len < 0) return (RBIO_HEADER_IOERROR) ;
1039     RB(substring) (s, len, 0, 3, mtype) ;
1041     k = 3 ;
1042     ok = ok && RB(itoken) (s, len, &k, nrow) ;
1043     ok = ok && RB(itoken) (s, len, &k, ncol) ;
1044     ok = ok && RB(itoken) (s, len, &k, nnz) ;
1045     RB(itoken) (s, len, &k, nelnz) ;
1047     if (!ok || *nrow <= 0 || *ncol <= 0 || *nnz <= 0)
1048     {
1049         return (RBIO_DIM_INVALID) ;
1050     }
1052     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1053     /* get the 4th line: ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt */
1054     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1056     len = RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
1057     if (len < 0) return (RBIO_HEADER_IOERROR) ;
1059     RB(substring) (s, len, 0,  16, ptrfmt) ;
1060     RB(substring) (s, len, 16, 16, indfmt) ;
1061     RB(substring) (s, len, 32, 20, valfmt) ;
1063     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1064     /* skip the Harwell/Boeing header line 5, if present */
1065     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1067     len = RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
1068     if (len <= 0) return (RBIO_HEADER_IOERROR) ;
1070     if ((s [0] == 'F') || (s [0] == 'f') || (s [0] == 'M') || (s [0] == 'm'))
1071     {
1072         len = RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
1073         if (len <= 0) return (RBIO_HEADER_IOERROR) ;
1074     }
1076     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1077     /* determine if real, pattern, integer, or complex */
1078     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1080     if (mtype [0] == 'R' || mtype [0] == 'r')
1081     {
1082         *mkind = 0 ;        /* real */
1083     }
1084     else if (mtype [0] == 'P' || mtype [0] == 'p')
1085     {
1086         *mkind = 1 ;        /* pattern */
1087     }
1088     else if (mtype [0] == 'C' || mtype [0] == 'c')
1089     {
1090         *mkind = 2 ;        /* complex (assume split-complex) */
1091     }
1092     else if (mtype [0] == 'I' || mtype [0] == 'i')
1093     {
1094         *mkind = 3 ;        /* integer */
1095     }
1096     else
1097     {
1098         return (RBIO_TYPE_INVALID) ;       /* error: invalid matrix mtype */
1099     }
1101     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1102     /* determine the symmetry property */
1103     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1105     if (mtype [1] == 'R' || mtype [1] == 'r')
1106     {
1107         *skind = -1 ;        /* rectangular: RRA, PRA, IRA, and CRA matrices */
1108     }
1109     else if (mtype [1] == 'U' || mtype [1] == 'u')
1110     {
1111         *skind = 0 ;         /* unsymmetric: RUA, PUA, IUA, and CUA matrices */
1112     }
1113     else if (mtype [1] == 'S' || mtype [1] == 's')
1114     {
1115         *skind = 1 ;         /* symmetric: RSA, PSA, ISA, and CSA matrices */
1116     }
1117     else if (mtype [1] == 'H' || mtype [1] == 'h')
1118     {
1119         *skind = 2 ;        /* Hermitian: CHA (PHA, IHA, and RHA are OK too) */
1120     }
1121     else if (mtype [1] == 'Z' || mtype [1] == 'z')
1122     {
1123         *skind = 3 ;        /* skew symmetric: RZA, PZA, IZA, and CZA */
1124     }
1125     else
1126     {
1127         return (RBIO_TYPE_INVALID) ;       /* error: invalid matrix mtype */
1128     }
1130     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1131     /* assembled vs elemental matrices (**A vs **E) */
1132     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1134     if (mtype [2] == 'A' || mtype [2] == 'a')
1135     {
1136         /* assembled - ignore nelnz */
1137         *fem = FALSE ;
1138         *nelnz = 0 ;
1139     }
1140     else if (mtype [2] == 'E' || mtype [2] == 'e')
1141     {
1142         /* finite-element */
1143         *fem = TRUE ;
1144     }
1145     else
1146     {
1147         return (RBIO_TYPE_INVALID) ;       /* error: invalid matrix mtype */
1148     }
1150     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1151     /* assembled matrices must be square if skind is not R */
1152     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1154     if (!(*fem) && (*skind) != -1 && (*nrow) != (*ncol))
1155     {
1156         return (RBIO_DIM_INVALID) ;       /* error: invalid matrix dimensions */
1157     }
1159     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1160     /* matrix header is valid */
1161     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1163     return (0) ;
1164 }
1167 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1168 /* RBread1i:  read a single integer value from the file */
1169 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(read1i)1171 PRIVATE Int RB(read1i)    /* TRUE if OK, false otherwise */
1172 (
1173     FILE *file,         /* file to read from (must be already open) */
1174     char *s,            /* buffer to use */
1175     Int *len,           /* strlen(s) */
1176     Int slen,           /* size of s */
1177     Int *k,             /* read position in s */
1178     Int *x              /* value read from the file */
1179 )
1180 {
1181     /* read the token from the current line */
1182     Int ok = RB(itoken) (s, *len, k, x) ;
1183     if (!ok)
1184     {
1185         /* input line is exhausted; get the next one */
1186         *len = RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
1187         if (*len < 0) return (FALSE) ;
1188         /* read first token from the new line */
1189         *k = 0 ;
1190         ok = RB(itoken) (s, *len, k, x) ;
1191     }
1192     return (ok) ;
1193 }
1196 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1197 /* RBread1x:  read a single real value from the file */
1198 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(read1x)1200 PRIVATE Int RB(read1x)    /* TRUE if OK, false otherwise */
1201 (
1202     FILE *file,         /* file to read from (must be already open) */
1203     char *s,            /* buffer to use */
1204     Int *len,           /* strlen(s) */
1205     Int slen,           /* size of s */
1206     Int *k,             /* read position in s */
1207     double *x           /* value read from the file */
1208 )
1209 {
1210     /* read the token from the current line */
1211     Int ok = RB(xtoken) (s, *len, k, x) ;
1212     if (!ok)
1213     {
1214         /* input line is exhausted; get the next one */
1215         *len = RB(readline) (s, slen, file) ;
1216         if (*len < 0) return (FALSE) ;
1217         /* read first token from the new line */
1218         *k = 0 ;
1219         ok = RB(xtoken) (s, *len, k, x) ;
1220     }
1221     return (ok) ;
1222 }
1225 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1226 /* RBiread:  read n integers from the file */
1227 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(iread)1229 PRIVATE Int RB(iread)     /* TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise */
1230 (
1231     /* input */
1232     FILE *file,         /* file to read from (must be already open) */
1233     Int n,              /* number of integers to read */
1234     Int offset,         /* offset to subtract from each integer */
1236     /* output */
1237     Int *A,             /* read integers from file into A [0..n-1] */
1239     /* input/workspace */
1240     char *s,            /* first line of input may be present in s */
1241     Int slen            /* s is of size slen+1 */
1242 )
1243 {
1244     Int k, len, i, x, ok = TRUE ;
1246     /* the first token will be read from the current line, s, on input */
1247     len = strlen (s) ;
1248     k = 0 ;
1250     for (i = 0 ; ok && i < n ; i++)
1251     {
1252         /* read the next integer */
1253         ok = RB(read1i) (file, s, &len, slen, &k, &x) ;
1254         A [i] = x - offset ;
1255     }
1256     s [0] = '\0' ;      /* ignore remainder of current input string */
1257     return (ok) ;
1258 }
1261 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1262 /* RBxread:  read n real or complex values from the file */
1263 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(xread)1265 PRIVATE Int RB(xread)     /* TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise */
1266 (
1267     /* input */
1268     FILE *file,         /* file to read from (must be already open) */
1269     Int n,              /* number of values to read (2*n if complex) */
1270     Int mkind,          /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
1272     /* output */
1273     double *Ax,         /* read reals from file into Ax [0..n-1] */
1274     double *Az,         /* read reals from file into Az [0..n-1], may be NULL */
1276     /* input/workspace */
1277     char *s,            /* first line of input may be present in s */
1278     Int slen            /* s is of size slen+1 */
1279 )
1280 {
1281     double xr, xz ;
1282     Int k, len, i, ok = TRUE ;
1284     /* the first token will be read from the current line, s, on input */
1285     len = strlen (s) ;
1286     k = 0 ;
1287     xr = 1 ;
1288     xz = 0 ;
1290     for (i = 0 ; ok && i < n ; i++)
1291     {
1292         /* read the real and imaginary part of the kth entry */
1293         if (ok && mkind != 1)
1294         {
1295             /* read the real part, if present */
1296             ok = RB(read1x) (file, s, &len, slen, &k, &xr) ;
1297         }
1298         if (ok && (mkind == 2 || mkind == 4))
1299         {
1300             /* read the imaginary part, if present */
1301             ok = RB(read1x) (file, s, &len, slen, &k, &xz) ;
1302         }
1303         /* store the ith entry in Ax and/or Az */
1304         RB(put_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, i, xr, xz) ;
1305     }
1306     s [0] = '\0' ;      /* ignore remainder of current input string */
1307     return (ok) ;
1308 }
1311 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1312 /* RBread: read a Rutherford/Boeing matrix from a file */
1313 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1315 /*
1316     Space is allocated as needed for the output matrix A, the zero pattern Z,
1317     and required workspace.  To free the result of this function, do on the
1318     following:
1320         if (Ap) free (Ap) ;
1322     or
1324         SuiteSparse_free (Ap) ;
1326     etc, for Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, Zp, and Zi.
1328     Format of the numerical values:
1329     If Ax is NULL on input, only the pattern of the matrix is returned.  If
1330     Ax is not NULL but p_Az is NULL, then the real and imaginary parts (if
1331     complex) are both returned in Ax.  If both Ax and p_Az are non-NULL,
1332     imaginary parts (if present) are returned in Az.
1334     For real and integer matrices (R__, I__), Az is always returned as NULL.
1336     For pattern matrices (P__), Ax and Az are always returned as NULL.
1338     For complex matrices (C__), either Ax is used if p_Az is NULL
1339         (merged-complex) or both Ax and Az are used (split-complex).
1341     Only assembled matrices (__A) are handled.  Finite-element matrices
1342     (__E) are not handled.
1343  */
RB(read)1345 PUBLIC Int RB(read)              /* 0: OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
1346 (
1347     /* input */
1348     char *filename,     /* filename to read from */
1349     Int build_upper,    /* if true, construct upper part for sym. matrices */
1350     Int zero_handling,  /* 0: do nothing, 1: prune zeros, 2: extract zeros */
1352     /* output */
1353     char title [73],
1354     char key [9],
1355     char mtype [4],     /* RUA, RSA, PUA, PSA, RRA, etc */
1356     Int *nrow,          /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
1357     Int *ncol,
1358     Int *mkind,         /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
1359     Int *skind,         /* R: -1, U: 0, S: 1, H: 2, Z: 3 */
1360     Int *asize,         /* Ai array has size asize*sizeof(double) */
1361     Int *znz,           /* number of explicit zeros removed from A */
1363     /* output: these are malloc'ed below and must be freed by the caller */
1364     Int **p_Ap,         /* column pointers of A */
1365     Int **p_Ai,         /* row indices of A */
1366     double **p_Ax,      /* real values (ignored if NULL) of A */
1367     double **p_Az,      /* imaginary values (ignored if NULL) of A */
1368     Int **p_Zp,         /* column pointers of Z */
1369     Int **p_Zi          /* row indices of Z */
1370 )
1371 {
1372     Int nnz, nelnz, status, fem ;
1373     Int *w, *cp, *Ap, *Ai, *Zp, *Zi ;
1374     double *Ax, *Az ;
1375     FILE *file = NULL ;     /* read from stdin if NULL */
1376     int ok ;
1377     char s [SLEN+1], ptrfmt [21], indfmt [21], valfmt [21] ;
1379     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1380     /* check inputs */
1381     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1383     if (p_Ap) *p_Ap = NULL ;
1384     if (p_Ai) *p_Ai = NULL ;
1385     if (p_Ax) *p_Ax = NULL ;
1386     if (p_Az) *p_Az = NULL ;
1387     if (p_Zp) *p_Zp = NULL ;
1388     if (p_Zi) *p_Zi = NULL ;
1390     if (!title || !key || !mtype || !p_Ap || !p_Ai || !nrow || !ncol || !mkind
1391         || !skind || (zero_handling == 2 && (!p_Zp || !p_Zi)) || !znz || !asize)
1392     {
1393         /* one or more required arguments are missing (NULL) */
1394         return (RBIO_ARG_ERROR) ;
1395     }
1397     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1398     /* read the header */
1399     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1401     if (filename)
1402     {
1403         file = fopen (filename, "r") ;
1404         if (file == NULL)
1405         {
1406             return (RBIO_FILE_IOERROR) ;      /* cannot open file */
1407         }
1408     }
1410     status = RB(header) (file, title, key, mtype, nrow, ncol, &nnz, &nelnz,
1411         ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt, mkind, skind, &fem, s, SLEN) ;
1413     /* close the file, so if there is an error the file is not left open */
1414     if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1416     if (status != 0)
1417     {
1418         return (status) ;
1419     }
1421     if (fem)
1422     {
1423         return (RBIO_UNSUPPORTED) ;
1424     }
1426     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1427     /* adjust mkind based on the presence of Ax and Az input arguments */
1428     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1430     if (!p_Ax)
1431     {
1432         /* the numerical values cannot be returned, so this is read as a
1433            pattern-only matrix */
1434         *mkind = 1 ;
1435     }
1437     if (*mkind == 2 && !p_Az)
1438     {
1439         /* The matrix is complex.  If p_Az is NULL, then the imaginary part
1440            will be returned in Ax, and the matrix is thus 4:merged-complex */
1441         *mkind = 4 ;
1442     }
1444     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1445     /* allocate space for A */
1446     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1448     *asize = ((build_upper) ? 2 : 1) * MAX (nnz, 1) ;
1449     Ap = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc ((*ncol) + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1450     Ai = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc (*asize, sizeof (Int)) ;
1451     ok = (Ap != NULL && Ai != NULL) ;
1452     Ax = NULL ;
1453     Az = NULL ;
1454     Zp = NULL ;
1455     Zi = NULL ;
1457     if (*mkind == 0 || *mkind == 3 || *mkind == 1)
1458     {
1459         /* return A as real, integer, or pattern */
1460         if (p_Ax)
1461         {
1462             Ax = (double *) SuiteSparse_malloc (*asize, sizeof (double)) ;
1463             ok = ok && (Ax != NULL) ;
1464         }
1465     }
1466     else if (*mkind == 2)
1467     {
1468         /* return A as split-complex */
1469         Ax = (double *) SuiteSparse_malloc (*asize, sizeof (double)) ;
1470         Az = (double *) SuiteSparse_malloc (*asize, sizeof (double)) ;
1471         ok = ok && (Ax != NULL && Az != NULL) ;
1472     }
1473     else /* if (*mkind == 4) */
1474     {
1475         /* return A as merged-complex */
1476         Ax = (double *) SuiteSparse_malloc (*asize, 2*sizeof (double)) ;
1477         ok = ok && (Ax != NULL) ;
1478     }
1480     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1481     /* allocate workspace */
1482     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1484     cp = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc ((*ncol) + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1485     w  = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc (MAX (*nrow, *ncol) + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1486     ok = ok && (cp != NULL && w != NULL) ;
1488     if (!ok)
1489     {
1490         FREE_ALL ;
1491         return (RBIO_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
1492     }
1494     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1495     /* read the matrix */
1496     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1498     if (filename)
1499     {
1500         file = fopen (filename, "r") ;
1501         if (file == NULL)
1502         {
1503             FREE_ALL ;
1504             return (RBIO_FILE_IOERROR) ;      /* cannot reopen file */
1505         }
1506     }
1508     status = RB(read2) (file, *nrow, *ncol, nnz, *mkind, *skind, build_upper,
1509         Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, w, cp, s, SLEN) ;
1511     if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1513     if (status != 0)
1514     {
1515         FREE_ALL ;
1516         return (status) ;
1517     }
1519     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1520     /* free workspace */
1521     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1523     FREE_WORK ;
1525     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1526     /* prune or extract exact zeros */
1527     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1529     if (zero_handling == 2)
1530     {
1531         /* allocate the Z matrix */
1532         *znz = RB(zcount) (Ap [*ncol], *mkind, Ax, Az) ;
1533         Zp = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc ((*ncol) + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1534         Zi = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc (*znz, sizeof (Int)) ;
1535         if (Zp == NULL || Zi == NULL)
1536         {
1537             FREE_ALL ;
1538             return (RBIO_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
1539         }
1540         /* remove zeros from A and store their pattern in Z */
1541         RB(extract) (*ncol, *mkind, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, Zp, Zi) ;
1542     }
1543     else if (zero_handling == 1)
1544     {
1545         /* remove zeros from A and discard them */
1546         *znz = RB(extract) (*ncol, *mkind, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, NULL, NULL) ;
1547     }
1548     else
1549     {
1550         *znz = 0 ;
1551     }
1553     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1554     /* return results */
1555     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1557     if (p_Ap) *p_Ap = Ap ;
1558     if (p_Ai) *p_Ai = Ai ;
1559     if (p_Ax) *p_Ax = Ax ;
1560     if (p_Az) *p_Az = Az ;
1561     if (p_Zp) *p_Zp = Zp ;
1562     if (p_Zi) *p_Zi = Zi ;
1563     return (RBIO_OK) ;
1564 }
1567 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1568 /* RBreadraw: read the raw contents of a Rutherford/Boeing file */
1569 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(readraw)1571 PUBLIC Int RB(readraw)           /* 0: OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
1572 (
1573     /* input */
1574     char *filename,     /* filename to read from */
1576     /* output */
1577     char title [73],
1578     char key [9],
1579     char mtype [4],     /* RUA, RSA, PUA, PSA, RRA, etc */
1580     Int *nrow,          /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
1581     Int *ncol,
1582     Int *nnz,           /* size of Ai */
1583     Int *nelnz,
1584     Int *mkind,         /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
1585     Int *skind,         /* R: -1, U: 0, S: 1, H: 2, Z: 3 */
1586     Int *fem,           /* 0:__A, 1:__E */
1587     Int *xsize,         /* size of Ax */
1589     /* output: these are malloc'ed below and must be freed by the caller */
1590     Int **p_Ap,         /* size ncol+1, column pointers of A */
1591     Int **p_Ai,         /* size nnz, row indices of A */
1592     double **p_Ax       /* size xsize, numerical values of A */
1593 )
1594 {
1595     FILE *file = NULL ; /* read from stdin if NULL */
1596     Int *Ap, *Ai ;
1597     double *Ax ;
1598     Int status ;
1599     int ok ;
1600     char s [SLEN+1], ptrfmt [21], indfmt [21], valfmt [21] ;
1602     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1603     /* check inputs */
1604     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1606     if (p_Ap) *p_Ap = NULL ;
1607     if (p_Ai) *p_Ai = NULL ;
1608     if (p_Ax) *p_Ax = NULL ;
1610     if (!title || !key || !mtype || !nrow || !ncol || !nnz || !nelnz || !mkind
1611         || !skind || !fem || !xsize || !p_Ap || !p_Ai || !p_Ax)
1612     {
1613         /* one or more required arguments are missing (NULL) */
1614         return (RBIO_ARG_ERROR) ;
1615     }
1617     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1618     /* read the header */
1619     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1621     if (filename)
1622     {
1623         file = fopen (filename, "r") ;
1624         if (file == NULL)
1625         {
1626             return (RBIO_FILE_IOERROR) ;      /* cannot open file */
1627         }
1628     }
1630     status = RB(header) (file, title, key, mtype, nrow, ncol, nnz, nelnz,
1631         ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt, mkind, skind, fem, s, SLEN) ;
1633     /* close the file, so if there is an error the file is not left open */
1634     if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1636     if (status != 0)
1637     {
1638         return (status) ;
1639     }
1641     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1642     /* allocate space for Ap, Ai, and Ax */
1643     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1645     Ap = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc ((*ncol) + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1646     Ai = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc (*nnz, sizeof (Int)) ;
1647     ok = (Ap != NULL && Ai != NULL) ;
1649     if (*mkind == 1)
1650     {
1651         /* A is pattern-only */
1652         *xsize = 0 ;
1653         Ax = NULL ;
1654     }
1655     else
1656     {
1657         /* A has numerical values */
1658         *xsize = ((*fem) ? (*nelnz) : (*nnz)) * (((*mkind) == 2) ? 2 : 1) ;
1659         Ax = (double *) SuiteSparse_malloc (*xsize, sizeof (double)) ;
1660         ok = ok && (Ax != NULL) ;
1661     }
1663     if (!ok)
1664     {
1665         FREE_RAW ;
1666         return (RBIO_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
1667     }
1669     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1670     /* read the matrix */
1671     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1673     if (filename)
1674     {
1675         file = fopen (filename, "r") ;
1676         if (file == NULL)
1677         {
1678             FREE_RAW ;
1679             return (RBIO_FILE_IOERROR) ;        /* cannot reopen file */
1680         }
1681         RB(skipheader) (s, SLEN, file) ;        /* skip past the header */
1682     }
1684     if (!RB(iread) (file, (*ncol)+1, 1, Ap, s, SLEN))
1685     {
1686         FREE_RAW ;
1687         if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1688         return (RBIO_CP_IOERROR) ;      /* I/O error reading column pointers */
1689     }
1691     if (!RB(iread) (file, *nnz, 1, Ai, s, SLEN))
1692     {
1693         FREE_RAW ;
1694         if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1695         return (RBIO_ROW_IOERROR) ;     /* I/O error reading row indices */
1696     }
1698     if (*mkind != 1)
1699     {
1700         if (!RB(xread) (file, *xsize, 0, Ax, NULL, s, SLEN))
1701         {
1702             FREE_RAW ;
1703             if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1704             return (RBIO_VALUE_IOERROR) ;     /* I/O error reading values */
1705         }
1706     }
1708     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1709     /* return results */
1710     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1712     if (p_Ap) *p_Ap = Ap ;
1713     if (p_Ai) *p_Ai = Ai ;
1714     if (p_Ax) *p_Ax = Ax ;
1715     if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1716     return (RBIO_OK) ;
1717 }
1720 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1721 /* RBfix_mkind_in: adjust mkind_in, based on presence of Ax and Az */
1722 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(fix_mkind_in)1724 PRIVATE Int RB(fix_mkind_in)      /* return revised mkind */
1725 (
1726     Int mkind_in,       /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
1727     double *Ax,
1728     double *Az
1729 )
1730 {
1731     if (!Ax)
1732     {
1733         /* matrix must be 1:pattern */
1734         mkind_in = 1 ;
1735     }
1736     if (mkind_in == 2 && !Az)
1737     {
1738         /* matrix must be 4:merged-complex */
1739         mkind_in = 4 ;
1740     }
1741     return (mkind_in) ;
1742 }
1745 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1746 /* RBwrite */
1747 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(write)1749 PUBLIC Int RB(write)         /* 0:OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
1750 (
1751     /* input */
1752     char *filename, /* filename to write to (stdout if NULL) */
1753     char *title,    /* title (72 char max), may be NULL */
1754     char *key,      /* key (8 char max), may be NULL */
1755     Int nrow,       /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
1756     Int ncol,
1757     Int *Ap,        /* size ncol+1, column pointers */
1758     Int *Ai,        /* size anz=Ap[ncol], row indices (sorted) */
1759     double *Ax,     /* size anz or 2*anz, numerical values (binary if NULL) */
1760     double *Az,     /* size anz, imaginary part (real if NULL) */
1761     Int *Zp,        /* size ncol+1, column pointers for Z (or NULL) */
1762     Int *Zi,        /* size znz=Zp[ncol], row indices for Z (or NULL) */
1763     Int mkind_in,   /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
1765     /* output */
1766     char mtype [4]  /* matrix type (RUA, RSA, etc), may be NULL */
1767 )
1768 {
1769     double xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax ;
1770     Int *w, *cp ;
1771     FILE *file = NULL ;     /* write to stdout if NULL */
1772     Int mkind, skind, zmkind, zskind, nnz2, vals, valn, indn, ptrn, valcrd,
1773         indcrd, ptrcrd, totcrd, anz, is_int, fmt, nbuf, j, njumbled, nzeros,
1774         znz, asize, status, nelnz = 0 ;
1775     int ok ;
1776     char zmtype [4], indfmt [21], indcfm [21], valfmt [21], valcfm [21],
1777         ptrfmt [21], ptrcfm [21], mtype2 [4] ;
1779     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1780     /* check inputs */
1781     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1783     if (!title || !key || !Ap || !Ax)
1784     {
1785         /* one or more required arguments are missing (NULL) */
1786         return (RBIO_ARG_ERROR) ;
1787     }
1789     mkind_in = RB(fix_mkind_in) (mkind_in, Ax, Az) ;
1791     anz = Ap ? (Ap [MAX (ncol,0)]) : 1 ;
1792     status = RB(ok) (nrow, ncol, anz, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, NULL, mkind_in,
1793         &njumbled, &nzeros) ;
1794     if (status != RBIO_OK)
1795     {
1796         /* A matrix is corrupted */
1797         return (status) ;
1798     }
1800     if (Zp != NULL)
1801     {
1802         znz = Zp [MAX (ncol,0)] ;
1803         status = RB(ok) (nrow, ncol, znz, Zp, Zi, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3,
1804             &njumbled, &nzeros) ;
1805         if (status != RBIO_OK)
1806         {
1807             /* Z matrix is corrupted */
1808             return (status) ;
1809         }
1810     }
1812     if (mtype == NULL)
1813     {
1814         /* use internal array for mtype; do not return to caller */
1815         mtype = mtype2 ;
1816     }
1818     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1819     /* clear the format strings */
1820     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1822     RB(fill) (valfmt, 20, ' ') ;
1823     RB(fill) (valcfm, 20, ' ') ;
1824     RB(fill) (indfmt, 20, ' ') ;
1825     RB(fill) (indcfm, 20, ' ') ;
1826     RB(fill) (ptrfmt, 20, ' ') ;
1827     RB(fill) (ptrcfm, 20, ' ') ;
1828     indn = 0 ;
1829     valn = 0 ;
1830     ptrn = 0 ;
1832     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1833     /* allocate workspace */
1834     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1836     w  = SuiteSparse_malloc (MAX (nrow, ncol) + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1837     cp = SuiteSparse_malloc (ncol + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1838     if (cp == NULL || w == NULL)
1839     {
1840         FREE_WORK ;
1841         return (RBIO_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
1842     }
1844     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1845     /* determine the matrix type (RSA, RUA, etc) of A+Z */
1846     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1848     RB(kind) (nrow, ncol, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, mkind_in, &mkind, &skind, mtype,
1849         &xmin, &xmax, cp) ;
1851     /* now use mkind instead of mkind_in */
1853     if (Zp != NULL && Zp [ncol] == 0)
1854     {
1855         /* Z has no entries; ignore it */
1856         Zp = NULL ;
1857         Zi = NULL ;
1858     }
1860     if (Zp != NULL)
1861     {
1862         /* determine if Z is symmetric or not */
1863         RB(kind) (nrow, ncol, Zp, Zi, NULL, NULL, 3, &zmkind, &zskind, zmtype,
1864             &zmin, &zmax, cp) ;
1865         if (zskind == 0)
1866         {
1867             /* Z is square and unsymmetric; force A unsymmetric too */
1868             mtype [1] = 'u' ;
1869             skind = 0 ;
1870         }
1871     }
1873     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1874     /* determine the required precision for the numerical values */
1875     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1877     asize = ((mkind == 4) ? 2 : 1) * anz ;
1878     is_int = (mkind == 3) ;
1879     if (mkind != 1)
1880     {
1881         /* A is real, split-complex, integer or merged-complex: check Ax */
1882         fmt = RB(format) (asize, Ax, is_int, xmin, xmax, 0,
1883             valfmt, valcfm, &valn) ;
1884     }
1885     if (mkind == 2)
1886     {
1887         /* A is split-complex: check Az */
1888         fmt = RB(format) (anz, Az, FALSE, 0, 0, fmt, valfmt, valcfm, &valn) ;
1889     }
1891     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1892     /* determine the number of entries in the matrix A+Z */
1893     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1895     /* task 1 does not write to the file */
1896     ok = RB(writeTask) (NULL, 1, nrow, ncol, mkind, skind, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, Zp,
1897         Zi, indcfm, indn, valcfm, valn, &nnz2, w, cp) ;
1898     if (nnz2 <= 0)
1899     {
1900         FREE_WORK ;
1901         return (RBIO_DIM_INVALID) ;   /* matrix has no entries to print */
1902     }
1904     /* determine pointer format.  ncol+1 integers, in range 1 to nnz2+1 */
1905     RB(iformat) (1, nnz2+1, ptrfmt, ptrcfm, &ptrn) ;
1906     ptrcrd = RB(cards) (ncol+1, ptrn) ;
1908     /* determine row index format.  nnz2 integers, in range 1 to nrow */
1909     RB(iformat) (1, nrow, indfmt, indcfm, &indn) ;
1910     indcrd = RB(cards) (nnz2, indn) ;
1912     /* determine how many lines for the numerical values */
1913     if (mkind == 0 || mkind == 3)
1914     {
1915         /* real or integer */
1916         vals = 1 ;
1917     }
1918     else if (mkind == 1)
1919     {
1920         /* pattern */
1921         vals = 0 ;
1922     }
1923     else
1924     {
1925         /* complex (merged or split) */
1926         vals = 2 ;
1927     }
1928     valcrd = RB(cards) (vals*nnz2, valn) ;
1930     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1931     /* determine total number of cards */
1932     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1934     totcrd = ptrcrd + indcrd + valcrd ;
1936     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1937     /* open the file */
1938     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1940     if (filename)
1941     {
1942         file = fopen (filename, "w") ;
1943         if (file == NULL)
1944         {
1945             FREE_WORK ;
1946             return (RBIO_FILE_IOERROR) ;      /* cannot open file */
1947         }
1948     }
1950     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1951     /* write the header */
1952     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1954     ok = fprintf (file, "%-71.71s|%-8.8s\n",
1955         title ? title : "", key ? key : "") > 0;
1956     ok = ok && fprintf (file, "%14" IDD "%14" IDD "%14" IDD "%14" IDD "\n",
1957         totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd) > 0 ;
1958     ok = ok && fprintf (file,
1959         "%3s           %14" IDD "%14" IDD "%14" IDD "%14" IDD "\n",
1960         mtype, nrow, ncol, nnz2, nelnz) > 0 ;
1961     ok = ok && fprintf (file, "%.16s%.16s%.20s\n", ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt) > 0 ;
1962     if (!ok)
1963     {
1964         /* file I/O error */
1965         FREE_WORK ;
1966         if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1967         return (RBIO_HEADER_IOERROR) ;
1968     }
1970     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1971     /* write the column pointers (convert to 1-based) */
1972     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1974     nbuf = 0 ;
1975     for (j = 0 ; ok && j <= ncol ; j++)
1976     {
1977         ok = RB(iprint) (file, ptrcfm, 1+ cp [j], ptrn, &nbuf) ;
1978     }
1979     ok = ok && fprintf (file, "\n") > 0 ;
1980     if (!ok)
1981     {
1982         /* file I/O error */
1983         FREE_WORK ;
1984         if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1985         return (RBIO_CP_IOERROR) ;
1986     }
1988     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1989     /* write the row indices (convert to 1-based) */
1990     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1992     ok = RB(writeTask) (file, 2, nrow, ncol, mkind, skind, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az,
1993         Zp, Zi, indcfm, indn, valcfm, valn, &nnz2, w, cp) ;
1994     if (!ok)
1995     {
1996         /* file I/O error */
1997         FREE_WORK ;
1998         if (filename) fclose (file) ;
1999         return (RBIO_ROW_IOERROR) ;
2000     }
2002     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2003     /* write the numerical values */
2004     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2006     if (mkind != 1)
2007     {
2008         ok = RB(writeTask) (file, 3, nrow, ncol, mkind, skind, Ap, Ai,
2009             Ax, Az, Zp, Zi, indcfm, indn, valcfm, valn, &nnz2, w, cp) ;
2010     }
2012     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2013     /* free workspace and close the file */
2014     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2016     FREE_WORK ;
2017     if (filename) fclose (file) ;
2018     return (ok ? RBIO_OK : RBIO_VALUE_IOERROR) ;
2019 }
2022 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2023 /* RBkind: determine the type of a sparse matrix */
2024 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(kind)2026 PUBLIC Int RB(kind)          /* 0: OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
2027 (
2028     /* input */
2029     Int nrow,       /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
2030     Int ncol,
2031     Int *Ap,        /* Ap [0...ncol]: column pointers */
2032     Int *Ai,        /* Ai [0...nnz-1]: row indices */
2033     double *Ax,     /* Ax [0...nnz-1]: real values.  Az holds imaginary part */
2034     double *Az,     /* if real, Az is NULL. if complex, Az is non-NULL */
2035     Int mkind_in,   /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
2037     /* output */
2038     Int *mkind,     /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
2039     Int *skind,     /* r: -1 (rectangular), u: 0 (unsymmetric), s: 1 symmetric,
2040                        h: 2 (Hermitian), z: 3 (skew symmetric) */
2041     char mtype [4], /* rua, psa, rra, cha, etc */
2042     double *xmin,   /* smallest value */
2043     double *xmax,   /* largest value */
2045     /* workspace: allocated internally if NULL */
2046     Int *cp         /* workspace of size ncol+1, undefined on input and output*/
2047 )
2048 {
2049     Int nnz, is_h, is_z, is_s, k, p, i, j, pt, get_workspace ;
2050     Int *w = NULL ;
2051     double aij_real, aij_imag, aji_real, aji_imag ;
2053     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2054     /* check inputs */
2055     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2057     if (!Ap || !Ai || !mkind || !skind || !mtype || !xmin || !xmax
2058         || ncol < 0 || nrow < 0)
2059     {
2060         /* one or more required arguments are missing (NULL) or invalid */
2061         return (RBIO_ARG_ERROR) ;
2062     }
2064     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2065     /* allocate workspace, if needed */
2066     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2068     get_workspace = (cp == NULL) ;
2069     if (get_workspace)
2070     {
2071         cp = (Int *) SuiteSparse_malloc (ncol + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
2072     }
2073     if (cp == NULL)
2074     {
2075         return (RBIO_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
2076     }
2078     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2079     /* determine numeric type (I*A, R*A, P*A, C*A) */
2080     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2082     mkind_in = RB(fix_mkind_in) (mkind_in, Ax, Az) ;
2084     mtype [3] = '\0' ;
2085     nnz = Ap [ncol] ;
2086     *xmin = 0 ;
2087     *xmax = 0 ;
2089     if (mkind_in == 2 || mkind_in == 4)
2090     {
2091         /* A is a complex matrix (C*A), split or merged */
2092         mtype [0] = 'c' ;
2093         *mkind = mkind_in ;
2094     }
2095     else if (mkind_in == 1)
2096     {
2097         /* A is a pattern-only matrix (P*A) */
2098         mtype [0] = 'p' ;
2099         *mkind = 1 ;
2100     }
2101     else
2102     {
2103         /* The input matrix A is said to be 0:real or 3:integer, */
2104         /* Ax is not NULL */
2106         /* select P** format if all entries are equal to 1 */
2107         /* select I** format if all entries are integer and */
2108         /* between -99,999,999 and +999,999,999 */
2110         Int is_p = TRUE ;
2111         Int is_int = TRUE ;
2112         *xmin = Ax [0] ;
2113         *xmax = Ax [0] ;
2115         for (p = 0 ; (is_p || is_int) && p < nnz ; p++)
2116         {
2117             if (is_p)
2118             {
2119                 if (Ax [p] != 1)
2120                 {
2121                     is_p = FALSE ;
2122                 }
2123             }
2124             if (is_int)
2125             {
2126                 double x = Ax [p] ;
2127                 k = (Int) x ;
2128                 *xmin = MIN (x, *xmin) ;
2129                 *xmax = MAX (x, *xmax) ;
2130                 if (((double) k) != x)
2131                 {
2132                     /* the entry is not an integer */
2133                     is_int = FALSE ;
2134                 }
2135 		if (x < -99999999 || x >= 999999999)
2136                 {
2137                     /* use real format for really big integers */
2138                     is_int = FALSE ;
2139                 }
2140             }
2141         }
2143         if (is_p)
2144         {
2145             /* pattern-only matrix (P*A) */
2146             mtype [0] = 'p' ;
2147             *mkind = 1 ;
2148         }
2149         else if (is_int)
2150         {
2151             /* integer matrix (I*A) */
2152             mtype [0] = 'i' ;
2153             *mkind = 3 ;
2154         }
2155         else
2156         {
2157             /* real matrix (R*A) */
2158             mtype [0] = 'r' ;
2159             *mkind = 0 ;
2160         }
2161     }
2163     /* only assembled matrices are handled */
2164     mtype [2] = 'a' ;
2166     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2167     /* determine symmetry (*RA, *UA, *SA, *HA, *ZA) */
2168     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2170     /* Note that A must have sorted columns for this method to work.  */
2172     if (nrow != ncol)
2173     {
2174         /* rectangular matrix (*RA), no need to check values or pattern */
2175         mtype [1] = 'r' ;
2176         *skind = -1 ;
2177         if (get_workspace) FREE_WORK ;
2178         return (RBIO_OK) ;
2179     }
2181     /* if complex, the matrix is Hermitian until proven otherwise */
2182     is_h = (*mkind == 2 || *mkind == 4) ;
2184     /* the matrix is symmetric until proven otherwise */
2185     is_s = TRUE ;
2187     /* a non-pattern matrix is skew symmetric until proven otherwise */
2188     is_z = (*mkind != 1) ;
2190     /* if this method returns early, the matrix is unsymmetric */
2191     mtype [1] = 'u' ;
2192     *skind = 0 ;
2194     /* initialize the munch pointers (cp) */
2195     for (j = 0 ; j <= ncol ; j++)
2196     {
2197         cp [j] = Ap [j] ;
2198     }
2200     for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
2201     {
2203         /* consider all entries not yet munched in column j */
2204         for (p = cp [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
2205         {
2206             /* get the row index of A(i,j) */
2207             i = Ai [p] ;
2209             if (i < j)
2210             {
2211                 /* entry A(i,j) is unmatched, matrix is unsymmetric */
2212                 if (get_workspace) FREE_WORK ;
2213                 return (RBIO_OK) ;
2214             }
2216             /* get the A(j,i) entry, if it exists, and munch it */
2217             pt = cp [i]++ ;
2219             if (pt >= Ap [i+1] || Ai [pt] != j)
2220             {
2221                 /* entry A(j,i) doesn't exist, matrix is unsymmetric */
2222                 if (get_workspace) FREE_WORK ;
2223                 return (RBIO_OK) ;
2224             }
2226             /* A(j,i) exists; check its value with A(i,j) */
2227             RB(get_entry) (*mkind, Ax, Az, p,  &aij_real, &aij_imag) ;
2228             RB(get_entry) (*mkind, Ax, Az, pt, &aji_real, &aji_imag) ;
2230             if (aij_real != aji_real || aij_imag != aji_imag)
2231             {
2232                 is_s = FALSE ;      /* the matrix cannot be *SA */
2233             }
2234             if (aij_real != -aji_real || aij_imag != -aji_imag)
2235             {
2236                 is_z = FALSE ;      /* the matrix cannot be *ZA */
2237             }
2238             if (aij_real != aji_real || aij_imag != -aji_imag)
2239             {
2240                 is_h = FALSE ;      /* the matrix cannot be *HA */
2241             }
2243             if (! (is_s || is_z || is_h))
2244             {
2245                 /* matrix is unsymmetric; terminate the test */
2246                 if (get_workspace) FREE_WORK ;
2247                 return (RBIO_OK) ;
2248             }
2249         }
2250     }
2252     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2253     /* return the symmetry */
2254     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2256     if (is_h)
2257     {
2258         /* Hermitian matrix (*HA) */
2259         mtype [1] = 'h' ;
2260         *skind = 2 ;
2261     }
2262     else if (is_s)
2263     {
2264         /* symmetric matrix (*SA) */
2265         mtype [1] = 's' ;
2266         *skind = 1 ;
2267     }
2268     else if (is_z)
2269     {
2270         /* skew symmetric matrix (*ZA) */
2271         mtype [1] = 'z' ;
2272         *skind = 3 ;
2273     }
2275     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2276     /* free workspace, if allocated */
2277     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2279     if (get_workspace) FREE_WORK ;
2280     return (RBIO_OK) ;
2281 }
2284 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2285 /* RBwrite data formats */
2286 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2288 #define NFORMAT 19
2290 /* Fortran formats */
2291 static char *F_format [NFORMAT] = {
2292     "(8E9.1)             ",
2293     "(8E10.2)            ",
2294     "(7E11.3)            ",
2295     "(6E12.4)            ",
2296     "(6E13.5)            ",
2297     "(5E14.6)            ",
2298     "(5E15.7)            ",
2299     "(5E16.8)            ",
2300     "(4E17.9)            ",
2301     "(4E18.10)           ",
2302     "(4E19.11)           ",
2303     "(4E20.12)           ",
2304     "(3E21.13)           ",
2305     "(3E22.14)           ",
2306     "(3E23.15)           ",
2307     "(3E24.16)           ",
2308     "(3E25.17)           ",
2309     "(3E26.18)           ",
2310     "(2E30.18E3)         " } ;
2312 /* corresponding C formats to use */
2313 static char *C_format [NFORMAT] = {
2314     "%9.1E",
2315     "%10.2E",
2316     "%11.3E",
2317     "%12.4E",
2318     "%13.5E",
2319     "%14.6E",
2320     "%15.7E",
2321     "%16.8E",
2322     "%17.9E",
2323     "%18.10E",
2324     "%19.11E",
2325     "%20.12E",
2326     "%21.13E",
2327     "%22.14E",
2328     "%23.15E",
2329     "%24.16E",
2330     "%25.17E",
2331     "%26.18E",
2332     "%30.18E" } ;
2334 /* Number of entries per line for each of the formats */
2335 static Int entries_per_line [NFORMAT] = {
2336     8,
2337     8,
2338     7,
2339     6,
2340     6,
2341     5,
2342     5,
2343     5,
2344     4,
2345     4,
2346     4,
2347     4,
2348     3,
2349     3,
2350     3,
2351     3,
2352     3,
2353     3,
2354     2} ;
2357 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2358 /* RBformat: determine the format required for an array of values */
2359 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2361 /*
2362     This function ensures that a sufficiently wide format is used that
2363     accurately represent the data.  It also ensures that when printed,
2364     the numerical values all have at least one blank space between them.
2365 */
RB(format)2367 PRIVATE Int RB(format)  /* return format to use (index in F_, C_format) */
2368 (
2369     /* input */
2370     Int nnz,            /* number of nonzeros */
2371     double *x,          /* of size nnz */
2372     Int is_int,         /* true if integer format is to be used */
2373     double xmin,        /* minimum value of x */
2374     double xmax,        /* maximum value of x */
2375     Int fmt,            /* initial format to use (index into F_format, ...) */
2377     /* output */
2378     char valfmt [21],   /* Fortran format to use */
2379     char valcfm [21],   /* C format to use */
2380     Int *valn           /* number of entries per line */
2381 )
2382 {
2383     Int i ;
2384     double a, b ;
2385     char s [1024] ;
2387     if (is_int)
2388     {
2390         /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
2391         /* use an integer format */
2392         /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
2394         RB(iformat) (xmin, xmax, valfmt, valcfm, valn) ;
2395         return (-1) ;
2397     }
2398     else
2399     {
2401         /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
2402         /* find the required precision for a real or complex matrix */
2403         /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
2405         fmt = 0 ;
2406         for (i = 0 ; i < nnz ; i++)
2407         {
2409             /* determine if the matrix has huge values, tiny values, or NaN's */
2410             a = ABS (x [i]) ;
2411             if (a != 0)
2412             {
2413                 if (ISNAN (a) || a < 1e-90 || a > 1e90)
2414                 {
2415                     fmt = NFORMAT-1 ;
2416                     break ;
2417                 }
2418             }
2420             a = x ? x [i] : 1 ;
2421             for ( ; fmt < NFORMAT-1 ; fmt++)
2422             {
2423                 /* write the value to a string, read back in, and check,
2424                  * using the kth format */
2425                 sprintf (s, C_format [fmt], a) ;
2426                 b = 0 ;
2427                 sscanf (s, "%lg", &b) ;
2428                 if (s [0] == ' ' && a == b)
2429                 {
2430                     /* success, use this format (or wider) for all numbers */
2431                     break ;
2432                 }
2433             }
2434         }
2436         strncpy (valfmt, F_format [fmt], 21) ;
2437         strncpy (valcfm, C_format [fmt], 21) ;
2438         *valn = entries_per_line [fmt] ;
2439         return (fmt) ;
2440     }
2441 }
2444 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2445 /* RBwriteTask: write portions of the matrix to the file */
2446 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2448 /*
2449    task 0: just count the total number of entries in the matrix.  No file I/O.
2450    task 1: do task 0, and also construct w and cp.  No file I/O.
2451    task 2: write the row indices
2452    task 3: write the numerical values
2453 */
RB(writeTask)2455 PRIVATE Int RB(writeTask)     /* returns TRUE if successful, FALSE on failure */
2456 (
2457     /* input */
2458     FILE *file,     /* file to print to (already open) */
2459     Int task,       /* 0 to 3 (see above) */
2460     Int nrow,       /* A is nrow-by-ncol */
2461     Int ncol,
2462     Int mkind,      /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
2463     Int skind,      /* -1:rect, 0:unsym, 1:sym, 2:hermitian, 3:skew */
2464     Int *Ap,        /* size ncol+1, column pointers */
2465     Int *Ai,        /* size anz=Ap[ncol], row indices */
2466     double *Ax,     /* size anz, real values */
2467     double *Az,     /* size anz, imaginary part (may be NULL) */
2468     Int *Zp,        /* size ncol+1, column pointers for Z (may be NULL) */
2469     Int *Zi,        /* size Zp[ncol], row indices for Z */
2470     char *indcfm,   /* C format for indices */
2471     Int indn,       /* # of indices per line */
2472     char *valcfm,   /* C format for values */
2473     Int valn,       /* # of values per line */
2475     /* output */
2476     Int *nnz,           /* number of entries that will be printed to the file */
2478     /* workspace */
2479     Int *w,         /* size MAX(nrow,ncol)+1 */
2480     Int *cp         /* size ncol+1 */
2481 )
2482 {
2483     double xr, xz ;
2484     Int j, pa, pz, paend, pzend, ia, iz, i, nbuf, ok ;
2486     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2487     /* clear the nonzero counts */
2488     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2490     *nnz = 0 ;
2491     for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
2492     {
2493         w [j] = 0 ;
2494     }
2496     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2497     /* print, or count, each column */
2498     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2500     nbuf = 0 ;      /* number of characters in current line */
2501     ok = TRUE ;
2502     for (j = 0 ; ok && j < ncol ; j++)
2503     {
2505         /* find the set union of A (:,j) and Z (:,j) */
2506         pa = Ap [j] ;
2507         pz = Zp ? Zp [j] : 0 ;
2508         paend = Ap [j+1] ;
2509         pzend = Zp ? Zp [j+1] : 0 ;
2511         /* repeat while entries still exist in A(:,j) or Z(:,j) */
2512         while (ok)
2513         {
2514             /* get the next entry from A(:,j) */
2515             ia = (pa < paend) ? Ai [pa] : nrow ;
2517             /* get the next entry from Z(:,j) */
2518             iz = (pz < pzend) ? Zi [pz] : nrow ;
2520             /* exit loop if neither entry is present */
2521             if (ia >= nrow && iz >= nrow) break ;
2523             if (ia < iz)
2524             {
2525                 /* get A (i,j) */
2526                 i = ia ;
2527                 RB(get_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, pa, &xr, &xz) ;
2528                 pa++ ;
2529             }
2530             else if (iz < ia)
2531             {
2532                 /* get Z (i,j) */
2533                 i = iz ;
2534                 xr = 0 ;
2535                 xz = 0 ;
2536                 pz++ ;
2537             }
2538             else
2539             {
2540                 /* get A (i,j), and delete its matched Z(i,j) */
2541                 i = ia ;
2542                 RB(get_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, pa, &xr, &xz) ;
2543                 pa++ ;
2544                 pz++ ;
2545             }
2547             if (skind <= 0 || i >= j)
2548             {
2549                 /* consider the (i,j) entry with value (xr,xz) */
2550                 (*nnz)++ ;
2551                 if (task == 1)
2552                 {
2553                     /* only determining nonzero counts */
2554                     w [j]++ ;
2555                 }
2556                 else if (task == 2)
2557                 {
2558                     /* printing the row indices (convert to 1-based) */
2559                     ok = RB(iprint) (file, indcfm, 1+ i, indn, &nbuf) ;
2560                 }
2561                 else if (task == 3)
2562                 {
2563                     /* printing the numerical values */
2564                     ok = RB(xprint) (file, valcfm, xr, valn, mkind, &nbuf) ;
2565                     if (ok && (mkind == 2 || mkind == 4))
2566                     {
2567                         ok = RB(xprint) (file, valcfm, xz, valn, mkind, &nbuf) ;
2568                     }
2569                 }
2570             }
2571         }
2572     }
2574     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2575     /* determine the new column pointers, or finish printing */
2576     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2578     if (ok)
2579     {
2580         if (task == 1)
2581         {
2582             cp [0] = 0 ;
2583             for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
2584             {
2585                 cp [j+1] = cp [j] + w [j] ;
2586             }
2587         }
2588         else
2589         {
2590             ok = (fprintf (file ? file : stdout, "\n") > 0) ;
2591         }
2592     }
2593     return (ok) ;
2594 }
2597 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2598 /* RBiprint: print one integer value to the file */
2599 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(iprint)2601 PRIVATE Int RB(iprint)        /* returns TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise */
2602 (
2603     /* input */
2604     FILE *file,             /* which file to write to */
2605     char *indcfm,           /* C format to use */
2606     Int i,                  /* value to write */
2607     Int indn,               /* number of entries to write per line */
2609     /* input/output */
2610     Int *nbuf               /* number of entries written to current line */
2611 )
2612 {
2613     Int ok = TRUE ;
2614     if (!file) file = stdout ;                  /* file defaults to stdout */
2615     if (*nbuf >= indn)
2616     {
2617         *nbuf = 0 ;
2618         ok = (fprintf (file, "\n") > 0) ;
2619     }
2620     ok = ok && (fprintf (file, indcfm, i) > 0) ;
2621     (*nbuf)++ ;
2622     return (ok) ;
2623 }
2626 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2627 /* RBxprint: print one real value to the file */
2628 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(xprint)2630 PRIVATE Int RB(xprint)    /* returns TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise */
2631 (
2632     /* input */
2633     FILE *file,         /* which file to write to */
2634     char *valcfm,       /* C format to use */
2635     double x,           /* value to write */
2636     Int valn,           /* number of entries to write per line */
2637     Int mkind,          /* 0:R, 1:P: 2:Csplit, 3:I, 4:Cmerged */
2639     /* input/output */
2640     Int *nbuf           /* number of entries written to current line */
2641 )
2642 {
2643     Int ok = TRUE ;
2644     if (!file) file = stdout ;                  /* file defaults to stdout */
2645     if (mkind == 3)
2646     {
2647         /* write out the value as an integer */
2648         ok = RB(iprint) (file, valcfm, (Int) x, valn, nbuf) ;
2649     }
2650     else
2651     {
2652         /* write out the value as a real */
2653         if (*nbuf >= valn)
2654         {
2655             *nbuf = 0 ;
2656             ok = (fprintf (file, "\n") > 0) ;
2657         }
2658         ok = ok && (fprintf (file, valcfm, x) > 0) ;
2659         (*nbuf)++ ;
2660     }
2661     return (ok) ;
2662 }
2665 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2666 /* RBiformat: determine format for printing an integer */
2667 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(iformat)2669 PRIVATE void RB(iformat)
2670 (
2671     /* input */
2672     double xmin,            /* smallest integer to print */
2673     double xmax,            /* largest integer to print */
2675     /* output */
2676     char indfmt [21],       /* Fortran format to use */
2677     char indcfm [21],       /* C format to use */
2678     Int *indn               /* number of entries per line */
2679 )
2680 {
2681     if (xmin >= 0 && xmax <= 9.)
2682     {
2683         strncpy (indfmt, "(40I2)              ", 21) ;
2684         strncpy (indcfm, "%2" IDD              , 21) ;
2685         *indn = 40 ;
2686     }
2687     else if (xmin >= -9. && xmax <= 99.)
2688     {
2689         strncpy (indfmt, "(26I3)              ", 21) ;
2690         strncpy (indcfm, "%3" IDD              , 21) ;
2691         *indn = 26 ;
2692     }
2693     else if (xmin >= -99. && xmax <= 999.)
2694     {
2695         strncpy (indfmt, "(20I4)              ", 21) ;
2696         strncpy (indcfm, "%4" IDD              , 21) ;
2697         *indn = 20 ;
2698     }
2699     else if (xmin >= -999. && xmax <= 9999.)
2700     {
2701         strncpy (indfmt, "(16I5)              ", 21) ;
2702         strncpy (indcfm, "%5" IDD              , 21) ;
2703         *indn = 16 ;
2704     }
2705     else if (xmin >= -9999. && xmax <= 99999.)
2706     {
2707         strncpy (indfmt, "(13I6)              ", 21) ;
2708         strncpy (indcfm, "%6" IDD              , 21) ;
2709         *indn = 13 ;
2710     }
2711     else if (xmin >= -99999. && xmax <= 999999.)
2712     {
2713         strncpy (indfmt, "(11I7)              ", 21) ;
2714         strncpy (indcfm, "%7" IDD              , 21) ;
2715         *indn = 11 ;
2716     }
2717     else if (xmin >= -999999. && xmax <= 9999999.)
2718     {
2719         strncpy (indfmt, "(10I8)              ", 21) ;
2720         strncpy (indcfm, "%8" IDD              , 21) ;
2721         *indn = 10 ;
2722     }
2723     else if (xmin >= -9999999. && xmax <= 99999999.)
2724     {
2725         strncpy (indfmt, "(8I9)                ", 21) ;
2726         strncpy (indcfm, "%9" IDD              , 21) ;
2727         *indn = 8 ;
2728     }
2729     else if (xmin >= -99999999. && xmax <= 999999999.)
2730     {
2731         strncpy (indfmt, "(8I10)              ", 21) ;
2732         strncpy (indcfm, "%10" IDD             , 21) ;
2733         *indn = 8 ;
2734     }
2735     else if (xmin >= -999999999. && xmax <= 9999999999.)
2736     {
2737         strncpy (indfmt, "(7I11)              ", 21) ;
2738         strncpy (indcfm, "%11" IDD             , 21) ;
2739         *indn = 7 ;
2740     }
2741     else if (xmin >= -9999999999. && xmax <= 99999999999.)
2742     {
2743         strncpy (indfmt, "(6I12)              ", 21) ;
2744         strncpy (indcfm, "%12" IDD             , 21) ;
2745         *indn = 6 ;
2746     }
2747     else if (xmin >= -99999999999. && xmax <= 999999999999.)
2748     {
2749         strncpy (indfmt, "(6I13)              ", 21) ;
2750         strncpy (indcfm, "%13" IDD             , 21) ;
2751         *indn = 6 ;
2752     }
2753     else if (xmin >= -999999999999. && xmax <= 9999999999999.)
2754     {
2755         strncpy (indfmt, "(5I14)              ", 21) ;
2756         strncpy (indcfm, "%14" IDD             , 21) ;
2757         *indn = 5 ;
2758     }
2759     else
2760     {
2761         strncpy (indfmt, "(5I15)              ", 21) ;
2762         strncpy (indcfm, "%15" IDD             , 21) ;
2763         *indn = 5 ;
2764     }
2765 }
2768 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2769 /* RBcards: determine number of cards required */
2770 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(cards)2772 PRIVATE Int RB(cards)
2773 (
2774     Int nitems,         /* number of items to print */
2775     Int nperline        /* number of items per line */
2776 )
2777 {
2778     return ((nitems == 0) ? 0 : (((nitems-1) / nperline) + 1)) ;
2779 }
2782 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2783 /* RBfill: fill a string */
2784 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(fill)2786 PRIVATE void RB(fill)
2787 (
2788     char *s,            /* string to fill */
2789     Int len,            /* length of s (including trailing '\0') */
2790     char c              /* character to fill s with */
2791 )
2792 {
2793     Int i ;
2794     for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
2795     {
2796         s [i] = c ;
2797     }
2798     s [len-1] = '\0' ;
2799 }
2802 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2803 /* RBok: verify a sparse matrix */
2804 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RB(ok)2806 PUBLIC Int RB(ok)            /* 0:OK, < 0: error, > 0: warning */
2807 (
2808     /* inputs, not modified */
2809     Int nrow,       /* number of rows */
2810     Int ncol,       /* number of columns */
2811     Int nzmax,      /* max # of entries */
2812     Int *Ap,        /* size ncol+1, column pointers */
2813     Int *Ai,        /* size nz = Ap [ncol], row indices */
2814     double *Ax,     /* real part, or both if merged-complex */
2815     double *Az,     /* imaginary part for split-complex */
2816     char *As,       /* logical matrices (useful for MATLAB caller only) */
2817     Int mkind,      /* 0:real, 1:logical/pattern, 2:split-complex, 3:integer,
2818                        4:merged-complex */
2820     /* outputs, not defined on input */
2821     Int *p_njumbled,   /* # of jumbled row indices (-1 if not computed) */
2822     Int *p_nzeros      /* number of explicit zeros (-1 if not computed) */
2823 )
2824 {
2825     double xr, xz ;
2826     Int i, j, p, pend, njumbled, nzeros, ilast ;
2828     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2829     /* in case of early return */
2830     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2832     if (p_njumbled) *p_njumbled = -1 ;
2833     if (p_nzeros  ) *p_nzeros = -1 ;
2835     if (mkind < 0 || mkind > 4)
2836     {
2837         return (RBIO_MKIND_INVALID) ;
2838     }
2840     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2841     /* check the dimensions */
2842     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2844     if (nrow < 0 || ncol < 0 || nzmax < 0)
2845     {
2846         return (RBIO_DIM_INVALID) ;
2847     }
2849     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2850     /* check the column pointers */
2851     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2853     if (Ap == NULL || Ap [0] != 0)
2854     {
2855         /* column pointers invalid */
2856         return (RBIO_CP_INVALID) ;
2857     }
2858     for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
2859     {
2860         p = Ap [j] ;
2861         pend = Ap [j+1] ;
2862         if (pend < p || pend > nzmax)
2863         {
2864             /* column pointers not monotonically non-decreasing */
2865             return (RBIO_CP_INVALID) ;
2866         }
2867     }
2869     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2870     /* check the row indices and numerical values */
2871     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2873     if (Ai == NULL)
2874     {
2875         /* row indices not present */
2876         return (RBIO_ROW_INVALID) ;
2877     }
2879     njumbled = 0 ;
2880     nzeros = 0 ;
2882     for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
2883     {
2884         ilast = -1 ;
2885         for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
2886         {
2887             i = Ai [p] ;
2888             if (i < 0 || i >= nrow)
2889             {
2890                 /* row indices out of range */
2891                 return (RBIO_ROW_INVALID) ;
2892             }
2893             if (i <= ilast)
2894             {
2895                 /* row indices unsorted, or duplicates present */
2896                 njumbled++ ;
2897             }
2898             if (mkind == 1 && As)
2899             {
2900                 xr = (double) (As [p]) ;
2901                 xz = 0 ;
2902             }
2903             else
2904             {
2905                 RB(get_entry) (mkind, Ax, Az, p, &xr, &xz) ;
2906             }
2907             if (xr == 0 && xz == 0)
2908             {
2909                 /* an explicit zero is present */
2910                 nzeros++ ;
2911             }
2912             ilast = i ;
2913         }
2914     }
2916     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2917     /* return results */
2918     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2920     if (p_njumbled) *p_njumbled = njumbled ;
2921     if (p_nzeros  ) *p_nzeros = nzeros ;
2922     return ((njumbled > 0) ? RBIO_JUMBLED : RBIO_OK) ;
2923 }